Saturday, August 03, 2013


Glen Beck is pretty sure that there is a "race war" coming and that President Obama is the man responsible for setting it off. Beck thinks that the president --and many in his administration- are "racists."

I sure hope that white folks aren't counting on Beck to be on the front lines in the war, because Glen doesn't strike me as the type of guy who you want to be in a foxhole with when the going gets tough.

"On his show Friday, Glenn Beck became convinced that many members of the Obama administration act like racists, after breaking down the “anatomy of a racist”: they see groups over individuals, they lack objectivity, and they seek power through conflict. Beck concluded that the president and his allies are trying to sow the seeds of a race war.

Beck has previously leveled these same charges at Obama, calling him a racist who is uncomfortable with white people four years ago, but in an exchange flagged by Right Wing Watch, this time he upped the ante to suggest they are actively pushing for racial violence in the United States.
“It will be a crisis of some sort that will set off a race war or some sort of chaos in the streets. That’s the cycle of hate, and I am convinced that we are now just waiting for the crisis. The seeds are being planted every day and everything that doesn’t become the crisis just becomes another seed, another ember that is waiting to set the entire house on fire.”
He concluded that the “race leaders” in power are going to “take us to places none of us ever want to go.” '[Source]

Just what the hell is a "race leader"? And does Mr. Beck consider himself one?

I am curious to know how much longer this FOX race fetish will last. I suspect that it will last as long as it takes to change the conversation from the travesty of justice in the Trayvon Martin case to placing the blame on the black community for his death.

Meanwhile, we will all just keep building our bunkers for the impending war.


  1. GlenBekkk said:

    "they see groups over individuals, they lack objectivity, and they seek power through conflict."

    That's the klanosphere in a nuttshell

    “It will be a crisis of some sort that will set off a race war or some sort of chaos in the streets.

    Where'd he get this? The Beetle's White Album by way of Charlie Manson?

    “race leaders” in power are going to “take us to places none of us ever want to go.”

    Uhhm... Mr Bekkk? Irony's on the phone again...

    Field Said....

    "I am curious to know how much longer this FOX race fetish will last."

    Brushfires burn themselves out quickly, but tire fires can burn for years, and underground coal or peat fires are pretty-much immortal. This one's been burning since the Summer of '08 already.

    "Meanwhile, we will all just keep building our bunkers for the impending war."

    I've long since turned mine into a wine cellar.

  2. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Oh what a bunch of BS comes out of that mans mouth! Shouldn't he be like outlawed or something?

    The Stormfronters and Doomsday Preppers are all prepared for a war, and he's over here instigating. Sheeeesh!

    About that church you were thinking about starting Field, not for nothing, but you got church going on up in here already my man!

    This is one of the most religious lol! blogs around

    Just about any post I open I see bunches of scriptures, verses, spells, etc., etc.!

    And you got TWO preachers up in here! A Christian and a Yoruba!

    Don't get me wrong now, I like it! I like it. It's all good. ;D

    I know a nice hymn, anybody up for a good sing??? Huh??? Maybe???

    *side eye*

    1. Hmmmmmm, Ms. Desert are you coming over to the dark side now? Ha!

  3. Racism exists only when one group holds a disproportionate share of wealth and power over another group then uses those resources to marginalize, exploit, exclude and subordinate the weaker group."

    Black people do not hold "a disproportionate share of wealth and power over another group." Nor do Black people[in America] posess the ability to "marginalize, exploit, exclude and subordinate" another group.

    Therefore a Black person can not be racist.

    Lets all start with this undeniable conclusion , and go from there....

    From that stand point on its very easy to see where the real racism lies..

  4. Anonymous11:22 PM

    “It will be a crisis of some sort that will set off a race war or some sort of chaos in the streets. That’s the cycle of hate, and I am convinced that we are now just waiting for the crisis. The seeds are being planted every day and everything that doesn’t become the crisis just becomes another seed, another ember that is waiting to set the entire house on fire.”

    He concluded that the “race leaders” in power are going to “take us to places none of us ever want to go.” '[Source]

    You folks had better listen to Beck and take him seriously about this race war thing. You can sit on your asses and claim BS to what he is saying but Beck and others are planting and nurturing the seeds of racism. sooner or later, they are going to sprout. and then it will be too late. Desert, I suggest you and Whitey wake the eff up. This country started racist, it will end racist. "Fire and brimstone, baby."

  5. Wesley R12:31 AM

    Wonder if anyone on Fox News will have that clown on their show and call him out. Then again....

  6. Beck is obsessed with an apocalyptic view of the world. It's at the core of his personal religious beliefs. Just as a matter of climate change, we will probably find ourselves in a variety of apocalypse scenarios in the not-too-distant future. The kind of thing Beck envisions is basically comic book stuff. The man suffers from paranoia, but instead of receiving therapy & medication he earns millions from it.

  7. Typical lack of introspection that conservatives seem to posess. Just like Black Ink they accuse the president or any other blah person of race baiting for even mentioning anything concerning race. This fool Beck probably doesn't even recognize the racism in his chosen religion.

  8. Beck comments highlight his own fears, his own fears about racism , guilt, and i suspect the hidden, and not so hidden fears of many. He does remind the world that racism is still an issue America struggles with.
    here in the UK people rarely admit to racism.. apparently for many it no longer exists.. so if there is ever a 'disturbance' it usually about 'class' and 'poor education'
    There are those who will fear Obama simply because of the influence he may have over many African American specifically.. whether that be true or not

  9. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Yet another sideshow of no consequence to anyone. What isn't a sideshow, however, is the powerful impact immigration has had on the economic prospects of Black America. Oh, not Black Americans like you, Field, who are positioned to take advantage of the opportunities our current spoils system might throw their way. I'm speaking of the main mass of Black America. Simply put, these Americans have seen their economic prospects dim as those of Hispano-America have brightened. And the chief data points for looking at this situation are the unemployment rates among young black men versus young hispanic men. The latter have supplanted the former across much of the nation in many occupations.

    Take the construction trades for instance. Thirty years ago, much of this work was done by black men. Today, where I live (New York City), apart from the relatively few signature projects in the city that are unionized, construction crews are nearly 100 percent Latin, and not because Black men think construction is beneath them. The same can be said for numerous other occupations that in the recent past employed large numbers of Black Americans but which today are the domain of hispanic immigrants whom Republican grandees fantasize will form the demographic core of a new Republican electorate as blacks do for the Democrats.

    Glen Beck? Apart from those times good liberals like you rag on him, I would never even know who this guy is.

  10. Anon@5:54, shouldn't u focus your energy on the people who are creating low paying back breaking jobs, and not the people taking them because of poverty? Big picture my friend, always look at the big picture.

    Dawna, he only wants to remind the world of so called "black racism".

  11. Anonymous8:12 AM

    these are not quite low paying jobs, nor are they back breaking. They are not being partner at a law firm or ibanker work, but they pay well enough to support entire families here and to have some left over to send back to Mexico. Certainly they pay lots more than minimum wage, at least in NY. But yes, I get your idea, look for a demon other than those hard working immigrants. Fine. But in the meantime, black workers continue to be moved aside from participation in the economic life of this country. As are increasing numbers of white workers. (The labor participation rate is at an all-time low.) Immigrants are cheaper, and the people who control our economy and capitol hill want that -- cheaper labor -- more than they want what's best for America. And on that score, Obama has done nothing.

    PS Word is Obama is actually giving thought to appointing Larry Summers head of the Federal Reserve. Why not just hand the thing over to GoldmanSachs and be done with it?

  12. Anonymous9:41 AM

    "apart from the relatively few signature projects in the city that are unionized, construction crews are nearly 100 percent Latin, and not because Black men think construction is beneath them."

    Let's be real here. There are a lot (not all, but a lot) of black males who would rather sell drugs than work a construction job. The work is too hard and doesn't pay enough. Drug dealing pays more and as long as they don't get caught it's a good deal.

    Btw, you know how far much of the black race has fallen when Don Lemon's 5 point plan is actually controversial. Some members of the so-called black intelligentsia are making absolute fools of themselves over what Don Lemon said. SMDH

  13. Anonymous9:58 AM

    "But in the meantime, black workers continue to be moved aside from participation in the economic life of this country."

    Latinos generally have better work habits than most blacks these days. Most blacks these days come to work to SOCIALIZE and work in between socializing.

    Latinos, especially the immigrants, don't talk back and almost never socialize on the job. Certainly not the way most blacks do.

    Blacks generally create toxic work environments by socializing (talking about other people usually) incessantly. And they don't try to hide this. It's obvious to everyone.

    The powers that be are looking to hire Latinos and get rid of blacks (or not hire them in the first place) whenever possible. It's all about the bottom line.

  14. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I wish we could just write off Glenn Beck as a fool, but he and his Fox News cohorts have no problem ginning up violent action and then swearing up and down that what they're saying is just "entertainment" and no one should take them seriously.

    These bastards know they're safe because no one on the left wants to make martyrs of them. But if there was a way to shut them up without killing them - anyway to get them off the airwaves, I'd gladly participate.

    There's too much money behind them though. But I would quit my job and protest every day if it mean Glenn Beck would shut the fuck up.

    He is a dangerous, evil bastard. Why we put up with the likes of Fox News in this country is beyond me.

  15. Racism exists only when one group holds a disproportionate share of wealth and power over another group then uses those resources to marginalize, exploit, exclude and subordinate the weaker group."

    BLACKISBEAUTIFUL said: "Black people do not hold "a disproportionate share of wealth and power over another group." Nor do Black people[in America] posess the ability to "marginalize, exploit, exclude and subordinate" another group.

    Therefore a Black person can not be racist.

    AMEN to that my brotha, you have my endorsement!

  16. He concluded that the “race leaders” in power are going to “take us to places none of us ever want to go.” – Glen Beck

    I wholeheartedly agree with Glen, …. but only here. I agree because no one wants their mind divorced from reality like him and make incessantly pablum and mendacious claims about an impending clash between the races. For goodness’ sake, put the bottle of Hennessy down Glen!

  17. 'Just about any post I open I see bunches of scriptures, verses, spells, etc., etc.!'

    lol @ Desertflower! folks casting 'spells' are they?

    what an interesting choice of words for those of us that pay know the righteous are called to be wise as serpents, but as harmless as doves right?

    we are also called to be bold as lions, understanding that honoring Him here on earth...stores up blessings for eternity.

    spirits that are side eyed, accusing, sarcastic and agitated by His Word...out themselves. lol. Desertflower+her lane=best;) joke. daughter of Yahweh Almighty in the house. recognize.

    that was a girl power soft love tap my sister...

    in this world of non stop devilry, anyone offended by my speaking His Word as He leads me...needs to know that's their personal business. totally between them and the creator of their understanding. it is not my practice to meddle in other folks' personal business.

    it is time for His people to stand up and get as bold as the devils all around us are...if not more, since we win anyways. witches cast spells. lol. a cute brand new one...i see you and have told you in whose Name i come.

    Beck is a racist deceiver. this is why he is on tv;) he promotes the hate/death agenda. folks focused on killing other people are on the wrong team. there are many. so? (dick cheney best quote of all time. lol!) hate/death goes hand in hand with cult-ure of essential ingredient in mind control...hence the nonstop 'terrorism' psych op. scared poop-less folks are more manageable. until they can get the gun thingy on track with momentum/de-population efforts underway (fear of being shot has that project a bit stalled. lol.)---scaring people affords the greatest control. not to mention it is quite profitable. lol.

    Beck is not only devilishly 'instigating' he is making his well paid contribution to predictive programming the masses...the sole purpose of 'programming networks.'

  18. Anon@9:41am, drug dealing does not pay well. That's a myth. Most drug dealers llive at home with their mamas, and they don't even make enough to buy and maintain a vehicle.

  19. Anonymous1:47 PM

    If a race war ever truly begins in America, what happened to the Native Americans will appear as child's play, when they get through slaughtering the Africans. They're just waiting patiently for the go-ahead, locked and loaded. Your decimation/obliteration will be their apology for the "slave trade".

  20. Anonymous2:00 PM

    @Focused Purpose, I hope I didn't offend you.

    I was referring to The Fields post of a few days back addressing the GOP and churches.

    I am of those that believe that humor has it's place on Gods earth. Otherwise he wouldn't have invented it.:)

    The "spells" comment was in reference to the Yoruba religion which I not only respect but have also practiced.

    Again, no offense meant.

    I sometimes have the tact of a Sherman tank and the written word is often lacking!

  21. Anonymous2:02 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Hmmmmmm, Ms. Desert are you coming over to the dark side now?"
    Oh honey, I been there and back! LOL!

    They threw me out! Ask Field ;))))

  22. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Heck, we are already planning on places to put reservations for you people. Welcome to Alaska!!

  23. @Desertflower:

    i am not easily offended...when offended the response is not a girl power love tap;)

    i find a way to laugh at most things...your initial comment read a bit salty. i reserve the right to address. that's all. much is lost in this communication mode as you stated. you say joke. i say ha's all Love. i told you in whose Name, i come in the midst of it all.

    Pilot X, are you instigating? man, it appears so. not a good look+unsuccessful. lol! though your dramatic 'ha!' cracked me up.

    everybody got jokes. lol!

    blessings all!

  24. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Anon@5:54, shouldn't u focus your energy on the people who are creating low paying back breaking jobs, and not the people taking them because of poverty? Big picture my friend, always look at the big picture.

    Dawna, he only wants to remind the world of so called "black racism".

    What is the rate of black unemployment?

    Black youth unemployment?

    Who is the fool?

  25. Anonymous3:46 PM

    "Anon@9:41am, drug dealing does not pay well. That's a myth. Most drug dealers llive at home with their mamas, and they don't even make enough to buy and maintain a vehicle."

    FN, what you say is true in many cases, but a lot of black males would still rather sell drugs than do construction work or any job that most of them would actually be qualified for.

    Many black males will tell you, if you ask, they do not want to answer to a "boss". And they won't answer to one. Surely you know this.

  26. parvenu5:28 PM

    Glenn Beck's propaganda racist and otherwise is simply classic demagoguery. It is in the tradition of the PT Barnum school in that it is targeted to a specific audience and not the general public.

    let me shed some light on why the talking heads at Fox and Glenn Beck and others in the demagogic business at this time in America are making millions of dollars. Get This! There are actually TWO (2) Americas! One of these sections is exclusively comprised of the high population urban centers around the country. The other is the more sparsely populated rural sections of the country. If it were possible to actually connect all similar population size areas together then we would be able to clearly see the physical divide between the two Americas; with the high population division on one side, and the low population rural group division on the other.

    This divide is an artifact left over from the Civil War and constantly leads to confrontations and fighting in the Congress. When a Congressman from Nebraska mentions "the American people", he/she is thinking of people who live primarily in rural areas, not Americans who live in the "big cities". People in rural America are aware that the majority of America's industry and finance transactions are the domain of the high population urban areas of the nation. This has created a level of dependency of the rural population on large scale government, and it is to this sense of dependency and nervousness over it in the rural population that the racist broadcast demagogues appeal to. Therefore this is the reason why rural people are the primary targets of these demagogues and it is why rural people form the majority of their die hard listening audience.

    As a result Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and all the rest are dedicated to broadcasting demagogic propaganda specifically to this mass audience throughout the rural spaces of America. Such demagogic material can be the greatest flights of fancy and outright bald face lies that one could possibly imagine, and it still works to feed the paranoia of their culturally isolated audience.

    In summary Beck's bullshit is not intended for reasonable thinking mentally stable Americans. It is intended for those people who are suffering from living with the direct opposite set of attributes.

  27. Anonymous5:48 PM

    with the large amount of negro crime against white, I think the war has been going on for some time.the real problem is that white people don't the extent of negro crime directed at them because it goes unreported.but if a white Hispanic who shoots a negro in self defense that makes the news. well you have an other negro youth of 14 who was shot by the nypd do you think you can make a hero out shaaliver field?he is a good negro!

  28. Anonymous5:50 PM

    parvenu said...
    "In summary Beck's bullshit is not intended for reasonable thinking mentally stable Americans. It is intended for those people who are suffering from living with the direct opposite set of attributes.

    5:28 PM"
    That's exactly why I say this mofo's tactics remind me of Hitler!

  29. Anon@5:48pm, how convenient.So I take it because it goes unreported u have no links of stats to back up your ignorant and unfounded claim.

  30. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...

    i am not easily offended...when offended the response is not a girl power love tap;)

    i find a way to laugh at most things...your initial comment read a bit salty. i reserve the right to address. that's all. much is lost in this communication mode as you stated. you say joke. i say ha's all Love. i told you in whose Name, i come in the midst of it all.

    Pilot X, are you instigating? man, it appears so. not a good look+unsuccessful. lol! though your dramatic 'ha!' cracked me up.

    everybody got jokes. lol!

    3:21 PM
    you folks really laughing at your jokes? I suggest none of you DO NOT quit your day jobs. This shit is not funny.

    depressed Negro

  31. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "you folks really laughing at your jokes? I suggest none of you DO NOT quit your day jobs. This shit is not funny.

    depressed Negro"
    You mean to tell me you don't find my jokes funny? I mean when I really tell a joke, not when I'm being pseudo comic or just humorous.

    Everybody else does!

    Oh yeah. I forgot, you're depressed! Oh well....sowwwy ;)

  32. depressed Negro 7:06pm

    may i suggest you quit your day job if it requires you to be 'depressed'? lol.

    i can laugh at 'jokes' and clarify that there are no witches over here with joy...because i know and believe what He says about the situation.

    Romans 11:7-8, 11, 15:

    7 What then? Israel has not obtained that which he seeks for; but the election has obtained it, and the rest were blinded

    8 (According as it is written, Yah has given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) until this day.

    11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? Yah forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.

    15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?

    all roads seem to lead back to resurrection

    ps...negros come from the greek word for dead...may want to swap that out for Hebrew;)


    much love!

  33. Anonymous8:29 PM

    FP, What does Romans 11: 7 mean in today's language?

    " ps...negros come from the greek word for dead...may want to swap that out for Hebrew;)

    Thanks, I will remember this. Someone ought to tell Field because he thinks he is a Field Negro. The Greeks would describe Field as a "dead fool in the field(Philly)"....I might be a little off but it's close enough for FN work.

  34. Anonymous8:31 PM

    See what I mean? Church up in here! LOL!

    I like it. It's necessary

    FP with all due respect,you'd make a good preacher, that is if you're not one already, which I'm suspecting you may be :)

  35. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Field whatever the GOP is giving, be it grants,loans, you qualify,or rather this blog, thanks to your religiously inclined commenters, qualifys on several different fronts,or religions.

    Is Kundalini Yoga a religion too? Nah, don't think so...

  36. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Field whatever the GOP is giving, be it grants,loans, you qualify,or rather this blog, thanks to your religiously inclined commenters, qualifys on several different fronts,or religions.

    Is Kundalini Yoga a religion too? Nah, don't think so...

    8:51 P
    Wow! Such a low spiritual IQ! Your ignorance of Spirit, and Religion is astonishing.

  37. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    See what I mean? Church up in here! LOL!

    It has nothing to do with Church. You miss the point.

  38. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Wow! Such a low spiritual IQ! Your ignorance of Spirit, and Religion is astonishing.

    10:25 PM
    Astonishing, amazing, incredible!
    You just love those adjectives dontcha?

    and I never miss "the point" ;)))))

  39. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Desert said, "Astonishing, amazing, incredible!
    You just love those adjectives dontcha?"

    They describe your ignorance perfectly.)))

  40. Anonymous10:04 AM

    only black fools will wage war for a racist
    half black/all corp green bankster like hobama

    gb missed race war 1...and many more race wars that rage on


    elaine ar
    tulsa ok
    atlanta ga
    oakland ca
    chicago il
    philly pa

    cc wayne williams as he lost...etc

  41. Anonymous10:22 AM

    who has pimped fear more than that racist global warlord hobama????

    and for more than 7 illegal global war to boot???

    cc africom/nsa/ndaa/wwiii/oil/opium/gold etc

    shame on u nd hobama fn!


  42. Anonymous10:27 AM

    who has ever been more fascist than that global warlord warlock bankster hobama???????

    and for more than 7 illegal global wars to boot???

    each post fn proves that hobama is a demon
    who has blinded nad possessed YOU!!!

    Obamacare Fascism: Even many progressives view Obamacare as a purely fascist policy. When a progressive tries to defend Obamacare these days, the best argument they can give is "at least Obama tried to fix the problem." It's their way of subtly deflecting blame to Bush for ignoring it because he was too busy "smokin' turrurists outta their holes". Healthcare reform was meant to increase competition and affordable coverage for all Americans. Yet, the private insurance monopolies remain and citizens are mandated to buy from them under penalty of jail, while 1000 of the most connected corporations are exempt from the law. Furthermore, the FDA remains under the full control of Big Pharma/Chemical giants and the giveaways to the drug companies have only increased. Finally, when there are huge profits involved in deciding if people live or die, and budgetary rationing of services, you will always have "death panels." So, yes, the corporate government healthcare merger is complete with for-profit "death panels." Folks, if you want to know what the modern-day definition of fascism is, you just read it

    Escalating Wars of Aggression: Whoever thought it couldn't get worse than Bush in regards to wars of aggression -- especially by a Nobel Peace Prize recipient -- have been proven dead wrong. Obama has now unilaterally attacked more countries than Bush, notably bombing inside Pakistan, Yemen and now Libya without Congressional approval. Obama is worse than war-mongering Neocons because he moved the war bar from requiring a real or manufactured threat to justify American military intervention, to vague humanitarian justifications. In other words, if a secular dictator is stamping out a handful of jihadists that threaten his regime, we will now bomb the dictator and support the jihadists when it serves corporate interests. By all counts Obama is serving the same military/oil masters no matter what labels or excuses are given. It is truly a hideous display to watch progressives support Obama's wars as if they're more righteous than Bush's

  43. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "They describe your ignorance perfectly.)))"
    2:35 AM
    You wish ;)

  44. Anon @ 8:29 asked:

    'FP, What does Romans 11: 7 mean in today's language?'


    Romans 11:7:

    '7 What then? Israel has not obtained that which he seeks for; but the election has obtained it, and the rest were blinded'

    understanding the curses of Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26 (the Law that governs the Universe) and framing what we see around us according to His Word...all the whoring and idolatry of Israelites (Yah's Chosen Ones-Hebrews/Black folk) is for naught. nada. zilch. a fat goose egg+suffering.

    though those caught up (the ones you lament and fret yourself over as if He doesn't have it under control) have knocked themselves out worshiping sin, idols, mammon etc. yet, they come up empty handed time and again. look. see.

    quick note: 'men' led movements profit nothing in the end for this very reason. if Yah ain't in it...victory only comes through one other source. there are only two really...despite the illusion of many. men led movements are derailed time and again by the love of mammon, greed, sex, lust, etc.

    His elect...those that seek Him, love Him, and trust Him above all else that they see around them...find what they are looking for...Him. HalleluYah! i am a witness;) it is written that the Scripture themed deceit is such that...even the elect might be fooled. those sinning up a storm swearing they are saved, fool themselves. if you ain't working out your salvation, daily, with fear and trembling...blinded/dead/asleep...that's you. there are no two ways about it.

    imagine someone standing in the pulpit hitting folks with that Truth? how mammon profitable do you think that would be in our instant gratification, sex y, Yah aint't in it cult-ure? lol!

    for those who He has turned on His Light- we are called, in this darkness to stand in His Light and shine it for anybody that wants some. those seeking Him come for it. the rest are blinded by Him, as it is written, for a time. the blind dead ones are in my daily prayers. they do not distract my purpose however. i won't let them. mockers and scorners-on the sly, drive by and looking dead in the eye- come all day. they are defeated and of no great consequence as i and those like me, focus on Him. there is a reason He instructs us not to look to the left or right...too many distractions. focus on He reveals the mysteries, gives love and protection.

    you say this is the 'hard' path. i must say the wide sinful road is truly the hard way. those on that path are living the hard life whether they can see/feel it or not.

    we, His children, are mighty powerful beings. this is why the enemy seeks to convince us that we are powerless. he is a defeated liar. it is best not to engage him for too long. resist and he must flee...that's the way the universe is set up. Almighty Yahweh, Creator of ALL, made it that way.

    much love Anon. my sincere prayer for you is that you will continue to seek Him. focus on Him...and know the peace that surpasses all understanding...that only He can give.

    when the elders used to say...the peace i have, the world did not give it to me...and the world can't take it away. lol. it took some living to understand. as a witness all i can say now is amein.

    blessings to you my friend.

    hope that answers you question Anon.

  45. @ Desertflower-

    'See what I mean? Church up in here! LOL!

    I like it. It's necessary

    FP with all due respect,you'd make a good preacher, that is if you're not one already, which I'm suspecting you may be :)'


    we are the church. each and everyone of us...wherever we are...we are repping one of two kingdoms. there are only two, despite the illusion of many.

    Anon, that you mock and taunt, sounds anguished by the condition of the people.

    as followers of Him, we are called to know His Word...and admonished in His Word, that our words will either condemn or justify us. it is written that we will all give an account for our idle words. so...i don't see myself as a 'pastor' nor 'preacher'. i can appreciate why you would frame it that way though...Pastor Manning, Reverend Sharpton, Minister Farrakhan, and all the other manipulated phonies make me loathe such titles/labels/boxes. that said, thank you? lol.

    just because folks refuse to learn Scripture and see it all unfolding before us...doesn't mean it is not happening. believing lies does NOT make them true. those divorcing His Word from their lives and political views are setting themselves up to be fema'd quickly. lol. heck, those paying attention in His Light, run the risk. lol. i'd rather go in because He sent me than as punishment for being a do-do bird spiritually headed for extinction all things considered.

    so...i gather you have spell casting in your repertoire. who do you profess to represent today, if you don't mind my asking?

  46. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Today I would represent the vegetable kingdom.

    But I do not cast spells, rather I coax and cajole.

    Would I could, I would spellbind them into exuding much oxygen for humanity. Enough to offset all of the pollution man creates in order to survive. :)

    But alas, I cannot.

  47. Anonymous6:56 PM

    FP-"much love Anon. my sincere prayer for you is that you will continue to seek Him. focus on Him...and know the peace that surpasses all understanding...that only He can give.

    when the elders used to say...the peace i have, the world did not give it to me...and the world can't take it away. lol. it took some living to understand. as a witness all i can say now is amein.

    blessings to you my friend.

    hope that answers you question Anon."

    2:03 PM
    Yes it answered the question. Thank you and much love to you, also.

    I especially appreciate the 'important' reminder: "Focus on Him"...."focus on Him".

    I am amazed at how I keep forgetting... then remembering... then forgetting... then remembering...and on it goes. At times I feel like a 'spiritual retard'. It's quite frustrating. I would much rather get to know GOD, and be done. But it doesn't work that way, does it?

    Regardless, there is joy in knowing I am 'finally' on the long journey Home. So, it doesn't matter how long it takes, I know I'll get there with persistence. I keep falling down but I get back up and press on toward the Goal. I now know it doesn't matter how many times I fall down. What matters is that I get back up!

    FP, you are a breath of fresh air. What you have given me is both precious and priceless. Unlike all the falsehoods in this gilded sepulcher called earth, you have given me something very precious. It's priceless.

    Again, thank you. GOD Bless You.

  48. @Desertflower-

    you got jokes in no short supply.

    i will respect your vegetated state...and continue on about my Father's business with focused purpose.

    Anon 6:56- all praises due to Yah! be encouraged in your walk. what you describe is a part of the process, my friend. truly.

    you bless me abundantly in the exchange and i thank you.

  49. Anonymous7:17 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    you got jokes in no short supply.
    i will respect your vegetated state.
    6:52 AM

    Hey Desert, a Christian just called you a vegetable! hahaha

  50. Anonymous1:08 PM

    ..Hotep Field jaja


    Anon@5:54, shouldn't u focus your energy on the people who are creating low paying back breaking jobs, and not the people taking them because of poverty? Big picture my friend, always look at the big picture.

    Milagros the Afrikan said:

    There is no big pic for anon he cannot think broader than min wage and a hamburger.
    He is the kind of short dick who will hire on as a mgr in mickey d's and humiliate the Afrikan until they throw down on him quit or sleep with his silly/sissy ass

    WHY? He is a faggot who lives and breathes your soot hates our people is afraid and is unaccepted in his own trailer smh!

    Who else why else and for what reason in this season would anyone deny thier culture and spend 24/7 in another mans house pretending to be an Afrikan?

    This is where short penis fakers like the nobody from everywhere come with thier crew when they want to disrupt BAU

    This is done 24/7 and i would bet that he has never been outside of Arkansas smh

    Ps Bring it short penis (anon) I pray u do
