Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When minoritty outreach goes wrong.

Those poor folks in the GOP just can't seem to get this minority outreach thing right.

"Oh, Republican governors! When they’re not losing track of the one Latina they hired, they’re digging up a Latino white supremacist to serve on their reelection committees. Governor Nikki Haley (R-SC) has come under fire this week after the Southern Poverty Law Center noticed that one member of her “Grassroots Steering Committee,” Roan Garcia-Quintana, is a board member of the Council of Conservative Citizens, which SPLC calls a “white nationalist hate group.”
MSNBC’s Rev. Al Sharpton reported on Gov. Hayley’s pal on last night’s PoliticsNation, citing the SPLC, which, when convenient, conservatives like to label as partisan. However, even the Anti-Defamation League calls the CofCC a “white suprema­cist” organization, and reported on Garcia-Quintana’s membership last month:

Roan Garcia-Quintana, a direc­tor of the white suprema­cist Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens (CofCC), is closely tied to anti-immigrant orga­ni­za­tions in the United States. Garcia-Quintana is a well-known leader in the CofCC, a group descended from the White Cit­i­zens Coun­cils, which opposed deseg­re­ga­tion of schools dur­ing the Civil Rights era.

He is a fre­quent speaker at CofCC regional events and national con­fer­ences. The CofCC has called mixed-race mar­riage “the mon­gre­liza­tion of the races” and is openly hos­tile to immi­gra­tion. The CofCC state­ment of prin­ci­ples says, “We there­fore oppose the mas­sive immi­gra­tion of non-European and non-Western peo­ples into the United States that threat­ens to trans­form our nation into a non-European major­ity in our lifetime.”

I know I know, the guy was Hispanic, but you republicans better start doing your homework before you go grabbing the first so- called minority you see. Just think of my man E. W. Jackson in Virginia.

But wait, it gets better.

In my homestate of Pistolvania, the GOP governor says that he can't find one Hispanic in the entire state to put on his staff. Well as it turns out.....

"The liberal media can be so very, very unfair to Republicans. In remarks being widely publicized this week, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett ......responded to a question about whether he had any Latinos on his staff by replying “No, we do not have any staff members in there. If you can find us one, please let me know.”

Predictably, the likes of MSNBC’s Rev. Al Sharpton tried to use this to malign GOP minority outreach, but it turns out Corbett does have one Latina staffer. So there.
Gov. Corbett, who last month said that part of Pennsylvania’s unemployment problem is that area employers “can’t find anybody that has passed a drug test,” made his remark at a Philadelphia Union League roundtable last Friday. Moderator Sabrina Vouroulias, Managing Editor of Philadelphia’s Al Dia, asked Corbett “Do you have staff members that are Latino?”

“No, we do not have any staff members in there,” Corbett replied. “If you can find us one, please let me know.”

“I am sure that there are Latinos that…” Vouroulias began.
Corbett turned to the crowd, and asked “Do any of you want to come to Harrisburg?” and, to laughter from the crowd, exclaimed “See?”

So, what’s worse than being asked if you have any Latino staff members and replying that you can’t find any Latinos to hire? Maybe being asked if you have any Latino staff members, and forgetting that you do. Philly Magazine‘s Simon van Zuylen-Wood reported this yesterday:
Calm down lefty media hyperventilators! After you all jumped down Tom Corbett’s throat for his comment about having no Latino staff members, the Governor’s people put out a press release smack-down, pointing out that in fact they’ve actually got ONE Latino staffer, Maria Montero, the Director of the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs.

I would have published this sooner, but I was waiting from a response from Corbett’s people confirming that there’s really no one else. In fairness, the administration also used to employ preternaturally grumpy Eli Aliva as Secretary of Health and nominated Ken Trujillo for Commissioner of the PLCB.
See, liberal left loons? Governor Corbett’s Director of Latino Affairs is Latina, which his office totally remembered days later, so SHUT UP!"

Yes, that Corbett dude is no rocket scientist, but I am not sure if that makes him racially insensitive like the rest of his GOP pals.

I mean the man did have a black son in law (no "Jungle Fever" jokes, please) for crying out loud. 


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    minority outlaw trumps minority outreach!!!!!!!

    cc that illegal blackish joker prez hobama and his wm bankster backers/regime!...


  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    outrage trumps outreach

    cc hobama/gwb 3.0 and his global spies


  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The Field never posts pictures of his vacations. I don't like it!!! :((

  4. Vphiamer Adis2:51 PM

    Hey FN love your site, I run a produce a small podcast and am interested in partnering with you on a future project; please contact me at classwarbattlefield@live.com.

    Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you

  5. CCC = KKK in a 3 piece suit. GOP minority outreach = token promotion. Narcotics cop = corrupt cop.

  6. This was one wack ass post STEPHEN...

    Man your running out of material.....

    Next youll be pulling content from World Star Hip Hop.....

    Once I heard Southern Poverty Law Center slipping from Sharptons mouth ... I knew this was just another racial politricks game to be played....

  7. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "CCC = KKK in a 3 piece suit. GOP minority outreach = token promotion. Narcotics cop = corrupt cop."
    LOL! Don't be so positive! Try a little cynicism once in a while! :)

  8. Anonymous6:37 PM

    The fact that a Hispanic is a member of CofCC proves that Latinos are moving ahead of Blacks. Never in the history and never in the future will there be any acceptance of a Black on that committee. I am deeply concerned at how quickly Latinos are being accepted into the white community while we Blacks remain nowhere.

  9. Anonymous6:43 PM

    has anyone noticed that sharpton has an enunciation problem? he also says the dummie word, "uh" in every sentence and phrase. this is WHY Latinos are moving ahead in the CCC!

  10. Evander6:45 PM

    "the Council of Conservative Citizens, which SPLC calls a “white nationalist hate group.”

    That is meaningless. The SPLC itself is a "hate group".

    If anything, if the SPLC calls something a hate group, it probably means it is not.

  11. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Dear Mr Field, in reviewing Mr E.W.Jackson's records, he is fully qualified to be Lt Gov of Va. Personally, I wish the brother all the best. You see, I believe in helping each other, not degrading one another. Your jealousy of Brother Jackson is so obvious it's not funny. Were you hoping to have a shot at the job?

    Don't let your jealousy get the better of you. Show some self-restraint.We should learn to stick together, not apart from each other.

  12. Anonymous7:00 PM

    "Don't let your jealousy get the better of you. Show some self-restraint.We should learn to stick together, not apart from each other."

    Amen, anon. I am so glad you called Field on his shit. It seems that no one on FN other than you have the guts to stand up to Field for being wrong.

    I mean, no one criticizes Field. Not even what's her name who lives in the desert in PR. PilotX and PC worship the ground Field walks on. I have never seen so many worshipping Negroes worshipping a Negro in all my life. More Negroes need to start calling out Negroes like Field.

    Thank you, anon. You have given me courage to speak up. This could be the beginning the biggest movement since BET. Keep the faith brother:)

  13. Jose Slappanegro7:03 PM

    "I know I know, the guy was Hispanic"

    Jeez, the Mexicans are even taking over the white supremacist jobs.

  14. Ben Dover7:19 PM

    "In my homestate of Pistolvania, the GOP governor says that he can't find one Hispanic in the entire state to put on his staff"

    There is a talent deficit among Hispanics, isn't there? I mean, there are 50 or 60 million of them in America now, and how many high achievers can you name? Sports stars, movie stars, CEO's, entrepreneurs, scientists, even politicians - there are very few Hispanics that have risen to the top of any fields. There are only 40 million blacks, yet there are famous high achieving blacks in every facet of American life.

  15. "The Field never posts pictures of his vacations. I don't like it!!! :(("

    If I did you would have to be looking for a wife for me in PR, because I would be in some serious trouble at home.:)

  16. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    CCC = KKK in a 3 piece suit. GOP minority outreach = token promotion. Narcotics cop = corrupt cop

    SPLC = anti-white Christian hate group that falsely accuses conservative groups of racism as a highly profitable service to rich leftist organizations. SPLC today has over a quarter billion dollars in assets.

    Whitey's Conspiracy = racist jew posing as liberal white

  17. George Zimmerman8:36 PM

    "Jeez, the Mexicans are even taking over the white supremacist jobs."

    Just doing the jobs Americans won't do.

  18. thrasymachus8:38 PM

    "SPLC = anti-white Christian hate group"

    The role of the liberal legalists is to harass the proles- something they do primarily with death penalty litigation, secondarily with other types of anti-criminal justice litigation, and from time to time with civil liberties litigation. The liberal legalists don’t impede anything important, like stop and frisk.

    But beyond things done directly for the convenience of the elite, like stop and frisk, the elite knows they need to maintain a basic sort of credibility in keeping things right-side up. Sometimes the liberal legalists get too much power- they controlled the criminal justice system in the 60′s and 70′s, and somewhat into the 80′s. A gothic level of chaos resulted, and the proles rebelled- their final act being the recall of three California State Supreme Court Justices in the 80′s. If there is anyone to specifically blame for 9/11- besides Jamie Gorelick- it’s Frank Church, who restricted FBI activity in the 70′s.

    The elite learned their lesson, which is why Bill Clinton went ahead with the execution of the retarded guy. Liberals know to rule the people must trust them to keep them sort of safe, and avoid the level of crime of the 70′s. Progressives like to bitch about stuff like crack cocaine sentencing, three strikes and the death penalty, and while they have the courts as their playgrounds on these things, liberal legislators leave these things alone. They don’t even really want to bother with gun control, but sometimes the base demands blood.

    Bush and Obama did the same things because the people who really matter decided to keep most of the same policies from 2001 to the present. Another major terrorist attack would make the natives unpleasantly difficult to manage- the Boston bombers have caused them quite a bit of trouble.

  19. NSangoma8:54 PM


    Hispania (now Spain and Portugal) is the Roman name for the Iberian Peninsula.

    Because the Moors controlled Hispania for +700-years, Hispanics are not considered to be whidte.

    Roan Garcia-Quintana, is his own worst emeny er enemy.


  20. Anonymous8:56 PM

    field negro said...
    "If I did you would have to be looking for a wife for me in PR, because I would be in some serious trouble at home.:)"
    Oh alright then x(

    Wouldn't want that to happen! ......or would I...hmmmmmmmm ;)

  21. NSangoma said...
    Hispanics are not considered to be white.

    Unless they shoot a negro...

  22. Obama and his supporters refuse to be judged on normal criteria, such as the president's actual record in office. Though he is quick to claim credit on the rare occasion--such as the bin Laden raid--when things go right, President Obama typically adopts a prophetic distance from the office he holds that insulates him from criticism and allows him to attack the very Washington he leads, the very political games he plays.

    The heresy of Fox News is not just that it criticizes the Obama administration or that it provides a platform for conservative opinion, but that it rejects the attempt to place Obama beyond politics and accountability. It refuses, in other words, to endorse the idea that Obama inhabits a unique category, beyond the obvious (and, for most governing purposes, meaningless) historic fact that he is the nation's first black president.

  23. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "I mean, no one criticizes Field. Not even what's her name who lives in the desert in PR. PilotX and PC worship the ground Field walks on."
    Yes I do criticize him once in a while! Like once in a blue moon maybe!

    Weelll..it's just that he...doesn't take lightly to criticism...(don't tell him I said that!)so I keep it to a minimum...or...actually,never:)

  24. *Laughing@Desert's comments*

    "The heresy of Fox News...."

    Stop right there.

    "Fox News"? No that, my friends, is what we call an oxymoron. :)

  25. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/05/28/exclusive-barack-obama-asks-pentagon-for-syria-no-fly-zone-plan.html10:47 AM

    "Fox News"? No that, my friends, is what we call an oxymoron. :)

    Sorta like your name is a blatant Oxymoron... In the worst way....

    While both sides are beating the War drums for more War after 10+ yrs and TRILLIONS lost in middle east conflicts...

    Your all gussied up about some SCARY Republican.... Typical....


    Click my name Truth seekers....

  26. One more time Just for good measure....

    "Fox News"? No that, my friends, is what we call an oxymoron. :)

    Sorta like your name is a blatant Oxymoron... In the worst way....

    While both sides are beating the War drums for more War after 10+ yrs and TRILLIONS lost in middle east conflicts...

    Your all gussied up about some SCARY Republican.... Typical....


    Click my name Truth seekers....

  27. the field is in the house10:51 AM

    "Fox News"? No that, my friends, is what we call an oxymoron. :)

    You are well trained.

    Every time you hear a dog whistle, you bark.

    You have been taught that anyone who doesn't listen to master is racist.

    Bark, bark, bark.

    Discount anything Fox News tells you.

    That's a good boy.

  28. O-bomber Strikes again


  29. Hey STEPHEN... Heres a story you probably WONT post on your blog...

    Kinda warms your heart to know that not every Republican is racist.... LOL


  30. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Desertflower said...
    field negro said...
    "If I did you would have to be looking for a wife for me in PR, because I would be in some serious trouble at home.:)"
    Oh alright then x(

    Wouldn't want that to happen! ......or would I...hmmmmmmmm ;)

    8:56 PM
    This is such bullshit.

  31. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Anonymous said...
    "I mean, no one criticizes Field. Not even what's her name who lives in the desert in PR. PilotX and PC worship the ground Field walks on."
    Yes I do criticize him once in a while! Like once in a blue moon maybe!

    Weelll..it's just that he...doesn't take lightly to criticism...(don't tell him I said that!)so I keep it to a minimum...or...actually,never:)

    10:21 PM
    This is such bullshit. Shut up! Just STFU.

  32. Anonymous1:33 PM

    field negro said...
    *Laughing@Desert's comments*

    Yeah, I BET you are.

  33. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Thank you, anon. You have given me courage to speak up. This could be the beginning the biggest movement since BET. Keep the faith brother:)

    7:00 PM
    Anons! Rise up! Speak the truth! Slam those FN liars who devotedly follow Field and Obama.


  34. Anonymous1:51 PM


    Amen, Brother.

    Field and his kind will not keep me chained up on the plantation.

    I have chosen to be part of the American solution, not to commit to being part of the eternal American problem.

  35. Stop it Desertflower! :)

  36. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Black Sage said...
    Stop it Desertflower! :)
    Hehehehehe, I just loooove to bother everybody!

    Let's face it, truth is, I have nothing better to do!!!! ;)))))

  37. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "field negro said...
    *Laughing@Desert's comments*

    Yeah, I BET you are.
    LOLOL! You know, I said the same thing! Ahahaha:))

  38. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Black Sage said...
    Stop it Desertflower! :)

    2:10 PM
    It's Negroes like you that keeps edging Desert on. Stop being an Uncle Tom.

  39. Anonymous3:06 PM

    This shit ain't funny. Obviously Field is not moderating.

  40. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "This is such bullshit."
    Anonymous said...
    "This is such bullshit. Shut up! Just STFU."
    Oh My Gosh! Such vitriol!!!

    You hurt my feelings now :(((

    You an angry man! Why?

  41. Maybe EW can end confederate history month in VA. Yeah right. As far as South Carolina c'mon dude, it's South Carolina.

  42. Hey Frustrated one, I see President McCain is insisting we arm the "terrorists". He even made a not so secret trip over there. Any thoughts or does a uber liberal such as yourself only criticize B?

  43. Anon@3:04, you may exit the closet now, without fear of repercussions!

  44. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Hispanics and Latinos have their African blood so diluted by Europeans and Indians that they can grab onto the White mans' coattails racially. Plus their hair in most cases is wavy and straight in texture which gives them a further pass. They're "glorified" Africans who speak Spanish, that's all they are, but it works for them in America. Somewhere in their family trees are African relatives that look like they stepped right out of Zimbabwe or Nigeria. The racial bs in this country has spiraled out of control. It has driven Americans out of their minds. Alicia Banks, President Obama said "Time for your meds." You should be a member of the Klan!!! Ask 'em if you can join.

  45. Anonymous4:04 PM

    A Black Panther Forever said...

    Brother Field... I know this is a holiday that you have a connection to. Thank you for always being on point when it comes to the veterans here and then. Also thank-you Viet Nam vet Bro. Anon..69-70. This is one day that I really reflect and still to this day can not come to peace. Being a medic...I still to this day have sorrow for that year in my life. Lastly....living in Newport News, VA I am at loss for anything knowing that more families have lost their young men to the grave as well as the cage. Children killing each other over nothing. This annual fair /carnival has now been co-opted by young men unable to fit in this society. I am mad and disgusted at the fathers who did not see the need to protect their children so they have not the need to strap up and pull a weapon and firing into a crowd of young people. This act continues way to often for some social change to be not forthcoming.

    12:22 AM
    Thank you! It bears repeating!

  46. Hey Frustrated one, I see President McCain is insisting we arm the "terrorists". He even made a not so secret trip over there. Any thoughts or does a uber liberal such as yourself only criticize B?

    McWarHawk is just showing O-bomber the direction the EMPIRE wants him to go..

    Trust and believe that no matter how much he says he doesnt want to, and moans , about not getting involved O-bomber will follow the Rights lead on anything conflict related...

    They've been itching for another war for quite some time... Ive been tellin you the groups in Syria are linked to terrorism for the past few weeks now...

    I swear.... neither you or STEPHEN reads anything at all.....

    This is why I started linking articles to my name ;because you guys just REFUSE to read anything...

    I doubt if you even made it this far....

  47. Anon@3:55. Said: "Somewhere in their family are African relatives that look like they stepped right out of Zimbabwe or Nigeria."

    For a little evidence of this, check out Veracruz, Mexico and some other laces there as well. Sshhh, some of those folks are darker than me by far. But yet, quite a few of these clowns act as if they don't have Negroes within their family tree. Puhleeez!

  48. Anonymous5:28 PM

    the demonic hobama is a ruthless bankster!!!!!!!!

    and he rules the most evil msm/PR in the history of the world!

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!







  49. Anonymous5:59 PM

    far batter than hobama tv:


  50. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Black Sage, "For a little evidence of this, check out Veracruz, Mexico and some other laces there as well. Sshhh, some of those folks are darker than me by far. But yet, quite a few of these clowns act as if they don't have Negroes within their family tree. Puhleeez!

    4:13 PM"
    That's nothing. I know Negroes in my race who don't want to associate with Blacks. If you are Black you certainly know some. Also, we have a pecking order in our race by skin color, hair and features.

    So, it is no surprise that others outside of our race don't want to acknowledge any black blood whatsoever. Let's face it. No one is elated to be Black.

  51. Anonymous6:29 PM

    "So, it is no surprise that others outside of our race don't want to acknowledge any black blood whatsoever. Let's face it. No one is elated to be Black."

    Well, if you were the brunt of racism would you want to be Black? I can assure you that E.W. Jackson, OJ, Haley Berry, and a host of others aren't promoting their black side. That includes Obama! It is obvious by the hellacious suffering our peeps are experiencing....he will go down in history as the Administration under which Blacks suffered the most EVER.

  52. Field all i can do it LMFCAO and tell you give us more!

  53. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Seems like FN is posting most of this Anonymous bullshit. I understand and I know you're a self hater because of your skin tone! Furthermore, this is what cultural imperialism will do to a Nigga. It makes you turn on his own kind because he desperately wants to be like his master. Get a life looser FN!

  54. STEPHEN before...posts another love story about Obama and the Scary Republicans.....

    Maybe you can answer this..

    Why is the newly elected mayor of California openly advocating for full legalization of cannabis??


    Why hasn't this administration even commented on the two states that have openly legalized cannabis for recreational use?

    The Justice Dept hasnt even put out an official statement about the two states except for
    " We will comment shortly"

    Why is it that HSBC can launder 9 billion dollars of drug money with out any consequence except a fine which amounts to a fraction of their profit margin...??


    Ohhh thats right...

    Cannabis accounts for more than 60% of the cartels profit....

    Its pretty obvious O-bomber is protecting Wall St and Drug Cartels...

    Yet we as the taxpayer subsidize this kind of gargantuan over reach...


    Heres HSBC in more RECENT trouble...

    Truth Seekers click my name for more info.....

    but I digress...lets talk about the scandals hes involved in...Or would you rather write another post about racism in the GOP???

  55. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Frustrated Negro, these are some good questions. However, you're proposing these questions to the wrong person, I mean, it's not as of he's some type of oracle. Field Negro doesn't know shit! This is why he's not a partner at his own law firm.

  56. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Hey Sage, Paul Mooney said " Everbody wanna be a nigga, nobody wanna be a nigga."

  57. "Frustrated Negro, these are some good questions. However, you're proposing these questions to the wrong person, I mean, it's not as of he's some type of oracle. Field Negro doesn't know shit! This is why he's not a partner at his own law firm."

    I know..... I just enjoy calling him out on his blatant BS and hypocrisy....
