Saturday, April 13, 2013

Save your ten million dollars.The best things in life are free.

I am going to give my friends in the GOP some advice, and they will not have to spend a dime of the ten million dollars that they have saved up in their kitty, or actually go into the hood (gasp) and talk to real minorities to do it.

Here it is: Whenever anyone associated with your party (even a local dog catcher) does or says something publicly that you think minorities might find offensive, immediately come out and make a statement that the views of that individual does not represent your party. This is also true of republican media personalities such as Rush and Ann Coulter. (BTW Ann,wishing death on "The Maverick's" daughter crossed the line.)

You can put my advice into practice starting now. Sadly, the governor of Georgia has given you a reason to.

"Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R) has refused through a spokesperson to endorse one town’s first-ever integrated high school prom, saying that he would rather not take sides on the issue. According to Atlanta’s WMAZ Channel 13, politicians from both parties have stated their support for black and white students from Wilcox, Georgia, but Deal declined to join them.

Raw Story spoke to activist Bryan Long of the progressive group Better Georgia, whose group has asked Georgia elected officials “to publicly support the students of Wilcox County who are fighting to end a ‘separate-but-equal’ high school prom.”

“We thought it would be nice if our elected officials would support these students,” said Long. “They’re taking a great stand in their community. We thought that officials all across the state should send a message to the nation that we’ve moved beyond the racial divisions of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s.”
He added, “We were surprised to read that the governor’s spokesperson said that he wouldn’t be ‘taking sides’ on this issue. I didn’t know that there were sides to take.” [Source]

I know I know, it seems like you are "herding cats" at times, but you have to start somewhere.


  1. Makes me wonder how many schools have these kinds of "traditions." The kids want to end them. The kids are alright.

  2. Georgia is a picture of what conservative states look like. Segregated proms, can't buy beer on Sundays and politicians who believe in creationism. And they want this for the rest of us? No thanks.

  3. Not sure if my previous comment went through so if it did please ignore this one. Georgia is a picture of what conservative "red" states look like, segregated proms, can't buy beer on Sunday and piloticians who believe in creationism. No thanks, you can have all that stuff. So no, I'm not voting for free stuff, I'm voting so I won't get Republican free stuff.

  4. Gee, why would the white students want a prom that didn't include drive-by shootings, a rape or two, and pregnant girls in prom gowns brawling on the dance floor, ripping out chunks of weave?

    What's more important, a prom where no one gets killed, or experiencing the joys of vibrant diversity?

  5. Ebony Brown12:03 AM

    The cognitive dissonance of the "gimmedat" crowd is a perfect example of Orwellian "doublethink."

    "Because I'm black, I can have whatever I want, since I can never have whatever I want because I'm black."

    "Because I'm black, I can do whatever I want with no repercussions, since I can't do whatever I want with no repercussions because I'm black."

    And the DWLs nod affectionately at them like overindulgent parents, and say, "Yes, dear. Because you're black, you can do always have your way, since you can never have your way because you're black."


  6. Rosa Parks should have stayed in the back of that God-damned bus:

    Freedom has failed.

  7. If the RepubMafias weren’t so darn serious, you’d think that the vast majority of these vassals were auditioning for a Fox network comedy show. Damn near all of these so-called conservatives need much more than few hours each “on the couch” with a Psychologist. Perhaps a few of them will recover and refrain from speaking mere pablum and nonsense when referring to black Americans.

  8. did u cc hobama and his bankster funders/soros etc too?

    they make the GOP look like paupers....


  9. Freedom will always fail when u don't take it for yourself.

  10. field negro said...
    Freedom will always fail when u don't take it for yourself.

    True and only those willing to struggle deserve to live free

    ps Even itty bittys have that right

  11. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The GOP is turning its attention to garnering black votes in the hood. My prayers have been answered. We are on our way toward a "new" racial deal, one that frees us all....integrated proms, the right to vote, more Blacks joining the GOP, and interracial Republican sex--lots of it....Free at last!

  12. Frustrated Negro11:31 AM

    Absolutely NOTHING about Obama's SATAN SANDWICH on wednesday huh Field???

    Nobody cares about the failed GOP ,and how they re group the reactionary racists....

    Im sure most of your black readers know an elderly or disabled person on SSI or Medicare.....

    Chained CPI...the culmination of 70 yrs of progressive policy


    by a supposedly "democratic president...of Mixed race of course....

    Slap your name up on the right....

    Your constantly sliding back in the "House Negro " position.....

  13. Frustrated Negro,I feel your pain.I am no fan of the "Chain CPI", but I am sure that u know how politics works here in America.Deals with the devil are necessary evils.

    Still, I am guessing that if the HNIC was a republican you would be cool with it.

  14. Field Negro said, ….. Freedom will always fail when u don't take it for yourself.

    I’m endorsing FN here because he’s correct again! In summary, true freedom is too precious a thing to be given away to those who are not willing to die in the process of struggle.

    “They can only set free men free and there is no need of that. Free men set themselves free.” – James Oppenheim

  15. Black Sage said, ……. Damn near all of these so-called conservatives need much more than few hours each “on the couch” with a Psychologist. Perhaps a few of them will recover and refrain from speaking mere pablum and nonsense when referring to black Americans.

    Alicia Banks then responded by saying, …… did u cc hobama and his bankster funders/soros etc too? They make the GOP look like paupers.

    Black Sage responded again and stated, ….. I haven’t forgotten about Pres. Drone ObomBer and his glitterati henchmen crew. These gansta bankstas residing on the very top at J.P. Morgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of Amerikkka, Wells Fargo and AIG, amongst others as well.

  16. control+halt+delete2:15 PM

    Is it just me or does anyone else think my "good buddy" Nate looks like the actor that played the wizard in the movie "The Wizard of Oz?

    Here is another instance of the kids being smarter than the adults. Prom is a rite of passage in this country and should be shared by all students of a particular school. What better way to show unity than to tear down the last vestiges of intolerance and start building anew a culture that celebrates our similarities and not our differences, however slight they may be.
    Leaders should lead by example and by declining the opportunity to acknowledge the sensibility of a unified prom, Nate has shown that he is not a leader of all of the people in his state.

    But I guess some things take a little more time than others. Georgia didn't drop the "stars and bars" from their flag until 2001 and it's obvious that this govenor still longs for the "good ol' days.

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males cause cancer, hypertension, diabetes and segregated proms.

  17. Frustrated Negro9:02 PM

    "Still, I am guessing that if the HNIC was a republican you would be cool with it."

    See thats that House Negro Bull SH!T right there..... I Knew you would pull that Whack ass retort..

    You should already know I dont support any of the 2 corrupt parties.....

    Would a republican suggest that Wall St Pay a 1% tax on ALL derivative transactions?

    We obviously KNOW Mr HNIC head Democrip... wont do it while he's in the White House.....

    Tell me Field is it because both slimy Piece of Sh!T parties WORK for Wall St and pose as "Conservative" or "Progressive"?

    Common sense would tell you if "Too Big to Fail Banks , and Wall St are leveraged into the Trillions by MODEST estimates...

    You shouldn't need to slice into Grannys SSI check...or Medicare for that matter...

    Reform is what they are calling the cuts now.. Its Insane.....

    and please save me the 3 dimensional chess analogy,
    (The only foolish argument left)

    because you , and I know damm well hes not getting SH1T for his weak ass stance....

  18. Rumer has it that Ann Coulter has to get her gynecology done by a dentist.

  19. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I might be part of an Ethnic Minority; rest be assured there's nothing MINORITY about me or mine. By itself, the "M" work only replaces the "N" word. Nothing more, nothing less. Always have to place derogatory names on POC. You ain't slick, but you are quite sick. No one tells whites they look like dead men walking past the age of 50. No names for that. Whites need to be thrown from their high horses and pounded to the ground.
