Thursday, October 31, 2013

David's country is taking shape.

The lazy and sheep like media types in this country have been beating us over the head over the past few weeks about the shortcomings of the ACA. (Obamacare)

If you believe everything you hear from these folks, people are being kicked out of their current plans left and right, and the "evil government" is making the health care system worse, not better, here in America.

Every day we hear a new story about some poor ordinary Joe who will be kicked out of his current health plan, and was subjected to "sticker shock" when he saw how much he will have to pay for one of the Obamacare plans.

These anecdotal stories make for good sound bites and echo chamber nods of approval, but this is far from the norm. I suspect that they all know this but they also know that  "passive consumers" won't question them or do a little research.

If they did, they would realize that behind some of these stories are folks like Ian Hodge.

"For Ian Hodge, 63, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the issue is all about getting the same care from the same doctors. When he learned his policy was canceled his reaction was “surprise and disgust,” he said.
Hodge said he tried 10 times to get information about a new policy on Oct. 1, the day the online federal exchange went live. He’s still trying to figure out his options, he said in a telephone interview.
“The website is not very clear,” Hodge said. “I’m concerned about being able to get affordable health care that’s at least as good as what I had previously.”New Coverage 
Hodge and his wife Sara, who also is 63, paid $1,041.85 a month for a plan offered by Highmark, he said. They like the care, their hospital and the doctors, and they worry they won’t be able to keep them under a new plan. 
“I had heard the repeated assurances by the president and people who work for him that if you have health insurance, don’t worry, you’ll be able to keep your health insurance,” Hodge said in a telephone interview. “Well, that’s clearly not true. I wasn’t allowed to keep my health insurance.”
So, this is just an average Joe getting screwed over by Obamacare.  Or is he?  Let's do some digging on the Google.  

The first thing I find is a LinkedIn profile describing Ian as an Independent Financial Professional with a degree in Political Science from Penn.  OK, a degree in Political Science doesn't necessarily mean you aren't an average Joe.
The next thing I see is information about Ian's home, valued at $481,500 on a three acre lot.  That's nice, but nothing extraordinary.

Next, I found an article from 2012 about a political flap about Ian's appointment to the township planning commission.
Manheim Township Commissioner J. Michael Flanagan wondered out loud during Monday's meeting whether the appointment of township resident Ian Hodge to Manheim Township's planning commission was politically motivated.
and later,
Flanagan said during Monday's meeting that Hodge, a frequent critic of township spending in recent years, donated money to Heck and Kling's campaign last year, when the duo were running for commissioners' seats as a team.
Ok, it seems like Ian is politically active.  That doesn't mean he can't be an average Joe.

Then I found a website of the Republican Committee of Lancaster County.  On this page are listed the 2013 Republican Committee endorsed candidates.  And near the bottom is our friend Ian, now running for Manheim Township Commissioner.  

Ian is not an average Joe.  Ian is a Republican candidate for local office.  That has some relevance to Ian's quotes in the Bloomberg article.  I don't know about the facts Ian quotes, but his surprise, disgust, concern and worry could be politically motivated, don't you think?  Couldn't Ian's run for office have been mentioned in the Bloomberg story?  This is journalism missing the mark, at the very least.

But, then I kept looking.  This isn't the first time Ian has been quoted in a news article.  In Lancaster Online from September 24, "Thousands of Highmark insurance customers in Central Pa. face cancellationsManheim Township man must shop for new policy
Hodge, of Manheim Township, said the letter surprised him. "They're canceling my policy," he said. "That's not something that was supposed to happen under Obamacare."
That article doesn't mention his run for office either, even though it is a local media outlet.

One could naively think that Mr. Hodge just happened to be contacted by two media outlets for his views.  I like to think Mr. Hodge has been contacting reporters, pushing his story.  Evidently, when a reporter is offered a money quote out of the blue, he or she may just run with it.  And that's why I like to Google news articles."

I am not mad at the right. They are doing whatever they can to win the propaganda war. There is a lot of money and power at stake. There is the potential for such a large fundamental shift in how health care services are delivered here in America, that I am quite sure some people are going to do everything in their powers to make sure that it doesn't happen.

You would think that journalist in this country would be talking about the poor children who are going to go hungry because republicans saw fit to vote to cut the food from their dinner tables. The candy and goodies that they get from trick or treating tonight can only go so far. At some point mommy and daddy will have to go grocery shopping. (Did I mention that taking food from children will also hurt the economy ?)

The beauty of being an elected politician who earns over $170,000.00 per year is that you will never have to worry about depending on the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) program or any other program that the government has to offer. This makes it easy for you to look down on the little poor people from your D.C. bubble and tell them how pathetic they are because they haven't been as fortunate as you are in life.

I will leave you with the words of republican representative, Steve Fincher:

"quoting a Bible passage, "Anyone unwilling to work should not eat."

It gets worse.

"Fincher, it should be noted, has collected millions in farm subsidies. Assistance is good enough for him, a person in power, but far be it from the little man to receive their meager SNAP benefits in order to feed their families." [Source]

Kids, don't eat all the goodies tonight. I suspect that you will need some of them soon.


  1. Criminalocracy9:17 PM

    "Fincher, it should be noted, has collected millions in farm subsidies."

    Call this bastard out - cool. But let's be real. Obamacare is a disaster, and there is plenty of scum on the President's side too.

    Why did 2/3 of a billion dollars for developing the Obamacare website go to a Canadian company with a long history of failures?

    Maybe because Michelle Obama's long time friend Toni Townes happens to be a top executive:

    Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.

    George Schindler, the president for U.S. and Canada of the Canadian-based CGI Group, CGI Federal’s parent company, became an Obama 2012 campaign donor after his company gained the Obamacare website contract.

    As reported by the Washington Examiner in early October, the Department of Health and Human Services reviewed only CGI’s bid for the Obamacare account. CGI was one of 16 companies qualified under the Bush administration to provide certain tech services to the federal government. A senior vice president for the company testified this week before The House Committee on Energy and Commerce that four companies submitted bids, but did not name those companies or explain why only CGI’s bid was considered.

    What do you get when you mix cronyism and corruption with Affirmative Action? Whatever it is, you don’t want it running your government — or your healthcare system.

  2. Good article Field, keep pushing the truth to the sheeple

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Black Sage said, "Furthermore, why would any black person want to follow in the foot steps of white men whose behavior on this planet is on the sub-level of a cave man? Personally, I refuse to lower myself to his small level across the board in terms of dealing with other human beings. Just because the white man's behavior is that of a monster doesn't mean that we as black people should behave in the same animalistic manner."

    12:48 PM
    I hear ya, BS. One thing that confuses me about our peeps though is we are killing each other much faster than the wm ever did to us. Can you explain this animalistic behavior and 'why' it's less than what the wm has done? Help a brother out, please.

    As far as I am concerned, we are our worst enemies and think less of our own lives than Whites do.

  4. I will leave you with the words of republican representative, Steve Fincher:

    "quoting a Bible passage, "Anyone unwilling to work should not eat."

    What's wrong with that? It doesn't say people unable to work should starve. Why should those unwilling to work be entitled to the property of those who do?

    I don’t really understand the hate for libertarianism, properly understood. Think about life under a government that does not much more than coordinate mutual defense and maintain property rights in exchange for the fees it extracts:

    1. No immigrants, only owners, tenants and trespassers, who are shot by ranchers or die in the high desert.

    2. No commie city councils issuing Pride parade permits. Deviants are driven out of town to find their own places, not lionized and given police escorts.

    3. Individuals, not taxpayers, pay for their own due process. Sociopaths live short, unhappy lives under bridges or in wilderness areas, assuming they manage to avoid being shot or lynched in flagrante delicto.

    4. The welfare state ends, and with it the multi-billion dollar flow of transfer payments from the K-selected to the r-selected. Bums work or starve. Women select for husbandry and fatherhood instead of glibness and peacocking. Families stay intact and develop patronage networks.

    5. Children are freed from the State’s public indoctrination system. Schooling ends at 16, if not 14, or 12. Teenaged men really do “man up,” and the disturbing neoteny exhibited by males often into their early 20′s begins to reverse.

    I can generate a much longer list of toxic phenomena which would not exist but for the State.

    Conservatives seem to think the Progressivist tsunami is really just a tide, and will recede naturally leaving the structures intact. Lifestyle-libertarians and other Marxists hope for Year Zero, in order to install a permanent, perpetually-leveling revolutionary regime.

    Neither is correct. Progressivism is ascendant and will not be rolled back. However, the progressive utopia, once achieved. will quickly become unsustainable.

    I'm not so sure Americans, who are pretty good at dealing out organized violence when the mood strikes, are going to march so docilely into the shabby, crowded future that progressives have planned for them. Nor am I so sure that their newer, cheaper proles from South of the Border will be satisfied with their all-bean diet in such close quarters with millionaire IT executives.

    Progressives think only in terms of money power and don't venture into the realms of thought where revolutions break out and people are strangled in their beds.

    Any way you cut it - change is a comin'.

  5. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Field as sad as the post is about the cuts in SNAP, but it's funny about the candy :)Made me laugh.Which I sorely needed!

    I had candy, but nobody came. Seems they don't celebrate anything in this town! Beats me! This is like the deadest town in P.R. For real!

    I don't see how people who are paying for their plans are being cancelled. I don't understand. How does that work?

  6. They have to do eevrything in their power to stop the federal plan because if it works in blue states and Kentucky and Bubba sees his cousins getting insurance they will want some too. If it works well they might even find out their gop masters have been lying to them all along. Can't have that now can we?

  7. From the NYT:

    Court Blocks Stop-and-Frisk Changes for New York Police


    Published: October 31, 2013

    A federal appellate court on Thursday granted a stay in the landmark police stop-and-frisk ruling in New York City, and removed the trial judge, Shira A. Scheindlin, from the case.

    The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled that Judge Scheindlin “ran afoul” of the judiciary’s code of conduct by compromising the “appearance of partiality surrounding this litigation.” The panel criticized how she had steered the lawsuit to her courtroom when it was filed in early 2008.

    The ruling effectively puts off a battery of changes that Judge Scheindlin, of Federal District Court in Manhattan, had ordered for the Police Department.

    Those include the operations of the monitor who was given the task to oversee reforms to the Police Department’s stop-and-frisk practices, which Judge Scheindlin found to violate the Fourth and 14th Amendments of the Constitution.

    In a two-page order, the panel of three judges from the Second Circuit also criticized Judge Scheindlin for granting media interviews and making public statements while the case was pending before her.

    The judges ordered that the stop-and-frisk lawsuit be reassigned to another judge.

    Civil rights are great, but order must be maintained in Jew York.

  8. Dude...

  9. Anonymous1:18 AM

    The GOP is right about Obamacare. It's too expensive and we can't afford it. Please Mr Field, stop promoting it.

    I know you are Black and you support Obama because he is Black, but let's not send our country down the tubes because of your color..

    Some of you progressive FN Obama Negroes need to step back and see what is happening to our great country and the division that is occurring between the races. It's not good. Brother Field, where is your conscience, in the toilet?

    Think about it. The GOP would not be behaving this way if FN weren't supporting Obama. So stop, my brother. We need 'peace' in America, not racial strife. Oh, how I wish I could turn the clock back... I would vote for Hillary and Obama would be a forgotten memory.

    Have you noticed that our race is suffering greatly? Have you noticed that there is tension between Blacks and Whites because of the O man?

    Is this what you and some of your FN liberal Negroes want? For pete's sake, man, Get a grip. Come back to reality.

  10. Lt. Commander Johnson1:50 AM

    Hey! Isn't this the night to burn down Detroit?

    I know there's a a lot of good wood left.

  11. AG, it's funny how some wingnuts love libertarianism except when it comes to our bedrooms.

    Anon@1:18 , every time I read one of your posts I hear banjo music. :)

  12. From the previous thread:

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Black Sage said, "Furthermore, why would any black person want to follow in the foot steps of white men whose behavior on this planet is on the sub-level of a cave man? Personally, I refuse to lower myself to his small level across the board in terms of dealing with other human beings. Just because the white man's behavior is that of a monster doesn't mean that we as black people should behave in the same animalistic manner."

    12:48 PM
    I hear ya, BS. One thing that confuses me about our peeps though is we are killing each other much faster than the wm ever did to us. Can you explain this animalistic behavior and 'why' it's less than what the wm has done? Help a brother out, please.
    As far as I am concerned, we are our worst enemies and think less of our own lives than Whites do.
    Anon, I don’t have the answer to your question. However, the answer lies between Harriet Tubman immoral dictum when she stated: “I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” In addition to intentional mis-education and centuries of intense conditioning which gives rise to our subculture’s easiness to kill one another. I understand that a lot of blacks have the most difficult time in merely finding a livable wage job and other discriminatory life factors simply due to their skin color. But nothing is keeping them from unifying as a cohesive group to defeat the scourge of racism and to protect each other at all cost. They, the black subculture, need to quit falling for the white man’s trick-politics!

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  14. BARBBF9:19 AM

    AAAGGHHHhh... I guess the US public is NOT as stupid as the Obama administration surmised:


    Report: Only 6 People Enrolled in Obamacare on First Day
    Thursday, October 31, 2013 10:26 PM

    By: Greg Richter

    Only six people signed up for Obamacare through the federal exchanges on the first day of operations, CBS News reports.

    The website set up for people without employer-sponsored health plans repeatedly locked people out from the moment it went online on Oct. 1.

    Congressional Republicans and members of the media have asked Health and Human Services officials how many people have signed up, but have been told figures won't be available until mid-November, when they can be compiled for the entire month.

    But a document subpoena from the House Oversight Committee was able to find that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services held "war room" meetings twice a day as the website rolled out.

    The documents, which also were obtained by CBS, show that only six people had successfully signed up on the first day. By the middle of the second day about 100 had signed up, and by the last meeting on Oct. 2, 248 had enrolled nationally.

    HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has told "The Daily Show" host Jon Stewart and CNN's Sanjay Gupta she didn't know precise figures. CMS chief Marilyn Tavenner likewise provided no figures when she testified before the House Ways and Means Committee this week.

    Instead, Sebelius and the White House have said millions of Americans have looked at the site and hundreds of thousands have created accounts. The White House said the website had 4.7 million unique visitors the first day.

    Critics have speculated that actual sign-ups have not been released because the number is embarrassingly low.

    The documents obtained by the Oversight Committee clearly show that exact numbers were available from launch. The phrase "Statistics coming in" is included in notes of the first meeting on Oct. 2. "(Contractor) QSSI has a daily dashboard created every night."

    Contacted Thursday by CBS News, HHS still said it had no concrete figures, explaining that the numbers may not include other methods of signing up, such as with paper applications. The White House told Fox News the numbers are not official.

    "These appear to be notes, they do not include official enrollment statistics," Sebelius' spokeswoman Joanne Peters told Fox News.

    Fox News Channel's Megyn Kelly expressed surprise at the figure.

    "There are more people in this room than signed up for Obamacare on Day One," she said.

    Up to 7 million uninsured people are expected to sign up through the exchanges. Open enrollment ends March 31, but people have to sign up by Dec. 15 to have coverage on Jan. 1.

    Jonathan Gruber, the MIT professor who advised the state of Massachusetts and the federal government on their universal healthcare plans, told CNN that Massachusetts' plan, dubbed "Romneycare," started slow as well, and predicted numbers would pick up.


    Jonathan Gruber, the MIT professor is definitely right..these numbers have already picked up from 6 the first day to a whopping 261 after day 3.

  15. It sure didnt take long for you to start lugging those buckets of water for Obmacare....

    Your not going to convince the folks who have already seen for themselves what this plan means...

    I have my proof , and Im sure a few more of your honest readers do too.

    The only people that actually will fall for your White House painted version are the people getting it completely for free or the youngsters who get to stay on the parents insurance until 27...

    Working people with families already KNOW the deal ... Its another Tax that is unsustainable, and unafforadable.

    No amount of word spin is going to change that...

  16. Anonymous11:24 AM


    this is sincere query:

    how long will you force your sleep???????????????????????????????????????

    we are awake!

    when will u realize that:

    "they are lying on owvah prez..." is just played all the way out????

    go see reality asap!!!!!


  17. Anonymous12:07 PM

    even the real nazis see the real bankster hobama

    kudos to nazi pb!

    cc hobama's nazi drones

  18. BLACKISCLUELESS , no word on all the children who will go hungry because of your political gang's policies!

  19. Figures. I hear banjo music when I read your posts as well.

  20. Anonymous12:40 PM



    evil holy nigs like td fakes force their evil euro sexist racist religions into public laws/blogs etc

    they take their buybull bs with them everywhere

    they are blind fools and arrogantly ignorant demons
    devoid of ANYTHING else to contribute

    and they are so proudly illiterate that they NEVER even study/read their bastardized buybulls...

    they spew scriptures out of historical and logical context at random
    they bastardize and blaspheme with wretched and wreckless abandon
    as they eat shrimp and don tatoos and swill birth control pills etc

    cc that holy evil shrew td fakes
    that lying gay sex obsessed dl mf evinces all this demonic madness each day all day herein

    see me torch holy evil church sheeple clones of td fakes all over my blog archives etc

    ps td fakes:
    call me lady nero u smashed bugged out holy evil mf

  21. Anonymous12:44 PM

    td fakes

    u r a demonic liar

    i study and know scriptures
    i have been a biblical scholar and a comm scholar for decades

    that is why i quote scriptures BETTER than u and slay u as i do so
    cc your biblically illiterate and barren "blog"

    cc your buybull bs and your retarded HOLY EVIL peers' cloned "blogs"...and???

    stop disgracing jesus and god u holy evil gd fool!!!!!!!!!!!


  22. Anonymous12:50 PM



    one thing that td fakes and her legions of demons NEVER EVER do

    is mention one mf word abouts great gays in the bible

    cc ruth and naomi
    david and jonathan


    watch td fakes keep dodging both and this:


  23. field negro said...
    no word on all the children who will go hungry

    Don't worry, the children will be well taken care of by supporters of the democrat party.

    Public schools would be barred from employing teachers and other workers convicted of sexual offenses against children or other violent crimes under a bill the House approved Tuesday.
    The bill has run into objections from major teachers' unions like the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers.

    Let's make the teacher unions force their union members to feed the children as they are molesting them.

  24. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Doctor Queen!

    May You and Your blessed King have a regal weekend!


    You smashed that holy evil bug td fakes!


    Thank you! This manless soulless demonic dreg is in overdrive about
    gay lovers??? Why???????????

    No het is EVER so obsessed with gay sex as she is.

    Real hets are really way too busy with their own sex/loves/lives etc...

    td fakes and her clones STAY all up in OUR beds because they get bored sleeping/sexing SOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    You made my day!


    no word on all the children who will go hungry because of your political gang's policies!

    Ohhh stick a Sock in it....

    The sequestration CUTS that were proposed by the psychopathic GOP party...should have NEVER been agreed to by the WIMP in office...

    You can spin that anyway you want to, but he ultimately acquiesced to the demands....

    Solution has been , and will be to Tax Wall St ,but again like Ive said before .... NEITHER corrupt party can turn against their masters....

  26. Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

    When CNN is throwing democrats under the obamacare bus you know the democrats are in trouble.

  27. But at a meeting Wednesday morning, the war room notes say "six enrollments have occurred so far."

    CBS news is reporting 6 enrollments?

    No doubt Obama never thought his allies would report the truth.

    I hope FN takes a leave of absence to help spin reality to support Obamacare.

  28. Vladimir1:46 PM

    field negro said...
    BLACKISCLUELESS , no word on all the children who will go hungry because of your political gang's policies!

    No child goes hungry in America, and if one ever does, it is solely the fault of the parents.

    You communists will rob and murder until there is nothing left, all in the name of 'the children'.

  29. Anonymous1:47 PM

    hobama is a liar

    hobama has told way more than 93 million lies about hobamascare


  30. New Poll Shows Democratic Incumbents in Big Trouble


    When mother jones is admitting the truth you know how bad it is.

    How bad will it have to get before FN starts speaking the truth?

  31. field negro said...
    Figures. I hear banjo music when I read your posts as well.

    I'm sure it's not related but I was hearing the twilight zone music as I was reading your words about Obamacare.

  32. It's a odd thing when you come to think about it. The opportunities for abuse are just about everywhere. There's no requirements in the Texas State Constitution for bein a sheriff. Not a one. There is no such thing as a county law. You think about a job where you have pretty much the same authority as God and there is no requirements put upon you and you are charged with preserving nonexistent laws and you tell me if that's peculiar or not. Because I say that it is. Does it work? Yes. Ninety percent of the time. It takes very little to govern good people. Very little. And bad people can't be governed at all. Or if they could I never heard of it.

    -- Sheriff Bell, No Country For Old Men (Cormac McCarthy).

    A lot of the country used to be like rural Texas, so people trying to understand America should read McCarthy's novels. For much of America's existence, government was pretty remote and people had to figure out how to manage for themselves. Big, complicated schemes like Obamacare, No Child Left Behind, the Ownership Society, the Great Society, really do not fit the American psyche. George W. Bush and Lyndon B. Johnson were from Texas, so they should have known better when they were hatching all their crazy schemes. Barack Obama (How the eff could we ever have a President by that name?) is a rootless, urban dilettante, so I can understand why he fancies the US as a European social democracy. Of course, this makes the fact that the Obamas are provincial buffoons even funnier. However, you stop laughing when you realize just how monstrous our government has become.

    The word 'monster' derives from Latin monstrum, an aberrant occurrence, usually biological, that was taken as a sign that something was wrong within the natural order. A monster, then, is an aberration of nature/culture, and is a warning and an instruction of worse things to come.

    There are only a few monster archetypes: werewolf, vampire, ghost. Stephen King wrote about one he called "the Thing with no Name." He used Frankenstein as an example, and suggested Victor Frankenstein's problem was Hubris: unable to tell good from bad, and the refusal to take responsibility for his actions.

    The State, for example, is inherently a monster, and it fits all of the archetypes: a werewolf, a vampire, a ghost. It can't tell good from bad (in fact sees bad as good), and refuses to take responsibility for its actions. In the past, people knew this. These days, most don't. In fact, they see it as a good thing. And those who work their way to the top of the State, no matter what they say, are automatically monsters.

    Whenever you see something way out of the ordinary, to the point it is grotesque, that is a warning of things to come.

  33. Anonymous2:22 PM

    BIB, "It sure didnt take long for you to start lugging those buckets of water for Obmacare..." are so very right! And Field has the nerve to talk about banjo music. He loves to jig for Obama.

    I can't wait for this thing to finally take the gas so I can read the next lie Field will tell.

  34. Anonymous2:23 PM

    AB, you attacking a prophet is a great and grave sin. The devil will be rolling out the red carpet for you.

  35. Anonymous3:24 PM

    even on the worst plantations

    even the most favored pampered lost colorist octaroon house slaves
    eventually saw the brutality of uniquely horrid and abusive massas/overseers....

    when will hobama nazi coons FINALLY see massa hobama's racist bankster global brutality ????


    cc ndaa/drones/hobamascar/africom/ww3/nsa/fema/dhs/tsa....


  36. "call me lady nero u smashed bugged out holy evil mf"

    Lady Nero is manless wacked out deviant who licks other manless angry women as an expression of her schizophrenic compulsions.

    Don't forget to get extra batteries for your fiddle.

    You are going to hell!

  37. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I'm not a millionaire or a thousandaire for that matter -- just a long term under and unemployed American who has gotten a letter informing him that his $600/month health insurance policy is being terminated, and that he must go to Obamcare for a new one. Any bets on whether it will offer me comparable insurance at the same or lesser cost? Early indications are not promising -- and that's an understatement. Also, the better local hospitals that were in my network are now not. Some deal! We who are getting these letters and getting screwed are not all millionaire republicans.

  38. Anonymous4:36 PM

    a routine tragedy

    especially for rich pookies

    who love financially suicidal bling blinging even more than they love fatal turbo breeding


  39. Anon@4:26, i believe u are lying. If not, your old plan was crappy. What's wrong with getting a new one? I bet it will be better and just as cheap as your old one.

    Bill, keep spinning. A year from now all the glitches will be a memory and you will be kicking yourself for not killing Obamacare it its early stages.

  40. ---IN its early stages. ---

  41. field negro said...
    Anon@4:26, i believe u are lying. If not, your old plan was crappy. What's wrong with getting a new one? I bet it will be better and just as cheap as your old one.

    That's right Anon, the government knows what's good for you better than you do, and you are better off paying more for less, because your old plan was just not good enough, and the evil insurance company was ripping you off. You should be grateful to the President for making you upgrade.

    You might want to rethink your assessment of the Affordable Care Act. Anything that casts aspersions on Dear Leader is a lie, and lies will not be tolerated.

    Now listen to Field and obey your betters, complaining is treason these days, and you don't want people thinking you are a racist, do you?

  42. field negro said...
    Bill, keep spinning. A year from now all the glitches will be a memory

    Is "you can keep your health insurance" a glitch?

    The biggest glitch is depending on a couple million young healthy adults to bankroll Obamacare for the old and those with preexisting conditions.

    Sure, the Justin beibers can afford it, not the typical college student already on student loans.

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