Saturday, September 21, 2013

Can a rapper help to stop terrorism here at home?

"And the struggle of the brothas and the folks
With lovers under dope, experiments to discover hopes
Scuffle for notes, the rougher I wrote, times was harder
Went from rock star to the voice of a martyr
Why white folk focus on dogs and yoga
While people on the low end try to ball and get over.."  ~~Common~
Common, I have mad love for you, but maybe it's time for some of our peeps to  focus on "dogs and yoga" instead of just trying "to ball and get over".
Still, I love what you are doing in your hometown with this wave of violence that has gripped it. A peace summit might not be the answer, but it's a start.
There is some deep stuff going in Chicago. Young bucks are literally at war with each other. Beefs can escalate like that. We have had them here in Philly.
Sometime ago two different blocks in the same neighborhood in Southwest Philly were at war over a diss and a punch on a basketball court. And over the next few years countless young men lost their lives as a result. I know the back story, because a couple of these young men were my clients at one time or another.
The problem of youth violence in urban America is a complex and difficult, and there is a lot of blame to go around: Dead beat fathers dropping their sperm and leaving to let the streets raise their sons. Mothers who coddle their sons and allow "Baby Boy" to do whatever and whenever, because they hope that he can take the place of the father they never had. A broken political system that cares more about building prisons than investing in programs to keep kids off the streets and better educate them. A morbid and unhealthy fascination with guns and their status in our culture, which leads to an easy access to those guns.
All these things have come together in Chicago to form a perfect storm of violence and death. Thirteen people shot Thursday night and four people lost their lives last night.    
O, you might want to forget about Syria and focus on your back yard for awhile. I know that terrorism is real (see what happened in that mall in Kenya), but we have some little terrorist here at home who we might need to watch as well. Those Islamic terrorist in Africa shot up a mall for political reasons, these young bucks will shoot up a mall here in Amurderca because of a diss.
So good luck Common, I hope that the summit will do some good. Sadly, though, I don't think it will. We have tried this kind of thing before, and it seems that we are right back to square one.
"I feel like we just gotta sit 'em down and build with them. Talk to them, get some type of peace thing going," he said. "It's bigger than rap. Kids is dying. I would tell Keef and all of them cats, 'Man we gotta sit down and figure out how we're gonna get to a peace meeting.'"
Honestly, we have to figure out how to do a whole lot more than that.



  1. Uncommon8:40 PM

    "A broken political system that cares more about building prisons than investing in programs to keep kids off the streets and better educate them"

    Bullshit. America spends billions on inner city schools, who get the highest per pupil spending in the country, and billions more on things like Head Start, job programs, free daycare, and midnight basketball.

    It's a broken, dysfunctional culture that churns out coddled psychopaths whose wasted lives are enabled by liberal excuse makers like you.

    Prison is where they belong.

  2. Wesley R9:21 PM

    Whats happening in the inner cities with these gangs is terriorism. When you look at terriorism here and outside of the USA, the leaders here were locked up. The leaders oversees were killed. We have a bunch of people running around without a organizational structure going buck wild. Anything goes, and innocent people are the victims.
    The shit in Chi-Town isn't going to stop until there's a bunch of white victims. When those fools took their shit downtown it got stopped quick. As long as there's black on black violence in their own neighborhoods it will continue until the neighborhoods stand up. The politicans cant solve the problems with force. If they tried then 'The Black Leaders' will play the victim card. So again, the neighborhoods need to organize to stop this nonsense. See something say something.

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Blacks need to admit that we are in real trouble and we don't know how to solve the problem. Our first step ought to be open-minded enough to look at ALL solutions from EVERYBODY, including Whites. A big part of our solution lies in suggestions from Whites because it gets them involved. Like a commenter above mentioned that 'things gets shut-down real fast when those killing fools take their shit downtown around Whites."

    Quite frankly, I'm tired of hearing and listening to black politicians and others in our community talking and talking and talking with no effing solution in sight. A rapper isn't going to do shit.

    We need a much stronger medicine for a much stronger disease that is killing us.

    But first, we MUST admit and accept we have terrorism happening in our communty and we have been powerless against it. Secondly, parenting of kids is virtually non-existent. I agree with Bill O'Reilly: the problem stems from our families and piss poor parenting and no fathering.

    Thirdly, our government is very active around the world and with immigration while tax paying Blacks can't get a head nodd from Obama that we are sinking physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Our Spirit is being broken. That means we are teetering on hopelessness.

    The least we could do for ourselves is vote in politicians who DO something about these wholesale murders. Right now, NONE of our black politicians are outspoken about this. Including the Al Sharpton. He is the worst of them all.

  4. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Evil is swallowing up the black community and no one seems to be courageous enough, or willing to fight it.

    Our lives are led by fear...that is no way to live a life.

  5. Anonymous9:48 PM

    "Chi-raq" Mayor Rahm Immanuel:
    When are you going to declare martial law in the "failed-state" neighborhoods plagued by gang terrorism? Our POTUS, your friend, as Commander in Chief could have Active Duty combat veterans returning from Afghanistan "serve and protect" our citizens in these same "failed-state" neighborhoods.

  6. parvenu10:01 PM

    field, I still believe in the popular saying "follow the money". Money is behind everything in the world, it is quiet but without it nothing happens. So I say if you want to find the solution to all these insane killings in black neighborhoods around the nation, "follow the money".

    It's simple, just log onto the Internet and goggle for AR15's or any other military grade high capacity high speed automatic weapon for sale. While you're at it look up the price of a Glock or similar handgun for sale. I have gone through this exercise and I have yet to figure out how some kid living below the poverty line can acquire any one of these firearms along with the necessary ammunition.

    Yeah I know Hollywood has answered this perplexing question by dramatizing life in the ghetto in which they infer that it is profits from drug sales that "gangs" of black inner-city youth use to buy these expensive firearms. Therefore if this explanation is taken as gospel every black kid in the ghetto areas of America that is in possession of such weaponry is a member of some gang. Since America takes all of the programming stuff that they see on TV or on the Sliver Screen as factual,they have bought into this phony Hollywood explanation hook line and sinker.

    For me this remains an open question which could be easily answered if the mainstream authorities really investigated just how this arms market continues to grow in black neighborhoods around the nation. I believe that it is less of a head scratching mystery than most of us think. Somehow I think the words "population control" will be found in the real final explanation.

  7. Pardon you10:22 PM

    parvenu said...
    field, I still believe in the popular saying "follow the money". Money is behind everything in the world, it is quiet but without it nothing happens. So I say if you want to find the solution to all these insane killings in black neighborhoods around the nation, "follow the money".
    The money you want to follow is the trillions in entitlements that has destroyed the family and made purposeless government dependents out of millions of people.

    As far as population control goes, a few thousand casualties every year hardly makes a dent.

  8. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "Common, I have mad love for you, but maybe it's time for some of our peeps to focus on "dogs and yoga" instead of just trying "to ball and get over"."

    Maybe the discipline and peace stressed in martial arts would be better?

  9. Wesley R10:43 PM

    Yea Parvenu,

    Those of us in the midwest have been saying follow the money. Chicago wanted the high rise real estate where alot of the of gang bangers stayed ( Robert taylor homes, cabrini green). Those people spread to other cities throughout the midwest. A lot of cities including my home town invited those residents to their city so that they could get government money. But when the people came they brought their ghetto bullshit with them, so the crime spread. Chicago got their prime real estate. Cities in the midwest got more government money which is easier then tring to bring in new business. And for the people those other cities, the terriorism has spread out of Chicago to where they live.

  10. L. Chen11:29 PM

    I live in Flushing, Queens, one of the largest Chinatowns in America. A couple years ago, a Chinese student studying here was raped and beaten to death by a Hispanic immigrant. It was very sad, not only because of the murder, but because it was very Kitty Genovese, and people saw the attack and heard her scream and didn't call the police. It was very immediate; I live here, and this was on a street I walk down regularly, at an hour when many people are out and about.

    One of the local evangelical churches spearheaded a neighborhood watch team in response to this incident and the pressing reality that Chinese immigrants are frequently targeted by criminals because they are perceived to be weak and unlikely to fight back.

    The neighborhood watch has been patrolling the area nightly in groups ever since, wearing special vests and carrying large maglites. The group is fantastic, and I've personally benefited when they chased of a drunk man who was aggressively hitting on me on my way home. They're started handing out fliers, and what's remarkable is the degree of ethic awareness and unity which is completely nonexistent among whites.

    They're also offering free self defense lessons every week to all comers, and passing out flyers with safety information on the main thoroughfares. From what I can see, adults are organizing this, but much of the labor is coming from teens and twentysomethings. Can you even imagine the uproar if, say, a lower class white neighborhood in Chicago were to do this? It's political organization. It's community. It's incredibly effective. And it's so offensive to the elites you'd get shut down if they knew about it.

    I think it would be acceptable to elites if a black neighborhood did this however. For those neighborhoods able to do this kind of organization, I think it would be a good start to taking back the streets.

  11. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Maybe YOU black folk need to stop filling your younger generations full of racial hatred. Maybe YOU should stop teaching them to hate the system.

    Really, what did you think was going to happen when you take away their hope and fill them with hate?

    Someone's chickens have certainly come home to roost.

  12. Anonymous11:47 PM

    L. Chen said...
    "Can you even imagine the uproar if, say, a lower class white neighborhood in Chicago were to do this?"

    There are definite class issues in what white people are allowed to get away with. Elite white people like Mayor Bloomberg can get away with harassing Latinos and blacks for so long and so effectively that eventually some voters forget why he ramped up stop-and-frisk in the first place.

    Low class whites, even those who are Democratic voters, are always slapped down as 'racist' if they try to defend their neighborhoods.

  13. During the black riots in London lower mid class whites in a white flight neighbourhood in SE London organised a community lookout group, the media condemnation far exceeded that of the actual rioters. The right wing press noted that a Sikh group organised to protect their area received only praise.

  14. Lord Acton once stated: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” However, powerlessness, which is the case with a lot of young blacks, has a tendency to nurture apathy, ahistoricism and disillusion. Simply put, powerlessness corrupts even more.

    Moreover, there is no need to look towards politicians for assistance. The only thing they could potentially provide is more talk, and no action to specifically address the situation.

    Turf and gang wars always have been and always will equal violence and ultimately death. These are usually the end results when this empire’s inner-city streets are intentionally flooded with drugs as opposed to jobs/job training. In all likelihood, the fathers of these youngsters are probably already in prison for perhaps the same things; gang affiliation, hopelessness and the product of being intentionally miseducated by the SYSTEM. These type young people have no point of reference that they could point towards and attempt to emulate.

    Personally, I believe that the answer to the deadly conditions within the affected areas of the City of Chicago lies with the people first and foremost. Perhaps a partnership with parents, corporations and the school system to provide training for good paying jobs that could lead to a bonafide career path could alleviate or even solve the frequency of these eruptions of street violence.

  15. Anonymous12:01 AM

    "I think it would be acceptable to elites if a black neighborhood did this however. For those neighborhoods able to do this kind of organization, I think it would be a good start to taking back the streets."

    An ethnic minority neighborhood can do this, but all-white safety patrols would not be permitted to last. Any verbal confrontation between this group and a "youth" can easily turn into a "racial" incident involving "profiling" and now, in the post-Zimmerman era, "stalking."

    I think the reason black neighborhoods don't respond this way is that they don't have the kind of social cohesion needed to support a neighborhood watch function. They'd rather live with the violence than be seen as cooperating with the police.

  16. Black Sage said...
    " the product of being intentionally miseducated by the SYSTEM"

    The education system is dominated by liberals. Inner city schools are run by black liberals. Why would black liberals intentionally miseducate black children?

  17. Anonymous12:18 AM

    There are definite class issues in what white people are allowed to get away with. Elite white people like Mayor Bloomberg can get away with harassing Latinos and blacks

    Bloomberg may be upper class but he certainly isn't "high class".

    However, the real issue is ethnicity, not class.

    If the WASP mayor of a disproportionately WASP city tried to implement NYC style stop and frisk, it wouldn't matter if he were rich or poor. He would be incessanty demonized by the media.

    It all comes back to the PC pecking order. You are allowed to defend your group interests against other groups lower in the pecking order, but not against other groups higher in the pecking order. If a group is far enough below your own, they can be mercilessly mocked, insulted and defamed. (Caddy Shack 2, the character "Freakshow" from Harold & Kumar go to White Castle - rich or poor, WASPS are fair game)

    As near as I can tell, the pecking order goes something like this:

    other non-Whites
    White Catholics
    White Protestants

    (The term "white" with a lower case "w" is thus seems completely useless when discussing ethnic relations in America, since it lumps together the people at the pinacle of the PC pecking order and the people at the base of the PC pecking order into one group.)

    The ostensible justification for the pecking order is the various groups' histories of victimhood. The manner in which history and current events are presented to the national audience are thus tightly controlled to reinforce the perception of victimhood for some groups, while strictly denying all evidence of victimhood for other groups.

    The truly astonishing thing about the PC pecking order is the complete lack of opposition to it. Ostensible enemies of PC such as race realists and counter jihadists aren't interested in abolishing PC, they just want to demote Blacks and Muslims down the pecking order. White Catholics may resent their low rank in the pecking order, but they tenaciously cling to their ability to control the narrative concerning the history of Catholic/Protestant conflict. Saddest of all are the coping mechanisms of White Protestants. Forced to admit that their group has victimized every other group on the planet, without themselves ever having been the victims of collective wrongdoing, they try to define themselves as part of a sub-group which can at least claim a history of oppression at the hands of fellow Nordics: women oppressed by men, gays oppressed by straights, pagan/ wiccan/ satanist/ atheist oppressed by Christians, Scots oppressed by English, working class oppressed by WASP elite, enlightened WASP elitist stifled by ignorant rednecks - anything to avoid finding oneself on the uttermost bottom rung of the PC pecking order.

    And above all, anything to avoid actually exposing and challenging the PC pecking order.

  18. Anonymous12:19 AM

    anon 12:01am, you are exactly right. Being a lawyer in the criminal justice system. I am quite aware of this unspoken truth.

    The treatment' to rid the community of violence begins with the courage and moral potency to do the right thing. Right now Blacks have neither and that is encouragement for the criminals to keep on keeping on because there is no resistance whatsoever.

    You see, since slavery, Blacks have always been led by fear and cowardice. If we were a courageous upstanding race there 'wouldn't' be broken homes without fathers or kids killing kids. It just wouldn't be tolerated.

    So the first step is for Blacks to determine what kind of people they aspire and want to be. Then work their butts off to attain it. Right now, no one is willing to do anything except to complain and blame.

  19. Anonymous12:30 AM

    I woke up today with hope for me and my brothers and sisters. It was quickly dashed, thanks to the brothers in Chicago.

    The thing is, I no longer consider myself part of a race that kills it own out of hate. There seems to be at 'least' two races within the black race, maybe three. We are not one black race, anymore. And I'm not sure if we were ever one bound together for our common good. We just never felt that unified as a race...NEVER...Even during MLK's days we were never unified. There were more against King than there were for him. Of course, when he succeeded, everyone jumped on the band wagon....TNB.

  20. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Someone told me it us a good time to sail in the Caribbean. I just bought a boat and think I'll sail out of the Gulf of Mexico where the weather is nice and the waters are calm.

    Field, would you like to come along? Beyonce, Oprah, Janice Jackson, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan will be on board. They all requested that the blogger of Field Negro accompany them to PR.

    We are planning to a 'field' trip to Desert's Bakery in PR. I can taste that lemon cake now! yummy! We'll all be eating cake in PR when the government, followed by the economy shuts down.

    BTW, Lindsay has completed her rehab and no longer does drugs. She is totally clean.

  21. Deadbeat fathers were cited, dropping their sperm and taking off. But that's exonerating the women.

    Women aren't being forced into these sexual situations are they? I mean, if they were, I'm sure a lot of black folks would agree that America's criminal justice system would have 99% of the rapist men in prison for 20+ years ASAP. So that's not it.

    What it seems to be is that men flee the home, by and large, because the system is set up to cater to single mothers. How many women use their babies as bargaining chips? How many women take men to court for child support AND retain FULL custody? How many women go to jail if they can't afford to take care of a kid? How many men go to jail for the same thing? How many assistance programs do men have available to them? How many do single mothers have? It's 10:1 at the least.

    Men are partly to blame, but the entire system is set up against men. It favors women. And how many of these women with multiple children also have multiple baby daddies? The MAJORITY! (Before anyone flips their lid, 50.01>49.09=majority).

    How many of these gangstas, thugs, dropouts, knuckleheads, losers, drug dealers and abusers, and menaces to society were raised by single mothers? The majority.

    The system you say needs to do more in terms of funding for friendly outlets is what's responsible for chasing fathers out of the home. If you pour even more money into these communities for programs, most of which will disproportionately benefit single mothers, then you're only making the problem worse. More kids will be born to single mothers, more of them will grow up to become criminals.

    If the deadbeat fathers are the answer in the chicken-or-egg game, then tell these ladies to stop opening their legs for no-good men.

    Stop giving women a pass in this culture. We coddle them and support their efforts to raise bastards, then those bastards shoot up the world.

    The outside world owes nothing to these communities. It starts from the inside. And the only reason anyone else would ever try to help is so the disease doesn't spread. And as bigoted as some people might take that, that's the right option. Leave it alone unless it affects you. It's not anyone else's doing that parenting has failed on every single conceivable level in the vast majority of homes. And when people do try to help, like missionary nonsense, it only emboldens people to act with even less responsibility.

    Common and his empty blather is like trying to knock the moon out of the sky by throwing a rock.

  22. Agree that's there is a lack of "social cohesion" in many of thee communities, and I also agree that most of the work has to come from inside to fix the bad stuff going on.

    But let's not forget that there are still a lot of good hard working folks in these neighborhoods who have been victimized by this madness and who deserve more from their local poli -tricksters as well.

    To the self-hating Anon who wants to abandon his race, just be careful what u wish for.

  23. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Don Lemon gave some common sense advice (remember his 5 points) but most black people don't like him because he's gay and has a white boyfriend. Carry on.

    BTW, no rapper can fix this problem because rappers are a big part of the problem.

  24. Anonymous9:26 AM

    "To the self-hating Anon who wants to abandon his race, just be careful what u wish for."

    I am a different anon but I identify with the above anon. Who wants to identify with what negroes are doing on Chicago's South Side? BTW, what's happening on Chicago's South Side is happening all across this country in urban areas with large black populations. I have relatives who live in Detroit, for example, and the mayhem there is unreal. Seriously, have you been to Detroit? Many of the black people in Detroit look like refugees from a war. I am not kidding.

    My advice to decent black people: get away from majority black cities/towns/areas anyway you can. Don't worry about finances, just go. And don't look back.

  25. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Someone told me it us a good time to sail in the Caribbean.
    I'll sail out of the Gulf of Mexico where the weather is nice and the waters are calm.

    Field, would you like to come along? Beyonce, Oprah, Janice Jackson, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan will be on board.
    They all requested that the blogger of Field Negro accompany them to PR.

    We'll all be eating cake in PR when the government, followed by the economy shuts down.

    BTW, Lindsay has completed her rehab. She is totally clean.
    1:29 AM
    Dear Anon: That someone told you wrong., there are all sorts of storms out there now! But try anyway. You can do it! You're American!!!;)

    And what do you think those women are planning to do with/to Field and you, out there in the middle of the ocean? Can anybody say MARITIME ORGY? Not without me you don't!!! X( :)))

    and you're right about the economy! So do bring supplies/provisions. The government here is tinkering with the Food Stamp benefits and as you know this country eats on FS cos no jobs, so they are saying it will be civil war with all the doomsday/prepper stuff actually going on! I really don't care either way! Whatever happens, happens!

    As for Lindsay, I say she still has a way to go in learning to discipline her emotions, but she is and has always been a tremendous actress, very talented. I wish her the best. But she best stay away from The Field, (What I mean is he is married after all:) you can have her. :)))

    I will be baking the lemon cakes for you and the crew,that is as soon as I can move. My sciatic nerve seems to have a mind of it's own and thinks it is the boss of me!

    Ahoy Mate! and Polly wants a cracker! No not that kind of cracker :o

  26. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Desert, "I will be baking the lemon cakes for you and the crew,that is as soon as I can move. My sciatic nerve seems to have a mind of it's own and thinks it is the boss of me!"

    Dear Desert, Sciatic Nerves rule the earth. There is not ONE human--or any animal, for that matter--that is not impacted by those nerves. They kick ass, unmercifully.

  27. Bob said...
    Why would black liberals intentionally miseducate black children?

    To cover up the black liberals failure to educate black children?

  28. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Anon12:30a, and Anon9:26a, I also agree 100%. All this talk about sticking together as a race has never happened. The only thing we have in common as a black race is we are subject to discrimination and abuse by Whites at anytime, anywhere.

    By the same token, we are subject to being shot by Blacks anytime, anywhere. We live in a sea of violence because we are Black. The idea that it is the wm's fault is 'justified' bs against the greatest sin of all: killing our brothers.

    Field needs to wake up. There is no such thing as "careful what you wish for" when it comes to being separated from the black race. Hell, it's always been that way. That is the reality...talking like we are together IS wishing for something that's never going to happen.

    I agree with Anon: get the hell away from those vicious violent black barbarians as fast as you can and never look back.

  29. Black Sage said...
    " the product of being intentionally miseducated by the SYSTEM"
    The education system is dominated by liberals. Inner city schools are run by black liberals. Why would black liberals intentionally miseducate black children? – Bob

    Bob, your presupposition that “city schools are dominated and ran by black liberals” are astonishingly questionable and short sighted to say the least.

    On another note, I commend rapper Common for wanting to address street violence through a peace summit. This is an honorable thing to get involved with. However, it’s going to take more than him at the helm of a peace conference to nip this madness in the bud. The solution to any type of disorder is to first know intimately what the problems are. I surmise that most youngsters sell drugs due to being unable to find a well paying job, not because they think it’ll be fun sell street level pharmaceuticals.

    Again, leaders of the affected communities, parents and the school systems must be the vanguard in the effort to educate and curtail what precipitates and subsequently breeds the scourge of street violence.

    ASE – “so let it be”

  30. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Wow... Various "anon" analyses sum it up: The complex and many faceted "Black Community/ies" lack the social cohesion, COURAGE!, and will to do anything substantive to stem the tsunami of terrorism plaguing our communities. It has been easier, historically, to seek (and get)remedies from "Ole Massuh", i.e., "de gub'ment", or worse yet: drop to our knees, praying and singing. We been prayin' and singin' for centuries; and look where we are. Humph.
    It's embarrassing... Ain't we fed up with beggin' and blaming outsiders? For chris-sakes!
    I feel like I wanna puke when I say this... But, the sad, too sad truth is: SOME, not all, but some of what right-wingnut repugnican teabagging neocons say is true.

  31. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Desert, Sciatic Nerves rule the earth. There is not ONE human--or any animal, for that matter--that is not impacted by those nerves. They kick ass, unmercifully.
    11:05 AM
    Oh man do they ever! Totally incapacitate. can't even turn in the bed!

    But I'm fighting back! This is the only fight where you have to pop pills and lay down though ;D

  32. All this talk about Chicago and no one is talking about the immigration problem in Illinois.

    Thankfully, the leaders have translated the official Illinois Employment webpage into Klingon to help the immigrants out.
    Second language choice-

    And people wonder why the government is failing on so many levels.

  33. Black Sage said...
    ? – Bob

    Bob, your presupposition that “city schools are dominated and ran by black liberals” are astonishingly questionable and short sighted to say the least.

    Almost every majority black school system is run by majority black school boards and overwhelmingly black administrators in cities run by black mayors and black city councils.

    The National Education Association, the teachers union that wields huge influence over what is taught in schools, is a cryto-marxist organization.

    Why would these institutions want to miseducate black people?

  34. It's all part of the war upon the poor. This includes all colors of people. Read Howard Zinn's history of America and you'll find how early on, the indentured servants (white) were turned against the slaves in order for their masters to divide and conquer.

    In modern times, private prison industry depends on poor people in general to keep their facilities full and therefore their profits guaranteed. I have research that shows how third grade reading scores in low-income district schools are used by the private prisons to estimate how many beds they will need ten years down the line. And we are pushed into thinking it's all teachers' fault, those scores, because teachers in public schools are carrying the weight (unbearable and unfair as it is) for making up the difference that income inequalities put on children's ability to learn.

    Everything else is a smokescreen.

  35. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Josh@2:25am, you make a very good point. Thanks for the insight. All the blame cannot be left on the bm. The bw must be willing to accept her share of responsibility. It takes sex between a man and a woman to have a baby. Having a child is a serious matter because it involves a precious life. Unfortunately in much of the black community many don't value lives of black children.

    There is a wise saying by a 'white' psychologist to the white community:

    "If humans don't care about children, the children won't care about humans."

    Have you ever heard a black psychologist or a black psychiatrist even 'mention' anything about how black children and black parents? NO!

    You know why? Because no one cares about many of the children.

  36. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Wow... Various "anon" analyses sum it up: The complex and many faceted "Black Community/ies" lack the social cohesion, COURAGE!, and will to do anything substantive to stem the tsunami of terrorism plaguing our communities. It has been easier, historically, to seek (and get)remedies from "Ole Massuh", i.e., "de gub'ment", or worse yet: drop to our knees, praying and singing. We been prayin' and singin' for centuries; and look where we are. Humph.

    It's embarrassing... Ain't we fed up with beggin' and blaming outsiders? For chris-sakes! I feel like I wanna puke when I say this... But, the sad, too sad truth is: SOME, not all, but some of what right-wingnut repugnican teabagging neocons say is true.

    11:29 AM
    Everything you say is true. This is heart of the matter with our race. We STILL carry that plantation mentality that the wm is going to take care of us because we can't. For SOME, this type of thinking-blaming behavior operates 'consciously' in SOME, and 'unconsciously' in others.

    However, whether consciously or unconsciously, this self-defeating thinking, feeling and behavior permeates the black community. The proof is in what's happening to us. The wm ISN'T going to help us, doesn't want to help us, and we are in big trouble because we lack the will to help ourselves.

    Don Lemon, Bill Cosby and others who have said we must stand up, grow up and take care of ourselves are criticized and castrigated. I totally agree with Don Lemon and Bill O'Reilly too. I mean, it doesn't take a genius to see that there is a MAJOR PROBLEM IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY THAT INVOLVES PISS-POOR PARENTING AND OOW CHILDREN.

    This is self-evident and for Blacks to make out like this is a complicated complex issue is to deny our own lack of courage, integrity and care about managing our own communities and fragmented families that are 'out-of-control'. It's pathetically inhumane.

  37. Anonymous3:16 PM

    All this talk about 'parenting' 'good parenting' 'bad parenting'.

    has anyone pondered that perhaps when people,be they black, white,yellow don't parent well, it's because THEY DON'T KNOW HOW?

    It's not something you're born knowing. If you don't have the example/experience, you haven't learned how to.

  38. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Look at FN's House Negro of the day. Is he talking about you? lol

  39. @MaryK Croft, your analysis is well stated and right on point, good job!

  40. Joshua6:19 PM

    Black Sage said...
    @MaryK Croft, your analysis is well stated and right on point, good job!

    Except for the Howard Zinn citation. Seriously people, basing opinions on discredited propaganda is not good practice.

  41. Glad to see brotha Common looking for solutions.

  42. @Joshua, I was referring to Bacon's rebellion of 1876. Other than that, I'm unsure of what proaganda or discredited oinion you alluded to. You should clarify yourself so as not to give the impression that you are certainly a nincomoop!

  43. Anonymous8:57 PM

    What Chicago needs is a solid eight years of Republican rule by a Rudolf Giuliani type who enforces the law no matter what, combined with a prison and judicial infrastructure that is willing to put public safety ahead of criminals' rights.

  44. Anonymous9:01 PM

    "has anyone pondered that perhaps when people,be they black, white,yellow don't parent well, it's because THEY DON'T KNOW HOW?

    It's not something you're born knowing. If you don't have the example/experience, you haven't learned how to."

    3:16 PM
    That's the problem with our black community, no one knows how to parent. We learned how to parent the massas children but not our own. We are hopeless. But thanks for bringing that up. It proves O'Reilly's point about the disentegration of the black family....The truth is, there NEVER was a cohesive family since AAs came to America as slaves.

  45. Anonymous10:29 PM


    As a former educator with DPS, I can assure you that Blacks do NOT control the curriculum nor the textbooks in the SYSTEM. Had Blacks cotrol, books like Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" would be required reading, despite the enemies of Black people merely saying it's discrddited (notice: Joshua asserted nary a specific thing or instance).. At the University of Michigan, that's proclamation WITHOUT demonstration. For instance, Zinn argues that, "...U.S. Federal Gov't had had over 400 treaties with the Native Americans/indigenous peoples and has BROKEN EVERY SINGLE ONE." So, you see, Bob, the truth ,despite bding written by a white man, makes the U.S Gov't look like the criminal enterprise that it's been. So, either that's true or not. In fact, point by point, children can be taught how to verify the sources. So, when Zinn asserts that Columbus, Isabella, et al extirpated the ENTIRE Taino population, that's either true or not. You see, Zinn goes through and cites the savagery of whites, like the Spaniard, Pizzaro, and his compadres genocidal conquests wherein they wiped out whole groups of people. Bob, Zinn meticulously footnotes the work. Like Gary Webb, he makes white people look like the monsters they are by simply telling the truth. Whites will generally discredit, save for Matt Damon, Zinn and a few others, any texts that will put their inhuman acts, like infecting the Ottawa Indians with blankets deliberately inoculated with Small Pox at Fort Pitt (modern day Pittsburgh) in the 1700s. So, Bob, the system continues to miseducated, deliberately so that Blacks like Chicagoans have no idea, like Parvenu asserted, that their Socially engineered destruction is abojt "population control." Many Blacks ars scared of the truth of white monstrousness.... That's it needs go be required reading because most commenters, regardless of race, are not remotely curious as adults.

  46. Anonymous12:37 AM

    So, if you believe Zinn, then there can be no living with white people.

    Good luck with that.

  47. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Yo mang, Amurka be guilty o' makin' da homies fill sad n' sshizzle. Word. Only violent rap music wit dey stupid clothes can save us all.

  48. Anonymous1:48 PM

    "So, if you believe Zinn, then there can be no living with white people.

    Good luck with that."

    Fine then, separate. Get far, far away from demonic whites.

  49. "That's the problem with our black community"

    You are not black.

  50. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Yo mang,
    1:48 PM

    The word is 'maing', do your homework.

    From a connoisseur of all things black

  51. Anonymous3:18 AM

    @Anon 12:07

    It's not about believing Zinn or not. Either the data Zinn compiled is true or not. Belief is what one is left with in the absence of knowing. That data is clearly known, just conspiratorially concealed. Let's just call other U.S. History books sanitized propaganda; Lies by omission and obfuscation.

    British or white rhodesian writer , Doris Lessing, famously opined that, "History must be prettied up." And with Field's latest post about the Superintendent and the Athletic Director exchanging racist texts that seemed to flow quite naturally unnaturally, even organically, it is indeed clear that you are absolutely correct, but it's not just Blacks who cannot live with those who classify themselves as white. Many Native Americans exiled within their own lands would vehemently agree with you, as well. The late, Great Lakota Sioux warrior, Russell Means (who joined the ancestors and/or the Great Spirit on the eve of the Veep debate last year) of the American Indian Movement [AIM]/Wounded Knee stand, gave a landmark speech in 1980 entitled, "For the World to Live, Europe Must Die (http:" I'm more than sure he'd agree with you as well. When one examines Zinn, Means, Amos N. Wilson, and Dr. Bobby E. Wright's work ("The Psychopathic Racial Personality"), that would be a logical conclusion. And getting members of the parent African human species to likewise get a freakin' clue is the sole reason why I post. However, if you peruse the other post, you'll see that "The Chains of Psychological (& Spiritual) Slavery (& present day Black-Self-Hatred), as elucidated by Dr. Naim Akbar, are still strong and/or some of those commenters are plants meant deflect from the culpability of the criminals texting with government phones, whom Field exposed...

  52. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Whew! One good word is the takeaway from the blog and the commentary, thus far. Courage. For those who have decided to run, good luck with that. Watch out for the Zimmerman - you'll never see him coming stuck as you are on stereotypes. Next time, he will be a she. Pardon, I digress. Field is right: there are still decent, hard working black folk in these abandoned black inner city communities. They're trapped. They lack the serious organizing, the martial arts, the dogs and the trained firepower to back it up. La Policia? Forget about that, I have seen six foot tall white men IN BADGES cower from possibly armed and definitely dangerous black youngsters, okay? Besides, la policia shoot first and ask questions later. Could be they are shooting at the victims not the perpetrators. Plus, some of the perpetrators are rolling with the large bucks aND THEY can and do pay for protection and the right to do whatever they want in the hood. Nah - Common - you don't know what you are talking about. We got some new (Oops I almost said it...) We got the new new, and we do not know how to deal with them. Right now, we lack the courage, the self knowledge, the hyper vigilance needed to take out the garbage. The body count will continue to rise. Does anyone remember this story: back in the day, a hard crew from Jamaica moved into the NYC drug scene. Murder and mayhem stalked the streets of I think, Bed-Stuy. Lots of collaterla damage. Little to no police response. Local Mom organized neighborhood watch, tried to work with the local police who promised protection, etc. Outcome: Four heads on the stoop, hers and all three of her remaining family members. True crime. Cold case. So, when (not if) we get some real men and women willing to go down fighting and taking as many as they can with them fighting for their lives, fighting for their children - we'll get the help we need from outside. Not that we'll need it by then! By the way - that's a job description: anti terrorist Iraq veterans and Afghan veterans encouraged to apply. Common - you can set up a fund to cover their payroll. That. is. all.

  53. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    the martial arts, the dogs and the trained firepower to back it up.
    Right now, we lack the courage, the self knowledge, the hyper vigilance needed to take out the garbage. The body count will continue to rise. Does anyone remember this story:

    back in the day, a hard crew from Jamaica moved into the NYC drug scene.

    Murder and mayhem stalked the streets of I think, Bed-Stuy. Lots of collaterla damage. Little to no police response. Local Mom organized neighborhood watch, tried to work with the local police who promised protection, etc. Outcome: Four heads on the stoop, hers and all three of her remaining family members. True crime. Cold case. So, when (not if) we get some real men and women willing to go down fighting and taking as many as they can with them fighting for their lives, fighting for their children

    Iraq veterans and Afghan veterans encouraged to apply. Common - you can set up a fund to cover their payroll. That. is. all.

    12:35 PM

    What a jerk! So you're advocating a war? That's easier said than done fool!

    Oh and now it's with the Jamaicans? LOL!

    You transparent piece of foolish rhetoric trash!

  54. BARBBF11:17 AM


    Before using Kenya as a proxy for US aggression in Africa, and amidst two decades of unilateral, covert military operations, the US had backed two Ethiopian invasions into Somalia. The first US-backed invasion, under then US President George Bush, was carried out in 2006. USA Today reported in its 2007 article, "U.S. support key to Ethiopia's invasion," that:

    The United States has quietly poured weapons and military advisers into Ethiopia, whose recent invasion of Somalia opened a new front in the Bush administration's war on terrorism.

    The second US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, under US President Barack Obama, was carried out in 2011 - coordinated with Kenya's 2011 US-French-backed extraterritorial adventure into Somali territory. The UK Independent's December 2011 article, "UN-backed invasion of Somalia spirals into chaos," reported that:

    Kenya's invasion of Somalia, hailed by the West and the UN Security Council, was meant to deliver a knockout blow to the militant Islamist group al-Shabaab. Instead it has pulled Somalia's regional rival Ethiopia back into the country, stirred up the warlords and rekindled popular support for fundamentalists whose willingness to let Somalis starve rather than receive foreign aid had left them widely hated.

    It was in fact this US-backed military invasion that served as the alleged motivation of the Al Shabaab terrorists who attacked Kenya's Westgate Mall this week.

    The Same Terrorists the US is Arming in Syria are Killing Civilians in Kenya

  55. Puh-leeze. The problems that cause violence in the black community are the same ones that cause problems in any community - poverty and desperation.

    Where there's smoke, there's fire. Where there's violence, there's drugs.

    Give most these kids a substandard education. Profile and harass the ones that do manage to keep their noses clean. Keep them desperate and constantly seeking an identity in this country - they'll find one...despite their parent's best intentions and effort.
