Friday, May 03, 2013

What does Joanne Chesimard and the right have in common?

There is a growing fear among conservatives and [right]wingnuts that the Socialist in power and his left wing cohorts are going to take away all of their guns and their rights. They believe this in spite of the fact that the Socialist in chief was declaring on foreign soil that Americans believe in their guns and will always have a right to bear arms.

Of course they aren't buying it. They actually believe that an armed rebellion might be necessary to take the Socialist Kenyan out of office.

"Is the second American revolution on our doorstep? Nearly half of all Republicans apparently believe it might be necessary, according to a new poll from a New Jersey University.

Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind found that 44% of Republican respondents agreed that an “armed revolution” might be needed in the next few years to defend liberties.

The same poll found 18% of Democrats and 27% of independents agreed it could be necessary.

“The differences in views of gun legislation are really a function of differences in what people believe guns are for,” Fairleigh Dickinson political science professor Dan Cassino said in a news release. “If you truly believe an armed revolution is possible in the near future, you need weapons and you’re going to be wary about government efforts to take them away.”

When half of the people in one of the major parties in our country believe that an armed revolution might be necessary to overthrow a legitimately elected government, I think it is safe to say that we have pretty much hit rock bottom as a nation.

There is an NRA convention going on down in Houston, and one of the leaders from the right took the opportunity to declare that the government might have some kind of nefarious plot in the works to tie the right wing to some loser who took his own life at the Houston airport.

 "Broadcasting live from Houston last night — the site of this weekend’s annual NRA convention — Glenn Beck offered up his take on Thursday afternoon’s Houston airport suicide: The media should dig deeper, he said, because this could very well be a “setup” akin to the burning of the Reichstag in the lead-up to Nazi Germany.

On Thursday afternoon, an unidentified man reportedly fired a shot from his AR-15 into the ceiling near the ticket counter of Bush International Airport’s Terminal B. When air marshals arrived to confront the suspect, he reportedly pulled out a pistol and shot himself in the head, dying later at a local hospital.
An hour after the incident, Beck told his live audience the story of what had just happened. He cautioned that the “simpletons in the media” might report “this is what Beck said,” and so he made clear that he will first relay the news story and then give his personal opinion on the matter.

After describing the news event, Beck added: “That doesn’t make sense to me.”
“I have been looking and fearing moments like this,” he warned. “If it’s not this one, it will happen in the coming days.”

Beck then indicated that law enforcement sources have told TheBlaze that the unidentified man was an out-of-towner staying at an area hotel, and that his intent was to “take out as many people as possible” in that airport using an AR-15.

“First of all, the idea that this is a coincidence, that this is happening at the airport with the NRA is too much to believe,” he suggested, before imploring “honest journalists” to do their due diligence and “look for these connections,” namely:
“Look for any connections of who this man is and any connections he might have to the uber-left. I believe that, and only because I have been looking for this, I believe this man could fall into the category of somebody who has lost his job, is depressed, etc., etc.
Seemingly without any evidence, Beck then imagines a “likely” plot line for what he believes was a depressed man with possible “uber-left” ties committing suicide at the Houston airport:
“Somebody comes in, off to the side, winds him up, says, ‘Oh, you should make a statement.’ I believe that’s probably — I shouldn’t say that — I believe there’s a very good chance that that’s what happened. He then gets to the airport, he then realizes — it’s pretty clarifying I imagine when you kill people — he realizes that’s not who I am. He shoots in the air, drops the AR, the air marshals come, he realizes there’s no way out, he shoots himself.”
He continued on to suggest the suicide could be a setup like one particular historical event from Nazi Germany.." [Source]

Yes, just call the president Adolf Hitler, and the shooting at the Houston Airport his own personal Reichstag.

And the hits just keep coming for these NRA folks. They actually elected a president who believes that the South will rise again.

"The NRA has a new president and judging by a speech he made at the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association’s annual meeting last June he could generate some controversy for the gun advocacy group. Jim Porter, previously a lawyer from Alabama, told that crowd that he likes to refer to the Civil War as the “war of Northern Aggression” and called Barack Obama a “fake president” whose entire administration is “anti-freedom.”

Speaking at that event in New York, Porter shared some of the shared history between the NRA and the local NYSRPA. “The NRA was started, 1871, right here in New York state. It was started by some Yankee generals who didn’t like the way my southern boys had the ability to shoot in what we call the “War of Northern Aggression.” Now, y’all might call it the Civil War, but we call it the War of Northern Aggression down south.” He added that the organization remains vital today to train civilians to use firearms so “when they’re ready to fight tyranny, they’re ready to do it." [Source]

All this talk of tyranny and armed revolution did not start until the current Commander- in- Chief took office.

How ironic that a former Black Panther, who, along with her cohorts, was calling for an armed revolution against the government, is now the first ever woman on the FBI's most wanted list

"But Field, this is different; this woman actually took up arms and shot a police officer to death"

This is true. The wingnuts aren't there just yet. But 47% of them think that Tupac's Godmother might have been on to something. 


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "They believe this in spite of the fact that the Socialist in chief was declaring on foreign soil that Americans believe in their guns and will always have a right to bear arms."

    You conveniently left out the fact that he was doing so in the context of blaming Mexican violence on American guns:

    ‘most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.’

    President Obama also did not mention the more than 2,000 firearms that his Department of Justice ‘walked’ across the Mexican border as part of Operation Fast and Furious, a federal law enforcement project that aimed to track weapons to drug traffickers.

    Those guns have been connected to the deaths of at least 300 Mexican citizens. And U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010 when a so-called ‘Fast and Furious gun’ was recovered at the scene of his murder during a routine patrol in Arizona.

    An ensuing Congressional investigation led to the first-ever citation of a sitting cabinet member – Attorney General Eric Holder – for contempt of Congress. Holder declined to provide most of the more than 140,000 documents subpoenaed by a House committee, although the Department of Justice did selectively turn over thousands of others.

    This asshole is always running down his own country when on foreign soil, and never taking responsibility for his actions.

    The worst. President. Ever.

  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    from yardie.. field ..disapointed by this post .. assatta shakur could not have shot and killed the cop she was accused of because at the time of the shooting she had been shot herself and was lying paralysed on the ground ..check the evidence..before you just duplicate what babilon media is saying and just put out the statement " she shot a cop" you should make an effort to verify yes? and why the insistence in using the name joane chesimard when she goes by the name assatta shakur .. i dont see you using biggie smalls legal ( sic) name when you write about him...

  3. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Field, why do you duplicate what the right says Obama is, which a Socialist?

    You also call us Blah people because the right calls us that. Why?

    You write against the GOP and then turn around and name us with the same insulting labels they use.

    FYI: Obama is not a Socialist. Again, Obama is not a Socialist. Why not state that instead of agreeing with the Repubs?

    This is a very insulting post.

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    "All this talk of tyranny and armed revolution did not start until the current Commander- in- Chief took office."

    Of course not. Do you know why? If you do, please educate us instead of leaving guess work.

  5. Anonymous10:46 PM

    "How ironic that a former Black Panther, who, along with her cohorts, was calling for an armed revolution against the government, is now the first ever woman on the FBI's most wanted list."

    "But Field, this is different; this woman actually took up arms and shot a police officer to death"
    Field, most know that Joanne was framed by the FBI. The FBI destroyed the Black Panthers through psychological warfare and lies about them. Everybody pretty much know that. So why are you buying into this bullshit? You are so White....weak.

  6. Anonymous10:48 PM

    "assatta shakur could not have shot and killed the cop she was accused of because at the time of the shooting she had been shot herself and was lying paralysed on the ground .."

    no ni**er is ever guilty.


  7. Anonymous11:10 PM

    anon respectfully replied, "no ni**er is ever guilty.


    10:48 PM
    If that is true, then no White is a racist and never uses the N-word. Thank you for enlightening us.

  8. Can't be racial because conservatives are color blind. Yeah this stuff is getting deep, I fly with a bunch of good old boys who believe in the coming war against the gubment. Funny, they weren't concerned when the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act was passed and told us if we weren't terrorists we shouldn't be concerned. Shouldn't that apply to background checks? If you're not a criminal what are you concerned about? Ah, the conservative mind at work. If not for these geniuses a college dropout like Glenn Beck would be working as a janitor and not making millions by linking random historic events to modern ones.

  9. Anonymous12:00 AM

    and tupac shakur was born with the name Lesane Parish Crooks ..some consistency please in terms of names you choose to use for folks....

  10. Si vis pacem, para bellum.

    The Union cannot be saved because it no longer exists in the hearts of men.

    There will be war, whether anyone truly desires it or not. There has always been war and there always will be war, the arrogant pretenses of the totalitarians and their self-serving promises of peace on Earth notwithstanding.

  11. Anonymous2:06 AM

    "The Union cannot be saved because it no longer exists in the hearts of men.

    There will be war, whether anyone truly desires it or not. There has always been war and there always will be war, the arrogant pretenses of the totalitarians and their self-serving promises of peace on Earth notwithstanding."

    12:52 AM
    It is true. America no longer exists in the hearts of Americans. But a bigger problem lies within the heart: Pride, hatred, greed, lust, gluttony, envy, and laziness. That's why we have war on earth. There is no other option but war with those qualities ruling the heart with no power in it than the human ego, or intellect as some like to call it.

  12. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Field, "This is true. The wingnuts aren't there just yet. But 47% of them think that Tupac's Godmother might have been on to something."

    You are doing extreme psychological violence to those of us who believe in Joanne Chesimard as well as to those Panthers still alive. She was set up by Hoover. Hell, Hoover was in the process of framing MLK. He was a sick racist run wild with a lot of power and did not think twice about killing or framing a black person who stood up for what's right.

    Field, you need to check yourself before you blatantly accuse Blacks for doing what the FBI said they did. Joanne C. is the only 'woman' wanted by the FBI. Isn't it interesting that she is Black and Obama is President. Oh, I'm sure it's a coincident that all of a sudden the FBI wants this black woman badly. Heck, I can see why. She's Black! And we have a black President! What better time to get her!

  13. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Field, "All this talk of tyranny and armed revolution did not start until the current Commander- in- Chief took office."

    Well, brother Field, the time has never been better. Perfect timing, wouldn't you say? It's just good effective racial politics.

  14. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Dear Mr Field, my company spends millions of dollars a year in Philadelphia. However, because of the ill-treatment you have given me by refusing to have a snack with me at a Broad St vendor, I have decided to take my millions out of the so-called City of Brotherly Love, and take it to another city who would appreciate me.

    Thus far, Detroit, Baltimore, Newark, and Richmond have expressed interest. But before I shift those millions out of Philly I want to give you one last chance to have lunch with me. Please RSVP ASAP.

  15. Anonymous4:01 AM

    /Chris Broussard is a Chritian who stood up for what's in the Bible. That is Field Negro behavior, not HN behavior.

    It took a lot of guts to speak up for the Christian community. That's why he has the same first name as Christ, except he doesn't have a "t" at the end. Field, can't you see and hear the holy spirit in this magnificent man?

    FYI: Jason Collins will be the only NBA player to ever come out in the game. All others, 'if' there are any, won't tell.

  16. Calm down my revolutionary friend, I know all about Ms. Shakur and the alleged set up. You must be new here. If you are, I suggest that you go back and check out some of my writings.

  17. Ok Field I read it again..Hmmm..your a Lawyer so you know better than I....I do know that they were very calculating in setting 'folks' up back then....I'm just wondering why 40 years later they put her on a Terrorist list (considering the definition of a Terrorist in this country) Maybe 'O' wants to do a DRONE STRIKE on Cuba?..the interview on DN gave me more insight...PLus they invited the FBI but they were a no-show..HMMM

  18. Hey field, let's give a shout out to Kevin Krigger, the black jockey who has a good chance of winning the Kentucky Derby today, as he is riding the favorite horse. No black jockey has won the Derby since 1902. I think this win could go a long way toward patching the relationship between black people and animals, at least horses anyway. Dogs are a whole nother subject.

    I'll be pulling for that little Krigger.

  19. ot:

    Prosecutor Behind Kiera Wilmot Arrest Filed No Charges For White Teen Who Killed Little Brother

    It turns out that Assistant State Attorney Tammy Glotfelty does not prosecute juveniles equally.

    On Monday, April 23, Glotfelty told the Barlow Police Department to charge 16-year-old high school honors student Kiera Wilmot with two felonies for conducting a botched science experiment. Wilmot mixed a household toilet cleaner with aluminum in an 8 oz. plastic bottle, causing the top to pop and some smoke to rise. The police report states that Wilmot was charged with two felonies at the behest of Glotfelty:


    This makes Glotfelty sound like a hard-ass who over-prosecutes. Yet just two days later, Glotfelty announced that 13-year-old Taylor Richardson would not face charges for shooting and killing his 10-year-old brother, Skyler, with a BB gun.

    In a letter to the Polk County Sheriff’s Department, Glotfelty wrote, ”Our office has considered this case, keeping in mind that (Taylor) is 13 years of age and is a student at Roosevelt Academy.”

  20. parvenu2:36 PM

    The Obama Administration non-reactive behavior towards those people openly threatening armed rebellion against the U.S. Government is steadily embolding them to the point where some group is going to turn their threats into action. I am looking at you "Big Jim" from Alabama. The recent polls showing 44% OF Republicans believed armed rebellion within the next two years may be necessary is justification enough for the White House to start considering that it is well past time to give these "firebrands" an object lesson. Experience has taught us that without an "object lesson" that blood will eventually have to be shed.

    There are demagogues and there are demagogues. Some demagogues are strictly hustlers who have found that crazy right wing rhetoric pays off in big bucks. These are people like Palin and Beck. Then there are demagogues who are dangerous fanatics who want to turn their hatefilled rhetoric into bloody action, and they are people like big Jim from 'bama!

    Big Jim wants to "roll tide" so as to put the NRA membership up front in a battalion of angry gun owners in full rebellion under a 21st century resurgence of the good old "Stars and Bars". Nuff said.....

  21. Anonymous2:43 PM

    @parvenu: Did you really think you could hold Big Jim down and take his money forever?

    Play time is almost over. We'll see just who gets their lesson.

  22. rikyrah, things that make you go hmmmm.

    "@parvenu: Did you really think you could hold Big Jim down and take his money forever?

    Play time is almost over. We'll see just who gets their lesson."

    Don't worry parnevu, the most that guy will do is throw a bottle of moonshine at you.:)

  23. apartment negro3:59 PM

    Chris Broussard speaks truth to power, and you label him a house negro in your sidebar?

    I don't understand -is a field negro someone who slavishly conforms to the prevailing opinions and sentiments?

    So a house negro must be someone who speaks his mind, even if he is gong to be ostracized for it.


  24. "apartment negro", a field Negro is one who does not give in to bigotry, even if a powerful institution such as the church thinks it's cool to do so.

    Now go buy yourself a house.

  25. looking for a house negro5:51 PM

    field negro said...
    "apartment negro", a field Negro is one who does not give in to bigotry, even if a powerful institution such as the church thinks it's cool to do so.

    Now go buy yourself a house.

    I see now. Does giving in to anti-white/southern/Christian/Tea Party bigotry count?

    If so, you aren't really out there in the field. Maybe you should call yourself a "yard negro".

  26. @Field

    Im glad you clarified your stance on the Shakur case...I was about to pull your card!


  27. Tookie Williams in Hell9:08 PM

    We have spots for Shakur and Mumia down here, and we are keeping them nice and warm.

  28. Frustrated Negro11:57 PM

    "But Field, this is different; this woman actually took up arms and shot a police officer to death"

    This is true.

    I dont know why yall assume STEPHEN.. is really a " Field Negro" ...
    A real Field Negro wouldnt have to keep clarifying himself after he initially writes what he really feels.

    Anytime he even speaks about things that are well known and proven by the black community he regurgitates exactly what the approved media tells him to relay.

    HEy STEPHEN....


    Too busy up "Drone Bombers" butt to realize that the denotion of "Terrorist" could perk up the ears of O-Bomber

    and you know with him nothing matters when he starts checking that list off ...Nope nothing matters.. Political Asylum for over 20 yrs doesn't count... Rule of Law .. Posse Comitatus ..

    Field.err umm I mean "STEPHEN".. Slap your pic up on the wall of shame ...

  29. My blog pal, The Skeptik One, has written her last two articles on the Assata Shakur issue. You should check them out.

  30. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Another thing about "American" women: Once they remove the two tons of make-up they apply to themselves to make themselves "beautiful" and "fornicate-able", they'll scare all the feces out of your body. Nothing like looking like the "Return of the Dead".

  31. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Yeah Mumia what a waste of space and air. That brotha is using them dumb white people to run his scams. No wonder this country is screwed.

  32. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I loves hearin the brothers trying to sound edjubecated. C I L L the white man

  33. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I Love this Shit.


    Head Honky In Charge
