Friday, September 13, 2013

Bad luck for Shiping,Shelly, and Kevin.

While George Killerman continues along a path of self-destruction, we are now learning that maybe the state of Florida wasn't as diligent in their prosecution as they could have been.

"Dr. Shiping Bao, the recently fired Florida medical examiner who performed Trayvon Martin‘s autopsy, is allegedly claiming that George Zimmerman shot Martin through the back, reports Alternet’s Rod Bastanmehr.
“According to the former assistant coroner, the results of Martin’s autopsy clearly showed that, despite Zimmerman’s statements regarding their altercation, there was no feasible way for Martin to have been on top of Zimmerman when the gun was fired, because the bullet entered Martin’s back,” Alternet reports.
RELATED: Medical Examiner In Zimmerman Trial Sues For $100M, Claims Prosecution Threw Case [VIDEO]
This allegation is shocking for several reasons, including the fact that Martin having been shot through the heart at close range was a pivotal point during the trial as both the defense and prosecution teams attempted to paint a picture of the fatal encounter — specifically, whom was the aggressor during the altercation.
More importantly, Bao himself signed off on Trayvon Martin’s autopsy report stating that the entrance wound was through the chest at “intermediate range.”

If these allegations are true, that would make Bao complicit in the very same alleged cover-up that he has exposed.

CLICK HERE to read Trayvon Martin’s autopsy report.

As previously reported by NewsOne, Florida medical examiner Bao claims that Florida state prosecutors were biased against Trayvon Martin and purposely threw the case, and he is suing the state for $100 million."

It's hard for me to believe that these lawyers would just mail in a case when their own personal careers are at stake.


"According to Bao, the medical examiner, state attorney’s office, and Sanford Police Department all felt that Martin “got what he deserved.” Bao also claims that he received the strong, though subtle, message not to speak on certain things:

“He was in essence told to zip his lips. ‘Shut up. Don’t say those things,’” said Bao’s legal counsel, legendary Attorney Willie Gary.

Bao’s allegations come swiftly on the heels of him being fired from his position as associate medical examiner." [Source]

If this is true I have no love for Mr. Bao. He should have said all this while the trial was going on and not wait until he was fired to find a conscience. Now we all are left to question his motivations.

I am starting to really dislike the Hawkeye state.

First they let blind people own guns, and then they try to burn down an interracial couple's home. Unfortunately it doesn't look like they got the "post racial" memo in the heartland.

"They wrote the N-word all over my walls,' homeowner Shelly Owens says. Racist vandals broke into Owens house, spray painted the walls and set a fire in the bedroom. Owens, fiance Kevin Durham and their biracial children live in a diverse neighborhood Council Bluffs.
Shelly Owens returned home to find the house in flames.
“This is against me, I guess, and it's a hate crime.” [Source]

Some folks are saying that this is a big hoax for sympathy and some cash. I certainly hope not. It's hard enough chasing real racism without people crying wolf.

Finally, from the news you won't hear on FOX department.

"The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation on Friday took a suspect into custody in connection with the slaying of a woman and three teenage males.

Jacob Allen Bennett, 26, had previously been characterized by officials as a “person of interest” in the case, but has since been taken into custody for violating parole.

He has not been charged with the murders at this time,” Kristin Helm, public information officer of the TBI, told NBC News in an email.

Police identified the victims as Danielle Jacobson, 22, who was the driver, and passengers Steven Presley, 17, Dominic Davis, 17, and John Lajeunesse, 16. Their bodies were discovered in a car Thursday morning on Renegade Mountain, about 100 miles east of Nashville.

The deaths have shaken the mostly retired residents of the Renegade Mountain community, in a 3,000-acre, densely wooded area in the tiny city of Crab Orchard. A resident discovered the bodies on the way to work on Thursday morning. The car was on an unpaved road about 100 feet off the main road, according to John Moore, president of the Renegade Mountain Community Club." [Source]

You won't hear about this story over on FOX News because it doesn't fit the narrative they like to push to their very old, very scared, white viewers: "Only those dark people in urban areas commit crimes."

If you are reading this congratulations, you survived Friday the 13th.


  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Thanks for the heads-up, Field. The truth crushed to Earth rises again. It appears that the mutant's Dopamine rush will be short-lived. This vile subspecies will have to see itself in the mirror for the scaly, reptilian creature that it truly is. Sadly, not to disparage anyone involved in this matter, but the strident bigotry of the state should have necessitated an independent autopsy. Just assumed one had been done. This is seismic.

  2. Anonymous12:04 AM

    So to brief this post:

    A disgruntled employee is trying to get revenge for being fired.

    A family is perpetrating a hoax for money.

    And a criminal on parole likely killed some people and it is worthy of a post because it was a white guy.

    .... and further and further Field falls into the dark hole of schizophrenia. Yet, it is funny to watch! Thanks for the entertainment Field!

  3. Wesley R12:22 AM

    Zimmerman had his gun out when he got out of his car to go after Martin. Martin saw the gun, Zimmerman baited him, they went at at, Zimmerman shot him. That's how it went.

  4. I've ben saying that the prosecution threw the case ever since the prosecution threw the m'er f'in case.

  5. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Rochester NY:

    A Monroe County Court jury on Friday convicted Marcellus Timmons, (black man), 23, of Rochester in the Feb. 13 slaying of Todd Davidson, 52.

    Timmons admitted on the stand Thursday that he stabbed Davidson in the neck with a screwdriver before the pair fought and that he ultimately choked Davidson. After cleaning up the scene, Timmons said he left with two televisions to make it appear as though a burglary took place.

    Timmons said he met Davidson through a telephone chat line on Feb 12. The two men agreed to meet for a sexual encounter. Timmons said he was selling his body for money.

  6. Anonymous12:41 AM

    I repeatedly said that the trial was a set up. The dummest prosecutor on earth could have won this case. Yet, I remember clearly Field claiming lawyers don't throw cases because they have BIG EGOS and therefore don't like to lose. His comment proved to me he doesn't know shit about his profession, which is riddled with crooked lawyers.

    I really hope somehow they find out that Martin was shot in the back, which makes a lot more sense than the bs that GZ shot TM while on the bottom. However, this was a case of White vs Black instead of Truth and Justice. You see,

    IF YOU ARE A BM, THEY CAN STILL SHOOT YOU DEAD WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES. This is what happened in Greensboro when the KKK shot four Blacks dead and no one was prosecuted.

    And Field commented that I must be afreaid of the KKK? The answer is "YES". And so should every bm.

  7. Anonymous1:14 AM

    I tell ya, that's a hell of a lot of craziness for one state! :)))

  8. Desert, does this mean we are canceling our Iowa vacation?

    Anon@12:41, I am afraid u are right, I know KNOTHING about Florida lawyers. They are, to say the least, a bit different. (See Shellie Zimmerman's divorce lawyer as an example)

  9. Anin@12:04, does the fact that the killer was on "parole" somehow excuse his crime? If that's the case every street crime committed by a black person can be excused.

  10. Anonymous said...
    ...this was a case of White vs Black

    Actually, a case of Brown vs. Black.

    But don't let your hate get in the way of the facts.

  11. Anonymous11:36 AM

    field negro7:59 AM
    Desert, does this mean we are canceling our Iowa vacation?
    Ummmm hmmmmm! Yup! Florida is def out too! Honestly, from the look of things, I think Europe is the way to go. We can hop on over to Africa and enter the Middle East via rail. My relatives have some crazy cool farmland in Lebanon, you'll love it! Chilllllll!

  12. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Field, I know your blog is not mainly for us white tagalongs but I keep getting news items here I don't find other places. I guess the Bao flip-flop will surface in tonight's newscast but in who knows what bowdlerized form.

    Shot in the back? That was my first suspicion, back when. If it's true—even the POSSIBILITY that it's true—is sickening.

    You don't waste words, Field. I'll try not to comment unless I have something to add.


  13. TruthOut12:48 PM

    "They wrote the N-word all over my walls,' homeowner Shelly Owens says"

    99% of these stories are hoaxes.

    That's the real story here.

  14. Mrs. Barack Putin12:50 PM

    Anonymous 12:04 AM said...
    So to brief this post:

    A disgruntled employee is trying to get revenge for being fired.

    A family is perpetrating a hoax for money.

    And a criminal on parole likely killed some people and it is worthy of a post because it was a white guy.

    .... and further and further Field falls into the dark hole of schizophrenia. Yet, it is funny to watch! Thanks for the entertainment Field!

    Man, you just bitch-slapped field like Putin on Obama! Dayum!

  15. Anonymous1:07 PM

  16. Desertflower said: "I tell ya, that's a hell of a lot of craziness for one state!"

    Just imagine the amount of devilry behavior that goes unreorted across this entire sick country. I'm certain that the medical examiner's case in Florida will appear minor in comparison, without a doubt.

    I'm no longer surprised by the behavior of whites. It's been WRITTEN and the prophecy must be fulfilled. And white people will gradually reach a state of extinction!

  17. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Bill said...
    Anonymous said...
    ...this was a case of White vs Black

    Actually, a case of Brown vs. Black.

    But don't let your hate get in the way of the facts.

    10:30 AM
    This has nothing to do with hate....The prosecutors were White, the Defense Lawyers were White, the Jury was White and the Judge was White. They all collaborated in freeing GZ who murdered a black teenager. Anyone with a clear mind and conscience and a sense of integrity could see the court set-up against TM.

    Maybe it's your own hatred towards that you are seeing? Any fool can see that court was rigged to set GZ free. He got a big head after that trial, as if he can't do any wrong. He's acting like he's GOD. Of course, why wouldn't he? He has the support of many Whites like you. Hence, he thinks of himself as White, because only Whites support Whites who murder Blacks.

  18. Trayvon Martin Luther King2:22 PM

    Zimmerman was innocent; you all know this.

    Bao is just a fired guy trying to get a pay day.

  19. NYManny2:24 PM

    The whole ridiculous Trayvon Martin story is just Black Angst over being displaced by Hispanics.

    Sorry, but it's going to happen and you just need to get used to it.

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  21. Mrs. Barack Putin, on top of.everything else you are a sexist troll. Who even uses words like "bitch-slapped" anymore?

    I an guessing just pumps and republicans. Which one are you?

  22. Anonymous8:24 PM


    Do you think that this stunning development regarding Shiping Bao will necessitate DOJ involvement? If an independent autopsy confirms that Trayvon was in fact shot in the back and a cover-up took place, what do you think should happen? It sounds as if Double Jeopardy will rightfully be turned on it's head. What say you, Field?

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  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. sb is a hero

    gz is a kkkiller
    he will kill again asap

    no lies live forever

  27. all who are sane know that gz is a psyvho lying unarmed child kkkiller

    even the fl pd...

  28. Anon, that ship (pun intended) has sailed. GZ will not ne tried for killing Trayvon Martin again.

  29. Anonymous11:40 AM

    gz will be tried by his karma
    and his own kkkiller antics eternally


    he will kill again asap

