Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Negro, step away from the German vehicle".

More proof that "driving while black" is no joke.

A brotha can't even test drive a fine German automobile without catching it from the po po these days.

"A man who went car shopping in Gwinnett County ended up in jail during a test drive.

Jon-Christopher Sowells had just driven a BMW out of Philips Motors on Highway 78 in Snellville when an officer stopped him.

Sowell told Channel 2’s Kerry Kavanaugh he pulled over, unclear about why the Snellville police officer stopped him. 

"He said you don't have any tags on the car. I said, ‘No problem, I don't have any tags on this car because it's not my car. The dealer is right there we can get it all clarified,’” Sowells said.

Sowells said he asked the officers to call the dealer three or four times, then the officer asked to see some paperwork on the back seat. Not knowing what the papers were, Sowells refused.

“They asked me to get out of the car. I said 'I don't feel comfortable.' They commenced to open up the car door and they tried to drag me out of the door by my left arm," he said.

At that point, Sowells says, the officer had called for backup.

According to the police report, Sowells pulled away from the officers. Two officers grabbed their Tasers and Sowells got out of the car. He was arrested for obstruction.

“They're treating me like I'm a criminal and I hadn't done anything," he said.

Snellville Police Chief Roy Whitehead emailed Kavanaugh a statement.
"The officer observed a paper on the rear seat that appeared to be of the type dealers use when placing a vehicle for sale. He asked if he could retrieve it and Mr. Sowells refused. Based on his refusal to provide information and his passive and then active resistance, Mr. Sowells was charged with obstruction," the statement said." [Source]

Now why would the po po stop a black man from driving a black man wagon? BMW, Black Man Wagon, get it? I know I know, it's not funny, but honestly, I have to laugh to keep from crying. I am starting to see where Touré  is coming from. (Check out the comments after this article.) Even"Proper Negro" behavior can't save you anymore.

And I am supposed to be worried about Uncle Sam listening to my long distance call to my cousin in Jamaica? I don't think so. Not when I am worried about just stepping out the damn door.

I am glad that some folks are up in arms about their privacy and want to check the government, but it would really be nice if they were just as outraged at stories like this one.

Americans are worried about having their freedoms limited. Sadly, quite a lot of us have already had it taken.



  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Field said, "Anon@9:50, I don't need a lecture about liberals and other groups in the majority population. I know exactly where some of them stand.

    5:06 AM
    No you don't. If you did, your posts regarding Leftist Liberals would be completely different. Instead, you defend practically everything they do like a HN on a plantation.

    So Field, you need a lot of lectures. However, I know you are unable to hear the truth. So I'll stop lecturing because you just aren't ready for prime time.

  2. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Field, "And I am supposed to be worried about Uncle Sam listening to my long distance call to my cousin in Jamaica? I don't think so. Not when I am worried about just stepping out the damn door."

    Field, I have found the perfect vehicle to drive. The police won't even notice you are even follow you. It's a Jetta four-cylinder Volkswagen. Take it from me, you will have no problems DWB. I am so glad that I gave up my Mercedes for this Volkswage. Now I have peace of mind whenever I hit the road.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    That's nothing Field, check how this 65 y.o. Negro was treated by the Surprise, AZ police. Talking about DWB.


  4. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Sorry, I didn't see you were on top of things with my link...it pays to read your blog everyday...that way one feels less an idiot.ken

  5. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    That's nothing Field, check how this 65 y.o. Negro was treated by the Surprise, AZ police. Talking about DWB.


    9:03 PM
    H/T to anon. That was good information. Too bad Field missed this one.

  6. Anonymous9:22 PM

    "Sowells said he asked the officers to call the dealer three or four times, then the officer asked to see some paperwork on the back seat. Not knowing what the papers were, Sowells refused."

    Brother Field, you and I both know this was the turning point for this Negro. All he had to do was give the papers to the inquiring officers. But NOOOO, he had to act an ass and then cry about it afterwards when they locked his black ass up.

    For the life of me, I don't know what's wrong with those Philly Negroes. Any bm knows better to do what Sowell did. I guess bm in Philly are just dumb.

  7. I used to have 4-5 black 20 something men a week walk into my office charged with obstructing or resisting with no underlying crime and wanting to sue the coppers. Then, a week later, the DA would offer them a "disturbing the peace" slap on the wrist, and they'd plead it out. Killed any chances of a lawsuit, but I didn't blame them; why take a chance like that if you don't have to?

  8. You Anons I swear. First, that was not Philly, that was Georgia. Second, as the other Anon pointed out, we have already blogged the Surprise,Az. story. (What a name for a town)

  9. Wesley R10:04 PM

    I remember George Clinton rapping about US Custom Dope Dogs (it's still on youtube) and ended by saying there's more money pretending that they're trying to stop the war on drugs then actually doing it.

    Check out "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander. It talks about how the criminal court system has been making Black Males second class citizens.

  10. NSangoma11:03 PM


    17-Negroes shot on the streets of north Saint Louis MO, last night; field booty.


    But, we should be worried about Negroes being subject to routine police stops in GA.

    That Gwinnett County GA Negroe should have cooperated with the police; motherfcuk him.

    Cooperate Negroe, and then drive your punk-ass on about your punk-assed business.

    field booty, you are truly a racism chaser.

    field booty, what kind of standardized test scores (ACT, SAT) are the Negroe high school students of Philadelphia PA throwing down?

    field booty, what kind of standardized test scores (ACT, SAT) are the Negroe high school students of Gwinnett County GA throwing down?


  11. NSangoma11:13 PM


    Speaking of BMW:

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has accused BMW and Dollar General of discrimination for their use of criminal background checks to screen workers, most of whom were black.


    SIHT Negroes, what do you expect?

    FCUK, don't FCUK up Negroes; the career you save may be your own.


  12. GrannyStandingforTruth12:48 AM

    "Negroes, ostensibly, were given their freedom and awarded the honorary degree of humanity. But, despite the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution and despite the fact that once having been given citizenship, he automatically fell under the protections of the Constitution with all the guardianship supposedly implicit in the Bill of Rights, the Negro found that his honorary degree of humanity had no real meaning.

    He was explained away again for nearly 100 years as "not being ready yet." He was "protected" by the courts which legally said, "You shall be kept separate, though equal. You are a second class citizen. Then came World War II, the Communist conspiracy, the black nations figh for freedom from colonialism and re-examination of the Christian faith which brought forth the idea that skin color was not a true measure of a man's humanity. Finally, in 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the doctrine of separate but equal was untenable under the Constitution.

    Today, the explaining away is a little more difficult. Enough Negroes have proved that, given an equal chance, they can measure up to the best. Now the explaining away takes the fomr of, "Things are better today than they were yesterday and will be better tomorrow than they are today. Have patience. Don't demonstrate. Everything will come about in due time."~~John H. Johnson~~

  13. GrannyStandingforTruth12:54 AM

    Toure is telling the truth and nothing but the truth. The truth will set you free, if folks accept it. But most of them don't want to and remain stagnant in racism and suffocating in hate like those folks who made those comments after the article. In essence, people like them do not want to improve race relations.

    James Baldwin hit the nail on the head in this article he wrote:

    "...I concluded long ago that they found the color of my skin inhibitory. This color seems to operate as a most disagreeable mirror, and a great deal of one's energy is expended in reassuring white Americans that they do not see what they see. This is utterly futile, of course, since they do see what they see. And what they see is appallingly oppressive and bloody history known all over the world. What they see is a disastrous, continuing, present condition which menaces them, and for which they bear an inescapable responsibility. But since, in the main, they seem to lack the energy to change this condition, they would rather not be reminded of it" ~~James Baldwin~~

  14. In Jersey dealers have the sense to put dealer plates on a car when you test drive it. This situation probably unfolded in less time it takes to read it. But the fact remains, white drivers test drive those cars all the time & apparently aren't stopped.

    & Field, you know what words & terms not to use when you call Jamaica.

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth2:46 AM

    What I don't understand is that after the dealer came to get the car and it was confirmed that he was test driving it, why they did not let him go. Instead the po po chose to make a molehill out of a mountain. Smh!

    Out this way usually when someone test drives a car, the car dealer is in the car with them.

  16. Anonymous4:04 AM

    "Brother Field, you and I both know this was the turning point for this Negro. All he had to do was give the papers to the inquiring officers. But NOOOO, he had to act an ass and then cry about it afterwards when they locked his black ass up."

    Brother Anon, I agree with you 100%. And Field knows it too. He just can't admit when a Negro does wrong. It's just not in him to do that. He will NEVER know what true justice and fairness is.

    But hey, at least he is committed to the Black cause. At times, Field shows that black racism can be a beautiful thing when positioned right. Yep, those cops were wrong and the Negro who refused to hand the officers the papers in the back seat of the car--and refused to get out of the car--wasn't 'doing' anything wrong.

    I swear. They ought to declare the Black national anthem to be: "I wasn't doing anything wrong". Brother Field, PC, PilotX and some of his other cry-me-a-river Leftist FN Negroes have been singing it since birth.


  17. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Field, do you know if the brother had the means to buy that Black Man Wagon? I don't think so.

  18. Anon@4:08 AM, u might not want to go there. One thing a Negro will find a way to get into is a nice car.

    Sadly, that's not necessarily a good thing.

    Anon505, you might be right, but why was the brotha put in that situation to begin with?

  19. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Granny, "What I don't understand is that after the dealer came to get the car and it was confirmed that he was test driving it, why they did not let him go. Instead the po po chose to make a molehill out of a mountain. Smh!"

    Granny, I don't understand your analogy of making a 'molehill' out of a mountain. Shouldn't it be a 'mountain' out of a molehill? That's what I have always heard. But I also heard that it's different for people in East Oakland. Things get turned around.

  20. NSangoma6:29 AM


    Again field booty, what kind of standardized test scores (ACT, SAT) are the Negroe high school students of Gwinnett County GA throwing down?

    field booty, you Caribbean Negroes, African Negroes, Asian/South Pacific Negroes (Negritos), come to this country and kick all kinds of academic ASS.

    What's the matter with us North American Negroes, field booty?


  21. Why would the police stop a man harmlessly driving a car down the road?

    It didn't have tags.

    Why would he be asked to step out of the car?

    Pretty common procedure when he does anything suspicious. Refusing to hand the officer the dealer papers on the back seat was suspiciously stupid and uncooperative.

    Why would he be dragged from the car?

    See the part about how he was asked to step out on his own.

    Why would he be tased?

    See the part about how he had to be dragged.

    -- See here's the difference. If I'm asked to hand the officer the papers, not having anything to hide and not having my head up my ass, I hand him the papers. End of story.

    It's a cultural thing, and there are numerous logical causes that have produced the attitude - but Field, you yourself are exhibiting the whole indignation over being stopped for having no tags and the attitude that the man was somehow right in not cooperating with a simple traffic stop. Black or not, the guy didn't have his tags and he was pulled over. From that point forward, if he doesn't cooperate it BECOMES suspicious.

    He was doing anything wrong BEFORE he got pulled over, no, but he did plenty wrong afterwards.

    We don't need race to explain this one - just stubbornness and an understandable dose of paranoia.

    In retrospect the guy should have simply handed over the papers, huh? Yeah.

    Cooperating with the cops during a roadside stop, whether you agree with them or not, is not optional.

    In the end, he was doing nothing wrong until he was guilty of being a dumbass.

    I'm white as the Pilsbury dough boy and I've been slammed to the pavement a few times, too, that's how I know all this.

  22. Anonymous9:52 AM

    HE WAS STOPPED BECAUSE HE HAD NO PLATES ON THE CAR NOT BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK.sorry about the capitals caused by kitty on the keyboard.if you don't coorperate any cop will think your up to some thing which is why I don't give cops a hard time.this guy was stupid!

  23. Americans are worried about having their freedoms limited. Sadly, quite a lot of us have already had it taken.

    Now Mr. Field. You know as well as I do that "American" is synonymous with "white". Those "Americans" are perfectly happy with our limited liberty. They just don't like it applied to them.

  24. Anonymous10:28 AM



  25. Anonymous10:56 AM

    sane people know that all calls are tapped...

    and that tapped calls lead the racist police to your door...


    all police harassment leads right back to that big bro racist rabid lead dog wiretapper in chief hobama...shame!!!!!!!

    cc irs/nwo/hobamacare ec




  26. Everyday theres a New revelation....

    I suspect that there will be more than a few things that will have to be explained away...



    He should Fire Holder , and try to have a HONEST discusssion about these programs...

  27. Its official....

    STEPHEN, Pilot X Granny .... Here are your talking points..

    Rep Clyburn says... "NSA Leaks Part of Effort to Embarass Obama"


    Because our Civil Liberties cant be more important than Embarassing the President....

  28. Anonymous12:54 PM

    field, stop and frisk has lowered crime in new york.....

    "driving while black" policies have lowered crime rates also.

    field, do you want the rest of america to have murder/crime rates like killadelphia and chiraq?

  29. Karma, what's he doing driving a nazi car anyway. Ha!

  30. "STEPHEN, Pilot X Granny .... Here are your talking points.."

    don't need em. Got em from your boys Boehner and Lindsey. You're a bit late son. Now go back to your obsession with the dark skinned fellow in the WH like the rest of your hooded bretheren.

  31. Anonymous1:19 PM

    see how sane black men regard the blackish bankster big bro on hobama


    by horrid contrast, more on black hobama nazis:

    This is your brain on Obama:
    Using Obama makes some people prone to wild mood swings and abrupt changes in personality. In their brainwashed cult-like state, Obama users turn on friends and colleagues who keep their principles, regardless of which capitalist flunky commits the crimes. What were shameful atrocities ten minutes before Obama was inaugurated, suddenly became badges of “toughness” after he swore to uphold/destroy the Constitution. (Take your pick — that’s what he does.) Obama users need treatment but, unfortunately, funds have been fast and furiously diverted to buy guns for Mexican drug cartels.

    Smoking Obama increases apathy and reduces empathy, regardless of race, creed or color. Now blacks, as well as whites, don’t care in the least how many dark-skinned people America kills throughout the world. Before the Obama epidemic, the entire American working class had no class consciousness, but now it’s most historically progressive element (blacks) has no race consciousness either. (Blacks, like all factions of the Democrats, only have symbolic consciousness — tangible improvements are never required.) For American capitalism, that Obama is some good *hit.”

    Randy Shields

    The Black Agenda Report


  32. Anonymous1:20 PM

    see how sane black men regard that blackish bankster big bro hobama


  33. Anonymous1:21 PM

    field negro, hows about next post giving dock ellis a shoutout. 43 years ago brutha man pitched a no-hitter while high on LSD.


  34. Frustrated Negro2:23 PM

    don't need em. Got em from your boys Boehner and Lindsey.

    Pilot ...Your so blinded in your defense of O-bomber..

    You cant even grasp what Im saying while Im poking fun at you...

    The talking points im talking about are coming from Rep Clyburn....

    Do you agree with them... Or do you disagree...? Very simple

    Are you with the leadership in the Democratic party ...

    Or can you make up your own mind...

    Caling me a Republican is quite amusing...

    You would think that by now you would have a better come back....

  35. GrannyStandingforTruth2:50 PM

    Anon 5:04

    Thank you for correcting my error. I was tired and sleepy.

    Did you get your food package that I left under the bridge? Does the City of Oakland know that you're stealing their electricity to come online? Don't worry, I won't snitch, I believe in that no snitch policy, you live longer. You know the WEST COAST.

  36. BTW Pilot....

    Did you hear that the administration is going to decide whether or not to Arm Syrian Rebels in their conflict with Assad...??

    Since youve been so supportive of the EMPIRE....

    Are you going to support arming Syrian Rebels???

    The Republicans ....
    WANT that conflict.... and you know how easily he capitulates
    PRE emptively....


    Lets all HOPE Obama doesnt roll over again... Syria is a NO win...

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth3:17 PM

    Well, the car dealership must have set him up and he should sue them. It's their fault that the plates were not on there.

    In answer to the anony who asked me about my blog on another thread, I'll be back in the future. Right now I'm dealing with a sick family member and have a few other things on my plate, so I don't have the time or energy. I only drop by here every once in awhile.

    I'm leaving now. Bye bye.

  38. PilotX said...
    Karma, what's he doing driving a nazi car anyway. Ha!

    No thank you, but I'll personally keep my Nazi-mobile over a hick-mobile ANY day and twice on Sunday.

  39. Anonymous5:54 PM

    ThatDeborahGirl said...
    Americans are worried about having their freedoms limited. Sadly, quite a lot of us have already had it taken.

    Now Mr. Field. You know as well as I do that "American" is synonymous with "white". Those "Americans" are perfectly happy with our limited liberty. They just don't like it applied to them.

    9:58 AM
    Thank you Deborah for laying out the hard truth. I am always amazed that Field doesn't know this. Of course, if he did know that America was built for Whites ONLY, his posts would be quite different and he would not be such an Obamaholic and a HN for Leftist Liberal Whites. Same goes for Granny and PilotX...you are all pathetic blind fools.

  40. Pilot, I see republican people. :)

  41. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Next time just comply with the officers directions and get rid of your uppity mentality.

    Officers,especially black officers know how dangerous a nigger can be.They want to go home at the end of their shift unharmed and know how quickly the Savage can maim and kill.

    Officers are always looking for SNEMs,a good indicator that wildhog is up to no good.

    Just comply like everyone else.

  42. Cowards are screaming "Comply" at the top of their lungs.

    Same people that told Dr. King to comply.

    How about the police were wrong and the man (no matter what color he was). Had every right to refuse an unlawful command.

    Produce the law this man broke or shut the fuck up!

    Cowards & Racists (y'all sort out which slot or slots you fall into).
