Friday, April 19, 2013

The end is near.

"There is movement in the boat"

This Boston Marathon terrorist story is coming to a surreal end.

Here we have one 19 year old kid and the full force of the US government and law enforcement authorities in Massachusetts trying
to capture him.

A major American city was shut down for an entire day, and it's all coming to an end in a boat behind a Norman Rockwell looking suburban home.

This might be a good time to look up Chechnya on your map, and you might want to learn as much about that country as possible.
You will be hearing a lot about it over the next few days.

The wingnuts in this country will try to make a connection between those evil "Moooslims" and these brothers, but you have to wonder. According to their friends they were just "normal American kids" who were just pursuing happiness like the rest of us. Which is why I hope that this kid terrorist is captured alive. We really need to know why at this point.

"Suspect's body is still throwing off heat"

I think it's finally over.

You can all return to your normal viewing now.


  1. I hope that they go after Tsarnaev the youngers citizenship. He took the oath no more than a year ago while harboring treasonous intentions. Too bad they won't prosecute him in State Ct. Mass has no death penalty and I like the idea of him possibly spending the next 60 in a cage. 5 or 10 and a deep breath is getting off easy.

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Field, your dream came true. Chechens are quite literally 'caucasian.' Geographically and actually. Yet they are Muslims. This is strange for the politically correct to digest. Non-European whites, foreigners, yet Muslims. I'm sure that you'll have a rationalization for it and a way to tie in the mythical klan or waycism here. It will be amusing to be sure.

    For those without whiny agendas, Chechnya is still part of Russia, although Chechens are of a different Ethnic group. The region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea is called Transcaucasia. Located here are Dagestan, Ossetia, Abchazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Chechnya and Kalmykia. Some of these are independent nations, others not. These are the main ethnicities in the area, there are some minor ones as well. Lots of different folks in a small space.

  3. Wesley R10:23 PM

    They don't look like black skin people to me. Wishful thinking by our media. Now the wingnuts want to link them to terrorist so they can go after The President. Fuck the victims, we hate Obama, so everything is his fault. Benghazi, Benghazi!!!

  4. Anonymous10:23 PM

    True justice would be that they blow off an arm and a leg,blow up the same type of bomb next to him so his body's full of nails and pellets then have a scaffolding fall on him and kill him. Now that's justice.

    And now those nurses and doctors at the hospital,because of the oath they took and the type of people they are, have to treat him and make him well!!! The SOB!

  5. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Field, "The wingnuts in this country will try to make a connection between those evil "Moooslims" and these brothers, but you have to wonder."

    Why would the GOP do that? What's in it for them...NOTHING. So lighten up Mr Field. There probably won't be ONE incident in America of any attack on a Muslim. Remember, we are a Christian God-fearing nation. We 'love our neighbors as ourselves'. So please, knock off the instigation, will ya?

    Meanwhile, I shall set sail for PR at midnight for the sake of "peace". Also, I want to prove once and for all, that Negroes can sail across great oceans...'fearlessly'. Somebody let Desert know.

  6. Mohammed Atta in Hell10:27 PM

    "The wingnuts in this country will try to make a connection between those evil "Moooslims" and these brothers, but you have to wonder. According to their friends they were just "normal American kids" who were just pursuing happiness like the rest of us"

    Gee Field, I wonder if you would have been so charitable had these young men had been associated with some disaffected right wing group. Somehow I don't think you would be so quick to suggest that they were just "normal American kids". In fact, you may have, I daresay, tried to draw some connections between them and those evil "Teabaggers".

    I really don't think it is much a stretch to perhaps infer some connections between those who would set bombs off in a crowd of Boston Marathon spectators and their apparent devotion to a hard core Islamist Jihad preaching Imam. But you never know, maybe they just hated jogging.

  7. Francis Piven11:13 PM

    According to his Twitter aacount, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was an Obama supporter.


  8. The Greatest Leader Ever11:21 PM

    Well, they caught the kid, and Obama pops right up to do a victory lap and lecture the country on the importance of "diversity."


    Speaking of victory laps, he hasn't said much lately about the hunt for the people who killed our ambassador and dragged his body through the streets of Benghazi, has he?. Do you remember that? You might have missed it. It got kind of drowned out with other news, what, with the election and all.

    I wonder how that is going.

  9. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Dear Mr Field, this may seem a little irrelevant or maybe even irreverent, but where are all the Negroes in the Boston area? Do they have any? I ask because there were no Blacks in the videos celebrating the capture of Tsarnaev.

    Even all the policemen standing behind the Police Chief were White. They all looked Irish to me. Is Watertown mostly Irish? Do they have any black newscasters in Boston ? I am so tired of Blacks being left out on events like these. It's a damn shame.

  10. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Wow, I wonder what Beck and Rush will have to say about this? Half of America follow them so please post what they said. It will grace FN and show you have some sophistication.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm so pleased right now. Our enemies lie slain or within our power. I don't know about the "mooslim" connection or the Muslim connection. That'll all come down the pipe for us to argue about later. No telling what tomorrow will bring, but for now we can all rest easy, for tonight it's over.

    God bless you, Field. And anyone else that comes across these words.

  13. Francis Piven, more than 50% of the people in this country are Obama supporters. Or did u forget about the last election?

    Anon, Rush will say that the shooter did what he did because Obama didn't like runners.

    Rush, like Beck, is a world class idiot.


  14. My father wrote this while waiting to come to return to Cuba in 1980
    Its a lesson for all about compromise and freedom law and justice

    I may - if you wish - lose my livelihood
    I may sell my shirt and bed,
    I may work as a stonecutter,
    A street sweeper, a porter.
    I may clean your stores
    Or rummage your garbage for food.
    I may lay down hungry,
    O enemy of the Sun,
    I shall not compromise
    And to the last pulse in my veins
    I shall resist.

    You may take the last strip of my land,
    Feed my youth to prison cells.
    You may plunder my heritage,
    You may burn my books, my poems
    Or feed my flesh to the dogs.
    You may spread a web of terror
    On the roofs of my village,
    O Enemy of the Sun,
    I shall not compromise
    And to the last pulse in my veins
    I shall resist.

    You may put out the light in my eyes.
    You may deprive me of my mother's kisses.
    You may curse my father, my People,
    You may distort my history,
    You may deprive my children of a smile
    And of life's necessities.
    You may fool my friends with a borrowed face.
    You may build walls of hatred around me.
    You may glue my eyes to humiliations,
    O Enemy of the Sun,
    I shall not compromise
    And to the last pulse in my veins
    I shall resist.

    O Enemy of the Sun
    The decorations are raised at the port.
    The ejaculations fill the air,
    A glow in the hearts,
    And in the horizon
    A sail is seen
    Challenging the wind
    And the depths.
    Returnin) g home
    From the sea of loss.

    It is the return of the Sun,
    Of my exiled ones
    And for her sake, and his
    I swear
    I shall not compromise
    And to the last pulse in my veins
    I shall resist,
    Resist--and resist.

    Felipe Garcia Villamil an ode to Toussaint

  15. Field said:

    Suspect's body is still throwing off heat"

    I think it's finally over.

    You can all return to your normal viewing now.
    WHAT! naw bro, this is normal for ghosts and house negros, so why change the channel beavus and butthead are off TV now

    Ps Of course there is always the 3 stooges

  16. Field said:

    Anon, Rush will say that the shooter did what he did because Obama didn't like runners.

    i say another Afrikan won the marathon AND???? ;) In Boston as usual
    La luta continua

  17. BTW/FYI

    Look people, there is no death penalty case in this "state" or in any state which will ever apply to this. YES! the Atty gen can seek one but guess what ? They won't
    Now all of you who wish to challenge me, please do not let me teach you to play chess..

    And please get the right info from WIKI about their culture the youngin has never have ever been to the Chec republic

    Now moving on

    This is a fed case and my homie will prosecute.
    The gent is labeled an enemy combatant and under the fed public exemption laws ( google it) there are no rules the GOV needs to follow
    Do i as an Atty like it NO! but then again had he been an Afrikan need i say more?

    Ps radicalizing hmmm from the moment he entered Latin he was radicalized. My sons grad from there

  18. I am able to say that this whole incident is no shock i called it. i told everyone it would be a ghost and now its a CAUCASOID at that..I also said here that they would have them within 7 days
    Now what?

    I am done with them and this subject
    To those of us who have dedicated our lives to the liberation of Black people, who have dared to say, "We shall have our freedom or the earth will be leveled by our attempts to gain it," death is a common occurrence.

    It is something we had to accept, for we knew that in waging struggle to free ourselves from the chains of slavery, our choices are small, either to be jailed or assassinated but we had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    We know that where there is struggle there is sacrifice. The death of Malcolm was a sacrifice, for in our struggle some deaths are lighter than a feather and others are as weighty as a mountain. The death of Toussaint was/as is the death of all revolutionaries and freedom fighters/weightier than a mountain, for freedom fighters not only practice the principles of revolutionary warfare they taught others to do the same. Some however did not get the message

    Think about this.

    1 What will his capture do to uplift the Afrikan masses?

    2 And who are some really mad at and why?

    3 Who will it be next month? Get in line

    tgdotin 3054

  19. Anonymous8:53 AM


    "Francis Piven, more than 50% of the people in this country are Obama supporters. Or did u forget about the last election?"

    You should remember that too homepiece, whites voted in Obama. Betta recognize fool!

  20. feeled kneegrow12:26 PM

    MatanzasGV is the new AB, only more racist and with less self-referential links.


  21. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Field, "Rush, like Beck, is a world class idiot.

    7:06 AM
    No they are NOT! They are American heroes, models for all Americans.

    Field, whenever you 'try' to put them down, you look small and sound like a Philly Negro racist. Please, brotha. Don't make us look bad.

  22. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Dear Mr MantanzasGV, you talk too damn much.

  23. Dear John King,

    Black America is still waiting for an official and public apology from you and CNN. CNN is your employer and it appears that they do endorse your statements while working for them as an analyst.

    You jumped to conclusion regarding your supposed "dark suspects" from your official snitches. You the immediately painted an erroneous picture in the public's mind that the people who committed this tragedy as being black. We know now that you were WRONG!

    Hopefully, you'll find the courage within your heart to admit publicly that you made a grotesque mistake and ask for forgiveness as well.

    We are a forgiving people, you just need to ask. Black America is waiting!

  24. MatanzasGV! HAHAHAHAHA, I can't believe how grossly you just slipped! I literally laughed-out-load.

    WTF is this? "And please get the right info from WIKI about their culture the youngin has never have ever been to the Chec republic"

    hahahahaha. You freaking idiot! lolololo. Maybe you should go back to Wikipedia and see if you can figure out the difference between the Czech Republic (Slavs), and Chechnya (Caucasian). I can't believe you held Czech Republic to be the same as filthy Chechnya. Now I wonder if you're confusing chess with checkers in every post.

    PS: The asshole did travel to Russia, and stayed out of the country for six months last year.

    PPS: Your little bullshit poem that you made-up and attributed to your father sucks.

    PPPS:) Chechnya != Czech Republic

  25. "Please, brotha. Don't make us look bad."

    "US" look bad?

    I don't think so. You are not one of "us".

  26. John Fucking King7:02 PM

    Black Sage said...
    Dear John King,

    Black America is still waiting for an official and public apology from you and CNN

    Black people are the biggest babies, I swear.

    Okay, here's your apology:

    I am sorry you took offense to the one bit of reporting among dozens of speculative reports that suggested one of the perpetrators might have had "dark skin".

    There. Think you can go on with your life now?

  27. Huggy Bear7:06 PM

    MazdaGT said...
    What will his capture do to uplift the Afrikan masses?

    Nothing. The only thing that ever uplifted the "Afrikan masses" was platform shoes.

  28. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I know I shouldn't, but I'm cracking up here!

    Anons, I want some of whatever you're smoking lolol!

  29. it all ended on 9/11

    this and osama are only rerun cloned false flags


    cc hobama/gwb 3.0

    shame on the fooled fleeced deaf blind doomed sheeple!!!!!!!
