Thursday, September 19, 2013

No food for you. Invisible in North Carolina.

Those [right] wingnuts in congress are at it again. Today they voted to cut almost forty billion dollars in food stamps (SNAP)for you poor and little people. Almost four million of you will be cut off. Tell the kids to learn to eat mud pies.

Unfortunately for one in seven Americans, depending on the government to get a little help with their food bill is not going to cut it with certain people in Washington. Only rich corporations and deep pocketed folks who contribute to political campaigns deserve a break from these [right] wingnuts.

Memo to [right]wingnuts: Not all people depending on food stamps are like Jason Greenslate. He was a FOX News creation created to distract from the real issue of people in need of assistance.

The irony of all of this is that most of these right wing politicians represent people who are poor and come from poor states.

"Politically it's a great issue," says Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., one of the conservatives who has pushed for the larger cuts. "I think most Americans don't think you should be getting something for free, especially for the able-bodied adults."

Tim, you need to take a look in the mirror. You and your friends have been freeloading off taxpayers ever since you got to Washington.

Finally, the effort by folks in the majority population to whitewash our history (pun intended) and dilute and weaken black culture continues.

You all might have noticed a growing trend in this country to label anyone who even talks about racism to be labeled as racist themselves. So this is not a good time to be banning great historical books written by iconic African American authors.

Anyway, school boards across the country are getting into the act.

"Ralph Ellison’sInvisible Man‘ has been banned from Randolph County school libraries after the Randolph County Board of Education voted 5-2 to remove all copies of the book from school libraries.
The action stems from a Randleman High School parent’s complaint about the book. Committees at both the school and district levels recommended it not be removed. 
Voting in favor of the ban were Board Chair Tommy McDonald and members Tracy Boyles, Gary Cook, Matthew Lambeth and Gary Mason. Voting against the action were Board Vice Chair Emily Coltrane and member Todd Cutler who both first introduced a motion to keep the book in the schools. This first motion was defeated by a 2-5 vote.
The book, originally published in 1952, addresses many of the social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans in the first half of the 20th century… 
The board action was prompted by a complaint about the book from Kimiyutta Parson, mother of an RHS 11th-grader. She submitted a request for reconsideration of instructional media form, which detailed, in a 12-page supplemental document, her reasons for the book’s removal. 
She stated, in part, “The narrator writes in the first person, emphasizing his individual experiences and his feelings about the events portrayed in his life. 
This novel is not so innocent; instead, this book is filthier, too much for teenagers. You must respect all religions and point of views when it comes to the parents and what they feel is age appropriate for their young children to read, without their knowledge. This book is freely in your library for them to read.”
Parson also objected to the type of language used in the book and its sexual content. " [Source]

So now the "Invisible Man" will become invisible to the children of North Carolina. And America wonders why the rest of the world is passing us by.

I sure hope that Kimiyutta Parson is not a sister, because if she is, someone needs to call The Drop Squad.




  1. Huckleberry7:58 PM

    It's always the liberals who are actually banning books and censoring speech,

    Stop complaining Field, you reap what you sow.

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Clayton Bigsby, the black white supremacist

  3. "Unfortunately for one in seven Americans, depending on the government to get a little help with their food bill is not going to cut it with certain people in Washington. Only rich corporations and deep pocketed folks who contribute to political campaigns deserve a break from these [right] wingnuts'

    Are you calling Obama a right wingnut? He's the guy who takes millions from GE, Solyndra, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg etc. and in return grants them tax breaks and contracts worth billions. He's the guy fighting to import cheap labor so they don't have to pay living wages to all those people on food stamps.

    And do you really believe there are 50 million people in this country who need to be fed by the government?

    Republicans are sticking up for the working people who have to subisidize all this corruption.

    Get real, black man.

  4. NYManny8:19 PM

    "Today they voted to cut almost forty billion dollars in food stamps (SNAP)for you poor and little people. Almost four million of you will be cut off."

    You're a rich lawyer. How much of your own money do you donate to local food banks?

    Most of the people I see with EBT cards are physically able and look well off. Why should they get to watch Jerry Springer all day while talking on their Obama phones and still eat better than me?

  5. Anonymous8:26 PM

    As long as they go out and pick cotton, it's alright with me if they get their food stamps back.

  6. fake nigger fn:

    did u cc hobama's global war coffers???

    did u cc this bs to that racist elitist food stamp prez hobama???

    did u cc hobama's own jobless/homeless/wage gapped fans?

    did u cc veep jp morgan's ebt card casinos???


  7. Colon Plunger9:52 PM

    Man, I thought they took AB's computer away at the end of the day, when they brought her meds and her oatmeal.

    She must have broken out...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. kkklown assnon:

    only u trailer park dregs share the same "community trailer" pc...

    i have 3 offices and 1 at home.

    i am on 4 pcs daily...


  10. Anonymous10:23 PM

    It was rightwing nuts that first established food relief and welfare payments: Chancellor Bismarck and later Hitler, both in Germany. Just an interesting tidbit. Seems Field-Homeslice doesn't know his ideologies very well, or at all. No need to open a book and learn though, that would be acting white. Anyhoo, keep it real.

  11. Anonymous10:38 PM

    AB, must you slay annons so unmercifully? Where the hell is your compassion? I can tell you are not a Christian or a believer of Christ.

  12. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Field said, "I sure hope that Kimiyutta Parson is not a sister, because if she is, someone needs to call The Drop Squad."

    Well, someone had better start calling because she is a sister and not ashamed at all. She is a loyal member of the GOP IN TEXAS, the Grand Ole State.

  13. agentX10:42 PM

    I see your resident fake black poster is here on the thread, unfocused as always. The Koch (pronounced KOCK) brothers are hiring cheap again, FN.

    Anyway, it's a shame the book was taken out of that school system, but kept in the library. If she's worried about her 'precious' little ones, she should set up a hidden camera in the hallways and see what they say and do (or don't do) when she ain't watching them- then you'll know EXACTLY what sort of parent she is.

  14. Cornbreesha10:45 PM

    There are white people named Kimiyutta?

  15. agentX said...
    I see your resident fake black poster is here on the thread, unfocused as always. The Koch (pronounced KOCK) brothers are hiring cheap again, FN.

    That's Mr. KOCK to you, agentX.

    You are being watched.

  16. Today, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing about events in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. You remember what happened on that day, don’t you? If you don’t, I’m happy to give you the official Obama administration version:

    That was the day that a Libyan movie review got a little bit out of control. Apparently, Libyan fighters, coincidentally affiliated with Al Qaeda, took umbrage at a poorly made seven minute YouTube trailer promoting a movie that was never actually made about Muhammad’s life. Since Libya has no popcorn to throw at the screen, these same outraged movie critics inadvertently managed to overwhelm our under-guarded diplomatic mission in Benghazi, killing Ambassador Christopher Stevens (and perhaps torturing him before doing so), as well as U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer, Sean Smith.

    The same crazed movie reviewers then shifted their attack to the nearby CIA Annex where they engaged in a several-hour-long firefight with former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. Both men died at their stations.

    Meanwhile, back at home, some unknown person, but definitely not Barack Obama (even though he had sole authority to do so), told nearby troops to stand down. Also, after a single phone call early in the attack, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was sufficiently well informed about everything to vanish from the scene entirely. (And really, what difference at that point, did it make?) As for Barack Obama, well, he really did need his beauty sleep before an upcoming Las Vegas campaign stop.

    The administration later assured us that, despite a slew of increasingly desperate emails from Ambassador Stevens about security concerns, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had absolutely no idea whatsoever that an American embassy outpost in a war-torn land riddled with al Qaeda operatives might need more than a couple of local guards at the front door. That’s why the Marines weren’t there to fire any of those “shots across the bow” that Obama suddenly loves so much.

    In sum, the incompetence of a Democrat administration left a U.S. outpost vulnerable to a terrorist attack; that same Democrat administration could not be bothered to rouse itself to protect Americans fighting for their lives in a tiny outpost of America on foreign soil; and the Democrat administration then tried to cover-up its gross dereliction of duty by lying consistently in the days and weeks following the attack. Other than that, of course, the Democrats have nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to events in Benghazi.

    So, really, what difference does it make?

  17. AgentX, why do they have to send me the" cheap " trolls?

  18. Dead Ambassador, I have actually forgotten it. But I do remember what happened for years in Iraq.

  19. It's amazing what we can remember or forget when we choose to.

    On your side, the ends justify the means. One can only hope you get your just ends.

  20. Did u forget Iraq? Or was it cool to kill Americans when your political gang was calling the shots?

  21. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I have asked and asked for years on FN to have a weekend marathon, but you have yet to respond. A weekend marathon would drive a lot of Anons away, or attract a depends on how you look at it. But the bottom line would benefit you and FN blog. People would flock to FN so much that you would need someone like me to handle the anons.

    Notice that I said 'Anons', not trolls. These would be "quality" Anons, not the BS kind.

    So, what do you say?

  22. Anonymous12:09 AM

    The Drop Squad has a really long list these days, Mr. Field. And, it just keeps getting longer.

    When it comes school boards re-writing history North Carolina is light years behind Texas.


  23. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Should be *When IT comes to...*


  24. Wesley R12:37 AM

    Eagles needed this game. Now they're 1-2 and playing against Payton Manning next week. Trouble in Eagles land for sure.

    Klantor wrote the food stamp bill himself. It didn't go through committee. If people don't like The Boner, just wait until Klantor becomes speaker of the house.

  25. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Dear Mutant Ambassador,

    Because timing is everything and there are NO COINCIDENCES during an election year, The CIA Safehouse (and that's all it was) in Benghazi was attacked by Mossad, under the order of Bibi Netanyahu, at the behest of Mitwit Robme. So flummoxed was Veep Joe Biden at Robme's open call for an "October Surprise," which referred to the act of treason that Reagan's people engaged in to sabotage the release of the hostages held by Iran during the Carter Administration, that Biden mentioned this during the Vice Presidential Debate. Robme, traveling to Israel, got with Bibi in July/Aug when he found himself down, big, in the polls. They hatched a plan, deployed a diversionary tactic of the video montage and the assassinations worked. Robme closed in the polls, too, but, then, Hurricane Sandy and my favorite RINO, the corpulent Chris "Krispy Creme" Christie saved America from the Robme apocalypse.

    Another example of reTHUGlican mutants committing a crime and then attempting to pin it on Democrats was the Fast&Furious Fiasco, wherein some reTHUGlican AZ DEA Agent gets a field agent killed by selling gps chip info to a Mexican drug dealer.

    You gotta really love these reTHUGlican mutants, as they are the most virulent strain of invasive mutants who infest these shores. They are capable of anything. A good synopsis on dirty tricks like the aforementioned can be found at:

  26. Anonymous2:39 AM

    The ten states whose residents experience "Low/Very Low Food Security" are predominately in the South, with Nevada in the West and Missouri in the mid-West. Interestingly, these same residents (when they do vote), vote for repugnicans - the same repugnicans who are cutting the SNAP/Food Stamp budget. These same citizens have the highest rates of obesity and functional literacy; they form the base of the repugnican party. Since they vote repugnican, well... Let 'em eat cake.

  27. You can bet Kimiyutta is a "sister," there's plenty more like her. They fill the
    churches Sunday mornings & sometimes Sunday & Wednesday nights too.

    The SNAP cuts won't get through the Senate. There's more lobbying going on against the cuts than for them. All the agribusinesses, dairy associations, food processers, wholesale & retail food sellers love food stamps. Those billions of SNAP dollars get cycled back into the economy.

  28. In Samuel 2:13, Amnon raped his half-sister Tamar and Moses murdered an Egyptian man. So much for being fair, balanced and nonselective, thanks Kimiyutta Parson, You moron!

  29. field negro said...
    AgentX, why do they have to send me the" cheap " trolls?

    Your posts predictably parrot left wing talking points.

    Until you up your game and write something authentic you get to enjoy what you call cheap trolls.

    You asked.

  30. Anonymous10:26 AM

    What the hell is an anonymous weekend marahon?

  31. Anonymous11:18 AM


    did u forget that hobama lied about the iraq war ending????

    did u forget that hobama is a serial war criminal???

    did u forget that racist banlster global warlord warlock
    hobama/gwb 3.0 makes gwb look like an afrocentric saintly pacifist slacker??????

    cc africom/ndaa/ww3...

  32. Anonymous11:32 AM

    hobama is a racist global warlord

    cc iraq 2013/afriom/ndaa/ww3

  33. Anonymous11:33 AM

    hobama is a racist global warlord

    cc iraq 2013/africom/ndaa/ww3/assata etc!!!!!!!

  34. Anonymous12:04 PM

    king hobama and his rx banksters have been smacked down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    a few more poor black fans will retain their jobs/employee insuarance...for now


    oh happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Anonymous12:06 PM

    @Black Sage

    In the face of "White" Christians killing off, enslaving, colonizing, inoculating with diseases, and/or drugging whole groups of people, as chronicled in Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States," and Dr. Bobby E. Wright aptly characterizing such relentless, remorseless genocidal behavior as being "psychopathic," in his important work, "The Psychopathic Racial Personality," and with this author convincingly positing --- still uncontested --- that the known, but deliberately hidden accidental, harsh biological (nature AND nurture) origin of whites (read: mutants or subspecies or lethal mutation) is the reason for that psychopathology, why, Black Sage, do members of the parent African human species PERSIST in using Christianity as a tool or a lens with which to address their deleterious situation when, not only has Christianity (and for that matter, Islam and Judaism) NOT kept these aggressors, these creatures from putting the screws to said members, but that Christianity has simply not kept Black folk, as evident my Ms. Parson, on their best behavior? Why hasn't Christianity been a galvanizing force to keep Black folk unified? Why do Blacks persist in ignoring Aesop's Fables, fables which accurately juxtaposition DIFFERENT animals, particularly, scorpions, lions, etc., which definitely seem to accurately depict the collective predatory, vicious behavior of mutants? And, lastly, why don't Blacks, just on general principal, dismiss Christianity if for no other reason that whites, through their missionaries, seek to infect unsuspecting populations with Christianity before they move in and do their usual rape, pillage, and plunder routine or modus operandi? Why do members of the parent African human species remain in denial about the nature of the mutant in the face of said mutant persisting in not treating said members of the parent African human species as though they were human? If a dying out, melanin-bereft collective does not treat melanated peoples as human, on what grounds can it be considered human, since what's supposed to separate humans from animals, on top of walking upright, speaking and exhibiting reasoned speech, is compassion and humaneness---that which we simply don't see on the Serengeti Plains when an Impala is injured, yet remains in the sites of a hungry lioness? What say you?

  36. Anonymous12:07 PM

    @Black Sage

    In the face of "White" Christians killing off, enslaving, colonizing, inoculating with diseases, and/or drugging whole groups of people, as chronicled in Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States," and Dr. Bobby E. Wright aptly characterizing such relentless, remorseless genocidal behavior as being "psychopathic," in his important work, "The Psychopathic Racial Personality," and with this author convincingly positing --- still uncontested --- that the known, but deliberately hidden accidental, harsh biological (nature AND nurture) origin of whites (read: mutants or subspecies or lethal mutation) is the reason for that psychopathology, why, Black Sage, do members of the parent African human species PERSIST in using Christianity as a tool or a lens with which to address their deleterious situation when, not only has Christianity (and for that matter, Islam and Judaism) NOT kept these aggressors, these creatures from putting the screws to said members, but that Christianity has simply not kept Black folk, as evident my Ms. Parson, on their best behavior? Why hasn't Christianity been a galvanizing force to keep Black folk unified? Why do Blacks persist in ignoring Aesop's Fables, fables which accurately juxtaposition DIFFERENT animals, particularly, scorpions, lions, etc., which definitely seem to accurately depict the collective predatory, vicious behavior of mutants? And, lastly, why don't Blacks, just on general principal, dismiss Christianity if for no other reason that whites, through their missionaries, seek to infect unsuspecting populations with Christianity before they move in and do their usual rape, pillage, and plunder routine or modus operandi? Why do members of the parent African human species remain in denial about the nature of the mutant in the face of said mutant persisting in not treating said members of the parent African human species as though they were human? If a dying out, melanin-bereft collective does not treat melanated peoples as human, on what grounds can it be considered human, since what's supposed to separate humans from animals, on top of walking upright, speaking and exhibiting reasoned speech, is compassion and humaneness---that which we simply don't see on the Serengeti Plains when an Impala is injured, yet remains in the sites of a hungry lioness? What say you?

  37. Anonymous12:07 PM

    @Black Sage

    In the face of "White" Christians killing off, enslaving, colonizing, inoculating with diseases, and/or drugging whole groups of people, as chronicled in Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States," and Dr. Bobby E. Wright aptly characterizing such relentless, remorseless genocidal behavior as being "psychopathic," in his important work, "The Psychopathic Racial Personality," and with this author convincingly positing --- still uncontested --- that the known, but deliberately hidden accidental, harsh biological (nature AND nurture) origin of whites (read: mutants or subspecies or lethal mutation) is the reason for that psychopathology, why, Black Sage, do members of the parent African human species PERSIST in using Christianity as a tool or a lens with which to address their deleterious situation when, not only has Christianity (and for that matter, Islam and Judaism) NOT kept these aggressors, these creatures from putting the screws to said members, but that Christianity has simply not kept Black folk, as evident my Ms. Parson, on their best behavior? Why hasn't Christianity been a galvanizing force to keep Black folk unified? Why do Blacks persist in ignoring Aesop's Fables, fables which accurately juxtaposition DIFFERENT animals, particularly, scorpions, lions, etc., which definitely seem to accurately depict the collective predatory, vicious behavior of mutants? And, lastly, why don't Blacks, just on general principal, dismiss Christianity if for no other reason that whites, through their missionaries, seek to infect unsuspecting populations with Christianity before they move in and do their usual rape, pillage, and plunder routine or modus operandi? Why do members of the parent African human species remain in denial about the nature of the mutant in the face of said mutant persisting in not treating said members of the parent African human species as though they were human? If a dying out, melanin-bereft collective does not treat melanated peoples as human, on what grounds can it be considered human, since what's supposed to separate humans from animals, on top of walking upright, speaking and exhibiting reasoned speech, is compassion and humaneness---that which we simply don't see on the Serengeti Plains when an Impala is injured, yet remains in the sites of a hungry lioness? What say you?

  38. Anonymous12:11 PM


    I only inputted the aforementioned entry once. Not sure why it posted in triplicate. My apologies, nonetheless.

  39. Calliope Wong12:16 PM

    AfroMutant cited Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States".

    This is a thoroughly discredited propagandist screed against America. But then, you wouldn't know better.

  40. Anonymous said...

    I only inputted the aforementioned entry once. Not sure why it posted in triplicate.

    Because you are crazy, crazy, crazy.

  41. Anonymous12:32 PM

    it is christ who guides me as i slay u assnons herein...

    i thank him.

    and we both thank u.


  42. Dirty Sanchez12:49 PM

    Jesus wants you to stop licking other women.

  43. Anonymous1:08 PM


    Dis hea tred nid mah Fokay Porkay gal ta gib et sum Jeeeeeeeeezaaaaa amins

    Hay Porkaaaaay wea yoo be hadin at muh craizee gal?

    Yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaw! Ah nids me mah scrapshores gal! (an sum o dat twarken yo do sa gud gal).

  44. Anonymous1:31 PM

    lickless sinner COVETING assnon/ds/"dick" spanker:

    u lie like hobama/hobamacare!!!!

    jesus wants you to stop jacking off herein/boring your own cramped hands around your wee pud and germy sticky keyboard.......


    jesus truly wants u to stop hating on those who are not blue "balled" loveless sexless rejects like u

    envy is a sin


  45. Anonymous1:36 PM

    blaspheming envious "dick" spanker:

    why drag jesus into your lickless loveless sexless envy?

    go buy some more lorion/lube/vaseline.

    scat scum!!!!!.

  46. Dirty Sanchez1:40 PM

    Jesus wants you to stop ingesting anal lube too.

  47. Anonymous1:41 PM

    ebt is the new crack

    jp morgan is the new drug dealer ronny raygun

    the gun grabbing food stamp prez hobama ignores chiraq

    what a gd shame!!!!!!,0,352520.story

  48. Anonymous1:44 PM

    lewd lying ds assnon:

    tmi u nasty mf!!!!

    jesus knows that u r a liar and a perv

    go pay someone to lick u asap

    and ask jesus to bless their immunity to your host of STDs as they do so


  49. Anonymous1:55 PM

    AB, why haven't you given the Pope credit for standing up for gays and women?

    Many gays are returning to the church under this Pope. He seems to be open-minded enough to leave any judgments about people to GOD.

  50. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw! Dere yoo is Porkaypine gal! Ah lubs mah Porkay gal! Ah sho doos!

    likin an slabberin all ober de plais! Das muh Porkay gal arat!

    YeeeeeeeHaaaaaaw! rad em gal! c'man wit dem scrapshores to! Gib it tuh it! in da naim a jeeeeeeezah!

    YeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaw! Rodeo tam!

  51. Anonymous2:00 PM

    European gays are NOT to be judged by the Catholic Church. Blacks? Well, that's a subject of a different matter.

    Sorry, ab.

  52. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It's time for Field to once AGAIN, start monitoring filthy comments by ignorant scum.

  53. Cornel Yeast2:11 PM

    Any one who believes Reagan put crack in the ghettos is insanely stupid.

  54. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Anon@ 2:02 pm
    "It's time for Field to once AGAIN, start monitoring filthy comments by ignorant scum"

    I can attest to the fact that Mr. Field has NEVER monitored his blog.
    Sometimes he reads it. Every now and then he replies to simple questions. But monitor it? No.

  55. Joe Thomas3:00 PM

    Despite a growing consensus that global warming is not happening, the Obama EPA is pushing ahead with regulations designed to bankrupt the coal industry and eliminate millions more jobs.

    Why are Democrats anti-science?

    These dangerous ideologues will wreck our lives with their superstitions.

  56. Anonymous3:04 PM


    u r way late

    see my 9/19 posts herein

    all gays have given the pope kudos

    ditto for hishop tutu
    as always

    see much more here:


  57. Anonymous3:04 PM

    ditto for bishop tutu
    as always

    see much more here:


  58. Anonymous3:11 PM

    vulgar illiterate vd ds kkklown:

    it is no shock that you defend ronny raygun
    moronism is FAR more lethal than the crack he sold to fund contras etc...

    cc gary webb
    raygun killed him for exposing his global crack dealing

    hobama adores and reveres raygun
    cc hobama and his opium wars in afghanistan

  59. Anonymous3:22 PM


    reps = dems

    global warming = green scam for that blackish scum hobama

    cc that bankster hobama/al gore/solyndra etc

    banksters rukle the world

    global warming bs is their new global cash cow

  60. Anonymous3:37 PM

    hobama has his own media/usa rebel kill list too...
    just like his hero ronny raygun...

    hobama is a serial killer
    who makes nixon and raygun look like slackers

    cc hobama's growing domestic drones/kill lists/body counts

    cc aaron swartz/larry bland/donald young/etc


  61. Anonymous3:45 PM

    that lying banskter warmonger hobama has no soul

    cc benghazi guns/gitmo ii/africom...


    to all of hobama's ebt loving fans...

    he is not into u....bewre.

  62. Anonymous3:46 PM

    to all of hobama's ebt loving fans...

    he is not into u....beware.

  63. Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were urged to cover up the fact that the world’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years, it is claimed.

    A leaked copy of a United Nations report, compiled by hundreds of scientists, shows politicians in Belgium, Germany, Hungary and the United States raised concerns about the final draft.

    Published next week, it is expected to address the fact that 1998 was the hottest year on record and world temperatures have not yet exceeded it, which scientists have so far struggled to explain.

    The politicians justified their attempt to sweep the problematic observations that destroy the hypothesis due to their "fears that the findings will encourage deniers of man-made climate change". As they should. Isn't declaring the hypothesis to be unsupported by the evidence exactly what scientists are supposed to do when the predictive models fail and the observations don't support the hypothesis?

    The skeptics are the real scientists, not the corrupt professionals who practice scientistry rather than scientody and serve as the mouthpieces for power-mad politicians.

  64. Anonymous4:28 PM

    cc hobama's adoring doling pookies

    hope & chnage

    change your income

    hope u can still ear

  65. Anonymous4:31 PM

    cc hobama's adoring doling pookies

    hope & chnage

    change your income

    hope u can still eat

  66. Rahmamandeep4:34 PM

    Living near black people in Chicago means you are 500 times more likely to be shot than in neighborhoods without black people.

    Guns aren't the problem.

  67. Anonymous4:37 PM

    kudos to warrior truckers!!!

  68. Anonymous4:51 PM

    cc dethroned king hobama

    may his belated impeachemnt be near!!!

  69. Ace Freeley4:51 PM

    18 shot in Chicago in a 4 hour period. This number includes a mass shooting in which 13 were shot, including a 3 year old baby.

    It's very strange that the media just completely ignores a mass shooting event.

    I can only assume the perpetrator and the victims were both black. Because the media simply will not report on crime committed by blacks, or even committed against blacks (unless the perpetrator is white or at least a "White Hispanic").

    We are not supposed to know about these things. Why?

  70. Anonymous5:04 PM

    keep watching chiraq

    blacks who shoot/kill blacks are rushed to prisons

    may that unarmed child kkkiller join them all there asap

    cc that racist bankster hobama/the PIC prez/his dry mule tears for sany hook/africom etc

  71. Anonymous5:10 PM

    cc that racist bankster hobama/the PIC prez/his dry mule tears for sandy hook/africom etc

  72. Anonymous5:10 PM

    cc that racist bankster hobama/the PIC prez/his dry mule tears for sandy hook/africom etc

  73. Anonymous5:18 PM

    what a gd opulent shame.

    cc the global misery index.

  74. Anonymous5:42 PM

    that bankster hobama is a liar

    ditto for bubba

  75. We'd be better off with Zimmerman as President.

  76. Anonymous5:50 PM

    the media is all over chiraq

    only hobama is ignoring chi


    i wish the media had been all over that unarmed child killer gz's psychotropic medical records/long criminal rap sheet etc.....

  77. Anonymous5:54 PM

    silly kkklown:

    u lie like that evil clown hobama

    cc hobama and chiraq

  78. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I am amazed how much better the discussion reads when I ignore the anon's and the childish word play names.
    Field needs no monitoring / censorship, as the constructive participants stand head and shoulders above the dross.

  79. Dross Perot6:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I am amazed how much better the discussion reads when I ignore the anon's

    Like the comment at 6:24?

    Are you retarded?

  80. "cc that racist bankster hobama/the PIC prez/his dry mule tears for sandy hook/africom etc"

    *pressing rewind*

  81. "We'd be better off with Zimmerman as President."

    Why? Didn't the other George kill enough people?

  82. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I don't care whether one is a snowball with heaps of money or black as the ace of spades and poorer than a church mouse. The people living in America these days have lost their minds and it's getting harder and harder to survive all this mess and blabber day after day. I'm sure the Native people of this country are just waiting for everyone to have enough and to finally return to their countries of origination. The quicker, the better!!!!!!! So long Amerigo Vespucci!!!!!!

  83. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Enough is enough! Field, for the love of Zeus, please ban Alicia Banks and Focused Purpose. The insanity and sanctimony must stop!

  84. Anonymous1:52 AM

    @Anon 10:34P.M.

    If Field isn't going to ban the rabid racist/sexist/xenophobic comments which speak to the hardwired, biologically determined psychopathic, natural tendencies of the Caucasian Lethal Mutation, then, you must continue to ignore that which you do not which to engage... Alicia Banks did just drop some VITALLY, important references regarding the assassination-made-to-look-like-a-suicide (think Marilyn Monroe) of Gary Webb, whose "Dark Alliance (the Foreword was penned by Congresswoman Maxine Waters) provides the "genocidal goods" on the Cocaine-dealing of Regan, Bush, and North. In fact, Bush made his "bones," as it were, drug dealing (via Laos and Cambodia by the metric ton) while a "Good Shepard" for the CIA in the 60s and was said to have used his offshore oil platforms as drug depots. In an implicit admission of guilt, which for some reason brings to mind the Boxer Rebellion and the Opium Wars, Bush was reported to have said, "If the American people knew what we'd done, they would have strung us up by the nearest lamp posts." Thus, it thrills me to no end to declare that both Reagan and Bush were America's Dopemen-in-Chief, BUT I DIGRESS. Where was I? Oh, anyway, Alicia came through with the Howard Zinn references, as well so she good in my book. However, the sanctimonius, cult-of-personality, mutant apologist, FocusedPurpose should definitely be sent packing if for no other reason than audaciously assailing Black Sage's spirituality and her persistent male bashing while dispensing "His Law." Can you say, "Idle babblings of a lunatic mind" that promotes anti-education, anti-Science, anti-history and, most egregiously, anti-truth.

  85. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Enough is enough! Field, for the love of Zeus, please ban Alicia Banks and Focused Purpose. The insanity and sanctimony must stop!

    10:34 PM
    FYI, AB provides information MOST Blacks and Whites have not read or seen. More importantly, this information is fact that shines light on the truth.

  86. Anonymous10:48 AM

    However, the sanctimonius, cult-of-personality, mutant apologist, FocusedPurpose should definitely be sent packing if for no other reason than audaciously assailing Black Sage's spirituality and her persistent male bashing while dispensing "His Law." Can you say, "Idle babblings of a lunatic mind" that promotes anti-education, anti-Science, anti-history and, most egregiously, anti-truth.

    1:52 AM
    For a while, FP was a source of biblical teachings and references. Lately, she has turned quite political.

    However, I see no reason for you to want Field to kick her off of FN. Can you live with that? Who anointed you to be the FN Comment Policeman?

    Field doesn't kick people off because someone doesn't like another's comment. But you can ignore comments by 'those' you find irritating and grating to you...just scroll past their names. I personally enjoy reading her comments, as well as AB. They both add much needed flavor to this blog.

    As far as Black Sage's spirituality, his spirituality lacks conviction and depth. Maybe you should consider asking Field to throw him off too?

    Question: If Field were to throw FP off his blog, would you be satisfied with 'just' getting FP removed? WHO would be next? AB? After that, would it be ME for calling you on your shit?

    Are you a 'Black Sage Worshiper'? You think and feel like he a KING BABY. No doubt about it, you obviously are Black and male. Your thinking 'marks' you.

  87. Anonymous11:18 AM

    @FocusedPurpose masquerading as anonymous

    Boy, it sure doesn't take much to get your goat. You truly are low hanging fruit. It's child's play to beat you over the head with your own words ("I've come to dispense His Law.") as though you were a human piñata, if you will and an abject loser, to boot. You really ought to go get yourself checked in on a 72 hour hold because you generally write like a mental patient. So, be sure to take your discursive, scattershot words with you as exhibit A so they can help figure out your glitch. Who else comes to a Black male's blog and bashes Black males, but a loser, which makes you a Troll. And, with a liquor store and a church on every corner plaguing Black communities nationwide, here you come unoriginally, ignorantly, just like a plum crazy person, peddling your snake oil, jackleg hustler preacher style, amongst people who know better. That makes you an "unfocused on purpose" jackleg hustler troll. So, either you're just a sad, pathetic attention whore who doesn't attract enough people to your blog and you've come here to infect this one with your sickness or you're a deceitful unashamed scoundrel or you're wholly unawares that you're an outpatient in dire need of an increased dosage ofThorazine.

    Regardless, you remain a disgrace to the ancestors like Sojourner Truth whose fierce logic undergirding, "Ain't I Woman," makes all of your words illogical and irrational and I'm more than sure Harriet Tubman would react in disgust upon seeing that you're wrongheadedly trying to keep Black people yoked to a slave religion that was forced upon us. Thus, were I Field, I'd bounce your nutjob behind right outta here.

    Hey, Alicia, have you tried puttIng this mutant apologist nutjob up on Ms. Merlin Stone's excellent "When God Was A Woman," so maybe she can bash Black males while proclaiming to disseminate "Her Law." At least her blatant penis envy would be consistent. Why is your girl so willfully uneducated and gleefully ignorant?

  88. Hey Field.. Sis. Kimiyutta might just have been bested by some common damned sense!
