Thursday, June 13, 2013

What's in a name?

The NFC East will be a very good division again this year. Even though I am not sure what my team, the Philadelphia Degos, is going to do, I know that the New York Niggers will be good as they are the most consistent team in the division.
The Dallas Honkies should also be competitive because they just signed their quarterback to a big contract.
Look for the Washington Redskins to be right in the mix as well, because they have RG3 and he is always dangerous.
Still, when all is said and done, my money is on the always tough New York Niggers to take the division.
OK, there is no New York Niggers, Philadelphia Degos or Dallas Honkies, but there is a team called the Washington Redskins, and I would like to know the difference between their name and the names that I used to name the other three NFL teams in the division.
If you are offended by the term Nigger, Dego, or Honky, you should be just as offended by the term Redskin.
Please don't tell me that the name of the team was not based on racism, because it actually was. And please don't tell me that the name is not a racial slur, because it is.
We know that the team owner, Dan Snyder, is an idiot. But sadly, the gutless, Roger Goodell is a huge disappointment as a commissioner and as a human being as well, and he is no less of an idiot than the aforementioned Snyder. 
I do not expect the Neanderthals who comment anonymously on websites to know better, but men like Snyder and Goodell should have the smarts and courage to do the right thing. 
"(W)e hope that there is no doubt that the team understandably is proud of its heritage and the culturally rich community it serves, and its fans understandably are highly attached to that history and the team's history."


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    "OK, there is no New York Niggers, Philadelphia Degos or Dallas Honkies, but there is a team called the Washington Redskins, and I would like to know the difference between their name and the names that I used to name the other three NFL teams in the division."

    Field, the Washington Redskins' name is nearly as offensive as niggers, degos, or even honkies. My God, man. What the hell is wrong with you?

  2. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Are you saying that you want the name of a famous team of Champion calliber like the Washington Redskins to change their name? GTFOH...The Indians probably don't care. So why should you care?

    Let me suggest to you to pay attention to your sorry-ass Eagles and leave it at that. Until those Eagles learn to fly out of that eagle hole they keep nesting in, you need to STFU.

    Furthermore, The NYGiants won't win the Division this year. It will guessed it--THE WASHINGTON REDSKINS.

  3. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Field, It seems to me that Washington might be paying the Indians a tidy sum each year for the use of the Redskin name. has this possibility occurred to you? Of course not. You and your regular FN Negroes rarely ever think anything through.

  4. Anonymous7:46 PM

    "I do not expect the Neanderthals who comment anonymously on websites to know better, but men like Snyder and Goodell should have the smarts and courage to do the right thing."

    Who you calling Neanderthals? If it wasn't for Anons your blog wouldn't make sense.Hell, we're keeping your ass alive.

    I find it ironic that you would use such an insulting term toward classy Anons, while simultaneously attacking others about the beloved Redskins' name.

  5. Please provide a link to prove your claim that the fake football team u have in Washington is paying native Americans to use their name.

    Take all the time you need, I will wait.......

  6. Anonymous9:21 PM

    This is an insult. After all these years of telling the truth here my words are beyond reproach. Yet you keep wanting link after link. Well, this time you will have to take my word for it.

    I am an honest Anon...a lot more honest than some of your FN regular IDs. Between Whitey, PilotX, Granny and PC nobody can believe a damn thing except my comments.

    You Leftists are always trying to discredit me but you keep failing miserably....Give it up!

  7. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Mr Field, here is a brilliant analysis by Krauthamer on the Factor about President Obama.

  8. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Obama Idolatry Falling Apart:

  9. I think the 4skins belong in a league with the "Appalachian Inbreds" "Carolina Crackers" "Texas Trailer Trash" and "Arkansas Hillbillies." I'd buy those jerseys anyway, so why not?

    Whatever happened to the golden rule?

  10. Anonymous9:49 PM

    What's the golden rule? Is this a 'white' thing?

  11. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Jesse Lee Peterson slams Obama, Trayvon Martin, Al Sharpton, and the majority of Blacks who can't think for themselves.

    Field, this is further evidence that you are on the wrong side:

  12. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I hope someday Granny will have time to blog. I realize that sickness in Granny's family has consumed and overwhelmed her. Some families are very sick prone but maybe there will be some down time for her.

  13. Anonymous11:34 PM

    As long as there is no monetary price to pay the NFL and the Washington franchise will never change the name.

    The only hope is if Congress calls the NFL on the carpet about its collusion as a way to coerce them to change the name. But, that's not likely.


  14. STEPHEN!!!

    While your blogging about the Redskins , and other un important matters...

    The HNIC has just decided to send arms to Syrian Rebels....

  15. Anonymous12:51 AM

    BlackisBeautiful, Please! Field is doing the best he can. Please do not overload him with something such as Obama sending arms to Syria. He will burn out. Besides, he doesn't care about that kind of stuff. You see, STEPHEN is a domestic boy, not an International man. So cut the Obamaholic some slack.

    BTW, have you noticed that Brotha Jesse Lee Peterson has said Obama has "ruined" America. Now that is pretty heavy...Lord have mercy.

  16. All these Fox links and u want me to take your comments seriously? I don't think so.

    So O might arm Syrian rebels. So what?

    Those people who cut off the heads of 14 year olds in the name freedom?

    You and motor mouth McCain better be careful what u wish for.

    1. Frustrated. Negro8:19 AM

      So arming rebels that have confirmed alqeda what you support......?

      Why do u keep bringing. Up old ass MC War hawk??? Its obvious o bomber is taking the GOP he always does....

  17. Anonymous10:39 AM

    racist team names are a callous con...

    ditto for hobama - the callous con/coon in chief

    ralph nader is my hero!

  18. Anonymous12:59 PM

    new day = new big bro hobama scandals

  19. Anonymous1:04 PM

    are teen boys trying to look like the emaciated dl hobama?,0,6153566.story

  20. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Field, "You and motor mouth McCain better be careful what u wish for."

    8:01 AM
    McCain is a Senator of the US. How dare you call him 'motor mouth'! Who do you think you are? How would you like someone to call Obama a name? That has never been done but that's the difference in moral character between Conservatives and Liberals, isn't it? You folks need Jesus.

  21. Here is where I, 2 time contributor volunteer & voter for Mr. Obama part ways with him.
    As I see it he is letting himself get pushed around by Jonboy McCaine & Lizzy Graham's "intervene in every war" agenda. The day after this "small arms" (dodge) announcement & we're already moving to a no-fly zone. I miss the guy who was against dumb wars & brave enough to oppose Iraq when he was a state legislator. This is the worst kind of war in which to intervene - a civil war on sectarian lines. By definition it's a dirty war without winners. Moreover, our involvement is sure to further widen the war into a regional sectarian war between the Wahabbis who attacked us on 9/11 and the Shia world of Iran, Iraq, the Arabian gulf shore, and Med. coast of Syria/Lebennon, with us backing the Shia in Iraq and the Wahabbi everywhere else. What the Administration hopes to accomplish is no doubt as big a mystery to it as it is to us.

    This isn't Libya, a joke of a state propped up by oil money and Tuareg mercs. The Assads have a loyal base, loyal and invested allies in Hezp-Allah, Iran & Russia, and a ruthlessly capable, integrated-command veteran fighting force with ample evidence of recently growing capacity and improved strategic position.

    Too bad,; on so many levels.

  22. Anonymous3:41 PM

    hobama = bystander in chief

    hobama poorly feigns being as deaf and blind as his own nazis

    that bumbling bankster hobama = blamer bystander big bro boob...


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  24. Whitey's Conspiracy said....

    "Here is where I, 2 time contributor volunteer & voter for Mr. Obama part ways with him."

    I appluad you for having the COURAGE to stand by your principles.

    Its Too bad the rest of the Obama voters cant put aside petty symbolism and look at him for what he is.

    Arming Syrian rebels is the Wrong move....

    There is NO Good outcome for this...NONE

  25. To be clear, I oppose the policy; not the man or his party. We're still infinately better off with Mr. Obama in the WH than we would be either Romney or McCaine. I could no more join the critics of everything Obama than I could stop supporting the 90% of his agenda that I do just because of 10% that I don't.

  26. I applaud you for the 10% you oppose..

    Its this 10% that could effectually negate the other 90% if WW3 happens or the dollar collapses...

    Glen Ford put it this way...

    For the ones who support Obama no matter what....

    "If one good thing has come out of Barack Obama’s ascension to the White House, it is that his rise has exposed the appalling backwardness of the Black Mis-Leadership Class – a petty and puny-minded cohort whose worldview is so narrow, it can accommodate only one issue: the political fortunes of the First Black President. Nothing else matters to these incredibly parochial political midgets – not issues of war and peace, nor the precarious state of planetary ecology, not even the economic well-being of the masses of Black Americans. Certainly, not civil liberties. Only Obama. "

  27. Frustrated Negro said...
    I applaud you for the 10% you oppose..


    I said that I opposed this policy and that I support 90% of the President's agenda. I dodn't day that I oppose every policy of his that I do not support. That was an unwarranted assumption on your part. I oppose few of his policies, far fewer than of those with which I disagree, because I am his supporter, and supporters, like friends, only count if they stick with you even when they think you're wrong, and only part with you when their conscience revolts at the prospect of supporting your proposed course of action.

    That's where I'm at on Syria. IT IS NOT OUR FIGHT. WE WILL ALWAYS BE INTERLOPERS THERE. No good for us will come of it.

  28. Vikings

    Fighting Irish



    Ragin' Cajuns



    Nigger please!

  29. Chief, u are an idiot. Those are not slurs.

    Dummy please!

  30. Neither is "Redskin". In my many years, I have never once heard the term used pejoratively. The Redskins symbol is that of a proud warrior, just like that used by the Vikings. It is far more dignified than the Fighting Irish mascot, and something that I am proud of.

  31. Chief, u need to do a little reading. Check out the links with the post.

  32. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Field i bet if they were named the wash crakers there would be no argument
    The little penis, child raping , penile pump needing crackers need no excuse to continue biz as usual..They do not get it

  33. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Some of those Washington Redskins have mighty foreskins. You could use them as sails.
