Monday, September 23, 2013

Those "1813" text messages among friends.

Tonight I will go on a somewhat short run with my racism chase, as it takes me just a few miles from my hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

It's just another one of those stories to remind you Negroes out there that you are not living in a "post-racial" country. I know that some of you reclining in your La-Z-Boys from the comfort of your house would like to tell us otherwise, but......

"COATESVILLE, Pa. — A prosecutor says officials at a large southeastern Pennsylvania school district exchanged “shockingly racist” text messages on district phones.

Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan told The Associated Press on Monday that his office learned of the messages during an investigation into the Coatesville Area School District.

Check out the texts here.

He says the text messages “looked like something from 1813, not 2013.”
The Daily Local News of West Chester says Superintendent Richard Como (pictured left) and Director of Athletics and Activities Jim Donato (pictured right) used the district-owned cellphones to exchange a series of racist texts in June. Both resigned abruptly during the first week of school.

Here are a few exchanges between the two school officials, according to The Daily Local News:
In an often unintelligible exchange of messages, the pair repeatedly used well-known and offensive racial slurs while discussing students, faculty, and members of the athletics department. 
“All should just have whatever first names they want…then last name is N—-R!,” Donato wrote to Como. “Leroy N—-r, Preacher N—-r, Night train n—-r, clarence n—-r, Latoya n—-r, Thelma n—-r and so on.” “Great idea!” Como responded. “Joe n—-r bill n—-r snake n—-r got a nice ring to it.” 
The conversation did not end there, as Como and Donato continued to use the slur as they appeared to discuss students in the school district. 
“Could have whole homerooms of n—-r!” Como wrote.
“Hahahahaha!” Donato responded. “Will N—-r report to the office, pardon the interruption but will n—-r report to nurses office. N—-r to lunch now!” 
On June 7, the pair exchanged another round of text messages discussing the then pending layoffs of district teachers and the recent firings of other black employees. 
“Man some week for sure but will be topped Tuesday night by Delco vs. Ritter. Campbell fight over Dunn financial claims and sneak attack in wings,” Como wrote. 
“Jesus christ! Can’t get much better (worse),” Donato replied. “Blood in water…” 
“Right this could be classic conclusion to board meetings by end of month 23 (teachers) get clipped Tuesday a.m. before committee meeting and prob 6 to 9 more in July if Ritter budget numbers right,” Como said.
“How many n—-rs out of 23?” Donato asked. “Not enough!”
“Don’t know but think it’s only 4-5. At most until last minute rush of firing by Goo of Phoenix and Kamara,” Como answered.
“Good hangings there,” Donato wrote. The conversation continued with more obscene language.
Phone listings for Como and Donato weren’t immediately available." [Source]

Wow! This is the superintendent and the athletic director. Nothing against hardworking blue collar folks, but this not a bus driver and a janitor we are talking about here, these two David Duke wannabes were men with a lot of influence and power. And Coatesville, in case you didn't know, is not exactly a lily white place. 

But hey, at least they got caught. They were too dumb to realize the dangers of texting on their cell phones. The bad news is, of course, that there are a lot more people in positions of power who are just like them.


  1. Anonymous7:56 PM

    That's the tip of the iceberg!

    No wonder black children aren't being taught much of anything.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Sounds like Rap lyrics!!

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    "Aaron Alexis has now allegedly joined a long line of American mass murderers by using his AR-15"

    no ar-15 was used. you often repeat liberal media falsehoods?

    why haven't you corrected your post?

  3. educators won't even discuss the Kinsey report which influences and ties the legal, academia/educational and medical professions all in on the conspiracy to destroy mankind.

    of course you got the rockefellers and other usual suspects as well funding the debauchery disguised as 'science'.

    here's a newsflash for you...there are black teachers that hate black children every bit as much. the MISeducation of the populance is by design.

    ignorant azz white folks have to be miseducated in order to perpetuate white supremacy madness as well. those pasty jokers standing in the face of evidence acting all bold+ clueless...they are my favorite ones to encounter;)

    bold devils in higher places need checking...but the colored folks nearby are usually too busy pretending they are 'elite', scared as all their blessings MUST come through white folks/their g-d they silently+ loyally serve to the detriment of their own people... while functioning like sally hemings or the help/butler, when folks pan out and see the peanuts these monkeys get for their treasonous troubles.

    most know the ish is upside down and evil as all hell. pale folks that see clearly covet their 'superior' as a result of deficiency status...more than they are trying to tell the Truth. that's why it is not up to wfolks. bfolks give them MUCH more power than they actually have as a result of the non stop whitening/white supremacy brain washing bfolks + colored folks world wide contend with daily.

    like bfolks- most folks languish in this socially engineered+ peer enforced 'state of helplessness'...

    this big reveal is not being processed completely by most. folks are NOT connecting enough dots.

    dumbing down only works when folks agree to be dumb. hopefully they will make a movie or tv show that just for brazen kicks and giggles tells the plain truth. folks will probably not want to watch though...

    i am thankful He is loving and merciful...

  4. How much dumber can some whites officials get? And they communicated in this manner using government issued phones.

    Even further, how depressed and psychotic could whites get? It seems as though they must continually resort to name calling just to uplift their own down in the dumpster spirits.

    These two bone heads prove my point from the previous post. Minorities, but blacks in particular are intentionally being miseducated by the SYSTEM! The messages that were exchanged here aren’t of compassion or concern for the education of minority students or the continued employment of black staff members there, but of hate, an abundance of indifference and the harboring of personal affinity for name calling, specifically targeting black students and faculty members.

    I’m not surprised at all though, after all, this is still Amerikkka, …. land of the weak, home of the slaves!

    Cultural imperialism at its best!

  5. Anonymous8:40 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    here's a newsflash for you...there are black teachers that hate black children every bit as much.
    8:16 PM

    Drop dead white racist piece of trailer trash

  6. now i am white?


    bm basher
    ww envier
    closeted lesbian
    homo hater
    fat black lonely woman
    one eyed purple people eater

    on+on+on!!! now...white. that's as messed up as untrue. i am offended. lol.

    let me see...nope. still don't care;) folks think all bteachers like bfolks? or children even? okey doke.

    i have personally had occasion to inquire if the 'teacher' in front of me even liked children. ALL behavior indicated a SOLID no. had an incident with a homosexual bm teacher deciding he was going to shut down an altercation between a girl fighting boy and a girl (who happened to be my friend) by yoking the GIRL all up! SHE was the speaker and the boy the hitter!!! both incidents at an all black catholic in no white folks there...

    with that type of reasoning, no wonder folks are waiting for mr. lemon to draw maps outlining execution plan for his 5 points...maybe somebody can take mercy and make you sleeping folks a 'sexy' commercial that gives at least one good solid clue?

    IF folks believe what he says has such merit and is THE answer or a component of the answer...exactly WHAT stops all driven towards that purpose folks from going to work? you're sitting here chatting about it. why gather a million men together to the most privileged mammon wise place in history? are folks waiting for 'government' buy in? what?

    why are the bulk of the 'educated' folks using their training (deliberate choice of words) to benefit the system/beast? i don't get it. or maybe FN is just a place to run in circles+ bicker+ avoid the truth like the plague?

    i really appreciate those brave souls that will stand up and speak.

  7. the system/beast needs US.

    we DON'T need them/it.

    THIS is why we are instructed to come out from among them...

    obedience is worth more than sacrifice for a REASON, His people, my people.

    i am going to take a FN break...folks gotta get their own it is written. this i find is the best way to deal, as it has worked for years...+ the chaos is getting turned up! lol. i have other work to do;)

  8. Anonymous9:29 PM


    You collect commenters who despise your mutant apologist tendencies that causes your self-hate to manifest itself. Hilarious! Your Troll nature got the best of you. Yes, it's official. The previous commenter is correct. You are indeed mutant trash for your vile comment. You did an excellent job pretending you were a member of the parent African human species. Clearly, you are not!

  9. Anonymous9:36 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    but the colored folks nearby are usually too busy pretending they are 'elite'...

    like sally hemings or the help/butler, when folks pan out and see the peanuts these monkeys get for their treasonous troubles.
    8:16 PM

    The only "elite monkey" around here is you, you stupid, worthless piece of dog shit racist cracka.

  10. LOL!

    folks acting like black on black crime ONLY takes place in the streets are indeed INSANE and their own enemies.

    everyone telling it is NOT a white racist.

    THE END.

  11. Anonymous10:01 PM

    This is amazing! Field posts about two Whites in 'power' positions using the N-word like M&Ms and Negroes on this blog end up calling a sister a bunch vile names.

    Actually, it's not amazing. It's pretty common among us self-hating black folks. We have such scattered minds that we can't stay focused for more than a NYC minute.

    We are more disgusting than those two dumb white guys. But that's the way we are...caught in a self-hating trap we cannot get out of...

  12. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    focusedpurpose said...
    here's a newsflash for you...there are black teachers that hate black children every bit as much.
    8:16 PM

    Drop dead white racist piece of trailer trash

    8:40 PM
    Anon, Focuspurpose is speaking the truth. Surely you know this to be the case? Are YOU pretending that there are no HNs in the education field, let alone our entire race? GET REAL.

  13. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Field, you and FN folks need to wake up to what's happening in the Muslim world. Field, you need to speak out about all of this terrorism:

  14. Anonymous10:11 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    everyone telling it is NOT a white racist.

    9:39 PM

    But YOU are! phoney pink ballless sack of kkk excrement.

  15. Anonymous10:31 PM

    FN folks, FYI: anon10:11pm is White and is trying to cover for the two Whites in this post by creating havoc among Blacks.

    Ignore this vile troglodyte. Meanwhile, we are tracking this person down.

  16. Wesley R10:50 PM

    With attitudes like that I bet the sports teams suck.

    They had it made. The district gave them cell phones, when schools in some inner city districts need to have computers, donated to them and teachers have to buy out of pocket alot of their teaching materials.

  17. Anonymous11:05 PM

    But, the school board is apparently going to allow the superintendent to retire and collect a pension? What the heck. If you do something like this you shouldn't be rewarded with a pension. He should be fired. They both should be fired.


  18. There is nothing here folks. White folks just being white folks. Carry on folks.

  19. Stay with us FP and pay these cretins no attention. The objective of animalistic creatures always have been to stir up trouble and subsequently sit back and be entertained through laughter. Wait a darn minute, ….. isn’t this the nature of the horn headed beast, to cause dissension, friction or discord amongst people when a light is shined upon the truth??

  20. Anonymous11:14 PM

    No, sister Val, they won't be fired. They will be allowed to resign so they can collect their pensions. Although they used racial slurs, it is not considered so egregious that the district will take away their hard earned pensions.

    Besides, the N-word is used all the time in Coatesville AT SCHOOL AND IN THE COMMUNITY by our peeps all the time.

  21. Anonymous11:17 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    educators won't even discuss the Kinsey report which influences and ties the legal, academia/educational and medical professions all in on the conspiracy to destroy mankind.

    of course you got the rockefellers and other usual suspects as well funding the debauchery disguised as 'science'.
    8:16 PM

    is that a cut and paste from the homeschooling kkk on Stormfront cracka? or just another dig at your "good friend" poor AB rrhead 1070LOL!

  22. FIELD!! ROFL

    I seen this hot buttery BS a few moments ago on C&L and the first word that came to mind was: Field. I dont even get mad anymore at these shenanigans at this point. #WhatsDoneInTheDark

  23. Anonymous11:40 PM


    As I was saying in the previous thread , Blacks do NOT control a single school system in what Field calls 'Amurdera.' If we did, we could teach two critical things that no school system within the empire presently allows. One, who exactly are these entities that collectively refer to themselves as "White" - how you all came into being, what role that process of devolution plays in hardwiring the biologically-determined bigotry and, lastly, exactly why whites (read: lethal mutations) are dying out.

    Two, Blacks or members of the parent African human species, need to know how their forebearers were the founders of Egyptian culture and the builders of the Spinx as well as the Great Pyramids. Unfortunately, these whites or, the more scientifically correct term for them, mutants,, will do everything to keep Blacks from knowing truly what theg are up against.

  24. Anonymous12:36 AM

    @Black Sage,

    Please explain why you are defending UnfocusrdOnPurpose who slandered Black educators, Black people so blithely in the face of such an alarming, such a dangerous display of institutional racism & bigotry; the very same FP who impugned your spiritual integrity? Have you lost your mind? How do you defend this monstrousness? As a former educator, words cannot begin to express the incredulity that someone rocking the monicker "Black Sage" would defend such an affront? For implicit in Webster's definition of 'sage', wise, have good taste, wise through reflection and experience; characterized by wisdom, prudence and good judgement, is educator, teacher. Thus, why aren't you wise enough to realize your being likewise insulted in the face of what Field has presented? Well, as one of the cretins who routinely slams the mutant mental patient, UnfocusedOnPurpose, I'm hear to tell you that you now need to drop the 'Sage from your name and roll with 'Slava', instead!

  25. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Oops, I meant roll with SLAVE.


    I see that due to the appalling ignorance and Black self-hatred of some commenters, it's best I reserve or direct them to you. I will not lower myself to respond to these two as it's clearly undignified or, rather, infradig of me to do so.

  26. Anonymous12:47 AM

    @ 11:13 PM

    Sadly I suppose you're right.


  27. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Sorry, my second comment was to Anon @ 11:14 PM


  28. @Anon 12:36, your crappy vitriol roll with the best of the Anonymous types on this blog. Mr. X sub par Professor at X sub par University. Get a grip!

  29. Anonymous10:04 AM

    obsessive texting is a mk ultra addiction/distraction...
    it is one even worse and more deadly than tell-lie-vision/tv
    cc the hobama ruled msm

    hobamageddon trumps trivia
    NOTHING is more racist than hobama's africom
    in full effect

    vex so over text msgs from nsa/cia/fbi...
    in syria/kenya/iran/pakistan/iraq/libya???????....

    cc hobama's africom/ndaa/ww3...

    cc nostradamus/bragamus/mabus/a global war of race and class


  30. Anonymous10:14 AM

    kinsey was a brave genius hero who exposed closeted homos/homohaters/bis/cheaters/whores/liars/hypocrites etc

    secual hypocrisies are rampant and real
    more than ever now
    ask that tree jumper for jesus eddie long

    knsey told and proved heroic sexual truths
    all who tell ANY truths are hated and slandered


  31. Anonymous10:20 AM

    amorality is universal

    character has no gender or race

    many horrid educators are racists
    and millions are blacks
    they abuse black students who look like trhem
    and they abuse latino students even more

    the truth hurts
    cc the truthful kinsey

  32. Anonymous10:23 AM

    see racist black educator here:

  33. Anonymous10:32 AM

    more on racist euro black educators who abuse and scar black children daily


  34. This type of story is making me every bit the racist as those involved. You couldn't pay me to date, befriend, or engage in a conversation with a white person any longer than I have to. SMH

  35. Anonymous10:55 AM

    more wmd lies from hobama/gwb3.0

    cc fatal false flags/iran/ww3/ndaa...


  36. Anonymous11:06 AM

    happy oct/autumn?


    more on hobamacare's misery index

    we will all pay more for less

    cc ted cruz

  37. Anonymous11:13 AM

    hobama = liar


  38. Anonymous11:46 AM

    this is extreme cooning!!!!!!!

    hobama nazis protect hobama


    hobama destroys the world

    cc destroyt/drones/syria/kenya/africom/jobless/homeless/ndaa/nsa free cell ohones/jp morgan ebt...


  39. Blogger Yolanda Harris said...
    This type of story is making me every bit the racist as those involved.

    Isn't that the same thing those racist white people do. Use true life stories of black teens playing the knockout game on innocent victims to justify their hate?

  40. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I gotcha' FIELD! And you, too, Anon. The lack of focus of our people on white supremacy is the cause of black on black crime.It is nearly impossible to deconstruct the cringing trollisms all over the net when ever intelligent black people attempt a conversation. They're like Cointelpro operatives. Hard to spot some of them: they wear weaves, they wear afros, they wear dreads, they blend in. Meanwhile, back at the ranch I'm honing my spot a predator skills. Thanks very much! Signing out to the tune of Doodoo Brown: "It takes two to make a thing go right; it takes two t make it outta sight."

  41. One thing this school shows is why when a family has money, they keep their kids out of government schools.

  42. Anonymous12:28 PM

    more on hobama's global cia peers

    cc africom/kenya/ww3,,,

  43. AB, what is your position on Ted Cruz and the ACA?

  44. Anonymous5:33 PM

    @Anon 11:57 A.M.

    That's exactly it! All of my comments are about deconstructing white supremacy (which is implicit in Field's R-Chase), scientifically, by identifying exactly what these creatures who call themselves white are because their extreme caustic behavior and actions demand it (See text exchange Field has provided). Their very own scientists, heck, even their popular culture confirms that they are a subspecies, due to color mutation, not Albinism, of the parent African human species---and that can be extrapolated from Animal Planet's, "How Polar Bears MUTATED From Grizzly Bears," (if you can find it). The Germans named the frigid event that caused such mutations as the Wurm Ice Age. The Ice Man Cometh, indeed! The Grimaldi Man/Find was supposed to represent the skeletal bridge between the parent and this virulent, invasive subspecies. Furthermore, Genomic (DNA) Testing was said to reveal that the genetic marker for whiteness (a skin pigmentation trait that whites share with monkeys, which must make said trait a regressive trait, a DEVOLVED(read: going backwards) trait, the opposite of the evolved melanic trait) only goes back some some 6,000 years (I'm hunting for that reference). Thus, many mutants and mutant apologists have a REAL problem with having the bright, hot light of scientific inquiry shined upon them. Surely, there must be an answer based upon knowledge, rather than belief, because belief is all you're left with in the ABSENCE of knowing.

    As I found myself once again reflecting on the AD Donato's "Good hangings there," "lynching" comment and juxtaposing it to FIELD NEGRO BLOG HIJACKER, (MUTANT APOLOGIST) FOCUSPURPOSE'S, "So what, Black teachers hate Black students" feeble, offensive and grossly incorrect Tu Quoque (You too) Informal Fallacy Defense (The Hate that hate produced), it made me recall Dr. Frances Cress Welsing's piece, "The Neurochemical Basis For Evil."

    While hunting for a reference from her work, I stumbled upon sister Assata Shakur's blog, which had the quote, as follows:

    The Cress Theory of Color Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy), links whites' unjust behavior towards people of color (black, brown, red and yellow) to whites' inability to produce melanin skin pigment in the skin melanocyte. The whites' numerical minority status in the world and , ultimately, their fear of global white genetic annihilation by the genetically dominant, skin melanin producing, non-white world majority are pointed out as additional reasons for white aggression towards people of color. This thesis helps to explain the evil "kill or be killed" behaviors of the global white collective in relation to non-white people.


  45. Anonymous5:35 PM


    why are you pretending that tc is lying about what u ignore about hobama and hobamascare???????


  46. Anonymous5:35 PM

    @Anon 11:57 a.m.

    (Con'T)The exchanges between Como and Donato bring to mind garden variety lynching tableaus that we believed were a thing of yesteryear, but their words truly REVEAL the deep yearning within them. In fact, FIELD NEGRO BLOG HIJACKER, (MUTANT APOLOGIST) FOCUSPURPOSE called herself admonishing me to quit bringing up the past regarding referencing lynchings, just this past week or so, talk about the mother of all coincidences--NOT! So, if we can view it, after a fashion, dispassionately, detached and objective, the gleeful pleasure exchanged between the two seemed natural, even organic as it usually does when studying these creatures, which led me to realize that they clearly get a Dopamine rush exhibiting, a seemingly inexplicable "Psychopathic Racial Personality" (See Also Dr. Bobby E Wright) disorder that we've come to accept as normal, as human (even though these are the only two-legged, upright walking creatures that exhibit this peculiar scary behavior), and try to excuse it away (people are people, Black teachers hate black students, etc.) because we're afraid (hence, an unhealthy over-reliance on spiritual crutches and overdosing on religious opiates). Psychology Today maintains that, "Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centers." Now, I've seen some Black teachers blow up and even do somethings to Black students, but no casual observer, even, would equate an act of frustration or even anger as said teacher receiving a euphoric Dopamine transmission to, "the brain's reward and pleasure centers." This striking fact is why we must remain vigilant and fight the good fight, when time allows.

    The sad part about it is that this COINTELPRO Operative, FIELD NEGRO BLOG HIJACKER, (MUTANT APOLOGIST), FAILED BLOGGER FOCUSPURPOSE has successfully carpet-bombed these posts and has successfully diverted many commenter's attention/focus from combating white supremacy through scientific inquiry, logic, reason, research, and shared knowledge to a braindead mollification/pacification via the aforementioned "BELIEF (brain derailment) Trickbag (read: mind control)" which, as a diversionary tactic, leads to an unhealthy over-reliance on spiritual crutches and overdosing on religious opiates. Thus, while I appreciate Field allowing the most vile commenters to help humans to see these creatures for the inhuman acting subspecies that they are, him allowing thisCOINTELPRO Operative, FIELD NEGRO BLOG HIJACKER, (MUTANT APOLOGIST), FAILED BLOGGER FOCUSPURPOSE to do what she's done, particularly on this post, is simply too much!

  47. Anonymous5:41 PM


    why are you pretending that tc is lying about what u ignore about hobama and hobamascare???????


  48. AB-

    if you can go back and look at the record, with REVEALED information about kinsey and STILL make this assertion:

    'kinsey was a brave genius hero who exposed closeted homos/homohaters/bis/cheaters/whores/liars/hypocrites etc'

    one will THEN be able to apply Maya Angelou's quote appropriately...

    maybe you are unaware because the kinsey institute itself has its corrupt hand all in your well as the legal, mental health, and medical system. which is why there are folks corrective raping little boys right now and receiving NO jail time. might ALSO have to do with all the judges, law makers, politicians, presidents, world leaders that like to molest children as a part of their 'religious' rituals + money making endeavors...

    i posted relevant links post back + a white washed to be damned movie/documentary @ my house that shows pretty clearly the 'scientific' findings of your 'hero', who ALSO wanted NO AGE LIMIT for sex with children. his 'science' found him training pedophiles, pederasts, and nazis to 'stop watch' their activities which resulted in babies, like INFANTS, as young as 6months old being deemed 'orgasmic'.

    be clear, your 'hero' classified vomiting, convulsions, fainting, and fighting with all their little might against their 'partners' as 'scientific proof' that babies are 'orgasmic.' not to mention just flat out lied about the prison population which accounted for the bulk of his test subjects. i am not making this up...that monster wrote this ish down. Dr. Judith Reisman has done detailed work that no amount of legal bully and vilifying has been able to discredit. i urge you to take a look.

    when you learn (giving benefit of doubt here, sis) that your 'hero' had a fascination with aleister 'the beast 666' Crowley and a lifestyle that looked quite similar, then what?

    + founder of gay rights+ nambla folk all joined together in solidarity (wm- black lesbian exclusive folk REALLY are just political pawns. you folk don't even make effective necessary evil breeders, which is how these folk look on women, really)

    as per folks start is how they finish. folks SWEARING one thing publicly while doing something else entirely in 'secrecy' and 'darkness' is normal. i buy it as much as i buy mormons swearing the new improved them is all about 'diversity' yet, there are loud, proud, black mormons. i am sure black folks would join the klan if they could. they were dang sure fighting for the confederacy.

    AB, this link is from yesterday alone. not to mention the local stories on the news. do we not know teachers are feeding students (both genders) their semen as a part of the lesson plans. yep, getting sued left and right. catholics are not the only ones adept at paying folks off + covering stuff up. the church + the schools + folks homes + the streets are JAMMED PACKED with sexual deviants of ALL ORIENTATIONS.

    decent gay folks are going to have to call out the gay crazies. i AM calling it all out. LOL!

    these stories are not hitting the news left and right because less than glowing gay reports are not acceptable. same for calling out the jews.

    ps. somewhere i read Matthew Shephard was murdered by a gay man high on drugs...i suppose folks don't need details like that when they are pushing a different agenda.


    this is what the intellectuals are talking about as it relates to the same subject:

    i will come again...

  49. Anonymous5:53 PM


    all hets are not saints

    all gays are not demons



    why r u obsessed with saving gay people????

    or bashing kinsey??????

    what is the real deal???????

    cc alhittia


  50. Anonymous5:54 PM

    gay people call out ALL pedos daily

    but only u call out ONLY gay ones


  51. Anonymous5:57 PM

    why is this a mf twisted contest for u?????

    guess what?
    gays win on ALL stats!!!!!!!

    get over that bs!!!!!

    see roman polanski

  52. Anonymous5:58 PM


    4 real???????

  53. Anon 10:01pm- thank you for standing up. these folks stay brand new in keeping with the puppet masters' plans that they must carry out for nominal fiat currency. these brand new jokers don't even rate silver nor gold payments. lol. all that ish is going to crash or be confiscated anyways...

    Black Sage- let me clarify. these nameless, nominally compensated imps trouble me not in the least.

    i don't just do blog activism. there is much happening offline for those of us that are awake.

    when i step away...i don't necessarily comment. when i do comment, i don't do it off the cuff. so when it seems that folks are content to keep going in circles + bickering + contributing to racial divide/larger outsourced per usual depop plan...that means it is time for me to go. this has been my practice since at least '08.

    Anon 11:17- i don't take digs. i am pretty direct. actually i was not referencing AB at all with that comment. she is not the only educator in america. sorry to be the one to break that to ya.

    that comment was born of speaking with (or attempting to speak with) one with a masters in physics. she cracked me up + shut me down with a sound 'i don't do politics, it makes my head hurt.' pure comedy considering what she passionately discusses or tried to discuss with me...math. lol. she doesn't do the word math go signify somewhere else. you will meet with greater success.

  54. Anonymous6:00 PM

    i hate all pedos

    het and gay


    but i hate your psycho retarded gay pedo math more!!!!!!!!

    and your lies about nambla/gays/etc


    move on!!!!!

  55. AB-

    NO ONE said ALL hets are saints. you get that most of the time.

    what this is...since you are STILL not an effort to clue you in to the big reveal you seem hell bent on missing.

    ANYBODY that is NOT clear that BO is a lying azz devil at this point...will NOT EVER clue up!

    you are QUICK to label yourself a 'scholar' while steadfastly promoting an agenda that is based on utter NONSENSE + DEBAUCHERY from the pit of hell.

    get it?

    i was content to drop it...had you NOT started that 'hero' madness with an effing degenerate MONSTER...

    and while i am taking time out of my day to engage this madness...know ALSO that there ARE gays that equate their homo status and Blackness. just as their are peds + animal lovers that equate their 'orientation that no amount of counseling changes' with gays + blacks.

    can you ONLY understand when discussing BO?


    double posted link. meant this one instead.

    just as gays were determined to normalize the concept of same sex marriage...the other folks are just as hell bent and were right there with the founder of gays rights AND kinsey.


  57. You Know Me:

    say it again! ALL this devilish ish is getting aired out, right about now. folks watching the signs can see clearly the sheep/goat sort going down...

    to the offended former are too 'educated', spiritually dead, or evil...possibly understand what i AM talking about. it's ok. go back to sleep.

    mutant are pure comedy. hate whitey! hate whitey! that's a whole lot of wasted energy... don lemon has given your boneheaded self 5 points since you can't get with 2- love Almighty. love your neighbor. lol.

    ok...gotta go. create beautiful days all!

  58. But I thought only blah folks can be racists. Fox is busy looking for racist dog whistles from Barack and the CBC while this is going on. Why does this not surprise me. how much you wanna bet these ass clowns were Republicans? Ha!

  59. attn:

    whoever it was that told me fp was a psycho babbler a liar and a homohater

    please read all of her twisted demonic lies posted about gays/gay pedos

    4 days now

    u were right
    i was wrong

    i apologize


  60. Anonymous6:56 PM

    did u just discover kinsey???????


    why r u so gd late????

    study kinsey asap
    the world is a better place because he was here

    with less frigid fake holy hypocrites like u

    kudos to kinsey!!!!!

    not one mf will say that about holy evil haters like u


    the world is filled with formal churches filled with ONLY het polygamist pedophiles who fuck children and keep grown women as children mentally in stables...

    they hate gays just as u do
    the same evil god tells them to do so
    especially lesbians

    your buybull tells them to fuck virgin children

    for every 1 gay tree jumper for jesus like eddie long
    u have millions of these het pedo mfs

    pedophilia has been a divine het tradition for centuries

    cc global het pedo pimps
    all the BOYS in thailand selling their baby sisters to het MALE tourists
    those boys never sell their BROS/their own boy asses!

    all haters are mf morons
    u sound as stupid as the kkk who truly believe that MORE blacks use ebt cards

    they will die retarded and blind just like u

    when u do so

    gay pedos will still win on the math
    as they will ALWAYS be GROSSLY outnumbered by het pedos
    who fuck their own nieces/sisters/ daughters

    wtfu asap


  61. again

    u r a demonic mf liar fm

    the only mfs who refer to all homosexuality as "debauchery"

    are closet dykes who hate that they are not free to get in the mix


    ask jesus to free u bitch
    and fuck u too

    have a lesbian orgasmic day
    that is my plan

  62. fm is your new moniker fp
    u earned it u holy evil mf


    fm = fake mongrel

    cc david cash with that bs

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. we gays will always defy your holy evil mf lies with basic math

    cc your fm clone donnie mclurkin
    who has a buybull in one hand
    and some holy evil man's dick in his other hand right now

    u r a demoic mf liar
    see more gays calling our gay pedos here

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. fm

    niggers like u envy gay politicos

    each holy evil lie u post
    prove that further




    Comparisons are not synonymous with equations. No fool would ever dare to EQUATE homophobia with racism in America. But, glaring similarities abound!!! Everywhere, everyday, homosexuals are refused services in public places, stalked, beaten, arrested, murdered, raped, verbally harassed, fired, evicted, legally discriminated against, rejected, slandered, libeled, scapegoated, and generally tortured, simply because they are homosexual.

    Some persons dared to compare Rosa Parks to Ellen Degeneres, stating “Ellen never had to sit at the back of the bus”. This foolish comparison is both comical and pointless. A legendary heroine like Rosa has no business in the same sentence with a sitcom actress. Unlike these fools, I do not blind my reality with racist delusion.

    Thus, I know that Ellen, sudden superstar that she is, may decide to take a bus trip in Dixie, today. And, while sitting in the front of the bus, would most likely have her head bashed in by a gaybashing hick, with a rebel flag in one hand, and a baseball bat in the other!!! She would be kicked OFF of the bus to the cheers of the other passengers, yelling: “Stryt Waaat Purr…Daaam raaat, Yaaankee daaak, gwone home!!!”…[Translation: "Straight White Power...Damn right, Yankee dyke, go home!!!"...] At such time, I seriously doubt that her former front seat would provide any solace.

  67. Anonymous7:21 PM

    alicia banks said...

    whoever it was that told me fp was a psycho babbler a liar and a homohater

    u were right
    i was wrong

    i apologize


    6:46 PM

    It takes a big person to apologize!

    FP is a sick dog of a man, a white supremacist cowardly hiding behind the avatar of a black woman, to spew out his toxic, racist, hateful dogma, hidden in between the appearance of religion and sanctimony. He has the morals of a rabid dog.

  68. Anonymous7:23 PM

    AB, what happened to the love between you and FP? I don't understand. I thought you and FP respected each other and agreed to disagree.

    Now, you two are hating on each other. That is a damn shame. God doesn't like that.

    and what does "fm" stand for?


  69. u lie like hobama fm


    i am STILL waiting for that gay sex consent law u lied about

    gays will always win
    stop hating
    and get organized!!!!

    while silly mfs like u hate and lie
    we get our REAL agendas on

    while u worry over our gay marriages
    your het divorce rate soars!!!!!!

    YOU take care of hets!!!!!!
    we gays have us well!!!
    always have
    always will

    and gay marriage is not rocket sci
    if u hate it
    do not fuck or marry a gay...done!

    why is that so hard for u????
    4 real????

    gays do not fret over horrid het divorce

    u should ONLY fret what god told YOU to do in YOUR het marriages!!!!!!!:

    Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women. (Genesis 29:17-28; II Samuel 3:2-5)

    Marriage shall not impede a man’s right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Samuel; 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chronicles 11:21)

    A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deutoronomy 22:13-21)

    Marriage between a believer and a nonbeliever shall be forbidden. (Genesis 24:3; Numbers 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 10:30)

    Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the Constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be construed to permit divorce. (Deuteronomy 22:19; Mark 10:9)

    If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his brother’s widow or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be
    otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Genesis 38:6-10; Deuteronomy 25:5-10)

    Divorced people may not remarry without being considered adulterers. (Matthew 5:31-32) (Mark 10:4)

    Adulterers shall be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:10) …



  70. u lie like hobama fm

    gays are as diverse as hets
    with as many agendas

    my agenda fm
    is to slay holy evil mfs like u

    i win
    we gays will always defy your holy evil mf lies with math

    cc your mf hobama tee

    cc that bs to ancient global het pedo traditions/ child brides of HET pedos

  71. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I wonder if either of you are real. It's so hard to find genuine black folks these days. No wonder we are in such disarray.

    Hell, FP and AB could be the same person for all I know.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. n:

    u could have typed something real about ndaa/africom or emailed glen ford/bruce dixon when u posted that trifling shit to me

    that speaks deafening VOLUMES about U u "bruh"

    in mere weeks
    hobamascare will slay us all
    ted c will be a hero then
    maybe even the next prez

    stranger things have happened
    ask that cia bankster hobama

    do remember
    i told u so

    September 4, 2010
    “But don’t insult me and 300 million Americans by calling this “health-care reform.” At least you’ve stopped calling it “universal health care.” We will not have universal health care or anything close to it. I wish the president and the Democratic leadership would just stand up and say, “We’re sorry, America . We didn’t get the job done you sent us here to do. We’re weak and scared and unable to communicate the simplest of messages to the American people. Therefore, our bill will guarantee that 12 million of you will still have NO health insurance. And that’s because we have decided to leave the greedy, private insurance industry in charge of our system. Forgive us for this and for continuing to allow profit to be the determining factor as to whether a patient gets the help she or he needs…

    And how big will the fines be if the insurance companies do deny someone coverage for having a pre-existing condition? Are you sitting down? A hundred dollars a day! That’s it! So if you’re the insurance company, and Judy is a customer of yours, and Judy needs an operation that will cost $100,000, what do you do? You take the fine! Let’s say Judy lives another year after you’ve sentenced her to death, your $100-a-day fine will only cost you $36,500! That’s a savings of $63,500! And trust me, my friends, that’s EXACTLY what’s going to happen.”

    -Michael Moore – “The Pure Greed of Obama’s Phony Health-Care Reform”

    1. All employer insurance will soon be undersold and nullified.

    2. The current quality of ALL health care will swiftly decline.

    3. Medicare will be eradicated and elders will become the first collective casualties of Obamacare.

    4. Unemployment will swiftly increase because of the costs and taxes that Obamacare will unleash upon employers.

    5. Joblessness will rapidly increase as employers cut costs related to Obamacare.

    6. Homelessness will rapidly increase as jobs evaporate.

    7. IRS agents will immediately use Obamacare to make their customary legalized extortion even more brutal nationwide.

    8. Millions will be fined and jailed as they choose to buy groceries and pay rents rather than pay mandatory Obamacare premiums.

    9. Pharmaceutical corporations will now wild worse than bankers have wilded internationally since Hobama handed them a similar swindleus package as Obamacare.

    10. Obamacare will finally awaken millions of Hobama Nazis when it is far too late to do one single thing about each omen previously listed.

    Someday, our progeny will inquire: “Where were you when Obamacare happened?”

    Few will respond honestly: “I was cheering for Obama racially and glaring at his own cute kids while he was slaying your future with debts and deceits…”

  74. fm

    u r a holy evil liar


    u lie like hobama

    see more gays calling out gay pedos

    All crime watch organizations report that 85-99% of most pedophiles are middle to upper classed, married, heterosexual men who rarely even visit churches and routinely molest their own daughters and nieces. The vast majority of priests are not raping little boys. Those priests who do so should be swiftly crucified. All church officials and peers who harbor and protect these pedophiles should be crucified with them, including the Pope!

    Increasingly, pedophiles are cyber savvy heterosexual men who lure young girls over the Internet while their wives are watching television or parenting their own children. Many child rapists are increasingly females, seducing their friends’ children or female teachers seducing their own students. Many pedophiles are males and females who traffic in global child pornography or sex slavery networks.

    All statistics on pedophilia are flawed. Most children who are molested and exploited never tell anyone. So, most of these crimes are never reported, especially by most boys, who fear evil gaybashers even more than brutal perverts. Most victims are females. But, increasingly frequent male victims fear the stigmas and shame they must eternally endure from family and friends, even more than they fear the abuse of predatory sex fiends.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. fm

    all of u holy evil psycho bs preaching mfs lie like hobama

    and your hateful lies curse ONLY u
    NEVER us gays who hate u
    u give us energy to win our agendas
    cc your mf hobama tee


    u r a holy evil mf soulless clueless gd liar

    and u lie like hobama!!!!!!!

    more gays calling out gay pedos:

    There is absolutely nothing godly about most religions and most religious people. Charlene’s latest act demonstrates that expertly. The only thing more loathsome than self-hatred is hating those who love you. Nothing could be more hateful to the readers who loved this magazine than to bastardize it, by grotesquely morphing it into a rag dedicated to the sheer fantasy of “ex-gays.”

    Adding insult to injury, Charlene is daring to leave the name of a revered late lesbian at the magazine’s masthead. Even when she cannot love her lesbian self, Charlene has a duty to love those who loved her magazine and who love Venus. Keeping Venus’s name upon an “ex-gay” magazine is akin to owning a magazine that celebrates O. J. Simpson and naming it Malcolm X. It is like devoting a magazine to afrocentrism and naming it Michael Jackson. It is like dedicating a magazine to Nazis and calling it Africa. It is like dedicating a magazine to poverty and naming it Oprah. It is like dedicating a magazine to legitimate musical talent and naming it P-Diddy. It is like dedicating a magazine to feminism and calling it Eminem. It is like dedicating a magazine to gun control and calling it DMX…

    God creates homosexuals in every living species. We proud out homosexuals are precisely who we are born to be. Charlene has the human right to live an ungodly lie. But, Venus died a lesbian, not a liar. An ethical person would kill the magazine and start anew with a new name more befitting a blasphemous, neocon-in-blackface, fantasy rag. Charlene has chosen to kill her legacy with gay readers and the memory of her dead lesbian friend Venus instead.

  77. stats prove that a child is safer with the average gay man next door...
    than with their own het uncle or aunt

    ask marvin gaye
    he and his sister were raped by their uncle for yrs

    few heroic celebrities have shared their own stories of childhood sexual abuse. Marvin Gaye was anally raped at 15 by his uncle. Marvin’s sister was also raped by that same monster. Carlos Santana was sexually abused for many years by a rich American pedophile tourist. Monique was molested by an older brother for years. Oprah Winfreywas raped for many years by several of her mothers’ boyfriends. Millions of children are sexually abused daily. The vast majority of them grow up to be heterosexual, contrary to the rabid lies that homohaters spew.

  78. see more het pedos/child brides here:

  79. So AB, in other words, you support Ted Cruz.

    Do u believe in universal healthcare for all Americans?

  80. stop playing fn

    cc your bs queries to BAR

    i am not in the mf mood

    i support the truth
    and all who tell it

    especially about that evil lying bankster mf hobama


    here are millions Hobama fans who will minldlessly cheer absolutely anything he does. They are blind Hobama Nazis. They are hopeless and mindless zombies who really view Hobama as the winner of a global American Idol contest who will blindly buy his music no matter how many blatant lies he sings.

    Then, there are those of us who are sane enough to see beyond the blackish icon of his presidency and look at the all too familiar whitewash of the all too typical corporate green evil that define all of his policies. We see that Hobama has made every single mess left by King Shrub/George W. Bush even messier. We see that Hobama chose to save predatory mortgage brokers and bankers rather than the homeowners they sabotaged and bankrupted. Hobama chose to save white collar jobs at the amoral AIG while millions of blue collar fans became jobless and homeless. Hobama created newspeak that made the escalation of war synonymous with ending wars, and this war president snagged a surreal Nobel Peace Prize. Now we grieve as we watch Obamacare become Hobama’s greenest hoax of all time.

    Disgust breeds brevity herein. The die has been cast and we will all be felled by the toxic fallout of Obamacare. Like King Shrub’s coup in 2004, Hobama’s 2012 victory has already been selected by the corporate powerbrokers who actually rule our globe. That is why the worst of Obamacare will strategically become law only after 2013. That is also why Obama and every one of his politico peers in Washington are officially exempt from his own horrid health plan..

  81. glen ford will answer for me.



  82. glen ford will answer for me.



  83. Anon that inquired-

    i AM real. AB is just having a complete meltdown while projecting, obsessively posting irrelevant links, and no doubt stressing her heart. all that, can't feel good.

    IF she is BOTH aware of all the evil crap in kinsey's 'academic' closet + thinks he is a 'hero'...she outs herself+ her agenda. period. full stop. she has a whole LOT of nerves to hassle FN on his BO ride and die to the end steez. LOL!

    instead of her addressing the charts and reports that i am referencing. or dealing with the history that CLEARLY links wm founder of 'science' that is used to support any and all things, wm founder of the gay rights movement, wm nambla movement guy, and a DIRECT link to satanism...what does she do?

    quote Scripture and cuss like an 'ole well seasoned sailor. bad look AB. can't do all that AND call yourself 'femme', too. lipstick lesbians usually do better. you rocking bad plaid+boots behavior. lol! fix that, lady.

    i don't owe any apologies in this instance. otherwise i would offer one. she has projected, side stepped, come to my house and showed her whole need some home training behind...and when she gets done, i am not making anything up. i am urging folks to look for themselves...question everything. think for yourself. it is not illegal, yet.

    the smart folks that are able to look at information and process it along with what they see...can't help but to notice some things just keep lining up with prophecy. few of the human 'fathers' of anything really hold up. they continue to be revealed as co-conspirators or controlled opposition. notice MLK is now 'founding father' though NONE of what is going down has anything to do with his life work.

    AB, told the 1st and only lies that have been told throughout this exchange...her 1st being that she respects my belief in Scriptures. then proceeds to come to my blog house and demonstrate that she does not.

    her latest meltdown is just that...the latest. no...i am not just now familiar with the kinsey report. i reference it because we have been discussing human sexuality. kinsey IS what beliefs AND laws re: human sexuality are based on in, in part, america. gays who hate peds and think they should be jailed for long periods of times...need to go back to kinsey reports and start speaking up.

    or discuss flowers, reptiles and creepy crawly you don't know ALL this ish is a big fat LIE wrapped in CORRUPTION...with nice healthy does of CHAOS sprinkled on for good measure.

    ps. black gay rights folks are NO MORE organized or powerful than black rights/het folks. monied black gay folk have a REAL hard time seeing each other and building up the Black community with all their 'diversity' just like the hets. get cute elsewhere with your great at compartmentalizing self.

    you riding hard for the wm gay everything conspiracy. you claim to understand the illuminati and secret societies. so you just REALLY thought all the gay theme throughout was COINCIDENTAL?

    g-d is love...

    where did yours go? lol.

    i love you no less. i AM for Truth. your homo agenda facts be damned stance appear to be your blindspot.

  84. i used to be the bfolks need to shut up about homos until we fix our issues as hets person. UNTIL i saw clearly what is attached to the gay agenda. i don't hate gays to call it. just as i don't hate bfolks nor become a racist white person to address what folks should clearly be able to see is wrong with us as a collective of people.

    research your own links since your tone is so ROTTEN. aren't YOU the researcher + scholar? you might want to stop fixating on BO and take another look at the kinsey report/studies before you run through here calling that creep a 'hero' AND other folks crazy + evil in all the same comment. LOL!

    and to the folks that have called AB a psycho in need of meds plus MANY other gay slurs FOR YEARS as she posted all the Scriptures BUT the one that addresses her particular get down with the get down...i do NOT retract my consistent shut the heck ups;) lol. i just don't AT ALL agree with her on this topic.

    and yes...i reserve the right to post gay child abuser links just as she post pookie het child abusers. i AM ALSO that soul that will check big fat chicks that think skinny jokes are appropriate in my presence. i don't hate people...not even BO. i pray for people and stand against injustice and lies...even the ones re-packaged as 'science'.

  85. Anonymous9:22 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    Anon that inquired-
    AB is just having a complete meltdown while projecting, obsessively posting irrelevant links,
    she has a whole LOT of nerves to hassle FN on his BO ride and die to the end steez. LOL!

    what does she do?
    cuss like an 'ole well seasoned sailor. bad look AB. can't do all that AND call yourself 'femme', too. lipstick lesbians usually do better. you rocking bad plaid+boots behavior. lol! fix that, lady.

    come to my house and showed her whole need some home training behind..
    9:10 PM

    Wow! Some friend you turned out to be!Holy S***!That's you: Holy S*** LOL

  86. Anonymous9:23 PM

    PREACH, AB!!!

    I don't agree with everything you say, but at least you are REAL. Fake Purpose seems like a phoney.

    Foney Purpose.

  87. Anonymous9:59 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    since your tone is so ROTTEN. aren't YOU the researcher + scholar?
    and to the folks that have called AB a psycho in need of meds plus MANY other gay slurs FOR YEARS

    Muh swet swanny Fockey Porkeeey! Dons git younsalf all warkn ap bout no rotten tone sckolar! Gal, rad dem skrapshores gal! Deys gonna save yuh muh Fockey! an gib yuon peece.

  88. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Yeeeeeehaaaaaaw! Fockey ah lubs ya gal!Don ya leeb da felled kneegro blag,doncha muh fockee pockeeee

    Dey be sayin roun nere youse a man! Dat true focky? Aaah naaaaaah, naaaaaaah Focky, puhleese tal muh dat aint tru gal tel me! Ah don beliver it ahnywais! ah dont!

    Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaw! na ha bout ya proof it an ya hak up dem skurts an do sum a yourn twarken fa me porcky! Nah yuh nose yuh wans to hehehe


  89. fuck u all

    kudos to kinsey!!!
    he exposed fake freak bitches like u!!!!


    u r a gd holy evil babbling mf fool
    u lie like hobama
    and u r
    a court jester with a frigid vagina

    black gays have won as gays
    there will be no apartheied gay marriage....see???
    u mf evangelist on crack

    cc your mf het hobama tee asap

  90. holy evil mf fm:

    go masturbate with your buybull

    i am done here


    kudos to a hero!!!!!

    who exposed all of the homo homohaters & hypocritical whores & holy evil cheaters...

  91. anon:


    i have never met one buybull loving hypochristian holy evil church mf who is real


    i have never met one homohater who was het

    and i never will


  92. anon:


    i have never met one buybull loving hypochristian holy evil church mf who is real


    i have never met one homohater who was het

    and i never will


  93. lol AB. if THAT is what you have to offer as a 'scholar' + 'educator'...not a good report.

    all the rest of you impish haters, LOL @ you, too. co-signing AB's meltdown does her NO good. seriously.

    lol! just done!!! i posted some of kinsey's own 'scientific' observations and got called a lie by someone that claims to know already. lesbians/gays calling other folks 'freaks' while demanding fair treatment+normal status is pure HILARITY. for real.

  94. fm:

    my bad

    u made your chains look like a crown
    for a spell....

    u gd cursed cackling chained up coon

    stop envying gays
    get your orgs asap

    cc your mf het hobama tee asap

    This brilliant book documents the ancient and ongoing existence of homosexuality in Africa. It illustrates the history and reverence of homosexuals in many African tribes. It dispels the racist myth that homosexuality is a European disease. In fact, it clearly proves that European homophobia infected Africa and African homosexuals. That rabidly virulent infection continues to plague Africans across in religious “sanctuaries” across the Diaspora.

    “Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians & Gays in Black Churches” is a stellar mix of theology and wisdom, religion and sanity, history and hope, unconditional love and uncompromising logic. This classic book simultaneously reads like an encyclopedia, a primer, and a righteous weapon of spiritual self defense. It is a triple threat for the trilogy of terror that black lesbians and gays endure in a world that hates blacks, women (including men who are regarded as womanly), and gays.

    In this impressive book, Dr. Griffin masterfully examines the lives and legends of many African-American icons. He details the clandestine homosexual lives of Dr. George Washington Carver, and James Cleveland. He celebrates the renowned openly gay lives of Bayard Rustin and James Baldwin. He reviews the curious and suspect denials regarding the sex lives of Max Robinson and Earvin “Magic” Johnson.
    “Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians & Gays in Black Churches” also wonderfully calls several ruthless and legendary black gaybashers to task, like the notoriously adulterous heterosexual whore Adam Clayton Powell, the poster boy of the Republikkkan neocon clergy T. D. Jakes, and the bastard baby making, wafflingly inclusive humanitarian Jesse Jackson Sr. It exposes the transgressions of droves of other sinful black pastors, like the opulent Fred Price, the tragically twisted Donnie McClurkin, and many others.

    Here are a few excerpts from “Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians & Gays in Black Churches”:

    “There is a striking irony that African American Christians are so uncritical of Paul’s writing about homosexual activity but have maintained a critical attitude or simple rejection of Paul’s instructions on slavery.

    African American Christians, like other Christians, ‘treat so literally the references to homosexual practice in the Bible, while at the same time they interpret biblical texts on almost every other topic with considerable flexibility and non-literalness.’

    …what is perceived as natural does indeed change over time

    ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’. Many find this perspective illogical. They argue if same-sex attraction or expression is what makes the person gay, then what is being loved? With sexuality being an inextricable part of one’s being, the popular saying has as much success in reality as loving brown-eyed people while hating brown eyes.

    I regard sin as those behaviors that violate, destroy, and abuse our fellow human beings and our relationships with them. In this respect, homosexuality does not belong in the category of sin any more than heterosexuality does.

    Much of black heterosexuals’ antihomosexual sentiment exists as a means of countering the perception of black sexuality being perverse…

    …we know that lesbians and gays can and do reflect the same Christian moral character found in heterosexuals.

    …most gay men and lesbians were not raped and are not rapists.

    No reputable scientific study concludes that homosexuality is a choice and can be overcome.

    …black Christians will recognize that the mire of homosexuality debates threaten our measure to be faithful Christians for the poor, the infirm, the imprisoned, and those suffering from violence.”

  95. hey fm

    u dirty evil fake mongrel bitch

    u melted down about gay pedos weeks ago

    and u r melting still!!!

    so wtf????????

  96. hey fm

    u dirty evil fake mongrel bitch

    u melted down about gay pedos weeks ago

    and u r melting still!!!

    so wtf????????

  97. hey fm

    u dirty evil fake mongrel bitch

    u melted down about gay pedos weeks ago

    and u r melting still!!!

    so wtf????????


  98. free your homohating mind asap fm

    your frigid het ass will follow

    get your life/sex/politics/agendas on
    and stop hating gays

    envy is sooooo fugly on coons/hyenas

    see more on the heroic kinsey here:

    1. Anonymous12:00 AM


      Why are you allowing this complete, resolute bastardization of your work by two people who have less respect for your work than stormfronters? Will check back in a few months or so. Can't imagine what you're thinking.

  99. AB-

    and when you finish with your vulgar meltdown...go to the reports OR keep diverting HUMAN sexuality convos with flower references...while praising a complete satanist child molesting (both genders!) degenerate as a 'hero'. if calling THAT duplicitous demonic co-conspirator behavior out makes me a 'homo hater', 'closeted lesbian', or anything else you can come up with in your mind...that will be your opinion+ business.

    your 'opinion' does NOT threaten my existence. you are riding hard for a cause that REALLY ain't talking about you, boo boo. official 'gay rights' and that agenda has ALL of nothing to do with black lesbians. believe it...or not. THIS would be why folks are NOT developing any vehicles to highlight your existence...DESPITE whorelywood being jam packed with black gays. when folks are talking about 'gays' more times than not they are addressing wfolks. THIS is why even permissive azz kinsey wasn't checking black gays despite there NEVER being a shortage of ya'll.

    black folks are along for the 'dominant culture' ride wherever they are trying to cram themselves into these folks' mess.

    keep your name calling+ clowning. act your age and not your shoe size. respectfully agreeing to disagree...yet ANOTHER AB evidenced by BEHAVIOR. done, already.

  100. fm:

    cc every mf thing u have posted about all gays herein
    4 weeks

    u homohating hypocritical hyena

    only holy evil mfs like YOU obsess over other people's sex lives

    and slander kinsey

    go fuck yourself

    and leave us gays be

    roll your buybull up into a paper dick and take that with u!!!!

  101. Anonymous11:17 PM

    alicia banks said...


    u homohating hypocritical hyena

    go fuck yourself

    roll your buybull up into a paper dick and take that with u!!!!

    10:55 PM

    Ahahahahahahaha! O sut! that was good AB! go f***yourself with a rolled up buybull! I know you'd enjoy that FP!

  102. the more you come undone and reveal the bold, perverse, one track mind demon you host...the MORE i understand WHY you would think kinsey a 'hero'...water seeks its own all realms it appears.

    DESPITE being a very proud + boastful 'scholar'+ 'researcher', you have turned a convo about HUMAN sexual BEHAVIOR, in which i, the NON scholar point to THE kinsey report/studies which is THE 'science' + 'science' that underwrites man's law...while you chop, dice, and julienne the Scriptures. you are clearly hosting the dumbest of demons, because even average demons do believe + tremble.

    did you think i was joking when i said the spirits are subject to me, not i to them? i gives exactly NO care about your newly 'normal' + vulgar and UNladylike as all get out status.

    do your 'Christian' friends know this is how you get down and truly feel regarding Scriptures? where's all the 'g-d is love' stuff? YET, i AM fake? okey doke. duality+ projection ALL day.


    folks following this convo...look to the kinsey reports for yourself. see who AB in the most depraved + vulgar fashion calls a 'hero'...

    just because i will call it Scriptures or so called 'intellectuals' own studies...doesn't mean i wrote the information. i just know what is written. i AM referring folks to kinsey's OWN NOTES. his liars, apologists, and legacy keepers are lying in the face of his notes.

    kinsey, himself, acknowledges using the findings of 9 peds, he trained, while compiling his 'scientific' notes. his liars and keep the govt/rockefeller money coming folks try to lie it down to only 3 or 1- as if that's better. keep in mind...prosecuting said peds was actively thwarted by AB's 'hero'...

    DON'T take my word for it. read it for yourself. i posted the links a couple of posts back. we ARE in the information age...get your own links and stop asking folks to speed ya. how about that? i also posted a link that gives protected status law to the zoophilia group that argues their 'orientation' is no different than being homo or het. THAT law got through hitched to the wagon of the Byrd (racist evil against a bm-he was dragged to death) and Shepherd (gay killed by a gay)...yet folks want me to name names and addresses of folks that comfortably draw the comparison ALL DAY between Black and gay?


    go read it for yourself.

    the kinsey institute is dead set AGAINST full disclosure on what this devil/AB's 'hero' was up to...and this demon had ACTUAL nazi involvement. didn't want them arrested EITHER.

    YET, brand new would rather discuss flowers than kinsey's report gays reserve the right to pretend they don't understand kinsey's corrupt azz hand in the legal system BARS full prosecution for those that would hurt children (both sexes). hence the NO JAIL TIME for the corrective raping little boys link i posted previously. WHY do lesbians PRETEND corrective rape only happens to women/girls while acknowledging that if little boys could get pregnant...there would be a lot of them running through here? how does THAT work, exactly?

    you know, duplicitous LYING bold devils will BOW DOWN or BTFU. know this.

  103. i would post links on ALL THE NONSTOP devilry happening in the het community, but of course AB can see and use her research skills when it comes to THAT. i stand against it ALL. i don't measure evil... this is also why i blast that hateful queen lee daniels at every opportunity. ANY bw that partners with him may NOT expect my support nor for me to let up.

    AB...our hiccup is my steadfast refusal to play along with what appears to be your willful ignorance + refusal to address much less call things what they are. you longstanding beef with FN. play ALL DAY if you feel so inclined. then get real

    i did NOT make this a convo about Scriptures ON PURPOSE. i know you know. we did NOT just meet. i wanted to talk about all that uncivilized behavior your 'hero' took time out of his life to write down.

    act like a lady. you call THIS 'femme'? ugh.

  104. correction:

    ' you longstanding beef with FN.'


    your longstanding beef with FN is a prime example of hypocrisy. he can't see/speak the real on BO nor legal system.

    you can't do the same when folks wander over into 'gay rights'...none of it means the truth/facts change.

  105. Anonymous12:25 AM

    FP she said to roll up that buybull and fuck yourself with it!

  106. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Lord have mercy. These Negroes are a trip. Welp, there goes the "chosen black people" biblical theory. FP and AB really had everybody 'believing' for a little while until they threw out the bible and started fighting like self-hating black folks. we are such losers.

  107. Anonymous10:07 AM

    fake mongrel:

    when did u become a fan and defender of fn???
    see what a bogus bitch u are???????


    god normalized homos in EVERY living species since forever
    she always has
    she always will
    yet u think u can lie/"pray" that away???
    see what a holy evil moron you are?
    see what a soulless loser u are????

    u r a brazen blaspheming buybull babbling fool
    u lost your soul by lying and hating on gays
    long ago
    u simply masked that loss from me for a broef spell
    i am over that

    (cc that consent law asap)

    i have lost track of all your holy evil lies herein
    for weeks u have been obsessed with gay pedos
    scan up
    see the hatred and lies u spew re ALL homos
    u dizzy demented ,mf

    quote one lie that i have EVER posted about anything!!!!!!!
    especially about us gays
    u have posted lies about gays and gay pedos for weeks
    and u r posting lies about kinsey now too

    all who are righteous will keep slaying holy evil fools like u
    handle that eternal "beef" asap
    and never ever sleep on it
    u suicidal stupid mf

    while u r posting your incessant retarded holy evil LYING evangelist bs
    and lying about kinsey/gay pedos and other blasphemous bs....
    know that
    millions of gays are organizing politically
    and NOT re: that imaginary consent law u have BLATANTLY lie about!!!

    and we gays are winning
    u homohating dl hobama loving blind dumb nigs???
    not so

    get your life/org/agendas on asap
    as we gays do
    it is a far more godly/femme usage of time...someday u useless holy evil nigs may
    get that
    then again...u blind dumb useless amoral mfs probably never will

    how will slandering gays lower your hobamacare hiked insurance premiums???
    ask fn

    no shock:
    truth/links will always vex/be ignored by
    willful liars and fools like u
    fn will ignore hobama because he is a proud hobama nazi
    and evil mfs like u will ignore god's homo creations in all species
    because u r proudly holy evil ateful lying mfs....

    carry on u holy evil cackling coon
    u r the ultimate mf coon
    u have lost your sexist homohating cursed soul
    u TRULY deserve cursing by all!!!!!!
    and i will proudly and superbly do my share!!!!!!

    u will remain a hypocrite a hater and a fool
    u r a legless cow = ground "beef"!!!!!
    kudos to me!!!!!

    nothing is as "debauched/debased" as a HOLY EVIL FOOL
    u r the most debased and debauched bitch herein...

    your holy evil homohating is fugly and also
    and butch bitch!!!!
    carry on as a holy stepford bitch for satan

    het and gay femmes love gays
    it is holy evil closet butch dykes/fake pastors whom all femmes loathe



    the holy evil bitch fooled me too...just for a spell
    bur NEVER again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  108. Anonymous10:50 AM

    silly assnon:

    i adore my black gay self

    that is why i will always slay homohaters and racist fools like u and fm

    expect me always!!!!!!!

  109. folks can lie on me and pretend that i have been anything other than a lady in this mess if folks want to...

    i have NOT thrown out Scriptures. nor the Truth of who we are as a nation...nor am i backing down when folks just are COMMITTED to lying.

    again...don't take my word for it. read kinsey's reports for yourself, then decide who is lying or revealing true colors by labeling that person a 'hero' in the interest of pushing their all gay everything agenda.

    when folks come up out of the still is what it is. just as with Scriptures...i didn't write it. i just know+understand what is written.

  110. Anonymous11:37 AM


    u lie like hobama with a buybull

    no demons live lower in global gutters than u demonic holy evil liars

    where is that mf consent law????

    why do u ignore normalized homo humans created by god!!!!

    etc mf!!!!!!!

    read all of the hatred and lies YOU have posted against ALL homos above

    read your incessant bs and lies about gay pedos/kinsey etc

    scan up asap!!!!!!!

    ask god to give us a mf spine to own up to ALL that u have posted

    as i always do!!!!!!!

    stfu until u post that consent law and read your own homohating posts!!!!

    we see u edie long!!!!

    bitch. boo. bye!!!!!!!!!!

  111. Anonymous11:41 AM

    i woe someone herein an apology

    because u LIED about posting the same homoharing bs that u r looping now


    ask god to give YOU a mf spine to own up to ALL that the holy evil bs that u have posted

    holla back when she gives u a spine!!!!

    until then
    u r as dead as your buybull

  112. Anonymous11:43 AM

    i owe someone herein an apology

    please see my belated apology above... re: this holy evil homohating liar fake mongrel.

    she has shown me that u told the truth!


  113. Anonymous11:48 AM

    i have a spine

    i respect all/only TRUTH from ANY source

    i always admit when i am wrong
    which is rarely!!!

    i was VERY wrong when i defended fm from the poster who told me that she was a homohating buybull blaspheming babbling fool

    and that is why i apologized to them

    and this is done

  114. Anonymous11:57 AM


    unlike fm
    i take all truth seriously
    i am a femme with integrity
    not a rude butch wanna be pastor bitch

    so...3 other rare occasions upon which i have publicly apologized:

    to that liar hobama
    before i knew his long form bc was sloppily forged

    to tlc fans
    as i was not al fan until t-boz took the lead vocals


    to the ex husband of marion jones
    i thought he lied about her
    he did not
    she lied

  115. Anonymous12:36 PM




    wtf does kinsey have to do with your BLATANT lies about gay sex consent lws???

    wtf does kinsey have to do with u hating all gays/ONLY gay pedos???????????

    wtf does kinsey have to do with gays besting u hobama tee and ohoto loving nigs????

    unlike u fm
    i hate ALL pedos het and gay
    i do not have to pretend that all het men are pedos
    because of ariel castro
    as u pretend all gays are pedos
    because u hate all gays

    kinsey became demented as many geniuses do
    cc the very het very insane howard hughes

    kinsey DID become a HET pedo
    so how does HE help u bash all gays as pedos????

    the YOUNG SANE LEGENDARY SCI kinsey DID STILL expose sexual liars like YOU
    and fools who were NOT pedos

    and YOUR holy evil homohating lies will NEVER change kinsey's legacy

    cc sci history with that psycho bs asap


    mj was the BOTH the king of pop and the king of pervs
    racists will always try to fade him with elvis
    elvis wooed and ed a child
    but he is never called a pedo....shame!!!!!

    just as racist elvis fans' lies
    your lies will never work
    ditto for your holy evil gay lies that will always FAIL!!!!!!

    mj became an insane pedophile too
    just like kinsey did
    but that will never fade thriller etc
    or erase his well won grammies

    get your mf life
    save your own cursed soul
    get gone and ge over us gays asap

    we do no waste time hating u and policing your beds/sex/loves....
    that is why will always saly u!!!!!

  116. Anonymous12:38 PM


    get your mf life
    save your own cursed soul
    get gone and get over us gays asap

    we do not waste time hating u and policing your beds/sex/loves....

    that is why will always slay u!!!!!

  117. Anonymous12:43 PM

    mj was the BOTH the king of pop and the king of pervs
    racists will always try to fade him with elvis
    elvis wooed and wed a child
    but he is never called a pedo....shame!!!!!

  118. Anonymous12:44 PM

    mj became an insane pedophile too
    just like kinsey did
    but that will never fade thriller etc
    or erase his well won grammies

  119. Anonymous1:43 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    when folks come up out of the gutter...
    11:09 AM

    Yeah, YOU outta try and climb out from that gutter yourself, you piece of dog shit coward!

  120. Anonymous2:27 PM





    i am still wating on that gay sex consent law bs...that holy evil blatant lie

    send that link asap!!!!!!!

  121. LOL @ the devils. thanks for your unintentional encouragement;)

    because i do love you, here you go:

    Proverbs 25:28- He that hath no control over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.


    you are welcome;)

    i CLEARLY snatched someone's WHOLE cool + class+ lady card.

    from now on...i will just put you on IGNORE;) what you post was relevant for the 1st BO selection...not so much for the 2nd. kinsey is actually more relevant today as judges give little to no time for crimes against children committed by men and women. considering your agenda, i would stay BO focused as well. safer. despite the boyfriend, he is 'het', by the way you folk chop reality. safer to hate, i suppose. lol.

    those that don't understand africom is real greatly resemble those that think degenerate perved out kinsey a 'hero'. just in a different way.

    until you say something non vulgar ,relevant, reconnect to civilized behavior, and wrap your 'scholar' brain around how to respectfully address me...i have nothing else to say to you directly. i will happily scroll past your pic. you are undoubtedly posting BO links anyways.

    ps. anyone not familiar with the lesbian community would NOT take away a thought of 'normal', 'love', nor 'scholar' from the way you have conducted yourself. shame!!! i know you are a poor reflection...other folks that TRULY hate gays won't bother making the distinction.

    great gay activism there...not.

  122. @ Anon 7:40pm- with mad rolling with the Ancients BASS!

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