Saturday, June 29, 2013

More racism against whites in New York, and a terrorist in Texas.

Liberal, or people with liberal ideas, should not get a pass when they say stupid or ignorant things.

Take, for instance, Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York.

"Appearing with host John Gambling on New York City’s WOR, Mayor Mike Bloomberg attacked opponents of the city’s so-called ‘stop and frisk’ program. 'It’s society’s job to make sure that no one group is disproportionately represented as potential perpetrators,' Bloomberg said. 'I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little.'

“Most crimes in our city – serious crimes – are committed by male, minorities 15 -25,” Bloomberg told Gambling. 'When it comes to policing, the police have to be able to go out and stop, look for, those that fit the description of a witness or a victim after a crime.”' [Source]

"Disproportionately stop whites"? I don't think that there is a single person in New York who believes that statement. In fact, I don't think the Mayor believes it himself.

Finally, republicans really need to get some perspective when it comes to labeling who is a terrorist.

Osama bin Laden is a terrorist. Orchestrating the killing of thousands of innocent people will get you that designation. Wendy Davis, on the other hand, is not. Exercising your legal right to take a principled stance for something you believe in is not terrorism; it's being a good American.

"State Rep. Bill Zedler gave new meaning to the term “lower chamber” when he tweeted, shortly after Democrats successfully put off a vote on the bill, 'We had terrorist in the Texas State Senate opposing SB 5.'"

Not so Mr. Zedler. In fact, you and your fellow wingnut brothers running things in Texas represent something far more terrifying than a woman standing for eleven hours in her tennis shoes ever could.


  1. By the modern definition a terrorist is anyone a conservative disagrees with.

    This the word has become totally meaningless.

  2. Anonymous7:40 PM

    The NYPD has softened over the years. Instead of stop and frisk, they used to just shoot them or ram a stick up their asses.

    Mayor Bloomberg cares nothing about Blacks. He is typically White.

    However, the kind of humiliation of citizens of color is building more and more resentment and hatred that will one day explode. Humans can only take such abuse for so long...It probably isn't that far off.

  3. "Finally, republicans really need to get some perspective when it comes to labeling who is a terrorist."

    Ooh, you found one guy who made a hyperbolic statement. But actually it's your side that is nuts:

    26% Of Obama Voters See Tea Party As Biggest Terror Threat

    Half of all voters consider radical Muslims the bigger terrorist threat facing the nation, but supporters of President Obama consider the Tea Party to be as big a danger.

    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters consider radical Muslims to be the bigger threat to the United States today. Thirteen percent (13%) view the Tea Party that way, and another 13% consider other political and religious extremists to be the larger danger. Six percent (6%) point to local militia groups. Two percent (2%) see the Occupy Wall Street movement as the bigger terrorist threat. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

    However, among those who approve of the president’s job performance, just 29% see radical Muslims as the bigger threat. Twenty-six percent (26%) say it’s the Tea Party that concerns them most. Among those who Strongly Approve of the president, more fear the Tea Party than radical Muslims.

    Crazy ass liberals....smh.

  4. ""Disproportionately stop whites"? I don't think that there is a single person in New York who believes that statement."

    I don't think there is a single negro who understands statistics.

    If 95% of your crime is being committed by minorities, then 95% of the people you stop and frisk should be minorities.

    Any number higher than 5% for whites would be disproportionate.

    You are a moron.

    Jews do what they want. Go back to harassing what's left of the Republicans. I'm not going to tell you again.

  5. Anonymous9:18 PM

    "Jews do what they want. Go back to harassing what's left of the Republicans. I'm not going to tell you again."

    Wow, I thought I'd never see a prejudiced Jew against Blacks. I guess that is part of the post-racial era in America.

  6. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I can't believe that Instagram cancelled Molly West's account for posting a nice photo of herself, her sister and her father, Don West enjoying vanilla ice cream cones together. This is an outrage!

    I believe Field Negro blog had a lot to do with this bullshit. That young girl Molly was mortified over this. Lord have mercy, a family can't even have vanilla ice cones together without my peeps screaming. WTF?

    Brother Field, because of you I am ashamed to be Black.You might have ruined that young girl. She just might be end up with PTSD because of FN.

    All that little girl wanted to do was support her father and do a victory celebration with ice cream and you Negroes went and ruined that. You are so jealous. There can be no explanation. Well, I'm backing Don West and family. Somebody Black has to stand up for what's right.

  7. Lets deconstruct this statement:

    Bloomberg said. 'I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little.'

    “Most crimes in our city – serious crimes – are committed by male, minorities 15 -25,” ... 'When it comes to policing, the police have to be able to go out and stop, look for, those that fit the description of a witness or a victim after a crime.”'

    In his first sentence, Mr. Bloomberg sets up the premise: "whites are disproportionately stopped by stop-n-frisk." What is he talking about? We know that it isn't in reference population proportions, because proportionately 95% of that burden is borne by 15% of the population at most that is young, minority, and male. No, what he means is that in his opinion the 5% of the burden borne by those 85% of New Yorkers who are not young minority males is an unjustified intrusion into their lives and freedom of movement.

    His second sentences justify this by asserting that the majority of crimes, serious crimes, in the city are committed by young minority men and he has to let the police look among the suspect pool for the actual suspects. On the surface, there's logic there, but when I look deeper, it's what he didn't say that strikes me as revelatory. He didn't say that all serious crimes are committed by young minority men, because many aren't. He also didn't say that all, most, or even many such young minority men are violent criminals because they aren't, but they do often get caught in a stop n frisk for one of the abundant mostly minor drug offenses that SnF produce as a toxic byproduct; which is why despite similar rates of use as their white cohort they're 20x as likely to be arrested for minor drug offenses in NYC.

    Finally his claim that the police are seeking "those that fit the description of a witness or a victim after a crime" is a bald-faced lie. There is no need for a special program to look for people who match descriptions tied to reported crimes; they already have a program for that, it's called "investigation." What stop n frisk was designed to be, what it was what and is, and what Mr. Guliani and his administrations have both defended it as is a measure to prevent future crime by targeting an entire class of young men, and them only, for preemptive enforcement. In effect, in NYC, where the President of the US went to college as a young black man, to be a young minority man is to be presumed until proved, by definition, a criminal, but if you are anyone else, Mr. Bloomberg wants you to know that you deserve your constitutional presumption of innocence in his city.

    I've always said that NYC is the most racist place in the country. Thank you Mr. Bloomberg for bolstering my case.

  8. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Despite Bloomie's petty nanny-state meddling, he has managed to continue what Giuliani started and kept the lid pretty tight on New York crime.

    However, the Liberal psychos in the City Council are working overtime to reverse stop-and-frisk and no doubt everything else that's been effective.

    I really worry that with the next Mayor New York is going to head back into a downhill slide of rampant, suicidal Liberalism. Thing is, so many people who live in New York now don't know what it was like in the 70s and 80s. For them, it's always been one of the safest cities in America. It could all fall apart very quickly.

  9. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Bloomberg sounds kinda like Steven Pinker.

    Pinker says law and order used to be a 'reactionary' issue but since the 90s has turned into a 'progressive' issue. I guess once you're king, you want the mob to have proper manners.

    Most liberals loved M*A*S*H when it came out. They saw it as an attack on conservatism, militarism, religion, and ‘bourgeois’ values.

    Today, many liberals and progressives will find it ‘sexist’, ‘racist’, ‘homophobic’, ‘sadistic’, ‘pro-bullying’, ‘insensitive’, and ‘judgmental’.

    Fashions and times change. When Wasps ruled America, many Jewish novelists and screenwriters attacked everything deemed to be ‘normal’ and ‘mainstream’. Now that Jews and homosexuals rule America, they push politically correct platitudes and sit judgment on everyone who isn’t ‘fully evolved’.

  10. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Obviously what Bloomberg says is true but it's been true everywhere for 50 years and the New York media lying about it is the primary reason nothing was done to reduce the problem.

  11. Jose Hose11:15 PM

    A lot of black people dress like drug dealers and are just asking to be frisked.

  12. Wesley R11:18 PM

    Field, have you ever heard of the charge terroristic threats? Kids are being charged with this playing with toy guns, paint guns etc.. The charge is a felony and their parents have to pay an arm and a leg to get them off. Or else it's the new Jim Crow.

  13. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I can't believe that Instagram cancelled Molly West's account for posting a nice photo of herself, her sister and her father, Don West enjoying vanilla ice cream cones together. This is an outrage!

    I believe Field Negro blog had a lot to do with this bullshit. That young girl Molly was mortified over this. Lord have mercy, a family can't even have vanilla ice cones together without my peeps screaming. WTF?

    Brother Field, because of you I am ashamed to be Black.You might have ruined that young girl. She just might be end up with PTSD because of FN.

    All that little girl wanted to do was support her father and do a victory celebration with ice cream and you Negroes went and ruined that. You are so jealous. There can be no explanation. Well, I'm backing Don West and family. Somebody Black has to stand up for what's right.

    And all Tracy Martin wanted to do was be a thug, lie to the police and flash his gang signs while cleaning up his gang tats before he started making the ching ching off his dead thug sons name.

  14. "Jews do what they want. Go back to harassing what's left of the Republicans. I'm not going to tell you again."

    for per usual, those that call themselves jews, but are not, just never know when to stop. history bears witness to and fully supports this statement.

    additionally, for those that are not heathens: Rev. 2:9 is quite clear...synagogue of Satan. see it again and established in Rev. 3:9. read it for yourself then leave your comment(s) with is HIS Word with which folks will have issue. so gloat for now anonymous jew or jewess. more and more folks are waking up and seeing the hidden hand that can be found in the midst of world wide dissension. when the time of Almighty is full, right of return won't amount to a hill of beans.

    "Wow, I thought I'd never see a prejudiced Jew against Blacks. I guess that is part of the post-racial era in America."

    just WOW at that statement. read. please. the jews RAN the slave trade...actually ceasing from their wickedness only long enough to observe their more talmudic than Torah holy days. don't take my word for it for yourself.

    hint: those black skinned haters decent Black folks can't quite get away from...they did the trapping and selling. LOL. folks like 'ole Clarence T, never stop or truly die out, it seems. looking at drone 'em BO as well. decent American Blacks are catching this white woman's and kenyan baby's hell. and like true ostriches SWEAR all is well, despite being ignored to death and folks that call it are either 'racist' or bm bashing. wake up already. dang.

    if i am not mistaken, negro, comes from the greek word that means dead. @ some point, those that are spiritually dead and sound asleep to their true history will be it is written. america and the world will be better for it.

    ps. i think stop and frisk should be implemented in uber violent, murderous, genocidal places like Chicago and Philly. 50+ dead a weekend, on-going, is genocide. plain and simple.

    unlike quite a few, i see clearly that Blacks are quite deadly to other Blacks. it was Blacks taking out other Blacks in Rwanda, Congo, etc. this is precisely what we see happening here in America, to a different degree. but wait, things will heat up. i know it is only vogue for the lost sleeping Hebrews to scream when a non blk inflicts damage. i care nothing about trends.

    IF more Blacks can't take the time to get clear that the PIC is BIG business and the legal constitutional way to maintain slavery...not sure what more one can do at this point. the Constitution tells you plainly in writing that slavery/involuntary servitude is no more EXCEPT as a punishment for crime...XIII Amendment.

    ...Black folks in much greater numbers must start acting like we know what time it is and where we are. Genesis 15:13-14 and Acts 7:6-7. the judgment is lining up folks.

    those that don't believe...will at some point. either a lie or they will stand in the Truth. from what i read; the lie will put hollywood productions to shame. i understand there will be aliens and the whole nine. lol.

  15. i should say for the record that decent Torah Jews are being set up by the lucifer serving bunch.

    if one pays attention to what is happening in israel, and ALL americans should...since we are paying dearly/daily for doesn't take long to see who is running the show.

    i was reading a jewish blog and it broke my heart to see the comments of folks clearly indicating that the curses of Deuteronomy 28 and others were not happening to the people that call themselves and are commonly accepted as jews. those pushing the accepted narrative would have none of it.

    truly, none dare to call it a conspiracy. despite the ever piling evidence, anyone brave enough to speak, gets called a theorist or worse.

    history is never kind to cowards. america has not ever been the land of the free, as a descendant of the hebrews enslaved here, i have always been clear on that fact. when the rubber hits the road...not a lot of bravery going down either. truly folks will learn their inheritance are all lies. it will not be pretty. folks had a hard time with the truth of that psychopath

    done. thanks for allowing me to share. leaving the plantation and going back to my maroon status. no slavery for me...both field and house negroes were slaves. know this.

  16. "Jose Hose said...
    A lot of black people dress like drug dealers and are just asking to be frisked."

    I swear to god, you couldn't make it up.

  17. Anonymous7:17 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Jose Hose said...
    A lot of black people dress like drug dealers and are just asking to be frisked."

    I swear to god, you couldn't make it up.

    Careful, he will smite thee and make thee have hair of sheep and brains of monkey and face of gorilla...................ohhhhhhhh

  18. PC, anticipating the level of ignorance that will be posted next actually keeps me doing this. These bigots live in their own world.

  19. "The clothes make the man", and every punk ass dumb ni**er who walks around with his pants sagging should be stopped and frisked every godddamned day.

  20. By the modern definition a terrorist is anyone Obama/Democrats disagrees with.

  21. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Why do people keep describing Michael Bloomberg as a liberal?!!

    He is not a liberal and has never described himself as such. Until pretty recently, he used to call himself a conservative, but now goes by "independent."

    It's fair enough to call out the (fairly liberal) citizens of New York for having elected Bloomberg, but STOP calling Bloomberg himself a liberal -- he isn't one. This whole "liberal Mike Bloomberg" idea was cooked up by Fox News.

  22. Black folks have given Blooomberg a pass for decades no doubt because of his power and some tired loyalty based on his religion.

    Fact remains he would find an excuse to frisk Mandela in NYC

  23. Anonymous4:53 PM

    FP, "just WOW at that statement. read. please. the jews RAN the slave trade...actually ceasing from their wickedness only long enough to observe their more talmudic than Torah holy days. don't take my word for it for yourself.

    hint: those black skinned haters decent Black folks can't quite get away from...they did the trapping and selling. LOL. folks like 'ole Clarence T, never stop or truly die out, it seems. looking at drone 'em BO as well. decent American Blacks are catching this white woman's and kenyan baby's hell. and like true ostriches SWEAR all is well, despite being ignored to death and folks that call it are either 'racist' or bm bashing. wake up already. dang. "

    Lord have mercy, are you saying there are some EVIL JEWS AND EVIL BLACKS, worked together to make the slave trade possible?

    I am glad your back. I have wondered how you have been doing. You still have that rare 'insight' and 'discernment' along with amazing 'courage', which are so desperately needed in our community. You bring a high level of truth to FN. Unfortunately, there are many FN folks who DON'T want to be disturbed by the truth. They'd rather stay drunk on Obamaholism.

    Anyway, I hope you stay a little longer this time. I love what you have to say. Thank you.

  24. We really have to push back against this idea that's taken hold among white poeple that THEY are the ones being discriminated against and THEY are the ones really being profiled for skin color.

    I am sick of this crap. It's bad enough white gay folks co-opted the Black Civil Rights movement and language and leap-frogged ahead in the battle for hearts and minds.

    Now we've got every other white person thinking that Dr. King is their personal hero and savior and that he was really fighting for them all along.

    I am going to pimp slap the next white person that tells me "I have more rights" than white people.

    Uh, no. This is what equality looks like. You don't get the special treatment you're used to and I get treated like a normal human being instead of someone who should be pissed on by default.

  25. Anonymous6:22 PM

    "We really have to push back against this idea that's taken hold among white poeple that THEY are the ones being discriminated against and THEY are the ones really being profiled for skin color.

    I am sick of this crap. It's bad enough white gay folks co-opted the Black Civil Rights movement and language and leap-frogged ahead in the battle for hearts and minds."

    I find it amusing that some of our peeps claim we should push back on Whites that they are the ones discriminated against. Hell, they have completely reversed 'everything' regarding racism. It's been relatively easy under Obama because he has supported Whites and abandoned ANY help to Blacks.

    So you want to push back? Start where the power is: OBAMA. But I know you won't because Obama gets a free ride in ignoring the black race to the extent it is abusive. So, your idea is dead on arrival.

  26. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Wow. great comment anon. under Obama we have even lost voting rights, political power and most of ALL, JOBS. You are right about one thing. We are taking it as we get buried simply because Obama is Black. What a stupid pathetic way to exist.

  27. Repetoire8:02 PM

    ThatDeborahGirl said...
    I am going to pimp slap the next white person that tells me "I that have more rights" than white people.

    The fact that you believe you have the right to violently assault white people is perfectly illustrative of the mindset of privilege common among today's black folk. You do believe the you have more rights than white people, because you do not believe that a white person has the right to "pimp slap" you.

    You have proven the truth of the statement that white are discriminated against.

    Self-awareness is the first step towards personal growth. Good luck.

  28. The fact that you believe you have the right to violently assault white people is perfectly illustrative of the mindset of privilege common among today's black folk. You do believe the you have more rights than white people, because you do not believe that a white person has the right to "pimp slap" you.

    Yes, because I go around pimp slapping white people all day long. It's just what I do.


    Go smoke some meth and quit trippin....then read the REST of what I said and respond to THAT.

  29. Damm.... I keep looking over to the right and seeing ..

    More REAL News U Negros could use...

    Mr Nobel Peace Prize ...O-bomber has authorized sending Rocket Launchers AK's , and myriad of other "Light" Weaponry syrian rebels who just cannot stop killing people...??

    The you have the Director of National Intelligence admit to perjuring himself ??

    and here you chit chat about watermelons ,and other such foolishness...


  30. Anonymous8:50 PM

    It's bad enough white gay folks co-opted the Black Civil Rights movement and language and leap-frogged ahead in the battle for hearts and minds.

    Yep, God forbid that anyone else should want their rights. And we all know that there aren't any black homosexuals. I understand that the 13 states that now permit gay marriage only allow white homosexuals to marry each other.

  31. First of all - the reading comprehension of skills of white folks on this site are sorely lacking.

    Yes, I'm saying it. I'm having a big fucking problem with mainly gay white folks using the language of the black Civil rights struggle for their cause.

    A lot of it doesn't even fit. The experience is not the same. But white people love to have their "relegated to the back of the bus story" and it's complete and utter bullshit.

    You may not like it and you may think people should use any example that they want to get their point across.

    But gay folks are treading on some seriously thin ice with this. It's the difference between stepping over a bloody stream and having to dive into a damned bloody river and swim.

    There's this whole campaign right now about not using the word "gay" as a slur. White people like Paula Deen are still DEBATING whether using the N-word is even offensive.

    So no, you can say it's the same, but it's not the same. March your own march, fight your own struggle. Black folks have done enough work for white folks in this damned country. Now you get to take the very language and meaning of our struggle in the same damned way you took the land from the Indians.

    The ends do NOT justify the means. Find your own means.

  32. Anonymous4:38 PM

    But gay folks are treading on some seriously thin ice with this. It's the difference between stepping over a bloody stream and having to dive into a damned bloody river and swim.

    As someone who was physically attacked and beaten up for the crime of walking into a gay bar one Thursday night, I've swum in the bloody river, you homophobic bitch.

  33. @Anon 4:53pm

    hi there. i am blessed, favored and most grateful. though i don't comment often, i check in. noticing and listening to the new voices. AB ever consistent in her indignant rage. hoping La is well when i don't see her here. i even pray abundant blessings for 'ole UTS. lol. in retrospect, he yelped because of my delivery. a soft answer turns away wrath. as i am grown in patience it becomes more clear the power and importance of well placed words, even when folks annoy you;)

    because you are Anon it is difficult to know if you are Anon from before. masculine energy. one who thinks. regulates when need be. if it is you, a warm hello. good to hear your voice;) pray you are well.

    if not, nice to make your acquaintance.

    what happened to Anon Inc? they were so reliable for triggering hysterical laughing on my part;) so when i allowed FN's posts/ usual unregulated suspects to work my impatience...they were worth the price of admission. LOL. shed light please.

    "Lord have mercy, are you saying there are some EVIL JEWS AND EVIL BLACKS, worked together to make the slave trade possible?"

    they along with others, as it is written in Psalm 83.

    anything profitable always finds those that call themselves jews in the mix. if we shall know them by their fruits it appears their g-d is gold and they are willing to do whatever it takes to amass large amounts of it. little stuff like the gold belonging to others, never stops them. if it belongs to what they deem low animal goyim, it is their right to take it, it seems. if they can somehow pull off robbery while giving the appearance of non-involvement, innocence or being victimized-that is even better. look. see.


  34. someone on another thread is saying that i said the so called jews invented the enslavement of Hebrews.

    i said no such thing. Deuteronomy 28:47-52 is quite clear about who is responsible for and why the condition of the Hebrews are as they are today. it also tells us what we must do to turn things around.

    most lost Hebrews it seems are paganed out, sun worshipping on sun day if at all, never/hardly read Scriptures nor any other book really. living on bread for the belly alone. all day. xmas tree erecting, pork eating, immoral/vocally amoral, and happier than pigs in poop with all the non stop sinning going down all around. until we get real with ourselves and get that together...i have said it before we will do better when we do better. not a moment sooner.

    these conditions apply to all other nations, in different degrees, on the planet as well. i am not talking about them right now. just because BO ignores Black folks doesn't mean we should ignore ourselves. only we can/will clean up our acts and get our houses in order-spiritual and material. our material condition is a manifestation of our spiritual condition.

    it seems it is unpopular to read books. n-words don't read. that's how one hides stuff from books. for the record, there are a GRIP of pale n-words running around. they were banking on their paleness to carry them through and get real angry to see it might not. snowden's salary @ his education level indicates strongly that pale skin still pays dividends, though. lol.

  35. libraries are burning new school with the kindle. what is online is sometimes quite different than what is written in the actual book. what is written now as opposed to many years prior. when one does for oneself...there are glaring inconsistencies that point to a deliberate removal of vital information. certain knowledge has been politely edited and hidden. that is all the occult really is. what knowledge is revealed has been inverted, heavily leavened and bleached pale white in most cases. which is why white supremacy factors mightily in the nonsense.

    we are told information is a fraud or tainted so many foolishly toss it all out and choose to believe utter nonsense instead of what is obviously unfolding in front of our faces as written. the Scriptures of the Bible, protocols of the learned elders of zion, willie lynch letter, etc.

    if folks say it is fake and then try to bamboozle me with their intellectual greatness...i simply want to know if what is written is occurring? if so...that's all i need. debating how smart folks are is a waste of time. folks are not that smart. the earth and its present condition bear witness to this statement.

    somewhere i read that man stumbles upon the Truth at least once in their lives...most brush it off and continue on with their day. paraphrase. true statement as you note with the BO'ers. to be fair, humans have been super studied. the enemy to our souls knows that we will accept any evil, quietly, as long as delivered by those that look like us. notice white folks couldn't see how corrupt the system is until BO came on the scene to next level Bush and other wm's agendas. the ruin that is now America did not just happen in the last five years. brand new white folks crack me up.

    the lost Hebrews' sacred golden calf...a BM. folks can and will freely attack Black women. all day. everyone gets in a whomp or two. golden calf...nope. not without noise. especially if attacker is non blks. do not touch the golden calf. not even when he is dead wrong. not even if he is the adult and the other(s) are children. sad truth. BO is a case of bm golden calf worship gone real wrong.

    i can't find those jokers now that verbally accosted me with the 'it is your duty as a Black woman to vote for' BO'ers. lol. i have been calling it from jump. i knew there was a very bad joke about to happen on a global scale when they first started with the BO force feed.

    most folks are complacent and growing more fearful or still footloose and fancy free. sex sells! anything goes! sinning is sexy! homosexuality is the new normal! make sure the children are taught this before you teach them abc's! all day. on tv and in the magazines. lol. smh. any wonder folks are crazy?

    these end days are meant for building lasting relationships (with Almighty first then each other) and getting organized.

    there are two kingdoms existing right here on earth. only one will stand. essentially all must choose sides. those that are sleeping soundly and not making conscious choices, choose nevertheless. those that are alert, prayed up, whole armor, with spiritual sword in tow to withstand the evil ones...they are the mighty ones and the winners. the other side loses as some of them already know. their team is comprised of liars and dupes.

    blessings to you my friend.

  36. BARBBF6:47 PM

    Invasive policing is only one aspect of the U.S. states comprehensive containment strategies to exploit Black people and to smother resistance. To contain the upsurge of the Black liberation movement of the 1960’s and 70’s and protect the system of white supremacy the institutional forces of racism have worked through governments at every level to destabilize the Black community via community divestment, massive employment discrimination, outsourcing, gentrification and other forms of economic dislocation. In addition, schools, housing, healthcare, other social services and transportation in Black communities have been denied equitable provision and distribution of public goods and resources.

    The U.S. state maintains and reinforces these economic injustices with the militarized occupation of Black communities by the police and a web of racist legislation like the “war on drugs”, discriminatory polices like “three strikes” and “mandatory minimum” sentencing. The result is a social system that mandates the prison warehousing of millions of Black people and extrajudicial killings where the killers act with impunity and more often than not are rewarded and promoted for murder. The oppression and police occupation of Black communities parallels the brutalization, denial of human rights and killings being committed by the Israeli occupying forces in Palestine, and the persecution of Afro descendants in Columbia and the Indigenous peoples of Brazil over the past several years.(1) Nothing short of the structural integrity and survival of the Black community is at stake when we consider the historic record.

  37. @ BARBBF-

    yes to the info you share.

    you notice the similarities between Palestine and what is happening in Black America right now, for one simple reason.

    the israeli military trains most police departments. the police are quietly morphing and becoming militarized. predictive programming is underway. if you look, you will see again and again images flashing of police in riot gear. it is depicted as futuristic and desirable. there is yet another layer that i am not clear, based on the posts and their directions within the Black blogosphere, if folks understand how there is a clear spiritual aspect to all that is going down.

    of course, just as cointel pro proceeded its babies, patriot act 1 & 2 (Hebrews get it first...always, no matter where they are scattered all over the world.) the militarization and future practices to be rolled out are being practiced on Black America. we are the descendants of those written of in Scriptures.

    just as with Katrina, nobody cares when it is us, dying. however, everybody else, will get some. in fact, if one comes outside of themselves and look, MANKIND is getting it right now. just as with the lost Hebrews in America, commonly known as Black African Americans- the curses are designed to wake mankind up.

    all of what we see is written. therefore, it will all come to pass. whether folks believe or not. it is what it is, because He does not lie. nahmean? i will stop there. there is so much more to the topic that it would be nice if bloggers would link around. our harnessed energy demonstrating that we not only understand the game/name/ways of the enemy- but most importantly who we are- it would change up the game. material and spiritual, as it is written. all done peacefully and prayerfully in keeping with Scriptures.

    thanks for such an insightful comment. it provided great food for thought.

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