Monday, June 03, 2013

Guess who is coming to the McCain's dinner. And what's in Mr. Issa's closet?

I suspect that Senator John McCain will be easing up a bit on all the Obama hateration from here on out.

The thought of having a bi-racial grandchild like the chosen one can soften even the most hardened wingnuts and make them consider their place in this melting pot we all call home.(Well, most of them. Some are beyond help)

Of course, as is to be expected, it's not all kumbaya moments for Jack McCain and his blushing bride.

"Now this is sad.

On what should be a joyous occasion, Sen. John McCain and his family have to deal with some ignorance.

Sen. McCain happily posted a shot of his 27-year-old son Jack McCain‘s marriage to 29-year-old Bay Area native Renee Swift — they met in Guam while serving in the Air Force Reserves — on his Facebook page. Immediately, Facebookers started posting messages of “congrats!” underneath the picture and photo album. But then the ignorance started.

Commentors brought up Obama, the race of his new daughter-in-law and political leanings under the comment section.

One commenter, Diann Daily, wrote: “No wonder McCain has crawled into bed with Obama…His son married a black girl! McCain is a RINO and a TRAITOR! Eeeewwwwwwwww…..”

And others followed suit, with many calling him a “traitor.”

Then there are comments like these, from George Dwyer, who wrote “Did someone seriously post about this dude marrying a black chick like it was a bad thing? What dimension are you living in? Is it possible to be that ignorant in the year 2013?”

Indeed. The happy couple will honeymoon in Africa before returning to Guam."

Speaking of wingnuts, one in particular has been making some news over the past few days.

In my country we have a saying that goes like this: "Tief no love fi si tief wid long bag."

I am reminded of Darrell Issa, the face of the republicans when it comes to these manufactured scandals in Washington, when I hear that proverb.

Mr. Issa actually chose to go on national television on Sunday and call the White House spokesperson a "paid liar".

“The administration is still, their paid liar, their spokesperson, picture behind, he’s still making up things about what happened and calling this local rogue,” Issa said." [Source]

Now now Mr.Issa, that wasn't very nice. When you say mean things like that you open up yourself for others to look into your closet.

I am not going to say that Mr. Issa is indeed guilty of auto theft, arson, carrying a concealed weapon, and insurance fraud, because, from what I have read, the man was charged but never convicted of these things.

The person actually making the charges via twitter is a former member of president Obama's "inner circle", David Plouffe.

"Unlike Issa's rhetorical jabs, Plouffe's brush-back pitch at least has the benefit of accuracy. As we discussed a few weeks ago, Issa, the man Republicans have tasked with leading investigations into alleged administration misdeeds, really has spent a fair amount of his adult life as a suspected criminal. This Ryan Lizza piece in the New Yorker from a couple of years ago remains relevant.
"Many politicians have committed indiscretions in earlier years: maybe they had an affair or hired an illegal immigrant as a nanny. Issa, it turned out, had, among other things, been indicted for stealing a car, arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, and accused by former associates of burning down a building."
This is generally one of those truths the political world knows, but chooses not to talk about. It's not a secret -- Issa's background is the subject of insider jokes and private chatter -- but it's considered impolite to broach the subject publicly.

Which makes Plouffe's rhetorical shot all the more interesting.

For the record, Lizza's report on Issa highlighted one run-in with the law after another, including arrests and indictments. There are also many suspected crimes -- he's accused of deliberately burning down a building and threatening a former employee with a gun -- which did not lead to formal charges, but which nevertheless cast the congressman in a less-than-flattering light.

The New Yorker report also noted an incident in which Issa was in a car accident with a woman who needed to be hospitalized. He drove away before the police could arrive because, as he told the person he hit, he didn't have time to wait. Issa didn't face charges, but he was sued over the matter, and agreed to an out-of-court settlement." [Source]

Game on Mr. Issa. Now it's your turn to go after that mean Plouffe fellow for defamation. Just remember, the truth is a pretty good defense in these types of cases.

*Issa pic courtesy of 


  1. Steele8:15 PM

    "I suspect that Senator John McCain will be easing up a bit on all the Obama hateration from here on out."

    Because any opposition to the Sacred Halfrican has to be because of racism.

    You are pathetic.

  2. "The person actually making the charges via twitter is a former member of president Obama's "inner circle", David Plouffe."

    And right on cue, you dutifully pretend the scandal is not the administration's lawless behavior and lies, but the fact that someone is calling them out on it.

    Bark, boy, bark.

  3. Anonymous8:22 PM

    We believe that interracial marriage or Race mixing should be prohibited. " The Honorable Elijah Mohammed "

  4. "I suspect that Senator John McCain will be easing up a bit on all the Obama hateration from here on out.

    The thought of having a bi-racial grandchild like the chosen one can soften even the most hardened wingnuts and make them consider their place in this melting pot we all call home."

    "No wonder McCain has crawled into bed with Obama…His son married a black girl!"

    I don't really see the difference between these two statements, but the second one is supposed to be racist?

    It seems like they're both saying McCain's feelings towards Obama will become more friendly because of McCain's close association with a black person in his family. What makes one acceptable and the other one not?

  5. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Field, "Sen. McCain happily posted a shot of his 27-year-old son Jack McCain‘s marriage to 29-year-old Bay Area native Renee Swift — they met in Guam while serving in the Air Force Reserves — on his Facebook page. Immediately, Facebookers started posting messages of “congrats!” underneath the picture and photo album. But then the ignorance started."

    Dear Field, I live in the Bay Area and many of the ignorant comments came from the Bay Area. You see, we have some of the worst racists in America here. BTW, a large segment of our brothers and sisters are racists also...against us!

    Bay Area Blacks hate being Black. I kid you not. I have never seen this brand of Negroes before, and I have been all over the USA. Of course, I have never seen this brand of Whites, either. The biggest racists I have EVER encountered have been White gays and White lesbians followed by self-hating lying Negroes who are looking for someone White to marry.

    This is truly another country under the flag of America. The only thing good here is the weather because the people are totally messed up.

  6. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Field, leave Issa alone. He is a good man who just made a few mistakes when he was young. All of that is behind him now.

    Today, Issa stands for justice, truth-- and he models those noble qualities as a way of life. He continually displays brotherly love and justice in the way he does his job. Clearly the honorable Senator Issa hates lies and is seeking truth. In a strange sort of way, Mr Issa reminds me of Gandhi.

  7. Anonymous10:07 PM

    What makes you think John will be acting differently toward Obama?

    John McCain is not a racist. He has never been one, so stop insinuating that he is.

  8. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Hmmmm. The Killadelphia meter shows a nice round number of "100". And it's the beginning of June. Field, are you sure about that figure? I mean, it seems a little low for Philly.

  9. Condoleeza10:29 PM

    Let's see, the daughter of the Republican speaker of the House marries a black guy, and the 2008 Republican presidential nominee's son marries a black woman, but it's the GOP that's racist?

  10. I think McCain will compartmentalize the President and his new daughter-in-law. He will not soften.

  11. I'll bet the Obama's never let either of their daughters marry a white man.

    Michelle is a hardcore racist, and Barry is the mixed-race guy who checked "Black" on his census form.

    Someday, America will be able to move beyond the kind of racism embodied by the Obamas. We are lucky to have families like the McCains and Boehners showing us the way to a more tolerant future.

  12. Little Malcolm10:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    We believe that interracial marriage or Race mixing should be prohibited. " The Honorable Elijah Mohammed "

    That's right. Staying within your race is FNB.

  13. Methinks these GOP children are rebels.

    Anon@10:01pm, please tell me where u got that collie u are smoking. :)

  14. GrannyStandingforTruth11:04 PM

    Nah, McCain and Boehner won't be showing us a more tolerant future. It's their kids and the younger generations that will be leading the way to a more tolerant future. Those old die-hearts are set in their ways.

    @Anon 10:01 p.m.
    Maybe, you need to slow down a little bit, ease up on whatever it is your smoking or drinking, and detox. You starting to have some serious illusions.

    I'm worried about you. Really I am. I'm adding you to my prayer list and calling every prayer warrior I know in the USA and overseas to pray for you. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Smh!

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth11:06 PM

    Field, me and you are on the same page.

  16. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Mr Field, FYI, this IRS scandal is heading South toward Watergate. Count on it. The WH is hiding shit and it's time to find out about those lies coming out of the WH. The GOP is just what the doctor ordered to get to the bottom of this corrupt stinky mess.

  17. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Anon9:52PM, I agree with every word you said, including the truth about the Bay Area. These are the sickest people, both Black and White, I have ever seen.

    BTW, Granny lives in the Bay Area around Oakland. Need I say more?

  18. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Field, I'm a white guy and when I lived in Dallas I dated 7 or 8 black women, and had lots of black friends. I personally caught flack from white folks for being a Race traitor, but also from black folks, especially the bow tie wearing Nation of Islam brothers standing on the corner selling The Final Call. They didn't like the sisters laying down with the slave masters progeny. If I was okay with us and she was okay with us, who the fucks business was it but ours. Racists suck no matter their Race.

  19. Anon @11:13, u told me that weeks ago.Tell u what,wake me when the impeachment votes are counted.

    "plantation dog", please show me a link to refute the satements made about Mr. Issa.

    . Take all the time u need. I will wait......

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth11:34 PM


    Shouldn't the GOP be more worried about their own REAL scandals that will surfacing soon instead of making up false ones?

    The GOP reminds me of Haman in the Bible. Haman tried every single dirty trick in the book. He called himself setting a trap for Mordecai, so he could hang him. He even built the hanging n Yep, he even prepared a hangman’s noose ahead of time for Mordecai. Old Haman’s deceit backfired on him and the King had Haman hung with that noose he built for Mordecai.


  21. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Condoleeza said...
    Let's see, the daughter of the Republican speaker of the House marries a black guy, and the 2008 Republican presidential nominee's son marries a black woman, but it's the GOP that's racist?

    10:29 PM
    Dear Mr Whitey, I know it doesn't make logical sense. But try to understand that this FN blog run by a brother who is angry at Whites. Well, I'll just say it: he hates wingnuts, and he is a black racist with mentality of a New Black Panther. Need I say more?

    Nothing, I mean nothing... Boehner or McCain can do will change Field's mind or Granny. They will always find a way to conjure up some theory in their racist minds about McCain and Boehner.

    I have known other Whites who married Blacks who were disowned by their family. That's a hard core racist family. That is NOT the case with Boehner or McCain. They both have 'proudly' accepted the Blacks into their family. Honestly, the way Granny and Field think is ignorant and disgusting. It is pure racism.

  22. Artemis11:37 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Those old die-hearts are set in their ways.

    What ways are those Granny? Raising their kids to be racists, like the Obama's are?


    Maybe you could tell us.

  23. Anonymous11:41 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Those old die-hearts are set in their ways."

    So are you, Granny....even more so.

  24. estoban11:45 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Shouldn't the GOP be more worried about their own REAL scandals that will surfacing soon instead of making up false ones?

    What REAL scandals does the GOP need to own up to now? Tell us, Granny.

    Refusing to upgrade security after threats were identified and letting their ambassador die without allowing aid to come for 12 hours, then lying by saying the whole incident was over a You Tube video, all because they were more concerned about their re-election isn't a scandal?

    Illegally tapping phone lines of AP reporters and Congressman, and bugging Fox Reporters isn't a scandal?

    Abusing the powers vested to the IRS to systematically harass political enemies and suppress the Tea Party vote isn't a scandal?

    You have absolutely no integrity Granny, just like your hero.

  25. Anonymous11:48 PM

    This post about McCain's son marrying a black woman, along with the comments that followed, prove that FN is a racist blog for Negroes. How sickening!

  26. Anonymous11:53 PM

    estoban said, "You have absolutely no integrity Granny, just like your hero."

    11:45 PM
    Before you accused Granny of having no 'integrity', you should read her book. Hey, whatever happened to that big time book Granny said she was 'working' on?

    "Integrity". Hmmmm. Something to think about.

  27. field negro said...
    Anon @11:13, u told me that weeks ago.Tell u what,wake me when the impeachment votes are counted.

    "plantation dog", please show me a link to refute the satements made about Mr. Issa.

    . Take all the time u need. I will wait......

    Links refuting an accusation "which did not lead to formal charges" from 41 years ago? This is supposed to serve as a distraction from the three very real, very serious scandals embroiling the Obama administration right now? Are you serious?

    Apparently, you will blog anything they tell you to.

  28. GrannyStandingforTruth11:56 PM


    Oh my, the GOP is so desperate to prove that they are not racist, but it's a little too late for that. The cat was let out the bag during,before, and after the elections.

    The biggest mistake they made was being so out in the open with it where the whole world could see it. Arrogant! The GOP thought that Rush, Beck, Hannity, Jesse Lee Peterson, Manning, and all the rest of those who were openly bombarding the people with their racism was good for the GOP party.

    Yep, but they failed to see that the country's attitude was changing and people were sick of the racial divisiveness that they were so set on trying to stir up. Now, they're reaping what they sowed.

    Yep, the chickens really are coming home to roost.

    But, I must say that it is somewhat entertaining to see them running around like a chicken with their head cut off. Next, one of their kids will be have a same sex marriages, so the GOP can use it politically to prove that they don't discriminate against LGBTs. Smh!

  29. Chauncey12:01 AM

    Granny has never been one to let facts get in the way of her prejudices.

  30. Crocodile Hunter12:10 AM

    Holder is about to be charged with perjury.

    He's toast.

    One down...

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth12:15 AM

    If people force the administration of President Obama’s effort to help the poor and the working class fail, America as a nation will enter a period of darkness and decline for many years.

    He put many programs in place to regain dignity for the working class after the Wall Street thieves did their numbers on the people stealing their money.The political conservatives turned the other way as the looters continue to rob people through many business scams, taking homes from the elders, credit card frauds and the evils continued.

    The conservatives’ idea of business is to legitimize stealing money from the people – that’s legitimate business folks! They opened the door, and allowed the hungry wolves of predatory and cannibalistic capitalists to steal people’s money. The original lie being told by the so-called political conservatives was that helping the poor would crash the economy of the nation. This was a lie from the heart of the devil!
    No nation in history crashed because they help the poor, or those that are suffering. However, greed has many times led to the fall of great nations.

    The Christian Right Wing lost their arms and legs when they refused to obey Jesus instructions to help the poor. They were attacking President Obama who was doing the very thing Jesus instructed Christians to do.

    There is nothing that bothers me as much as seeing well-educated people with college degrees blinded by political hyper-emotionalism and unable to see let alone identify the truth from their political bias. How can they be so blinded? Is this because the devil has so much power over them?

    The political conservatives supported by some Christian leaders claimed they do not care. They want the people to suffer so they can feel good about themselves. Yet, many of these Christian leaders are fooling themselves thinking they are going to Heaven.

    If you are a preacher sitting on multi-million dollars bank account, while some people in your church are suffering, I greatly feel sorry for you. One day, either the money will be taken away from you, or you will be taken away from the money.

    Good night folks.

  32. The real dirt on Issa is the 150k with which he, a former high-school drop-out ROTC USAR officer began his business career in the wealth-consuming inflationary 70s before currency controls and money-laundering statutes erected barriers to the entry of unexplainable cash into legitimate businesses. Interestingly, he couldn't explain the source of during his business arson investigation, the claim of which he settled for 1/10th of the insured loss.

    Yeah, neither he nor his wife could document, or even explain under oath, the source of that $150k during the litigation over that fire.

    His "investemnt" in an existing electronics manufacturing biz turned into a strong-armed takeover of all of it's assets that he tried to cash-out in the fire before selling off to finance the products that he stole from his former partners. Since then, I thought he'd been trying to buy himself respectability. He tried to buy himself a Senate seat before buying his current (ultra-safe republiklan) 49th District seat. Yet, with his character so apparent, respectability continues to elude him.

  33. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    If people force the administration of President Obama’s effort to help the poor and the working class fail, America as a nation will enter a period of darkness and decline for many years.

    If we the people don't stop the administration of President Obama from destroying the middle class America will be turned into a two tiered society - the super rich Wall Street supporters of Obama like Warren Buffet, Jeffrey Immelt of GE, and companies like Google and Apple that make billions but pay no taxes - and the great mass of everyone else who will have to fight over poor wage jobs after Obama's socialist policies have permanently wrecked the economy and after he has brought in 60 million third world immigrant laborers to drive down wages forever.

    Obama is purposefully trying to engineer a crash of historic proportions in order to create a crisis where he can overthrow the Constitution and create a socialist plutocracy. Why do you want such a thing?

  34. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Granny, don't go. Please don't go. The night is still early. Are you really that old?

  35. tecumsah12:54 AM

    Whitey shows more curiosity about rumors involving Issa from 1972 than he does factual allegations about the Obama administration from 2012.

    Why would that be?

  36. Anonymous12:56 AM

    A wise lady called Granny said, "If people force the administration of President Obama’s effort to help the poor and the working class fail, America as a nation will enter a period of darkness and decline for many years."

    Granny, I think it's already happening. It began with the 'darkening' of the position of President. We thought he might have been the magic Negro, but he turned out to be nothing magical at all.

  37. Anonymous1:00 AM

    tecumsah, please show respect to Whitey. Don't question his motives because he has proven again and again that his motives are pure. He has no political affiliation. What you are seeing are your own projections on Whitey. So you see? You got Whitey all wrong. Now, apologize.

  38. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Great post FN!


  39. GrannyStandingforTruth1:49 AM

    I forgot something.

    When President Obama’s opponent realized the desires to help the working class was working for President Obama in the polls, he changed his campaign slogan from helping the rich get richer to his concern about the working class. Many of the young ones were able to see through such insincerity of President Obama’s opponent.

    And...Congratulations Rene and Jack. Rene, I'm praying for your moma. Tell her don't let that bother her or pay any attention to how the media snub her and left her name off y'all wedding pictures in the papers. She might not be rich, but that don't make them better than she is. Tell her to keep her head up!

  40. tecumsah said...
    Whitey shows more curiosity about rumors involving Issa from 1972 ...
    Why would that be?

    Oh, I've been interested in Mr. Issa for years. Not by choice, but by necessity. Sometimes it seems that every snake oil salesman in our state with a liquid fortune pulls a Romney & tries to buy themselves a high government office. They're typically not nearly as successful as his 1 in 4 rate though. Issa is one of the few who bothered to keep at it until he was successful, but by then he was almost a pol anyway. I guess his next step was going to be county-supervisor, but even an obvious poser like Issa couldn't lose in Vista with that R next to his name. That's got to be as safe a seat as Nancy Pelosi's in Marin.

  41. When Chief executive Obama’s challenger noticed the wishes to help the important category was operating for Chief executive Obama in the surveys, he modified his strategy motto from helping the rich get better to his issue about the important category. Many of the young ones were able to see through such insincerity of Chief executive Obama’s challenger.
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  42. Anonymous6:43 AM

    It would appear that Mr Issa has a lot in his murky past;

    "In December 2001, federal agents arrested members of TERRORIST GROUP JEWISH DEFENCE LEAGUE for a plot to set off pipe bombs in Issa's office. Initially, Issa said he had no idea why he would be targeted, but he and his aides soon told the press that they feared that columns by Debbie Schlussel, a conservative political commentator, had put him on the JDL's target list.

    Schlussel, who refers to Issa as "Jihad Darrell," claimed he had spoken sympathetically about Hezbollah to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and told the Beirut Daily Star that he had "a great deal of sympathy for the work that Hezbollah tries to do."

  43. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Issa may have never been convicted; but Issa has a shady background and he is the "paid liar".

    Contributions to Issa and the Committee:

    *The Koch brothers have contributed $107,000 to 13 Republican members of
    the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, of which Issa is
    the Chairman.

    * $12,500 in Koch funding has gone to Issa specifically, along with $5,000 to his PAC

    Just saying... Inspector Clouseau (Darrel Issa) needs to apologize to Carney with all the Koch Bros $$$ funneled to Issa!!!

  44. Making it plain
    What !!! you did'nt know or were you afraid to know lmao!

    Like father like son Only the son has courage!

  45. Making it plain

    NOT IN EGYPT its in GUAM no!!! Milagros its in the Thank God for Misssissippi hehehehe

    Like Sarah Jane, McCain Denies His Black Family.

    Well, not exactly like Sarah Jane. I mean, Sarah Jane was an impetuous, self-involved brat who was taken in and cleaned up by a rich blonde before eventually being ruined by petty, self-defeating grudges as she got older. So you see, there are absolutely no parallels.

    In the rural Teoc community of Carroll County, Miss., where the ancestors of Sen. John McCain owned enslaved Africans on a plantation, black, white and mixed-race family members unite every two years for their Coming Home Reunion, on the land where the plantation operated.

    Some of McCain’s black family members say they are not sure exactly where they fall on the family tree, but they do know this: They are either descendants of the McCain family slaves, or of children the McCains fathered with their slaves.

    White and black members of the McCain family have met on the plantation several times over the last 15 years, but one invited guest has been conspicuously absent: Sen. John Sidney McCain.

    “Why he hasn’t come is anybody’s guess,” said Charles McCain Jr., 60, a distant cousin of John McCain who is black. “I think the best I can come up with, is that he doesn’t have time, or he has just distanced himself, or it doesn’t mean that much to him.”

    Other relatives are not as generous.

  46. Making it plain:

    Since the beginning of the Afrikans capture( kidnapping)
    all pale stale and small PENIS slave owning cavemen desc are racist
    Afrikan coochie or butt hunters. YES the male slaves were raped as well.

    CIP when the slave owner went to the quarter and raped a mans daughter, woman or child and then kill/or sold them, this is psychotic and racist

    Moreover, and then later passes down his fear to his progeny this is racist psychotic and fear

    This brue haha ha is floating for one reason The GOP is mad a JM because he has slapped them in the face
    YET! Broenher child has dipped in the chocolate, McConnel has dipped in the choc and we will never know how many women of all hues the GOP et/al have done the same

    It took' YEARS' before the truth came out about Jesse Helms Go figure!
    Why is this shameful?
    Is it because his daughter was an Afrikan or because Helms was a FAKE, a fearful rapist, a psychotic and a liar?

    Case closed

    Ps Lets me clear in my career the race of rapist gets no reprieve from me ALL RAPIST or fakes catch the same ticket However, because of my culture i give less acceptance to an Afrikan men who rape ANYWOMAN regardless of his stature And i dislike any man who rapes any child

    Just saying


  47. WAIT WAIT Field do you mean that that Afrikan pale male is still up bopping his small penis or mex small banana at midnite What? is he looking at porn?

  48. Making it plain
    Someone said
    The biggest racists I have EVER encountered have been pale gays and pale lesbians followed by self-hating lying Negroes who are looking for someone White to marry.

    Milagros Garcia Villamil
    I agree and to add to that fake lying sell out Afrikans seeking a pay check and a dumb pale women willing to pay for a BIG BONE and some fake ass and tits

  49. FIELD!!!
    i sent an email please get in touch This is outtasight lol

  50. Making it plain

    Throat cancer from oral sex is not possible i have been a forensic path for over ten yrs and an atty for more than 30 and i know this is BULL
    And if u read it you will see what he really said
    Do the research Some men yodle in the canyon and eat at the y because they are afraid that the small head cannot get the job done.

    Now who can he blame? What is his agenda? Boy needs a Penis pump smh

  51. In a candid new interview with U.K.'s The Guardian, Douglas admits that his illness was caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

    "Without wanting to get too specific, this particular cancer is caused by HPV, which actually comes about from cunnilingus," the "Behind the Candelabra" star, 68, explains.

    YA RIGHT!! blame the coochie when the PENIS is too short to reach the coochie

  52. Anonymous10:47 AM


    check your email and voice mail and rsvp asap


  53. Anonymous10:49 AM

    kudos 2 the happy duo!

    love happens!

    haters need to let others love!

  54. Anonymous10:52 AM

    what do biracial grandkids have to do with blackish hitler clones like that racist bankster hobama?????

  55. Anonymous11:00 AM

    that bumbling failed bankster hobama endlessly manufactures his very own scandals...

    as u deny/ignore hobama's very own serial/global crimes...



  56. Just when I thought you left STEPHEN behind.... You pull out this cheesy post about
    Mc WarHawk....

    Who give a fluck about whether or not Mc WarHawk accepts his new black family members....??

    Not to mention...

    Who cares if he softens to
    O-bomber for the last 3 yrs of this administration...??

    I swear everytime I think youve turned a corner onto reporting about some real sh**t goin on..

    You revert back to silly racial politricks....

    If Obama had any Cajones...

    Real Cajones.... not the "Imagined" ones MatanzasGV is talking about.

    He would have McWarHawk up on Treason charges for appearing with known Terrorist kidnappers in Syria last week...

    As for Mr. Issa....

    Regardless of the mans past... What he said about Jay Carney was the absolute TRUTH...

    He couldve used a softer touch..but at this point who really cares???

    Everyone with a sliver of brain matter already realizes that Jay is a great Liar....

    Oh well ..if you knew better you would do better...

  57. Anonymous11:15 AM

    hobama nazis hate and ignore all truths about hobama


    they adore and revere jay c as hobama's blatant drone liar in chief


  58. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Jonah Goldberg 6-3-13:

    Longtime readers of mine will recall that one of my bugaboos is the liberal obsession with the “moral equivalent of war.” Ever since William James coined the phrase, liberalism has essentially become a cargo cult to the idea. The core idea, expressed in myriad different ways, is that normal democratic capitalism is insufficient. Society needs an organizing principle that causes the citizenry to drop their individual pursuits, petty ambitions, and disorganized lifestyles and unite around common purposes.

    Naturally, the State must provide leadership and coordination in this effort, just as it does in a war. That was the essential rationale behind the New Deal – war mobilization without war.

    Barack Obama has spent much of his presidency all but begging the American people to imbue themselves with a moral equivalent of war spirit. Sometimes he’s used the phrase explicitly, other times he’s dreamed that America could act like the military. Other times he’s droned on about the need for unity and dedicating ourselves to a “cause larger than ourselves” – that cause invariably being the government. He’s talked a lot about “Sputnik moments” and the need for Americans to rally around his green agenda the way we rallied around the space program.

    I loathe all of this. The whole point of a free society is that people will do what their hearts and consciences tell them to do, individually and in voluntary association. We have a military to keep us free, not to provide examples of how best to surrender our freedom. Moreover, the exhortation to give our selves over to the spirit of wartime mobilization when there is no war is frightening because, unlike real wars, not only is “victory” not defined, it cannot be defined. We will never have a kingdom of heaven on earth, so any call to mobilize the people to fight for one necessarily means permanent mobilization, which means the permanent surrender of what this country was founded to establish.

  59. Jay Carney is a well paid liar - that's the job description. However Mr. Carney has taken it to new extremes. This whole situation is getting crazy.

  60. Anonymous12:52 PM

    you niggers got to get over your least you niggers were worth some thing when you were slaves but now you are not bworth a neggers should do your home work on slavery.

  61. Anonymous12:54 PM

    re: the bay area

    oakland is my fav city on earth

    the most euro blacks in the world reside there
    which makes me adore the afro rebels who still rep the OBPP there even more!!!


    i grew up in chicago
    surrounded by all cultures and many interracial duos

    but the bay area is the only place i have ever lived
    where the bm who date white women perm their hair to clone the same hairstyles as their white female mates/ponytails /bobs/farrahs etc...
    that blew my mind


  62. Anonymous12:59 PM

    sasha and malia both love wm
    just like their dl dad hobama does

    cc the jonas bros

    i am sure they will wed whomever they choose

    as all consenting adults should

  63. Anonymous1:06 PM

    holder has taken orders from hobama

    he is not toast
    rather, he is blackened roadkill torched by that blackish bankster/global warlord gunrunner hobama

    eh is the newest black fall guy under hobama's racist inept lethal brutal bus....

    cc van jones/shirley sherrod/desiree rogers/donald young/larry bland/susan fried rice etc


  64. Interviews with IRS employees have established that the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service was engaged in targeting tea party groups and other conservative organizations for unfair levels of scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status.

    Rep. Darrel lssa, chairman of powerful House Committee of Oversight and Government Reform, made that startling announcement on CNN Sunday morning.

    'As late as last week,' he said, 'the [Obama] administration was still trying to say the [IRS targeting scandal] was from a few rogue agents in Cincinnati, when in fact the indication is that they were directly being ordered from Washington.'

    'Did [your supervisor] give you any indication of the need for the search [for tea party groups], any more context?' one IRS witness was asked in a closed-door interview.

    'He told me that Washington, D.C., wanted some cases,' came the reply.

    The employee, who said he or she was evaluating 40 such applications for tax-exempt status from conservative organizations at the time, said 'some went to Washington. D.C. ... I sent seven.'

  65. Anonymous5:49 PM

    new day = new hobama scandal

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!

  66. You can tell that this country is rotted beyond all saving by the fact that Obama is not in jail.

    At least Nixon had the sense of honor to resign.

    We are going to be burdened for three more years with the most scandal plagued lame duck in the American history.

  67. FIELD

    The pain of truth still hurts those who have never known truth. I keep saying they don't get it..
    And i am saddened that no one here has the brains to figure it out.

    ITS called TRUTH and its not painful IF" one looks it in the face and deals! vs leaving the berries on the branch and chopping off the branch.. Do u feel me senor commandante colleague Afrikan?

    If not i can deal with that as well WHY? We do not always agree but there are some who will never know it (from me) i do not bash FIELD NEGROS.!
    i bash wrong doing house negros and the sons of slaveowners who come here to destroy and demean those were enslaved by the cave mans ancestors, i am un forgiving


    We were musing about some of the so called stories about the Barak Obama adm and we all agreed that PROVING" it is the dilemma the ole stale pale group of 8 et/al are trembling over

    The Afrikan house negro EW already sees his demise he has suggested that Barak YES! Barak will conspire to have him treated like "Pee wee little penis Cain" and find a woman who will lie about the size of his Johnson ROTHFL

    Now, why would he suspect the big bone whenv it comes to plotting against him? ))))) rolling my eyes shaking my head and pissing small penis off hehehehhe

    To all who dare read and most do because they cannot help it This queen has committed no wrong and to those who might believe the opposite PROVE IT!

    Ps i have captured your knight NEXT?
    Come out come out little penis's i am just beginning..Lets play!
    What! can't figure out how to make me talk to ya? LMAO Look down!

  68. Making it plain:

    Oh, Obatala is he taking Osama's place or someone else's ? Norquists penis is too small to fill in shame on them, buy the boy a pump for goodness sake and leave his beard alone He is growing it to get his sexy on LMAO

    Still standing NOT moving NOT budging. WHY? Truth removes fear like MF says and i agree

  69. Making it plain

    At leaast Alex has come out of the closet No more hiding defend your words and yourself do not wobble

    Fat boy deserves his air time
    Alex Jones Responds To Maddow’s Take Down: ‘I’m Attracted To Mr. Maddow,

    Alex Jones responded to Rachel Maddow‘s skewering of his special tornado-weather-machine-conspiracy theory on his radio show Friday by saying she looks like a man.

    After noting that the media was out to get him by hounding people he went to high school with, Jones said, “Or they could just do what Mr. Maddow does, I mean Janet Reno—Janet Napolitano! I get them all confused.” Jones pounded the desk in mock-frustration. “Pat from Saturday Night Live? No, no…Ron Maddow?”

    “Nothing wrong with it, I mean, he’s a handsome guy.”

    Jones then had a deep, meaningful moment. “I’m gonna be honest with everybody,” he said, and after an extended pseudo-pause, “I’m attracted to Mr. Maddow, and that really conflicts my, uh…I always thought of myself as a heterosexual,but…”

    “I wonder if Mr. Maddow is gonna join the Boy Scouts as a troop leader,” Jones said, cracking himself up.

    “I’m sorry, that’s not right,” he said. “I should criticize Rachel Maddow on lying to her audience.”

    Yep he is a homophobe! with a small bone! blaming Rachel et/al for his outting smh

  70. Ace Freeley6:58 PM

    National Organization for Marriage Representative: Yes, We Have Smoking Gun Proof the IRS Leaked Our Confidential Donor List to Our Chief Political Rival, Human Rights Campaign

    You'll remember that Californians who donated to help pass Proposition 8 were boycotted.

    The IRS gave NOM's chief political rival its donor list. I believe so that a similar boycott could be had.

    This was, of course, illegal. And making it worse is proof of consciousness of guilt -- whoever leaked the document took pains to redact the internal stamps and markings that would show it was leaked from the IRS.

    But NOM was able to go to an expert to "see under" the black bars of redaction:

    But Eastman shed light on another potential controversy involving the IRS -- the unauthorized disclosure of tax document information. He recalled how information on their donors was leaked last year and published on the website of the Human Rights Campaign, which Eastman described as their "principal political opponent" on the marriage issue. The documents showed Mitt Romney's political committee as a donor.
    Asked by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., if he had "proof" that the IRS leaked that material, Eastman said that he did.

    Eastman explained that while some information was redacted in the posted version, his group's "forensic" specialists were able to strip layers from the document and found "the original document that was posted there had originated from within the IRS."

    He said the version had "internal IRS stamps," which "only exist within the IRS."

    Eastman added: "You can imagine our shock and disgust over this. ... We jealously guard our donors."

    He later alleged the information was "deliberately" provided to their opponents.

    "If that's inadvertent, the word no longer means anything," he said[.]

    Furthermore, the IRS has "stonewalled" his demands for an investigation into the crime.

    The Obama administration is without a doubt the most corrupt government this country has ever been inflicted with. What will be done about it?


  71. Making it plain and keeping it in your face:

    See i will never kiss butt, i will never try to go along to get along EVER

    Registering young voters
    “Solely for the rich.”
    “Lacking in diversity.”
    This is how younger voters characterized the Republican party, according to a 95-page study released Monday by the College Republican National Committee. The report’s authors had an equally blunt assessment: “dismal present situation.”

    Voters under 30 criticized the party for its stance on issues like same-sex marriage and contraception, while the report’s authors blamed what they describe as “errant Republicans’ voices.”
    But like the Republican National Committee’s own autopsy from earlier this year, the report gives few suggestions for policy changes that might win over the youth vote, focusing instead on messaging.

    The report does suggest that the party be “open to debate” on marriage equality.
    Minority voters present an especially significant challenge for the GOP.
    “[Republicans have] that mentality that you’re born like royalty and the peasants stay peasants,” a young Hispanic voter said, according to the report. “I don’t think that is the view that America was founded on. This is supposed to be a land of opportunity.”
    Another young Hispanic voter blasted the party over the defunding of Planned Parenthood. “I think Romney wanted to cut Planned Parenthood. And he supports policies where it would make it harder for a woman to get an abortion should she choose, even if it were medically necessary. That goes…with redefining rape,” she said.
    The views of minority voters are increasingly important. The report says non-white voters make up 42% of voters under the age of 30, meaning that “the issue of party diversity and the party’s success with the youth vote are absolutely inseparable.”
    The proposed solutions to shrinking the youth voter gap include focusing on economic issues that young people care about and refusing to “concede ‘caring’ and ‘open-minded’ to the left.”
    In reaching for diversity, young Republicans appear ready to reach out to Latino voters more than African-Americans. While Hispanic youths are quoted repeatedly, the report includes no specific thoughts from any black voters, and only a handful of references to how they tend to feel on certain economic issues.

    Sho nuff youngins
    There is nothing the GOP can do about it or what i share here

    So the disgruntled and unhappy pull up your pantalones and be the change you want to see
    i am not important i am merely sharing and speaking my peace (piece) Certainly you have bigger fish to be concerned about..

    Have the lights come on yet little penis's
    Now i have your Knight again!

  72. FIELD

    Be careful i am an Afrikan and
    i just love it here when i can drop pain and shake em up i love to agitate and i wish i could be a fly on the wall LOL
    i have searched and found a page where having a small pale penis would send a person to death row once upon a time
    i am glad that that is no longer the case, because in time that little thang shrinks anyways so why kill him?

    last i am sure that some call me unsavory names BOO HOO! Guess what they cannot stop me and that in essence is the problem

    i am sure that a few know that they can't touch this, and that this QUEEN i will be anything they call me.
    i win each time and with each negativity i get stronger and push the envelope harder because this makes my day.. i am a fighter and truth sends falsehood to the mat

    Once the trial begins i will settle down and give your blog a rest Until then ITS ON!

    PS does anyone here play chess?
    If you do and you REALLY!! play and KNOW the game then u know why i post as i do
    School them!

  73. Making nit plain

    Joy is the best

    On Wednesday’s Very Last Word, MSNBC’s Joy Reid set the record straight on the so-called IRS scandal. “The idea that we’re subsidizing these political groups, and that, ‘Oh my god, I created and I had to wait a year. I’m a victim!’ Really?! We need to stop cuddling and coddling and kissing the foreheads of these PACs,”

    Milagros said
    See the pacs have committed the crimes which they are blaming Barak for They and the GOP Tea party, and they all got rich
    Now they are running trying to clean up what they know is coming down the tube spreading fear amongst themselves..

    CIP who was in charge when this began HELLO!!! Not Barry!

    Issa, is afraid he does not want this to backfire He is a a poor lawmaker (not financial poor) who will be off the page in a few yrs. Issa is a little penis rogue and a liar smh entrenched in bait and switch
    And Barak Obama will be at the WH until his term is over


  74. making it plain:

    GOOD! love it very needed

  75. "The Obama administration is without a doubt the most corrupt government this country has ever been inflicted with. What will be done about it?"

    We already did it. We voted him in for a second term.

    Get over it.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. field negro said...
    "The Obama administration is without a doubt the most corrupt government this country has ever been inflicted with. What will be done about it?"

    We already did it. We voted him in for a second term.
    0000000000000000000000000000SNAP The chief has spoken

    Field, i know you know what i am about to say to the originator of the comment above

  79. Can anyone prove that the Pres Obama adm is the most corrupt of all Bring your proof and i will bring mine

  80. chupar mi pene muy grande8:43 PM

    MatanaziGV said...
    Can anyone prove that the Pres Obama adm is the most corrupt of all Bring your proof and i will bring mine

    You would be happier if you just stuck your big white dildo up your ass and pretended it was Rachel Maddow, and stopped inflicting your insane gibberish on the rest of us.

    I pity anyone who has to be around you in real life.

  81. Lets start with the HSBC money laundering case.

    Over $378.4 billion over several years.

    What does the squeaky clean administration do??

    They settle for $1.9 billion
    a pittance of what passed through this bank globally....

    MatanzasGV.... give me
    Your BEST DEFENSE counsel ...

    small Penis arguments excluded....

  82. Anonymous9:08 PM

    chupar mi pene muy grande8:43 PM
    MatanaziGV said...
    Can anyone prove that the Pres Obama adm is the most corrupt of all Bring your proof and i will bring mine

    I pity anyone who has to be around you in real life.

    Aahahahahahaa! That's really funny , and sooo true! Lolol. Omg can you imagine

  83. Anonymous9:43 AM


    u r bragging about being fooled by hobama twice?

    8 yrs of actrual pride as he has duped/failed/lied/doomed all???


    that is truly hobama nazi swagger

  84. Anonymous9:45 AM

    see more proof of hobama's legendary bankster evil here

    cc ndaa/wwiii/cispa/africom etc

  85. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Humans need a STFU law to go into effect for 20 years.

  86. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Diann Daily is a loathsome human being who believes that the state of Massachusetts retroactively earned the 15 April 2013 terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon by failing to select Republican Gabriel Gomez in the special election of 25 June.

    Here's her post from :

    Diann Daily Mass deserves everything they get! I no longer feel sorry for them and they won't be Boston Strong for long! June 25 at 10:39pm · Like · 2

    That is one creepy bitch....Eeeewwwwwwwww indeed.

  87. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Diann Daily is a loathsome human being who believes that the state of Massachusetts retroactively earned the 15 April 2013 terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon by failing to select Republican Gabriel Gomez in the special election of 25 June.

    Here's her post from Reince Priebus' Facebook page :

    Diann Daily Mass deserves everything they get! I no longer feel sorry for them and they won't be Boston Strong for long! June 25 at 10:39pm · Like · 2

    That is one creepy bitch....Eeeewwwwwwwww indeed.

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