Saturday, August 31, 2013

This is getting ugly....

Oh lord! This intra- racial fighting is getting ugly. Now my man Cornel is calling out half of Rev. Inc. and declaring him to be a "house negro of the Barack Obama plantation." (Isn't it amazing how far just one diss can go? O, next time send that man an invitation to your party.)

"Public intellectual Cornel West tore into many of this week’s speeches surrounding the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.‘s “I Have a Dream” speech, accusing everyone from President Obama to Rev. Al Sharpton of “sanitizing” Dr. King’s vision.

“Brother Martin himself, I think, would’ve been turning over in his grave,” West said of the event. “[King would have wanted] people to talk about Wall Street criminality, he wants people to talk about war crimes, or drones dropping bombs on innocent people,” he asserted.

“Instead,” he lamented, “we saw the coronation of the bonafide house negro of the Barack Obama plantation, our dear brother Al Sharpton.” West went further declaring that Sharpton’s decline was “supported by [MSNBC analyst] Michael Dyson and others who’ve prostituted themselves in a very ugly and vicious way.”

West and Tavis Smiley both lamented that black leadership has become “so sold-out” so as not to have the courage to be a “bull in the china shop,” break rank, and talk about “racism, poverty, and militarism” at an otherwise “bought-out” event." [Source]

Now I understand some of frustration that Brother West is feeling. We do need to be talking more about things such as "racism, poverty, and militarism". But  what country does Cornel West believe that he is living in? Negroes getting upset because Barack Obama didn't get into the White House and go all Huey P. Newton are as crazy as the republicans who foam at the mouth over the sound of his name. Just what the hell did you expect?

Let me repeat this again: Barack Obama is a politician, and he happens to be a damn good one. Politicians know how to raise money, run the government, and push all the right buttons to make Americans feel like their country is the greatest in the history of the world. That's it. The fact that this president happens to be black should be celebrated for its imagery and what it can mean for the future aspirations of young black boys watching him, but that's about it.
It's not going to change how business is done in this country and who gets the spoils.

If you Negroes want things to change, stop depending on poli-trick-sters like Barack Obama and start grass roots efforts to change things in your own neighborhoods. Start organizing locally to try and better the lives of people around you. Change is not going to come from Washington; it's going to come from your homes.  

Again, I am not sure what some of you Negroes were expecting, but I have news for you; it's not going to get any better for your agenda when Barack Obama leaves and when the next presidents come after him. Americans don't want to talk about things like "racism" and "poverty", and when they do, it makes them very uncomfortable. Look what happened when this president tried to address the elephant in the room. "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon".

Anyway, Barack Obama does need to have real folks in his ears-- besides his wife Michelle--- from time to time. It's just that when Negroes like Tavis and Cornel do the criticizing, it comes off more like sour grapes than constructive criticism and speaking truth to power.




  1. Wow, just a few years ago the words of Cornel West were used by the haters of bush.

    Now the same people are throwing him under the bus.

    in this country and who gets the spoils.

    One only has to look at wall street to see you are speaking the truth.

  2. control+halt+delete1:08 PM

    Great post, Field..

    " But what country does Cornel West believe that he is living in?"

    If I may, I believe, we live in a country obsessed with pride. I didn't say national pride...just pride.

    "It's not going to change how business is done in this country and who gets the spoils."

    Dr. West has always been a very provocate advocate for social justice. But, just call me an optimist because right now, I am hearing more and more of us in our neighborhoods discussing how better to correct this country's shortcomings. (Insert Boo! here.)

    That is why I applaud Pres. Obama, because he's kept america together.

    We are at the apex of our experience here in this country with... "those" people. I am really dissappointed that the "goop" (Grand old Old Party)isn't grooming any people of color

    What do you say boys, a viable POC in 2016?

  3. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Tremendous truth! Tremendous post!

    Have a Happy Sabbath Day!

  4. This is a new wrinkle on the same old conversation that black folks have been having since DuBoise & Washington started it.

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    5 years ago Field would had agreed with Cornel West 100% about the "Obama Plantation" but Field drank that Obama Kool-aid a long time ago.

  6. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Did I just see steam coming out of someone's ears? Yes I did, yes I did! And his name starts with O :)

    Wow he was mad!

  7. Wesley R2:52 PM

    Smiley and West had their time in the spotlight and they will again. The thing is they have to do more then talk. The conferences they had on C-SPAN did nothing but make themselves feel good.

    Black America has to solve it's own problems. We have the spending power of over a trillion dollars. More then the GDP of any African Country. If we did business with each other, then we wouldn't have an unemployment crisis and you will see a lot less of the social issues and dysfunction.

  8. Plantation Pete3:53 PM

    If you Negroes want things to change, stop depending on poli-trick-sters like Barack Obama and start grass roots efforts to change things in your own neighborhoods. Start organizing locally to try and better the lives of people around you. Change is not going to come from Washington; it's going to come from your home.

    What's this heresy doing on this site? This from the man who has preached dependence on Government, slavish loyalty to the Government Party, and externalizing all failure of black people onto whites? I'm sure you'll get over it right quick.

    Being black in America means never having to change anything in your home. Never, ever question the motives of the Government Party, or why things have actually gotten worse over the past 50 years.

    Back when the democrat party owned blacks outright, the Republicans forced them to compromise for only 60% of the political capital of blacks (the "three-fifths compromise).

    Nowadays, they get 98% of the black vote, and they buy it with the Republican's money!

    That's progress!

  9. If I lived my life trying to make white folks feel comfortable, I wouldn't ever leave the house let alone get shit done.

  10. . Wssley R, that was well said.

    Happy Sabbath, Desert. You know dem SDAs are my people, right? :)

  11. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Thanks and yup! :)

  12. Anonymous5:20 PM


    After having knowledge of this criminal, from his pre Tawana days i am not shocked about anything concerning that process wearing little penis, viagra sucking old man. Thus i have nothing to say other than my usual house negro stepin fetchit comments

    See Son you know me If i can find a saving grace i will deliver it however my Afrikan mother wit told me yrs ago that he would be a THOM

    Al is a sell out a fake and liar

    Now what can you expect from Al a man who tried to get info about where/how the US could capture Assata smh duh!
    Al is a house negro as much as Judge Joe is his buddy!

  13. Crusty McNugget5:25 PM

    Wesley R said...
    Black America has to solve it's own problems. We have the spending power of over a trillion dollars. More then the GDP of any African Country.

    Why is that? Why do American blacks, who have to live in this racist hellhole, have more wealth than any African country, when most of these countries are sitting on vast natural resources and, most importantly, are completely free of white society and racism, in complete control of their continent?

    Where did that trillion dollars of spending power come from? I thought black people were oppressed?

    Wesley, are you suggesting blacks should stop sticking their hands out and start doing business? Like maybe starting your own restaurant instead of insisting on $15 per hour to run the fry machine at somebody else's? That doesn't sound like a good Democrat to me.

    There are plenty of good black people working hard, obeying the law, and making their neighborhoods better places. Maybe we should be supporting them instead of subsidizing and glorifying the dysfunctional thug lifers.

  14. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Drudge has a link to a story: "Police say two women, ages 32 and 24, were reportedly attacked and sexually assaulted by a group of 10 to 12 black male juveniles in Kosciuszko Park at about 6:54 p.m. Thursday. According to police, the suspects, who range in age from 12 to 17-years-old, remain on the loose."

    They must be the children of those Republicans who weren't invited to the MLK 50.

  15. Man, if I didn't know any better I would think this is playing right into the hands of racist whites who hate B. I love my frat bro Cornell but this is best done in the family with the doors closed. He could have called up the Rev and Dr. Dyson and had a beer summit. Too much of that flamboyant Kappa style has rubbed off on him from Tavis.

  16. Black Americans need to quit looking outward towards their government for assistance of any kind and begin the process of self introspection as individuals and then unity as a group. Only then will we as a group begin to realize social, political and financial power. ObomBer is in the WHITE HOUSE merely to govern the affairs of white people/corporations. Not a darn thing else! It’s an illusion that ObomBer speaks of (or a lie) when he says he’s the president of all Americans.

    The Amerikkkan gubberment will never provide leverage of any kind to Blacks for fear that it will someday come back to haunt them in the worst manner. The sooner we as a group realize this truth, the sooner we could unplug from this mechanical beast of a government (to a certain extent) and begin to heal ourselves!

  17. Anonymous7:16 PM

    PilotX, if you love Mr West so much, learn how to spell his first name.

  18. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Cornel is right about Rev Al, he is a sell out of the worst kind. Nothing worse or more dangerous to the well-being of the black race than a sell-out who is considered a leader of the black race.

    It's time that someone knock Al off that pedestal so hard that he ends up on the ground in a ditch, never to recover. The Rev is worse than the KKK, when it comes to caring about Blacks. I thank God for Cornel and Tavis...they seem to be the ONLY ones will to stand up for what is right...for truth and for justice.

    Yes, Obama is a politician and I suppose that lets him off the hook for lying about "change". According to Field, our leaders get elected because they lie politically and that is OK, in his book. There is something very hopeless in his views about politics. It's very sick and immoral.

  19. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "Oh lord! This intra- racial fighting is getting ugly. Now my man Cornel is calling out half of Rev. Inc. and declaring him to be a "house negro of the Barack Obama plantation." (Isn't it amazing how far just one diss can go? O, next time send that man an invitation to your party.)"

    Field, do you know 'why' Tavis and Cornel weren't and haven't been invited to the WH? Why isn't the President 'willing' to discuss what is happening to us with Tavis and Cornel?

    Tavis and Cornel have ALWAYS spoken for our well-being...ALWAYS...waaay before Obama showed up. So 'why' do you 'diss' them, esp Cornel when he is speaking the 'absolute' truth? It seems you can't hear the truth because of your negative opinions about 'anyone' with the courage to speak the truth about Obama and 'now' you remain silent about Rev Al because he does the dirty lying work for Obama? WOW! that's all I can say about the character of a person like you.

    Nevertheless, it's a good post. Not much character, though.

  20. Ray Siss7:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    Man, if I didn't know any better I would think this is playing right into the hands of racist whites who hate B. I love my frat bro Cornell but this is best done in the family with the doors closed

    What, like incestual child abuse is? Reporting what mama's baby daddy is doing to the babies might play into the hands of white racists, so, no snitching. Maybe keeping everything "in the family" is doing blacks more harm than good.

  21. Servo19699:49 PM

    Cornel West is a Communist who wants to turn America upside down and start over. Just like Field.

    While he's correct in this one instance about Al Sharpton you have to realize this is really nothing more than sour-grapes. Mr. West has never enjoyed the type of spotlight that Good Ol' Rev. Al has managed to finagle for himself. This partially due to the fact that while Mr. West clearly has a higher IQ than the Rev. he is, unfortunately, not the most telegenic man in the world. (He always looks as if he smells really bad.) So, he see's Al playing grab@ss with Obama at various shindigs while he labors on in relative obscurity and it infuriates him. He's tired of all this posing and speech-making; He's ready to pour the gas and light the damn fire.

  22. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Cornel West is the greatest. Long live Cornel for he has stood for 'the people' all of his life. MLK would bow to him.

  23. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Re: Syria...I am glad President is waiting for the approval of Congress because this is too big a decision for a President like Obama. He is smart to get the permission of Congress.

  24. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Man, if I didn't know any better I would think this is playing right into the hands of racist whites who hate B. I love my frat bro Cornell but this is best done in the family with the doors closed. He could have called up the Rev and Dr. Dyson and had a beer summit. Too much of that flamboyant Kappa style has rubbed off on him from Tavis.

    6:50 PM
    First, there is no such thing as a 'family' in the black race. You ought to know that.

    Secondly, and most importantly, Obama could simply invite Tavis and Cornel to the WH for a talk over beer on the WH lawn. But you and I know that only happens if there is a white racist involved. Tavis and Cornel are the wrong's as simple as that.

  25. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Re: Syria...I am glad President is waiting for the approval of Congress because this is too big a decision for a President like Obama. He is smart to get the permission of Congress.

    11:03 PM
    All other Presidents called airstrikes without Congressional approval. It sounds like you are saying Obama needs the white approval of Congress because he is Black?

    You may be right, but in reading between the lines, I just wanted to get some clarification on the hidden meaning of your comment.

  26. StillaPanther211:41 PM

    Brother Field...Thank you to the homage paid to my Brother Huey. Now is not the time for all this false bravado. Did you notice that when Mr. Bush was at this time more than a decade ago, he had a 'crew standing with him at the podium when he gave ultimatums.

    Today, President Obama and VP Biden was winging it alone. Where are his back-up generals and crew. Maybe he wanted to instill the attitude of- "I've got this". By the way, he reportedly "played golf" while the drums of was can be heard in the distance. What a cool cucumber.

    I pray this act is just posturing to "save face". These wars can't be good for anyone. The VA is stretched way pass the limit. At some point this caveman mentality must be stopped by the poor people that are at the disposal of these people that don't have no skin in the game.

  27. Anonymous11:42 PM

    So... Is Rev Al Inc. the reason Phillip Agnew was dis-invited to the 50th Anniversary March?
    I was taught that politicians, preachers, and pimps are cut from the same cloth; cloaking themselves in one form of piety or another.

  28. Field, when are you upgrading your trolls. This is getting embarrassing.

  29. Anonymous12:34 AM

    I am sorry if the trolls are embarrassing you PilotX. Maybe if you would stop making such idiotic posts, they would have less to work with.

  30. Hey Field, did you know your site is blocked by a lot of hotel computers for having "adult" content? What ya'll got going on up in hurr when I'm not around? I blame Desert.

  31. Everybody's trying to say what they just know Dr. King would have cared about. What he would be angry about. Dafuq is going on?

    If I had to venture my guess, he wouldn't associate with West or Sharpton or anybody else who wanted to run a one-sided talk show laying off problems on other people, or drone strikes and Wall Street. Places like Detroit need a little more Wall Street and a few less street fights. Either of them assert that King might care about that? If they do, it's in a soft, whispering tone.

    If they're each vying to be the ones in the field (as ridiculously insulting as that is to actual SLAVES!), then speak up loudly and proudly about these damn people you ignore while claiming they're your brothers and sisters.

    If Obama did decide to somehow tap Wall Street and funnel every single penny of wealth into black communities, those communities would go extinct. The government already funds debauchery and the annihilation of black families, with men being held accountable as "fathers," demanded to pay up or go to jail, and women fully subsidized to live sub-par lives with as many kids as they can manage to physically have.

    Just imagine more damn money to fund all that. Insanity. From Obama Phones to Obama Homes.

    Schools would look good for a year. Teachers would be the new execs. A 500% boom in bureaucrats. A PS4 in every home. Madden 25. Every new gadget, a tight car, weave and nails and dresses, with no money in the bank, no life or health insurance, no college funds, and still no emphasis placed on the value of education.

    Yeah. Get Wall Street! BOO rich people! You're racist for not allowing intentionally uneducated people to waste enough.

  32. the spirits are subject to us...not we to them.

    bravo Mr. shall eat by the fruit of their mouths! i see you and encourage you to keep speaking the Truth.

    i will speak with the mouth of the south that He gave to me...when He gives me His command. I AM Yahweh Almighty Sovereign of hosts' recruit. i stand on His Word and give only He my salute...understanding that Obedience to His Word is worth more than sacrifice.

    i see that folks are acknowledging Sabbath...this is a testament to His Word and that it will NOT return unto Him void. halleluYah!

    conversations broached previously will resume as soon as He gives me His believe. know He sent me with a message and the gates of hell will NOT prevail against it is written.

    all devils/demons...THAT was your notice. i have to tell you who sent me...understanding that OMISSION is the greatest form of lie. your worst nightmares have been keep talking about dreams. He sent me with wake up salts just for ya'll;)

    blessings all!

  33. correction:

    'conversations broached previously will resume as soon as He gives me His believe'


    conversations broached previously will resume as soon as He gives me His command to believe.'


    He has given me His Word...He has not released me to speak it. He is my strength...and at His go! when i will stand on faith and SPEAK...knowing that i flow with the Power of the Ancients.

    good night all.

  34. while i am not released to address certain things just yet...He did tell me and sent me many many many confirmations:

    since this post is about Rev Inc +full circle is around the corner...

    He has authorized me to call you by name...He has a message for you. FN is where i first came to know of you, i believe. so as He rewinds this to full circle..

    ...tell me He is not a brother, if you just love little/GIANT lies. my Father is a dj with the MOST RIGHTEOUS flow in the Universe. if you are moving too slow or not prepared, it won't make sense it is THAT righteous. THIS is why that ear to the street/hood CNN medium has been hi-jacked. hip hop. it makes every woman on the planet want a Black man. how convenient for a planet hi-jacked by a homosexual racist sex cult determined to destroy mankind, huh?

    sounds like a science fiction movie, right? lol. brave new world! i don't know how to it is a GOOD thing i am called to be as BOLD as a lion;)

    keep in mind...this genius music medium was a result of killing music programs in public schools. tell me He does not make a way out of no way...and i will happily call you a liar in infinite ways...just as His Word has Infinite secrets of the Universe.

    the devil has to make even his flow look like Almighty Yahweh' meet with success. which means that you folks out there, OUTSIDE of the Law/Good book-


    free-styling with a whack ignorant flow= UNrighteous. since we are to seek Knowledge from cradle to grave+with all our getting, get an understanding.

    those exercising the option to feel good rather than Obey Almighty of

    that said:

    Reverend Lisa Vasquez Dollar...let's talk shall we?

    He has a message and i have a few questions. you like to talk about yourself and how 'elite' and smart you this should be good. i would like to get to know you better.

    i understand you may be whenever you feel prepared with the gospel of Peace do say hello. we haven't spoken in awhile. i had much to say even back in the day...

    i recall you indicating you are quite the chess player;)

    FN is as well. i see you. He showed me.

    now...BEFORE you see me Reverend Dollar...i ask you to recall the meetings you and i attended. recall the questions?

    someone asked where the Harriet Tubmans are? i answered that i was in attendance.

    now...Harriet Tubman gets to be hi tech raped and hyper-sexualized as well...we are back to Dunbar Village episodes with Congo in America in full swing. just rapey everything. i recall you indicating you knew how to 'rape test'...yet for some strange never SHARED that info with your audience.

    i recall a long list. another one that stands out is how you gangsta crip walked the 'i have TWO daddies' to a largely fatherless audience. the heart of the sleeping lionesses of Judah is such that even in the face of whatever one would call that...i sat there in Set Apart pause chomping at the bit to flip it, while no one else called you out.

    i have to give you a heads up. the Rev. Inc stories, current Dunbar Village type news stories, recalling you encouraging everyone to identify themselves by government names, send pictures...bragging loooong and hard about how you vetted people and other nice Reverend behavior. all complete with speaking of 'brand' building. 'elite' mammonite in the house! my government names is Strong One Daily. literally. how 'bout that? everyone that approaches me tells me i am special. i let them is Him not me.

  35. there will be no sneak attacks by me, so let me tell you. depending on how boldly you dear Puerto Rican sista (first a crazy Puerto Rican she-devil OFFline that some tweaking with His Word to help her understand who He is and who I AM in Him. then there was DesertFlower+Puerto Rico references. then someone wants to know if i want to dip out and go to Puerto Rico.)...yep, i should let you know that i am walking in obedience, mercy, love, and meekness as He called me to do.

    if you come crazy Puerto Rican, as you should recall you like to do---He has given me the GO! to greet you with an ether kiss from the heavenlies;)

    if you only knew how much this pleases me.

    i have been patient indeed. halleluYah!

    see me Reverend 'Elite' Dollar. i have a little something extra on behalf of Khadija for you. i saw something and did not get the go to switch up your flow. that has changed.

    those with facebook, twitter, blah blah blah (that's a shout out to you Pilot X, i got you, too. when He says go;) please put out the word. focusedpurpose would like to speak His Word with Rev. Lisa Vasquez Dollar.

    it is written that in our patience...we possess our souls. He has told me clearly that once i possess Patience...i will have all else.

    Rev. Dollar, you and all others that criticize my writing style...distinguish themselves. thank you. you indicate you are an accomplished ghost writer for others...why not offer tips as a good Reverend? Momma said...constructive criticism is when folks will tell you the truth and how you can make whatever they are telling the truth about better. my mother...has ALWAYS been right.

    let's talk sis. it has been a minute.

  36. '(first a crazy Puerto Rican she-devil OFFline that some tweaking with His Word to help her understand who He is and who I AM in Him.'

    correction...slow me down Almighty Sovereign of Host Yahweh and Messiah Yahushua. any errors caused by my human frailties...i pray even now that you will turn it for your greater Glory in your Mighty Name.


    first a crazy Puerto Rican she-devil OFFline that required some tweaking with His Word to help her understand who He is and who I AM in Him.


  37. Anon that indicated the world needs me. it is His Word and Light the world needs and i came to tell it. because i am like Oprah...will tell everything, Momma said...only i am repping the Ancient of it would of course be little 'ole me from Memphis, TN, riding in on a mule.

    while mammonites got a bentley that belongs to me because He said so in His Word. lol. it ALL belongs to Him and the wicked have stored it up for it is written. i thank Him+them kindly.

    it is not an accident that folks are talking about MLK. where was he assassinated for standing/speaking up? it is like the Spirit of Almighty and ALL Ancients before+here now shout out for me to STAND UP. because i have pronounced hood traits when times call for it…His call hit me up with a little Luda’s stand up as well. lol. Almighty is NO JOKE. folks had best believe THAT. i heard and His Spirit in me hollered back...I AM! dig THAT. He is AWESOME indeed. holla some praise if His Spirit in you can hear me!

    thank you for that confirmation on top of many many many other ones in your questions.

    thank you for writing tips. it is quite the ride to harness the energy of the Universe. thank goodness i like to call myself Queen of the Universe;) as i hear Him and write...He is showing me the importance of slowing it down. the world needs me to get this right. He is in charge of it anxious for nothing. we are rolling with the ancient drum beat to save the lost sheep...and He is ALWAYS on time.

    as i walked every spirit that approached me in the street on the script of bw=bish in heat, evidenced by their the 'dog' such an animal reveals himself to megaphone mouth of south full blast i have been shouting His Word for such a lying, wicked, accusing spirit until the devils took off...or doubled back and apologized. say it like you mean it and shout it out indeed. thanks Wendy, though i see you, too. lol. memphis middle child mega phone reporting for duty. yep. folks had best believe.

    the neighbors that heard, called out for me to slow down my flow when out walking dog spirits hosted by what appeared to the eye to be men. my prayer is for Him to slow down my flow...this is His Show...let me not move until i hear His voice telling me to GO!...for what you know baby girl and show these folks who your Father is! i ALWAYS KNEW MY DADDY WAS RICH and have told folks as much as i waltzed into places like i owned them;) i have known since i was a small child that He sent me to stand up and stand strong.

    He is for me according to His Word...who can successfully be against me? those that think they can had best believe they are being misled and need to turn...or they are slated for destruction just period.

    much love Anon who asks me questions that build my faith and strengthens my arm by His Hand. something tells me...momma said knock you out...had me bobbing my head in agreement back in the day on purpose. lol!

  38. Well..I think Cornell is the Bar of Institutional Memory for Black Folks...much of what he says has its roots in the generational understanding of what is gong on in this country...I do agree that some of this should be aired behind closed doors but brother Al doesn't work like that...I did feel( from what I herd during his talks) that Mike E.Dyson did address some of the stuff that Cornell Speaks about...'Field' I think the crux of this is that for people who REALLY know the plans of the Civil Rights Movement back then, know that everything was moving to an economic position..that's what Cornell was getting at...none of the speeches by Al, O or the others (Accept Dr. King's Daughter who delivered one of the best speeches in this regard, at the Wednesday Aug 28th event in DC) really touched the true economics of the Phase II Civil Rights Movement.

    Some people don't see the connection of politics and money...especially at the State an Municipal level where King was trying to take the Movement...we don't really need a Black President to accomplish this....All over this country Laws that merge the local public tax dollars and private corporations are being used to line the pockets of the wealthy...know-one is calling it for what it really is Corporate Welfare...I think that is what Cornell was getting at in his way...

    Field, your comment about the imagery sounded a tad bit like the J-Z comment during his spat with Harry Belefonte... (I am Charity)

  39. ps. Reverend 'Elite' Lisa Vasquez Dollar...please know your drafts used to post back in the day. folks were too polite to say that as well.

    the hint someone gave you...was brushed off by you. i simply made a mental note of the two varying messages. i knew it would mean something in time.

    i will be busting a gut as He leads me...there is a reason that i know devils so well. i used to run with the i was one with the devils. (nod to king DMX. stand strong. i got your back. thank you for the means of expression.)

    those of us that run with devils...come flying up and out of that mess...if we know what's good for us. He is good for+ got me. folks best believe i know.

    folks also best believe that i don't really care what other folks think. most folks are NOT thinking.

    i am every woman. a bish when provoked. a lover. a sinner+ a saint. if Momma said don't do it...i did it at least twice. i have always wanted to do what i wanted to do...even as a small child. the line is where i put staying inside of said line was no problem. not proud...just saying. there are lashes for disobedience. i will gladly pay the price for standing and speaking. then i will dance like David danced and give Him some praise! it's whatever's clever and i AM built to shut it down. fiery darts and microwave technology be damned. when i said bring it...i wasn't playing. it is NOT play time according to any sign.

    nor rest time for me either;) work ethic...tightening mine up for His people.

  40. Str8t from the "HOUSE NEGROS" Mouth ...

    "The fact that this president happens to be black should be celebrated for its imagery and what it can mean for the future aspirations of young black boys watching him, but that's about it.
    Negroes getting upset because Barack Obama didn't get into the White House and go all

    Huey P. Newton...."

    SO you mean to tell me you voted for IMAGERY these last two elections??

    Just for an image with no political resolve or outcome to it..


    The problem I continue to have with you is you represent yourself yourself as "Field Negro" but you dont stand for shit...and you frequently will use our most famed Hero's as the butt of some your un intelligent foolish posts.

    This one really sucked BTW...
    WTF is all "Huey P Newton"?

    Seriously time , and time again you show yourself to be the TRUE EMBODIMENT of what a HOUSE NEGRO is...

    Having a leader who stands up for basic civil rights like not allowing something like the *NDAA to pass is all "Huey P Newton" ??

    Having a leader who has the balls to prosecute the Big Banks for their OUTRAGEOUS crimes is all "Huey P Newton"??

    Having a leader that pushed and IMPLEMENTED a "Single Payer" health plan is all "Huey P Newton" ??

    Having a leader who does not involve the U.S. in unnecessary international conflicts while our infrastructure suffers at home is all "Huey P Newton" ??

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    5 years ago Field would had agreed with Cornel West 100% about the "Obama Plantation" but Field drank that Obama Kool-aid a long time ago.

    Barrack Obama has been a litmus test for me of sorts ...

    those who truely represent Black Unity do not worship at the the statute of "Possible Future Hope & Change " in the form of O-Bomber

  41. Hey FP, thanks for the shout out. I'm married so not sure if HE or my wife would appreciate you "coming at" me but I appreciate the attention.
    BTW, I'm not a Twitterer. Take care.

  42. lil nuggets of info for you STEPHEN..

    What our Nobel Peace Prize President should be doing is
    Preventing Multi-National Wars..

    He should also be applying pressure to the Big 5 "Too Big to Fail" Banks that got the taxpayers TARP money

    Persuading them doing MASSIVE Principal Reductions on "Under Water Mortgages" ..

    You know supposedly they have been trying to Jump Start the Economy for 5 yrs now ??

    The Mayor had to lead the charge in this case..

  43. First as tragedy then as farce11:53 AM

    Barack Obama can do whatever he wants because he is the leader of the Media/Government Party. If he wants to act all George Bush and attack a Baathist middle eastern country despite the objections of some allies, the press won't call him a cowboy war criminal, they'll say he's a reluctant warrior out to make the world safe for Social Justice. He has a Nobel Peace Prize after all right? Won it his first week on the job.

    This is what you get when one party has no need for accountability. There is nothing Barack Obama could do to lose the undying support of the government-media complex.

  44. BLACKISCLUELESS is one of these Negroes who thought that O could walk on water, and was shattered when he found out that he couldn't swim. Time to start living in the real world my disillusioned friend. Wake up and smell the political campaign money.

  45. BARBBF12:38 PM

    "Let me repeat this again: Barack Obama is a politician, and he happens to be a damn good one."

    Your "good politician", since becoming president has:

    Signed the NDAA into law - making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial.

    Initiated, and personally oversees a 'Secret Kill List'.

    Waged war on Libya without congressional approval.

    Started a covert, drone war in Yemen.

    Escalated the proxy war in Somalia.

    Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.

    Maintained a presence in Iraq even after "ending" the war.

    Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.

    Secretly deployed US special forces to 75 countries.

    Sold $30 billion of weapons to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.

    Signed an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia.

    Opened a military base in Chile.

    Touted nuclear power, even after the disaster in Japan.

    Opened up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.

    Did a TV commercial promoting "clean coal".

    Defended body scans and pat-downs at airports.

    Signed the Patriot Act extension into law.

    Deported a modern-record 1.5 million immigrants.

    Continued Bush's rendition program.


    And now, pushes for an invasion of Syria, that is reported as being supported by only 9% of the US public.

  46. Anonymous12:42 PM

    PilotX 2:26 AM
    Hey Field, did you know your site is blocked by a lot of hotel computers for having "adult" content? What ya'll got going on up in hurr when I'm not around? I blame Desert.
    Now see....I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't! :))) but I will say though Pilot X, when I'm good, Im good. But when I'm bad I'm better! ;D

    But serious sweetie, you know darn well that I am not the blogger that uses all the sexual reproductive organ,as well as sex acts references on here, which may be why it is blocked.

    I believe, as I know you do, that a persons blog is much like a cyber home, and if invited to politely debate it's one thing, but to go in there all crazy and menacing foul mouthed, spouting vomit and crapping on themselves, is quite another. ;)

    But, as Field says, it takes all kinds.

  47. u r late fn


    u lie like hobama!!!!!!!

    cornel called al s out long ago

    hobama is a racist pimp


    al s is his bottom bitch


    even al and hobama are less amoral than u hobama nazis


    u demand that we vote for and excuse hobama because he is half black

    as u SIMULTANEOUSLY demand thzt we pretend he is NOT president of the blacks...

    even as hobama IS PROUDLY ONLY prez of the banksters/latinos/gays/women etc

    what a gd soulless shame!!!!

    no word on syria/ndaa???????

    this is old news!

    syria is new!!!

  48. this is what alpha males think of that racist bankster hobama

    cc africom/jobless/homeless/ndaa/syria etc


    If the respect shown to black Americans does not match that which is shown to the gay community, Hispanic community and other demographics, then the Obama Administration has fallen woefully short in its duty to America. The president has stood strong for marriage equality for gay Americans, so I'm sure he'll understand those of us who stand up for political equality for African Americans. If the action and rhetoric is not equally respectful across the board, then it is entirely unacceptable. There are no two ways about it.

    So yes, Mr. President, you are the president of black America. The same inconvenience being hoisted onto your administration when we ask for targeted (not coincidental) action is no less than the inconvenience being thrust onto the black community when people are asked to take off work to show up to the polls. One favor deserves another, and it is disappointing to see a presidency predicated on the idea that black Americans are their employees.

    Anyone who compares transcripts of Obama speeches to black Americans vs. speeches to other constituencies notices that the tone tends to become a bit condescending, non-committal and even disrespectful when black people are being addressed (as we were once told to "stop complaining, take off our bedroom slippers and put on our marching boots" - something that would never be said to gay people or women's groups). If anyone can prove me wrong on that point, please do so.

    The saddest thing about the experience of the black political orphans in America is that when you ask them why they support the Obama administration, a large majority of them can only say "they're better than the Republicans." That's like a wife saying "I'll never divorce my husband because he's better than the man who used to beat me." Perhaps a more meaningful endorsement from his wife could be "I won't ever leave my husband because I am absolutely sure he loves me." Even the most ardent Obama supporter can't make such a claim.

  49. all of u hobama nazis lie like hobama

    u do know that no one has EVER demanded that hobama be huey/OBPP!!!

    unlike u black racist blind deaf hobama nazi liars and fools

    WE DO REFUSE to pretend that it is ok for hobama to be gwb 3.0
    just because hobama is half black

    beyond your suicidal lies
    we all see that hobama makes gwb look like an afrocntric pacifist moral slacker

    get the fuckover that
    and wtfu asap!!!

    cc syria/drones/ww3/assata/cointelpro 2013/wmd lies 2013/africom/ndaa/fema/dhs/gun grabs/jobless/homeless etc



  50. quote 1 person who has ever demanded that hobama be a panther?



    u lie like hobama!!!!!

    cc hobama and his beloved gays/latinos/females/banskters etc

    cc ww3/syria/africom/cbc diss/"mongrel"
    hobam nazis

    see al PROVE that he is hobama's bottom bitch:


  51. u r a liar who has lied for 4 yrs

    hobama killed that lie since nov 2012

    since he has STILL done nothing for blacks in america

    al s told diane sawyer on cbs:

    " i will NEVER criticize hobama ever..."

    hobama's scrubbers have deleted it online


    kudos to cornel!!!!

    cornel is a rebel hero who has NEVER lied about that racist bankster hobama nor his amoral fbi informant charlatan racist clown sold out bottom bitch al sharpton

    cc chris lane/ayria/africom/j [ morgan's ebt card casino etc

  52. proof that hobama bazis are racist masochistic morons:

    u demand that we vote for and excuse hobama because he is half black

    as u SIMULTANEOUSLY demand that we pretend he is NOT president of the blacks...

    even as hobama IS PROUDLY ONLY prez of the banksters/latinos/gays/women etc

    what a gd soulless shame!!!!

  53. fyi

    alpha males do not brag about being hobama's used abused black political side pcs

    nor do they demand that others emulate or excuse that racist pimp hobama's bottom bitch al s...

    cc africom/syria fatally forced onto hobama's new global stroll

    The political argument is simple: To whom much is given, much is required. President Obama received unprecedented support from black America in large part, because of the color of his skin. Had he been white, millions of black folks would not have rallied for him, organized on his behalf or took time off to go vote for him. Therefore, it is only logical that those who went the extra mile for their president expect and demand that he go the extra mile for them. Going the extra mile means not just showing up when he needs something (notice the special attention black folks have received since election season began), but having the same degree of integrity, faith and commitment in us that we are expected to have toward the White House. Yes, the Republicans are giving President Obama a hard time, but millions of black people are being hammered by racism themselves and they didn't use that as an excuse for not showing up on election day.

    So, in light of the fact that African Americans should not expect any semblance of targeted political support from President Obama, shouldn't that also imply that he should not expect preferential treatment from us? When my friend mentioned that we would never expect a white president to speak up for Troy Davis (Jimmy Carter is, actually, a white man), I simply asked her, "So, you would want us to respond to Barack Obama as if he were just another white guy?" She was silent after that.

    If Barack Obama were a white man, that would mean that there would be collective outrage over speeches like the one he delivered at the Congressional Black Caucus Convention, where black people were told to "stop complaining" about the highest unemployment in nearly 30 years. It would mean that we'd expect the same things from President Obama that we would have expected from Bill Clinton or anyone else during their time in the White House. I would dare to say that if black unemployment had risen to 17 percent under Clinton, he would be hammered by the black community for refusing to consider targeted economic policy.
    He only comes by with flowers when he wants something and in spite of his consistent disrespect and actions to the contrary, the mistress believes that deep down, he really loves her. When she expresses her concern about the love not being mutual, he tells her to stop complaining and support him in protecting his reputation. She accepts his stern admonishment because she's simply grateful that he even stopped by to say hello and might even consider his words to be reflective of tough love. After all, she shouldn't put any additional pressure on him because his wife is giving him such a hard time already

  54. we never expected hobama to let troy davis die

    as he TOILED to save humberto leal garcia

    cc huey/assata/sean bell/trayvon etc

  55. the tawanna b saga was a racist hoax by al s

    al s truly raped her via the same bs!

    al s was a FBI snitch long before he became hobama's bottom bitch

    ps: hobam and al s...

    pick much better heroes asap fn!!!

  56. Seeing powerful and somewhat powerful black political figures in America constantly place wedges between them is disheartening on many levels. For one, it accomplishes noting and trickles own to supporters of each. Secondly, it eliminates the opportunity to join forces on a whole and address key issues that will allow for that better overall understanding which is sorely needed. Third, it's just plain foolish.

  57. Anonymous6:47 PM


    Why do black people have to be a monolith? Other racial groups don't demand 100% conformity, why should blacks?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Reclaiming Dr. King's radical vision will not be permitted in the public square. That's the way it is in America when we decide to deify someone. But we don't have to lose that vision; it's there in Dr. King's words & works.

  60. Good posts Don and Bob.

    Desert, I think the sensors are preemptively blocking the site because you may go bad on us. They told me so.

  61. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Don, let's be real. Blacks have NEVER been unified. Even during the times of MLK, many Blacks(millions) did not agree or follow him.

    Today, we are fractured as a race more than ever. Our pride triumphs over unity of brothers and sisters. Let's face it. We aren't interested in the truth, we are interested in 'how' we feel. If it feels good, we like it..whether it benefits us or not. If it feels bad, we blame the wm.

    Our feelings control us, not our minds simply because we don't have the skills or knowledge how to unify or lead. The unspoken truth we have to face is that "we are lost race". Not even God can save us. But fret not, Satan will, that you can count on.

  62. any human of any race who refuses to call hobama out

    is an evil soulless sinful hobama nazi
    hobama is the new hitler indeed

    and fn's new mindless amoral racist post has just proven that yet again


    ps: hobama and al s...

    pick much better heroes asap fn!!!

    cc syria/africom/wwiii/ndaa etc

  63. ditto

    no one with a mind can love and excuse hobama!

    that cia bankster/global warlord
    hobama is the state

    the brave heroic anti-elitist/anti- war mlk was executed by the state

    ditto for jfk
    the very same evil rich banksters who slew both mlkk and jfk
    own and rule hobama

    cc that kkkiller lbj - evenlbj was less racist and amoral than hobama

    cc donald young/larry bland/larry sinclair/humberto garcia etc

  64. hey Pilot X-

    hay is for horses. recognize.

    i was not talking to you outside of referring to you as you refer to others...blah. the rest was between women. unless you have new revelations (think Manning who is being manipulated right now.) no one was speaking with you. why do modern men never miss an opportunity to bicker with women? might it be the bpa in the plastics and other chemicals the enemy to our soul is poisoning us with?

    you host a lust demon as evidenced by everything boiling down to sexual innuendo. fyi. not sure if there is a fool might be hosting that one, too, from the look of your alternate reality consistent comments. if you would be quiet...folks would think you wise+you would contribute more to progress for humanity.

    your southerners ask a lot of questions comment...that was what i was referencing since you clearly do NOT know the Law. ask FN if he asks a lot of questions in his line of work? FN's law can't begin to touch the Law i am giving. you are welcome for the clue.

    might you be mk'd up a storm, scared as can be, and determined to serve your defeated captain to the end? all signs indicate yes.

    has this house of bondage been so good to you? your image? your people? that you don't want to leave it? He is coming to swoop His. those that are left...will fight to the death...if you reject the Law i am giving...altogether...your death will be forever.

    there it is.

    this NIGHTMARE you would take over a beautiful 'fairy tale', where you get to reign with Almighty? and ALL nations will have to BOW DOWN to you and Almighty? yes. call me 'crazy' or whatever. i would take the fairy tale that favors me and allows me to bless mankind-instead of torturing them- DESPITE the suffering Almighty allowed due to our disobedience to Him.

    Harriet Tubman came before me...she carried a pistol. i am equipped with His Spirit and Sword. this is personal...they are coming for our babies. i was built to last and sent to help. what's the problem? you don't believe therefore you cannot hear me? or under stress and duress? either way...i got your back.

    i just blasted hard...there is something about folks that have been on my nerves for a lOOOOOOng time...DARING to try to make me play their game of pretend for my WHOLE rob me of it. LIES against my Father. GRRR! no bueno. won't EVER cooperate.

    He wants me to go back and turn down my COMMAND gift. win more flies with honey He said. get it...devil=flies;) there is a youtube with BO battling one that is funny.

    don't know. not too concerned really. He will get you together unless you are reprobate. so it truly makes no sense to worry about anything. focusing on Him, gives me perfect peace as it is written. i am on a mission...for the world. we.can't.lose.

    i am being obedient to Him in order to get this party started...He gave me fireworks and i am setting them off as He says GO! working on right volume, tone, Power levels, etc. damn what folks got to say, or think they might think in the interim. He sent me to help folks get their thinking i struggle daily to stop being such a over...had enough...chop chop soul. He is putting me together. slow me down Yah. let me wait for you and BE LOVE is my prayer in His Mighty Name.

    i pray for ALL other spiritual warriors to STAND STRONG. WE it is written. He can NOT lie! that is ALL devils DO.

    real eyes. realize. real lies.

  65. Queen FP:

    real eyes. realize. real lies.


    like hobama
    hobama nazis are BLIND demons

    cc hobama's unseen black agenda

    unseen since 2006

  66. rushing as always!

    hobama = the state via africom/ndaa/fema/dhs/nsa...

    the brave heroic anti-elitist/anti-war mlk was executed by the state

    ditto for jfk
    the very same evil rich banksters who slew both mlk and jfk
    own and rule hobama

  67. i just blasted hard...there is something about folks that have been on my nerves for a lOOOOOOng time...DARING to try to make me play their game of pretend for my WHOLE rob me of it. LIES against my Father. GRRR! no bueno. won't EVER cooperate.


    THIS was in reference to my go out on the front lawn and inform everyone in the valley and in the hills that He sent me to let them know...ALL nations must BOW DOWN to His Law and His Mighty Chosen Ones...the Blessed Blacks...who will save ALL nations.

    didn't go over very well with my devilish neighbor(s)...the women cleared out all the Black men that used to be next door, regularly, in their fancy cars.

    swapped them for packs of WM that are in 'protect his woman' mode. i can appreciate that...however IF your woman gets bold, in my personal space, accuses me of wanting all white people gone...then i WILL address her and give her His Law. white folks' fears+guilt+need to be superior is being used against them. folks are holding on. tight. i mean they genocided the indigenous, stole the land, had other people work it...yet it REALLY belongs to them.

    folks that behave that way, REALLY think it makes sense. i am coming with His Word and THAT is 'crazy.' okey doke.

    Lighting folks up all ways is my challenge.

    @ any rate, she sent her poor guy out to let me know he/they? think me ignorant. that set it off. the Word of Almighty is 'ignorant' and you are bold enough to attempt to intimidate me while popping such yang... got it. i didn't behead the devil...i just whacked him RELENTLESSLY with the sword. let him know he ran the risk until he bowed down+ acted like he knew the Law of the Universe... of it happening again, when he spoke out of turn and with disrespect.

    i am sure my neighbor Ms Anne wanna be, is horrified+ chagrined that she chose to pick a fight and send her white man to fight it on her behalf. she did not get the this is about the women for humanity memo. yet, i am the ignorant one...okey doke. lol. bless them and us ALL Almighty Most High.

    i will double back and work to frighten him less...i think it was the he was going to call the police since he felt 'threatened' thingy. really now?

    now HOW could i resist letting him know that according to tv and the laws of the land he could shoot if he felt threatened? i had to let him know he would get the blast double when the gun malfunctioned and Yah showed him what Law reigns on this planet...where CA is conveniently located for now.

  68. red face central.

    adding insult to injury...Ms Anne wanna be sent him to the car to get her heels so they could run away. lol. yep...told him he may as well put them on and wear them...that's the end game. think Manning. yet he needed to be 'superior' more than saved.

    i told my neighbors before the police came that the police would have to BOW DOWN to the law and leave. of course LAPD tried to pretend they are in control. even that CA law is greater than universal Law. i asked if they were REALLY trying to tell me that the Law that governs the PLANET is subject to CA law? he dropped that madness with the quickness.

    if you ask rather than tell...folks won't holla about being grown, it seems. men don't do well with direct confrontation with women, either. this will only happen with me when someone is testing to see if i am a soft target. nope. anything else?

    i called out cop name, badge number, my address, spelled my name, and all so the WHOLE neighborhood can see/hear. get the report and come see us. IF folks really think He is a got the information.

    all you poor ensnared psychos have access to everything...take two with devilish crazies is something i look forward to actually...this time...i will speak softly. switch it up and see if folks will strain to hear. if they think you don't want them to know...THEN they are interested.

    LAPD nazis trained by israelis to fema camp america with all the hell that is cooking in israhell and around the world now...ACTUALLY think they have the right to tell me i am disturbing the peace in early afternoon. when pressed where that was written in CA law-no noise past 2-3pmish on sun day-bad cop got a bit heated.

    the good cop calmed him down. bad cop had his hand near his hip.

    had he touched the gun, i would have shared with him the same Truth i shared with red face neighbor.

    cops indicated they were 'warning' me. i will make sure that i do not heed that invalid, lacks authority, illusion, wicked nonsense.

    when they come again...and they will... it is my prayer that i am able to hold the bowl of fiYah...and listen with humility. i will. practice makes perfect...and i plan to practice a LOT in the coming days.

    my prayer is to be the biblical description of LOVE personified.

    i love humanity. we are INVINCIBLE in Him. WE WIN.

    the microwave prickly people are back. helicopters, fire trucks...just the most going on. yet, these silly ones think the great I AM will be silenced early afternoon? try no. made sure to let the po po know they would be super busy trying to get folks to quiet down. maybe they could do something with all the police noise.

  69. "Today, we are fractured as a race more than ever. Our pride triumphs over unity of brothers and sisters."

    "WE"? I don't think so.

  70. AB-

    you are rushing...

    i won't approach our conversation with that energy. there is too much at stake.

    and i have Laws to distribute to the neighbors before it is dark.

    fyi...the soul the other day that thought i was hating homosexuals by sharing the Law and lashed out...Yah showed me who he was. i am SO thankful to Him that He gave me His Words when speaking to Him. that i did not sound off when invited. Almighty told me this soul was suffering. i believe Him above all else. He NEVER lies.

    i know and LOVE this soul. i TOLD folks it has been homo men/women that have shown me love.

    folks are wondering where i am while i am coming through stuff. i have to go as He tells me. finding out this was my friend, ally, comrade in sounding the alarm...i STILL cry. have not slept since i learned and am frankly SO HEATED that the enemy hates us so much...yet expects my cooperation.

    i cry for the condition of my beautiful people, often. for humanity. the enemy hates us and wants us ALL dead.

    if i don't give the Law that is a LOT of blood on my hands according to His Law. nope. won't be able to do it. i love folks too much and don't particularly like filtering the Truth as i understand it.

    AB, your and my conversation will happen at my blog house. there are too many distracting spirits on the plantation. this topic deserves and will get the respect it is due.

    i will come again as He leads me...

  71. Anonymous10:52 PM

    The one useful thing Obama could have done, the one thing that would have won him lots of support accross the racial/tribal spectrum of America today, is to take on Wall Street parasites. Sure, that would have meant taking on a certain Chuck Schumer and a certain fellow named Bloomberg, but win or lose he would have won the hearts of millions. Alas, he proved not to have the fortitude for that. Or perhaps he simply never thought he should. This is, after all, the man who is seriously considering nominating Larry Summers to head the Fed.

  72. Col. Kilgore10:53 PM

    field negro said...
    "Today, we are fractured as a race more than ever. Our pride triumphs over unity of brothers and sisters."

    "WE"? I don't think so.

    Kurtz's patrols in the highlands coming under frequent ambush. The camp started falling apart...November: Kurtz orders the assassination of three Vietnamese men and one woman. Two of the men were Colonels in the South Vietnamese army. Enemy activity in his old sector dropped off to nothing. Guess he must have hit the right four people.

    Pick wisely, Field.

  73. "Pick wisely, Field."

    I always do. And I always know the enemy.;)

  74. Col. Kilgore11:42 PM

    At least you think you do. It is prudent to occasionally question your assumptions.

  75. Anonymous11:50 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    i just blasted hard.
    9:31 PM


    hahaha womans i jes blasted hard meself! yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa yu mah can o womins! dat sho feel gud sho nuf!

    Prich its pokay fokay! cum unto de bradran wid de laud gal!

    hay fokey, kin yu doos a lattle trarkin to? jas a lattle huh...

    Ah nids mah sum pokey possum pie! ta go wit dat manshan, ah sho doos

  76. Anon 11:50-

    you possess a lust demon that will only destroy you.

    speak the filth that is in your heart and know that it will land you promptly in hell forever unless you turn from it.

    if you are a clone or other will drop dead shortly anyways. until that happens...know that i will pray for you.

    back to IGNORE you go;)

  77. I know why you keep calling me out FP but I'm a married man sis. One of those lust demons must have gotten hold of ya.


    Obama is the biggest fool I've ever seen. There is still no concrete proof the Assad regime did this! Let this blow up in his face and the Republikkkrackers will impeach his silly accommodationist ass at the speed of light.

  79. Pilot X-

    yes. lust demon tried to have me stuck as you takes one that has successfully slayed the demon(s) to recognize and call them out.

    you, sir, have work to do on yourself. try dumping out your 'secrets' closet on-line. do you have courage? nope. THAT'S why you are repping the defeated one.

    there is NO shame in my game. i did it...and will share. that folks might learn from my mistakes if they are wise enough to do so.

    that is the purpose of a testimony. Almighty gets the glory...only He will bring folks out unscathed...

    understanding that folks are ONLY as sick as their secrets. for those that want to be free...KILL the secrets.

    hope that helps you.

    nothing can touch me. He told me. this is ALL ours and He chose me with my HUGE heart and mouth that He gave me, to claim our birthright...without asking permission, nor compromising.

    He is having me show folks how it is done. fall in Pilot X. choose sides. i pray you choose wisely.

    blessings to you.

  80. Anonymous5:01 PM


    The bane of Black folks existence, as they continue to vacillate from being assimilationist integrationist (house negro) to separatist nationalist (field negro) as a result of the white backlash/repeal of the Civil Rights cycles are the middle class negroes that have continued to settle for "symbolism OVER substance." Your contextual use of the term IMAGERY represents this sad fact.

    You said:

    "The fact that this president happens to be black should be celebrated for its imagery and what it can mean for the future aspirations of young black boys watching him, but that's about it.
    It's not going to change how business is done in this country and who gets the spoils,"

    but history has shown that it simply didn't have to be this way. He deliberately chose to be a scoundrel, pimping FDR's and every Black IMAGE, yet brazenly chose to embody absolutely NONE of their character (let's see - allowing Joe Wilson to call him a liar w/o being lead out in leg irons and hand cuffs; allowing AZ Gov. Brewer to put her finger in his face to providing his long form birth certificate). As I've intimated before, ad nauseum, here, with the POTUS failing intentionally, miserably to tie his alleged infrastructure jobs plan with the BAILOUT and TARP, ushering in a 2nd New Deal, I will ALWAYS remind everyone of the truth.

    Sadly, I don't have to do much reminding here in Detroit where a 94 year old woman watched a crew of young men around the ages of how old she and her late husband (who went through FDR's New Deal CCC camps and then into the military), strip aluminum siding off of her house while she was in it. In her mind, this POTUS never had to be a black president, but simply act as a Democrat had previously done the last time things got this bad.

    Field, making excuses for the willful, abject failure of this POTUS to address the still untold misery of many Black folk in this country is unbecoming.

    Remember, regarding the original march on washington:
    "Some called for a complete shutdown of the city, [Washington DC] through civil disobedience. ... to focus the March on economic inequality..."

    Unfortunately, many comfortable middle class negroes, then, nixed that idea and settled for the SYMBOLISM (READ: Non-Economic Liberalism VRA, AffirmAct, etc.) over the SUBSTANCE of jobs, equity and the boogeyman that never made it into the room: Reparations. Lastly, as long as comfortable middle class negroes implore the conscientious amongst us to settle for IMAGERY those of us who are truly in the FIELD will continue to suffer the most...

  81. Anonymous5:38 PM


    You said, "If you Negroes want things to change, stop depending on poli-trick-sters like Barack Obama and start grass roots efforts to change things in your own neighborhoods," but many of us have done just that. Neighborhood organizations, even Detroit city government, has proven powerless to take on Bank-Owned Blight [BOB], primarily because this POTUS rubber-stamped Republican Austerity Measures (BAILOUT & TARP) that were, themselves, authored by Wall Street. In fact, one of those large banks flat-out refuses to list a vacant property near me (despite city council intervention) because they, the bank in question, know it's worth way more than what the market presently yields, and, most especially after I've invested heavily nearby. So you see, this POTUS has been a dreadful hindrance to the city of Detroit as well as the state (withholding his vaunted "ground game," thus insuring a republican governorship and RTW laws passed) and many a City of Detroit retiree face losing their pension to a strong-armed bankruptcy because the state owes the city $300,000 million, but refuses, like many of the white downtown business owners, to pay up. Unfortunately, this gutless POTUS has refused to intervene.

    Sorry, Field, while your Strawman argument attacking Cornel is a good one, it doesn't change the facts surrounding the sad, pathetic situation that this POTUS further yoked the Black community with by his blatant disregard for this disproportionately loyal, core Democratic constituency---despite all of the pictures that he's taken mimicking FDR, Rosa Parks, Dr. King, and Malcolm X...

  82. I know you want it but you're a good girl. Ha!
    I prefer to give in to my lust demons FP. Mrs. X likes it better that way.
