Saturday, July 20, 2013

A flawed victim?

As a trial lawyer who wanted george zimmerman to be found culpable for his actions, I was disappointed with the state's performance in the case. There are quite a few things that they did during the trial which left me wondering, and there are things that they allowed the defense to get away with that seemed way too easy.

The way, for instance, the defense portrayed Martin as sinister, minatory, and scary throughout the trial, and the testimony about young black males committing break-ins in the apartment complex where the incident took place.

This all helped to make zimmerman's actions justified because he feared for his life. The post trial statements by juror B-37 proves that it worked.

I am not mad at the defense lawyers; they were doing their job for their client. But I am still upset that the jury didn't find the Mall Cop wannabe guilty of something.

So george zimmerman is free and most black people, like me, are disappointed. Some blacks are angry, and still others are not as angry or even disappointed. Some of you wish that there was a more angelic victim than the young Trayvon Martin for you to rally around. While most will not go as far as the slave catcher, Jesse Lee Peterson (when he called Martin a "pot smoking thug" who deserved what he got), some will say, like an African American friend of mine (a man I respect who owns a business where he hires more than a few young black men), "With all due respect, this young buck ain't Rosa Parks."

No, he is not, but we can't always wait around to pick the perfect victim of injustice. Injustice is blind. Trayvon Martin was still a young man who lost his life because he was profiled by someone who believed that he had no right to be where he was that evening. That is an American tragedy, and just like the tragedy of hundreds of young African American men being killed by other young African American men every year; it is a tragedy that should be acknowledged. I don't care how much pot he smoked, or how much he liked to take pictures on Facebook with a braggadocios posture. His life, and the way he lost it, should not be diminished by these particular actions when he was alive.

Finally, I would like to address this Rich Benjamin controversy a little bit. Mr. Benjamin is a smart dude, and he is someone I respect. (At least I used to.) But some of the things he wrote in his article for Salon Magazine left me scratching my head.

I have to agree with some of my twitter fam who wrote things like the following:

"JamilahLemieux 18h
And I actually understand the colloquial use of "inner nigger." But it has NO PLACE IN THIS ARTICLE. Salon is not 125th Street.
blackgirlinmain 18h
Yes! Things we say in private amongst ourselves are not meant for the larger world, that includes inner niggers."
Rich, the next time you are inspired to share your inner most black thoughts, try to think about the platform that you are sharing it from. 


  1. George Zimmerman is now a free man. He is free to be stalked, threatened, harassed, persecuted, and possibly killed at the hands of the perpetual malcontents who are sorely displeased with his acquittal late Saturday night.

    But he is not free to sleep soundly—not now, nor possibly for the rest of his life. Like O. J. Simpson after his murder acquittal, he is likely to face big-money civil suits from Trayvon Martin’s family members. And like the LAPD officers who were originally acquitted on charges of using excessive force against Rodney King, he is now vulnerable to a federal civil-rights prosecution. In fact, the Justice Department is investigating precisely that possibility, despite the fact that an FBI investigation found no evidence that Zimmerman is “racist,” as if such a thing can actually be proved.

    I believe it was MLK who said something along the lines of “a perceived injustice anywhere leads to nauseatingly misguided sanctimony everywhere.” The flaming quills of the progressive press corps—you know, the ones who initially whipped this everyday killing into a national moral outrage and potential race war—were frantically scribbling about this wretched injustice shortly after the verdict.

    These people will not let go of the script that’s been welded into their stupid minds. They’ve gullibly swallowed a race-oriented screenplay that’s been fed to them since this story first broke. And they will apparently adhere to that narrative even if they have to take the whole country down with them.

    They are the same people who never remind you that 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks, nor that an estimated 11,000+ blacks have been killed by other blacks since Trayvon Martin was slain.

    It simply doesn’t fit the script. And they must stick to the script whether cities burn or not.

    And these are the same people whose unforgivably skewed reporting has made George Zimmerman a marked man.

    Last year there were several reported incidents of black-on-white violence perpetrated in Trayvon’s name as a result of this massive media malpractice. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to suspect that a second wave of retaliatory violence is coming.

    But this time, you have no right to cry foul if you get shot.

  2. I am George Zimmerman9:20 PM

    "It simply doesn’t fit the script. And they must stick to the script whether cities burn or not."

    The race-baiting left had to tell its familiar story and they weren’t going to let anything get in the way of telling that story. They have to tell and retell that story because it establishes their moral authority to run our society and our lives.

    The story is black and white with no room for ambiguities or gray areas. It’s about race as martyrdom. It’s about white guilt. The story is already written and the left is always looking to stick someone’s name in the empty space between “White racist” and “Minority victim.” The head of Stalin’s secret police once said, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.” The American left reverses that equation. They already know the crime. All they need is the man.

    It wasn’t George Zimmerman’s freedom that they wanted to take away. It was our freedom. Zimmerman wasn’t being indicted as one man, but as a representative of a group. It didn’t matter that his appearance, his background and his motives did not fit the profile. He was indicted as a white racist. And by indicting him, the media was actually indicting the ordinary American for being part of a racist system that murders black youth.

    George Zimmerman Wasn’t on Trial —- We Were.

  3. Brother longer must we be rapist, muggers with guns to have the American society think these are actions that warrant the death penalty. So many Blacks that have been vetted by the majority race feel a need to honor the thinking of these racist American people that feel that a child smoking reefer deserve to die. I challenge each and every one of them to allow their child to walk/ride thru some of these cities at night. As I said many times on this and other blogs; I have lived to have seen many Black young men unarmed being killed by police, therefor I have/had no trust in this corrupt judicial system. Trayvon Martin was killed by the state of Florida, Sanford Police Dept and the citizenry thereof. George Zimmerman just pulled the trigger.

    The feelings of pre-civil rights period have crept back in the psychic I see in my people. That feeling of being inadequate and having no one of strength that will confront these raciest bullies. Now some of you now know why the Panthers were effective for that moment in time. Please commenters save your negative retorts. You can feel safe. Blacks did not listen then nor are they in the mood to listen now. The white man has given us toooo much for us to bite the hand that provide .

    Now I got to check in with Rev. Al...he has been walking a thin line. Once the white man vets you and let you in the back door, we must be quiet in the house. NOTTT...Rev Al is in the position and moment for these painful times. StillaPanther2
    Ps..went to a rally this AM and met some young Black Brothers in Newport News with a Panther spirit. I was quite pleased because my generation of strong Black males are vanishing rapidly.

  4. Anon 9:02pm-'I believe it was MLK who said something along the lines of “a perceived injustice anywhere leads to nauseatingly misguided sanctimony everywhere.'

    ACTUALLY, what he said was, 'injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.'

    for those thinly veiled racists running around quoting MLK, who understood at his end that he was leading his people into a burning building with his integration efforts; try again. co-opt him now...but at least try not to cloud the record with blatant lies. do the best you can...racists tend to be card carrying members of the 'people of the lie' club.

    if you are not familiar with the book of the same name by M. Scott Peck i suggest you read it. he also wrote the road less traveled about good. people of the lie is the book that describes the lying evildoers that like to pretend they are upright and honorable.

    1. Yes indeed! I'd forgotten about Dr. Peck's work: frighteningly describes exactly what is happening. The evil that wears the mask of good, but do not make ever make the mistake of trusting then because they will use you then destroy you.

  5. A Black Panther Forever said...
    "the thinking of these racist American people that feel that a child smoking reefer deserve to die."

    With all due respect sir, you slander the American people, who certainly do not feel smoking reefer deserves the death penalty. In fact, no one has said such a thing.

    Trayvon may have been a troubled youth, but his death is still a tragedy. The jury found his death justified because they believed he violently attacked Zimmerman.

    Trayvon Martin wasn't just smoking reefer, he was doing a lot of lean. He wasn't out that night buying ice tea and candy for a snack, he was buying Skittles and Arizona Watermelon, the two ingredients you mix with codeine cough syrup to make "lean".

    This very recipe is documented in Trayvons Twitter account.

    The autopsy found liver damage associated with excessive lean use, liver damage you would never expect to see in a 17 year old.

    Chronic lean use has been shown to cause paranoia and aggression leading to violent behavior.

    None of this evidence was presented in court, but may explain why Trayvon decided to jump Zimmerman.

    The danger here is extrapolating this case to stand a proxy for all of America. It is no such thing.

  6. Fred, all you said made perfect sense.

    i have been clear...acting like he had home training as opposed to knuckling up may have made all the difference. unfortunately, 'lean' induced or not, Trayvon's natural response was fight. not flight. he had no keys to his grandmaster mason daddy's digs. they already had the he was sitting outside when this all happened story on play. his son is 'troubled' but Tracy can't see fit to let the masons make his son 'better'. the parents we see were not who Trayvon grew up with as parents. but let's stay on the surface...

    folks that either sincerely or willfully miss this fact, test patience and boundaries of human decency:

    George Zimmerman, had exactly NO right to follow Trayvon. in fact, he was instructed to NOT follow Trayvon. his refusal to mind his non police officer business coupled with his racist/depraved leaning (molesting his relative. how many laws does that violate? his mother's white is right. his own 'they always get away'...)bought him a full can of whoop azz which resulted in Trayvon's death when he decided to shoot the whoop away. his contribution as aggressor in the whole matter should have resulted in more than an acquittal. anyone that cannot see and say that...lacks a soul.

    when one looks deeper...won't allow my mentals to be so wickedly massaged. my energy of anger, sadness,or whatever harnessed for their greater spiritual power. plus the whole world's energy gets harnessed simultaneously. no. not me. i see clearly. even if folks mistake 'religion' and spirituality, to their detriment; the folks running the show for this allotted time know and leverage the knowledge/understanding dim bulbs reject daily.

  7. speaking of injustice anywhere being a threat to justice everywhere.

    can we talk about this?

    so while folks are gripping their guns in fear of a race war...clean up your own house. ya'll like to pretend everyone else is 'savage' while steadfastly lying/denying your own savagery...pretending it was your daddy's daddy's daddy that was the raping has nothing to do with you. liars.

    has no one considered that what Trayvon perceived as a 'cracka' may have resonated in his mind as a serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer homo serial killer, mass murderer,pedophile, etc. despite all this surly superiority, has no one considered the fact that all Black folks are not all warm and fuzzy when they see white folks. while talking a peaceful game...rarely does peace really abide with you.

    ps. i love how folks want to paint Trayvon as a drug user. you know Black and drugs. the war on drugs was us.

    the war on terror is white folks. lol. the literal caucasin terrorist false flag didn't relay that message sufficiently i see. YES, the dragon is coming for white folks now. welcome to america and stop ignoring the restraints of human decency...a historical white collective character flaw...and fanning the race war flames from the other side...or continue. it is what it is either way. you murder someone's child in cold blood, you should not be skipping through the tulips worry free. welcome to planet earth and natural law which reigns where man's law fails.

    i pray for my Black people, peace, america, all other american people, the politicians and the racists that are in for the time of their lives...ya'll aint seen nothing yet. truly the sins of the father are visited on the children to the 4th generation. its not reverse racism. its just the chickens coming home to roost. read the protocols...

  8. Colonel Sanders10:56 PM

    "its just the chickens coming home to roost. read the protocols..."

    Those chickens are coming for Black America.

  9. meant to say this in last comment.

    i hate injustice. doesn't matter to me who is doing it. i see the suffering of women around the world...all colors. i see the suffering of indigenous women. even if they only appear in movies in buckskin.

    tonto, in lone ranger showing up as a demon reminded me that the image of the indigenous people is being erased. folks are trained not to think of them at all. of course devilish men will take full advantage. i care. He created no lesser people. injustice anywhere is truly a threat to justice everywhere.

  10. Anonymous11:04 PM

    what is the difference between religion and spirituality? I see no difference. They are the same to me.

  11. Kersey11:05 PM

    On July 20, 1969, the western world sat in awe as the greatest accomplishment in human achievement was broadcast live to the world: man walked on the moon.

    A white man.

    On that same day, black people across America were upset that the billions spent on the Apollo Mission by NASA weren't being spent on their community -- to alleviate poverty (of their own creation) and uplift a people no amount can uplift.

    No amount of money.

    Today, on the anniversary of an event that should have heralded the dawning of the Space Age, we are witnessing the culmination of the Age of White Guilt, as our President instead lectures white America over the killing a drug addled black teen by a wannabe cop Hispanic dude.

    This issue isn't complicated (an aversion to the facts of the case highlight the pro-Travyon crowd) and it's only emotionally-charged because of the fierce tribalism black people have displayed to St. Travyon Martin, the Duke of Skittles and Earl of Arizona Watermelon Juice.

    Quite simply, white America owes black America nothing.

    And black America must continue to feel aggrieved over every possible slight - real, or most of the time, amplified to an unnecessary decibel - for Organized Blackness operates under the mindset it is still 1963 Birmingham across the USA.

    Never mind that almost all homicides involving a black victim also involve a black suspect.

    But here's the ultimate slip President Obama made in his speech today:

    "If a white male teen would have been involved in this scenario," he said, "both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different."

    The reason such a scenario is unthinkable is the reason why our jail cells are full of black criminals, the likes of which Obama, Holder, and all of Organized Blackness believe are being held without having broken any laws.

    90 percent black Detroit has fallen, collapsed into bankruptcy after 39 years of continuous black political rule; President Obama has just tossed napalm onto a fire prepared to rage out of control; and Nelson Mandela - a black terrorist leader, whose actions destroyed the only viable nation on the Dark Continent - is on death's door.

    And to think, today represents the 44th anniversary of America - white America - landing on the moon. Since that moment, our destiny of exploring the universe has been weighted-down by a people incapable of taking any personal responsibility for the dysfunction within their community.

    A dysfunction that breeds (and proliferates) poverty, high crime rates, and the type of stereotypes the first black president of this nation now laments.

    Maybe the moon landing was a hoax -- no people who could collectively get to the moon could allow their civilization to be brought to its knees by catering to the whims of a people resentful of their even breathing.

    To paraphrase Kanye West: "Barack Obama doesn't like white people."

    And based on their reaction to the George Zimmerman verdict, most black people don't either.

    1. Help me to understand what you are recommending: that the people who believe that they have the absolute RIGHT to deny me a job that I'm qualified for, to spit in the food I've ordered and paid for, to overcharge me, to steer me to the poor neighborhood, to promote the less qualified white, to stop and search, to charge a higher interest rate, to pull the plug knowing the anesthesia had not worn off, to destroy my child's spirit in school,.to treat me like a criminal and follow me around the store when I obviously have more money than you, when you throw trash in my yard, burned down our cities, stole our farms, sold us mortgages that allowed you to take homes that were paid-in-full, raped, and yes, MURDER us with NO , that we should like and love you and all that you stand for? The truth is, to our detriment, we do show you the love and kindness you do not deserve!

  12. I'm wondering if anyone watched the trial. The toxicology report found had 1.5 nanograms of THC – the active ingredient in marijuana – and 7.3 nanograms of another THC substance found in his blood. Traces of cannabis – marijuana – were also found in his urine. The problem with the toxicology report is it doesn’t indicate exactly when the drugs were used and whether Martin was on drugs the night he was killed. Meaning the drug could been in his system 72 hours after the initial use. He is no different than other teenager who use marijuana and an equal number of white and black teens smoke the substance.

    The problem is the case is layered in ambiguity because Zimmerman is the only person who was there and is the only story we have. We have no idea with great certainty how the fight began or who threw the first punch. You simply cannot make up stuff that has no basis in fact other than your own bias coming into play. The case was not black and white because it's not exactly clear as to what really happen in terms of the fight, we are merely filling in the blanks to fit within our own reality. By the way, there's a great "Through the Wormhole with Morgan" that ask the question is reality real. I digress. The State overcharge and didn't do an excellent job crafting Martin's story thereby the members on the jury couldn't put themselves in his shoes. In this thing we call life, we view the world through our experiences real or imagine it is what we do as human. So of couple of writing comments based upon your view of world isn't going to spend anytime to consider another person's point of view because that would mean changing your mindset and that's not going to happen. You don't want to have a discussion about race relations and find solutions resolve anything because that would mean to have to change and that's a scary prospect. Now you have to figure who I am with this new information.

    There is a problem with the legal system because doesn't treat minorities and women differently than that of white men. Here you have Marissa Alexander convicted with a minimum sentence of 20 years and keep mind she didn't kill anyone, even missed the fly that may have been flying around at the time. She was actually better off killing than having him alive to tell his side of the story. There's another case in Florida where the defendant Dunn, a white man shot and killed a 17 year-old at gas station. Picture this, four black teens at the gas station in a SUV and they are playing hip hop music. Dunn goes over to one of teens and tells them that the music is too loud. Some words were said, nothing physical until Dunn goes to his truck, gets his gun and proceeds to shoot ten rounds into the SUV where the teens were in and two bullets hits one of teens by the name of Davis which kills him. Does Dunn call 911? No. He drives away, returns to his hotel room eating pizza and watching TV until the police came to pick him up. He claimed that he was standing his ground as he believed that he saw one of the teens with a shotgun, but a weapon was never found in the SUV. Dunn with have a problem with his defense there are at least three witnesses. However, we have to see what happens with that case. There are some racial aspects with this case as well. Oh, and the State charged Dunn with 1st murder and attempted murder.

    I'm not going to sit here and write that I don't have any bias. I'm probably not even aware of it as most people aren't. However, I had to learn to examine my decision on did I treat my nephew differently than my niece because their gender or one is older than the other. On the face of it may sound superficial, but biases affect on our decision-making. Sometimes a snap judgement can have fatal consequences. Eric Deegans wrote a piece in the Tampa Bay Times about the George Zimmerman verdict:

    1. Sadly Zimmerman's voice indicates he was under the influence of something but no tests wee done AND he refused medical treatment for his "injuries" to prevent the hospital from taking his blood.

  13. Sheri said...
    "Here you have Marissa Alexander convicted with a minimum sentence of 20 years and keep mind she didn't kill anyone, even missed the fly that may have been flying around at the time. She was actually better off killing than having him alive to tell his side of the story."

    That's great advice Sheri. Perhaps you should evaluate Marissa Alexander's actions based on the facts of the case:

    Alexander claims she felt her life was at risk, but she left the house and went into the garage, retrieved a handgun from her car and returned to the kitchen where her husband (Rico Gray) and his two children were located. Stand Your Ground does not require that you attempt to flee, but she already had. At this point, it no longer applied. She then fired the "mere warning shot", which in many accounts was aimed at the ceiling, but the court documents indicate "barely missed Gray's head". Here is the relevant part of the court document:

    [Gray] moved to the living room where his children were. Subsequently, [Alexander] emerged from the master bedroom and went into the garage where her car was parked. [Alexander] testified she was trying to leave the residence but could not get the garage door to open. (The Court notes that despite [Alexander's] claim she was in fear for her life at that point and trying to get away from [Gray], she did not leave the house through the back or front doors which were unobstructed. Additionally, the garage door had worked previously and there was no evidence to support her claim.) [Alexander] then retrieved her firearm from the glove box of the vehicle. [Alexander] returned to the kitchen with the firearm in her hand and pointed it in the direction of all three victims. [Gray] put his hands in the air. [Alexander] shot at [Gray], barely missing his head. The bullet traveled through the kitchen wall and into the ceiling in the living room. The victims fled the residence and immediately called 911. [Alexander] stayed in the marital home and at no point called 911.

    Well that's a whole different story, isn't it? It should also be noted that Alexander wasn't even living in the house at the time, as she and Gray had separated.

    The real outrage here is Florida's 10-20-Life mandatory minimum law, which essentially gives prosecutors (like the detestable Angela Corey) power to act as both prosecutor and judge. As soon as Alexander discharged her weapon, it immediately became a 20 year minimum sentence since it was used in an aggravated assault. The judge's hands were tied. The law does not include a first time offender exemption and includes more absurdities like this:

    The "10-20-Life" statutes exclude manslaughter from any minimum sentencing requirements, Assistant State Attorney Mark Caliel confirmed. That means if Alexander had actually killed her husband or one of his sons and been found guilty of manslaughter, she could have instead gotten as little as time served. Caliel said manslaughter should be added into the statutes.

    Since Florida has tied firearms to minimum sentencing laws, the real reason Marissa Alexander will sit in a jail cell for the next 20 years is because of gun control legislation, whether the media wants to admit it or not.

  14. those chickens are coming for humanity...particularly the peasants, indentured servants, slaves, prisoners and other euro trash descendants that somehow seem to forget from whence they come, despite it being clearly written and NOT hidden...must be that 'superior' intellect.

    the lie of manifest destiny is creating a major blind spot for your people. not my problem, just an observation. the zionist jews have their own 'superior' script running concurrently. notice they jews pimp 'white man' america daily, so the upperhand is clearly no so hidden and jeWish.

    please the grand scheme of things, white folks are irrelevant to me really. they are merely being used for a purpose and season. if one spends time with individual whites, most seem rather confused. even the really racist but in denial ones. lol. like they are playing a role?

    when faced with the outlawed graven image of the stringy haired, white dude...i declared as a child that i did not worship white people. got in trouble for it. oh well. the concept just never took for me.

    i appreciate beautiful in all of its many forms. the hue of a person, i notice, however it is not a major factor. Galatians 3:28. it is about that person's spirit. the color lines are designed to keep folks divided and distracted. free your mind and see...if you can.

    folks talking about Trayvon's liver...can we talk about his heart? might dick cheney have it?

  15. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Dear Kersey, please watch this 2 min. video by CK Louis titled "On Being White". I think you will love it because it sums up what being White is like.

  16. religion is man made and often has exactly nothing to to do with getting a close personal relationship with Him.

    most religious people are following men...not Him. most folks listen to what they are told the Word means and says...they don't bother to study and read it for themselves, pray about it, and ask Him to reveal His Knowledge.

    religion and churches are today a brand/business for the most part. like all other brands in the world system...they are designed to lead folks astray. this is why Revelation directly addresses the different churches, false prophets, false messiahs, etc.

    a spiritual bond with Him is crucial. the way this is set up...even the elect may be fooled. so if you don't know Him...His Voice...His Way...His Word...there are big productions in the works designed to fool the masses. the charismatic stuff folks wait to hear on Sunday, before they get back to their paper chase...afraid it won't be enough. everybody has to go for what they know...may He bless and save us all.

    Black drug use is criminalized. white drug us is medicalized. ever notice folks that take big pharma cocaine, focus pills, i am tired in the morning pills, not sleepy at night pills, its tuesday pills...all like to feign sobriety. lol. cracks me up. veritable pharmacy and all. those Blacks and their drugs! lol. delusional.

  17. Celia,

    I have a question. Alexander wasn't going to leave considering her children were still at the house. Would you have left your children behind? Wouldn't beg the question that she really couldn't retreat? The problem is the minimum sentence because it is excessive.

  18. el tigre11:58 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    the lie of manifest destiny is creating a major blind spot for your people.

    Manifest destiny is over.

    Today, we have "manifest destruction", where everywhere black people go falls apart.

    Black people don't know any better. They are a fiercely tribal people, lacking in future-time orientation, impulse control and devoid of the level of intelligence requisite to running the kind of civilization/society/community created by Europeans.

    Even, as in the case of Detroit, when an entire municipality was been erected and abandoned for them.

    The bankruptcy of the city is testament to this fact.

    But those who profited off of the disorganization and leaderless white working and middle-class need to remember this: the historical majority population of the United States of America will wake up one day, and those who sold out communities/neighborhoods/cities/and the nation will have hell to pay.

  19. Sheri said...

    I have a question. Alexander wasn't going to leave considering her children were still at the house.

    Those weren't her children - they were Rico Gray's.

    And she had left, she had not lived there in over two months.

  20. Celia,

    Yes those were his sons, and considered her perpetrator because she had not lived there for two months. However, did he intially invite her into the home? And we know if the home was still considered martial property and she still have a key to the residence?

  21. Sailer12:51 AM

    In defense of the late Trayvon Martin, let me point out that a lot of guys with Martin's bad but not horrible record at age 17 pull out of this downward spiral before, say, they start engaging in drive-by shootings. A lot of 17-year-olds are surly, greedy, and stupid. More than a few of them wise up as they get older, as they discover that their rap music isn't really good advice on how to live. Martin was reasonably well-poised to wake up to the trajectory he was upon: he didn't come from the bottom of society, but from a pretty average African-American family. For example, he had a father who was still involved enough in his life to haul him out of Miami to get him away from his low-life friends during his school suspension.

    But, all this just makes the story more tragic.

    The Martin-Zimmerman story should be an occasion for national reflection about the perniciousness of today's dominant stereotypes, specifically:

    -- White liberals' favorite stereotypes about blacks as the eternal victims of the violent white racists hiding under every bed

    -- Black males' favorite stereotypes about themselves as bulletproof tough guys who are morally justified by their victimhood in responding to being dissed with violence.

    These two stereotypes have the peculiar disadvantage of being both not true individually (unlike the majority of less socially reputable stereotypes) and interacting with horrible consequences. White liberal hatred for white conservatives and black love of gangsta rap interact very, very badly.

  22. control+halt+delete1:15 AM


    "...the greatest accomplishment in human achievement... "

    It must be hard being white, especially poor and white.

    The greatest accomplishment in human achievement was when the elites convinced you that they had a seat at the table for you. And behold, here we are together, again. How's it goin', pal!

    It must be hard being white, especially poor and white. But what would you expect from a people who lack creativity. That's why they kicked you to the curb and brought us over here.
    Poor blanks have never created anything, except false images and hate. They, like their masters, have a tradition rich in lying, stealing and deception. Unfortunatley, there is only so much room at the top.
    The only thing left for you is to sift thru the debris left by those who destroy, divide and pulverize better than you in order to realize your "aha" moment.

    And being a spiritless people,you cannot understand why we don't submit to your will and false logic. You can't understand why you can't break our spirit. So continue to try to demonize us and while the world is watching you have only embarassed yourselves. It's a shame that that Robinson Crusoe crap didn't work on us like your white masters said it would.

    They have convinced you that this country must be great; why else would everyone try to move here? That's like the antelope welcoming the scavengers to pick over its carcass as it dies. We'll see how that works for you, ay!

    By the way, I always thought it (the dreaded "race war,")would come from texas not florida...oh well.

    Sorry but no riots...better luck next time. I'm having too much fun watching you self destruct to stop you now.

    The new storyline is White guilt or reverse racism. I suppose we have people like Bakke and Goetz to thank for that. 7 out of 10 people in this country are blanks yet they try to convince themselve and anybody else who listens that they play no part in the injustice and waste that goes on here.

    It must be hard being white. Especially poor and white. I see how you try to equate black racism with white racism. You are bigger pawns in the game than we are, and the sad thing is you don't even know it.

    Happy 500th to Niccolo Machiavelli's timely piece, The Prince.

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males cause cancer, emphysema, high blood pressure, diabetes and ignorant trolls.


    The toxicology report noted no diagnostic abnormality in Trayvon's liver, as a delusional poster insinuated in an earlier entry.

  23. dr. j1:46 AM

    "The toxicology report noted no diagnostic abnormality in Trayvon's liver, as a delusional poster insinuated in an earlier entry."

    No microscopic diagnostic abnormality, but "Focal patchy yellow discoloration, due to mild fatty metamorphosis is present. On sectioning, the hepatic parenchyma is yellow-brown, homogenous and congested"

    The boy did a lot of lean.

  24. Anonymous2:00 AM

    The first goal of the Zimmerman case was to deepen racial divisions. That mission was undeniably accomplished. African-Americans walk away from the trial more certain than ever that the country is racist and that white people can get away with murder. There may be no race riots arising out of the verdict and even the hate crimes will likely be limited to a dozen violent attacks, but the deeper impact will be on a black community more resentful and more certain that the only thing standing between it and slavery is maintaining the absolute power of the Democratic Party.

    It is no coincidence that the shooting of Trayvon Martin was elevated to prominence while both parties were preparing for a national election. The political work of the shooting was already done last year and the verdict won’t reverse that. The Trayvon Martin shooting was used to fuel outrage and boost voter turnout in the black community.

    The second goal was to give the Justice Department more leeway for intervening in local cases and to put local authorities on notice that such interventions can and will happen at any time. After intimidating local authorities into an arrest, an indictment and a trial, not to mention replacing their police chief, Holder’s DOJ has already accomplished its goal which was to treat every local police department like a subsidiary of federal law enforcement whose decisions can be overruled at any time.

    Liberal race-baiting isn’t about race in the same way that rape isn’t about sex. It’s about power.

    The story of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin was just the story that the left told millions of Americans to make their power grab possible. Any day now, they will find another way of telling the same story. The names will be different. The place may be thousands of miles away. But the story will be the same because the media will have found two more people to fit into its familiar race-baiting narrative.

  25. Don't worry Kersey, you don't have anything I want. Nothing in your trailer interests me or the blah folks who are better educated and more successful than yourself. I'm glad you can pat yourself that a white guy walked on the moon but what good does that do you? You and your ilk are still uneducated trailer park living trash while we are professionals and look down on kkk losers like you. Oh well suck up Neil Armstrong's accomplishments because you won't do anything of substance.

  26. control+halt+delete3:16 AM

    dr. j said.

    "The boy did a lot of lean."

    A quick search brought up the word sedation being the result of drinking this mixture popularized in today's youth subculture. Doesn't change my opinion. Sedation and fighting don't follow logically.

    In addition where was the robo...back at his fathers girlfriends house? You say a lot of lean but he didn't even know where to get the codeine. The trollsphere is full of his texting to a friend requesting a source.

    Doesn't sound like someone who does a lot of lean. A lot of lean? mortem didn't reveal abnormal tooth decay. How much is a lot?

    Let me get this right first it was marijuana that turned him into this viscious predator but then everyone knows that was fact that would support his having a sweet tooth, ie skittles and sugary drink. Don't foods high in fructose corn syrup promote fatty infiltration of the liver. I'm not a doctor so maybe you can tell me what else besides this phantom lean, might be responsible for these findings....Macdonald big macs?

    Now let's look at the guy with the gun. You know the one with an arrest for assaulting a cop, a restraing order filed by his ex... tell me, what are the side effects of adderal and restoril?

  27. Why was the prosecution so bad? Were they just a small town operation out of their league or something else?

  28. control+halt+delete3:29 AM

    "Why was the prosecution so bad?"

    In my opinion it has something to do with liability due to negligience and lack of a thorough investigation. If found guilty wouldn't the Sanford police department look bad? They had to circle the wagons to protect their own self interests.

  29. Now I wonder what constitutes "justice" for Trayvon Martin. Martin illustrates an everyday fact of life for black people, especially black men. Yet, given where I live, I keep coing back to the intractable poverty, outrageous unemployment rates, & especially the violent victimization of African-Americans by African-Americans as perhaps the most perverse expression of racism in America. Most white Americans view this violence as unconnected to white racism when it is historically the result of racism, fueled by racism. Fear of this violence spilling over into white communities raises up vigilantes. WHAt I see in the Zimmerman outcome is that a black man is not permitted to defend himself at least not outside predominantly black neighborhoods. There he expected to show the moral courage of a martyr against the arsenals of sociopathic gangs.

  30. Violence by black men on white people in white communities is so uncommon that a recent violent home invasion in the wealthy town of Millburn NJ by a single black man just out of prison stunned everyone. Of course. The odds against it happening were astronomical, & the nanny cam resulted in the man's quick arrest.

    I also point out that burglars are not interested in violent confrontation. They prefer no one be home. That's why they case houses.

  31. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I have to ask.

    Why is Charles Barkley a HN for speaking his mind about what he truely feels but those who won't speak out about an incident or action where the black person is clearly wrong are called FN's? To me, just using this terminology is as racist as any white person using the N word.
    Also, should whites be offended when they are called "Crackers"?
    Remember, the white people are not killing the black youth...the blacks are doing this all on their own. Lord, don't speak up against this or you will be an Uncle Tom.

  32. Anonymous9:27 AM


    Why do you say that Zimmerman had "exactly NO right to follow Trayvon"? I don't understand this. Because some dispatcher says so? And for all we know, when the dispatcher said that, Zimmerman may have stopped following the boy, and then became the pursued. This dependence on police and lack of involvement by men is what contributes to the deterioration of a neighborhood. If men would take up the call to get into the business of investigating youth that are hanging around or who they think are acting suspicious, maybe our communities would be better off. Then young people would know that the average person is watching out for things, too. And if these youth weren't prone to violence when they get "dissed," or looked at sideways (especially by some Caucasian or Hispanic Caucasian), and were brought up to respect someone trying to uphold their neighborhoods, maybe this tragedy wouldn't have happened. And of course, if Zimmerman didn't have a gun, this tragedy wouldn't have happened. He might have had brain damage, his head being pounded into the ground, but he should know you should never question black youth because of their myriad of sensitivities (not to mention actual guilts, if that were the case). If Zimmerman were black, would you praise him for being an involved man who was just part of a tragedy? If Zimmerman could have merely beaten Martin to a pulp, would it have been OK?

    I would like to see the big bad black panthers go into some of these neighborhoods and threaten the murderers of black children and gang-members therein with the violence they propose to do to Zimmerman. Maybe then I would consider them men intstead of hot air tools.

  33. "Also, should whites be offended when they are called "Crackers"?"

    Dunno......Why don't you ask yourself and let us know what you say.


  34. Making it plain on Domingo in Nueva York

    I can only imagine what this man was thinking while in prison

    Is it possible that he thought WHAT if noone ever hears my pleas for justice?

    Thankfully Tricia heard his plea
    Trisha Bushnell, an Innocence Project attorney who led the effort to prove Frey’s innocence.

    just saying

  35. PilotX, there is an article on by Joseph Kennedy explaining the reason why Zimmerman was acquitted.

    In the article, he also points out that Martin family could sue Zimmerman in civil court, but along with another part of already Florida's bad law they would be responsible for the defendant's legal fees and other related expenses if they should lose the case. It's a very proposition to get at the truth because Martin would have to testify and tell his story as to what happened that night.

    From what I've observed, the prosecution didn't seem to do a very good job at prepping its witnesses. The Medical examiner seem more like a witness for the defense than the prosecution. I don't what they were thinking for allowing B37 to remain on the jury panel as she came across of being favorable towards the defense.

    Then there's the fact that from the beginning, the police didn't treat it as a crime. There seem to be an presumption that Martin was the perpetrator from the outset. They were not careful with the crime scene, the State doesn't charge Zimmerman until 38 days after incident and whatever evidence to obtain was gone. Zimmerman wasn't subjected to alcohol or drug tests which could have affected his reasoning that night if he been drinking or using drugs. Before anyone responds, I'm not suggesting that he was under the influence because we don't know. We have some unknowns with the case.

  36. Anonymous10:33 AM

    "For My friends I have Justice, for all others, I have the Law." - White Anglo Saxon Proverb sourced from Brookheiser's "By Way of the Wasp"

    Field, lost amid the arboreal thicket of legalese that was the Zimmerman trial was the contextual forest that America is officially the most tyrannical and repressive place on the face of the Earth (or, as MHP persuasively reveals is "The Prison Capital of the World.") with an approx., world-leading 2.3 million souls incarcerated, of which over 60% are members of the parent African human species who barely constitute 12% of the U.S. population. To further contextualize this tyranny and repression, MHP cites how her home state of Louisiana has a lock-up rate that's 5 times greater than Iran - with the propagandized twin "Communist Boogeymen" of Russia and China exponentially much further down within the discussion. And, when one considers that, likewise, according to MHP's statisticians, America's prison system has grown by 700% just since 1970, it is glaringly, appallingly obvious that America has, in fact, mastered socially engineering both the CRIMINALITY and the DESTRUCTION of the male members of the parent African human species that the ruling, ephemeral subspecies of humans still view as an existential threat. The question is - what will humans do about this Sci-Fi horror flick that they subsequently find themselves in?

  37. control+halt+delete said...
    "Why was the prosecution so bad?"

    In my opinion it has something to do with liability due to negligience and lack of a thorough investigation

    Or maybe, just maybe, the facts of the case led to Zimmerman's acquittal.

  38. Bob said...
    Violence by black men on white people in white communities is so uncommon that a recent violent home invasion in the wealthy town of Millburn NJ by a single black man just out of prison stunned everyone. Of course. The odds against it happening were astronomical, & the nanny cam resulted in the man's quick arrest.

    It may be rare when compared to intergroup violence, but it is 75 times more likely that a black person commits a violent crime on a white victim than the converse.

    That is why the liberal media is always hunting for the Great White Defendant, even if they have to invent the term "White Hispanic".

  39. doug from upland11:38 AM

    The race baiters would have you believe that white on black crime is a very serious problem in our country. The opposite is actually the truth. Sociologists and psychologists can give you their opinions on why the crime rate by blacks is so high --- poverty, oppression by whites, lack of fathers at home, etc. But the bottom line, relating it to today, is that the Trayvon Martin shooting is not something that happens everyday. Black on white and black on black crime is something that does happen everyday. The United States has changed dramatically during the last 60 years. Opportunities exist for anyone of any race willing to work hard for their dreams. Whitey does not spend his time at breakfast making plans for the day about what he can do to keep the black man down. It is the race hustlers who have kept fellow blacks down.

  40. mr. blomstein12:00 PM

    "I keep coing back to the intractable poverty, outrageous unemployment rates, & especially the violent victimization of African-Americans by African-Americans as perhaps the most perverse expression of racism in America. Most white Americans view this violence as unconnected to white racism when it is historically the result of racism, fueled by racism."

    Well maybe, but how long does white racism have to out of the equation before black people start getting it together? If you need entire university academic departments to find the microscopic traces of white racism in our society, how bad can it be? The deal is, we are 50 years into a project where blacks have been given every advantage, and progress is hard to see.

    Black people tend to be more violent all over the world. They tend toward dependency. They have a strong culture that does not adapt to living within a modern European type civilization. These problems exist whether the society is officially "racist" or, as is the case with modern America, where society's main prerogative is to cater to black people.

    Black people are poor and unemployable because they remain fiercely committed to a culture of violence and a world view that externalizes all their failings on the white man. Until blacks renounce the idea that living right is living white and take it upon themselves to direct their own lives, this sorry situation will not improve.

  41. Question for Field Negro:

    How many times could Trayvon Martin have smashed Mrs. Field's head on the pavement before it would have been justifiable to shoot him?

  42. Fred:

    It still goes to we do not know who started the fight as there only two witnesses Martin and Zimmerman. There's only one side to the story and we are just are filling in the blanks real, imagined or otherwise. Here's a question more related to the argument. I'm walking down the street and I noticed that someone is following me. I'm a little taken aback because some guy is following and I don't why. I turned around and there he is. What do I? I don't know this person and really no idea what's going to do? I could run, but there's a chance he could catch me. I could 911, but considering the neighborhood I live; it would take three hours to show up. Do I have right to protect myself? I suppose under the circumstances one would say. So could it possible that Martin felt the same? Can a person throw the first blow if he or she believe to be in danger?

  43. Making it plain without music

    Will the creepy crakka daddys in amerikkka be having this conversation with thier sons?
    I bet not
    Lets call this Adopt and Rape ie its just playing around, like joking

    A Flawed Victim NOT! a survivor

    The son is courageous and now more grounded than ever A middle class MAN who has decided it stops with him....jajajaja Andale!
    i do oit have to wonder or guess i know what daddy in jailis doing smh!

    Matt Sandusky, his wife and four children have filed a motion to have their names legally changed, court documents in Centre County, Pennsylvania, show.
    Details regarding why they requested the name changes are not available because the file is sealed.
    Sandusky is one of six adopted children of Jerry Sandusky, who was convicted in 2012 of sexually abusing 10 boys in a 15-year period. He is currently serving more than 30 years in prison.
    Jerry Sandusky tries to discredit witness from prison
    Matt Sandusky originally denied being abused by his adopted father, but during jury deliberations, he admitted to his attorney that he, too, was a victim of the disgraced former Penn State assistant coach's abuse.
    In a 2012 interview with police, Sandusky said his family was the reason he revealed his stepfather was abusing him.
    "They can really have closure and see what the truth actually is," he said.
    Matt Sandusky's birth mother lost a case against Jerry Sandusky to gain legal custody of her son when he was a child.
    Sandusky's son fits pattern of other alleged victims

  44. Making it plain and keeping it real

    Killing in Self-Defense: You Better Be White
    Black defendants rarely get a ruling of justifiable homicide, whether the victim is white or black.
    By: Danielle C. Belton | Posted: July 16, 2013 at 12:57 AM

    Generic Image (Thinkstock)
    (The Root) -- It doesn't hurt to have a little white privilege on your side.

    If you can get it.

    And George Zimmerman got the most out of what privilege he had after being found not guilty in the murder of Florida teen Trayvon Martin. After the verdict, Zimmerman's attorneys held a press conference, and attorney Mark O'Mara, while answering a reporter's question, remarked that if Zimmerman had been black, "He never would've been charged with a crime."

    O'Mara couldn't be more wrong.

    I don't know which justice system O'Mara's been operating in, but black people are more likely to get a conviction no matter who they kill -- black or white -- even if they claim self-defense. Especially since most of them can't afford O'Mara to represent them in the first place.

    There is no privilege in claiming self-defense while black -- even when killing another black person. When the verdict came down not guilty, Zimmerman had not just the jury but also statistics on his side.

    A 2012 study by PBS's Frontline is getting a second look post-Zimmerman's exoneration, and it reveals that if you're going to kill in self-defense in America, you'd better be white. By analyzing data from a study by John Roman, senior analyst at the Urban Institute's Justice Policy Center, Frontline found that in "Stand your ground" states, white people who kill black people are 354 percent more likely to be found justified in their killings. And it doesn't get much better in non-"Stand your ground" states, where that number goes down only to 250 percent.

    But even when it comes to black-on-black crime or black-on-white crime, a black defendant is unlikely to get a self-defense ruling in his or her favor, whether or not the state has "Stand your ground" laws on the books, as shown in this graph.

    Nuff said

  45. Making it plain

    Some pale creepy crakkas will never get it

    Some White People Will Never 'Get It'
    The limit on how deeply we "feel" each other is why so many conversations about race fail. But so what?

    I found one response to a piece on The Help that I wrote last week quite interesting. It was from a white man, a film-critic sort, somewhere past 50, who was annoyed at my asking why people are dismissing The Help as if it were a remake of Imitation of Life. Get this: What bothers him is that he thinks I'm dissing the film. And this puts me in mind of the eternity of racism, of all things -- and how it applies to the president.

    My point was intended to apply to either of the 1934 and 1959 Imitation of Life films. In both, a black woman raises a very light-skinned daughter while living in a white businesswoman's house. Her daughter, rejecting that her being black will bar her from the glamorous life that the white woman's daughter is enjoying, decides to "pass" for white, abandoning her mother to heartbreak and death.

    Mr. Film Critic actually thinks that the 1959 one, in particular, is racially enlightened! He genuinely doesn't perceive that if the film were remade today, the black daughter's rejection of her race and black culture -- i.e. contemptuously rejecting the idea of marrying the black men available to her because of their working-class occupations -- would play as nauseating to modern black viewers.

    Instead, my critic thinks that the film's depiction of racism as unfair gives it, alone, the stamp of approval as a black-positive movie. That is, despite having grown up in post-civil rights America and not remotely being a bigot, he cannot be said to "get it."

    That there has been a seismic shift since 1959 in how black Americans feel about integration, black pride, classism and more has gone past him. He is not black and doesn't happen to be one of the nonblack people with a personal interest in black matters.

    Here's the kicker: This guy is typical. As many of us know, quite a few white people do not "get it." Maybe most of them don't. It's why we think of race as a "complex" topic, of the sort where blacks are to speak and whites are largely to listen. This is what people really mean by America's needing to have a conversation about race, for example.

    And I, for one, see no reason to think that many nonblack people ever will get it. For example, who can truly imagine a national conversation on race that would be considered a success? The sad fact is that beyond a certain point, there is a limit to how deeply we can "feel" each other, and that includes nonblack people and "the black thing."

    So I assume there will be whites who think that Imitation of Life is tellin' it like it is. I am unsurprised when a white man suggests that Condoleezza Rice, speaking at an event I attend, might be a good match for me, as if any educated black man and woman constitute a potential couple. He didn't "get it," OK -- but the evening remained memorable for me in that I enjoyed my lamb and I did get to shake Rice's hand.

    And in the same way, I assume that there is a lot of "not getting it" in how Barack Obama is talked and joked about. Or talked at: Rep. Joe Wilson's "You lie!" outburst was, for example, likely colored to an extent by racial bias. But Wilson himself is probably unaware of it and would likely never be able to admit it.
    Still stupid, racist and riding de nile

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Making it plain

    Oh really Richard?

    – Washington Post op-ed writer Richard Cohen sent some people searching for pitchforks today, with a column declaring that he "can understand why Zimmerman was suspicious and why he thought Martin was wearing a uniform we all recognize." And apparently that opinion was going around among op-ed writers at major newspapers, because Jason Riley at the Wall Street Journal wrote a similar column running through black crime statistics. "Did the perception of black criminality play a role in Martin's death?" he asks. "We may never know for certain, but we do know that those negative perceptions of black men are rooted in hard data on who commits crimes."

  48. Making it plain

    People say Afrikans youth/men are dangerous
    And yet i think that as an Afrikan we also have to worry about creepy crakkas as well
    Why? i worry about my grandchildren going to movies and into bldgs and even church

    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- New evidence in the case against Michael Dunn, a man accused of killing a Jacksonville teen, was just released.

    The evidence includes photographs taken by police as well as multiple 911 calls made by witnesses the night 17-year-old Jordan Davis was shot at a Southside gas station.

    "I need an ambulance at the Gate gas station at Southside and Baymeadows," claimed one caller from a nearby business.

    "May I please have the ambulance please? Somebody's been shot," said another, who seems to be standing near Davis at the time.

    "There's an ambulance on the way," dispatch told him. "You don't know who shot him?"

    "No, ma'am."

    "Where's the person that got shot?"

    "He's in the car right now!"

    "What kind of car?"

    "It's a red Durango!"

    Davis was a passenger in his friends red SUV when police say he got into an argument with Dunn over loud music.

    Moments later, police say Dunn fired multiple shots.

    Life without parole Can u do this Angela??

  49. Making it plain

    Oath to tell the truth hmmmm

    Now i wonder who will be believed this time?

  50. "Question for Field Negro:

    How many times could Trayvon Martin have smashed Mrs. Field's head on the pavement before it would have been justifiable to shoot him?"

    Answer from Field Negro:

    Zero. Mrs. Field would not have been stalking Trayvon Martin because of how he looked.

    Think of a better question next time. This time try to use what little brain power u have.

  51. Making it plain

    Boots on ther ground our children are being murdered like escaped slaves

  52. el tigre- are barely scratching the surface of level one, which means that you lack the foundation for any response given to connect dots. said another don't have enough dots. despite clues being harder to miss than they are to get. do better and catch up!

    by your 'logic' it would be safe to say that the behavior of the very poor are responsible for the economic bomb waiting to explode in America that has folks fighting over what would have slid off their backs before? (increased violence accompanies troubled economy around the world. it is not a Black thing. maybe you just don't notice when the Europeans go off, huh?)

    Blacks are responsible for the banking cartels that stranglehold nations.'s those Black people. everywhere Black people go...death and destruction ensues. lol. sir, you don't use your two eyes often, much less your spiritual most powerful one. clearly. wake up, already. racism, colorism, classism, etc are all DISTRACTIONS.

    get more dots and you may see the bigger picture. maybe you sense in this country that Blacks play a are correct. just not the one you think. the accepted narrative is inverted and until you put things together and learn to flip or reject what you are non stop being programmed to will continue to fumble around in darkness sharing thoughts that originated in your behind rather than your mind as programmed. that was as nice as i could make it.

    if you are Hispanic...your gumption is pure uncut hilarity to me. it seems your people are so programmed to believe that white is right, much like Black and all people of color that have contact with whitened poison. a few scraps from the table and folks get brand new all day. subdue the earth with a grip of children makes perfect sense to you at this point in history. folks don't learn from their nor others fools! if numbers was a sound strategy alone... look around. very small numbers RULE world wide large numbers and always have.

    i have even heard folks brag that Hispanics being the new Blacks. yes, i agree. only going a bit deeper...look and see how broken Blacks are and know that your enemy that has historically made it clear he hates you...has NOT changed his mind. your people just got next...or some different kind of more, since ya'll are so quick to forget. Yah's chosen ones always go first and get it worst for their disobedience to Him. despite the nonstop complaining and stubbornness of my stiff necked people...this is just and i am thankful.

    i send the same warning to the gays. it is all a set up. if you REALLY think folks care about you getting married and adopting children. ok then. concessions made with these groups are done because they progress a larger picture, planned well in advance agenda. breaking the groups come later. see your future by looking at the condition of Blacks. know that other people may not fare as well...there is something special about Black folks that imposters claim for themselves currently. so folks acting like they know...goes to others...for it is written. this is also why i maintain that all men are not created equal. there is a nation you will see described in Deuterononmy 28 that stand above the rest if they will only worship and obey Him...because He said so. i know who these Blessed people are. your comment indicates you don't. the enlightened illuminated ones know, too, btw. hence the non stop racist to the core wickedness served to this people world wide but especially in America for the last 394 all the corners of the world where He scattered it is written.

    i understand why other groups are getting special around me and i think it kind of funny actually. full circle is going to hurt. BAD.

  53. cute special Hispanics crack me up. no one is trying to hide your history nor prevent you from being a nation. collectively your brains have been mangled by white supremacy to the extent that large segments of your population suffer from the same self loathing that plagues Blacks. look. see. the history and techniques that created the condition mirror one another.

    side note: a costa rican told me that mexicans were the lowest of Hispanics. when i showed him the history of his costa rican people and mexico...the fact that colonizers could not even find enough natural blessings in costa rica to pillage- they moved on to abundantly naturally blessed mexico. he had not much to say. when informed that the pale skin he prized and tanned incessantly was indicative of the near complete destruction of costa rican natives. his surly superiority went silent. no one is hiding your people's history...why are so many unfamiliar with it?

    personally, i think just padding white numbers as done historically, by declaring all Hispanics 'white' would create hilarity in the show. unfortunately the plan being activated in over drive relies heavily on 'immigration' to crumble a nation from within. i pray the dumb Hispanics that think Blacks are creating the problem wake up one day soon. in my lifetime your people knew better...i have watched folks forget. i find the humor in it all and keep it moving.

    ps. all Hispanics are NOT hard workers...i have hired enough to know. could folks please stop telling that lie as well? we will not address the family of 75 that move into single or too small living spaces regularly...ya'll are killing me with your hysterical brand newness. wake up and refuse to behave as an animal fighting over scraps from the table of your historical oppressors. maybe you did not catch the voter's right act gutting...clue up. humanity is all in the same boat. the different hues matter not in the grand scheme of things. slavery for all is end game. my people know how to survive. it is what we do. He promises that what the enemy meant to destroy us with will be turned for our good. i love, trust, and believe Him over all that i see around me. He has promised a remnant will remain...instead of trying to get your jollies on a Black blog, maybe you could focus on your house. one does not even need to get close to see the molestation and perversion that reigns among men of all hues. quite a few Hispanic men do the most...starting with their own daughters before they get to others. not a dig...just the Truth. everybody has a lot of work to do to get their houses in order.

    El Tigre...i am a lioness from the tribe of Judah from which the scepter will never it is written. recognize.

  54. Making it plain

    Listen to the SPIN

    When do we have to give up our right to speak? Since when are we to stay quiet when creepy crakkas tell us to? Not on my watch And i am willing to die for this right Are you?
    If not put the chains back on nyour neck

  55. "How many times could Trayvon Martin have smashed Mrs. Field's head on the pavement before it would have been justifiable to shoot him?""

    How do you account for the fact that the much bigger white man who was not only armed but also attended mixed martial arts classes three times a week got his head "smashed" by a skinny teenager at all?

  56. Answer from Field Negro:

    Zero. Mrs. Field would not have been stalking Trayvon Martin because of how he looked.

    Think of a better question next time. This time try to use what little brain power u have.

    Milagros said
    OUCH! dayum Field to do as you suggest would take a frankenstein do over or a monster mash

    boogie oogie oogie get down

  57. joy316 said...
    Help me to understand what you are recommending: that the people who believe that they have the absolute RIGHT to deny me a job that I'm qualified for, to spit in the food I've ordered and paid for, to overcharge me, to steer me to the poor neighborhood, to promote the less qualified white, to stop and search, to charge a higher interest rate, to pull the plug knowing the anesthesia had not worn off, to destroy my child's spirit in school,.to treat me like a criminal and follow me around the store when I obviously have more money than you, when you throw trash in my yard, burned down our cities, stole our farms, sold us mortgages that allowed you to take homes that were paid-in-full, raped, and yes, MURDER us with NO , that we should like and love you and all that you stand for? The truth is, to our detriment, we do show you the love and kindness you do not deserve!

    Wow, you see the world 180 degrees wrong.

    Blacks have the RIGHT to jobs they are not qualified for codified into our legal system. It is more qualified whites who suffer from Affirmative Action.

    People who don't pay their bills get charged higher interest rates, except when the government forces banks to lend to minorities, who then default and cause the biggest financial crisis in 70 years.

    Your children fail in school despite a curriculum designed to boost their self-esteem and offer them easy success, because they know failure will have no consequence due to Black Privilege.

    Blacks are looked at as criminals because they ARE more likely to be criminals.

    It is blacks who have trashed and burned down great American cities like Detroit. EVERY city run by blacks has turned into a shithole.

    Rape? Blacks rape 35,000+ white women every year. Whites rape ZERO black women in an average statistical year.

    Murder? Blacks are 75 TIMES MORE LIKELY to murder a white than a white is to murder a black.

    The truth is something black Americans steadfastly deny. Reality is racist.

  58. Play it louder!!!!

    This is old and we attended I am very happy this case is finally coming to court And Angelas????

    There is no SYG when he shot from inside his truck? duh!

  59. The Purple Cow said...
    How do you account for the fact that the much bigger white man who was not only armed but also attended mixed martial arts classes three times a week got his head "smashed" by a skinny teenager at all?

    Martin was, at nearly six feet tall, several inches taller than Zimmerman. The both weighed about the same, but Martin was much fitter. Martin also was proficient at MMA style fighting, which he had demonstrated many times. According to Zimmerman, Martin attacked him and got the first punch in.

    That's how.

    Also, Zimmerman did not take his gun out until he felt he was about to die. Trayvon initiated the altercation because he did not know Zimmerman was armed.

    If Zimmerman was the victim instead of the accused, you would be calling him Peruvian instead of white.

    1. Both weighed ABOUT the same? Right there you lose any credibility you thought you had. Fact is if that fool had stayed in his car and waited for the police like they instructed him to do this would have never happened but in amerikkka we have to kill unarmed blah teens because they look shady. Blah women get 20 years for shooting and not hitting anything but kill a blah teen and don't even get slapped on the wrist.

  60. Makin g it plain
    feet on the ground

    We are in our fam home in NYC today and after a lot of walking in Harlem Bronx and Manhattan Sat we have seen what its like for a young /.older Afrikan males living here

    We are staying in Rockland county and where its is different we have learned that police here always stop young Afrikans? The slave patter rollers (the salve spelling) are on the job

    looking sideways

  61. Purple Cow asked"

    How do you account for the fact that the much bigger white man who was not only armed but also attended mixed martial arts classes three times a week got his head "smashed" by a skinny teenager at all?
    Milagros said
    They cannot acct for it? Its in the DNA of a natural born killer

  62. field negro said...
    "Question for Field Negro:

    How many times could Trayvon Martin have smashed Mrs. Field's head on the pavement before it would have been justifiable to shoot him?"

    Answer from Field Negro:

    Zero. Mrs. Field would not have been stalking Trayvon Martin because of how he looked.

    Think of a better question next time. This time try to use what little brain power u have

    I'll try Field, I am not quite the genius you are. To clarify, it is justifiable, if you suspect someone might be "stalking" you, to jump them and bash their head against the sidewalk until they are dead, but not justifiable for the one getting his head bashed in to use his firearm to stop the attack?

    If some drug addled fellow mistakenly thought the esteemed Mrs. Field was "stalking" him, and started bashing her head against the sidewalk, would you then have a minimum number of bashes before his shooting would be justified?

    Would this number be different based on the race of the basher?

    Please illuminate me.

  63. Making it plain

    Joe Madison interviewed me and the comment arose about the fact that when Afrkans kill they kill 99% of our people and that when creepy crakkas kill they kill 84% of thier own people

    Now think about this Why is it then that creepy are overly concerned about intraracial crime in our community ?
    Its not,like they are going to put feet to the ground and help stem the madness unless there is an OP for control of programs

    Also its not as if they (creepy) are going to do anything about thier spoiled brats who walk inro schools and murder babies or into movies and kill adults or even go to office bldgs like Mcveigh and kill humdreds if not thousands

    Bottom line there is no fear of being killed by Afrikans in suburbia.
    its not, like any of the youth take the ride to the burbs to kill anyone RATHER the creepy trick goes to the places we live (Aurora) and kills at random

    He is not killing in suburbia proper

    To be continued

  64. Continued from above

    According to a Mother Jones timeline of mass shootings from the 1980s to the present, the majority of American mass murderers have been white males. The most infamous young killers—the Columbine High shooters, Jared Loughner, James Holmes, and now Adam Lanza—share a common cultural theme and national narrative. “Deranged” loners who came from lower to upper middle class nuclear families, their murder sprees forever shattered white suburbia’s veneer of normalcy. Over the past decade, the post-mass murder mantra has been grindingly familia “this couldn’t/shouldn’t/wouldn’t happen HERE, in our idyllic (white) suburban community.” Catastrophic violence is implicitly marked as the province of the other, the inner city, the cesspit jungle where poor children (of color), according to GOP sage Newt Gingrich, have no work ethic and thus no “habit of I do this and you give me cash, unless it is illegal.”

    See people this is not a Afrokan thing its a mental health issue which blame cannot cure

    And yet, methodically plotted acts of epic violence committed by young white males with mini arsenals aping video game assassins are increasingly the hallmark of “HERE”. So no doubt the elderly white women’s unease came from a sense of deep existential displacement. When you’ve been suckled on Ozzie and Harriet, its “hard” to have your whiteness referenced as a source of violence; especially by people of color.

    Just saying

    This will take BOOTS on the ground

    Next i will discuss what middle class people must do

  65. The rate of interracial murder is growing.

    Over the past 30 years, black-on-white murders rose from 6 percent of all homicides to 8 percent, according to a study of 550,000 homicide reports assembled by Scripps Howard News Service from FBI and local police reports. White-on-black killings rose from 3 to 4 percent. All other racial combinations rose from 3 to 5 percent.

    That means blacks are killing two whites for every black killed by a white.

    Blacks are just natural born killers I guess. The numbers don't lie.

    The disparity is certainly even greater, as the government counts a Hispanic as white if he is the perpetrator, but Hispanic if he is the victim. Go figure.

  66. Making it plain

    When stepin fetchits remove thier necklaces and make effort to explain why Pres Obama has failed to lead, i asked my husband when has he ever seen boots on the ground by any middle class or wealthy bollywood person or other pre RIOT? His response !960's

    So ? Who are these wimps yelling and screaming now? Are they the ones who nurse their guns to sleep each night

    BTW i ask where are Afrikan suburbanites where are they? Are they hiding in fear, are they simply throwing up hands and saying fk em, or are they sitting at home toking smokin pretending and blaming? Or perhaps saying things like " i got mine get yours'?

    Hold it! In our time we had the Jewish comm on our side and at our beck and call
    We had conscious poor and wealthy people who put on boots and hit the pavement when salaries were no where near what they are now..

    People united as one we who felt those bull conner water hoses on 16th street in Birmingham Ala
    And later the billy club on the Edmund Pettus bridge in Montgomery We have never sat back and done nothing.

    And i will say this to the angst of many
    During the last century, Afrkan and Jews and others joined forces against bigotry and for civil rights. and changed americkkkan politics and culture/

    In the 60's, both groups turned inward to fight the terror of jim crow and violence.

    Was it the horror of the holacaust and the terror of Afrikan slavery that made the connect? Or the fact that NEVER again was the committment?
    Are you working to help your community or are u simply entertaining my colleague while talking loud doing nothing?

    Chess anyone?>

  67. As of 2005:

    Crime Rates
    • Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
    • When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
    • Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
    • The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

    Interracial Crime
    • Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
    • Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
    • Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
    • Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes

  68. MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
    "In the 60's, both groups turned inward to fight the terror of jim crow and violence."

    Jim Crow died 50 years ago, and now Jews run America.

    But blacks are still on the bottom. Hmmm.

    Somebody got used.

  69. DeLuca4:53 PM

    Like everybody else I was surprised at the acquittal. I assumed he would get manslaughter and because Florida law mandates 25 to life in any gun homicide, he would go away for a long time and the black/progressive mob would be satisfied, more or less, with less outrage to common law than a murder verdict.

    I think that is what the judge wanted, and managed the trial for, but the system is to some extent restrained by its own rules. Its rules mandate very pro-defendant jury instructions- which is of great help to the typical yardbird defendant- but unfortunately helps people they want to convict as well. Surprising verdicts can, I think, usually be chalked up to jury instructions.

    Does the verdict reflect negro fatigue? I think to some extent it does, but I’m reluctant to say how much. I think it was clear to them that Martin was a bad kid who liked trouble, and they had no sympathy for him. But I suspect it’s more that the kind of people who get chosen for jury service tend to be very earnest good citizens who take the idea of reasonable doubt very seriously.

    Steve Sailer said blacks picked a bad case to throw themselves behind. I think that’s a misunderstanding of how blacks operate. The rule for blacks is they stick together, period. To blacks there are no bad blacks- none- not deserving of community support. Sometimes even total solidarity and aggressive political manipulation don’t help them, but usually it works.

    Martin in the end was a victim of bad parenting. He was doing a lot of bad stuff, and his parents should have come down on him like a ton of bricks. He was on the fast track to a bad ending, either as the victim of another black criminal or committing a serious crime. I suspect victimization was a more likely outcome, as Martin came from a sort of middle-class to lower middle-class black background, as was more a wannabe than a real gangster. He would have run into somebody from a real ghetto- Miami Lakes is a fairly nice suburb- and found he did have limits.

    But blacks don’t seem to have the same concept of parenting, particularly fatherhood, that other races have. In Africa and elsewhere, child socialization seems to be largely a community thing. The mother exerts some influence, but the community the most, fathers little to none.

    The greater point of the trial was to have a chilling effect on armed self-defense. It will accomplish that. That blacks didn’t win an outrageous prosecution doesn’t mean their power is diminished, but it may mean it has peaked.

  70. GrannyStandingforTruth4:57 PM

    Goad said...
    "They are the same people who never remind you that 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks, nor that an estimated 11,000+ blacks have been killed by other blacks since Trayvon Martin was slain."

    Yes! However, they seem to dismiss white on white murders as they don't exist. Blacks are not the only race that commit crimes against each other, every single race that exist does the same thing. Yep, they sweep those only the rug and highlight black on black crime. That still does not excuse or justify the murder of Trayvon Martin. Murder is murder plain and simple...

    Yes, the media plays a big part in it because they don't have the moral integrity they used to have in reporting the news so that people can make informed decisions. Now, it's all competition between the news media and ratings.

    Anonymous 9:20,

    "It wasn’t George Zimmerman’s freedom that they wanted to take away. It was our freedom. Zimmerman wasn’t being indicted as one man, but as a representative of a group. It didn’t matter that his appearance, his background and his motives did not fit the profile. He was indicted as a white racist. And by indicting him, the media was actually indicting the ordinary American for being part of a racist system that murders black youth."

    No, it wasn't about indicting a group of people, it was about institutionalized racism, an unfair justice system that discriminates when it comes to justice for a group of people (black). It is about automatic labeling, stereotyping and marginalizing one group of males as dangerous thugs. It was about our black children being able to walk the streets free of harm from people like Zimmerman who believe that ALL black males are THUGS, CRIMINALS, SUBHUMAN and DANGEROUS BLACK MALES and think that they should be allowed to MURDER any black male they see and get away with it. It is about black people being tired of being singled out for discriminatory practices in the justice system. It is about RACIAL PROFILING. Do you get it now?

    A Black Panther,

    "the thinking of these racist American people that feel that a child smoking reefer deserve to die."

    Yet, those same racist Americans have been fighting a long battle to legalize it. You and I both know that they've always practiced a double standard.

    "I have lived to have seen many Black young men unarmed being killed by police, therefor I have/had no trust in this corrupt judicial system. Trayvon Martin was killed by the state of Florida, Sanford Police Dept and the citizenry thereof. George Zimmerman just pulled the trigger."

    Brother Panther, I too have witness this and much more and I'm sick and tired of it.


    Evidently, you think some of us black people did not read the autopsy report or police report. Thank you, but no thank you, but we do not subscribe to the Conservativetreehouse folk's B.S. or want to hear the make up the lies as we go version. Btw, the author over at Conservativetreehouse has an awful lot of knowledge about drugs. Sounds more like to me that he is the one using because people who don't use drugs are not familiar with how it's made as he is.

  71. GrannyStandingforTruth4:59 PM


    "While most will not go as far as the slave catcher, Jesse Lee Peterson (when he called Martin a "pot smoking thug" who deserved what he got)"

    Jesse Lee Peterson is a so-called preacher who preaches hate of black people and stays on his knee pads with Hannity who funds his BOND organization. I swear I believe he took Hal Turner's place in Hannity's intimate life. Peterson is demon! They need to lock him up in a mental institution and give him a mirror.

    Nah, he wasn't Rosa Parks, he was just a kid walking along minding his own business. Like I said before murder is still murder, so that does not excuse or justify what Zimmerman did. What if they lined up every male in America who has cheated on their spouse or who drinks alcohol or who is addicted to gambling or whatever their vice may be and killed them, would that make their murder okay?

  72. GrannyStandingforTruth5:08 PM

    Btw, weed does not make someone a THUG! If that is the case, then over half of the population of America is a THUG including those in UPPER CLASS and every human race that exist.

  73. GrannyStandingforTruth5:11 PM

    The prosecutors ask the jurors to use their common sense, the defense told them to leave their common sense out of the verdict. We all know which one they chose.

  74. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    "Question for Field Negro:

    How many times could Trayvon Martin have smashed Mrs. Field's head on the pavement before it would have been justifiable to shoot him?"

    Answer from Field Negro:

    Zero. Mrs. Field would not have been stalking Trayvon Martin because of how he looked.

    Think of a better question next time. This time try to use what little brain power u have.

    3:10 PM
    Field, he DID use what brain power he had. So what would you have him do now?

  75. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Anonymous Fred said...
    "If some drug addled fellow mistakenly thought the esteemed Mrs. Field was "stalking" him, and started bashing her head against the sidewalk, would you then have a minimum number of bashes before his shooting would be justified?
    Please illuminate me.
    First of all if somebody were following me in the approaching darkness, under rain,in an suv,and then after I started running out of his sight,(which gz himself said is what happened on the tape)then he gets out and runs after me!

    I or anyone else would really not classify that as "MISTAKENLY thinking" because those actions, to any normal human being are definitely classified as STALKING and a definite THREAT! To me, to you, to anyone!

    So any amount of head bashing's by my part to that individual, would a little something called "SELF DEFENSE". PRESERVATION OF MY LIFE.

    gz was so high on Restoril and Adderall he was crazy!

    He stalked a teen boy. and remember he himself said on the tape "he's a teenager"

    A TEENAGER!!! He knew!

    gz without the gun is nothing. He didn't have what it takes to pass exams or be anybody, with the gun he's g zuperman!

  76. GrannyStandingforTruth5:26 PM

    Anonymous 5:11,

    "How many times could Trayvon Martin have smashed Mrs. Field's head on the pavement before it would have been justifiable to shoot him?"

    I've never in my entire life seen a person get their head smashed on the pavement like Zimmerman claimed he did, with blood and all and not one drop, not even so much as dot of blood was on the sidewalk. Dang, that's some incredible blood that Zimmerman has there. Medical science should do a study on Zimmerman's blood to find out what makes his different from other human beings. They should also do a study to find out why he wasn't dazed from that head bashing and did not need to be rushed to emergency. While their at it, they should explain to me how a nurse practitioner's word is taken over a licensed medical DOCTOR.

    No wonder so many people are conned every day of the week. Smh!

  77. Anonymous5:43 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "I've never in my entire life seen a person get their head smashed on the pavement like Zimmerman claimed he did, with blood and all and not one drop, not even so much as dot of blood was on the sidewalk.
    Exactly! I believe those scratches on the back of hos head were either inflicted by himself after the fact or caused when he fell back in the tussle.

    and I believe he had the gun out already.

    Trayvon was merely trying to hold it away from him as he screamed for help!

  78. Well Anon@5:11pm, I guess he is pretty much f****d. :)

  79. GrannyStandingforTruth5:48 PM

    @Desert, I believe he had his gun out already too and that he suckered punched Trayvon using his foot...they don't call it KICKBOXING for nothing.

  80. Anonymous5:53 PM

    field negro said...
    Well Anon@5:11pm, I guess he is pretty much f****d. :)

    And Field is pretty much stumped.

    Gotta give it up to Fred...

  81. Two Pack5:56 PM

    "I've never in my entire life seen a person get their head smashed on the pavement like Zimmerman claimed he did, with blood and all and not one drop, not even so much as dot of blood was on the sidewalk."

    How do you know there was "not even so much as dot of blood" on that sidewalk?

    You sound ridiculous.

  82. Two Pack5:59 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    @Desert, I believe he had his gun out already too and that he suckered punched Trayvon using his foot...they don't call it KICKBOXING for nothing.

    Even more ridiculous.

    They don't call it IGNORANCE for nothing.

  83. Two Pack6:08 PM

    Desertflower said...
    First of all if somebody were following me in the approaching darkness, under rain,in an suv,and then after I started running out of his sight,(which gz himself said is what happened on the tape)then he gets out and runs after me!

    But Zimmerman never ran after Trayvon, he got out the car to see a street sign and Trayvon jumped him. He was seconds from blacking out before he ever pulled his gun out. According to all the witnesses, it was Zimmerman who was calling for help. These facts were established in a court of law.

    You have to accept the truth.

  84. GrannyStandingforTruth6:13 PM

    "How do you know there was "not even so much as dot of blood" on that sidewalk?"

    Because the FBI and police did not find any. There was no evidence of it in the evidence doc. Jesus! Dang, was it that hard for you to figure out? Please tell me that you live in Florida where child murders go free, at least that would explain why you're not using your common sense.

  85. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Two Pack said...
    "But Zimmerman never ran after Trayvon"
    I believe in the video he made with the detectives he established that fact, that he was walking fast so as not to lose sight of him.

    But in the audio tape you can clearly hear that after he informs the dispatcher "hes' running" you can hear the car door open and he's panting, because he begins to run, gun in hand.

    Remember gz was high on Adderall and Restoril. One speeds you up, the other one slows you down! A veritable speedball if you will!

    He was berserk!

  86. GrannyStandingforTruth6:39 PM

    Oh Lawd, here we go with the looking for address BS. LOL! Zimmerman lived in the complex that only has THREE streets. The addresses are in plain view lit with a light and somehow Zimmerman claimed not to know the name of the street in a complex that he has lived in for a few years and passes everyday leaving to go somewhere.

    I live on one block and can tell you the name of every street in my surrounding neighborhood and know what addresses are on my street. I can tell you what the next street over would be or the streets before it. To find an address, you can look at a street sign and it will tell you what addresses are on any street. Those numbers next to the name on the street sign are not there for nothing. Dang, anyone with a drivers license oughta know that. Odd number addresses on one side of the street and even numbers on the other.

    Oh, I forgot, we're not supposed to use our common sense.

  87. GrannyStandingforTruth7:06 PM

    I sure do with that the media would interview Zimmerman's cousin, the one he sexually molested or the ATF agent he physically assaulted or that woman he picked up and threw across the room for RATINGS. Seeing how, the defense painted Zimmerman as a girly man, soft whimp who can't fight, who was totally defenseless against a skinny kid. Poor ole scary Zimmerman feared so much for his life who was a scary person that lacked the skills to defend himself got out of his car and followed this imaginary big bad wolf in the dark instead of waiting on the police to arrive. On top of it, he didn't want to give the police his address and told them he'd tell them where he was at. He couldn't tell them I'll be sitting in my truck on such and such street because he did not plan to be in his truck. Zimmerman planned on hunting down Trayvon and killing him, so that he could claim his hero's award and fame. Well, he's famous now, but it's not the claim to fame he wanted.

    I pray that his conscience eats him alive day and night and that every time he washes his hands he sees the blood of an innocent kid walking home minding his own business on them and that goes for the jurors who refused to see Trayvon's humanity or see him as just another innocent kid walking home minding his own business.

  88. Anonymous7:12 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "@Desert, I believe he had his gun out already too and that he suckered punched Trayvon using his foot...they don't call it KICKBOXING for nothing.
    So true! Hadn't thought about that one Granny!

    I don't understand how the police there can make him "captain" of a neighborhood watch without checking his background and if he had legal and psych problems, which he did!!!

    Perhaps the "good ol' boy" system is firmly in place there and since his father is a judge after all, and his mother is a court clerk. You really can't get any more in than that, now can you?

    So they did the "never amount to anything,aggressive,dysfunctional,
    pill popping addicted, son of the judge, a favor and at least let him be a "captain". An 'armed captain'

    Almost no one in that complex knew there even was a "neighborhood watch", much less that he was the "captain of it."

    Why didn't they distribute flyers, do a house to house in which he identified himself to all?

    There's a real lack of communication and loss of information here!

    One telling detail about him is that he refused the neighborhood watch "uniform" that was available and offered.

    He didn't want it because it seemed to lowly to him, in his mind he wanted to think of himself as something else, like an undercover detective perhaps!

    Restoril and Adderall are both highly addictive by the way.

  89. GrannyStandingforTruth8:10 PM

    @Desert, Zimmerman's mommy and daddy are enablers. They were always there to help Zimmerman get out of trouble and clean up his mess. The apple does not fall to far from the tree, like father like son is their hate for black people. Read his daddy's book where he proclaims ALL black people are racist, which leads me to believe and suggest that he needs to first learn what racism is. Yet,when Zimmerman murdered Trayvon, his family was quick to claim black ancestry to cover their own racism. After all, black people have never ever in American history obstructed anyone from enjoying freedom, equality, social or economical prosperity because of the color of their skin. Not only that, white folks need to learn what a THUG really is because it's obvious that they don't know.

    The Zimmerman and their attorneys smeared and slandered the Martin family. Sybrina was slandered and labeled an educated ghetto chick, but she has shown more grace and dignity than the Zimmerman clan showed. She nor Tracy badmouthed Zimmerman's family. However, the Zimmerman family went out of their way to badmouth and slander them every chance they got. She is a saved woman and you can see it in her face...that spiritual glow that does not come from man.

  90. White Americans figure if they can put every black man in America in prison for one reason or another, the problem of violence will be solved. To this end they are constructing prisons-for-profit. The more black men in prison, the more money the operators of the prisons earn.

  91. GrannyStandingforTruth8:18 PM

    Welp, I out. I need to check on my own child and see how she's feeling today. Bye.

  92. White Americans8:29 PM

    Bob said...
    White Americans figure if they can put every black man in America in prison for one reason or another, the problem of violence will be solved. To this end they are constructing prisons-for-profit. The more black men in prison, the more money the operators of the prisons earn.

    Hey, that sounds like a plan!

  93. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I think Rich's piece was straight up clickbait trolling, the usual contrary pose with some shock jock phrasing. It was cheap, but also bad faith, with this claim: "But he didn’t offer a meaningful opinion on the episode’s hot molten core: racial profiling, vigilantism, and “Stand Your Ground” laws."

    Which isn't true. Being the first black president speaking to a nation full of racists, he wrapped it in caution and "balance", but he spoke to all of those things (see below), and it got through given the racist meltdown from white folk who couldn't even handle the polite version. It seems Rich is really mad that Obama offer the fantasy angry rant fantasy few if aby presidents make while in office, let alone a black facing mostly white reporters and two more years of bargaining with crackers.

    "There are very few African-American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me...there is a history of racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws, everything from the death penalty to enforcement of our drug laws...when I was in Illinois I passed racial profiling legislation...for those who resist that idea that we should think about something like these “stand your ground” laws, I just ask people to consider if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground...because he felt threatened?"

    Eric Holder's speech has less caution and caveats given his audience, but it is not quite the barn burner Rich claims. It may seem that way because Holder devoted half the speech to upholding the Voting Rights Act, but if you read the text he actually s *less* about racial profiling - not even saying the words, perhaps because he knew the audience already understood.

    Honestly, it's like comparing someone doing comedy on a prime time sitcom to a performance in an R rated movie. It's all about context, and the one which is edgier may be working within stricter limits. Obama actually said white ladies clutching their purses is a bad thing *in a national press briefing* to a nation full of people who would deny it. It may be the watered down version for columnists who are expected to shock, but that was some hard ass words. To play it his way, one could say Rich is calling Obama an oreo for a white publication.

  94. Anonymous8:39 PM

    that should be "Obama didn't offer" and "few if any"

  95. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Granny truer words were never spoken. Amen! health and blessings!

  96. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Black men...note to self. The next time you start mouthing off about how your Black woman is your enemy, just remember one thing. Not a single one of those 6 female jurors that put the nails in Trayvon's coffin by letting Zimmerman go free was a Black woman. Just remember that my Brothers, cause ya'll need a reality check.

  97. GrannyStandingforTruth9:27 PM

    Okay, I'm back for a few minutes.

    "Martin was, at nearly six feet tall, several inches taller than Zimmerman. The both weighed about the same, but Martin was much fitter. Martin also was proficient at MMA style fighting, which he had demonstrated many times. According to Zimmerman, Martin attacked him and got the first punch in."

    Dang, Fred do you live and breathe hearsay? Whoever, you are getting your information from, you should ignore them from now on because they are pulling the wool over your eyes, giving you false information, and keeping you in total darkness.

    Let me help you out with the truth, instead lies. Martin and Zimmerman did not weigh the same. Zimmerman weighed 204 and Trayvon weighed 158. There was almost over half of a difference in their weight, which was 46 pounds. Zimmerman weighed more. Zimmerman was the one proficient in MMA style fighting that he paid for and learned at a KICKBOXING gym. According to Zimmerman, LOL, who is a proven LIAR. The gym that Zimmerman learned his MMA style fighting at is now advertising it as a place where Zimmerman learned to fight at. Why would a business advertise that unless he knew how to use those skills he was taught? Use your brain! Do you think that if Zimmerman really got his azz whupped, they would use him to advertise their kickboxing establishment? Don't you think that would be bad for business? I mean come on now, who wants to pay someone to learn how to get their azz kicked? And Zimmerman attended that gym for a long time.

    Trayvon Martin attended an aviation school where they teach you to fly planes not MMA fighting. Trayvon is lightweight for a male. There are females that could have easily handled him.

  98. GrannyStandingforTruth9:27 PM

    Okay, I'm back for a few minutes.

    "Martin was, at nearly six feet tall, several inches taller than Zimmerman. The both weighed about the same, but Martin was much fitter. Martin also was proficient at MMA style fighting, which he had demonstrated many times. According to Zimmerman, Martin attacked him and got the first punch in."

    Dang, Fred do you live and breathe hearsay? Whoever, you are getting your information from, you should ignore them from now on because they are pulling the wool over your eyes, giving you false information, and keeping you in total darkness.

    Let me help you out with the truth, instead lies. Martin and Zimmerman did not weigh the same. Zimmerman weighed 204 and Trayvon weighed 158. There was almost over half of a difference in their weight, which was 46 pounds. Zimmerman weighed more. Zimmerman was the one proficient in MMA style fighting that he paid for and learned at a KICKBOXING gym. According to Zimmerman, LOL, who is a proven LIAR. The gym that Zimmerman learned his MMA style fighting at is now advertising it as a place where Zimmerman learned to fight at. Why would a business advertise that unless he knew how to use those skills he was taught? Use your brain! Do you think that if Zimmerman really got his azz whupped, they would use him to advertise their kickboxing establishment? Don't you think that would be bad for business? I mean come on now, who wants to pay someone to learn how to get their azz kicked? And Zimmerman attended that gym for a long time.

    Trayvon Martin attended an aviation school where they teach you to fly planes not MMA fighting. Trayvon is lightweight for a male. There are females that could have easily handled him.

  99. Several replies from StillaPanther2

    I have seen many commenters on this and other blogs saying that this young man was using weed...and I still contend that smoking weed alone should not be a death penalty.

    Detroit problem had nothing to do with Blacks not being any more fiscally astute as the whites before them. Some facts that evidently some refuse to acknowledge, The auto industry moved to other cities where cheap labor was present. Therefor would one be led to believe that the most prosperous and educated would also leave. In ten years population went from ABOUT 2,000,00 to 680,000. That's a lot of taxpayers. Oh, by the way in this exodus of workers, there are many retired, older Americans that had high pensions from shrinking tax revenue. Say 40 plus of your income is for people that are gone creates little or no upkeep in the city. THE BLACKS WERE LEFT IN A DYING CITY.

    Now lastly, some commenter said the Black Panthers should go into the inner cities and challenge the gangs and other miscreants. (Newsflash).We did take care of our neighborhood in the 60s/70. I am 63 and in the last group of Panthers of old. These new people that are creating havoc was "made in America". Their existence is solely what the government has created. If the locals and federals can't keep them on the chain- surely not some senior citizens :)

  100. Several replies from StillaPanther2

    I have seen many commenters on this and other blogs saying that this young man was using weed...and I still contend that smoking weed alone should not be a death penalty.

    Detroit problem had nothing to do with Blacks not being any more fiscally astute as the whites before them. Some facts that evidently some refuse to acknowledge, The auto industry moved to other cities where cheap labor was present. Therefor would one be led to believe that the most prosperous and educated would also leave. In ten years population went from ABOUT 2,000,00 to 680,000. That's a lot of taxpayers. Oh, by the way in this exodus of workers, there are many retired, older Americans that had high pensions from shrinking tax revenue. Say 40 plus of your income is for people that are gone creates little or no upkeep in the city. THE BLACKS WERE LEFT IN A DYING CITY.

    Now lastly, some commenter said the Black Panthers should go into the inner cities and challenge the gangs and other miscreants. (Newsflash).We did take care of our neighborhood in the 60s/70. I am 63 and in the last group of Panthers of old. These new people that are creating havoc was "made in America". Their existence is solely what the government has created. If the locals and federals can't keep them on the chain- surely not some senior citizens :)

  101. GrannyStandingforTruth9:48 PM

    I know females that would have slung Trayvon all over the place with ease, but would have a hard time doing that with a 204 pound man. That's a big man.

  102. GrannyStandingforTruth9:51 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Black men...note to self. The next time you start mouthing off about how your Black woman is your enemy, just remember one thing. Not a single one of those 6 female jurors that put the nails in Trayvon's coffin by letting Zimmerman go free was a Black woman. Just remember that my Brothers, cause ya'll need a reality check."

    I cosign with that statement!

  103. GrannyStandingforTruth10:11 PM

    Let's talk about healing.

    You know, those visible scabs on Zimmerman's so-called serious head banging injuries that were in plain sight the night of the shooting when he supposedly posed for that picture that was somehow forgotten about until a public demand for investigation took place. Oh yeah, and the pattern of the blood flowing from his head which indeed goes against the norm for someone on their back. Rare, rare indeed how they discounted and were against gravity in the law of physics, but well, they overlooked a lot of stuff to set a child murderer free.

  104. GrannyStandingforTruth10:31 PM

    Oh, I'm not gonna lie and say that I do not blame his defense team because I do. I blame their greed for blood money. I blame them for their representation of the most shady, dishonest, and purposely poisoning of possible jurors in the media, slandering and smearing Trayvon's parents and his brother's reputations to clear a murderer. I blame Don West for raising his those daughters who like to lick on more than ice cream to think that they are better than Rachel. I blame them for giving the attorney profession a bad name.

    Granny<---going to her corner and hush for now.

  105. el tigre10:37 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Let me help you out with the truth, instead lies. Martin and Zimmerman did not weigh the same. Zimmerman weighed 204

    Wrong, Granny. According to his arrest record that night, Zimmerman weighed 185. It's right there in Wikipedia.

  106. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Well said Granny!

    From the beginning I've said that the prosecutors looked to be asleep,

    I expected them to be a little more proactive in defending Travon. They really dropped the ball!

  107. GrannyStandingforTruth10:51 PM

    el tiger, now, I know why you are misinformed and confused. The Wikipedia? Seriously? Professors at Universities would give you an "F" for using that as a reference source because anyone who knows how to write can post information there.

    Why don't you trying looking at the actual police report? He weighed 204 pounds! Even his shady attorneys did not tell that lie, even though, they lied about a lot of other stuff.

  108. 'Why do you say that Zimmerman had "exactly NO right to follow Trayvon"? I don't understand this. Because some dispatcher says so? And for all we know, when the dispatcher said that, Zimmerman may have stopped following the boy, and then became the pursued'

    well if you want to just ignore good sense, the dispatcher you called for assistance AND make up facts...then a lack of understanding is all one can expect.

    i have not heard anywhere that Trayvon pursued Zimmerman. that's new to me and i suspect you made it up.

    Anon, are you REALLY asserting that you think it wise to follow strangers you don't know that have made it clear, they don't wish to be followed? are folks REALLY that disconnected from common sense? not much i can do to assist. no disrespect, just a statement of fact.

  109. GrannyStandingforTruth11:18 PM

    @Desert, the prosecutors are outstanding when it comes to giving a black women 20 years for shooting in a ceiling and 3 years to Michael Vicks for shooting an animal. But well, when it comes to sending child murderers to prison that's a different story.

  110. GrannyStandingforTruth11:37 PM

    As for those 6 women jurors, like my daddy used to say, "You could put their brains in a bird and it would fly upside down backwards."

  111. el tigre11:44 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Why don't you trying looking at the actual police report? He weighed 204 pounds!

    The actual police report list Zimmerman as 5' 7" and 185 pounds.

    Come on, get with reality.

  112. gramsci11:50 PM

    The most direct eyewitness to the fight, Jonathan Good, saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, "raining down blows MMA style". Martin kept on hitting Zimmerman even after Good told Martin that he was calling 911.

    Trayvon Martin's shooting was justified.


  113. 'It must be hard being white. Especially poor and white. I see how you try to equate black racism with white racism. You are bigger pawns in the game than we are, and the sad thing is you don't even know it.'

    say it again. superior intellect based on melanin deficiency is a giant white lie. clearly. what is as obvious as the nose on one's face is too much for the surly superior white folks to see. classic.

    and yes, the world is watching and laughing as arrogant, pompous, murderous, world resource pillaging white man land america implodes.

  114. Miguel G.11:58 PM

    Trayvon Martinwas a violent hoodrat with a penchant for burglary who was suspended three times, who referred to people with lighter skin as “creepy ass crackers,” and who apparently assaulted bus drivers as well as neighborhood watch captains.

    It was only a matter of time before someone capped his ass. The twist was that it wasn't another violent hoodrat who got him first.

  115. Ca-ching!12:12 AM

    The mother of Trayvon Martin has filed two applications to secure trademarks containing her late son’s name, records show.

    Sybrina Fulton is seeking marks for the phrases “I Am Trayvon” and “Justice for Trayvon,” according to filings made [way back in March 2012, almost immediately after the February 26 shooting] with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

  116. GrannyStandingforTruth12:47 AM

    "gramsci said...
    The most direct eyewitness to the fight, Jonathan Good, saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, "raining down blows MMA style".

    Jonathan Goode told some inconsistencies too, but the prosecutors missed that opportunity as well. Goode testified he saw the altercation and was only outside for 10-15 seconds. He stated he did not see the faces of anyone, especially the guy on top, but when he ran into the house to dial 911 he knew the person that was shot was black from the beginning of the call. Also, if he was the first one outside and called after the shot, how did he not hear 45 seconds of screams to only claim he was there 10-15 secs? And why would he not have the heard the screams? He knows more about what happened, but he is not telling it, and the prosecutors didn't press the issue like they should have. He was not being truthful.

    And he was NOT the only witness that saw what happened. The young boy walking the dog saw Zimmerman on top, so did those other three women, especially that teacher that was visibly shaken on that witness stand.

    Why is so hard for you to understand that Zimmerman was the only one that night with any MMA style training? What do you think Zimmerman learned at a kickboxing gym, how to bake cookies? Smh!

    Talk about the blind leading the blind. Smh.

  117. GrannyStandingforTruth12:55 AM

    The deficiency in common sense in our society is unbelievable. People so blinded by their preconceived bias and racism against blacks, until they refuse to see the truth staring them right in their face because it destroys the stereotypical beliefs that are embedded deep down in their minds. Smh!

  118. Advice to Black America1:00 AM

    Teach your children to not attack people for no good reason whatsoever. Conduct yourself in a responsible, civil manner, and everything will be just fine. Try to kill someone and that someone just may be exercising his or her Second Amendment rights and you could get shot. It’s called self-defense, and it is the oldest, strongest and most righteous instinct and God-given right known to man.


  119. 'It is blacks who have trashed and burned down great American cities like Detroit.'

    more superior intellect totally void of truth.

    maybe if you hear the Truth from a white man in another part of the might see what is happening in white man land america.

    love how nafta and other greed trade agreements that left dead cities in its wake never quite get mentioned. how convenient.

    his assessment that america is good at turning out brainwashed folks and very little else resonates as accurate when one considers your comment.

  120. GrannyStandingforTruth1:09 AM

    Zimmerman who is a grown man kills a child, steals the child's screams, plants his own words into the dead child's mouth, and then he steals the dead child's victim status and claims it for himself.

    The devil is a liar!

  121. Belagro1:28 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    'It is blacks who have trashed and burned down great American cities like Detroit.'

    more superior intellect totally void of truth.

    OK, what exactly happened to Detroit?

  122. Chauncey1:31 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Zimmerman who is a grown man kills a child, steals the child's screams, plants his own words into the dead child's mouth, and then he steals the dead child's victim status and claims it for himself.

    The devil is a liar!

    The devil has deceived you.

    Trayvon chose his own fate, and he made that choice because of his parents failed him.

  123. GrannyStandingforTruth2:18 AM


    "more superior intellect totally void of truth."

    I totally agree with you.

    It's because they’ve trained their tongues to tell lies, and now they can’t tell the truth. Look at them coming after us like a pack of wild dogs. Smh!

  124. Belagro, i posted a link for the dum dum crew. be ashamed that a man sitting in another part of the world can see what you and those like you are too focused on dum dum to see for yourselves.

    he addressed the chronic brain wash evident in folks asking...what happened to the motor city? the place manufacturing and car making put on the map. like they can't figure out those jobs, business, taxes, etc now go elsewhere due to the availability of slave labor. if folks don't know to mention the litany of trade agreement, they frankly don't know enough to speak into the convo.

    wake up already. past 9th grade, some questions really ARE just the information age, no less.

    Granny, one shall know them by their fruit. the people of the lie identify themselves time after time. they are just as their father they serve...who is the father of lies, murder, chaos and mayhem.

  125. Anonymous12:15 PM

    the drugged flawed racist pedophile psycho loser kkkop wannabe makes trayvon look like a drug free saint

    cc troy davis/sean bell

    i am unimpressed by that racist cowardly bankster hobama's tame narcissistic trifling bs re: trayvon

    gz os a child kkkiller

    and hobama is a global gz

    more trayvons will be slain via hobama's ndaa/martial law/poverty/PIC/MIC wwiii/africom etc

  126. Lee Iacocca1:28 PM

    Hiroshima was destroyed by the atom bomb.

    Detroit was destroyed by the black bomb.

    Hiroshima rebuilt after the atom bomb.

    But Detroit remains in ruins, because the black bomb never stops destroying.

  127. Anonymous1:32 PM

    gz's racisk kkkin clearly heard that racist bankkkster hobama's dog whistle re trayvon!

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!

  128. Anonymous1:37 PM

    In response to an article written in the New Yorker magazine by Amy Davidson called "What Should Trayvon Martin Have Done?", the comment section to the article blew up. All sort of allegations were made about Trayvon Martin in the comment section including he had child pornography on his cell phone!

  129. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Trayvon Martin had child pornography on his cell phone? Man, that's effed up.

  130. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Black female sent to jail for 20 years for standing her ground against a husband who was known to abuse her. And she only fired a warning shot at the ceiling. Black boy sent to his grave for standing his ground against a "creepy ass cracker" stranger that stalked and followed him with a gun. QUESTION: WHAT'S THE PARALLEL HERE? ANSWER: WHITE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN CONDITIONED TO HATE BLACKS. REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE BLACK IS LIGHT SKINNED, MEDIUM SKINNED, OR DARK SKINNED.
    White people DO NOT see their children in our children. In fact, Blacks are seen as "animals" that have to be dealt with. They are only conditioned to "tolerate" Blacks that have money that they can get rich off of. WAKE UP FOLKS ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  131. Anonymous12:07 AM

    "Black female sent to jail for 20 years for standing her ground against a husband who was known to abuse her. And she only fired a warning shot at the ceiling."

    No, she went to the house, ran out to her car to get the gun, and nearly killed him.

    "Black boy sent to his grave for standing his ground against a "creepy ass cracker" stranger that stalked and followed him with a gun"

    The blactk boy jumped the stanger, told him he was "going die tonight", and continued to beat him even after an eyewitness told him he was calling 911.

    I understand your pain, but it is based on a misunderstanding of what happened.

    You are being manipulated by a government and a media who wants to keep you eternally enraged.

  132. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Anon, are you REALLY asserting that you think it wise to follow strangers you don't know that have made it clear, they don't wish to be followed?

    Most people up to no good do not wish to be followed, and why should a man protecting his neighborhood be afraid to confront a youth and ask him what he is doing? That is the problem. Cowards that do not get involved or are too busy with booty call and weed, or indicting the white man to care.

    And I do not make anything up, I'm looking at the FACTS of that night, and what some have concluded was in the realm of possibilites. It makes sense, considering the character of players.

  133. Anonymous5:52 AM

    "blacks picked a bad case to throw themselves behind"

    Exactly. Trayvon Martin had not "achieved" a criminal record when he was killed. But if he had lived thru the encounter with GZ, at the very least he would have faced assault charges against GZ and TM would possibly be a felon now. And the sensible among us know this.

    TM was no Emmett Till. Not even close.
