Tuesday, September 17, 2013

They deserve a break, and black folks and mental health.

O has a lot of haters out there, but there are a lot of you Negroes who love him as well. His latest domestic initiative is something that we all should love him for.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I really feel for those poor home- care workers who bust their asses every day (and night) while taking care of old folks who have been abandoned by their own children.

"The presidency is a powerful position. So powerful that it makes it easy to forget the reason one entered public service. But this president, President Obama, never forgets. Today was another shining example of a president who never forgets about the Americans who work hard, don't ask for much, and deserve better than they're getting. Today, the administration announced final regulations to include home care workers under the Fair Labor Standards Act, making them eligible for minimum wage and overtime pay staring in 2015.
...the U.S. Department of Labor announced a final rule today extending the Fair Labor Standards Act's minimum wage and overtime protections to most of the nation's workers who provide essential home care assistance to elderly people and people with illnesses, injuries or disabilities. This change will result in nearly two million direct care workers — such as home health aides, personal care aides and certified nursing assistants — receiving the same basic protections already provided to most U.S. workers.
Home care workers are some of the hardest workers doing some of the most important work in our country with the least amount of rewards. They care for the most vulnerable Americans - the elderly, the disabled, and people with serious injuries and illnesses. They do some of the toughest work - bathing, cleaning, moving and comforting people who cannot do it on their own.
The people they care for are our parents, our brothers and sisters, our neighbors, our sons and daughters, the people we love the most. And today, the people we entrust with this critical care can breathe a little easy knowing that while they're looking out for the society's most vulnerable, they have a president who is looking out for them. Today, they know that their president won't sit idly by while their employers (home care agencies) take advantage of lax labor rules to line their corporate pockets.

Of course, this isn't just a matter of doing the right thing - not that that wouldn't be reason enough. This is also about ensuring high quality services by making sure the professionals who provide these critical services are treated like professionals. This is as much about protecting quality care for the recipients of their services as much as it is about the workers who do this amazing work.

Let's talk a little about the workers who do this work.
90 percent of them are women, 32 percent are African Americans and 12 percent Hispanics. Notice something? These are also the groups with the highest poverty rates in this country. A good part of that wage disparity is because of labor rules that value their work less than the work of the rest, because we have regulations that say the industry they provide their critical skills and services to does not have to abide by the same rules of fair labor standards as everyone else.

Well, no more. Because of President Obama, a home care worker will no longer be equated with a babysitter.

The Republicans and corporate interest groups are howling with their tired old talking point that affording basic worker protections to hard working caregivers will cost jobs, hours, and fewer people availing themselves to the services provided by these working people. The Labor Department countered that of there has been no noticeable drop in employment in this industry in the 15 states that already extend minimum wage and overtime protections to home care workers." [Source]

Good for you, O. Keep this up and I might even let your accidental diplomacy when it comes to foreign policy slide.

Finally, I hate to agree with Don Lemon so soon after he agreed with Bill O'Lie-ly, but he is right with his latest assertions about black folks and mental health. His statements about the shooter in D.C. was on point.

You Negroes need to stop going to the preacher to heal your mental health issues and get a real mental health professional to talk to. The Rev. has a degree in theology, not psychology. And some of these preachers don't have a degree at all. I know, I know, they were called by a "higher power", but that higher power put people on earth to handle this kind of stuff.

Getting your mind right is just as important as getting your body right. Black folks need to stop stigmatizing family members and friends who suffer from poor mental health.

"If we don’t wake up to these realities, that we cannot pray it away, the next time we see a crime on the news, especially a mass shooting, the first question you might ask yourself; is it the usual one? Oh, no, are they black? You know you all do it; I hope they’re not black. It might be the same one that the haters are posing on the Internet. If Obama had a son would he look like the killer?"

Well Don, we still have a long way to go to catch up to those "haters" when it comes to mass killings, but I get your point.

Second pic from Black Mental Health Alliance.


  1. We'd have never been able to keep my mother in law at home for her last 5 years it it hadn't been for home health care. It cost less than half of what a bed in an grimy old-age warehouse would have.

  2. Folks rejoicing in any industry over the fact that their industry is going to be under the wing of federal government protections might want to tone it down. This is in general, of course.

    The only good aspect of being under federal legislation as an industry is that those lucky few who are employed benefit. Though after the industry becomes part of government bureaucracy, there are far fewer jobs, far less growth within the industry, and the taxpayer is forever on the hook for keeping it afloat.

    I definitely don't want to throw hardworking people under the bus, no matter which industry they're working in, but anti-industry measures like the government FORCING people to pay A and FORCING employers to comply with B-Z9.9 just shrinks industry, causes higher unemployment, and stunts growth of that industry. It forces that industry to become part of the lobbying structure to compete. See Microsoft pre-bubble.

    In a year or two, I suspect I'll see posts online dealing with the fact that far fewer people are able to become home-care workers due to the new regulations. So, if you're currently working in the industry and have the equivalent of public-union "tenure," count your blessings. Your successors, as few and far between as they'll be, won't have that luxury.

    Folks can say it's a tired, old talking point. But it's math. In every respect, the most poignant of which is that it's universal, as we see with the undeniable fact that every company from McDonald's to Wal-Mart is cutting back employee hours from full-time to part-time due to government regulations. We see, without exception, that everyday industries hire fewer people when forced to pay more, and those who are hired are not those same entry-level people, but rather people with more discernible job skills.

    Empathy does not make for good economics. Ask the Native Americans, many of whom are wholly subsidized by the federal government and yet have the worst lives statistically in America. Poor people in ghettos aren't far behind. No push for new businesses by the people who live there; just cries for more help from the outside.

    Here's the beginning of yet another industry which the government is going to suck out the will to live.

    But, boy, it certainly sounds good to say that people will be getting more money! Those heart strings are powerful things. It explains why, to touch on another point, people go to preachers rather than doctors. Feel-good fodder is what people seem to thrive on, not on logic.

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM

    But, Adam Lanza and the shooter in Arizona were White and suffered from mental illness too? In fact most mass shooters suffer from some sort of mental break. So, is Don "the coon" Lemon going to preach to White folks about seeking proper mental health care too? Of course not.

    Sorry, Mr. Field, but no one needs any advice from CNN's number one coon. He's just there to make everything Black people do seem like a Black pathology. I wish CNN's pet coon would just go away.


  4. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Wow, when I looked up 'rant' in the dictionary, it referred me to anon @ 9:20 pm.
    Congrats on all the irrelevance; your fathers must be proud.

  5. Dear Don Lemon: "Do you know the damage one ignorant Negro can do? - Sgt Waters, A Soldier's Story (1984)

    Don, this entire darn empire is sick, don’t merely start and stop with black faces only. Lets be real, … coward!

  6. FN-

    dead head negroes stay on their jobs...

    freud is recognized as the father of psychology...anyone care to take a look at him? look past the pc official nonsense, please.

    anyone care to discuss the over prescription of meds...and the effect that type of drug dependency is having on folks? we got folks running through here hopped up on legal coke SWEARING they are sober. not mention anti-depressant make folks suicidal...

    care to discuss mk+ the 'mental health' industry? care to discuss just how much 'care' these folks REALLY get? dare we call it the 'experimentation' it so clearly is?

    don lemon was called ALL the way out by jonah hill recently for acting like a little girl...anyone else hear of this exercise in hilarity? probably not. lol!

    folks are NOT listening to Bill Cosby because his solution boils down to bw doing more. he is still pattycaking bm and their worst than infidel collective status...which is what the Law indicates menfolk that refuse to handle their man business calls such folk.

    those thinking the powers that be actually care about them...richly deserve all the suffering they can look forward to in the not so distant future... to compliment all the current suffering folks have as a result of their belief in the system 'changing' itself to benefit humanity.

    ps. in the current system...folks are not going to preachers for mental health counseling. they are going to preachers to give them their money and be told that whatever they are into is ok. new school preaching...old school teaching the truth won't lead to all that well mammoned super church business.

    FN, if your views are representative of the 'most educated'...may i never be afflicted by such a condition. you can't seem to see past your nose on your face. either that...or you have made some deals to get paid and must now play your deadhead negro role 'til the wheels fall off. damn all the facts! mr. officer of the court, i see you. at least 'ole judge brown went for the gusto and signed onto the 20million+ club. THIS is why he is stumbling around wishing he had chosen differently right about now. either you don't know...or ain't telling. i suspect the latter.

    either way...as AB would say:



  7. Don got this one right. I mean this is the blind squirrel theory but at least he's toned it down a bit. He lost me years ago with his prejudice towards Islam.

  8. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Val said, "Sorry, Mr. Field, but no one needs any advice from CNN's number one coon. He's just there to make everything Black people do seem like a Black pathology. I wish CNN's pet coon would just go away."

    Yes, we do 'need' some advice from Don and many other Blacks with positions to do so. But leaders like Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the CBC, the NAACP, and others who can influence and effectuate a change WON'T say a damn thing. In fact, THEY remain silent when something needs to said to us to help us.

    Thank goodness for the courage and honesty of Don Lemon.

    Black Sage said, "Don, this entire darn empire is sick, don’t merely start and stop with black faces only. Lets be real, … coward!"

    Black Sage, you are the childish coward who can't take an ounce of 'constructive' suggestion without whining, "but look at the Whites". Frankly, I don't give a damn about what the Whites are doing. I care about what WE in the black community are doing, and so should you.

    BTW, have you ever considered therapy? You need it...lots of it.

  9. The Worst President Ever12:40 AM

    This latest move is standard Obama: Kill jobs and make healthcare less affordable.

    He is the greatest disaster to befall America in its history.

  10. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Crazy people should not be able to touch guns. That would cover about 80 per cent of black people.

  11. Hotep Son

    And we have not seen the worst yet! Hold on to your bench!
    Some creepy crakka will outdo brother firewalker Wash navy yard!

  12. "They deserve a break, and black folks and mental health." Yes , I agree with you.

  13. BARBBF9:34 AM


    The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) has raised concerns about severe acts of violence as side effects of anti-psychotic and antidepressant drugs not only on individuals but on society as well.

    Just a month ago PRWeb described drug induced violence as "medicine's best kept secret."

    And the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHRI) is calling for a federal investigation on its web page which links no less than 14 mass killings to the use of psychiatric drugs such as Prozac and Paxil.

  14. Anonymous9:42 AM

    feckless felled fn:

    wtf has that racist global warlord bankster hobama done that anyone should love??????

    i agree with anyone who tells any truths

    shame how your arrogant adoration of hobama blinds you to all truths about abject poverty wages in amerikkka

    your hypocrisy is unmasked by hobama's unmasked ineptitude

    as hobamacare layoffs and the deliberate destruction of public ed loom, it is ironic that hobama would move to make fecal jobs pay fecal wages as a fait accompli

    ONLY u amoral thirsty hobama nazis praise such horrid jobs and their meager perks...u must reach for this werecth hobama

    massa hobama has driven droves back to being home slaves/nurses/nannies/maids/butlers for white elders

    and u suicidal black fools dare to celebrate such horridly nominal "perks"?????
    & a national min wage that is STILL abject poverty?????

    this is only MORE proof that all hobama nazis are deaf dunb and blind

    when u hobama nazi morons are in fema camps
    u will praise hobama for improving the sq footage of his own ovens....bet!

    what a gd triple shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Those who are curiously and senselessly outraged by the intelligent, brave, and dignified black women, who honor all domestics with their regal performances, are reacting stupidly to one great fictional tale set in 1963. Yet, the reality of millions of educated black women actually being forced to become domestics in 2011, due to the bilking of states’ federal funds, by the blackish Hobama and his beloved white banksters, leaves these same racist Hobama fans unfazed!

    Those who are actively boycotting this film, set in 1963, are doing absolutely nothing to stop the ruthless Hobama from robbing federal coffers and pimping masochistic black voters beyond 2012. Those who are slandering the makers of this film are completely silent about the droves of teachers who are actually becoming nannies/maids anew!!! They are unemployed educators whom Hobama’s designer poverty and clandestine slaughters of public schools have destroyed financially.







  15. Anonymous10:01 AM

    feckless felled fn:

    wtf has that racist global warlord bankster hobama done that anyone should love??????

    i agree with anyone who tells any truths

    shame how your arrogant adoration of hobama blinds you to all truths about abject poverty wages in amerikkka

    your hypocrisy is unmasked by hobama's unmasked ineptitude

    as hobamacare layoffs and the deliberate destruction of public ed loom, it is ironic that hobama would move to make fecal jobs pay fecal wages as a fait accompli

    ONLY u amoral thirsty hobama nazis praise such horrid jobs and their meager perks...u must reach for this werecth hobama

    massa hobama has driven droves back to being home slaves/nurses/nannies/maids/butlers for white elders

    and u suicidal black fools dare to celebrate such horridly nominal "perks"?????
    & a national min wage that is STILL abject poverty?????

    this is only MORE proof that all hobama nazis are deaf dunb and blind

    when u hobama nazi morons are in fema camps
    u will praise hobama for improving the sq footage of his own ovens....bet!

    what a gd triple shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Those who are curiously and senselessly outraged by the intelligent, brave, and dignified black women, who honor all domestics with their regal performances, are reacting stupidly to one great fictional tale set in 1963. Yet, the reality of millions of educated black women actually being forced to become domestics in 2011, due to the bilking of states’ federal funds, by the blackish Hobama and his beloved white banksters, leaves these same racist Hobama fans unfazed!

    Those who are actively boycotting this film, set in 1963, are doing absolutely nothing to stop the ruthless Hobama from robbing federal coffers and pimping masochistic black voters beyond 2012. Those who are slandering the makers of this film are completely silent about the droves of teachers who are actually becoming nannies/maids anew!!! They are unemployed educators whom Hobama’s designer poverty and clandestine slaughters of public schools have destroyed financially.


  16. Anonymous10:02 AM






  17. Anonymous10:03 AM

    ONLY u amoral thirsty hobama nazis praise such horrid jobs and their meager perks...u must reach for this wretch hobama

  18. Anonymous10:13 AM


    Look at what these eeeeevil whites are doing!!!!!

  19. parvenu10:23 AM

    Field , I wonder how long it will be before Don Lemon get his call from FOX?

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    what if massa hobama actually gave a damn

    and rather than hawk hobama nazis' praise for ONLY making home slaves JOIN millions of min wage slaves...

    what if hobama grew a spine/care and made the min wage an actual living wage for all????

    and ignored employers' wrath as he ignores the same re: hobamacare fines etc.

    how great and truly deserving of real praise from real voters would that be???????

    hobama is a racist bankster prez/overrated slacker for his broke drones

    who are far too elated with the bs/abuse that hoibama dishes out to the poor each day...


    cc that global warlord hobama's nobel peace prize/africom.ndaa etc



  21. I know this isn't going to be a popular opinion... but crappy jobs are out there. Just because someone does something that folks need or is difficult, doesn't mean they get flush doing it. I have always looked on home health aids, fast food workers and the lot as folks who fell into that work and didn't set out to do such. If everyone made the same wage no matter the job, then this would not be the capitalist society we all know and love

  22. Anonymous10:35 AM

    don lemon is a real man who tells real truths
    even about hobama

    cnn = hobama tv 2

    msnbc = hobama tv 1

    fox is the only msm network telling ANY truths about that racist bankster drone man hobama

    don would do well to stop slumming at cnn

    and he would fare much better at fox than tj holmes did at bet


  23. Anonymous10:39 AM

    don lemon is a real & brave man who tells real truths
    even about that coward & hoax hobama

    cnn = hobama tv 2

    msnbc = hobama tv 1

    fox is the only msm network telling ANY truths about that racist bankster drone man hobama

    don would do well to stop slumming at cnn

    and he would fare much better at fox than tj holmes did at bet


  24. Anonymous10:47 AM

    and unlike the dl hobama

    the heroic out don lemon
    does not pimp a wife and 2 kids as beards...

    cc reggie love/donald young/larry bland/larry sinclair...





  25. Anonymous11:05 AM



  26. Anonymous11:11 AM

    first bottled water bs

    now this

    more proof that michelle is a corp ho like hobama


    cc the mandatory ramen dieters


  27. Anonymous12:01 PM

    jonah hill is a fat racist homohating nerd

    that disrespectful jh would NEVER have tweeted that bs to any het wm

    or even gay wm anderson cooper


    don made him relevant


  28. @Anon 11:09pm, this is exactly the type of sickness I was referring to. Furthermore, you seem to be comprehension challenged. Certainly I'm caable of taking constructive criticism, I only despise selective criticism. After all, there is a big difference. Again, this entire country is sick, not just blacks.

    If your community is lacking evening classes for adult education, perhaps you should contact your local state reresentative for funding because you're in dire need of comrehension skills.

    Additionally, if you're having warm and fuzzy feelings for Ms. Lemon, you should unabashedly state so and quit being so darn apprehensive. I promise, I won't ride you if that's what you're into (no pun intended).

    Moreover, as far as being a coward, who's posting comments under the pseudonym of ANONYMOUS? I rest my case!

  29. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Whooooaaaaa! Souljaboy tell 'em!!!!! :))))))

  30. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Can somebody tell me what 'mk' stands for?

  31. "Home care workers are some of the hardest workers doing some of the most important work in our country with the least amount of rewards"

    This is bullshit! My son has Cerebral Palsy and I have had to use home care workers for the last 13 years. It's like anyone who walks into these agencies are given a job. I've had people steal from me, eat my food, sleep on the job...you name it! It's hard to find a good person who genuinely cares about the job they are doing. In my opinion, a complete overhaul is needed...quickly...before I hurt the next slacker they send to my home!

  32. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Some of you claiming that prescribed mental drugs is the result of therapy. Well, IF you go to a 'psychiatrist' who is quick to prescribe 'something' to make you better, then of course, that is what will happen.

    But if you are going for some form of psychotherapy or cognitive therapy from a psychologist or MS therapist, then you won't end up on mental drugs.

    Blacks need to take it slow, and see a "psychologist" or a "therapist" in the beginning. Stay away from a psychiatrist because their mo is to prescribe some mental drug to treat some sympton they think you have.

    Find a 'good' psycho-therapist who will treat you psychologically and emotionally WITHOUT putting you on drugs. The last thing we need is our race on another drug.

    Having said this, SOME do need medication...like Aaron Alexis. But MOST don't.

  33. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Black Sage said, "If your community is lacking evening classes for adult education, perhaps you should contact your local state reresentative for funding because you're in dire need of comrehension skills.

    Additionally, if you're having warm and fuzzy feelings for Ms. Lemon, you should unabashedly state so and quit being so darn apprehensive. I promise, I won't ride you if that's what you're into (no pun intended)."

    Black Sage, in order to make it appropriate to your level of intelligence, may I shorten your name to 'BS'?

    I really don't see much hope for you because you just don't get it. Your immaturity is that of a high-chair two year old who can't be talked to or helped.

    Regarding Mr Don Lemon, your conclusion that I must sexually desire him 'because' I agree with him is absurd. Your thinking shows your own down low homophobia, not mine. LOL

    This will be my last comment to you. It's a waste of time. And that means YOU are a waste of time.

    BTW, I teach at a University and have written several books...Unlike you, I am way ahead of the learning curve. I comprehend quite well. GOODBYE.

  34. MK stands for mind kontrolle. mind control in english. ashkenazis + just regular nazis seem to LOVE this stuff.


    the above blog gives excellent information and reference materials to go in search of additional information.

    your question brought tears to my eyes...THIS is why we must tell the Truth. there are those that NEED the information.

    i have shared before and feel compelled to share again...when you go to the different sites i link to...if not careful, you will find yourself programmed to some degree. some of the sites warn point blank that their information is triggering.

    said a different way: it is best to be prayed up. asking Almighty to lead, guide and protect you as He shows you what He wants you to know about the/any situation.



    Mr. dl needs to go grab a seat...like yesterday. i reserve the right to choose who i will listen to and mr. dl is NOT it.

    when i reference souled out jonah hill who got cold outed by mk beta sex slave james franco @ a roast ritual recently -hulu the james franco comedy central roast. then watch with 3rd eye wide open, and see the degrading ritual brake down ALL participants and viewers, under the guise of 'entertainment'...but Listen as franco checks hill. reminding hill of the come up deal franco played apparently a significant role in...again: they have to tell you who they are and what is going down.

    hill is faking the shemite funk. i see him real clearly. i also think after the incessant bickering back and forth done by dl and hill that hill made a sound point.

    dl was doing the 'everything is racism/bm bashing' thing quite a few bm LOVE to do when convenient. folks NOT wanting to deal with you when they are coming out of the mens room does NOT make them racist nor classist. what grown azz man waits outside the mens room expecting to shake folks' hands and such? then bickers long and hard about it when he doesn't get the full proper attention he seeks? yep...i agree with hill...acting like an over aggressive fan, obsessed/idol loving, fainting with excitement little girl.

    wrong time to do all that then dare to address the stiff necked, wayward, SELF worshiping BM bunch. doing all that makes your message a bit suspect to the paying attention womenfolk as well+ you on CNN. lol. come on now...


  35. all i want to know from mr. Cosby is if he is ready to discuss his sacrifice?

    i didn't miss Beyonce's recent sacrifice either. folks trying to be all closely affiliated with these possessed/mk'd change agents would do well to see how many close associates drop like flies on the regular...while the beat goes on...

    i am happy to see folks are putting things together.

    as it relates to politics- Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion #13 is perfectly applicable.

    arguing in circles fits into their plan. makes more sense to exchange information so that folks can make informed decisions as to where they stand on matters. then they will have to stand up...

    IF folks truly understand...they will know there is no grey area, really. the folks rolling through with the false light bearers demand all in/all out just as Almighty Himself says hot/cold- there will be no lukewarm.

    folks either are going to stand for Truth or they are not...

    FN, you tick me off because folks may take the political puffery you post and apply it as if it makes sense to do so. some folks don't know any better.

    you + BO are going to be sitting in hell, behinds in the air, with your own personally assigned enthusiazztic attentive demon, IF ya'll don't STOP with all the lying!

    AB, MO, too. the bpa bottles are to alter folks. menfolk are having so much effing fun, they have not bothered to notice somebody wants them to become women...as the women are neutered or turned into men. talk about flipping things...yet when folks connect it all up and call it the crazy demonic conspiracy against mankind/humanity that it is...THEY are the 'conspiracy theorists' or 'crazy' people...

    that's cool, too. whatever label folks need to maintain their 'good sleep' state. lol. i protect my good sleep too. lol! i just don't walk around talking to folks in that mode. THIS could be the reason behind all the zombie movies. so until the poisoning catches up where folks' stuff just falls off mid convo...at least folks can get used to wandering around not all there. LOL. that's all i got. it does NOT make sense. it is just evil when one bottom lines it.

  36. Anonymous3:00 PM

    ditto Queen FFP:

    the plastic water bottles are killing all of us
    all genders etc

    and i despise jh

    mk = mk ultra

    i love don lemon
    all papparazzi/celeb/interviewers etc
    often wait osd restrooms
    and bushes
    and ANYWHERE they may snag a scoop

    don was being no more obnoxious than droves of his wm media peers who do the same to jh daily

    yet jh has never ranted so disrespectfully about them on his twitter
    and he never will

    my regal sista
    we agree to disagree on that dweeb jh dissing don lemon BECAUSE he is both black and gay

    i revere and adore u even when we disagree


  37. ps. Almighty is called the Mighty Counselor for a reason.

    Stevie Wonder wrote a song about it years ago.


    AB, i wrote a piece a little while ago about His Name. this is follow up to a prior convo as promised, from last week.


    i am praying for a different way to say the information...since there is MUCH in a name+ quite a bit of leavening in the Bread. though we are called to be more concerned with the doctrine to be avoided...moreso than the leavening, as it is written.

    NO ONE is saying run into a bldg and idolize the mere man standing in the pulpit. ALL religions have been infiltrated...which is why folks must be serious about seeking Him. religion will have folks all spun out.

    there IS Power in prayer...whether folks think it is 'popular' to concede this fact or not. it appears it is en vogue and new school for new age folk to pretend Almighty is dead. asleep. not paying attention. is the lying one not the lying azz devil. i WON'T co-sign such obvious crazy. not today. not ever.

    quite a few bfolks go to church on sun day so they can tell people that's where they go each sun day. they don't bit more have a true relationship with Him than BO has a sincere interest in the well being of Black Americans...outside of maybe MO and his daughters. these folks rolling with satan HAPPILY offer up their women and children (both genders)...hence the maybe BO cares...

  38. AB-

    MK Ultra is the gov't project clinton apologized for...and folks shredded documents for asap. some of the Truth still got out nevertheless.

    MK Ultra is based off of the mind kontrolle/behavior modification projects of the nazis/ashkenazi europeans. this is why the us gov't paid to get those people/mad scientists to the us, south america and other parts of the world after the european holocaust/genocide which reportedly claimed the lives of 6million jews+ 5-7million other 'undesirables'; though folks ONLY want to discuss the genocided jews-damn the 'goy' that perished... which paved the way for the current state of is ra el.

    break that name down alone and folks got a whole other layer. lol. the rabbit hole runs deep, folks. which is why the white hats (programmers) keep folks where they want them to be...on program. it is not my job to cooperate with my oppressors. i was born to resist.

    when one bottom lines it...we are sending the soul asking the question back to the same information. there are other gov't projects, operation blue bird, paperclip, etc that all utilize Mind Kontrolle as a part of the blue print for behavior modification.


    we can agree to disagree on JH. DL may need to tackle the blatant white supremacy in the gay community (enforced by BOTH blacks AND non blks) before as a gay man he dares to come addressing the homo hating self worshipping bm?

    maybe that is not so safe?

    might affect his CNN ends?

    maybe his bosses won't let him?

    lol. get my point? suspect. rejected. as a het woman...i am REAL clear all gays are NOT allies. truth be told...when one encounters a really hateful one...he/she is usually black. there is familiarity that breeds contempt among hets, gays, and het/gay relations, when all parties are black. i don't do brand new.

    there is some ugly going on within the gay agenda that folks won't talk about. i AM that one. lol. as He releases me to speak, i will. the main thing standing between a gay man and a much desired het man...is a woman. women running through here acting like black skin= friend or gay man= friend are operating with BAD MATH. the lesbians do their thing, too, now. i won't pretend all lesbians are looking to be married to one person. this is just NOT the truth.

    ps. folks stalking folks outside the bathroom is dumb. dl works for cnn. do like everybody else does and figure out how to parlay this fact into meeting whoever you need to meet bad enough to stand outside the mens room waiting for them. duh! YET you are the mouthpiece for complex spiritual problems that you seek to address without suggesting folks stop with all heathen antics and turn their hearts to Him...so He can heal His people and their cursed land?

    man, please. i'd sooner listen to Al Sharpton. seriously. LOL.

    gay men reprimanding het ones resonate just about as well as grown azz men reprimanding women and girls. out of order. get out of here with that! i can assure you...folks that don't ever pick up their Bible, will whip it out to shut down ALL homos coming to preach family values. creating another opportunity for folks to go in circles+ argue can ONLY be the reason for trotting this fella out to do all his talking.

    i am glad we can agree to disagree. i appreciate our exchanges, sis. create a beautiful day...that's my plan;)

  39. Anonymous4:23 PM

    ditto Queen FP:

    gays are as diverse as hets/blacks
    all hets are not saints
    all gays are not demons

    i judge ALL ONLY by their deeds/spirits/souls
    all are genderless

    there is no solo gay agenda
    just as their is no sole black agenda
    many blacks do indeed envy gay politicos/gains
    since they have had none since 2000
    blacks have asked NOTHING of hobama
    other than tees and photos
    that is all they have been granted

    cc latinos and gays
    who have demanded far more from the dl hobama
    have won more

    many gays are extremely racist
    it makes them feel less gay
    just as many blacks are extreme homohaters/homo soul killers
    because it makes them feel less black/less hated
    i incessantly call out and lament racists and euro gays & hets

    dl has a white lover
    i will not defend or condemn that
    love is too rare

    but i love black regal clones of myself exclusively
    i have never dated osd of my race
    and i never will
    my wife is a cloned african american queen
    i do not speak for don
    his choices are his own

    whores who are not monogamous come in both het and gay
    many gays fear gay marriage
    due to het divorce rates
    many het soldiers who abuse/rape femle soldiers
    fear gay soldiers who they assume will do the same to them
    karmic fears...see???

    we gays do tend to overachieve
    bayard rustin
    audre lorde
    james baldwin
    harriet tubman
    angela davis
    george washington carver
    and MANY other homo black warriors
    are indeed allies to ALL balck soldiers
    they are/were gay indeed
    gender/sexuality have NOTHING to do with human character/divinity

    even hobama is a gay bm
    and still the 1st blackish prez etc

    gay men are men
    and all alpha males like don lemon and bill cosby
    have earned the right to call out all alpha males
    just as lesbian lionesses like me
    shall slay all het hyenas like fantasia see???

    it is a homohating myth that we lose our gender within our homosexuality
    i am a femme who loves femmes only
    we gays are as diverse as hets
    most gay men are macho and hate feminine men
    they eclusively date and seek "straight looking/acting" clones

    hets have historically proven that they are so amoral
    that it would take gays centuries to catch up
    no het can judge us
    ditto for those who dare ro compare white slave masters to ojs
    white racists to black ones
    het pedophiles who rape their own female kin to psychos in nambla etc

    there is no there there
    only horrid BOLD het hypocrisy
    it is not us gays turbo breeding blacks into pathology/poverty/the PIC/oblivion....
    or gay gangs slaying black kids in chiraq

    those who bash and slur us
    do not know us
    the loss is theirs











  40. Anonymous4:28 PM

    i will never defend media drones

    but i will also never defend racist young homohating dweeb celebs like that geek jh

    and i will never condemn truly honorable black men like bill cosby and don lemon

    and i will never slander any man by comparing him to that pimp hobama's permed out souled out bottom bitch al sharpton

    shaprton has sold his soul for his bromance with hobama
    ditto fo fn

    it is glaringly evident that bill c and don l have their black souls intact



  41. Anonymous4:37 PM

    whores come in all genders
    ask the dl biracial bi dog hobama
    ask vera baker and larry sinclair etc

    some humans are whores/not monogamous

    my wife and i are monogamous lesbians
    there are millions like us

    most whores are married het men

    no gender has a monopoly on cheaters/whores/monogamy

    Janet Jackson has a great new song called “What About”, on her new CD “The Velvet Rope”. I quote: “What about all the *hit you’ve done to me?...What about the times you lied to me?...What about the times you said no one would want me?...What about the times I cried you wouldn’t even hold me?...What about the times you hit my face?... What about the times when you kept on when I said “no more please”?...What about the times you shamed me?...What about the times you said you didn’t *uck her she only gave you head...” (Try that last line on YOUR lover if he/she ever catches you in a compromising position...)

    Ever notice how the players who say “She/he meant nothing to me...it was just sex”, are the same persons who REFUSE to accept that SAME WEAK line when THEY are being played? Suddenly they understand exactly how pain and betrayal are ALWAYS something when they happen to YOU. Whores are always hypocrites.

    Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, yet we work harder on our cars and computers than we do on our love relationships. Trouble in paradise? Head for a strip club NOW!

    There is no such thing as “casual sex” for me. Likewise, it is the only sex that most other persons know. Most homosexuals seem especially BUCK WILD!!! I am not gaybashing. Everyone knows that heterosexual men are the champions of lechery worldwide. Overwhelmingly, heterosexual men have statistically dominated the world as rapists, pedophiles, porno peddlers, and hedonistic tricks, globally. But as a lesbian, I know FAR TOO MANY homosexuals who make no effort to form any kind of loving sexual relationships.

    Like their heterosexual clones, homosexual hedonists use many sorry excuses to justify their repulsive lives: “I was molested as a child...so my first sex was loveless. This gives me a license to continue that twisted tradition... Christians say I am going to hell anyway. I know I cannot change my sexuality. So why do ANYTHING decent? I refuse to wait in line when I get to Hell... Monogamous lesbians are just mimicking the patriarchy. Marriage is a sexist institution that benefits men...” etc. etc. etc...... All of these bogus excuses to be whores actually make me want to vomit the blood from my bleeding heart.

    Nothing is more pathetic than an old gray whore. Too old to game. Too broken to pull. Too used to claim.

    I will always believe that all love is divine and that all sex should be sacred. It is impossible to share sacred sex with a stranger, in 24 hours or "9 1/2 weeks"...

    I would rather be lonely than be a whore or love a whore. I would rather be celibate than be infected with any STDs. I will never cherish quantity more than quality. Sometimes, briefly, I do wish I could be a whore like most everyone else. My heart would ache a lot less if I could have casual sex too.

  42. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Queen FP:

    i have no use for religion

    all religions are created by sexist racist human men

    never have
    never will

    but i will alwiays thank god for you
    even as we disagree

    and i will always respect YOUR religion in YOUR life

    love, praise, and pray to God daily. My God is a universal and genderless spirit of love, inspiration, peace, wonder, and magic… I worship the very same God that trees do.
    I am not an atheist. But, I have absolutely no use for any religion. Human men create all religions. Most religions are comprised of sexist, racist, xenophobic, and elitist myths.

    For decades, I have written and spoken about my deep hot hatred for religious bigots. Most “Christians” are the global epitome of hypocrisies and hatreds that curse my life and torment my spirit. I despise evil sinful “holy” people who live inside churches as if they were bath houses. They are sinners who engage in so much trifling and deceit daily that they must run to churches every time the doors open.

    I am a noble loner who lives a purpose driven life. I have dedicated my life to educating poor adults and children. I live every day doing good deeds. I live and love and let others do the same. I do not have to run to church to be cleansed because I do not live immersed in the toxic sludge of policing and judging the bodies, spirits, and souls of others.


  43. Anonymous4:52 PM

    God is love. And, love is universal. I truly view the bible as a mere book that is wholly irrelevant to God. I view the human inventions of every religion and denomination as holy distractions from true spirituality. I find sexuality, race, gender, and class to be equally meaningless to the singular global spirit that all humans refer, with diverse monikers, as God.
    In this impressive book, Dr. Griffin masterfully examines the lives and legends of many African-American icons. He details the clandestine homosexual lives of Dr. George Washington Carver, and James Cleveland. He celebrates the renowned openly gay lives of Bayard Rustin and James Baldwin. He reviews the curious and suspect denials regarding the sex lives of Max Robinson and Earvin “Magic” Johnson.

    Dr. Griffin heralds the inspirational biographies of many homosexual Christian warriors. They are lesbian and gay icons who defiantly serve true Christianity with divine and rebel missions, just as Jesus did. They include sheros like Dr. Barbara Jordan, Bishop Yvette Flunder, and Reverend Dr. Irene Monroe.

    “Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians & Gays in Black Churches” also wonderfully calls several ruthless and legendary black gaybashers to task, like the notoriously adulterous heterosexual whore Adam Clayton Powell, the poster boy of the Republikkkan neocon clergy T. D. Jakes, and the bastard baby making, wafflingly inclusive humanitarian Jesse Jackson Sr. It exposes the transgressions of droves of other sinful black pastors, like the opulent Fred Price, the tragically twisted Donnie McClurkin, and many others.

    I needed this book decades ago. I needed it as a secretly and suicidally depressed and closeted lesbian teenager. I needed it as I hid in a sexual closet until I was 21 years old. I knew I was a lesbian when I was six years old. I just had no words to express it. This book speaks volumes for all of God’s children who are gay. It heals the agony and dejection we all receive in the name of a blasphemed God.

    This book is noble and intellectual slaughter upon those who have poisoned the black church. It is penned with the precision of a surgeon. It shines with the passion of the sun. It sheds light upon the homohating cancer that erodes most Black churches today.

    African American Christians, like other Christians, ‘treat so literally the references to homosexual practice in the Bible, while at the same time they interpret biblical texts on almost every other topic with considerable flexibility and non-literalness.’

    …what is perceived as natural does indeed change over time

    ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’. Many find this perspective illogical. They argue if same-sex attraction or expression is what makes the person gay, then what is being loved? With sexuality being an inextricable part of one’s being, the popular saying has as much success in reality as loving brown-eyed people while hating brown eyes.

    I regard sin as those behaviors that violate, destroy, and abuse our fellow human beings and our relationships with them. In this respect, homosexuality does not belong in the category of sin any more than heterosexuality does.

    Much of black heterosexuals’ antihomosexual sentiment exists as a means of countering the perception of black sexuality being perverse…

    …we know that lesbians and gays can and do reflect the same Christian moral character found in heterosexuals.

    …most gay men and lesbians were not raped and are not rapists.

    No reputable scientific study concludes that homosexuality is a choice and can be overcome.

    …black Christians will recognize that the mire of homosexuality debates threaten our measure to be faithful Christians for the poor, the infirm, the imprisoned, and those suffering from violence.”


  44. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Here are a few excerpts from “Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians & Gays in Black Churches”:

    “There is a striking irony that African American Christians are so uncritical of Paul’s writing about homosexual activity but have maintained a critical attitude or simple rejection of Paul’s instructions on slavery.

    African American Christians, like other Christians, ‘treat so literally the references to homosexual practice in the Bible, while at the same time they interpret biblical texts on almost every other topic with considerable flexibility and non-literalness.’

    …what is perceived as natural does indeed change over time

    ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’. Many find this perspective illogical. They argue if same-sex attraction or expression is what makes the person gay, then what is being loved? With sexuality being an inextricable part of one’s being, the popular saying has as much success in reality as loving brown-eyed people while hating brown eyes.

    I regard sin as those behaviors that violate, destroy, and abuse our fellow human beings and our relationships with them. In this respect, homosexuality does not belong in the category of sin any more than heterosexuality does.

    Much of black heterosexuals’ antihomosexual sentiment exists as a means of countering the perception of black sexuality being perverse…

    …we know that lesbians and gays can and do reflect the same Christian moral character found in heterosexuals.

    …most gay men and lesbians were not raped and are not rapists.

    No reputable scientific study concludes that homosexuality is a choice and can be overcome.

    …black Christians will recognize that the mire of homosexuality debates threaten our measure to be faithful Christians for the poor, the infirm, the imprisoned, and those suffering from violence.”


  45. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Diversity is the key to realism. There ARE MILLIONS of African homosexuals who love each other. EXCLUSIVELY. Why are we so nonexistent in print and on screen? Why must we all be depicted as O. J. Simpsons?

    Incidentally, I do not blame these kufi-clad Nazis in blackface for their hostile reactions to these blatantly eurocentric images. I blame the demonic and moronic messengers. Those racist white editors and directors who dare to sacrifice our images with their deliberately limited and loathsome depictions. Those who can only accept us when we do not come in twos. (Pun intended.)

    I am FURIOUS about NEVER seeing afrocentric homosexuals like me, my soulmate, and our friends in the “gay” media! I long for gay images that reflect my African reality. Such superior messages can only come from superior messengers. On that note, skip the “gay” media’s fare. Instead, see “Set It Off”, “The Women Of Brewster Place”, “The Color Purple” and “Get On The Bus”. All of these films feature superior African homosexuals.

    Do not believe the hype!!! I am no less African because I am a lesbian. I am no less revolutionary because I am not an incubator, a maid, or a babysitter. I am no less afrocentric because my reality is absent from gay media.


  46. Anonymous5:25 PM

    yes indeed

    hate is personal and intimate

    i admit i hate pookies more than the kkk


    i know het women hate het men more than any gays/hets hate any gays....bet.

    lesian aidre lorde said it best:

    In a classic essay entitled, “I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities” [Burst of Light. 1988. Firebrand Books: Ithaca, NY], renowned scholar, poet, and author Audre Lorde wrote:

    “When I say I am a Black Lesbian, I mean I am a woman whose primary focus of loving, physical as well as emotional, is directed to women. It does not mean I hate men. Far from it. The harshest attacks I have ever heard against Black men come from those women who are emotionally bound to them and cannot free themselves from a subservient and silent position. I would never presume to speak about Black men the way I have heard some of my straight sisters talk about the men they are attracted to. And of course that concerns me, because it reflects a situation of noncommunication in the heterosexual community that is far more truly threatening than the existence of Black Lesbians.”

    If Audre was alive today, she would probably elaborate upon this reflection extensively. She might include her observations of paternity tests on TV talk shows, the increase in date rapes, and the usage of designer drugs that enable those rapes. She might elaborate upon the fact that such hatred is now dually expressed, irrespective of gender. On that note, she might reflect upon the misogyny that blares in music lyrics penned by men, or the lewd sexism that glares from pornographic music videos directed by men etc….

    Clearly, gender wars are bloodier than ever. There is a hatred between heterosexual men and women that is tangible and seething in every arena. The intensity of such hatred was epitomized by 26 year old Rae Carruth’s murder of a pregnant 24 year old acquaintance, Cherica Adams. Cherica is most accurately referred to as his expectant “baby mama”.

    This unique hatred has spawned its own vocabulary. Baby mama is a common noun used to describe an emotionally detached incubator that is unloved and uncommitted. Baby daddy/deddy describes a biological sperm donor that is rarely a father. It is profound that both terms seem to be deliberately incorrect grammatically. They imply no formal possession. Even a mere apostrophe s is forbidden as an implicit suggestion of any iota of ownership or attachment.


  47. Anonymous5:50 PM

    lesbian audre lorde said it best

    see cc above

  48. Anonymous6:34 PM


    I'll give you the fact that O has a lot of haters, but you and other Black supporters of his simply shut your brains off and ignore valid, vital criticism that keeps all Black folk presently from pressing O up about large things (unemployment, and you all are easily moved by secondary and tertiary things that don't address primary ills (Lily Ledbetter, the Dream Act, etc.)

    And, fyi, there was nothing accidental about O's foreign Policy in Syria, considering that the endgame was to disarm Syria (you should check out this article on Black Propaganda deployed, which casts uncertainty as to exactly "who" launched the chemical attack.http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/09/16/the-cia-the-press-and-black-propaganda/. Good stuff. Also, check out http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/09/04/we-need-to-talk-about-prince-bandar/.) Why disarm Syria? Well, disarming Syria, chemically, does a few things. First, it provides the U.S. greater political cover to aide the "rebels," whoever "they" really are. Second, it keeps Syria from being able to respond to Israeli encroachment in the form of an Israeli company seeking to in oil extraction on contested Syrian land within the Golan Heights during the '67 War. What if said company offered O, say, $20 to $50 million to eliminate that threat in Syria, whatever it takes? What if he got paid regardless if the threat was bombed away or through the present agreement?

    Now, we know that your boy, O, first and foremost, is not a leader, but rather a businessman who, by extending the Bush Tax cuts against the wishes of the Dems during his first term, was able to keep the bulk the $10 to $12 million that he allegedly earned from his book sales. So, we know that he wouldn't be above aiding the Israelis for money. O is a fiscal conservative who voted AGAINST raising the debt limit, twice, while in the Senate, despite now claiming ignorance and clearly opted against bailing out the masses when he acquiesced to the Republic Austerity Measures of TARP and the BAILOUT. So, with his lack of shame accepting the money via the Bush Tax Cuts while, according to economist Richard Wolfe, there are more people on welfare, SNAP, etc., than any other time in U.S. History a matter of fact, what's your take on there being a financial incentive on him obediently disarming Syria? Shouldn't we heed the admonishment of "Deep Throat" and simply follow the money?

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. ps:

    i fotend post archived/dated columns

    i penned this before i met my wife...

    miilions of black hets are eurocentric


    millions of black gays are afrocentric

    it is a personal/political issue
    not a sexual one...

    I date Black women exclusively because I need a woman who understands/shares my life experiences, joys, fears, pains, abuses, passions, missions, dreams, perspectives, politics, emotions, vision, history, ancestry, etc…Clearly, I have yet to find all of this even in an African sister. I truly need and am desperately seeking a soulmate. Our souls are housed inside bodies that shape our experiences. As a lesbian, I need a cloned body that houses a cloned soul.

    I date Black women exclusively because I need what God gave to most of us: Chocolate skin, soft sexy nappy locks, sacred breasts, magical movement, divine rhythm, protruding buttocks, soft full sexy lips, round curves, soothing voices, soul food magic, and sista cool etc…We Black women have “that thing” that no other gender or race has. That is the thing I need to live, breathe, love, heal, and to survive. This is my thing. I humbly respect that your thing may be completely different.

    Collectively, black people and our allies in struggle are empowered when we practice self-love as a revolutionary intervention that undermines the practices of domination. Loving blackness as political resistance transforms our ways of looking and being, and thus creates the conditions necessary for us to move against the forces of domination and death and reclaim black life….[Africans must] break through the walls of denial whichhide the depth of black self-hatred, inner anguish, and unreconciled pain” [Killing Rage. “Loving Blackness as Political Resistance”.]

    I respected, loved, admired, excused, and understood Marlon for this. I hate that most Africans who hate their blackness make no such effort to be as honest and humble as Marlon. They display absolutely none of his integrity and courage as they arrogantly and ignorantly embrace toxic delusion and cowardly lies instead.

    So many black lesbians live life even more eurocentrically than my former friend. They act like O. J. Simpsons in drag. In fact, they are so prevalent in gay spaces that I, and many other black lesbians, are often brazenly sexually harassed by white women who assume that we are also lesbian O.J.’s seeking their affections.

    I am less angry at these obnoxiously racist white women than I am at the droves of eurocentric Black lesbians who do chase them and make them so arrogantly confident. Racist gay media are also co-conspiratorial culprits in this interracial madness, as they deliberately omit all imagery of black love in gay films and magazines


  52. Anonymous8:57 PM

    FP, "folks either are going to stand for Truth or they are not."

    It's so easy for the human e.g.o.(edging God out) to lie for it's own benefit. It loves usurping the throne of GOD. It 'plays' GOD all the time.

    Hence, PRAYER is essential to living and speaking the truth for humans.

    "(For humans)Telling the truth is difficult; telling a lie is easy." Dosteyevsky

  53. Anonymous9:55 AM

    and there is no greater lie than religion!!!


    cc the lying sinners/holy evil homohaters

    who all ignore the FACT that their books of lies/primers for hatred/buybulls...

    all indeed house THE greatest STORIES ever told...bet:

    I worship the very same God that trees do. And, like them, I do so without the blasphemy and ignorance of gaybashing pastors, hypocritical and blind congregations of ignorant sheeple, wasted tithes, indoctrinated hatreds, contradictory texts, or opulent temples.

    As John Lennon queried in his classic song “Imagine”, how many people would live for today if they were not waiting to go to heaven? Imagine how many lost gay souls would not be living in bars or drug houses if they were not taught that God hates them by holy family members that they love… Imagine how few wars would be fought if religion did not rule politics… Imagine if all churches were homeless shelters or community centers rather than shrines to fashion shows by glossy hypocrites…


  54. Anonymous10:06 AM

    holy evil homohaters are biblically illiterate!!!

    that is why they buy bull/adore theur unread bibles


    Intelligent pastors encourage believers to become biblical scholars. Ignorant cowardly pastors encourage illiteracy so that they can control the limited minds of their moronic flocks. Do what Jesus would and read: JESUS INTERRUPTED – REVEALING THE HIDDEN CONTRADICTIONS IN THE BIBLE (AND WHY WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT THEM) by Bart D. Ehrman.

    Here are a few quotes from this classic book:


    “For me, its just one of the great mysteries of the universe: how so many people can revere the Bible and think that it is God’s inspired revelation to his people, and yet know so little about it.

    …just as I came to see the Bible as a very human book, I came to see Christianity as a very human religion. It did not descend from on high. It was created, down here on earth, among the followers of Jesus in the decades and centuries after his death.

    In the South, it is true, more people revere the Bible than read it…For most Christians [in other parts of the world], Christian faith is about believing in Christ and worshipping God through him. It is not about belief in the Bible.

    The problem is in part that the Gospels are full of discrepancies and were written decades after Jesus’ ministry and death by authors who had not themselves witnessed any of the events of Jesus’ life.

    Our very first reference to Jesus’ tomb being empty is in the Gospel of Mark, written forty years later by someone living in a different country who had heard that it was empty.

    Our first records of any of Jesus’ public miracles were written thirty-five to sixty-five years after the fact, by people who had not seen any of these things happen, who were basing their stories on oral traditions that had been passed down for decades among people trying to convince others to believe in Jesus.

    …many of the books of the New Testament were not written by the people to whom they are attributed (Matthew and John) or by the people who claimed to be writing them (2 Peter, 1 Timothy). Most of these books appeared to have been written after the apostles themselves were dead; only eight of the twenty-seven books are almost certain to have been written by the people traditionally thought to be the authors.

    Who were Jesus’ disciples? Lower-class, illiterate, Aramic-speaking peasants from Galilee… These [biblical] authors were not [illiterate]…Whoever these authors were, they were unusually gifted Christians of a later generation…A large number of books in the early church were written by authors who falsely claimed to be apostles in order to deceive their readers into accepting their books and the views they represented.

    The biblical scholars were all living in a different world from ours and reflected the assumption and beliefs of people in their world…homosexuality didn’t exist in their world. Why? Not because men didn’t have sex with men (they did) or women with women (they did) but because there was no sense of sexual orientation in that world, or any world, until the notion of sexual orientation developed among Western thinkers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries…This is true for everything found in the Bible. It was written in a different world, a different context.

    …the Bible, after all, condemns tattoos. In the same book, Leviticus, the Bible also condemns wearing clothing made of two different kinds of fabric and eating pork. And, it indicates that children who disobey their parents are to be stoned to death…In my opinion, people need to use their intelligence to evaluate what they find to be true and untrue in the Bible.

