Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Darrell's cars, and Will's bomb.

After reading the following post, I have come to the conclusion that maybe Darrell Issa is not  a car thief after all.

"One fascinating side-drama of Rep. Darrell Issa‘s current conflict with the White House over the IRS investigation is the broadside launched by former White House senior adviser David Plouffe, who tweeted, of Issa, “Strong words from Mr Grand Theft Auto and suspected arsonist/insurance swindler. And loose ethically today.”

Plouffe was responding to Issa’s “paid liar” attack on Jay Carney, but his tweet might make people wonder how a guy gets elected to the U.S. Congress after being accused of car theft… three times. Here’s how.

It should be noted that David Plouffe is not a journalist, but if he were, his tweet would be considered a massive breach (or not), because it implies guilt where it hasn’t been established. Darrell Issa was never convicted of auto theft, or any of the other things Plouffe tweeted about, but it is fascinating that, in an age where an errant scream can sink your electoral chances, a candidate could survive three accusations of auto theft, including two indictments.
The first alleged theft occurred in 1971, and did not result in an arrest or charges. Here’s what First Sergeant (Ret.) Jay Bergey told The San Francisco Chronicle in 1998:
“That kid stole my car out of the parking lot and took it to Cleveland, and I knew he did it,” said retired 1st Sgt. Jay Bergey, who served with Issa in 1971 on the 145th Ordnance Detail, an Army bomb squad stationed near Pittsburgh. 
“I confronted Issa. . .. . I got in his face and threatened to kill him, and magically my car reappeared the next day, abandoned on the turnpike,” the retired soldier said in a phone interview from his home in Pennsylvania. 
…According to Sgt. Bergey, the alleged auto theft occurred shortly before Christmas in 1971. 
Bergey said he had been sent on short notice to eastern Pennsylvania to dispose of ammunition. When he returned the next day, he said, the car was missing. 
Bergey said only a few soldiers knew of his overnight assignment. He said he concluded that Issa had stolen the car, driven it 150 miles to Cleveland and then returned to the barracks.
At the time a 15-year veteran who had served in Vietnam, Bergey said he confronted the teenage soldier. 
“I told him I was going to kill him if I didn’t get my car back,” Bergey said. He said Issa denied stealing the car, but soon after, the car was found abandoned less than a mile away.
That’s pretty thin, but Bergey went on to tell the paper that Issa’s mother “basically admitted that my car had been in Cleveland,” and that she told him “Issa had claimed to have purchased the vehicle,” according to the paper.
When Issa was asked about Sgt. Bergey’s allegation in 2011, he went on the attack, telling The New Yorker‘s Ryan Lizza “I can’t believe (Sgt. Bergey) ended his career as a medium-rank sergeant with an alcohol problem,” and added, “Did I steal his or anyone’s car? No. Did I have anything to do with it and do I know whether somebody else stole it or he simply left it in a drunken stupor? I’d have to go check. I didn’t.”

Issa’s second auto theft allegation happened in 1972, and did result in an arrest and charges, which were later dropped:
On March 15, 1972, three months after Issa allegedly stole Jay Bergey’s car and one month after he left the Army for the first time, Ohio police arrested Issa and his older brother, William, and charged them with stealing a red Maserati from a Cleveland showroom. The judge eventually dismissed the case. 
…The incident involving the Maserati was a case of mistaken identity, he said. “By the time I get home in ’72, my brother has been incarcerated,” he said. “Cleveland Heights is a pretty small town. He was arrested and sent off to juvenile detention for a year and now he’s back on the street, and the police stop us. We’re about a thousand feet away, but walking in a direction toward this car. And they put two and two together: ‘Hey, car sitting in the middle of the road and two guys walking toward it and one of them’—Billy had never been arrested for car theft, but he’d been arrested for other thefts. Eventually, they put together the, quote, eyewitness with us and we don’t match and the case is dismissed.”
That same year, Issa ran into trouble in another car that wasn’t his, this time for having a gun in his glove compartment. The car, and the gun, were his brother’s, and Issa claimed he didn’t know the gun was in there, and that there were no bullets. However, Lizza reported, the police report said that “there was a loaded clip and a box of ammo, and that Issa told the police that he was allowed to carry the gun and that he needed to protect his car.”
Taking Issa at his word (and why wouldn’t you?), you would think that, after his brother’s past had just gotten him arrested, Issa would be a little more careful about borrowing his car, or anything, from him. Apparently, that lesson didn’t sink in, as Darrell would go on to be arrested again, for something he says his brother did:
According to court records, on December 28, 1979, William Issa arrived at Smythe European Motors, in San Jose, and offered to sell Darrell’s car, a red 1976 Mercedes sedan. William was carrying an Ohio driver’s license with his brother’s name on it and the dealer gave William a check for sixteen thousand dollars, which he immediately cashed. Soon afterward, Darrell reported the car stolen from the Monterey airport. He later told the police that he had left the title in the trunk.
 The brothers had been together in Cleveland for Christmas, and, after Darrell gave a series of conflicting statements about his brother and whether he himself had recently obtained a second driver’s license, the investigator in the case became suspicious that the two men had conspired to fraudulently sell Darrell’s car and then collect the insurance money.

The brothers were indicted for grand theft. Darrell argued that he had no knowledge of William’s activities; William claimed that his brother had authorized him to sell the car, and he produced a document dated a few weeks before the robbery that gave him power of attorney over his brother’s affairs. On February 15th, with the investigation ongoing, Darrell returned to the San Jose dealership and repurchased his car, for seventeen thousand dollars. In August, 1980, the prosecution dropped the case. Darrell insisted that he was a victim, not a criminal. William had produced evidence that he had the legal authority to sell the car, and the injured party was reimbursed.
I’ve heard of “3 strikes” laws, but in Issa’s case, it seems he’s racked up three balls, each of which earned him a walk.

The “car thief” appellation gets thrown at Issa frequently by opponents, but given that these allegations are all smoke, news consumers should take all of the facts into consideration, and not just go with what their gut tells them." [Source]

I have had a few clients like Mr. Issa in my time. The poor guy just always seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I am sure that he is hoping that his fishing expedition  investigation to get something on his Oness will not be more of the same.

Finally, you all know I can chase the Big R with the best of them, and that when I see racism I am going to call it out. But....come on now....

"This past weekend was a huge movie weekend, with “Now You See Me,” “Fast and Furious 6,”  and “After Earth,” vying to become blockbuster king. On Monday, the numbers rolled in, and critics of “After Earth” seemingly rejoiced at Will Smith and son Jaden‘s “dismal showing” at the box office. “After Earth” came in third, garnering only $27 million, compared with “Fast and Furious 6′s first place landing and $34.54 million profit. But whether you are a professional critic or pedestrian movie-goer alike, was “After Earth’s s0-called weak showing a result of poor acting and plot as some profess, or does Hollywood and some Americans have a problem with a star such as Will having the audacity to think that more than one Black actor can live in the limelight at his or her own choosing?" [Source] 

I love my fam over at News One, and Will  Smith and M. Night Shyamalan are my Philly home boys, but let's keep it real; people didn't go to see the movie because they thought that it was a bad movie, not because of racism.

M. Night hasn't made a good movie since The Sixth Sense, and sorry Will, but you need a hit. You probably should have taken the Django Unchained role.

Anyway, Will Smith is not the type of actor of color that white folks will stay away from because of his race. White folks love Will Smith. Unfortunately for Will, though, they don't like a bad movie. 


  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    My daughter wanted me to go see the fast and the furious with her today but I can't bear the thought of wasting 2 or whatever hours in a theatre with all those people sneezing and coughing all over the place! Uh uh! She'll have to wait till one of her friends is free and can accompany her, sorry.

    As for Will's films, me no likee him :) and why does his son have that perpetually perplexed look on his face?

    That Issa guy sounds like quite the character. I don't follow theses things but, jeez, you would think he'd be pissed at his brother!

  2. You are utterly pathetic with the Issa Post...

    Is there a newsletter that tells you to post such regurgitated rubbish about matters savvy individuals are already privy to?

    Let me give u a small side scoop for all the conspiracy theorists or debunkers out there...

    EX L.A. Times writer Jesse Katz admits that attacking journalist Gary Webb's CIA-cocaine expose ruined Webb's life


    The New York Times, Washington Post and L.A. Times each obscured basic truths of Webb's "Dark Alliance" series. But no newspaper tried harder than the L.A. Times, where editors were said to have been appalled that a distant San Jose daily had published a blockbuster about America's most powerful spy agency and its possible role in allowing drug dealers to flood South L.A. with crack.

    Here we have an admitted liar and truth obscurer admitting that he steered people away from the real story in a effort to discredit what Should've been one of the most damming scandals in our history.

    Gary brought out the Truth about Reagans proxxy wars ,and your buddy O-bomber just loves some Ronnie Reagan ...

  3. Wow. Darrel Issa almost got charged with a crime in 1971 and 1972.


    Let's forget all about the scandals the White House is currently engaged in.


    The Obama DOJ illegally ran guns to Mexican drug gangs, one of which was used ot kill a US border patrol agent.

    But somebody says Darrel Issa might have stolen a car 42 years ago. That's the real "Fast and Furious".


  4. Field Said.....

    it is fascinating that, in an age where an errant scream can sink your electoral chances, a candidate could survive three accusations of auto theft, including two indictments.

    You could (and some might argue that someone did) elect a banana slug to congress in the CA-48th if it had an R next to it's name on the ballot.

  5. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Field Said.....

    it is fascinating that, in an age where an errant scream can sink your electoral chances, a candidate could survive three accusations of auto theft, including two indictments.

    You could (and some might argue that someone did) elect a banana slug to congress in the CA-48th if it had an R next to it's name on the ballot.

    As fascinating as a candidate with absolutely no personal or professional record, zero political accomplishments, long-term ties to convicted terrorists and foreign billionaires, and associations with convicted Chicago real-estate fraudsters getting elected President?

    Your lack of self-awareness is what's really fascinating, White-boy.

  6. Yes, but a "banana slug" does not (allegedly) steal cars.

  7. Darrel Issa did not put an ambassador who trusted him in harm's way, then abandon him and his staff to die in the streets of Benghazi, then lie to the American public about what happened.

    Darrel Issa didn't sell guns to Mexican drug gangs in order to gin up anti-gun propaganda, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and a US border patrol agent.

    Darrel Issa didn't have his DOJ bug telephone conversations between AP reporters and congressmen and treat a Fox reporter as a criminal for practicing journalism.

    Darrel Issa didn't abuse the vested power of the IRS in an effort to suppress the vote of his political opposition.

    Darrel Issa didn't direct the EPA to harass and penalize those who he defined as his enemies.

    Darrel Issa didn't release classified information that put Navy Seals at risk in order to garner personal credit for the bin Laden raid.

    I don't think Darrel Issa's criminal record can hold a candle to President Banana Slug's. Do you?

  8. I think Will Smith is in transition as an Actor. This back and forth leap from comedy (MIB franchise) to tragedy (such as in Muhammad Ali) really testing his box office potential. I think he has a great future in the movie business. I just hope he doesn't end up wash up like Robin Williams who explored similar waters.

  9. Dr. Umar Johnson further exposing Pres. Drone ObomBer and that still colonized city of Philadelphia, PA.

  10. Frustrated Negro11:04 PM

    That's good stuff Sage...Brother Umar definitely Kicks knowledge....
    That's Black and Nobel in Philly...

    He needs a bigger platform

  11. Adrian, don't worry about brother Will. As Eddie Murphy once said "I gave up worrying about if my movie flops or not about 10 million dollars ago."

    BTW Field, 90 percent of The Village was good.

  12. You've got that right. Will Smith is beloved by the mainstream, not a racism sufferer in this instance.

    Issa . . . ick!

  13. Arnold Kling says that, basically, the three groups look at issues along different axes:

    •Progressives look at issues along an axis of oppressed vs. oppressors

    •Conservatives look at issues along an axis of civilization vs. barbarism

    •Libertarians look at issues along an axis of freedom vs. (government) coercion

    The idea is that it is easier to understand how a person from one of those groups looks at an issue if you better understand what axis they jump to.

    Kling gives as an example the Boston Marathon bombings. He notes that the Weekly Standard had a piece titled "Civilization and Barbarism." A perfect example of the conservative world view.

    Progressives sought a way to view the bombings in the prism of a struggle between oppressed and oppressors, the most famous example of which was David Sirota's piece Let's hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American.

    Libertarians became concerned about the lockdown of an entire city by the police department.

  14. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Will Smith and son with no one else in it is a guarantee failurel. I have never cared much for Will Smith. There is something about the brother that turns me off. He seems to have a bit of tomming which has white appeal but none for Blacks.

    Truthfully, I just don't like him. As an actor, I place him as average, but nothing more. It is my opinion Will Smith didn't take the role as DJango because it meant he would have to be seen as too Black.

  15. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Dear Mr Field, please "update" your Killadelphia meter. Killings are well past "100" as you are probably aware.

    Thank you.

  16. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Field, I notice that you have avoided mentioning the First Lady's intimidating response to a poor LGBT protester.

    Well, that is pretty much par for the course for you and some FN Negroes. Or, maybe you are too embarrassed because you know Michele was wrong as two left shoes?

    As a bm, I feel she crossed the line. Rush Limbaugh's remarks hit home for me.

    Some of you tommin FN leftwing Negroes need to own up to this kind of WH abuse of gays. Again, I am a bm and do not take too kindly to Rush and the GOP. But this time he has a point, as you probably agree. Sometimes I wonder what gets into our women to cause them to step out Chicago style like Michele?

  17. Anonymous2:24 AM

    anon2:21am, I agree. This kind of uppidity stuff from a woman is just not tolerated in PR. Desert knows this is true.

  18. NSangoma2:24 AM


    I did not like the way Will, Will Smith, was always slapping Carlton, Alfonso Lincoln Ribeiro, on the back of his head; the epitome of Negroe arrogance IMHO.

    will Smith and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air sucked.

    But you Negroes like contemptuous shit.


  19. Amon@2:21, maybe u should start following me on twitter. I was all over that incident.

    BTW, good for Mrs. Obama. That heckler was lucky that she only gave her a verbal smack down.

    Ace, your theory is interesting with one problem: conservatives do not know how to think.

  20. Field

    lol run with the best as it relates to the R word i hope not prey tell;)

    Your correct one cannot ASS UME anything and in light of an old ASS umption, besides what does it have to do with the IRS?
    Get real, oooops i forgot your guilty until found innocent or is it the other way around?

    Last, i am of the belief that not only is Issa an R he is also a liar ( my years in the District on the hill) who has been uncovered in the past and he has admitted as such .
    Now, does the 1972 auto issue preclude him from being part of the bandwagon NO! he is a simple liar.
    However within his stature it should smh!

  21. Desertflower said...
    My daughter wanted me to go see the fast and the furious with her today but I can't bear the thought of wasting 2 or whatever hours in a theatre with all those people sneezing and coughing all over the place! Uh uh! She'll have to wait till one of her friends is free and can accompany her, sorry.

    As for Will's films, me no likee him :) and why does his son have that perpetually perplexed look on his face?

    That Issa guy sounds like quite the character. I don't follow theses things but, jeez, you would think he'd be pissed at his brother!

    7:53 PM

    Matanzas said

    Sis do what we do buy some face masks and watch where you sit the end seats are best The middle traps you and germs rise to the top

    Ps If your really concerned and you should be. Maybe u can consider waiting and buy it!
    Just sayin

  22. BARBBF8:58 AM

    Whatever movie Will Smith has made or will make..NOTHING can be as bad as the ridiculous Django Unchained. Spike Lee was right. It might rank at the top of one of the worse movies in the history of Hollow-wood.

  23. Making it plain

    This morning, at this time, i am putting the other Milagros on spot for those who disagree with me to possibly overstand me a bit more.'

    To know a bit more about the woman who fiercely agitates, aggravate and demeans small heads..... Today, there will be no more Penis talk hmmmmm until someone gets me wrong ;)

    Suffice, that this is for those who live and breathe as well as for those who may have walked a narrow path, yet didn't get caught or take a life.
    Ready? Good, lets move on

    The death penalty And why i investigate and defend the living & the breathing.

    When i started this trek, i was encouraged by my mentor Dovie Johnson Roundtree. Who always asked IF NOT U then who?
    i've shared with readers here my assoc with her awhile back, and to this end i remain committed.

    i joined DC's NCADP after leaving Eric Holders, office in the 80's and struggled with self to figure out where my path was headed.
    i was frustrated by the revolving doors at the DC courts and i was almost looking to return to nursing.
    Looking back Eric, was a great person to work with and for! Lets be clear

    In my career and almost straight out of LS i had worked both as a Prosecutor, law prof and defense counsel, so i believed i had all that was needed.

    More importantly i took an op to attend my first execution in GA with my co worker and after leaving death row i was committed i was no longer a fence sitter.

    That is, i found that i was no longer willing to put the race of the murderer first, gender first, sympathy, victims rights or states law first. HOLD IT! What came to me after viewing the execution was that the living breathing human being must be first on my agenda.

    As has been said and i quote

    “We are not saying that everyone on death row is innocent. Certainly there are people who are innocent and the 200+ exonorees are evidence of that. But, even for the people who are guilty of their crimes, I think there is no possibility of expressing remorse, to perhaps make some kind of a contribution to society or to show that they’ve become changed in some way.”
    To be continued
    Field, i hope that u will allow me to finish

    Next learning how to save lives

  24. Anonymous9:37 AM

    hobama's bombs and global crimes make the combined failures you have listed herein pale by comparison...


    when will hobama's crimes and bombs vex u so???????

    when will they be listed too??????


  25. I see the wingnuts are still pushing that old Benghazigate shit.

    They just don't know when they've lost do they?

  26. Anonymous10:30 AM


    list hobama's gifts to latinos
    even as he has deported/orphaned over 1 million latinos too...

    hobama is fighting for illegal poor latinos

    but NEVER for legal poor blacks


    cc hobama's STILL nonexistent black agenda/africom/cbc etc...

    cc all of the lying foolish played out hobama nazis who claimed hobama's second term would morph him into mlk

  27. Making it plain:

    The death penalty
    Learning how to save lives

    As many SHOULD know there are very few Afrikans of any ilk who have the desire or skills to defend people on death row. Or those accused of a capital crime.
    to this end i can only hope that others will pick up the torch.

    As i have shared before, i was accepted as a student at the Center for the wrongfully accused and went on to hone my skills.
    While there i learned about real law and justice
    i learned that defending those sentenced to die was a new exp vs what i had suffered through with the CorpC

    Case in point

    i learned
    1 WHO DECIDES as well as the fed laws involving Fed death penalty cases and how they differ from state cases

    2 the R word as it relates to death penalty

    3 Fed Habeas Corpus law and how it refers to the final state of the death row appeal process. During this time, the inmate may address issues that exist outside of the trial record.

    3 The seriousness or severity of capital crimes

    4 and last public thought

    I will share about what its like to listen to a man say. "PLEASE HELP ME I DID NO Do IT! And why i sought a degree in Forensics

    Ps Field, i have just learned that i am a colleague and a friend of a homey of yours i knew i chose the right blog

  28. Anonymous10:34 AM

    the only losers in benghazi are the american corpses


    impeach that inept global gunrunner hobama now!!!

  29. Anonymous10:36 AM

    cc hobama's real tears for himself

  30. The Purple Cow said...
    I see the wingnuts are still pushing that old Benghazigate shit.

    They just don't know when they've lost do they?

    10:12 AM

    Purple its all about winning after the cloche they have received and will continue to recieve at the polls hehehehe) into 2024
    All of the Barakabrella etc gates do not compare against what the Bushwacker has done to the unitedsnakes of amerikkka Oh well!

    They will get over it

    Do u play chess or dominoes Purplecow?

  31. The Purple Cow said...
    I see the wingnuts are still pushing that old Benghazigate shit.

    They just don't know when they've lost do they?

    You know who lost? Ambassador Stevens and the other staffers who died in Benghazi. And the American people lost any confidence that their President would put their well-being ahead of his own political considerations. The actions of President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and all the underlings who dutifully lied for them (and were rewarded with promotions) were truly vile. The Lamestream media can keep trying to bury the truth along with Ambassador Steven's body, but I wouldn't celebrate the defeat of the truth just yet.

  32. "You know who lost? Ambassador Stevens and the other staffers who died in Benghazi. And the American people lost any confidence that their President would put their well-being ahead of his own political considerations."

    200+ dead Marines didn't hurt Reagan in the minds of conservatives so B might be ok. No mention of the attacks under W either so these events aren't a big deal for conservatives so this will blow over soon.

  33. Making it plain:

    How does one prepare to die and what is missing

    Richard Dieter of the DPIC and i agree on most things involving the scary offensive DP
    Regardless of his intent there are still some issues which he will never overstand

    1 What its like to be convicted by an all euro jury of a crime he/she did not commit

    2 What its is like to be cuffed, shackled moved and shifted to a cell which is the size of the bathroom in most homes 6x8

    3 What it feels like to experience agitation insomnia and inner turbulence along with living in such a small space.

    4 What it feels like to only be assigned or be allowed out of the cells for only 15 minutes twice a week for a 6 min shower

    5. Last, i have known hundreds of such people, living and breathing humans who have suffered for lack sunshine, compassion truth and justice.

    i have lost a few yet, i am constant in my belief that the judiciary can and must do better

    Bottom line, perhaps worse than the physical toll exacted on the lives and bodies of men and women on death row, is the noise, the inner noise the corrupt,criminal, iniquitous and villanous crim just shitrem

    Death row is a consistent choir of toilets, the f word n word etc shouted across bars by angry persons.

    Dieter says:
    Most of the back and forth includes arguments over anything and i where i agree there is more.
    HE still doesn't get it;(

    Dieter is a euro man who has not lived as an Afrikan. therefore IMO he cannot know the pain of being an Afrikan and all of the nuances that come with it

    Most of the bedlum and bruehaha on death row is the a result of men being driven mad by, severe emotional deprivation, boredom and the lack of balance

    Next Why i choose to save a life even if he killed one of mine/or yours

    Chess anyone?

    Things man will do to prevent execution

  34. Anonymous11:28 AM

    hobama makes gwb look like jfk

  35. You know who lost? Ambassador Stevens and the other staffers who died in Benghazi.

    No son he lost because he chose to be there and someone "(WE do not know who) dropped the ball

    Basically son Afrikans do not give a darn and neither do wingnut euros for the most part. They have no proof they simply want to blame a tan man So i say PROVE IT

  36. Anonymous11:33 AM

    see sheer poetry about hobama's pookie speech at morehouse


  37. Anonymous11:35 AM

    stevens ONLY chose to run guns and a secret libyan gitmo AT THE ORDER OF HOBAMA!!!

    karma is real!!!!!!!

  38. Anonymous11:42 AM

    more on stevens' fatal choices

  39. Tyrone, if only u felt that way about all the people who died in Iraq.

  40. PilotX said...
    "200+ dead Marines didn't hurt Reagan in the minds of conservatives so B might be ok"

    You are incapable of logical thought.

    Reagan never lied about the circumstances of the marine barracks bombing in Lebanon. The circumstances were different, but he didn't withhold aid to the marines to downplay the incident so as to not have his policies questioned. He didn't blame it on a movie no one had heard of and arrest the filmmaker. He didn't send his whole staff out to tell lies for him.

    You are either stupid or morally bankrupt.

  41. "Basically son Afrikans do not give a darn"

    Then why are "Afrikans" in my country?

    Black Americans belong here.

    Foreign enemies need to be expunged. With extreme prejudice.

    Someday a real rain will come.


  42. Making it palin

    What some men will do to prevent execution

    A breathing living human might bang his/her head against the bars so as to be sent to a hospital for the criminally insane.
    In the unitredsnakesofamerikka GOV are rushing to change the system ie Rick Scott because the courts are considering indefinite stays of execution for mentally incompetent inmates.

    in the meanwhile mths ago lawmakers in Conn and Maryland both placed bans on executions which could be too late for so many

    1 What is so bad about abolishment of the cruel and USUAL"?
    2 Why is fear of any man so profoundly entrenched and chronic in mans psyche?
    Is it supremacy, is it really in the DNA, of certain cultures or is this warranted customary behavior.?

    i ask and do not seek an answer WHY? Because IMO the executioner, jury judge and the judicial system cannot live and breathe, judge, incarcerate, feed and clothe another living human being for years unless he/she can answer those question with honesty

    Bottom line
    I have never heard a murderer say they thought about the death penalty as consequence of their actions prior to committing their crimes."
    -Gregory Ruff, police lieutenant in Kansas

    There is ANDREA out in the BAY so i will be offline for a few OUT with the knew high rainboots

    Ps pssst better than a hurricane ;*)

  43. field negro said...
    Tyrone, if only u felt that way about all the people who died in Iraq.

    11:46 AM

    SPEAK! about it anyone? of course not smh

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. MatanzasGV said...
    ravis said...
    "Basically son Afrikans do not give a darn"

    Then why are "Afrikans" in my country?

    Black Americans belong here.

    Foreign enemies need to be expunged. With extreme prejudice.

    Someday a real rain will come.


    Travis you own nothing not even your little penis And son there are no black amerikkkns ur people named people black? duh! And your not white either but u can be a house negro BRING IT!
    But i warn you be real careful i will have you off here TRUST ME

  46. Travis Afrikans are here because your greedy people brought us there?duh!

  47. Also Travis some so called black amerikkns other than house negros wish they weren't in the united snakes Debate me about your amerikkka


  48. Reagan never lied about the circumstances of the marine barracks bombing in Lebanon. The circumstances were different, but he didn't withhold aid to the marines to downplay the incident so as to not have his policies questioned. He didn't blame it on a movie no one had heard of and arrest the filmmaker. He didn't send his whole staff out to tell lies for him.

    YES he did he could not even remember, FACT he said it never happened and you ignorant people, are still suffering from trickle down reagonforgotthenomics

  49. "some so called black amerikkns other than house negros wish they weren't in the united snakes "


  50. MatanzasGV

    Im glad you conceeded that last foolish argument about the criminality of this administration....

    I see youve EASED all the way back on that... I was prepared to link every last one..

    Hes going to have to dump Holder very soon.... Bet it ...

    STEPHEN... every time you post this kinda crapola... Im inspired to post on my own blog...

    check it...

  51. Reuben the Cuban12:20 PM

    Chevy MontenegroSS:
    "YES he did he could not even remember, FACT he said it never happened "

    Ridiculous lies.

  52. Anyway, Will Smith is not the type of actor of color that white folks will stay away from because of his race. White folks love Will Smith. Unfortunately for Will, though, they don't like a bad movie.

    Shoot Bro Field euros will gladly watch any movie they think a brother is mooning in or jiggin in or where there may be a fine Afrikan woman with real T/A smh

    Ps Ya Bro you know me and u know it would be long before i switched from death row to the small penis again!!

  53. Obatala and eche are real nothing e;lse matters or changes anything Go try i call it an attempt at obstruction PROVE IT

  54. YES mother is sending some water NORTH@! need a boat?

  55. Okay ya'll my King is packed and ready so its time for me to be the Queen and make sure he has what he needs to REP! our clients

    CCCCCCCCCC ya hold ya breathe

  56. Our fascist Progressive government education industry mirrors the actions of our fascist Progressive government:

    Johnny Cook was a middle school bus driver at Haralson County Middle School. On Tuesday, he says, one of his students, who could not afford a reduced lunch, told Cook he was not given any lunch -- not even the free peanut butter sandwich offered to everybody.

    "I said, 'So you didn't get to eat at all?'" Cook recalled. "And he said, 'No, I didn't get to eat anything. I had to put my tray back.'"

    Cook went onto Facebook that night and wrote the following post:

    A lil flustered this evening.

    A middle schooler got on my bus this evening and said mr johnny im hungry. I said why are you hungry buddy? Didn't you eat lunch ? He said no sir I didn't have any money on my account. I said they would let you charge it? No sir.

    Huh! What! This child is already on reduced lunch and we can't let him eat. Are you kidding me? I'm certain there was leftover food thrown away today. But kids were turned away because they didn't have .40 on there account .

    As a tax payer, I would much rather feed a child than throw it away. I would rather feed a child than to give food stamps to a crack head.

    ...We will scrape up the money. This is what the world has come to

    That post got Cook fired. His post about the firing led to more Facebook comments, including from Haralson County parents revealing cases where their own kids had been refused lunch at a county school.

    Criticize the fascist Progressives - get fired.

    Lie for the fascist Progressives - get promoted.

    Just another day in Obama's changed America.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Frustrated negro said:

    Im glad you conceeded that last foolish argument about the criminality of this administration....

    I see youve EASED all the way back on that... I was prepared to link every last one..

    Hes going to have to dump Holder very soon.... Bet it ...
    ----------------------------------------Matanzas said

    Son i back off of nothing
    PROVE your case

    'i have EASED nothing i support Barak all the way regardless until it is PROVEN
    i am not afraid to be called wrong but i will not be lied about. And as for bringing some URL here as proof PULEEZE rolling my eyes
    try again Also i do not open anyones URLS but FN if u want me to read copy and paste


  59. Anyone who does not like Pres Barak Obama MOVE to 0klahoma west va kaintuck or become the change u want to see Get over it Some people voted for him duh!

  60. MatanzasGV said...
    YES mother is sending some water NORTH@! need a boat?

    Case closed.

  61. Be careful what you do online and on your employers pc Some of u know u need that gig and can be fired;)

  62. MatanzasGV said...
    Be careful what you do online and on your employers pc Some of u know u need that gig and can be fired;)

    And some of you can be deported...

  63. Anyone who can be pathetic *( look in the mirror) wrong arrogant and a bit mistaken

    My ? is who can stop that Or who has the right to tell someone what will happen without presenting a proof

    Who here. has any proof that anyone did anything and that the entire ASSm umptions from Benghazi to Barakabrella are not simply put together conspiracy theory

    How many of my Afrikan brothers and conscious others are clear about what it takes to build a conspiracy and lead others to believe such

    Go back to The meeting in Va that the GOP had with the illuminati after the loss to pres Obama

    THINK read and tell me what you know not what u cannot prove
    "We need to have a brutal, brutally honest assessment of everything we did," Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour said. "We need to take everything apart ... and determine what we did that worked and what we did that didn't work."

    Milagros Garcia Villamil 2 u;) i am an Atty i do not go with conjecture ass umptions and i can never em bare ..assed i will call anyone out esp when it comes to right and wrong

    Read more:

  64. AgentX said...
    MatanzasGV said...
    Be careful what you do online and on your employers pc Some of u know u need that gig and can be fired;)

    And some of you can be deported...

    12:44 PM

    Matanzas said

    i can't duh! LOL try again short penis
    Remember shawty your answer will tell me just who you are and even tell me the strength of viagra or cialis you prefer Or even the kind of Penis pump you need

    Bring it PLEASE BRING IT

  65. ental Health Board said...
    MatanzasGV said...
    YES mother is sending some water NORTH@! need a boat?

    Case closed.

    Matanzas said

    Do penis pumps come with that case you closed or do u still need larger boat? BRING IT!

  66. i see that a few of you dummy have fallen in the trap AGAIN A new breed of small penis suckers Now i have a entire new group to em bare ass

    Make my day i play stone cold dozens and have many grandsons in those posse to aide and assist BRING IT!!!!! dang it

  67. hey seriously

    If i do not respond to you its because my memory is too long and i have no respect for you or your ilk
    So lets be clear i am a brickhouse ( Afrikans know what i mean) my stamina is like the greatest female track star of all time, and i also spend time in a gym.
    i am a vegetarian , disease free, and i am chippin at the bit like one of our horses..Today we are watered down, King is gone to his office and i am home YES! chipping at the bit in between pushups

    In other words i am tough! And i can take as good and i give if not better than many.
    Albeit that there are a few here who can call me late for dinner and i will never respond because i do not read their chatter
    My past exp tell, me that certain people curse too much, become angry to quick and thus are in danger of suffering a Myocardial infarction ...Along with being a histrionic DSM candidate
    And i certainly do not attend funerals, and i do not want to know that their loved ones lost a fam mem

    And yes i can drive someone crazy! which is not my intent My intent is to piss people off and possible cause them to think
    Chess anyone? lmao


  68. Son i back off of nothing
    PROVE your case

    'i have EASED nothing i support Barak all the way regardless until it is PROVEN

    Since you want to play URL games....

    HSBC laundered 347 billion dollars for Drug Cartels , and Terrorist organizations over a period of several years...

    The settlement was $1.9 billion with no prosecution of upper managemeent individuals, and we got an EXCUSE from your famed Heros Justice Dept ..

    the BIG Bank..was "Too Big to Jail"
    "It could impact the financial markets negatively."

    You dont have to click on a link...

    Informed people already KNOW the story...

    Defend those actions....

    If you stand COMPLETELY behind this Bozo...

  69. Making it plain:

    Who remembers those lost in Iraq Afghan

    'Perhaps over 10,000 , United snakes service men killed because of+ ONE LIE

    The US gov turned topsy turvy = One LIE

    The homes of people who owned them some 30 yrs and farmers UP in smoke = ONE LIE

    Banks partying and doing the do + ONE LIE

    Homelessness in the US at its highest ONE LIE

    Politicians taking adv of the crisis worldwide including Bill Clinton I hope Billary does not run for Pres
    oooops i don't care i will be not be there

    And the tallest bldg in the state of NY gone in a flash Who was at the helm? Not one love!

    Who is bold enough to talk about ALL of it including the loss of 2-3 people in Libya

    What makes Stevens death any more tragic that my son, your sons or anyone else's sons in a war which still takes lives

    And where are the WMD's

    Moreover why are there so many ignorant and uninformed trolls running around here in denial playing tit for tat and saying nothing.
    Leaving unread URLS without an iota of proof

    And, last when are people going to learn to think for themselves?

    The US is in deep caca. floods hurricanes, tornados, hunger crime WTF
    and all someone has is a Barakabrella IRS PULEEZE!
    PROVe IT

    Just sayin

  70. Frustrated Negro2:21 PM

    There is no defense....

    You O-bama bots pull out the same lame ass excuse...

    What about Bush...?

    What about 911...?

    You twist , and turn in the wind with another diatribe about NOTHING...

    Your support for this administration is based on shallow racial rhetoric with NOTHING of substance...

    I proved everything I put out there...

    Im just gonna sit and laugh at your nonsense arguments....

    Dont ask for ssomeething you cant handle...

  71. Field

    I just found out that i can be in NY for BWB on the 21st due to the Martin case..My hus in is court now with the attys
    Also people what are your thoughts

    Obama’s poll numbers hold up despite the storm of scandal
    By Jonathan Easley - 05/30/13 05:00 AM ET

    President Obama’s approval ratings have increased since a trio of controversies involving his administration began dominating the news cycle.
    Fifty percent of those surveyed in Gallup’s three-day tracking poll released Wednesday say they approve of the job the president is doing, compared to 43 percent who said they disapprove.

    The 7-percentage point positive margin is better than where the president stood in the poll over the two weeks before the IRS and Department of Justice scandals broke, and is near Obama’s rating over the waning days of the 2012 campaign when voters convincingly elected him to a second term in office.
    Obama’s Gallup numbers are up three percentage points since the pollster’s May 23-25 survey and suggest Obama’s approval ratings held steady, even as the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of Tea Party groups made headlines.

    Read more:

    i am thinking people with real money hate the IRS and even i would rather not deal with them and don't have to SO now what?

  72. Making it plain

    Is there anything to this?
    Is the GOV a racist or is he just afraid that he won't be able to hold on?
    i have not been in his circle but my King has, and he says that he believes that the Gov is simply a big mouth who wants people to believe he is a tough guy. he says that he has all of the attributes of a bully..i will say this if he is called out he will respond like a racist
    Cory B Yes he is afraid and did what must who are afraid do

    Look who he chose to replace Sen Lautenburg LMAO

  73. Frustrated Negro said...

    Son i back off of nothing
    PROVE your case

    'i have EASED nothing i support Barak all the way regardless until it is PROVEN

    Since you want to play URL games....

    HSBC laundered 347 billion dollars for Drug Cartels , and Terrorist organizations over a period of several years...

    The settlement was $1.9 billion with no prosecution of upper managemeent individuals, and we got an EXCUSE from your famed Heros Justice Dept ..

    the BIG Bank..was "Too Big to Jail"
    "It could impact the financial markets negatively."

    You dont have to click on a link...

    Informed people already KNOW the story...

    Defend those actions....

    If you stand COMPLETELY behind this Bozo...

    I stand COMPLETELY behind the man who u call names like a child huh Are you that small?

    No its the uninformed who know nothing
    So again
    PROVE IT prove your case son is all i ask I never said he is not involved i merely asked that u prove it and stop using the thinking of others
    Son, THINK! there are not a lot of words needed Don't url me PROVE IT

  74. Eric Holder refuses to answer question asking if the DOJ spied on congress:

    "Did you breach the unassailable core of the Constitution, that the Executive and Legislature shall be coequal branches, and for one to gain undue leverage over the other should be a tyranny."

    He goes to jail or the country goes up in flames.

  75. SO now what?

    Holders resignation....

    Now or Later....LOL

  76. Frustrated Negro3:00 PM

    Don't url me PROVE IT

    Youv proveen yourself to be an admitted Fool who cant defend her positions...

    Im Done messin with ya..

    Even IF you had a defense...

    Its not really fair of me....

  77. Frustrated negro;
    Did u really think u could slip this in lmao

    Field did he really believe he could slip by? ROLL N my hazel eyes

    Oh son puleeeze
    I do not play url games i play chess and i always try to win and do so 95% of the time.
    Son you are not ready for this so do yourself a favor and get back in your home and try someone else

    Unless and until you become adult enough to hit me up properly with PROOF we are done finished Concluido, sacabo sobre terminado hecho
    Now son, in the end if he is found guilty by a court then i will throw in my cards until then? snickle ;) deal wit it C ya
    i am going to do, like you did walk away REMEMBER?

    There is no debate here son because there is are not enough facts vs dislike for someone few know other than he is then Pres/atty gen

    Son some they are jobless so blame the Pres, the have lost their homes so blame the Pres and some are RACIST so they blame the Pres '

    Okay i overstand that, my issue is being an Afrikan and why are so many people blame him without proof? Have they forgotten the amerikkkn story?
    Ps i see you don't play chess well or understand innocent until proven guilty Then again in amerikkka i have seen men sent to prison innocent, go figure

    The story above means nothing because regardless of who is in that position some will still have Pres on their agenda and i say NO! it will not work

    i hope he does not leave i just don't believe in quitting if i am innocent or even if i am not. FIRE ME and lets go to court..PROVE IT

  78. Frustrated Negro

    LOL whats the matter frustrated negro too smart for u
    Can;t handle me? i knew that so its your same old lame excuse i a FOOL now but your trying to make a point without proof? duh!

    Okay GIT and stay gone RUN and keep running However u can ignore me all u want u dropped your ashes in this and brought my fire but
    others have read this BOO@ scaredy kat GIT!

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Reuben the Cuban3:24 PM

    "If u do that again i will ask FIELD to move u! NOW GIT permanently Quit seeking attn get a job!"

    Get your own blog where like-minded racist penis-obsessed crazies can gather and spout nonsense gibberish that affirms their twisted world view and leave the real world to the reality-based community.


  81. Anonymous3:25 PM

    that bankster hobama stacked the scotus to pass hobamacare

    cc the racist kagan and the corporatist sotomayer

    cc your premiums/2014-2016+ sticker shock etc

  82. MatanzasGV said...
    PEOPLE read this

    another frustrated negro calls me a fool because he is unable to overcome common sense and provide PRROF He changes my words and puts his and deletes my name and transfers his OH so smart duh!

    Matanzas said:
    Don't url me PROVE IT
    i said this not him but he claimed it to make himself look good
    Others have done it as well in the past and trust me i am on it i print out everything!

    frustrated negro said the following
    Youv proveen yourself to be an admitted Fool who cant defend her positions...

    Im Done messin with ya..

    Even IF you had a defense...

    Its not really fair of me....
    _________________________Milagros said
    Hush Frustrated you have been dismissed and busted changing my name for yours and changing my words SHAME on you what a loser ;( What is fair is fair play vs stealing writers on FN stuff and claiming it out of frustration..Losers do that

    ITS called fairplay! get it son? GROW UP
    If u do that again i will ask FIELD to move u! NOW GIT permanently i am ashamed of u

    Quit seeking attn and get a job!

  83. Anonymous3:31 PM

    hobama nazis are proudly blind deaf and dumb

    re those who ignore urls/facts about hobama

    cc ndaa/cispa/africom/wwiii etc

  84. LOOK He was voted again in get over it .
    WHO chose him "U DID YOU" the amerkkkn people, so what the heck are you screaming about Did you not know that they are POLITRICKSHUNS.. Remember Johnnie, Richard, Lyndon, Ronnie,twice Jimmy,Billy Georgie boy twice his daddy

    Maybe all of you can get together and plan a way to stop me.
    Field might help

    Sippin Cuba Libre (homemade) and lmao Besome

  85. Blas Gomez3:47 PM

    MatanzasGV said...
    LOOK He was voted again in get over it .

    Fraudulent election.

    Presidency was stolen.

    Justice will prevail.

  86. Frustrated Negro3:48 PM


    Your making a Fool of yourself...

    Nothing has to be proven to you..

    Its Fact..

    HSBC laundered drug money for cartels... This is verifiable...

    Now again I say ....

    COME with a Defense...
    Or be Ignored...

    I wont respond after this...

  87. MatanzasGV said...
    Stop me i dare you

    INS has already been alerted.

  88. Sometimes since English is not my preferred native language Portuguese is.
    To this end, i will find myself writing in Spanglish lol which i also speak fluently.. So, Please don't get upset if i do not respond to your attempts to demean me trust me i overstsand. )))) i love it i love the playa and hate the games

    Bottom line most know that they cannot touch this or stop me and truthfully most don't even try they just CEASE
    Confia, see i am stronger than some and secure enough to know that i will never tell anyone what they should think or say
    unless its viol FN policy
    Which i might add he has such as a respected blogger who overstands the first amendment. And someone who will meet me face to face in NY this month. My King and i will be there

    i have known F/N to kick some to the curb OOOOPS where did so and so go? And trust me i provoke a lot of people to committ the ultimate
    Just sayin
    I love this blog and respect it however, i know that speech must be tempered with common sense and that its best to ignore and not read some things put here

    Just sharing some science

  89. Frustrated Negro said...

    Your making a Fool of yourself...

    Nothing has to be proven to you..

    Its Fact..

    HSBC laundered drug money for cartels... This is verifiable...

    Now again I say ....

    COME with a Defense...
    Or be Ignored...

    I wont respond after this...
    ------------------------------------------Milagros said

    People DUH! have i em bare ashed him i think so! )))))
    Frustrated Negro

    Praytell why do u keep saying that you will not respond to me YET you keep making yourself look inept by coming back for more beat down?

    Now i am here as long as you are BRING ME THE PROOF but before that lets go back a few min
    Do not ever transfer my name for your AGAIN and do not ever take my words copy and paste them and make them appear to be yours AGAIN
    Play fair and clean here or GTFO or i will fax this and make sure

    Now child if you are really done BE done and GIT i overstand what it feels like to be beatdown
    Just do not try that cheap ship again you know your out of line and wrong

    You have been exposed for the fake liar you are and trust me i have an entire posse here who is ready to get on this or one of the other PC ipads tabs in this home and tear you down.
    See son, had you provided me with proof.. YES YOU MUST HAVE PROOF to kick the Pres,or the AG out of office unless they decide to go And if they decide it still does not mean they are guilty..

    Pick up a book and get a job your out of your league And i want to tear into you now!

  90. Frustrated house negro I am not LOL at all i am seeking blood here

  91. Anonymous4:16 PM

    MatanzasGV3:57 PM
    I love this blog and respect it however,....
    However you continue to threaten and insinuate that you can make The Field kick commenters off his ? Some respect!!!

  92. Dr. Livingston4:21 PM

    Matanazi said...
    Just sharing some science

    People with bones through their nose don't know what science is.

    The only thing you can share are STD's.

    Be gone savage!

  93. OKAY Field

    My posse is in the house and i have a date with the frustrated house negro now that he has permission to come back online

    Field i promise to keep it clean no PENIS' comments etc i will make you proud hehehe and u know i do not call names ITS ON
    If frustrated he ever steals my words or chooses to make the mistake of REALLY debating me without URLS? that would be a good thing. Even though its apparent that he is a youngin without a chance

    Field, i will not pick on anyone else they have not said , or done anything. i am after the faker. Bring it BOY!

    All of this IRS, VERIZON. and Barakabrella et/al, is like piling on charges similar to what the pros does in order to make their case to the public.
    Its what the atty for Trayvons killer is doing, trying to keep witnesses from view, and how Casey Anthonys atty won ????? duh!
    i know this game and you and eye both know why. "THEY HAVE NO PROOF"

    Having said that Field, if any of this gate stuff can be proven amerikkkns of all hues should all march to 1600 and throw him out. i am not amerikkkn, i am Afrikan Cuban but i am not amused i am pissed

    Dinner time be back at 7pm

  94. Make me leave why don't you? smirking
    scared? I have no bones with anyone here other than the frustrated house negro The rest of you cannot stop me either NEXT? i am invincible unstoppable and unbowed

  95. I love this blog and respect it however, i know that speech must be tempered with common sense and that its best to ignore and not read some things put here

    Just sharing some science

    BRING IT make people my day, hang me high and remember that i will not stop. i come back from the dead! look at my pic! smilin atcha

  96. This blog is DY NO MITE

    All anyone has to do to prove they have pissed off the masses is to look at thier responses.
    Eye knew that i could piss off a judge, but i never knew that i could piss off anyone like i have here " DAYUM your good queen

    smirking and capturing your knight NEXT!

  97. "smirking and capturing your knight NEXT!"

    Go. Away. Troll.

  98. Frustrated where are you Are you back or still hiding Stp sneaking around hit me up on my mail

    Eye womanb am asking begging Frustrated bring your PROOF!
    Please no more talking, lets debate ger me out of your shitstrem amerikkkn

    See novice What u do not overstand is that i am unafraid i can take a lickin and keep tickin am not an amerikkkn i am an Afrikan and anything you have i can toss it and prove it weak like that town the tornado hit

    Bring it I ASK i am BEGGING make some rational sense and bring it stop shucking and shufflin amos and andy did that

  99. Travis said...
    "some so called black amerikkns other than house negros wish they weren't in the united snakes "


    12:17 PM
    First thing
    Make me a i am not a black amerikkn there are no such duh! lmao try again

  100. The Presidential candidate who swore to end warrantless wiretaps is now the President who has wiretapped 120 million Verizon customers, without a warrant.

    I guess we all have Obamaphones now.

  101. MatanzasGV said...
    AgentX said...
    MatanzasGV said...
    Be careful what you do online and on your employers pc Some of u know u need that gig and can be fired;)

    And some of you can be deported..

    Matanzas asked

    Some of who? WHO are you talking about Travis THOSE people, them people you people they or WHO??
    Be clear son don't be as small as your penis i can handle anything you bring I love it

    lmao Look you would do well to BRING me better than suggestions and soft responses your boring
    Besides i am just biding time waiting for frustrated house negro your small fries GIT! lmao CYA@


  102. INS has already been alerted.

    LOL ya right where are they going to your home or trailer LMAO
    INS does not do that now TRY AGAIN

  103. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Here's some real FNB:

    Ondray Harris, former executive director of the Public Employee Relations Board of the District of Columbia claims two board members, Don Wasserman and Ann Hoffman, ordered Mr. Harris to stop hiring anyone suspected of having conservative political affiliations. It went one step further when they told him to stop hiring Whites.

    When he was given the orders he said, “That’s the angriest I’ve ever been in my life. I actually slammed my hand down on the table…stood up and got ready to walk out of the room,” he said.

    Mr. Harris resigned his position in May of this year. He is coming forward so these practices can be investigated.

    Does Ondray Harris make it to your sidebar?

  104. Some wish they could get deported

  105. All men should be considered innocent until proof proves things different and i am someone who believes that 100% i must!
    As a person who knows and overstands the law i know that there will never be any time when i will fold up under pressure and sing.

    This belief applies to myself, Pres of the United snakes and anyone accused.

    Bring me the proof i do not open urls and some writers are never read
    Tonight i am waiting for a frustrated negro to make an excuse as to why he wants to come back and debate So all others your boring and a waste of time
    Thanks though


  106. Making it plain for intelligent not the mediocre

    Why did the GOP tell Issa to COOL it what are they afraid of NOW? Are the covers being pulled off or are they asking him to not make it about himself

    Is Issa Trying to cloud the waters ? Hmmmm suspicion is my name truth is my game Insults will hurt their party The stock market is on a roll! Choose your words carefully is a good suggestion

  107. Making nit plain

    Hello! anything Field puts here is substance ANYTHING! deal with it Don't like it or what others say LEAVE why don't you? Noone can change anything but yourselves smh!

  108. ???? Messing up my Flan i have a speech tech for my laptop and i am messy 2night shame on me lol

    ?? Why was Robert F Kennedy killed and why did John place an embargo against my country

    ps Wiki cannot help you neither will the www Its time to think


  109. Making it plain

    WTheck OKay! I love it

    Frequent critic of the White House Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is defending the National Security Agency’s reported collection of millions of Americans’ phone calls, saying he’s more concerned about terrorism.
    “I’m glad the NSA is trying to find out what the terrorists are up to overseas and in our country,” Graham said Thursday morning on “Fox & Friends.

    Watch it Lindsay u might get tea party'd lmao”

  110. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Field, you should change the name of your blog to "MANTANZASGV". 90% of your comments are dominated by MantanzasGV. That means it won't be long before FN will be the most boring asinine blog in the blogosphere. You really ought to reign in that talk-too-much-out-of-control-self-centered-inconsiderate-nut.

  111. Anonymous5:53 PM

    anon5:50pm, May I call you anon550? It has a nice ring to it.

    Anyway, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I no longer read anything that diarrhea of the mouth fool says. I mean, it's one comment after the other. It's sickening and makes you want to throw up.

  112. Field

    This is a colleague of both of us and i am presenting this here NO nothing has changed and not Chokwe

    s previously reported by NewsOne, Lumumba served four years on the Jackson City Council before running for mayor. He spent part of the ’70s and ’80s as vice-president of the Republic of New Afrika, an organization which advocated for “an independent predominantly black government” in the southeastern United States and reparations for slavery.
    “The provisional government of Republic of New Afrika was always a group that believed in human rights for human beings,” Lumumba told The Associated Press in a recent interview. “I think it has been miscast in many ways. It has never been any kind of racist group or ‘hate white’ group in any way…. It was a group which was fighting for human rights for black people in this country and at the same time supporting the human rights around the globe.”
    As an attorney, Lumumba has represented legendary activist, poet, actor and Hip-Hop artist Tupac Shakur in several cases, and his godmother, Assata Shakur, whom Lumumba calls a “Black Panther heroine.”
    Assata, formerly Joanne Chesimard, was a member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army.

    s previously reported by NewsOne, Lumumba served four years on the Jackson City Council before running for mayor. He spent part of the ’70s and ’80s as vice-president of the Republic of New Afrika, an organization which advocated for “an independent predominantly black government” in the southeastern United States and reparations for slavery. “The provisional government of Republic of New Afrika was always a group that believed in human rights for human beings,” Lumumba told The Associated Press in a recent interview. “I think it has been miscast in many ways. It has never been any kind of racist group or ‘hate white’ group in any way…. It was a group which was fighting for human rights for black people in this country and at the same time supporting the human rights around the globe.” As an attorney, Lumumba has represented legendary activist, poet, actor and Hip-Hop artist Tupac Shakur in several cases, and his godmother, Assata Shakur, whom Lumumba calls a “Black Panther heroine.” Assata, formerly Joanne Chesimard, was a member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army.

    this is what matters best news in town even though i will use any of them


  113. Making it plain
    Were still standing

    Legendary activist, scholar, author and former political prisoner Angela Davis (pictured left), who is currently a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, is still speaking truth to power, specifically as it pertains to revolutionary freedom fighter, Assata Shakur (pictured right).
    In an interview on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman and Juan González, Davis said that the FBI placing Shakur on its “Most Wanted Terrorists” list, the first woman to be so designated, “reflects the very logic of terrorism.”
    “It seems to me that this act incorporates or reflects the very logic of terrorism,” Davis says. “I can’t help but think that it’s designed to frighten people who are involved in struggles today. Forty years ago seems like it was a long time ago. In the beginning of the 21st century, we’re still fighting around the very same issues — police violence, healthcare, education, people in prison.”
    Davis was joined by Lennox Hinds, Assata Shakur’s attorney since 1973 and professor of criminal justice at Rutgers University, who also said the act is politically motivated:
    “This is a political act pushed by the state of New Jersey, by some members of Congress from Miami, and with the intent of putting pressure on the Cuban government and to inflame public opinion,” Hinds says. “There is no way to appeal someone being put on the terrorists list.”
    Shakur, formerly Joanne Chesimard, was a member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army. In addition to being the first woman placed on the “Most Wanted Terrorists,” Shakur, the godmother of slain Hip-Hop artist, poet, actor and activist, Tupac Shakur, is only the second person from inside the United States to placed on the list. In an unexpected move, the state of New Jersey announced it was adding $1 million to the FBI’s $1 million reward for her capture.
    Though the politically accepted version of events vilifies Shakur, please read below for the facts.

  114. Making it plain

    Does the GOP know that many of the youth will be of voting age before 2016? snickle

    NOPE, but trust me they will try to change that
    Change to what age 25? lol when people have to register to vote at 18? And even though there is CURRENTLY no requirement to join
    The PO has the forms WHY?

    Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but the GOP and their archaic attitudes about sexuality, race, and anything that doesn’t involve White heterosexual men only into missionary sex and controlling birth canals have alienated them from younger voters. Everyone and their MSNBC-watching nephew knows this, but the Republican Party recently conducted an internal review that gave them additional information on why a generation of voters are looking at them like the crazy, racist uncle who doesn’t end up in heaven with the other dogs. The College National Republican Committee, based on in-depth research by the Winston Group on voters between ages 18 to 29 nationwide, released a 95-page report that warns of “a dismal present situation” for the GOP when it comes to millennial voters.

    They cannot touch Pres Obama

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. Making it plain

    let me get my LOL on

    One knows that recruitment will not help but its okay to try And if the KKK is so grt and strong why recruit? hmmm maybe not.

    Have no thoughts that the terror is over. for Afrikan amerikkn men esp .Its not. The drums are beating and the remnants are still trying to THINK about how to put Afrikans back in chains

    That too shall fail they will be the ones who meet Eche and Yemaya Orisha in this house!

    the recruitment drive to join the Ku Klux Klan in Covington, Ga., is in full swing again as residents are being urged to join the brotherhood of White supremacists via fliers dropped outside their homes, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
    SEE ALSO: Black Florida Family Comes Home To KKK Flier On Doorstep
    The “Save Our Race” fliers were placed in to clear plastic sandwich bags with a rock and distributed throughout the Laurel Ridge subdivision. According to one of the complex’s residents, who chose to remain anonymous, though, most of her neighbors threw the racist announcement away. “I think they are just trying to [stir] up the little bit of racism that some people are still feeling,” the unnamed source said.
    The KKK Grand Wizard Chris Barker told a Channel 2 news reporter that the fliers are invites since this is the Klan’s open season.
    Watch news coverage of the KKK’s recruitment efforts here:

  117. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Dear Mr Field, The New York Times has written an article titled, "The Obama Administration Has Now Lost All Credibility."

    Please read the following excerts of what written, . I would be interested to know if YOU still stand by the 'beige' man in the WH.

    With Glenn Greenwald's bombshell scoop in The Guardian that the NSA collects phone data from millions of Verizon customers, the New York Times continued in its wave of criticism with an editorial saying the Obama "administration has now lost all credibility."

    Earlier this week, executive editor Jill Abramson appeared on CBS News' "Face the Nation" and said the Times feared "news gathering is being criminalized." She added, "The reporters who work for the Times in Washington have told me many of their sources are petrified even to return calls" in light of the Justice Department's agressive investigations into leaks.

    Late Thursday afternoon, The Times published another scathing editorial about the sweeping court order that allowed the NSA to collect Verizon customers' phone data. The board wrote:

    "Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it. That is one reason we have long argued that the Patriot Act, enacted in the heat of fear after the 9/11 attacks by members of Congress who mostly had not even read it, was reckless in its assignment of unnecessary and overbroad surveillance powers.
    The board added that it was not objecting to the legality of the court order but argued against using the Patriot Act for this purpose.

    This stunning use of the act shows, once again, why it needs to be sharply curtailed if not repealed."

    So, Mr Field, are you still in love with Obama and do you think he will remain the "teflon man"? It seems to me that there is a tsunami political wave building that is going to hit the WH and 'possibly' drown the President. Maybe you and your Obamaholic FN Negroes should forewarn him. But maybe it's too late? It hard to turn a Tsunami around. Lord have mercy.

  118. Frustrated Negro6:23 PM

    This is what Im talking about....

    “This is a political act pushed by the state of New Jersey,"

    You just posted about Assata, and the FBI labeling her a terrorist.

    Yet you lay the blame squarely on the state of NJ.

    Somehow O-bomber doesn't control the FBI, and the Justice Dept..

    I guess hes powerless...

    HSBC admits to laundering money for cartels , and terrorists..

    Yet O-bomber cant be held responsible for that...

    The "Too Big to Fail" 5
    get a 25 billion dollar settlement for wrong doing in the mortgage crisis. (BTW the State Attorney General in NYC has to SUE some of the Big 5 to even get the money paid out..)

    Yet O-bomber cant be held responsible for that...

    Your living in some fantasy world where he can be the President , but still not be responsible for S%#*t...

    Im not putting up any links google is your friend...

    If your not intelligent enough to copy , paste , and recognize malevolent links..

    Thats too bad for you..

    Id love to stay here and watch you diatribe about nothing ,but I have my own blog to post on...

    If you want recent evidence of this administrations criminality... copy , and paste..

    EVERYTHING I post is verifiable.

  119. MatzanutsoKKK said....
    ?? Why was Robert F Kennedy killed and why did John place an embargo against my country

    ?? Why the fuck aren't you living in your country?

  120. Making it plain

    Brothers put your plans together and stay away from cave women..They want your dolars as well as the pkg

    Case in point

    YES my brother we finally got your murderer We got her! We did not want to kill her we wanted justice We got what MOM wanted

    TAMPA | A jury in Tampa on Monday night found Dorice "DeeDee" Moore guilty of the first-degree murder of Lakeland lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare.

    DeeDee Moore Found Guilty of Murder
    Hillsborough Circuit Judge Emmett Lamar Battles immediately sentenced Moore, 40, to life in prison for the 2009 slaying.

    Battles called Moore "the most manipulative person" he has seen.

    "Abraham Shakespeare was your prey and your victim," Battles told her.

    The judge said that the words "cold," "calculated" and "cruel" applied to Shakespeare's killing.

    Moore, who has often been animated during testimony at her trial, crying and shaking her head, showed little emotion when the verdict was read. She slightly shook her head.

    Jurors announced their verdict at 7:39 p.m.

    They began their deliberations at 4:12 p.m., after prosecutors and Moore's defense lawyers provided detailed closing arguments in the high-profile case that has drawn national media attention.

    Assistant State Attorney Jay Pruner told jurors there was "overwhelming circumstantial" evidence in the case against Moore.

    Moore was a businesswoman with a thriving nurse staffing company, but Moore wanted more money and set her sights on Shakespeare, Pruner said.

    "It wasn't enough for her," Pruner said. "Greed. Simple everyday greed motivated her, flowed through her veins."

    He described Moore as a manipulative killer who found a way to get "her hooks" into Shakespeare by preying upon his fears of losing his dwindling fortune in a pending child support case. She will need protection and should

  121. allison6:36 PM

    MatanzasGV said...
    Making it plain

    Brothers put your plans together and stay away from cave women..They want your dolars as well as the pkg

    You are simply is one of those tiresome black women who get jealous when black men date a white woman. Perhaps if black women didnt act like such nagging, castrating b-tchs all the time, more black men wouldnt stray.

  122. allison6:38 PM

    Perhaps its a harsh thing to say. And there are tons of great solid black women, but there are alos a sizable number who do treat black men very badly. I have heard this argument from at least 20 different black guys so it must be going on. In fact, I have also seen it myself.'

  123. Making it plain

    Watching my friend Sabrina on Rev Al show i ,Love this woman she is a good woman i believe with her

    Jury Convicts Dorice 'DeeDee' Moore of Murdering Lottery Winner Abraham Shakespeare

    Jurors took about 3.5 hours to reach verdict; Moore sentenced to life.
    Shakespeare, 43, won a $17 million lump-sum lottery payment in 2006. By late 2008, he had given away or loaned the majority of his winnings. He was left with more than $1 million, a Lakeland mansion, and various outstanding loans to friends and acquaintances.

    Moore met Shakespeare in October 2008, ostensibly to write a book about his life, but a witness later testified she also was interested in possibly turning Shakespeare into authorities for tax evasion and perhaps claim a reward, Pruner said.

    Moore quickly sized up Shakespeare as "easy pickings" and a "cash cow."

    "And milk him she did," Pruner said.

    She tricked Shakespeare into thinking that she would help hide his assets and led him around like a "puppy dog" with a treat, he said.

    "He was illiterate," Pruner said. "He was not sophisticated in financial matters."

    Shakespeare eventually got suspicious when he could no longer access his remaining cash, he said.

    "She knew what she had to do," Pruner said.

    After killing Shakespeare, Moore conducted an "elaborate, detailed" campaign for months to conceal what happened to him, Pruner said.

    He was last seen alive in April 2009. He wasn't reported missing until November 2009.

    Pruner described Moore spreading rumors of Shakespeare's whereabouts, including that he was getting treatment for AIDS, was on a cruise or was staying away because he was afraid there an outstanding warrant for his arrest.

    Moore typed a letter purportedly from Shakespeare to his mother, and she instructed his friend, Greg Smith, to impersonate Shakespeare in a telephone call to his mother, according to trial testimony.

    Detectives built a case against Moore by using Smith as a confidential informant. Smith secretly recorded

    Read it its worth reading JUSTICE!

  124. Making it plain

    i believe in Justice not just in all of my endeavors i seek the truth i live my life with honesty with all of my cases i demand the truth no matter what.
    But if i find out that a client lies its over. i let them know this from the beginning

    i can afford to let a liar go and or seek to let one go via the judiciary

    i also love to fight a case with lots of reasonable doubt or when i can provide such based on evidence or lack thereof

    Beyond a reasonable doubt is a
    part of jury instructions in all criminal trials, in which the jurors are told that they can only find the defendant guilty IF" they are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt of his or her guilt.

    To attys this is sometimes called "to a moral certainty, ie you better be damned sure. lol

    In reality it is meant to meet a tougher standard than preponderance and most often is used as a way to give judgment to a plaintiff in a civil or noncriminal case.

    Any one who accuses another better have proof and proof does not begin with Issa
    Sorry kids WWW does not apply to anything anyone in need of an Atty needs/wants THEY want proof

    Pres Obama will be okay get a job people and so will you

  125. Anonymous6:54 PM

    MantanzasGV, reading what you have said about how badly some black women treat bm, reminds me of the brother who drowned trying to sail to PR. He never got there but Desert didn't shed ONE FUCKING TEAR for him.

    The reason I mention this is because I have a question for you, since you seem to have a vast knowledge of women. Do PR women treat bm worse or better than bw? I mean, Desert didn't even take time off from FN to grieve...that's pretty cold.

  126. Rev Al show....

    LOL...No wonder your mis-informed...

    You watch Al Sharpton's show , and yet you support Assata ...


  127. allison7:01 PM

    Well, sometimes people do not actually know what is best for them.

  128. allison7:03 PM

    I just have an understanding of the dynamic between black men and women because I have been immersed in the culture for awhile now.

  129. Frustrated Negro7:07 PM

    Take a look at the FBI’s profile of Shakur on its website, and this is what you will find: a list of 23 aliases, the FBI’s account of her conviction and escape, two birthdates, and a warning that Shakur “may wear her hair in a variety of styles and dress in African tribal clothing.” Noticeably, she is one of only two American-born people listed, the ONLY woman, and the ONLY person of African descent. Conspicuously missing from the list is any mention of the more than 1,000 white hate groups operating across the United States.

    The first black woman on O-bombers F.B.I. "Most Wanted" Terrorist list , and you rail on,and on about black solidarity...GTFOH

  130. Making it plain
    My king will have the 411 when he gets in but Afehamu called and said that the call sounded like a young voice

    For now. i will admit that the call was chilling and i always thought that it would be up to scrutiny and question
    However,it never came up until the prosecutor discussed it and the scramble began

    Atty Omeara has done everything to try this case in the media He has provided bad advice and seems to be setting up a failure So is this due to lack of $$$ truth or BOTH

    This case has Sanford on guard and i hope that all lunatics of all hues are able to be controlled
    There must not be any fear or fights We must make this as good as the Casey Anthony trial but with a win

    Ps i bet Trayvons killer wishes he did have my homie Jose Baez for an atty perhaps if he had he wouldn t be looking like a scared rat

    There is no way i would have ever defend a client who talked as much as Trays murderer
    Wonder if he thought he was being defended by a William Kunzler or Johhny C

    We shall see
    Orisha in the house!

  131. Making it plain
    For non house negros and uncle thoms who think they have arrived

    Assata Shakur

    On May 2, 2013, the FBI placed Assata Shakur, now living in Cuba, on its Most Wanted Terrorists list, which has included the likes of Osama Bin Laden and other Al Quaeda figures, some of whom were executed by drones. This was the day after the State Department was due to release its list of terrorist countries from which Cuba was widely expected to be removed, as even the Miami Herald reported. Release of that list has been postponed and the State Department has asserted Cuba will remain on it, handing a victory to the exiled Cuban plantocracy and the half century campaign to restore their rule over Cuba. This has also been experienced as an assault on African Americans

    Assata Shakur has been living in Cuba since 1986, after escaping from prison where she was serving a life sentence imposed in a highly disputed trial. Assata was a Black Panther then a Black Liberation Army (BLA) leader in the early '70s, so she was a target of the FBI's COINTELPRO. Assata was captured in a shoot-out resulting from resistance to yet another "driving while black" police action in 1973 on the New Jersey State Turnpike. This time a State Trooper was killed. Zayd Shakur, traveling in the car with Assata, was also killed.

    The third person in the car, Sundiata Acoli, is still serving time over 30 years later and has recently been denied parole for another 20 years. According to one of Sundiata' attorney, Joan P. Gibbs, "Assata, at the time of her arrest, was 'wanted' on federal and state charges in New York, all of which juries subsequently found her not guilty of or were dismissed." As was later proved through medical forensics, Assata was wounded at the time of her capture by a cowardly shot from the rear, while she had her hands up. This fact is frequently the subject of lies by law enforcement as is the fact that she was given a paraffin test, which failed to reveal any gunpowder residue, meaning it would have been hard for her to have fired a gun. While recovering from her wounds, she was tortured at the hands of the State Police Nazis (no hyperbole here, they were WWII Nazis brought to America). She was convicted by an all white jury in 1977 and sentenced to life in prison. Before her daring escape from prison in 1979, Assata Shakur served a total of six years behind bars where she would also give birth to her daughter Kakuya.

    The following passage is excerpted from Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur and was originally delivered by Assata Shakur as part of her opening statement while acting as co-counsel in her own defense for charges stemming from the New Jersey Turnpike incident:

    "The idea of the Black Liberation Army emerged from conditions in Black communities: conditions of poverty, indecent housing, massive unemployment, poor medical care, and inferior education. The idea came about because Black people are not free or equal in this country. Because ninety percent of the men and women in this country's prisons are Black and Third World. Because ten-year-old children are shot down in our streets. Because dope has saturated our communities, preying on the disillusionment and frustrations of our children. The concept of the BLA arose because of the political, social, and economic oppression of Black people in this country. And where there is oppression, there will be resistance. The BLA is part of that resistance movement. The Black Liberation Army stands for freedom and justice for all people.

  132. Making it plain

    Assata is my adopted homie and i love her Wonder why? lol if u have to wonder your not free Go figure

  133. Fry Mumia7:21 PM

    I will celebrate when Assata Shakur is executed.

  134. Fry Mumia7:22 PM

    Making it pain

  135. Making it plain
    Get over it

    The Fugitive: Why has the FBI placed a million-dollar bounty on Assata Shakur?

  136. Terrorist Hunter7:33 PM

    "The Fugitive: Why has the FBI placed a million-dollar bounty on Assata Shakur? "

    Dead or alive?

  137. Hey Dummy ....

    Al Sharpton tried to set Asatta up, back in 83

    O-Bomber is in charge of the FBI CIA, and the DEA..

    Hes SUPPOSED to be responsible for all the decision making that comes out of those offices...

    He cant be the President ,and hold no responsibility ....

    Hes going to have to eventually separate himself fom Mr. "I dont know" ...

    What your basically saying is... If O-bomber held a press conference about capturing Assata ..

    You would be A-Ok with it...

    I know...

    "The republicans MADE him do it!!"

    You can argue with yourself , and post as many foolish diatribes you want...

    You support a War criminal...

    I dont...

    Bush included....Just in case you wanna bring that weak whack ass argument...

  138. Making it plain

    Get over it Assata is still standing and Whitman is long gone just like JFK
    LOL Keep reading my posts i love it its makes me double strong keep up with your jealous comments i love them as well BRING it BRING it What is that all you got! BRING IT

    As I watched Governor Whitman's interview the one thing that struck me was her "outrage" at my joy about being a grandmother, and my "quite nice life" as she put it here in Cuba. While I love the Cuban people and the solidarity they have shown me, the pain of being torn away from everybody I love has been intense. I have never had the opportunity to see or to hold my grandchild. If Gov. Whitman thinks that my life has been so nice, that 50 years of dealing with racism, poverty, persecution, brutality, prison, underground, exile and blatant lies has been so nice, then Id be more than happy to let her walk in my shoes for a while so she can get a taste of how it feels. I am a proud black woman, and I'm not about to get on the television and cry for Ralph Penza or any other journalist, but the way I have suffered in my lifetime, and the way my people have suffered, only god can bear witness to.

    Speak my sistah spktruth2pwer

    Next is that all you got? BRING me FIYAH! BRING IT

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. Making it plain

    See i keep my head up and focused nothing distracts me..


    Good what a dummy!
    New Orleans judge who sits on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is being accused of violating the code of conduct for federal judges for some harsh comments she has made against Blacks and Hispanics.

    This past February, Judge Edith Jones gave a lecture at the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Law where she made quite a few offensive and biased remarks stating, “Minorities are responsible for more violent crimes than whites.” She allegedly said that any death row inmate that claimed that racism, arbitrariness or mental retardation affected their prosecutions were merely, “red herrings.” She also allegedly stated that the “death sentence provides a public service by allowing an inmate to make peace with God.”

  141. Making it plain:

    i know everything about Assata and many of the players that i need to know and there is no one here who can school me.. or can debate me about her or anything political
    Next? bring me facts and fiyah that i don't know FIYAH FIYAH and proof

  142. MatanzasGV said...
    “Minorities are responsible for more violent crimes than whites.”

    That's the first thing you've said that makes any sense.

  143. Frustrated Negro7:59 PM

    Did the FBI issue a Most Wanted Alert?

    $2 million dollars for Assata Shakur?

    Is O-Bomber the President?

    I'm sorry is Obama the President??

    WHO the fluck you foolin homegirl???

    A self proclaimed Cuban Woman at that..


    Im done....Obama-bots
    Fascinate me..

    I have to really chuckle at you..

  144. Making it plain

    You scared people got just what you wanted Bush started this and its worse than Bobby Kennedy being accused of wanting to build housing in Anaheim LMAO SUCKER VOTERS

    Libertarians who struggled through the Bush years will recall how the NSA had been secretly collecting the phone records of millions of Americans, with the help of telecommunications giants like AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth. “The NSA program reaches into homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans — most of whom aren’t suspected of any crime,” USA Today reported in 2006, several years after Bush initiated the secretive program.

    ROTHFL Be careful what u seek Afraid of Arabs and Osama etc You should have been afraid of the Bushwacker as well
    Now your trembling and guess what snickling())))))

  145. Making it plain

    If your ever in my city stop by Milagros's We have kayaks bikes horses and LAW
    in other words come visit BUY ride our horses but don't get caught stealing
    We thank you

    My grandson is up next


    Ps if your going to call you will not be able to block your number and all harassing calls will be pros Trust me.. Bring it

  146. Afenhamu

    This is funny ya'll a fed judge viol the law
    What a misstep I would bet she apologizes big time

    Ole pale stale cavewoman She prob wants to ride a big Afrikan bone

    Ethics complaint alleges federal judge said blacks, Hispanics more likely to commit heinous crimes

    Judge Edith Jones of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals
    A long-serving Houston-based federal judge is the subject of an ethics complaint for alleged remarks she made during a law school speech, including claims that blacks and Hispanics were more likely to commit heinous crimes, according to reports.

    Judge Edith H. Jones of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is accused of making the remarks about minority groups, her revulsion about claims of mental retardation in death penalty cases and other charged comments during a speech in February at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

    The speech was not recorded, organizers said, according to the New York Times, but the complaint filed by civil rights and legal groups cites affidavits from six people who said they heard the speech.

    In Alabama, there are currently 94 African American men and one black woman on death row and 92 white males and three white women facing a death sentence, according to the Alabama Department of Corrections. The DOC also lists three male inmates by race as "other."

    Jones, 64, stepped down from the chief judge's role for the 5th Circuit last year. She was succeeded by the first African American judge to the hold that post. Jones was appointed to the 5th Circuit in 1985 by President Ronald Reagan.

    Wow what a mess by a person who should have known better This is also quite typical of pale stale old cave women who have been programmed to be afraid of the mirror LMAO her math is way off

    Made my day

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. kudos to issa!!!

    he is a brave hero among a sea of mute and cowardly hobama nazi drones in dc

  150. I wonder if the judge had ever read these,11793179
    Why certain men kill in mass

    The Unbearable Invisibility of White Masculinity: Innocence In the Age of White Male Mass Shootings

    The truth about violence is quite scary

  151. reps = dems

    hobama is teflon ONLY because he is a bankster drone

    cc prez goldman sachs
    veep jp morgan


  152. Making it plain

    Why Most Mass Murderers Are Privileged White Men
    Are white men particularly prone to carrying out the all-too-familiar mass killings of which last week's Aurora shooting is just the latest iteration? Is there something about the white, male, middle-class experience that makes it easier for troubled young men to turn schools and movie theaters into killing fields? In a word, yes.

    Not every mass murder in recent years has been committed by a middle-class white guy. But as Jamie Utt pointed out in the hours after the Colorado theater massacre, in those rare instances where a man of color is responsible for a shooting spree (as in the 2007 Virginia Tech killings or the 2009 Fort Hood rampage), the popular reaction is to search for connections between the race or religion of the murderer and his act. After Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people in Blacksburg, media attention focused on the likelihood that a Korean culture unwilling to acknowledge mental illness helped drive the young man to commit the worst mass murder in U.S. history. After Maj. Nidal Hasan carried out the Fort Hood shootings, his Muslim faith became all the public needed to know about his motive.

    It seems likely that Islamic extremism did lead Hasan to kill; it's possible that Cho's cultural background did mean that his psychological problems were particularly likely to be ignored. Ethnicity, faith, and social class are key parts of the modern human identity; they are always part of the explanation for why we think the way we think and act the way we act. The difference, as Chauncey DeVega made clear on Saturday, is that when white men commit mass murder we don't hear how their skin color, their maleness, or their social class were contributing factors to their acts. As Peggy McIntosh famously wrote in her White Privilege Checklist, we see whites as individuals whose moral state reflects their individual will. In other words, white men kill simply because they are "sick" or "evil." When men of color murder, it is because they are both those things and because of factors uniquely attributable to their race.
    Now this trumps anything the GOP has This is scary and lying pale stale ole cave men are not NOR are house negros/negresses


    Over it yet? if not bring the fiyah I am ready

  153. making it plain

    Bring me fiyah and proof

  154. Frustrated Negro8:43 PM

    It must difficult to say you support Assata, and O-bomber at the same time...

    One is a revolutionary...

    The other is in charge of the agencies that want to imprison her ..

    Asatta is seeking refuge in Cuba....

    While you pontificate on O-bombers Penis, and how Large you THINK it is ..

    A self proclaimed Cuban woman who supports Bankster, Criminals who allow Multinational Banks to launder drug money with impunity...

    Yeah that's who you are...

    Embrace it...

  155. MatanazisGV said...
    making it plain

    Bring me fiyah and proof

    The color of crime is black:

  156. Frustrated Negro8:59 PM

    Its 2013 GTFOH...with that BullSHIT!!

    Link 2013 or die...

  157. Well well well

    All babies are sucking tits and or asleep so we are going to talk with our father about the Trayvon Martin case
    Later, we will be here all night for anyone willing and able to debate the law and the BS surrounding murder inc via the Bushwacker And
    All of the gates
    So catch your breathe and get ready! We seek proof vs URLS

  158. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Chevy MonteNegro SS and her son Tutenkhaman. Too insane.GTFOH.

  159. Frustrated Negro9:42 PM

    We seek proof vs URLS

    ANY savvy knowledgeable person KNOWS

    the TRUTH is in the URL's

    How do you get rational thoughts across with your head in the sand...??

    Its been confirmed your being fed horse rubbish...

    Ohhh wait let me get more recent updates....
