Thursday, April 04, 2013

The president likes the menu.

A couple of months ago I was at a function. This honey on a Robinne Lee tip tapped me on the shoulder and told me that she recognized me and that she is a huge fan of my blog. I thanked her, shook her hand, and asked her to keep reading.

I appreciated the blog love, and, more importantly, the view. She was all that!

But here is the thing; I am a happily married man. I could appreciate her beauty without thinking about anything else.

This brings me to our boy, O. Some folks are up in arms because he declared that Kamala Harris is the "best looking attorney general" in these divided states of America.

Now, let's be honest, that's not like saying that she is the best looking cheerleader in the NBA. "In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King". He said it at a private fundraiser to a few of his wealthy friends. No harm no foul, but O needs to be careful. His opponent in the last election probably lost it because of his 47% comment to a few of his wealthy friends.

Anyway, hopefully he won't get the business from the First Lady. From what I can see I am sure that she, like the lovely Mrs. Field, understands this saying:  "Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu."

Finally, my man Triple-B over at Kos really has me thinking about heading back to Mandeville with his latest blog post.

"So, remember the nutcase from my previous post earlier today? Apparently he's getting tons of response from people all over the country about his eagerness to go on a killing spree because he doesn't like how our elections work. So I'm watching this guy and...well...just see for yourself:

Now, I don't condone anybody doing anything rash. I do not condone anybody committing any kind of felonies up to and including aggrivated assaults or murders. Unless its necessary.Right now, it is not necessary. I understand that my video was very volatile. You have no idea how many people that sent me emails and texts and call me like 'Right on! My shit's clean. My bag is packed. You tell me when and where.' You have no idea how quickly I accidentally assembled an army. I assure you, a quite formidable army. But now is not the time. It's not time yet.
But, it is time to get ready!
Okay folks. I think we've seen enough. Now, this person is now officially ready to be arrested and prosecuted and have his guns taken away for good.
No society should ever tolerate people going around talking about raising armies (accidentally?) and killing people. Really? I mean seriously? Are we really going to be a people that tolerates a full blown insurrectionist talking of civil war, raising armies and killing people? A person who has decided for himself when murder is and isn't necessary? He hasn't been elected to anything. He hasn't taken any oaths and responsibilities of public office. Yet, he deems himself sole arbiter of when murder is alright or when building a terror cell, even accidentally, is perfectly alright.

These are the sorts of individuals who are on the other side of this debate over gun control. No, they are not your grandpa who keeps a revolver in his desk in the study. Nor is it your outdoorsman uncle who likes to do a bit of fishing and hunting. It aint[sic] your grandma looking to scare off the foxes from the henhouse. These are full on survivalist apocolyptic[sic] nutcase psychopaths. With arsenals. Far from being the 'responsible gun owners,' they are exactly the people who ought not have them."

Oh lawd! As if I don't have enough to worry about with the North Koreans and these Aryan Brothers in Texas. Now I have to keep an eye out for some redneck treating his assault weapon like some phallic symbol while he is looking for a testosterone high because he is insecure in other areas.



  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    You don't have to worry about the "Aryan Brothers." This type of miniscule, marginalized and powerless group doesn't scare you a bit. That is why you feel comfortable in feigning fear of them. If they were real, you would pretend not to notice. Killadelphia is what it is because of the non-aryans brothas. God lookin' lady though.

  2. "No society should ever tolerate people going around talking about raising armies (accidentally?) and killing people."

    Unless, according to Eric Holder, they are blacks talking about killing white babies and such. Then it's ok to look the other way.

  3. Larry Sinclair9:45 PM

    Michelle is not going to worry about Barack talking about other women. She knows he is gay.

  4. “the best looking attorney general” (when referring to Attorney General Kamala Harris of California) – Pres. Drone ObomBer

    I conducted a little research of my own and lo and behold, for once, ObomBer is correct, Kamala Harris is the best damn looking attorney general in the kkkountry! When you juxtapose all of the current female state attorney generals, Kamala is by far a bonafide hottie!

  5. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Instead of going on about how beautiful Kamala is, the President ought to have nominated her for a seat on SCOTUS or at least Solicitor General. Especially considering the lack of diversity in his administration.


  6. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Dude, Larry, I really don't see "gay" coming from Obama. I don't know why you say that. The guy seems pretty straight, if anything I though Bush was gay as all get out.

    @Black Sage

    The klan doesn't exist anymore son; the web doesn't count.

  7. Pam Bondi's the only one who could give her a run for the $.

  8. Anonymous10:34 PM

    And where was the missus during all of this charming give and take? Hanging on to your arm I hope!

    You sir, are a handsome flirt! ;)

  9. Good post, even "reasonable" folks are talking this whole anti-government crap. I'm more scared of them than the UN black helicopters that have supposed to have us in re-education camps by now. ODS!

  10. Anonymous12:30 AM


    Mandeville, huh? If memories serves, Lady Patra, whom I've met back in the day, hails from your home town. Small world!

    Anyway, it wasn't too hard to figure that a Black republican POTUS with Nero-esque (read: screw the poor, regardless of phenotype) tendencies would incite mutants to do what they do best, whether directly, indirectly, or by proxy---which is kill. Guess there's something to be said for being a gleefully willing scapegoat who creates potential trouble for others who coincidentally may share your phenotype. Well, once again, Field, let the record show that I tried to warn all my boys that what's going down was actually gonna go down. I hated to be the harbinger of doom, but hey.

    I think you're idea to head back to the island isn't a bad move, at all. As I've argued, ad nauseam, humans of African ancestry do need to relocate to balmier climes throughout the Diaspora. I'm telling you, they'll kill themselves off without humans around to visually remind them that they're melanin-deficient. Glad to hear that you're starting to come around, sheesh!

  11. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Field, James Yaeger has said in his video that "it's not time to start shooting, yet." What he said was very responsible. No 'nut' would have said that but would have been enraged and used some of the North Koreans threatening language.

    So, why call him a 'nut' when he is not? I am beginning to think there is some racism going on here against the white man. Field, white men are human and have feelings, too.

  12. Anonymous12:59 AM

    I bet Kamala Harris doesn't look as good as Lark does on her worst day. Right, Mr Field?

    BTW, have you seen what Desert out in PR looks like? I bet she is a knockout.

  13. "Mandeville, huh? If memories serves, Lady Patra, whom I've met back in the day, hails from your home town. Small world!"

    Shhhh, we can't have folks learning about the best kept secret on the rock.:)

    But yes,IMHO, Mandeville is all that.

    "So, why call him a 'nut' when he is not? I am beginning to think there is some racism going on here against the white man. Field, white men are human and have feelings, too."

    This Anon. is funny. I am going to ask the president of Anon. Inc. about them.

    "I'm more scared of them than the UN black helicopters that have supposed to have us in re-education camps by now. ODS!"

    Maybe it's time to start sending those little white drones to certain areas. Just sayin.

    Dessertflower, I think you have a fan @12:59AM.

    Anon. this is not, reach out to Desert on your own.:)

  14. Anon 10:11pm confidently said, ……..@Black Sage, The klan doesn't exist anymore son; the web doesn't count.

    Perhaps you should seriously consider be a comedian. Anon, of course the Klan still exist. Just because they’ve traded in their white sheets for police uniforms and flowing black robes at the local court house, doesn’t mean they’ve went out of business. Just like the kkk who were too sccuurrdd to show their cyclop faces, I see the same coward attitude in ANONS on this blog who are too weak to stand behind their own comments with at least an alias.

    You may come out of the closet now.

  15. Wesley R7:43 AM


    Have you seen this?

  16. Whitey’s Conspiracy said, ….. Pam Bondi's the only one who could give her a run for the $.

    Ssshhhh, Ms. Bondi doesn’t even come close, she’s seriously lacking in the hip to waist ratio department. She has some upgrading to work on first.

  17. Anonymous10:26 AM

    *Sigh* I know Field, he's supposed to have come down to help , I mean sightsee with me and that was over a month ago! Several months actually! I mean how long does it take to get here? Sheeesh, it's not like its the other side of the world!

    Anyway, @ Anon: I used to be a knockout, well maybe almost a knockout, well maybe a pretty person....right now....well....

  18. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Field, "Anon. this is not, reach out to Desert on your own.:)"

    5:22 AM
    I'd like to reach out but I am shy. I've been that way for 60+ years. I used to date Lark and things didn't turn out so well. Since then, I haven't dated in over 50 years. After Lark, I'm scarred shit-less to date. But Desert is a nurse, which means she is kind and loving. Plus, she is probably good-looking.

    You know, brother Field, I don't think I have ever met an ugly woman from PR. So please, help a brother out just this once. BTW, I use a walker, but I get around. I can out-walk most people without walkers. I mean, I can move, mister!

  19. Anonymous11:49 AM

    "Perhaps you should seriously consider be a comedian. Anon, of course the Klan still exist. Just because they’ve traded in their white sheets for police uniforms and flowing black robes at the local court house, doesn’t mean they’ve went out of business. Just like the kkk who were too sccuurrdd to show their cyclop faces, I see the same coward attitude in ANONS on this blog who are too weak to stand behind their own comments with at least an alias.

    You may come out of the closet now."

    Damn son, can you throw anymore typical black cliches in one comment, lol! You deserve an award for that. Unfortunately though, the klan, doesn't exist anymore. They are fun of course, but they don't exist outside of the blogosphere. And certainly not in PA. Symbolism my brotha, just symbolism. If they were real, would this guy be allowed to run for mayor of Pittsburgh:

    I think not. Keep it real.

  20. "You have no idea how easily I was able to raise an army."

    Unfortunately, this guy has no idea how STUPID he actually is.

    I would love to ask him if his army could stand up against even one division of modern armor, or hell, even one Apache attack helicopter.

    I'm not saying it's safe to dismiss whack jobs like that. It isn't and you're right, Field, he should be having a serious talk with the popo and his guns should be taken, because he's obviously dangerous.

    But when it comes to whether he and all the other nutjobs combined could defeat the U.S. military, I think we need look no further than David Koresh to see how that story will end.

    And that's what I mean when I say he's stupid - too stupid to understand that this question has been settled since the end of the Civil War.

    The conversation about gun control is not about WHETHER we are going to have gun laws or not. We ARE going to have gun laws. Of course we do, and we are going to continue to do so. That is a given, and it is necessary. Of course.

    Anyone who thinks the conversation is about WHETHER we are going to have gun control, or that it is about the people defending themselves against tyranny is nothing but an IDIOT.

    This guy needs his teeth pulled so he can go play Dungeons and Dragons - his true calling in life.

    I'm a member of American Mensa, and I approve this message.

  21. Anonymous2:11 PM

    So since these guys ain't no big deal then why are hyper-sensitive pseudo-intellectuals acting afraid of them? No, it's not any of the standard answers. No, they don;t live near you. If they are easily defeated, then there is nothing to worry about. Unless you are a pseudo-intellectual who is just hoping for something to offset the daily 'offings' going on in da hood. Ya awredy know.

  22. Black Sage said...

    "Ssshhhh, Ms. Bondi doesn’t even come close, she’s seriously lacking in the hip to waist ratio department. She has some upgrading to work on first."
    Yeah, she is 1 of those girls with a boy-butt, but the rest of the competition weren't much. They came off more as parole officers than girls.

    It's a generational thing I think. Women under 40 didn't have to play down their femininity in law school and practice to be taken seriously the way that they still did pretty much through the '80s. I did law school in the '90s, after a few hitches in the Marine Corps, and I noticed the difference between how women of my generation and older and the gen-xer bulk of the class presented themselves as professionals at moot court, mock trials and interview month: with the older women it was pretty much business-butch while the younger women went more formal dinner-dance.

  23. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Well, I see Obama is holding true to form when it comes to stepping on seniors, the poor and the downtrodden.

    His budget contains chained CPI and a cuts in Social Security that will greatly hurt seniors and the poor, namely Blacks. But we knew that, didn't we? Isn't that why 98% of Blacks voted for him so that they can get screwed again and again? That is, to continue being stepped on from O's first term?

    Field, what do you have to say 'this time' about your never-ending support of O and the Democrats?

  24. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Hmmmm. I wonder what Dr Nuwait and PilotX has to say about Obama now?

  25. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Anonymous said..."BTW, I use a walker, but I get around. I can out-walk most people without walkers. I mean, I can move, mister!"
    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I think I may get one soon! We can have walker races! :)

  26. BARBBF10:08 AM

    If that is a photo of Ms Harris..she is one particularly unattractive woman, by any standards. Some say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" I says..anyone who declares this person is beautiful needs new glasses!
