Wednesday, September 11, 2013


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Field, what the hell is that photo suppose to represent? There were only two towers, Field...that's why they called them "Twin Towers"

    Please say something. At least say you are glad to be a BM in America. I mean, you ARE living better than a lot of Whites and damn near ALL Blacks. At least admit that. Get a grip, man. A lot of Whites read FN.

    With your luck, the GOP and the entire Tea Party will be pissed and will make a black example out of you.

    Brother, I don't want to see that happen to you....seeing how that has already happened to Obama, that's enough for me.

  2. control+halt+delete10:08 PM

    Great post Field,

    It must be hard being white. It doesn't have to be.

    That tragedy would not have happened if President Obama had been in office. He's always been good for this countrys' image. Why can't blanks follow his lead?

    It wasn't too long ago that Rev. Jackson made peace with blanks(1984) , but somehow 'merica has again refused to cash the check they wrote as suggested by Dr. King in his speech recently commemorated on its' 50th anniversary.

    Rev. Jackson suggested that we educate and feed the youth, especially those who had traditionally been excluded. Instead they built prisons, not schools.

    This 12th anniversary of this attack should inspire us to become more inclusive...Why can't blanks learn to get along with other people?

    I know, but just sayin'

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males cause Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension and possible violent, aggressive bahavior while flying.

  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    dear mr field, i saw a black professor from Drexel University on THe FACTOR, with Bill O'Reilly.

    I assume you know Professor, or rather Mr. Tibbs?

  4. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Mr Field, I am looking forward to seeing your art work. Please keep your FN readers informed on how it's going.

    I hope you will post it on FN?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Anon@11:19, my artistic skills are lacking to say the least, but I have a great mentor (and a real artist ) helping me out. It is for a good cause so I will keep you updated.

  7. A very sad day and also a very PREVENTABLE day as well. Pres. Kennedy warned us when he stated: “The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. There is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”

  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    cc hobama's osama ruse/serial false flags...

    cc dick c and gwb/king shrub's 911...

    bloody stooges reign anew in syria...

    cc syria/africom/benghazi/wwiii...


    9/11 was indeed an inside job!!! It is a complex one that has been documented as the worst act of internal war on American soil. Many bloody lies about 9/11 have already been exposed and documented by rebel researchers. Shocking truths continue to be revealed about the bombs that melted three buildings, The Twin Tower and Building 7, and sunk them into three perfect circles at the World Trade Center. They include: The 186,000 tons of debris that was swiftly flown to Japan and India, to destroy the evidence of explosive chemicals; the traumatized witnesses who heard and smelled bombs; the verbose false witnesses and transparent official liars; the inexplicable heat and flames felt and seen on lower floors of both Towers, far beneath both crash entry sites; the grossly flawed and fabricated crash damage at the bombed Pentagon; the official stand down orders Cheney repeatedly gave to the Air Force, long before the Towers were hit; the bombing and poorly staged crash of Flight 93; the phone call that Condoleeza Rice made to warn and save the beloved San Francisco politico Willie Brown; the BBC’s surreal and premature report on the melting of WTC7, an amazing 23 minutes before it had even occurred; the private rescue flights that swiftly escorted the Bin Laden clan safely away from the looming life threatening lies, and much more…

  9. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Chasing the 'R' word through a 9/11 Special on the History channel brought back memories of living in the Bronx in '98-''99. My experiences (plural) with uber racist cops (of the mutant variety - redundant, I know) had me feeling bad for the Black folk whom I observed within the special who were immersed within the unspeakable horror. It was the very first time, back then, that I found myself simultaneously feeling rage towards the perpetrators and knowing that when scurrilous scalia and his craven cabal within the SCOTUS usurped democracy and selected dubya's simian visage to be the face of the Oval Office just a year prior, that this prison called America's "chickens had indeed come home to roost."

    Further riffin' on brotha Malcolm's words, when I was watching the special that was centered on the survivors of stairwell B, I learned that a sista named Josephine Harris, along with 10 to 15 firemen who were not of her persuasion, was one of the survivors and they were calling it "the Miracle of Stairwell B" The miracle, nonetheless, had me reflecting on the story Malcolm told Alex Haley about how he, when he was a boy, would go with white boys to tip over outhouses in Lansing, where he grew up. Malcolm talked about how the white boys had to be in front of him. This made me think about the overtly racist hiring practices of NYC, as it's related to first responders. I saw a cruel parallel between how Malcolm mentioned that one farmer moved the outhouse from over the hole to in front of the hole with how racist and discriminatory hiring practices minimized Black lives lost among the 343 firefighter casualties. In fact, I was quite surprised that they actually showed even ONE Black firefighter because of the heroic light that they were casting upon the firefighters.

    Lastly, Field, It's a shame that centuries of subhuman, inhumane treatment at the hands of mutants unfortunately has us members of the parent African human species stll being forceed (due to hardwire, biologically determined) to point out the myriad ways in which These creatures just ain't right--And simply are incapable of being right....

  10. Field,
    You are the best! I continue to believe it. How you ever put up with all the nonsensical comments you receive here simply confirms it. Hang in there Brother. I read you every day and love where you come from. BTW, great photo. For all who don't get it, IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF or A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS, u choose.

  11. Anonymous4:33 PM

    always catty hobama nazi/witless fn groupie:


    just a very few of the 1000 words this photo speaks;



  12. Anonymous4:59 PM

    more proof that hobama rules and spins all msm

    what a gd shame.

  13. Anonymous5:31 PM

    cc hobama's daily evasions/MIC/ndaa/martial law etc





    folks would do well to stop focusing on what was only... and pay attention to what IS now.

    LOL @ FN with his cryptic fawkery.

    you appear to be repping hard for the flip side man...


    i got nothing but Love for ya anyways...


    Anon, last thread, thank you for kind words. the mercy and grace is only His to give. i AM called to give His Law.

    ALL praises are due to Him...alone.

    the mistakes are all mine;)


    AB, much love to you sis. i see you holding it down as per usual over here on the plantation!

    blessings all!

    1. Anonymous3:34 AM

      The lynchings have gone hi-tech and the Dopamine rush comes, even when they shoot 107 year old Black men. They were fed Dopamine when the O.J witch hunt tapped into the same vein that Shakespeare's Othello mainlined Dopamine into the Caucasoid's brain. Nicole Brown/Drsdemona, with her store-bought rack had to be viewed as so desirable, rather than merely the flat butt cokehead who was into the Columbians for $350,000 large due to her rapacious habit. So self couscious were Caucasians about their buttocks challenged physiques, even during Shakespear's time that, due to their unnatural fixation with Sarah Bartmann, aka "The Hottentot Venus," they created Bustles and Corsets(why Cher had ribs removed) to simulate the steatopygia(sp) effect (think J-Lo, Beyonce, or Kim K). Sander Gilman, himself Caucasian, highlights all of this in his work, Difference and Pathology. So, when you come to truly learn just how low the self esteem of these creatures truly is, you'll understand just why O.J., just like Othello, had to be guilty in a crime that ordinarily would be dismissed as drug related---and, you'll begin to understand, somewhat, the Dopamine fix their low self esteem demands. I mean, these creatures, for the longest time had Sarah Bartmann's genitalia and derriere kept in glass jars on exhibit upon her death and you should read William Styron's Nat Turner to learn what they did to Nat's body. You won't believe it and perhaps you'll begin to understand not only the Dopamine fix these creatures get, but just why their subhuman, heinous acts could NEVER be confused with being human.

      Thus, I'm sorry but the mutants past still courses through the present and steers their future, as evident by Akin & Mourdock's rape comments. Still one's head within the JudeoChristian hole in the ground, akin to an Ostrich remains part of the very deinition of insanity.

  15. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Lastly, Field, It's a shame that centuries of subhuman, inhumane treatment at the hands of mutants unfortunately has us members of the parent African human species stll being forceed (due to hardwire, biologically determined) to point out the myriad ways in which These creatures just ain't right--And simply are incapable of being right....

    10:53 AM
    Come on brother. Do you think Negroes are right? Do you think Obama is right? Is China right?

    Get real. It's the "human condition" and color has nothing to do with it. It has to do with the human heart and those seven deadly sins. We ALL need some religion to purify our hearts...politics/money/position/status/race....has nothing to do with how we treat each other.

    1. Anonymous1:45 AM

      The human condition pertains to humans.

      An alabaster-hued, melanin deficient lethal mutation that has exterminated whole groups of melanated peoples, as chronicled by one of actor Matt Damon's neighbors, Howard Zinn, in "A Peoples History of the United States,"----and whose brain is neurochemically fed---man, woman, and child---Dopamine, judging from all of the euphoric pale, pasty smiles accompanying the photos of lynching victims, victims who'd more often than not have their castrated genitals in their mouths---simply CANNOT claim to be human.

      You see, while this lethal mutation, this devolved subspecies, due to its color mutation, (which is not the result of albinism) possesses the requisite intelligence quotient , it lacks the human capacity for human empathy, compassion, remorse or a genuine sense of right and wrong. Thus, it cannot in any meaningful sense be really considered human. Additionally, if a process of devolution vis an Ice age, courtesy of natural selection and adaptation, brought you here, which partly explains why you're dying out (just like the replicants in Blade Runner) , on what grounds, coupled with and based upon the sordid, deplorable, opprobrious collective historical behavior of the mutant Caucasoid can said mutant Caucasoid honestly, realistically be considered human, as humans evolve and don't die out like ephemera?

      Black Christians refer to you all as devils and Sophia Stewart, the creator of the matrix story clearly posits you all as part of a network of machines. At no point do melanated peoples really, truly consider you human. Most merely humor you because they're afraid of being killed off. Aesop's Fables believe it or not, told me what it has taken me nearly five decades to confirm.

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      while this POTUS has been as wrong as two left shoes, even before he was elected through his professed affinity for Ronald "Iran Contra" Reagan and him siding more time than not with the Re"THUG"licans while he was in the Illinois state legislature ---and Black folk have our challenges, rolling with the Chinese, who, despite their issues (Tibet, capital punishment, serious air pollution, etc.), have no sordid legacy of slavery, colonialism, lynchings (and modern day equivalents, like Trayvon), mass incarceration based on race, state-established and sanctioned drug dealing (See Also the "Boxer Rebellion" and the "Opium Wars").. Black folk simply need help and protection from the lethal mutation that's waging a relentless genocidal onslaught against them. Thus, the takeaway from the repeal of section #5 of the VRE and the stalking and subsequent (precedent-setting) killing of Trayvon Martin on these shores is that within this prison called America (which has only 5% of the world's population, yet a WHOPPING 25% of the world's prison population) Black people STILL are not free!

    3. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Addendum: I understated just how this abject scoundrel POTUS, despite the symbolism/image that his visage suggests has substantively set back Blsck folk by his Bait (leading progressives to believe that he'd put forth a 2nd New Deal by dressing up as FDR on the cover of Time and the New Yorker magazine)-and-Switch (rubberstamping the republican/Wall Street-authored BAILOUT and TARP, which were austerity measures, according to NYT Pulitzer prize winning Economist, Democrat (whose name presentlt escapes me)- see also Matt Taibbi's "The Real Housewives of Wall Street [Rolling Stone]") "politricks," as Field characterized him. The Dems failed miserably by not insuring that Wesley Clark won the nomination in '07-'08 because We will and have essentially suffered through 16 years of reTHUGlican rule.

  16. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Dear Mr Field, Brother Rev Terry Jones is being harrassed by the police again because he wants to start a bon fire with 2,990 Qu'rans.

    My question to you as a lawyer: doesn't Rev Jones have a right to free speech? I mean, he paid money for those books which means he is the owner and can do whatever he wants with them. So why are people effing with him?

  17. "My question to you as a lawyer: doesn't Rev Jones have a right to free speech? I mean, he paid money for those books which means he is the owner and can do whatever he wants with them. So why are people effing with him?"

    Because you "can't cry fire in a crowded theater."

  18. Anonymous1:11 PM

    more proof that hobama is hitler 2.0

    cc nsa/ndaa/africom/ww3 etc


  19. Travis11:21 PM

    "control+halt+delete said...
    Great post Field,

    It must be hard being white. It doesn't have to be.

    That tragedy would not have happened if President Obama had been in office."

    Fuck you, you fucking blank.

    Some day, a real rain will come.

  20. Anonymous12:48 AM


    You said, "folks would do well to stop focusing on what was only... and pay attention to what IS now."

    Well, that's straight insanity and promotes unabashed ignorance (that Christian preacher as well as those who promulgate an anthropomorphic, paternal, psyche/mind control tactic by claiming to put forth "His Law"), an ignorance that Black folk can ill-afford to continue to embrace, as it leads straight into George Santanya's(sp?) strict admonishment that, "those who do NOT know the past are condemned to repeat it." Or, in this case, be continued to be victimized by it. Psychological warfare is deployed daily within this prison called America and promoting the same judeochristian claptrap while expecting a different result constitutes the very definition of insanity.

    The thing is - the lynchings continue and have gone hi-tech and psychological and the Dopamine rush comes for mutants, even when they shoot 107 year old Black men. They were fed Dopamine when the O.J. witch hunt (which coincided with the Rwandan Massecre) tapped into the same vein that Shakespeare's Othello mainlined Dopamine into the Caucasoid's brain. Nicole Brown/Desdemona, with her store-bought rack had to be viewed as so desirable, rather than merely the flat butt cokehead who was into the Columbians for $350,000 large due to her rapacious habit. So self conscious were Caucasians about their buttocks challenged physiques, even during Shakespeare's time that, due to their unnatural fixation with Sarah Bartmann, aka "The Hottentot Venus," they created Bustles and Corsets(why Cher had ribs removed) to simulate the steatopygia(sp) effect (think J-Lo, Beyonce, or Kim K). Sander Gilman, himself Caucasian, highlights all of this in his work, Difference and Pathology. So, when you come to truly learn just how low the self esteem of these creatures truly is, you'll understand just why O.J., just like Othello, had to be guilty in a crime that ordinarily would be dismissed as drug related---and, you'll begin to understand, somewhat, the Dopamine fix their low self esteem demands. I mean, these creatures, for the longest time had Sarah Bartmann's genitalia and derriere kept in glass jars on exhibit upon her death and you should read William Styron's Nat Turner to learn what they did to Nat's body. You won't believe it and perhaps you'll begin to understand not only the Dopamine fix these creatures get, but just why they are subhuman and their heinous acts could NEVER be confused with being human. Their history of depravity is unparallelled (find me another creature on this planet that kills for sport, akin to lynching because what happened to Trayvon was certainly a modern-day equivalent) and "focusing on the here and now" does nothing (in fact, one is truly incapable of really focusing as there is no starting point from wince to draw a bead) for the intellectually curious who want answers aside from pie in the sky. Lastly, promoting "here-and-now" ignorance deludes unsuspecting humans into believing that these mutants are somehow different from their devolved forebearers and will not explain why the U.S. Census is indicating that this subspecies is dying out.

    Thus, I'm sorry but the mutant's past still courses through the present and steers their future (and adversely effects ours), as evident by Akin & Mourdock's rape comments. Therefore, still willfully keeping one's head within the JudeoChristian hole in the ground, akin to an Ostrich, remains part of the very definition of insanity and I'm obligated to fight such madness of the willfully mentally spiritually enslaved, as Harriet Tubman said, "I freed 300 slaves and I could've freed 3,000 more, if only they KNEW they were slaves."

  21. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Anon @ 12:48 is a slave to insanity.

  22. Anonymous6:38 PM

    ^^^^^^^Failed mutant commenter who has nothing to contribute or refute... Too bad you lack the education, vocabulary & grey matter to put forth a point by point refutation, as it's obvious that mutants simply don't like being exposed for being the virulent, invasive lethal mutation (read: dying, melanin-deficient subspecies) that they are...
