Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Open thread...sort of

Please tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the back of this gentleman's head.

If somehow you found yourself in a fight and the back of your head ended up like this, how far would you go to defend yourself?

And given the looks of it (the "lacerations"), do you think you that you would have felt it when it was happening?

Thank you in advance for your input.


  1. Wesley R11:03 PM

    Not life threatening injuries.

  2. It looks like ... Damm I better get this strong ass lil kid off me ...damm Is he actually stronger than me..??
    Thats what is looks like to me...

    Does a require a gun shot ? Probably not..Just a bench press motion..
    Just found this on DaveyD's blog...

    I’m Loving what Pittsburgh rapper Jasiri X just did around this George Zimmerman Trial..here’s what he had to say:

    I decided to put my thoughts about the Zimmerman trial, the ruling on the Voting Rights Act, and Race in America into a 16 bar verse:

    Oh you was born black welcome to the curse race

    Oh you was born brown you sure this is your birthplace

    This is America the home of the white man

    Where every other American gets a hyphen

    People of color police shoot us on site man

    And then be like damn I was just frightened

    See just the color of my skin is intimidating

    Here I’m a criminal just based on my pigmentation

    We need God our only mass is incarceration

    We need Jesus cause these preachers got the heart of Satan

    They toast to our death celebrating with ice cream

    Vanilla with the cake cone must be a white thing

    They wanna stop us from voting well what do rights mean?

    If the end result of our struggle can just be wiped clean

    And Zimmerman is a creepy ass cracka

    A racist child murdering liar and bad actor

  3. all bloody photos of this scared bitch fool gz are fake!!!

    tm had no bruises or blood on his hands...

    gz shot tm as soon as tm began to beat him after gz flashed the same gun he cocked before he left his car to chase tm...



  4. tm was screaming for help

    as in:

    "help me/this fool has a gun..."

    tm stopped screaming as soon as the gun was fired

    gz was the profiler stalker/shooter/chaser/kkkiller/hater....

    but gz was never the screamer!


  5. Anonymous12:01 AM

    The blood is flowing forward. If he had been lying down it would all have gone back.

    Zimmerman is a bold faced liar!

    Trayvon could not have been "banging his head repeatedly on the cement, putting one hand over his mouth and smothering him, and reaching ACROSS GZs body with his right hand to get the gun! That's impossible! Only Superman!

    This man is a liar and all the inconsistencies are surfacing now that the prosecutors have woken up!

    GZ said that Trayvon jumped out of the "bushes"! There are NO bushes in the spot where he said there were!

    It turns out that GZ was studying criminal justice and had tsken classes on criminal investigation and scenes. They are today fighting to bring this into trial and O Mara doesn't want.

    This devil profiled and accosted a frightened boy who was already freaked out and in 'fight or flight' mode. Attacked him and shot him to death.

    This man is evil. It shows in his eyes. He will kill again if left free.

    He concocted the entire story while he waited for the cops, that's why the blonde said he kept pacing up and down with his hand to his head, he was making up the story he was going to tell the police.

    It hurts me so much when I see Trayvon on the video counting out his money to pay for the little juice and candy! It breaks my F(*&^%g heart!!!

    GZ has to be punished! He will kill again.

  6. Being in the medical profession for many years I w as also taken back by the pixs. But the head and scalp have an abundance oof veins and arteries supplying a lotta lotta blood, especially during excitement and the need to be in a flight or fight mode. Seems like Bro Zim "bit more than he could chew". He was getting his butt whipped. So the abundance of blood was not unusual for those minor abrasions.. Unfortunately, the picture of the bloody head may sway the jurors that are not medically astute. Also prior to the trial where a judge decide what can or cant be used cause me to boil. If this guy has called the police department over 40 times ...they had to have some familiarity with this man. He may be on "the team".

  7. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Darren Kavanoky, ne of the legal analists on the HLN network, said something tonight that I think sums this up.

    He said that this trial was reminding him more and more "of one of those fights where it's arranged for one side to take a fall"

    Because the prosecutuon has been ASLEEP!

    And has anyone noticed how disrespectfully O Mara is towards the judge?

    Holy crap, if she overrules him on anything he shrugs his shoulders and makes a smirky face like "okay, FU, we'll see about that!" type thing.

    and she freaken acts like she's afraid of him!!! and so does De La Rionda!!!

    The three of them, GZ and those two lawyers are pigs!

  8. everything surrounding the Zimmerman trial reads as a set up.

    when we realize that the secrets of the Universe unfold when one thinks of frequencies, energy and vibration.

    collective negative energy is being harnessed with this case. those stories that make it to mainstream media serve a purpose. if it does not, no one ever hears of it. like the marine and his wife murdered by a group of fellow marines. that case had black/white, murder, etc. just doesn't fit what the powers that be want us to focus on.


    she speaks to what a LOT of Black folks are refusing to acknowledge. while Zimmerman dominates the news, violent Blacks have annihilated many more Trayvons. no one cares. this case just provides another opportunity for folks to increase the divide along racial lines.

    just as we were forbidden to ask why the central park jogger thought it wise to jog around at night...no one is asking what made a 17 year old behave disrespectfully and combatively with a grown packing heat man. do we no longer teach our young men how to navigate racist America? do we no longer teach our young men to respect their elders? do we no longer teach them that folks are itching to shoot them? cops and non cops alike?

    if you check out the link...folks are serious about protecting their communities. Black folks acting combative and out of pocket in strange neighborhoods is not the business.

    when i see this picture, i see someone that will be acquitted. i also see that getting folks riled up will end with a lot of heads looking like this...but worse...if folks don't mind their p's and q's when the not guilty verdict is announced.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth1:03 AM

    GZ lied and that's the bottom line.
    His first lie was Trayvon called him "Homie."
    The second one was that he didn't follow Trayvon.
    Third lie was he was looking for an address.
    Trayvon ambushed him from some bushes.
    Trayvon attacked him at the T and knocked him down.
    Trayvon banged his head on the concrete on the sidewalk.
    He feared for his life.
    Trayvon had his hand over his mouth and nose.
    Trayvon rained MMA style blows down on him.
    Trayvon reached across him to get his gun.
    He was screaming for help but no one would help him.
    Trayvon looked suspicious, on drugs, and up to good.
    Trayvon told him you gone die MF
    After he shot Trayvon in his heart, Trayvon sat up and told him "You got me".
    Trayvon circled his truck and had his hands in his pants like he has something.
    Travyon was walking towards him with his hands in his pants like he has something.
    Travyon asked him if he had a problem and told him that he has one now.
    He was on his way back to his car when Trayvon jumped him.
    Lied about money to Judge.
    Claim he graduated, but did not.
    Claimed that he knew all of the resident in that complex.
    Okay, I'm tired of telling all of his lies.

  10. In the previous threads, I read too many rants by a lot of willfully misinformed racists. Allow me to shed some reasonable light/probability.

    Trayvon Martin just came from the store and was walking back to his father's residence while on the phone talking to his female friend minding his own business (possibly trying to figure out how to get into "her business" as teen boys do). Mr. hot-and-ready vigilante George Zimmerman profiles TM, calls 911 (to cover himself), then eventually begins to pursue/confront TM while brandishing his weapon. GZ the aggressor then attacks TM, tries to pin him down (so he doesn't get away like the other "coons"). As they get into a ground struggle/fight, frightened TM also screamed for help because he knew his attacker had a gun. (Any fair minded person would admit that TM was always the one in imminent danger).

    GZ gets his head scraped and bruised on the ground/concrete area during the struggling (naturally). TM at some point rightfully pops GZ a good one in his face (all in the spirit of defending himself and hoping to weaken and flee his attacker), GZ loses it (as usual) and then fires the shot to murder Trayvon.

    I hope GZ gets life. If he walks, I hope he is mentally/emotionally tortured for life, and for always having to look over his shoulders.

  11. GrannyStandingforTruth1:11 AM

    I cosign with what Babygurl(LaAudio) said.

    @Babygurl, good to see your fonts again.

  12. Hi Granny, I also agree with you and AB. Some of the people who support this vigilante killer never seize to amaze me. Regardless of how you feel about black people, this should be a no-brainer. Fair is fair.

  13. FP! You are back! lol

    Glad to hear from you, always.

  14. Anonymous1:39 AM

    I saw a demonstration on tv about how GZ says that TM was on top of him beating him with one hand while covering his nose with another. GZ says TM then saw his gun in his waistband and reach across his chest to his waist band for the gun. GZ then says he got to the gun and then shot.

    In a reenactment, there is no way it could've happened like GZ says. Try it at home...lay someone down on the floor...straddle them and then try to reach for their waistband...all the while kicking someone's behind...while covering their mouth...while the person underneath is trying to get you off them or fending off blows.

    The prosecution better do the same reenactment or I think it's all bs.

    Lil homey put up a good fight against a man who trained 3 hours a day...three times a week in MMA.

  15. Anonymous1:44 AM

    GZ IS guilty but will walk free because of a prejudiced injustice system. It's always been that way.

    This trial is a set up to free Zimmerman and appease Blacks. Originally, there wasn't even going to be a trial. Zimmerman was free to go on with his life as if nothing had happened. Zimmerman was only arrested 'after' many folks descended on Sanford, FL.

    A set-up trial of prosecutors, defenders, judge and an all White jury exist to make it look like a fair trial.

    BUT, they are all working together to insure Zimmerman's freedom. Mark my words on this. I am really surprised that no one can see this.

  16. Anonymous1:48 AM

    If you think an all-White jury with one Hispanic IN FLORIDA, will give Trayvon Martin a fair shake, then you are ALL FOOLS!

    What prosecutor worth his salt would agree to an all White all female jury in this case, UNLESS he wanted to 'throw' the case?

  17. Desert Flower said: "This devil profiled and accosted a frightened boy who was already freaked out and in 'fight or flight' mode."

    Exactly. It amazes how the racists and the apologists don't seem to consider that Trayvon may have had a right to defend himself too. I think he was pacing for a solid story too.

    "This man is evil. It shows in his eyes. He will kill again if left free."

    He seems very cold and calculating. I've even considered that perhaps when he saw Trayvon he seized the opportunity to set the entire thing just to experience the kill. He was confident with his weapon, there were several on record break-ins by "black" males. Perfect scenario. And people like him often know that the law would be on their side.

    And notice he didn't give 911 an accurate location/address, it's as if he was just calling for sake. He was never in danger, he didn't need them to come right away, he needed the time to do what he had to do. I won't be surprised if he bruised his own head and face.

  18. I'd be embarrasased getting beat up by a 16 year old but I haven't heard of any one single teen beating anyone to death. If it were 5 or 6 teens then yeah you may need a gun but for one teen? And dude supposedly took martial arts. Hope he got his money back.

  19. NSangoma2:13 AM


    The best defense is prosecution.

    Trayvon should have run his punk-ass, motherfucking-ass, ass to his father's girlfriend's crib, entered and locked the door!!

    Instead, fat-girl, NO obese-girl on the line was to relay to all the folk back in the hood, how Trayvon kicked much, much ASS.

    Trayvon's game must have been mighty, mighty weak if he was trying to get into big girl's, Rachel Jeantel, draws; maybe at age 14, but most certainly not at age 16.

    Big gals like Rachel Jeantel have a hard time giving pussy away, and if you are fucking one of them, you most certainly do not want your raps to know to that you are getting that; not at age 16, unless you are desperate.

    Rachel Jeantel, a trophy hippopotamus yes, a trophy piece of ass, no.

    I fucked Rachel Jeantel; NIGGAH!! what!!, everyone age 12 to age 14 is fucking that fat funky betch.


  20. Anonymous2:22 AM

    It's amazing how Blacks like NSanoma have joined the white folks in making fun and degrading Rachel Jeantel. No wonder we can't get ahead. With dick-headed Negroes like NSanoma hating on Blacks we have no refuge whatsoever.

    Dear NSanoma, GO F**K YOURSELF, you self-hating UNCLE TOM!

  21. GrannyStandingforTruth2:30 AM

    Zimmerman's buddies sure do love basking in the limelight. Birds of a feather flock together.

  22. NSangoma2:58 AM


    Anonymous 0230 hours:


    What is the Negroe on Negroe murder number in your fair city Anonymous(E) 0230 hours?

    George Zimmerman's fault, too?


  23. Can't buy that everyone is in on the "set up".Lawyers have huge egos, these prosecutors want to win. That aaid, IMHO, they have been doing a poor job so far.

    Some.of you commenting here should have neen hired by the state.of Florida.

  24. There is too much black on black killing among YBM, and all of us should be concerned.But does that mean that if someone wrongfully shoots one of those YBM to death he should get a pass?


    Sorry about the typos above. My fingers are too big for this damn phone.

  25. Anonymous10:05 AM

    and how quickly did gz's alleged wounds/scars/nose miraculously heal???????

    why was gz holding his head down at the pd during his initial inquiry...who does that when their nose is bleeding?????

    that kkkiller gz is a racist liar like hobama!!!!

    rip tm

    we got next!

    Our righteous indignation and anger over the Trayvon Martin murder has to stretch beyond our community to consider a global humanity – and especially the nonwhite victims of US militarism and racism. We must pause and reflect on the injustice of the US government’s extrajudicial assassinations, and the fact that the Obama administration has claimed the right to kill people in multiple countries around the world whenever it wants. And we also should ask ourselves the question recently posed on twitter by @public_archive [15]: ‘Trayvon was executed because of a perceived threat; US launches target assassinations because of perceived threats. Both are somehow legal?’ Unfortunately, they are. And they are related: the Florida laws are the local articulation of a US foreign policy that deploys murder and mayhem at any sign of a threat—even as our officials generate these threats behind closed doors and without any pretentions of legality. And both Trayvon and Abdulrahmana, Black boy and brown, were victims of a culture of vigilantism masking itself through false appeals to white security.”

    Jemima Pierre
    Black Agenda Report

  26. Please tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the back of this gentleman's head.


  27. NSangoma11:39 AM


    ThatDeborahGirl 1043 hours

    If someone is beating your head against a concrete sidewalk and you have a gun on your person; would you wait to see the photos of the damage that is being done to the back of your head, or would you go ahead and pop a cap in that MoFo?

    Negroes shoot each other over punk gawd damn tennis shoes; but George Zimmerman was supposed to wait to see the photo evidence before backing Trayvon the fuck up off him.

    ThatDeborahGirl 1043 hours put more bang for your gang:

    He wanted to be just like his Dad…. Just Like His Dad !



  28. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Goggle "whites commit 70 percent of crime in America"

    Goggle "whites kill other whites 88 percent of the time" in other words, white on white crime.

  29. "There is too much black on black killing among YBM, and all of us should be concerned.But does that mean that if someone wrongfully shoots one of those YBM to death he should get a pass?"

    NO. there should be no passes for ANYONE. yet they are written for bm and handed out daily. i would rate you FN, chief among the guilty visible pass hander outers. lol. you do this affably under the guise of ignorance. i see you and have shared this observation with you several times before.

    IF folks seek to be emotionally charged about the on going genocide of our people...be that and then DO something to positively peacefully affect change. however, that is NOT what is happening. what we see is additional golden calf bm worship in the so called black community. this is why police brutality against bw and girls don't make the radar. i won't even go there about how mum's the word folks are with the #1 abusers of BW, girls, boys, themselves, and their community...plus any community they happen into...this is a very real issue that folks are trying to ignore.

    since Trayvon met his untimely demise, there are have been many more like him. many. out of Chicago alone. Black teenagers, boys and girls, that have lost their lives. unless it is white folk killers...it is just another day. passes written there. all life is precious.

    FL is still in America. folks that have been here for GENERATIONS acting brand new like they don't understand where they are and who they are dealing with make me tired.

    Lady Justice is NOT blind and CLEARLY is a ww. lol. time and again she has demonstrated in this country that not only can she see Black folks but she reserves the right to get super harsh when it is time to deal with us-men, women, boys and girls. this is not new. the incredulous, 'i cannot believe the injustice' routine is what is brand new.

  30. folks are quick to ask where folks mothers are. just hearing there was a man around that did not abandon his offspring has folks real quiet on this one. pass. i still would like to know if the decent bm that don't treat their children like quickly forgotten bowel movements even bother to teach the Truth of the world their sons and daughters will need to navigate? or are they skipping the convo with their sons in an effort to keep from 'emasculating' them? when bm have shared their MOTHERS' efforts to keep them UN shot to death, when dealing with blood thirsty pale folks, they always attach 'emasculate' to her efforts.

    we know in the so called black community, tough questions and treatment is reserved for women and girls. (role reversal) while folks act like the men are too delicate for anyone to talk to them real about their roles, responsibilities and dangers faced as Black men.

    notice the so called male leaders use all their fire in the belly to address white folks. never one another, when all can see that it is time for Black folks to get fired up with ourselves. with Wisdom, Respect, return to Morality, and Obedience to Almighty taking center stage in the nation organizing convos. do what thou wilt as the whole of the law is NOT working out for the Black nation of lost Hebrews in America. look. see. repent. turn from the madness in words and deeds daily.


  31. i submit to you until we as a nation get real...not a thing will change. except there will be more Trayvon sacrifices. folks are arming themselves to protect themselves, their families and their communities from violence. just because these types of stories don't get posted on FN...like the nanny cam that caught a mother's in home invasion and beating. as long as quite a few bm and the so called black community pretends there is no problem. it appears others are content to keep shooting folks dead and going through the court motions if need be. if the controlled manipulated media had not jumped on this story, Zimmerman would have gone on about his life. this story is all over the place for reasons that have nothing to do with justice for Trayvon. there is no justice on earth. one is not allowed to shot Zimmerman to death. twice. that would be justice. we are not called to administer justice here. we are called to forgive the injustices. be wise and walk in respect to turn them away. may he rest in peace. may his mother's heart heal and his family find peace.

    there is a reason the old saying indicates that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. it is understood that some lessons might kill you. a simple respecting of the elders would have been enough to save Trayvon's life. he was a child, so he should not have had to die to learn that lesson. i have always been opinionated so if shooting folks for speaking out of turn was the norm...

    Zimmerman was simply 'acting white'. there is an arrogance that accompanies the condition in many cases. if one reads, some of them have even taken the time to provide written acknowledgement that Blacks will never have rights that they feel bound to respect.

    their movies have already indicated that white folks today should YEARN for the America of yesteryear. from the help, to LeBron as king kong, to noose focus/lust, to the gutting of the voter's rights act as it spilled into 'real' life. a brief stroll through history will show that the court system and the officers of that system function to enforce the hatred of Blacks that is interwoven throughout all of America society. prosecutors are ambitious. the hang 'em high ones are usually in mad pursuit of modern day strange fruit. and just as days of old, both men and women got some of that business...though we speak mainly if not only of the suffering of bm. those that don't know and learn from their history simply repeat it.

    instead of focusing on the curses, Deuteronomy 28/Leviticus 26...how about we focus on the BEHAVIOR that is MANDATORY to release the blessings? the curses are meant to WAKE US UP. not for us to lament without ceasing as we keep sinning up a storm. all while refusing to hold ourselves accountable, while attempting to hold others?! can anyone ELSE see how insane that is?

  32. Anonymous12:42 PM



    preach sista!

    i have missed u!

    happy folly day/4th of u lie!

    cc chiraq


  33. LA and AB,

    good to see you both! i was wondering how you both were.

    i don't even disagree with your positions nor anyone else focusing their energy on the injustice of Trayvon Martin's death. Zimmerman's lying non stop to avoid the clink. i get that.

    i am thinking and looking at the bigger picture and what it means for me as a bw. that is where i choose to focus my energy. all signs indicate exactly NO ONE gives a hoot about my interests, so i stay focused. one would need to be blind to not see the fall out coming.

    hence my suggestion that when Zimmerman walks, folks need not to have allowed themselves to become so emotionally charged that hurting Black folks get to hurt more. that is the end game and the as per usual outcome. i don't want to play. so i am not. that's all.

    instead i would rather focus this time on the convos that one could be having as it relates to this case. those convos we die to avoid are the ones that will bring the change BO's lying behind promised. lies don't really upset Black folks that much-killing folks either. BO is taking folks out right and left while lying yet Blacks STILL love him. it is when non Blacks kill us and lie that things become problematic. that is a problem for me.

  34. Anonymous1:05 PM

    amen sista!

    i expect gz to be freed


    i expect black men who slay each other daily to let gz live in peace


    more on chiraq

    cc that racist banskter hobama's dry mule tears
    for his false flag at sandy hook

    and cc hadiya pendleton




  35. Anonymous1:09 PM

    more on chiraq:

    hobama did not even attend hadiya's funeral

    and she loved that evil mf hobama too


    There is a petition asking President Obama to attend the young woman’s funeral, but White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says that he is unaware of such a document. So far, the White House hasn’t announced its interest in attending the girl’s funeral, but there is a growing roar within the African American community for President Obama to be a bit more responsive to the deaths of black youth in general


  36. Anonymous1:15 PM



    there is no justice for just us!!!






  37. Anonymous1:24 PM

    there is a higher court that is not racist

    traycon will be avenged righteously therein

    10. There is a universal court of law. Karma is its judge, jury, and executioner. If Florida’s black gangs had any honor, like New York’s mafia, justice for Trayvon would have been meted out to Zimmerman long ago...


  38. Anonymous1:25 PM

    trayVon will be avenged righteously therein

  39. Anonymous1:35 PM

    field negro said...
    "Lawyers have huge egos,"
    "My fingers are too big for this damn phone."
    Huge ego and big fingers...hmmmmm...I like it ;p

  40. >His first lie was Trayvon called
    >him "Homie."

    Isn't "ass cracker" a reference to someone that engages in anal intercourse?

    Maybe instead of "homie" he said "homo."

    Would TM be homophobic enough to beat someone he thought was gay and following him to put the moves on him?

  41. "Isn't "ass cracker" a reference to someone that engages in anal intercourse?"

    Only in your lurid late-night fantasies, Bill.

  42. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Watching on live stream and that f*****@ prosecutor is SUCH an Ah***! JESUS CHRIST!!! The stupidity of his questions to the DNA expert is astounding, time wasting, ridiculous! Bernie what the f*** are you getting at???

    I can't anymore. my BP is rising. I cant believe this s**&

    Lord have mercy!

  43. Field - you're making me play my Mensa membership card - I'm a wicked smart man.

    What would I do if the back of my head looked like the picture up there? I can't see the back of my head.

    What I COULD see would be a guy on top of me, about to bang my head into the concrete.

    I think immediately following or even preceding the first impact of my skull with concrete I just might suspect my life is in danger.

    I can also tell you, where I grew up we considered skulls hitting concrete a deadly matter - that's why we wore bicycle helmets.

    Pounding someone's head into concrete is the introduction of deadly force into a fistfight. Believe me, if a boxer brought a concrete block into the ring he would be disqualified.

    I'm not deliberately defending Zimmerman here. it's just that this idea that there's a number of times your head can be pounded into concrete before it's life threatening is pretty ridiculous. That number would be less than or equal to one.

    Heck, if you TELL me you're about to pound my head into the concrete, then knock me down and grab my face (and there's some concrete), I'll feel my life is in danger.

    Of course, if a crazy-ass cracker with a gun was following me through a dark apartments I would also feel my life was in danger. I'm no exonerating Zimmerman by any stretch. I'm not convinced on this case yet.

    I've been thinking about it with my Mensa IQ, and I think there are two different trials happening on either side of the unfortunate racial divide.

    I think people on Martin's side find Zimmerman guilty of racial profiling, following when he was told it wasn't needed, and now of firing a gun in a concrete block fight. The sum of those things equates in their minds to murder.

    On the other side, well - first of all Martin even had pictures of himself with a handgun, so let's not pretend kids there don't have guns. There was a string of burglaries. Zimmerman was on the neighborhood watch - yes, the one he created. The non-emergency operator said "we don't NEED you to do that", not don't do that. The operator then asked Zimmerman to report any more suspicious activity by the person being followed - implying further surveillance by Zimmerman. So he voluntarily followed him, as we might expect the neighborhood watch guy to do.

    I think the question MIGHT be - did Trayvon jump Zimmerman, either in fear for his own life, or merely pissed that some "crazy-ass cracker" was following him?

    It's a possibly still left open by the evidence as presented thus far.

    Zimmerman could be a high-strung, racist, profiling, crazy-ass cracker packing heat AND still not be guilty of murder.

    In hindsight, Zimmerman should have stayed in his car, and the operator should have told him explicitly to do so - but ultimately those two very relevant points are not the overriding issues.

    Was Zimmerman defending his life at the moment he fired his gun? Did he feel that he was?

    When my head hits concrete the shit just got real.

    Anyone who disagrees with that is welcome to sign a waiver and let me pound their head into some concrete. Just once. Don't think I'll have any takers.

  44. I am sure a lot of trial lawyers all over the country are watching this trial and wishing they practiced in Florida.

  45. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Has anyone a prediction what will happen once Zimmerman walks free? Will Whites rejoice and Blacks put their heads down and cry unfair injustice system AGAIN?

    I predict nothing will happen once Zimmerman walks simply because Blacks are 'expecting' the justice system will honor Zimmerman and dishonor Trayvon Martin.

    Field, you know this is true. Yet, you give some sorry excuse about lawyers having "huge egos" to not engage in helping the guilty go free. That is the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard. The prosecutor and the defense IN FL. are working together to free Zimmerman.

    Your blindness only proves how blind to injustice a lawyer can be. This trial was SET UP from the beginning.

  46. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Where's the dirt on his head?

  47. Anonymous2:51 PM

    quantum0d0 said...
    I'm a wicked smart man.
    I think immediately following or even preceding the first impact of my skull with concrete I just might suspect my life is in danger.
    I'm in no way questioning your intellegence. BUT, I've seen many injuries, head and otherwise. AND I can assure you, in no uncertain terms, that those abrasions are NOT the result of having his head banged into concrete, muche less "repeatedly"

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, what the hell was GZ doing with his own hands? Holding them still down by his side? Or fighting and pushing off Trayvon?


    He wanted to play bad cop, abusive cop, because in his mixed up mind that is what a cop is.

    He knew it was an unarmed kid. He gave the cops the wrong address to have time to bully him. He was all hyped up and his adrenaline was flowing. This "A&&**** was not going to get away" Come what may, he would be a hero today!

    That's why when Trayvon grabbed his arms and threw him to defend himself, GZ shot him.

    He is not mentally balance and needs to serve time. He will kill again!

  48. Anonymous3:40 PM

    tm was very close to his home when gz gunned him down like a deer...

    this is only MORE proof that tm was being chased rather than being the chaser

    gz is a trifling psycho amoral spoiled wannabee kkkop bitch
    and in a just world
    he would be a literal bottom bitch in prison asap

    i pray these women will see their sons in trayvon
    rather than that slop kkkilller gz

    they will have to have a transcendant moment like the jury in the film "a time to kill"...
    they could only deal justice when they pictured the victim as a white child...

    but here is the trick for this trial:

    white girls are actually raped daily
    that is a shared sexual reality
    white boys are NEVER killed for walking while hooded/white/on a candy and tea run etc

    this case may be impossible to similarly transcend via race
    as that racial reality is non-existent for white boys/men...
    that is the real racial tragedy of this execution

    i pray the white women on the jury are as racially sane and cool is all as this one:

    "Well I certainly don't feel calm and measured, and it's not because my kids "could have been Trayvon." No, they could not have. My kids are white. They lived in the suburbs. They could wear their pants anyway they liked. They could have worn hoodies to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and nobody would have looked askance at them, let alone blown them away with a handgun. (As I recall, I once wore a black hoodie to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.) The worst threat to my children's lives in the big wide world was that some suburban matron who couldn't see over the steering wheel would run them down in the family SUV. They didn't have to worry about running into some trigger-happy, half-mad wannabe on the way home from the convenience store. And that's what keeps me from being calm and measured."

    Common Dreams



  49. Anonymous3:46 PM

    may god touch their eyes minds hearts....

    they will have to have a transcendent moment like the jury in the film "a time to kill"...

    they could only deal justice when they pictured the victim as a white child...


  50. Anonymous3:49 PM

    i pray the white women on the jury are ALL as racially sane and cool is as this one:

    "Well I certainly don't feel calm and measured, and it's not because my kids "could have been Trayvon." No, they could not have. My kids are white. They lived in the suburbs. They could wear their pants anyway they liked. They could have worn hoodies to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and nobody would have looked askance at them, let alone blown them away with a handgun. (As I recall, I once wore a black hoodie to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.) The worst threat to my children's lives in the big wide world was that some suburban matron who couldn't see over the steering wheel would run them down in the family SUV. They didn't have to worry about running into some trigger-happy, half-mad wannabe on the way home from the convenience store. And that's what keeps me from being calm and measured."

    Common Dreams



  51. Havent heard a teenager use "homie" in 20 years unless they are joking. Dead give away on GZ

  52. Anonymous4:41 PM

    kudos to bill m

    i believe that all sane white people know that gz is a liar and a kkkiller

    i pray the wf jury members are equally sane

    trayvon was a beautiful black boy

    i am even praying for some jungle fever favor too...


  53. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Has anyone a prediction what will happen once Zimmerman walks free? Will Whites rejoice and Blacks put their heads down and cry unfair injustice system AGAIN?

    I predict that when Zimmerman is acquitted, you will NOT see huge crowds of whites cheering and hanging from lamp posts like you did when O.J. Simpson was acquitted.

  54. Anonymous4:53 PM

    poor white = black

    please pray for justice for trayvon


  55. Anonymous5:01 PM

    More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics

    NO shit.


  56. "I predict that when Zimmerman is acquitted, you will NOT see huge crowds of whites cheering and hanging from lamp posts like you did when O.J. Simpson was acquitted"

    I know. They will cheer quietly at home among friends.

  57. Anonymous5:20 PM

    even micheal savage knows that gz is a kkkiller!!!

    so their is indeed hope for each of the jurors!!!

    pleae pray for justice!!!


  58. Anonymous5:20 PM

    so there is indeed hope for each of the jurors!!!

  59. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Field, have you seen that Rasmussen Report that overwhelmingly show that we Negroes are more racist than Whites and Hispanics? This shit is depressing and it's NOT a good time to be Black. In fact, it's NEVER been a good time to be Black in America.

    BTW, someone told me some time ago when Obama was on the campaign trail for President, that Rasmussen was black owned. SOB! Even our own folks(not that's anything new) are against us. I can't take much more of this beat down.

  60. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Watching on live stream and that f*****@ prosecutor is SUCH an Ah***! JESUS CHRIST!!! The stupidity of his questions to the DNA expert is astounding, time wasting, ridiculous! Bernie what the f*** are you getting at???

    I can't anymore. my BP is rising. I cant believe this s**&

    Lord have mercy!

    2:24 PM
    I have told you Negroes several times that this trial was a "set up"-- that the prosecutor is working with the defense to free Zimmerman. But you Negroes don't listen and don't even suspect that you are being taken.

    We are such a gullible, naive, unsuspecting and not too bright group. It's amazing! You'd think after 4 centuries of being eff'd in this justice system we would catch on. Nope. We just don't have heart or mind to "get it."

    Poor Desert. She actually thinks the prosecutor is on Trayvon's side...She figures that he is a bad lawyer when in fact, he is a good lawyer doing a superb job for Zimmerman.

  61. BARBBF6:39 PM

    A human rights crisis confronts Black people in the United States. Since January 1, 2012, police and a much smaller number of security guards and self-appointed vigilantes have murdered at least 120 Black women and men. These killings are definitely not accidental or random acts of violence or the work of rogue cops. As we noted in our April 6th, 2012 “Trayvon Martin is All of US!” Report (see http://mxgm.org/trayvon-martin-is-all-of-us/), the use of deadly force against Black people is standard practice in the United States, and woven into to the very fabric of the society.

    The corporate media have given very little attention to these extrajudicial killings. We call them “extrajudicial” because they happen without trial or any due process, against all international law and human rights conventions. Those few mainstream media outlets that mention the epidemic of killings have been are unwilling to acknowledge that the killings are systemic – meaning they are embedded in institutional racism and national oppression. On the contrary, nearly all of the mainstream media join in a chorus that sings the praises of the police and read from the same script that denounces the alleged “thuggery” of the deceased. Sadly, too many people believe the police version of events and the media’s “blame-the-victim” narratives that justify and support these extrajudicial killings.

  62. "Field, have you seen that Rasmussen Report that overwhelmingly show that we Negroes are more racist than Whites and Hispanics? This shit is depressing and it's NOT a good time to be Black. In fact, it's NEVER been a good time to be Black in America.

    Fuck right off white boy, you are fooling nobody.

    Rasmussen reports is not a polling organisation, it uses fake polling data as a form of propaganda.

  63. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Poor Desert. She actually thinks the prosecutor is on Trayvon's side...She figures that he is a bad lawyer when in fact, he is a good lawyer doing a superb job for Zimmerman.
    Yup! He's a good ole boy taking one for the team! and by team I mean all the vigilante profilers in Florida.

  64. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I had planned to visit the VIs, maybe even stop by to see LAA, and skip over to PR to see Desert. However, after reading this complaint letter to Caribbean Airlines, I have decided not to go. I'm too old for this shit.


  65. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I know. They will cheer quietly at home among friends.

    If there's an acquittal, that's what I'll do. From what I've seen, the prosecution failed to make the case. An acquittal will be a fair verdict.

    If he's found guilty, I'll shake my head in disbelief, like I did when O.J. was acquitted. But life will go on.

  66. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Lawyers have huge egos, these prosecutors want to win. That aaid, IMHO, they have been doing a poor job so far.

    You fight with the army you've got. Rachel was a terrible witness, and I really don't think there was any way around it. They had to put her on the stand, and I'd be awfully surprised if they didn't try as hard as they could to prepare her.

    But she'd been "prepped" like crazy by everyone. Which leads to the real issue, which is that Zimmerman killed in self-defense, and the evidence pretty clearly points that way.

    He might be a punk-ass cracker or whatever Martin called him on that phone call, but he had the right to follow Martin, and Martin did not have the right to beat him up.

    There are facts pointing in both directions, but there always are. If you step back and consider the whole story, it's hard to conclude that Zimmerman did anything other than act in self-defense.

    He didn't like Martin, but that doesn't matter. He's not charged with being white trash, he's being charged with murder. Not guilty.

  67. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Dear 7:44, that was deliberately stupid and hateful of you. I hope some gun toting nut targets and follows your loved one and takes him/her out just the way Zimmerman did to Trayvon. Not guilty. And don't you dare get upset when it happens. Karma is a bitch.

  68. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "He might be a punk-ass cracker or whatever Martin called him on that phone call
    He called him a CRAZY ass cracker and he was so right, especially about the crazy part!

    But PUNK ass fits too :)

  69. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I hope some gun toting nut targets and follows your loved one and takes him/her out just the way Zimmerman did to Trayvon. Not guilty. And don't you dare get upset when it happens. Karma is a bitch.

    I doubt my loved one will beat someone up like Martin beat Zimmerman. But if it happens, I hope my loved one doesn't have the bad luck to beat up an armed man.

    As for your hopes for me, well this being the Internet I guess I'm supposed to extend my bad wishes to you. But I'm not going to do it. Instead, I hope you'll someday learn how to disagree and remain human.

  70. Anonymous8:29 PM


    you can read about how he had a part time as a security guard for parties and in a rage he flipped and picked up a drunk woman and smashed her on the floor breaking her ankle. They fired him.

    And how many residents complained about his aggressive tactics as well as his ex fiance whom he beat up.

    He also assaulted a cop when he and his friend were selling liquor to minors!

    They say he has always been a Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde. A real piece of work!

    Why they haven't bought this into trial, I don't know. It cannot compare to anything Trayvon in his short life could have done!

    GZ will kill again.

  71. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Dear 8:19, I am not human, I am a vessel. I am much older than you might want to believe. My powers are far reaching beyond your comprehension. I like it when you modern humans refer to my powers as: Karma is a bitch.

    Read the following in your mind: Oraboda Opakora Onyaoka

    It will not matter what your loved ones say or do when a like minded Zimmerman attacks them. If they so much as run or scream they might just get whats coming to them, just like Trayvon. When it happens, I hope you agree and remember this cyber conversation.

    Not guilty.

  72. Anonymous10:02 PM

    "I know. They will cheer quietly at home among friends."

    Which is what blacks should have done when OJ Simpson was acquitted.

    Revenge, which has always been sweet, is human nature.

  73. Anonymous10:03 PM

    "He called him a CRAZY ass cracker and he was so right, especially about the crazy part!"

    He actually called him a CREEPY ass cracker.

  74. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "He actually called him a CREEPY ass cracker."
    Okay, if you must split hairs :) He's creepy too!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Sandy2485:12 AM

    Self inflicted

  77. @NSangoma

    I've been really lucky in my life. I've never had a problem that it took a gun to solve.

    I also don't go around following people who "look suspicious".

    In every way possible, George Zimmerman provoked what happened and was fortunate enough to have police connections that helped him cover up his crime.

    I fear he will get off. He deserves the death penalty.

  78. >"I predict that when Zimmerman is
    >acquitted, you will NOT see huge
    >crowds of whites cheering..."
    >I know. They will cheer quietly
    >at home among friends.

    If white people are as racist as you write about, why would they cheer?

    Didn't a brown man not get the death penalty for killing someone?

    Or in your world do racists only hate blacks?

  79. > The Purple Cow said...
    >"Isn't "ass cracker" a reference
    >to someone that engages in anal
    >Only in your lurid late-night
    >fantasies, Bill.

    Projection? You are wrong about it being my late-night fantasies.

    A term used to describe a man with a large enough penis, to brake the anus of the woman or man he is having anal intercourse with."

  80. Anonymous4:05 PM

    +In every way possible, George Zimmerman provoked what happened and was fortunate enough to have police connections that helped him cover up his crime+

    Every time a black man fails, it's someone else's fault, isn't it?

  81. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...
    "A term used to describe a man with a large enough penis, to brake the anus of the woman or man he is having anal intercourse with."
    Exactly! Remember that Ms. Rachel Jeantel testified that she told Trayvon, "he might be a rapist" So "creepy ass cracker" There ya go!

    He didn't mean it as a racial slur, he was being truthful!

  82. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Exactly! Remember that Ms. Rachel Jeantel testified that she told Trayvon, "he might be a rapist" So "creepy ass cracker" There ya go!

    He didn't mean it as a racial slur, he was being truthful!

    So was this a creepy ass nigger, then?


  83. Bill, you adopted Mr. KILLERMAN, because he views himself as one of you.

  84. Making it plain

    That the cuts are superficial and that 25 HITS ON THE CONCRETE DID NOT DO THIS minimal amt of damage

  85. Making it plain

    A creepy Afrikan who tore off a piece and dropped Whoop ass

  86. Making it plain

    Keltec 9mm with bullet in chamber on a rainy night
    Alone in the dark creeping through the complex

    I have answered my own questions can u?

    As i sat in the court and listened and took notes i asked, as others have
    1 What time did the killer leave his home
    2 What route did he take from his home to where he finally parked

    3 How long was he behind the wheel and moving before he called the n-emergency number to report Tray?

    4 Where exactly was his auto parked?

    5 In what direction did Tray take after circling Z's auto

    6 And did he walk around the truck?
    was it before he started running?

    The ass ass inator claimed he did not recognize streets
    There are only three!!! Neighborhood watch ???

    The scary killer parked near friend Taffe;s home, but Tray BM was killed approx 5 houses from his dads on the other side of rvcircle


  87. http://now.msn.com/don-wests-ice-cream-selfie-with-daughters-posted-on-instagram

    just what is this pic saying LOL Oh we creepy crackers got you Afrikans hemmed in

  88. Chingona10:46 PM

    Field, what are your thoughts about Zimmerman's head?

    I see a few scratches, a smear of blood, consistent with a scuffle, with Martin defending himself. Nothing life-threatening, nothing requiring (as the EMTs said) more than a band-aid.

    And, yes: the prosectors are plainly uninterested in a conviction.

  89. Anonymous8:29 PM

    ... I've even considered that perhaps when he saw Trayvon

    .....he seized the opportunity to set the entire thing just to experience the kill.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!! This. I believe this with all my heart


    He was confident with his weapon, there were several on record break-ins by "black" males. Perfect scenario. And people like him often know that the law would be on their side.


    Also, on the 911 call, did he mention that he was armed?
