Friday, April 26, 2013

This guy will not be on

So I am reading this story about a prisoner in Baltimore who fathered five children with four prison guards, and I can't stop shaking my head in disbelief.
This dude is no doubt trifling. He is, after all, a criminal, and he is the leader of a gang called "Black Guerrilla Family." (Nuff said) But I am sorry, the women in this little All My Inmates soap opera are even more trifling. I mean come on now; is it really that hard out here for sisters to find a good man that they have to hook up with inmates who they are supposed to be guarding?
What do you tell the children who came from this wonderful union?
"Honey, your daddy was a wonderful man; I met him at work….he was a real workaholic, he stayed at the job 24/7."
Anywhoo, after reading this story and the one where the dude car jacked his date in Florida, I am now thinking of starting a dating site for my sisters out there. I think I will call it
How does that sound?
And, I am pleased to announce, that I will be taking applications from you ladies who are single and eager to find the man of your dreams.
But seriously, this is no laughing matter. These brothers out here having multiple children with different women- and the women who allow them to plant their seeds- are hurting our community. Those of you who know me know that I am quite familiar with this subject. One of my day jobs involves dealing with stuff like this, and let's just say that I have some stories.
Fellows, you can't build wealth and a stable family when you are out there having multiple children with different women. Spreading your paycheck to more than one family is just not going to get it.
It might be too late for the leader of the "Black Guerrilla family", but it's not too late for you.


  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Yaaay! Oh please me too! I want to apply! I could trust this because it's FieldHarmony! I like it!

    PS: Here on the island they say that type of guy "tiene la punta de oro" LOLOL!

    No I'm not gonna translate, nooo ;)))

    Okay, has to do with having the tip of something made of...,no I can't...I'm too pure and saintly...

  2. It was the all talk of the night at the County Bar's Crim Div Christmas party about a decade ago, the Public Defender who'd been caught en flagrante with her young gang-banger client in the attorney-client conference-room at the county farm for sentenced prisoners/probation violators.

  3. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Field, "And, I am pleased to announce, that I will be taking applications from you ladies who are single and eager to find the man of your dreams."

    Brotha Field, you will need someone with extensive on-line dating experience to handle the applications. That would be me. I will do it for you as a community service to just to help you get off the ground. I'll call you as soon as I get back from PR... has Desert applied yet?

  4. Anonymous10:15 PM

    On a serious note, in the Tayvon White article, it should be understood that when guards are doing their 'job', they are also literally living in the jail.

    There are more inmates than guards, and the officers try to keep a friendly and balanced attitude because potentially their lives are in constant danger from an individual attack or a riot.

    It's easy to talk but there's an old saying "when in Rome you do as the Romans do".

    The lines/boundaries between outside life and prison life can become blurred to the point of a guard falling for a prisoner.

    It's not that easy to differentiate constantly, day in day out and keep it separate.

    We had a scandal here a while back, at the largest women's prison where the guards had girlfriends and made parties, took photos of the scantily clad women dancing and giving them lap dances,and even posted them on Facebook!

  5. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "I'll call you as soon as I get back from PR... has Desert applied yet?"
    Weeeeee! you're alive!!! and you have internet service out there? How cool your boat is!!! Happy and safe sailing!

    Hurry, there's chores mean there's shores to visit :))

  6. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Field said, "But I am sorry, the women in this little All My Inmates soap opera are even more trifling. I mean come on now; is it really that hard out here for sisters to find a good man that they have to hook up with inmates who they are supposed to be guarding?"

    Come on, Field. You know damn well that it is 'extremely' difficult for most sistahs to find a good man, esp a black one. White women take all the good men, leaving trifling black men like that prison guerilla for the sistahs to share. You oughta know this.

    I am surprised that you don't know that by now. It's been that way for decades...Should I quote the % of children born out of wedlock? The black community has lost its way morally and spiritually. It's waaaay too late for us to make a comeback.

  7. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Dear Mr Field, the black community sorely needs training in parenting and need help in knowing what's right and wrong.

  8. NSangoma10:39 PM


    ... is it really that hard out here for sisters to find a good man ...
    field negro

    A hard man is good to find.
    Mae West


  9. Anonymous10:47 PM

    For the first time ever I am in total 100% agreement with Field-Negro. Really, this post demonstrates all that Field-Negro can be, and should be. Solid advice and solid scolding as well. I guess we all have redeeming qualities after all.

    Great post Mr. Field-Negro.

  10. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Field, did you know that the O'Reilly is taking steps to see that this kind of bullshit in prisons NEVER happen again? I am so happy when FOX go after the bad guys because FOX GETS RESULTS.:

  11. Breitbart was Right12:07 AM

    Andrew Breitbart took a lot of heat, including of course being called a racist, for his reporting on the Pigford scandal. Now that Obama has been safely re-elected, the New York Times thinks it's ok to tell the story:

    The cost of the settlements, which could exceed $4.4 billion, is the result of a process that "became a runaway train, driven by racial politics, pressure from influential members of Congress and law firms that stand to gain more than $130 million in fees," the Times notes.

    Among those influential members of Congress was then-Senator Barack Obama, who made Pigford payouts a priority in exchange for political support for his 2008 presidential campaign among a coveted group of black voters in the rural South, the Times reports.

    As president, Obama continued to support payouts for new groups of claimants while abandoning a review process that had been used to fight fraud. The aim was "buying the support" of minorities, according to the Times, while middlemen created a "cottage industry" in defrauding the government.

    Barack Obama and his administration facilitated a multi-billion dollar fraud to funnel taxpayer money to any African-American willing to rip off the public till. The complex scandal known as Pigford began with a reasonable claim by a few black farmers that they’d been treated wrongly by a racist government — but exploded, with Obama’s help, into a shameless dole out to any minority huckster who happened along. It took them a while to get there, but kudos to the Times for doing the job.

  12. Pigford was about poor farmers getting what they deserved.

    Desert, I thought of you wheni wrote this post. I think you a
    are already in the data bank. :)

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson6:17 AM

    field, you gotta admit. I know you're an intelligent man.

    MANY more folks got a BIG check out of Pigford, than they deservered.
    But, then again, isn't that ALWAYS the way these Class Action suits go?

    Oh. I Forgot. You're a Defence Lawyer.

  14. Captain Obvious6:49 AM

    "Fellows, you can't build wealth and a stable family when you are out there having multiple children with different women. Spreading your paycheck to more than one family is just not going to get it."

    That is hilarious....spreading their paycheck around? The only ones getting a legal paycheck, are the skanks having all the babies and the ones paying them are me and you. that was a good one, I am still laughing.

  15. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I don't know why you think these folks are "hurting the community." They're making choices, the overwhelming majority of which, most Af-Ams aren't making and don't respect. They are consenting adults, right? Hey - we're all different and there's free will (and there're various values). Are they really part of your "community?" Race yes. Community? Judging from your reaction I'd say Hell No.

    Love your blog. Keep on writing, please.

  16. Gadflies hang out with other gadflies; fleas hang out with other insects; microbial bacterium hang out with other microbes, therefore, I see no difference here. This is the kind of stupid sh#t that makes all black folks look bad. Then the white controlled, irresponsible media gets a hold of it and spins it even further to give the appearance that these things happen qutie frequently, thereby, intentionally soiling the character of black officers and black people across the board.

    Moreover, this incident also displays the importance of conducting an intensive psychological screening during the hiring process. These females probably engaged in this type of activity prior to being hired in the first instance.

    To the wanna-be gang bangers and these corrupt females officers, Get The “F” Outta Here!

    CHEERS, …….. behind bars that is!

  17. Lt. Commander Johnson9:08 AM

    Just wait till all them Mexicans get Amnesty, not including all the S. Amreicans, take what few jobs the Negroe has left.

    That's funny. They're already running them out of S. California.And they want those stupid Democrats to to let them let in 33,000 milliom get their "bio card"

    Hah! you're killing yourself, just like the white Americans.

  18. Brother Field....the operative word is "our community". I believe that to have [a community], there must be shared values and similar ethics. The Black crews [not- communities] have not the needed umph to create and stabilize a example- I came from a community called Aberdeen Gardens- Scones Park in Hampton, Va in the 60s. We were all striving Black families that had education and non- criminal activities as goals. "Keep your head to the sky" was the credo. Now, sadly, too many don't recognize criminal behaviors, dropping out of school, boosting and many other negative behaviors as bad. THEY LACK KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR HISTORY. Do you think those Black Females had respect for non- criminal behaviors, having sex with respect of consequences and a sense of history. Lastly they disrespected all the women, Black and white, that were not given positions due to race/gender. They had not the ability to be a part of a orderly society. Think of all the drama that was/is going on in this prison community. It sad when my community have not enough principled people to conduct themselves working in a manner of respect for all the supreme efforts of our forefathers and my generation in this land of America. This Panther is tired...but will continue to lead by example and I hope you do too.

  19. Jeffrey Immelt11:30 AM

    field negro said...
    Pigford was about poor farmers getting what they deserved.

    It was. It turned into a politically-motivated boondoggle, just like Obama's green energy programs, bank bailouts, Obamacare exemptions, tax breaks for big donors, mortgage rules --everything the guy does.

  20. Jose Hose11:33 AM

    Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    "Just wait till all them Mexicans get Amnesty, not including all the S. Amreicans, take what few jobs the Negroe has left."

    Like prison guards. I'll bet them Mexicans don't be letting them criminals knock them up.

    And btw, what kind of crazy puts female guards in a men's prison?

  21. It's Time agiain.

    to really realize what's really going on again:

    I don't expect anyone to answer, beacuse It's something you should't talk about,

    That's sad for a lawyer, much less a human being.

    And you, Desretflower, have no excuse, unless you don't give a shit.

  22. @Jose Hose, slow your roll because black women aren't the ones that engage in this type of sleezy activity. I have a story here regarding Mexican women that will knock your "F ing" socks off! Let's not get carried away, shall we?

  23. Correctional officer/prison staff corruption is endemic. Even here in Cali where CO is a 100k job. I grew up and still live in a 2 prison town. I know hundreds of CO's of all ranks professionally & personally, and the consensus among them is that about 1/4 of line COs are known by other COs to be corrupt, and they congregate in shifts and assignments because the "honest" 75% won't work assignments with them. There's nothing to be gained in reporting them; the system doesn't want to publicize it; they're almost always allowed to resign/retire in lieu of prosecution (as long as its only drugs/celphones) and their corrupt replacement is literally already somewhere in the 3 year hiring pipeline.

    These trifling sisters are just a part of that normal and expected corrupt proportion of CO's that's gonna happen wherever we lock (often professional scammer) people up. If the feds hadn't been involved, I bet they'd have been allowed to resign/retire themselves. Look what the attention's doing for the head of corrections & the warden. Tell me they wouldn't prefer it all to just go away.

  24. unlike racism
    morality is a relic

    rabid ratchet pookies have ruined the entire world...they all rule the PIC

    pookie COs are even pimping out their own CO wives to caged thugs like this caged droves etc...

    pookies breed like roaches by any means necessary anywhere...we are all doomed

    even in DC as hobama is an amoral bankster pookie too


  25. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Why do blacks use the word 'trifling' for causing problems. It is a misuse of the word. Blacks speak strangely like 'ax' for 'ask'. Why don't they get it together. Millions for their education but they just don't get it.

  26. "Millions for their education but they just don't get it. "

    Your trolls are funny, seems to have worked for quite a few of us.

  27. Why is Young MC in the pic? What has he done?

  28. I mean come on now; is it really that hard out here for sisters to find a good man that they have to hook up with inmates who they are supposed to be guarding?

    Pretty damned hard Field. I, for one, am finding it quite difficult to find someone who is of the right intellectual capacity and sexual compatibility.

    I'm going to have to compromise on one, and you can bet it won't be sexual compatibility.

    I'm assuming that these women made a similar choice which explains a lot.

    I'm only half joking :)

  29. Easy ThatDenorahGirl, we have some Anons on this site who can be pretty aggressive. :)

    Poor Desertflower has been trying to fend them off for years.

    PilotX, don't you just love it. First of all troll, as long as we understand each other it's all good. Obviously you understood what we meant as well.

    Screw the King and his english.:)

  30. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Field, "Desert, I thought of you wheni wrote this post. I think you a
    are already in the data bank. :)

    Why haven't you thought of 'me' when you thought of Desert? Remind of 'me' who is still sailing fearlessly now in the Indian Ocean. I think I'll stop off in India and see what the women look like there.

    I might buy a lot of wigs and bring them back with me. Sisters love Indian hair....I KNOW I can make some money selling some wigs.

  31. If your male commentors are so aggressive as to be riled because a women merely mentions sexuality, then I would say they would automatically be disqualified due to my stated intellectual requirements.

    That also presumes that I would, under any circumstances, meet someone in person who commented on your or any website; which is so preposterous a scenario that I can only leave you with a Sheldon-esque shrug and snort of amused derision.

    I think I'm safe.


  32. TheEndlesscycle9:12 PM

    ThatDeborahgirl said...
    Pretty damned hard Field. I, for one, am finding it quite difficult to find someone who is of the right intellectual capacity and sexual compatibility.

    I'm going to have to compromise on one, and you can bet it won't be sexual compatibility.

    Black cultural dysfunction in a nutshell.

    Thanks Deb.

  33. "Black cultural dysfunction in a nutshell."

    Or we could just date our sisters/aunts/cousins like our trailer living trolls. I'll take blah folks dysfunction over that anyday.

  34. Anonymous9:33 PM

    @ Endless Cyncle:

    Yeah, because only black folks have ever got caught messing around with inmates.

    We'd also have to discuss the epidemic of white women teachers having affairs with their students, male and female.

    Don't get me started on the dysfunction of white people. I have to get some sleep some time tonight.

  35. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Well, ThatDeborahGirl, if you are looking for a bm to match your intellect, you will be alone. Which I assume you are.

    You see, one's ego always overestimates and loses. Nevertheless, good luck.

  36. TheEndlesscycle9:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    Or we could just date our sisters/aunts/cousins like our trailer living trolls.

    With the degree of paternity uncertainty among black babies, you have no idea if someone you are dating might not be your half sister/aunt/first cousin.

  37. Anonymous9:40 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Millions for their education but they just don't get it. "

    Your trolls are funny, seems to have worked for quite a few of us.

    6:05 PM
    Of course. How else would anyone know that our folks just don't get it? But hey, our peeps might not be too educated but we know aboutl some drugs and have sex, in and out of prison.

  38. Cletus McFetus9:47 PM

    But hey, our peeps might not be too educated but we know aboutl some drugs and have sex, in and out of prison.

    Don't seem to know much about how birth control works. Calling Dr. Gosnell!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. "I mean come on now; is it really that hard out here for sisters to find a good man that they have to hook up with inmates who they are supposed to be guarding?"

    Actually, I don't think it's hard at all, but let's keep this convo real. Most brothers I know LOVE an educated, smart, Black woman with a great attitude. But there's a catch, she's gotta be at or near the top of her game physically, even if he looks like Fat Albert. Men are hypocritical like that, so don't shoot the messanger for the message. And Black women need to "check themselves" when it comes to health ie diet, weight, and exercise habits.

    As for the COs in this story, word on the street is that this dude is "hung". Not that that explains anything, just sayin'!

  41. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "Don't seem to know much about how birth control works. Calling Dr. Gosnell!"

    Never have...80% children born out of wedlock. That means you will have to really look to find a black child with a father.

    Of course, Black Guerrilla man will own up to all his kids because he is a 'stand up' kind of guy.:)

  42. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Dr Nuwang, "As for the COs in this story, word on the street is that this dude is "hung". Not that that explains anything, just sayin'!"

    That does not matter and you know it. Besides, this is post-racial America. There are reports in the medical field that black men are going to their urologist to have their dicks shortened a few inches so they can be more appealing to white women. That's another blow to the sisters.

    Field should devote an entire post to this subject that's going on in the community. It sounds like we could have a whole generation of short ones.

  43. Wang Chung10:19 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    As for the COs in this story, word on the street is that this dude is "hung".

    You would know that.

    Now there are five little "hung" bastards that will grow up to be wards of the State.

  44. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Wang Chung said...
    Now there are five little "hung" bastards that will grow up to be wards of the State.

    Then perhaps they'll breed with your kids and bring some "length/width" to your family tree.


  45. Bonzo1:36 AM

    "Then perhaps they'll breed with your kids and bring some "length/width" to your family tree."

    Nope, they are out of luck there, and they can't get any intelligence from your family tree, just genes for fat-assed losers who fantasize about the penises they can't get. Looks like long term job security for CO's.

  46. Field, who told you the trifling baby mamas are black women?

  47. Anonymous1:40 PM

    "Nope, they are out of luck there, and they can't get any intelligence from your family tree, just genes for fat-assed losers who fantasize about the penises they can't get. Looks like long term job security for CO's."

    My kid is being recruited by the top schools of Engineering in the country and turned down the opportunity to graduate high school 1 year early. That's SEVEN generations of success while yours represents nothing but low life, uneducated, blubber!!

    So once again, YOU LOSE pinky d!ck!


  48. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "'me' who is still sailing fearlessly now in the Indian Ocean. I think I'll stop off in India and see what the women look like there.
    OMG Anon, you're nothing but a womanizer!!!

    You got lost on purpose! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :(

  49. "With the degree of paternity uncertainty among black babies, you have no idea if someone you are dating might not be your half sister/aunt/first cousin."

    Still better than setting out to marry your sister like our less pigmented peeps do in their trailer parks. I guess it is easier huh Jethro? Also easy at your amily reunions when your mom is also your aunt.

  50. Ms. Loser said...
    My kid is being recruited by the top schools of Engineering

    Because they are desperate for black students. They'll probably give him a free ride and just hand over a diploma. That's why I won't hire black engineers - you know they never had to do anything. And because they probably had a negative, entitlement-mentality role model like you.

    You sound absolutely desperate for penis. As you are never going to find a man willing to touch you, my advice is to buy yourself a big white dildo and leave the successful people alone.

    You will never be a doctor.

  51. Dr. Holmes your obsession with the good doctor is kind of scary. Makes me kind of think that u resent successful black people. Where is this vitriol coming from? Hmmmmm....l

  52. field negro said...
    Dr. Holmes your obsession with the good doctor is kind of scary. Makes me kind of think that u resent successful black people.

    If you were "thinking", you wouldn't be associating Queen with successful black people.

  53. Colleague haha

    Now you know that when i sent this to you i had no idea that you would use i KUDOS.
    However, you know enuff about my style of comment to know how i think So like we say in Cuba
    el es uno negro de casa con cojones
    Throw him in with the sissys and for the dummies whom most are stale pale and viejo maybe they can get child support smh~
    nuff said I will never forget him in DC..He worked the DOC there as well
