Monday, September 02, 2013

Who is killing our toddlers?

I am not going to get into this too much, because it involves my line of work and something that I see on a regular basis. But some of you women out here are going to have to start making better choices with the men you choose to let into your lives.

How many stories have we heard of a mother taking up with her new boyfriend, only to have said new boyfriend cause the death (intentionally or otherwise) of her child? I would say far too many.

Then there are the women who choose to hook up with gangbangers and cats who sell illegal pharmaceuticals, and they end up putting their children in danger by mere association with these abhorrent characters. I am not going to state the obvious. We all know that these thugs and urban terrorist who choose to wage battle on our streets, and the heartless men who would harm a child should bear responsibility as well. But this post isn't about them; it's about the other part of the equation.

Take, for instance, this case out of Brooklyn, New York. Poor Antiq Hennis never had a chance.

"NEW YORK (AP) - Police investigating the death of a 1-year-old boy who was shot in his stroller during a walk on a city street believe his father was the intended target, Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Monday.

Authorities have some leads in the killing of Antiq Hennis in Brooklyn on Sunday night and believe his death may be gang-related, Kelly said.

Antiq's father, Anthony Hennis, had just gone to pick up the boy at the home of the baby's mother, Cherise Miller, and take him to visit Hennis' grandmother, Kelly said. Hennis, 21, put the boy in the stroller and was pushing him across a street in the Brownsville neighborhood when shots rang out at about 7:20 p.m., police said.

"I saw a man with a stroller screaming: 'My baby got shot! My baby got shot,' " witness Gina Gamboa, 23, told the New York Post.

"He was going crazy."

Grief and outrage over the toddler's shooting loomed over the annual West Indian Day Parade about a mile and a half away, where Mayor Michael Bloomberg called the killing "a tragedy for his family, for this community, for the entire city" and political candidates talked about gun violence.

Four shots were fired, and one hit the boy in the left side of his head; he was declared dead on arrival at the hospital. The gunfire left four .45-caliber shell casings on the corner and bullet holes in the stroller, Kelly told reporters before the parade. [Source]"

You won't find a bigger advocate for stricter gun laws and more gun control than yours truly, but you people have got to make better choices and start being smarter with your children. What's the point of having them if you are going to put their lives in danger?

Finally, it's Labor Day here in America, but I have to wonder why we even celebrate it anymore.

Labor unions are becoming obsolete in this country and Americans look down on the labor movement now more than ever.

Big business and capitalism has won. They can thank a republican party that's in their pocket for that. It's all about the bottom line now, and cheap labor and poor working conditions rule the day. Americans are just glad to have a job (any job) and they are not going to risk losing it by speaking up for things such as a safe work environment and a fair wage.

It's such a shame. Labor Day used to mean something.



  1. Woodrow7:16 PM

    "Big business and capitalism has won. They can thank a republican party that's in their pocket for that. It's all about the bottom line now, and cheap labor and poor working conditions rule the day"

    Really Field? Exactly which party is pushing amnesty for illegals and open border immigration that will bring 50 million new low skill workers into the workforce? How do you think that will affect wages, employment, and working conditions?

    Man, you are such a partisan hack you can't see what is blazingly obvious.

  2. Croalo7:28 PM

    Exactly which party is pushing amnesty for illegals and open border immigration that will bring 50 million new low skill workers into the workforce?

    Uh, Republicans? Or at least it was the Repubs until the Tea Party zest for firing illegal aliens from cannons positioned over the Rio Grande took over.

    Besides, aren't we busy replacing low-skill immigrant labor with low-skill prison and ex-convict labor?

  3. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I can only imagine how depressing it must be to deal with these situations on a daily basis :(

    I once had to take some social sciences classes as part of a curriculum.

    One involved visiting a home for children that had been removed from the family unit. OMG!

    The rules were that we were not allowed to hug or touch or kiss the child. Or answer any of the child's questions.

    Well guess what the main desire of each child was?

    1. To receive and/or give a hug.

    2. And the very eager questions that they ask you as soon as they can are: "Do you know when I can go home?" "Do you know why they don't come for me?"

    To say my heart broke,is to put it mildly.

    I still choke up when I remember.

  4. Woodrow7:42 PM

    Croalo said...
    Uh, Republicans?

    Are Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer Republicans? Are you a moron?

    Romney was explicitly against amnesty. Obama bypassed congress and instituted the 'Dream' act unilaterally.

    Republicans keeping wages down for big business and Democrats getting to import new voters has been the Devil's bargain regarding mass third world immigration. But this project is 100% owned by the democrats now, who want to replace white rural populations with more reliable voters and black urban populations with more reliable workers.

    If you think black unemployment is high now, just wait until 50 million more Mexicans move in. Word.

  5. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Field, you need to be talking about Syria. Blacks are going to Blacks, no matter what. so why bother talking about such tragedies? They are common in the black community just like oow.

  6. Double Wide Clyde7:51 PM

    "You won't find a bigger advocate for stricter gun laws and more gun control than yours truly, but you people have got to make better choices and start being smarter with your children. What's the point of having them if you are going to put their lives in danger?"

    Almost everyone in my neighborhood has a gun, and no one ever shoots a baby.

    It's not the guns.

    The point of babies having babies is that the government pays for it. Have a baby get paid. Have another, get a raise. These kids grow up wild on the street, with no one watching over them. No one values their lives, so anyone's life has no value.

    Stop feeding dysfunction if you want less of this. It is not 'compassion' to do this to people.

  7. Anonymous11:29 PM

    doubleclyde wide : that's about the best post I have ever seen here....

  8. Happy labor day!

    America has always been a violent country and probably will be long after we're gone. We worship guns and care more about our right to carry than our rights to vote, education and health care. The folks who says its the breakdown of the family I say look at the Columbine shooters. Having an in tact family didn't stop those kids from killing a bunch of their peers and teaachers. America loves its violence.

  9. Heard about the shooting reading another blog. No wonder I can't watch the news any more. Senseless acts of violence and cruelty, and Obama is deliberating war on another front. It's all too much.

    I'm beginning to think we should stop having children for a very long time. They're overexposed & desensitized by violence readily available in film, video games, etc. Society doesn't priortize protecting, feeding & educating our children. They've always been the future, the last best hope; but we ignore their needs and fail them at so many turns. More war means more troops. Pretty soon they'll (Congress) reinstate the draft. No kids, no soldiers.

  10. Like the 40 hour work week? Like paid sick leave? Like work safety laws? Like child labor laws? Like paid vacation days? Like minimum wage laws? Like the labor day holiday? Unions did that!
    Happy labor day!

  11. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Honestly, I don't think I know anyone right now except for government employees, that are working at jobs that have health insurance, maternity benefits, overtime pay, even a 40 hour work week, most are less!

    And over here the governor signed into effect a law that makes it I don't know how many years before government employees can retire.

    So of course we had the myriad jokes and cartoons of oldsters on crutches, walkers and diapers still at their jobs, as well as being carried out in a coffin :)

    So it seems that the world is changing. Job "security" is a thing of the past!

  12. Reggin Esaelp12:24 AM

    PilotX said...
    The folks who says its the breakdown of the family I say look at the Columbine shooters.

    PilotX, master of the false equivalency.

  13. Rahmamandeep12:29 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Like the 40 hour work week? Like paid sick leave? Like work safety laws? Like child labor laws? Like paid vacation days? Like minimum wage laws? Like the labor day holiday? Unions did that! "

    Bullshit. All of those things would have happened without unions.

    Unions served a purpose but now are mostly a negative force; public sector unions are outright malevolent.

    Private sector workers should be allowed to unionize, but it is insane to allow government employees to form unions.

  14. Georgia Genius12:38 AM

    California Girl said...
    I'm beginning to think we should stop having children for a very long time... More war means more troops. Pretty soon they'll (Congress) reinstate the draft. No kids, no soldiers.

    Good plan California Girl, that's called extinction. No kids, no soldiers--- or farmers or doctors or teachers or firemen either. If there are no people, then there are no people problems.


  15. "PilotX, master of the false equivalency."

    Nope, I'm not a conservative.

    "Bullshit. All of those things would have happened without unions."

    Soooooooo, how come they didn't?

    "but it is insane to allow government employees to form unions."

    Nah, they need protections too.

    "Unions served a purpose but now are mostly a negative force"

    Still serve a purpose and have many positive results. I'm in a union, I know.

  16. Ricky Retardo1:46 AM

    "I'm in a union, I know."

    Aren't you special.

    Then again, for someone like yourself, union rules are probably the only reason you haven't been fired yet.

    Hey look, it's time for another coffee break already!


  18. "union rules are probably the only reason you haven't been fired yet."

    As in most unions we went through a probationary period in which I could have been fired for just about anything but seems like the company liked my style so they kept me around.
    I get checked in the simulator every 9 months, get line checked evey 12 months and so far not one hitch in my performance. Never had one accident or incident in over 24 years of flying. Glad you care though.

  19. "the trend of declining unionization and rising income inequality mimic each other"

    From the above article.

  20. so...THIS is why i AM called to STAND UP and STAND STRONG




    i AM coming back with Scripture. THE LAW OF THE UNIVERSE.


    i AM called as His Chosen Mighty One in HIS MIGHTY NAME YAHWEH and His Only Begotten Son, YAHUSHUA.
    Our Messiah sent to pay for our sins to give His Law to the Universe.

    Full Stop.

    No Apologies.

    everything ELSE is between that soul and Almighty. not my business. i will pray that His Will be done. i want what He wants ALWAYS!

    i love you ALL so much. pray for me.

  21. as i for you all. always.

    UTS and LA have been on my mind. please drop a hello.

    cheese ball i know...

  22. Ricky Retardo2:19 AM

    PilotX said...
    Never had one accident or incident in over 24 years of flying

    You only get one.

  23. to be specific:

    please pray for me to have greater Love for salty azz white folk and dead head happy slaves...they are protecting this ish like it makes them happy or something...

    i will recap shout it out take a bit.

    was about to do take 3 too soon...straight gangsta midnight wake the eff up folks! (just wrong. i told you i don't know how to act.) after blasting 100 miles and running on repeat for awhile. guerilla warfare bishes...all up in the mentals. LOL. you dare sound off?

    since folks acting like i might be joking about His Law and how soon this is shutting down. by doing so accusing my Father of being a lie.


    you can get it FULL BLAST. get too salty and i will invade private property, personal space and close talk you FULL BLAST. man or woman. i earned fully that trespassing warning.

    this is bad.

    yet hysterically delicious. forgive me Father.

    pray for me my folk.

  24. ps. to get to know Him and walk in His Infinite Blessings and Power...all you would need to do is...


    ask Him to come into your life. to lead and guide you. study His Word. Pray. Obey. (with programming there is that Obey factor as well.) Be blessed.

    i have to tell is MUCH simpler than all the other business. TRULY a light yoke. burden light. (He is no burden.)

  25. Anonymous4:08 AM

    So let me get this post straight: It starts out bemoaning gangstas, drugs, and violence. Then it takes a swing at conservatives (and thereby conservative values).

    Do you really not see the irony here?

  26. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Field doesn't see himself in his posts. He sees others and their faults, not his. So, he doesn't see any irony whatsoever. It takes a person of depth to apply self-examination.

    Of course, if you have no sense of a higher power, a Creator, a GOD, or life after death, what would be the point of examining anything? Just get all you can get, use people and believe in the bumper sticker that says, "The man with the most toys Wins!(in the end)" Such is our society today, run by a post-racial President.

    Field worships the political ground Obama walks on. Desert worships the ground Field walks on. PilotX worships the ground Desert walks on. Black Sage worships Granny. Granny worships racism...There is an FN pecking order here.

    AB and FP, are considered outcasts, much like Tavis Smiley and Cornel West.

  27. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Field doesn't see himself in his posts. He sees others and their faults, not his. So, he doesn't see any irony whatsoever. It takes a person of depth to apply self-examination.

    Of course, if you have no sense of a higher power, a Creator, a GOD, or life after death, what would be the point of examining anything? Just get all you can get, use people and believe in the bumper sticker that says, "The man with the most toys Wins!(in the end)" Such is our society today, run by a post-racial President.

    Field worships the political ground Obama walks on. Desert worships the ground Field walks on. PilotX worships the ground Desert walks on. Black Sage worships Granny. Granny worships racism...There is an FN pecking order here.

    AB and FP, are considered outcasts, much like Tavis Smiley and Cornel West.

  28. to answer the question of the post-

    the police.

    cover story is thugs. though i am sure some get it in.

    if one pays attention though...the babies are waking up.

    hence the flash mobs on salty white folks. they are awake to their enemy as written in Scriptures. a heads up for what's coming for those that want to fight.

    it would make more sense to come to Him because you love Him.

    here's how i feel about the israeli military police:

    now...representing the Righteous Light...know your Strength:

    study to show yourself approved. seek Him by reading His Word daily. His Word/Scriptures/the Law is your TRUE daily bread.

    pray without ceasing asking Him to lead and guide your path to success. with His can't lose. His Word is your Spiritual Sword.

    become skilled at recognizing demons because they don't line up with His Word. THIS is how you will know. ask Him to show and guide you. then wait for Him to lead you to success. in your patience possess you your soul.

    Law to know your Strength in Almighty:

    Romans 8:28-31
    Zechariah 4:6
    Acts 5:38-39
    Hosea 1:7
    Matthew 6:14-15
    Matthew 5:44
    Proverbs 17:5
    Proverbs 5:7
    Proverbs 24:15
    Proverbs 24:17-27
    Proverbs 4:7
    Proverbs 1:7
    Psalm 111:10
    Proverbs 9:10
    Proverbs 25:28

  29. 'Field worships the political ground Obama walks on. Desert worships the ground Field walks on. PilotX worships the ground Desert walks on. Black Sage worships Granny. Granny worships racism...There is an FN pecking order here.

    AB and FP, are considered outcasts, much like Tavis Smiley and Cornel West.

    5:34 AM'


    i appreciate outcast. never been a herd type person.


    Field worships the political ground Obama walks on. Desert worships the ground Field walks on. PilotX worships the ground Desert walks on. Black Sage worships Granny. Granny worships racism...There is an FN pecking order here.

    5:34 AM


    Almighty Yahweh, Sovereign of Hosts, i ask you to flip the script and reverse the curse for anyone on this thread.

    in your Mighty Name. amein.

  30. whatever curses intended shall be three fold upon Messiah's Name.


  31. Rubber10:12 AM

    I'm rubber, your glue. Everything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

  32. Anonymous10:21 AM

    u can delete my posts fn

    but u can never delete hobama's evil boody global deeds

    and u can never delete your own hobama nazi karma

    ask the germans/SS/slave catchers/buffalo soldiers/you overseer kin...

    that racist bankster/global warlord warlock hobama is a global child killer!!!

    cc syria/africom/poverty etc

  33. Anonymous10:23 AM

    ask the germans/hitler fans/SS/slave catchers/buffalo soldiers/your overseer kin...

    cc hobama/the new hitler

    ndaa/wwiii etc

  34. FN Said...
    Big business and capitalism has won.

    Immigration is a boom for employers that want to pay low wages.

    Millions more unskilled workers to compete with all the unemployed people in America.

    Thankfully Obama and the democrats are on the side of the workers. /sarcasim

  35. Anonymous10:29 AM

    hobama and his nazis will never win

    too many see the real hobama now

    cc africom/syria/benghazi/libya/boston/sandy hook/chiraq...



  36. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Queen FP:

    god bless u

    i have no love for hobama nor any hobama nazi nigs

    i deeply loathe them all

    silence is consent
    for beta males and all others

    i pray that hobama and his drones are someday hunted down
    like the new nazi war crminals whom they are



    i wonder how the jobless/homeless/
    9 million permanently unemployed by that bankster hobama celebrated labor day....u???

    cc jp morgan's ebt card casino

  37. Anonymous10:54 AM

    i pray that hobama and his drones are someday hunted down
    like the new nazi war cirminals whom they are...

    cc africom/syria/wwiii

  38. While the "Nobel Peace Prize" President advocates for military strikes.

    STEPHEN tows the Party Line....

    Military Intervention to prove a Point ?
    That the only angle left to "Sell" the war to the public.

    Make no mistake STEPHEN is all on board for more international conflict... as long as its a Black Democrat doing it...


    Let me preempt your retort..

    Im sure your rebuttal will be....

    "Black Republican"

    or my favorite... "You must be white"

  39. Anonymous11:49 AM

    that bloody global warlord bankster hobama was prez literally only 12 days before he received his bogus Nobel Peace prize

    if he had a soul
    he would earn it ot return it

    no prez has ever been LESS peaceful than the global warlord hobama

    cc ndaa/drones/africom/syria/libya/wwiii/dhs/fema/etc


  40. Anonymous11:51 AM

    that bloody global warlord bankster hobama was prez literally only 12 days before he received his bogus Nobel Peace prize

    if he had a soul
    he would earn it OR return it

    no prez has ever been LESS peaceful than the global warlord hobama

    cc ndaa/drones/africom/syria/libya/wwiii/dhs/fema/etc


  41. Anonymous11:56 AM

    BIB said, "Let me preempt your retort..

    Im sure your rebuttal will be....

    "Black Republican"

    or my favorite... "You must be white""

    11:15 AM
    LOL. You so right. I can't tell you the number of times he has called me White, because I did not think like him. Of course, whenever he uses the line "You must be White", you can be sure he has no comeback of any substance. That's his argument against all logic, all information, and all proof.

    Field likes remaining blind and ignorant because it feels good to him. To reflect or think deeply is too painful and foreign to him. He often labels logical truth speaking Blacks as White. He cannot believe there are Blacks who actually talk about the 'elephant in the living room'. Actually, I think Field's denial is so profound, that he has never seen the elephant in the living room....just like STEPHEN...

    I mean how do you reach a mind like STEPHEN? It's sick and crazy. lol

  42. Anonymous12:03 PM

    ab, "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    that bloody global warlord bankster hobama was prez literally only 12 days before he received his bogus Nobel Peace prize"

    ab, don't you know people don't receive the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE unless they represent peace? How dare you degrade Obama!

    Obama is a man of peace, sent by HEAVEN! To carry 97% of the black vote sanctifies you. Obama has been sanctified and deified by Heaven...don't forget that. The more you degrade him the deeper into the fires of hell you will go.

    I suggest you STFU before it's too late.

  43. Anonymous12:25 PM

    fertile fatal pookies do rule the world indeed...shame!!!

    cc hobama/the pookie prez

  44. "You only get one."
    Nope, sorry Ricky, once again you show your ignorance. Serveral white peers have several incidents and some accidents. Look up the FAA definition of the terms and you might learn something. Learned something from a blah man, you should feel special.

  45. Ricky Retardo12:36 PM

    I meant one crash.

    I assumed an "incident" usually involved groping a stewardess.

    But, hey, I'm willing to take lessons wherever they come from, even the Twosqueegie Airman.

    Carry on to the scene of the crash.

  46. Anonymous12:40 PM

    hobama's global branding hoax is over...kudos!

  47. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Wow, they convicted a black 17year old for the shooting of a baby. BTW, he was convicted by a jury of his own peers, an ALL WHITE JURY, that truly deliberated in all fairness just the ALL WHITE JURY in FL did.

    ALL WHITE JURY convicting Blacks or setting Whites free seem to be in vogue these days. Oh well, there is nothing 'we' can do about that. Field knows that very well since he is part of that system.

  48. "I meant one crash."

    There is no official term "crash". And yes you seem to need a bit of education. Hang around you might learn something. Shouldn't have dropped out of the third grade but that's how you conservatives roll huh?
    Anyhoo, I'll leave that to my you. Drinking shine and driving isn't my thing there Bubba.

  49. Ricky Retardo1:13 PM

    No shine here. I drink whiskey brought to me by stewardesses along with a warm cloth with which to wipe my sweaty balls. It's so thoughtful.

    Once I mastered reading and long division, there was nothing really holding me to that third grade classroom, so I struck out on my own and never looked back. Now I live in a triple wide trailer with an aboveground pool. How do you like them apples?

  50. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Ricky, I don't blame you for leaving the third grade because it just wasn't that challenging to you. However, third grade was very challenging to PilotX. He never could get long division right, esp if there was a remainder. Me thinks he's jealous of you.

    I like triple wide trailers, they have a lot of room. The above ground pool sounds like a lot of fun. Do you allow POC in it? If so, why not invite PilotX? he doesn't have a pool.

  51. Ricky Retardo2:28 PM

    Anyone who shows up with at least 12 beers or two tits is welcome. I forgot to mention that I also have a pool table in my car port and three TV satellites.

    Life is good.

  52. stick like glue poor lost deceived soul-

    you are to listen. closely. this is THE final word on the matter.

    in the Mighty Names of Yahweh, Sovereign Creator of ALL and His Only Begotten Son Yahushua Messiah.

    from Him regarding the matter-which makes it FINAL WORD-may the whole host of heaven, in His Name reverse the curse/flip the script x 3 back at your WHOLE DEFEATED crew. permanent glue on that devilish azz.

    you had best believe:

    i AM focusedpurpose His Mighty One, Called to give this dark and dying world His Law that ALL on the PLANET must BOW DOWN to and Obey.


    Matthew 16:19
    Matthew 18:18-19



  53. Anonymous4:51 PM

    fatal fertile pookies do rule the world indeed

    cc that pookie prez hobama/syria/africom/wwiii etc

  54. AB-

    g-d is baal.

    ONLY Yahweh Almighty blesses me.

    will post lesson asap to better teach how to remove leavening from daily bread.

    please subscribe to my blog.

    if you know that Almighty reigns and are not afraid of the big bad evil wolf LIAR...facebook, twitter, link in my blog. what the enemy meant to destroy us with...Almighty will turn to our good. we just need to love, trust, obey and believe Him. WALK in faith that He will do what He said He would do.

    i will put all lessons there going forward. rather than posting them here and having to back track. He is filling me up with His lessons for His people. i have the order to work smarter. not harder;) do what He leads me to do...not what the world wants to pressure me to do...

    i love you AB and pray Almighty will minister to your heart that you might better understand.

    your lioness rage is admirable...however not in keeping with the Law of the Universe. we both share this primal mandate to take heads off on sight. however...that is not His Spirit. nor the Law. this battle will be won...not by power or might...but by His Spirit.


    Zechariah 4:6- Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Almighty unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Sovereign of hosts.


    we are called to LOVE our enemies. to pray for them that spitefully use you. to forgive them...that we might have forgiveness for those we have sinned against.

    i pray in the Mighty Name of Yahweh and Yahushua Messiah...that He will touch the Obamas' hearts and turn them to Him. NO ONE is greater than Yah and He IS able to redeem even the durtiest rag. ask me how i know;)

    Father, you have shown me...i pray you show others that you control ALL things...despite what lies folks want yours to believe. prick their hearts, open their eyes and ears...that they might turn, see, hear and only OBEY YOU. Almighty Sovereign Creator of ALL...Yahweh! in the Name of Yahushua Messiah, i pray these things. thank you for them right now.

    Father, shut these devils DOWN! that you might get the Glory.

    i love my enemies and will weep from my soul when they are so utterly destroyed that Nineveh will look like minor damage.

    dig that.

    reversing the curse. flipping the script. binding and loosing all this devilish madness that He might get the glory! x3 back @ you with permanent FINAL ANSWER UNIVERSAL LAW/TRUTH on that devilish azz!

    BOW DOWN devils and know that only HE, Almighty Yahweh is in control of it ALL. i AM here to tell ya!

    i don't know what day...but you will learn one day. SOON.

    look around and know the wrath we see lining up is for Almighty Yahweh's enemies.

  55. Almighty has sent me to ask, believing i shall receive:

    those proficient in man law-

    what LA County statutes, ordinance, etc allow for this type of behavior:

    complete with megaphone.

    got word today that i need to quiet down. i want to make sure that i am heard...once released to go back out for take 3 of i AM here to shut this madness down. best believe determined to do it also. you need me quiet devil? i bet you do.

    you'll have to kill me first. and you can't because He said so. folks best believe they are not to touch even the hair of His Anointed Set Apart Mighty Ones. UNIVERSAL LAW.

    it is sorting time- sheep and goat. i AM a set apart sheep. i urge others to believe His Word and that they are as well.

    Whitney told us...she did not know her own strength. know yours. stand up and Obey Almighty Yahweh. it ALL belongs to Him. eff what else you heard.

    the Truth is His Word.

    Yah's recruits...stand and give Him the salute. we do this right...and babylon WON'T regroup. WE WIN=UNIVERSAL LAW holla back with statute, ordinance, and like please. many thanks.

    blessings all with much love.

  56. "Now I live in a triple wide trailer with an aboveground pool. How do you like them apples?"

    Damn, I never liked third grade anyway. You win.

  57. Anonymous5:57 PM


    You said, "Big business and capitalism has won. They can thank a republican party that's in their pocket for that."

    And, this Reagan-loving Democrat-in-Name-Only [DINO] POTUS, Barack Obama, is the biggest one to blame because he has governed as a moderate republican (with his extending the Bush tax cuts enabling him to keep most of the $10 million that he pocketed from his book sales). While he HAS deported many of those whom FELLOW republicans have lured to this country to undercut American (read: black and hispanic/latino) Labor, he FAILED, as the de facto head of the Democratic Party, to ensure democratic gubernatorial governments came into existence, via his vaunted ground game, in big union states like Wisconsin and Michigan, both of which now have RTW laws on the books, which further undermine Unions. Tell the truth and shame the devil (read: mutant).

  58. Right to Work laws give workers more rights. What's not to like?

  59. "Right to Work laws give workers more rights. What's not to like?"


    "And, this Reagan-loving Democrat-in-Name-Only [DINO] POTUS, Barack Obama, is the biggest one to blame because he has governed as a moderate republican (with his extending the Bush tax cuts.."

    See how that works?

    Now tell that to the wingnuts and Tea Party clowns who call him a Socialist.

  60. "Right to Work laws give workers more rights. What's not to like?"

    Not really but it does bring lower wages and fewer benefits. It's good for business but not workers. Look at the states with the lowest wages and benefits and you'll see what's not to like.

  61. Workers in Right to Work states can still join a union if they want? I thought liberals were about choice.

  62. Anonymous9:20 PM

    FP, please don't go 'quiet'. Please don't go. Only you gives this blog spirtual nourishment. It's very badly needed on FN.

  63. Anon 9:20pm-

    it is not in my DNA to be quiet in the face of INjustice, LIES, and nonstop accusations against my Father.

    He put loyalty in my heart. it is fierce. for those that have shown me their love...that got it coming back from me two-fold. My Father who redeemed from the pit at my lowest and darkest...who heard my cry out to Him...that if He was real to please reveal Himself to me.

    He did.

    i will die before i go silent.

    the flip has already happened. He showed His way to do it.

    very politely walked down the street singing quite loudly Redemption Song.

    stood on the corner (man law sanctioned) and cried out to Him that i know i look crazy to other folk...i don't care...because He said if i will honor Him before men, He would honor me before my Father in heaven.

    nuff said.

    i asked Him to release to earth His blessings. to bind the iniquity and filth in heaven as i bind it in earth.

    reversed the curse/flipped the script...sent back the curses the enemy would visit on mankind to the enemy, permanent glue FINAL no return, three fold.

    just because the enemy does not believe Yah means business...doesn't mean He doesn't mean business.

    Anon- your Strength is your Scriptures. please follow NO ONE but Scriptures...THIS has been what has caused the curses.

    just as i am showing you how here how to fight spiritually...this behavior is what ALL of His are to do, in order to be Chosen.

    Yahudah/Judah is to give Universal Law to the other order to be Chosen.

    since Messiah Yahushua/'J-sus' ALL may be Chosen by keeping the Law and sharing it with others. most importantly it is about Love...the greatest Law of them ALL.

    folks acting like they are in some special secret club that others can't come into are...tripping.

    had this convo with a veeeeery deep Hebrew Israelite last evening. it goes for the Khazars as well. anyone EXCLUDING folks will be plucked right off the face of the it is written.

    the helicopters, ammunition, etc are for those that think raping, killing and stealing other folks' resources makes sense. what you do to others comes back two fold. good+bad. as it is written.

    time is short according to the signs. seek His Face. study His Word and make your life look like His Word by your obedience. share His Word with others. wash your hands before you eat.

    lol. that last sentence is a joke for all the times folks told me serving Yah was so hard. when asked what was so hard about it, i was informed that one had to wash their hands prior to eating. LOL.

    the devil is a MESS. about to be a crispy mess;)

    i was told to be bold and mighty...and forces would come to my aid.

    so far so good.

    the white vans, cars, etc. turned to black ones after i touched and agreed with Yah+Yahushua to release blessing/bind curses/flip it back x 3.

    i believe and will ride to the end. in THIS case, i will gladly be a ride or die chick. lol. only for the ORIGINAL ancient gangsta who gave me some of that same flow- Yahweh Almighty. i AM my Father's daughter. rocking His Full Power and protection.

  64. when i leave my house...i ask the whole host of heaven to encamp about me and protect me.

    as i walk around...folks literally will say...what the heck is THAT?...after seeing my protection. lol. our walk is indeed a spiritual faith walk.

    folks best believe. i did. had the unmitigated gall to ask to be Queen of the Universe;)

    been crying all day because i frightened the neighbors so bad. had i given in to my STRONG desire to hit 'em up again at midnight...i dunno.


    got word that would have been a snare in addition to disobedient to my Father.

    Obedience is indeed worth more than sacrifice. the reference Scriptures/Law are at the top of my blog.

    much love to all! back to work i go!

    Black folks are lazy?

    got it.

    let me flip that up for folks so they can recognize.

    when Yah had me start writing again...i thought we ALL had to pray with ONE VOICE.


    WHO KNEW He wanted my one voice to go outside and say it like i meant it and just shout it out?! so we could get this party started. i LOVE Him!!! He is AWESOME!!!

    if folks would ONLY believe Him over what they see and the lying devil voices in their heads.

    ok...back to work!

  65. correction:

    'that got it coming back from me two-fold.'

    meant instead:

    they got it coming back from me two-fold.

  66. Anonymous1:34 AM

    YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! Furpy pocalicious! Or furky porcupie? I firgitsj!

    YeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaw! Les raiz us sum hell honay porky pie! Lassan hea na furry gal I dood me a Arash jig an yu hak up dem skurts an twark fir us'm!

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! Rodeo time! Ah nose, ah nose, gats to rad me a horse! Hay pokey c' mere womins

  67. Anonymous2:41 AM

    African men raised by African women in America are killing toddlers, each other and anyone else who may accidentally step in the line of their fire. Whoever killed that little baby in Brooklyn, will never, ever have a peaceful day as long as he remains on the planet.

    Black women, you love the church, and God, but something is failing your boys big time.

    They grow up, don't like ya, do drugs, kill folks, has sex with every racial category except his own, loves the prison industrial complex, won't work/can't work and the girls grow up to adorn Caucasian hair on their heads forever until death.

    We have all lost our damn minds living in the "Greatest Country in the World"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Has anyone else noticed how FhocusPocus has gone off the deep end lately? lol

  69. Field Gracias Hijo (metaphor) LOL

    I am so glad that you have addressed this. And yes i will behave today jajajajaja

    However, i take issue with you about your statement that women have to make better choices when it comes to choosing men, esp in light of our children being murdered, either on purpose or simply because of a non caring man?

    HOLD IT!! colleague YES! women of all races,creeds religions, hues, educ and lack there of must become and reamin more vigilant esp in light of male partners.

    Not only because of the possible street violence and the I gotcha BS, but the pedophiles who seek women with children or to have children by. Entiendes?

    Which by the way bothers me just as much ;(
    (which is why i chose an educ street bro vs a talented tenth like myself!) Just saying!

    Now Son, ( metaphor) i like yourself, am no push over when it comes to drug dealers, killers, wanna be thugs, pimps, simps and playas who terrrrize and demonize our communities

    You know that i have defended, prosecuted and sent thousands to prison for over 35 yrs, and would do it again had the IP not been around..Suffice F/N this is a bit different,

    I make my case:

    The childs mother Cherise Miller (my client)in this case cannot be blamed for what someone else/others have done.

    Moreover, who knows whether the childs father was the target OR was there someone else in view as well?

    And how did they know that he would be on that street, at that time on that day? 7:30 pm hear dark (in violent crooklyn)

    Also jurors/your honor:
    Often times a young woman ( and some older ones) are afraid and even terrified in some cases of breaking ties with such men? Or even starting relationships with men of questionable life styles Why?

    Judge, jury and members of the court, its the age old fear of feeling powerless,and afraid as well your honor of the understandable fear for thier own lives and safety of families.

    My ? to jury/ court"

    What must it be like to be a mother involved with a man or fearing a man whom in the beginning was just a normal young man who lives in a violent society.
    The chances that he will grow up to become a Pres Obama, or another Thurgood Marshall, a world reknown Sanje Gupta or other professional are slim and closer to none.

    Jurors, it is possible that the shooters were targeting another person on that heavily trafficked street in Brownsville?( i know well)

    My client Ms Miller, who is the bereaved mother of this murdered child, could not have known that the murder or ACCIDENTAL shooting of her only baby would even be a consideration..

    However lets say that he was a slinger wheeler and that she knew it Where is her guilt?
    Also lets consider that perhaps the shooter was angry with my client Ms Miller, because she rejected him/her on another occassion? ( reasonable doubt)

    Could there have been jealousy?

    Is she to be held responsible or what someone esle savagely did to her baby?
    Jurors, lets consider that perhaps in hindsight she could,have run far away from the babys daddy had he been a thug as the police have suggested.

    Could Ms Miller have run as fast as Flo jo, or Jamaican sprinter Sherone simpson, and possibly escaped his attraction or what he may have offered in terms of comfort?

    Jurors/ your honor the blame for this childs death sits front an center of person(s) unknown

    Now Field my brother, you know me. I will beat down a killer but i never assume

    PS Can anyone of you haters make a better case? Before you criticize my style make yours, lets make this a good debate for once minie the little dicks! LMAO

    See Field i can behave jajajaj
    Be my guest 281

  70. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! *hiccup* Hay! Millie Vallili! Ah ain't seen y'all roun dese hea pahts afore! Hoo u bee?

    Yeeeeeeeeeeewewwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! But'n ah laks yourn stahl gal, I kins unnerstans yu. I cain allays unnerstan pokey *hiccup* bat ah jes pretens lahk ah doos , neer man! Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw whea dat moonshan at???

  71. Anonymous3:26 PM

    YeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! *hiccup* nah don your'n go behabing dere Milliyhilbilly :D! Ah lahks mah wimins on de wahl sahd! Hiccup!

    YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaw! Rahd 'em cowboi!

    YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! *hiccup*

  72. Anonymous9:07 PM

    "Big business and capitalism has won. They can thank a republican party that's in their pocket for that. It's all about the bottom line now, and cheap labor and poor working conditions rule the day. Americans are just glad to have a job (any job) and they are not going to risk losing it by speaking up for things such as a safe work environment and a fair wage."

    Damn right, and this is coming from someone who is (or at least was) pretty far out on the right. But don't kid yourself, Field -- the Democrats have not been any better. The scheme to open our borders to massive immigration to drive down the bargaining power of American citizens was advanced by both republicans and democrats, as was the repeal of Glass Stegal and deregulation of Wall Street and the renewal of the Bush tax cuts.


    RIP Young Blood!!!!

    Innocent as the sun is warm!!!!

    You did not deserve to be shot!!!

    RIP in the hands of GOD forever!

  74. BARBBF10:05 AM

    An anti-abortion website posted "The most dangerous place for an African-American baby is in the womb". Some African-Americans never get to be toddlers. Since Roe vs Wade..over 15 MILLION African-American babies have been aborted. Thank you Hitler-loving Margaret Sanger, thank you Planned Parenthood, and thank you American taxpayers, thank you Obama.
