Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hypocrite Greg, and rollout problems.

From the do as I say but not as I do department comes a Tea Party politician from out West.

The thing you have to understand about wingnuts is that they are very hypocritical. For instance, they will get up on their soap box and scream at the top of their lungs about those "blah" people in urban areas living off of the government, and yet......

''Greg Collett happily calls his political views 'extreme.' But he wasn't prepared for condemnation from his allies after word that all his home-schooled children are on Medicaid became an Internet sensation.

Collett, twice a candidate for the Idaho Legislature in Canyon County, isn't surprised he's been excoriated on left-wing websites including Gawker, BuzzFlash, Daily Kos and Americans Against the Tea Party.

But he's also heard criticism from those who share his anti-government views for having taxpayers foot medical bills for eight adopted and two biological children, ages 4 to 17.

In contrast, Collett and his wife, Kelly, say they will pay the fine rather than buy insurance for themselves under the Affordable Care Act.
I attracted all the attention of all the people who hate Republicans and the tea party, said Collett, a 41-year-old freelance software developer and University of Idaho alum. 'I've also attracted the attention of a lot of people in the liberty movement that don't want to see anybody on welfare.'

Things got so bad, Collett said, he had to clean up his Facebook account and remove contact information from his campaign website. "The level of hatred is just absolutely incredible," he said. "Messages on my website, emails, I've even had phone calls. It's been pretty intense."

Online comments have labeled Collett a hypocrite, moron, mentally unstable, immoral and unethical, along with frequently profane epithets. "He should have been sterilized years ago," said one.

Actually, fertility plays a role in the Colletts' story. For five years, they were foster parents. Both underwent fertility treatments. In the same year they adopted five children, they had their first biological child. Three more adoptions followed, then their youngest was born four years ago.

'In our case, we wanted a large family to make us complete,' Kelly Collett told the Statesman in 2009. Seven of the eight adopted children were in foster care: four from a Midwestern state, three from a Southern state. The eighth was a private adoption through LDS Family Services. Three of the eight are Hispanic and some are siblings. The Colletts are white.

Ronalee Linsenmann, of Caldwell, knows Collett from the 2012 campaign, when both were challenging incumbents and the Collett kids were helping their dad.
'His children were the most respectful, well-behaved children you could ever be around," she said. "They obviously have a very, very loving family.'

Collett, who is preparing to run for the Legislature again, wound up in the news because he was one of 1,503 people who answered a Kaiser/NBC poll in September about attitudes about the Affordable Care Act. He told the surveyor he'd be willing to talk to a reporter.

He was the first person quoted in an Oct. 4 NBC story, 'Health care holdouts: uninsured but resisting.' Collett acknowledged the controversial nature of his views. 'There are a lot of people out there that'll cry foul,' he said.

The story was republished on many websites. The next day, Collett posted a 2,900-word response on his campaign site.

'For those of you who insist that I take the kids off of Medicaid, please feel free to get them off by terminating the entire program,' he wrote.

Gawker revived the story on Wednesday. The online community Reddit picked up a Statesman story Thursday, helping drive more than 24,000 hits. Between Tuesday and Thursday, Collett said, 6,000 people clicked on his essay.

Collett says he understands those who call him a hypocrite, but says he can't easily escape what he calls an 'evil government' and a 'shadow oligarchy masquerading as a democracy.'

Public schools are 'the granddaddy of all welfare programs' but still, he says, he uses their facilities. He also recreates on public lands and uses public transportation and libraries. Though he opposes them, he carries a driver's license, registration and mandatory auto insurance.

'If I couldn't participate in anything that I didn't agree with that the government was involved in, then I couldn't be married, I wouldn't have kids, I wouldn't own property,'Collett told the Statesman. 'Basically, I wouldn't have a life.'
If it makes 'financial sense' for him to buy insurance under the Your Health Idaho exchange, Collett says he'll do so.

As for enrolling the kids in Medicaid — the federal-state low-income health insurance program that many of his friends call welfare — he said, 'I'm OK taking whatever I can from the government that's available to me. I'm not going to lie and scam the system, but I'm OK with redirecting that money away from morally reprehensible things and direct it towards me.'

Collett cited the 'murder' in funding abortion and 'unjust' wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as examples of things he finds objectionable.

He said none of the children have had major illnesses. 'I qualify for it. Seven of them came with Medicaid cards from foster care. To a large degree it's a matter of practicality."' [Source] 

No, it's a matter of hypocrisy.

Finally, this Obamacare rollout seems to have some glitches where the software to go online and sign up is concerned. (Someone in the know tweeted me that the interface is fine but that there are back end errors with coding.)Of course if you listen to the latest meme from the corporate controlled press here in America, you would think that it's a total disaster and will never be workable.

There are glitches to be sure, but why is this a bad thing? Don't folks have until the end of March, 2014 to sign up? You Americans need to be patient. If it wasn't for Obamacare you wouldn't have any health coverage at all. Besides,the fact that people are overwhelming the system to sign up just means that it's something that has been needed all along.

But, once again, the walking dead among us seem to be missing the big picture: Computer glitches can be fixed, and a bad health- care system like we have been living under here in America needed a serious overhaul.

So, with all due respect to Don Lemon, (Don, see you on FOX, soon) this is just more shouting in the wind from people who can't stand to see change.

Again, computer glitches can be fixed; we can't say the same for people who need cancer treatment with no money. 


  1. E.B. Teabagge9:39 PM

    That Tea Party bastard, adopting six kids! What the hell is wrong with him? He is keeping all those baby daddy's and mama's from collecting benefits themselves. What a son of a bitch!

  2. Wesley R10:36 PM

    Don Lemon won't be on Fox because he calls out the bigots in politics.

    Obama's people should have hired an American company to do the website for the ACA.

  3. parvenu10:44 PM

    Field, I worked in the computer industry for over three decades. Every corporation that rolled out a new large scale computer system that supported a substantial data base user access facility as part of the system has been subjected to numerous revision cycles before they get all of the bugs out of the user interface.

    You can choose any industry (insurance, financial, manufacturing, etc) and the endless revision story is the same. It just takes a long time to work out the bugs in the user interface. Various General User Interface (GUI) support software systems have been created to reduce the amount of coding required to support user interfaces. These systems work very well in building customized user interface (UI)facilities for a given industry.

    The UI primary function is to control the user's operational access to the computer system's data base both for storage and retrieval of information. However
    most system UI problems surface when the system designer has to marry a given user Interface to the Data Base Management (DBM) portion of the computer's operating system. Most systems software engineers wind up out of necessity creating a bunch of very specialized routines that smooth out the functional variations between the UI and the DBM.

    Quite frequently revisions to these specialized UI to DBM software routines do not keep up with the high volume of changes being made to the UI in response to the errors being uncovered by users after the software has been released to the public.

    The only solution to rapidly reducing the amount of time required to achieve a "stable" system that functions with the minimal amount of possible UI errors is to employ a HUGE number of UI interface testers in a well controlled Quality Assurance environment. These testers as a group are tasked to run every possible option available in the entire UI package. The testers create a error bug list for the software developers who in turn fix the appropriate UI or DBM function accordingly.

    Currently most computer companies do not hire the number of testers needed to properly debug their UI/DBM software and just wait for the customer generated bug reports to pile up. After a certain period of time the company will issue a new software revision which has been updated to incorporate all of the customer reported errors. For some companies such as Microsoft this period can be as long as a year between new release revisions.

  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    "So, with all due respect to Don Lemon, (Don, see you on FOX, soon) this is just more shouting in the wind from people who can't stand to see change."

    Field, Don Lemon isn't the only person talking about the horrific roll-out of ACA. You must live in a bubble because everyone is talking about how crappy this roll-out is. The Repubs had a hard time trying to defund Obamacare.

    After this total screw-up, you can be sure they will get their way next time in 3 months. And they will have the American people backing them.

    You must really hate Don Lemon. You haven't had a good thing to say about him. Well, at least you haven't called him White like you have

    I am going to do you a favor. I am going to e-mail Don Lemon about you. Let's hope he will invite you on CNN. That would be a sight to behold as Don crushes your ass before the entire nation. lol...

    Don would never go to FOX nor would FOX hire him. Don is too quick to call FOX and the entire lineup as a bunch of sleazeball racists.

    You don't know your people very well, do you? No wonder you call some of us White. You are a blind and lost soul.

  5. Anonymous10:56 PM

    "But, once again, the walking dead among us seem to be missing the big picture: Computer glitches can be fixed, and a bad health- care system like we have been living under here in America needed a serious overhaul."

    You are a first rate Obamaholic. Obama can do no wrong in your eyes. I mean, you idolize the man so much you might as well call him God.

    It is true our health-care system needed a serious over-haul, but this is going from bad to worse.

  6. the nebulizer11:28 PM

    Wesley R said...
    Obama's people should have hired an American company to do the website for the ACA.

    They spent a third of a billion dollars on a no-bid contract for a system that is absolute garbage.

    It's a good thing Obamacare was never supposed to work anyway.

  7. agentX12:07 AM

    "In contrast, Collett and his wife, Kelly, say they will pay the fine rather than buy insurance for themselves under the Affordable Care Act."

    Well that's a stupid idea. What if him and his wife get sick or injured severely (or shot, see Rep. Gibborts of Az). Who's going to pay for those medical bills? The STATE will, we the TAXPAYERS will, because this dunderhead doesn't want to get health insurance and doesn't have the funds onhand to pay thousand dollar medical bills.

    It's funny that someone who dislikes the government deliberately went out and got a government job- a difficult one at that.

  8. And thus highlights my argument against conservative ideology. There are some people who actually need assistance so why end something you personally don't use/need (even though they sometimes do). Many conservatives rail against governmemnt and say they don't need it but they live in rural areas. Of course someone living in BFE doesn't need the same level of services offered in NYC but those are two different circumstances. I don't have a problem with conservatives but understand we all don't share your ideology and you shouldn't push your madness on the rest of us. I see government and government services like the penny container at 7-11, if you need it use it, if you don't don't and if you have some left over leave it for someone who may need it (one day you may come up short and need it too).

  9. I was just commenting at a party tonight on Mr. Obama's fantastic and ongoing run of luck in his opponents, and how if something similar were to happen to a republiklanner, the tbagger/christianist alliance would be dancing with snakes and speaking in tongues in the street as if it was the messiah's second coming. No, no-one's political enemies have ever shot themselves in the feet as reliably as his have.

    The gop's spectacular recent self-immolation distracting the entire press-corpse from HHS's abysmal launch of the Federal Obamacare exchanges in the nullification states made it as if it never happened as far as the country's concerned. That's just the latest example of his lucky star too. What are the odds that his reklan opponents for president would both deliberately market themselves as t-clowns instead of the electable moderates they'd been their entire political careers? That's gotta be natural royal-flush odds at least. Go back to his senate race & he get's first Jack Ryan's flame out & then Alan Keyes psychosis. His luck even works on Democrats, just ask Hillary or you could go all the way back to his first campaign when Alice Palmer tried to screw him out of her endorsement and run against him for State Senate in '96 and then blew her nominating petition signature count and left him a shoe-in. The man's obviously got a political guardian angel of some sort: and that's what makes the reklanners seethe.

  10. Johnny Eightpack2:00 AM

    PilotX said...
    "I see government and government services like the penny container at 7-11, if you need it use it, if you don't don't and if you have some left over leave it for someone who may need it (one day you may come up short and need it too)."

    Yeah, it's kind of like that, except with the government, you are forced to throw pennies in the container, a lot of pennies, and a lot of the other people who are taking those pennies don't really need them.

    Actually, it's worse than that. Not only are you forced to put a large percentage of your pennies in that container, the government gives so many away that they have to borrow about 25% of them to meet the demand.

    If you could count, you'd be a conservative.

  11. CPCUx2:09 AM

    agentX said...
    "Well that's a stupid idea. What if him and his wife get sick or injured severely (or shot, see Rep. Gibborts of Az). Who's going to pay for those medical bills? The STATE will, we the TAXPAYERS will, because this dunderhead doesn't want to get health insurance and doesn't have the funds onhand to pay thousand dollar medical bills."

    Um, no, the insurance company will. You see, one of the wonderful provisions of Obamacare is that insurance companies can't deny you coverage for pre-existing conditions. That means he can wait until he gets cancer or his wife gets shot in the head and then buy insurance - and the insurance company has to pay! Isn't that great?

    If auto insurance worked that way, you wouldn't have to pay for auto insurance until you wrecked your car. Then you could go down and buy insurance for $100/month, and the insurance company would have to pay you $10,000 for your car. Sweet!

    As you can see, Obamacare was not designed to work. It was designed to put insurance companies out of business.

    Let's not be a dunderhead about this - think!

  12. Fannie Mae2:21 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    The man's obviously got a political guardian angel of some sort

    You are right about one thing: Obama has had the most incredible run of luck in American political history.

    The flipside is that is has been an incredible stretch of bad luck for America.

    Perhaps he has been sent to be the Great Destroyer, to be the just deserts for a populace that has become fat, venal and stupid. He is the endgame of the democratic process, the embodiment of our ignorance.

    All Hail President Nothing.

  13. ' Obama has had the most incredible run of luck in American political history.'


    BO is the most effectively evil potus in recent history. he brazenly goes where other potus' would not venture.

    why wouldn't he? there are folks that will automatically see racism or poor treatment of a bm no matter what. he is perfect for his role in this big wicked production. he was born to play it...


    it is interesting to me that folks want to argue about how much mammon they will need to part with as a result of this great 'affordable insurance'...yet, the brightest folks seem most unconcerned with the 'chip' provision of BO's atrocious de-population healthcare plan.

    maybe folks haven't noticed that the chip is being sold as a new school means of managing medical records.

    as per usual, it seems folks are content to focus on all the wrong things.

    time is short for the illusion of options. as it is written, there will be no lukewarm/neutral in this spiritual battle.


    i AM not too concerned with the man of this post. some of us have always known the face of welfare in america is NOT Black.

    america LOVES long as it goes to corporations and others that don't really need it.

  14. this comment is in response to yet the latest putrid, vile, brand new school 'femme', lumberjack pat melt down over here on the plantation;)

    there seems to be some confusion, which Father is NOT the author of...

    folks DO know that i did NOT write Scriptures, right?

    folks DO understand that some of US are sent to speak what is written, right? folks understand that we are His Lawgivers? that we are His Chosen Mighty Ones? with arms made Strong by the Hand of the Almighty in our Obedience to Him?

    get up to speed/familiar asap:



    Genesis 49: 8-10

    8 Yahudah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.

    9 Yahudah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?

    10 The sceptre shall not depart from Yahudah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.


    guess not.

    folks TRULY perish for lack of knowledge. the professor of zoology turned 'expert/hero' of HUMAN sexuality kinsey...has truly reduced folks to animal status;(



    Psalm 49:20-Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.


    as it relates to the kinsey reports/studies/books which govern human sexuality as we speak convo, that NEVER happened...i AM officially here because it is NOW applicable:

    “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.” -Maya Angelou

    i believe that there are undeniable hot ghetto mess traits/behaviors that no amount of 'education', or mammon will quite rid folks of. the low/no class condition happens across socioeconomic lines;( it is unfortunate + a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i REALLY wish you were NOT Black. BO is doing enough under the Black label.


    i owned my contribution to the meltdown, acted in obedience, and sought peace and love. Almighty IS Love. folks want to stay stuck on ___________=free will. no problem. moving on...

    i CAN agree to disagree + i AM called to avoid vexatious spirits. i come prepared with the message of Peace as it is written. the anti Messiah + Scripture spirits ALREADY knew the Word. THIS is why i did not make Scriptures the basis of the kinsey convo. others that don't believe nor pretend to believe quoted Scriptures first. the record is pretty clear. backtrack and ...gag, if you must. lol.

    if those that keep hollering 'g-d is love' would explain what 'g-d' they are referencing (there are many) and what 'love' means when they use the term (folks make stuff up daily), i would be much obliged. i seek greater understanding as i examine rotten to the core spiritual fruit according to Universal Law + behavior indicative of absence of home training.

    now be clear, i AM sent to Stand Strong, speak clearly, and give His Law. it is not popular nor encouraged. i.don't care. i AM fully committed to my assignment. He said we win-those that will believe His Word and walk accordingly. that's enough for me. there is nothing more important to me than my soul. mine is NOT for sale. i have no sacred forbidden golden calves. my life i would give freely in service to Him. so now what?

    before i tell you to bring it, i should give you additional information. clearly, more information is needed. i AM not permitted sneak attacks;)

  15. i AM focusedpurpose. it is nice to make your acquaintance. your brand newness is a strong indication you don't recall US meeting before years ago here on the plantation.

    i AM sent by Almighty with His Mouth to give His Universal Law. declare yourself His enemy based on nonsense you hallucinated if you must.

    because i AM in control of the spirits in His Power+ Name, let me tell you how this will work...

    you come for me, if hosted devils got you convinced it makes sense. i will happily with a heart full of praise for Him ignore you...until He says flip it. then i will do just that...that He might get the Glory;)

    so show these folks how perverse your wicked hear can be. it is written folks speak that which is in their 'em how real it gets on the spiritual battlefield.

    know this as well:



    Luke 21: 15-18

    15 For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

    16 And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.

    17 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.

    18 But there shall not an hair of your head perish.


    i AM committed to saying what i need to say:


    like i mean it... with Love:

    ps. there is another lion written of in Scriptures.



    1 Peter 5: 8- Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.


    i already told folks the defeated one has to look like Almighty. lol.

    duality all day. as it is written, you shall know them by their fruit.

    grow me in patience + obedience while i AM about my Father's business. His are righteous + can't.lose + as bold as lions.

    bring it;)

  16. Routinely excellent piece by Gary Younge on the racism that lies at the heart of everything the Tea Party odes and says.

  17. Debt increase by presidents:

    Reagan 186%,
    Bush 54%
    Clinton 41%
    Bush II 72%
    Obama 23%.

    Source CBO:

  18. Anonymous12:19 PM

    PC, and here I just thought they didn't like his policies.


  19. The Purple Cow said...

    Debt increase by presidents:
    Source CBO:


    The link goes to twitter.

    The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office.

    From the date bush took office to the date obama took office the national debt increased 4,899,100,310,609
    01/19/2001 - 5,727,776,738,304.64

    01/20/2009 - 10,626,877,048,913.08

    From the date Obama took office to today the national debt increased 6,448,713,059,050
    01/20/2009 - 10,626,877,048,913.08

    10/17/2013- 17,075,590,107,963.57

    bush (8 years) 4,899,100,310,609
    obama (6 years) 6,448,713,059,050

    You do the math.

  20. The Purple Cow said...
    Debt increase by presidents:

    Reagan 186%,
    Bush 54%
    Clinton 41%
    Bush II 72%
    Obama 23%.

    Source CBO:

    There’s no sugar-coating it, as some supporters of President Obama have tried to do. And the rapid rise in the debt is alarming enough without fabricating false statistics, as some Obama critics have done.
    Our chart looks much different from Pelosi’s, because ours shows the actual dollar increase, not just the percentage change. As can be seen here, Obama’s 45 percent rise is nearly equal in dollar terms to his predecessor’s 85 percent increase — because Obama started from a much higher base.

    Similarly, had we based our chart on the rate of rise, it would show the debt rising much faster under Obama than it did under Bush, whose increase was spread over eight years.

  21. "The thing you have to understand about wingnuts is that they are very hypocritical."

    More racism the self-proclaimed chaser of racism won't chase.

    Brooklyn group of black youths blocks white couple's car, bloody victims in racial attack: cops

    A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — surrounded a white couple's car in Brooklyn, viciously beating the husband and yanking the wife to the pavement by her hair as they peppered the two with racial slurs, authorities said.
    “Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”
    The confrontation erupted about 7 p.m. Monday, as the marauding group crossed Avenue U at E. 58th St. near Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin.
    Ronald Russo, 30, and his wife, Alanna, apparently had the green light and the husband honked at the group to get out of the way. The rowdy kids started kicking the car, according to the criminal complaint. Ronald Russo got out to check on potential damage to his vehicle.
    And that’s when all hell broke loose.

    Ronald Russo was dragged to the ground. Then he was punched and kicked in the head. He felt more blows all over his body, investigators said. He suffered a fractured nose, a broken septum, a blood clot and abrasions to his shoulder. He was treated and released from Beth Israel Medical Center.
    In the midst of the attack, there was a steady chorus of epithets. “White motherf-----!” screamed the attackers, who ranged in age from 12 to 18.

    Read more:

    You are right field. We understand your hypocrisy.

  22. CPCUx said...
    If auto insurance worked that way, you wouldn't have to pay for

    You wouldn't have to pay for a tune up. An oil change. Car wash. All expenses with your car would be covered under car insurance.

    If home owners insurance worked that way... getting your windows washed and lawn mowed would be covered by insurance.

  23. Damm STEPHEN...

    One would think.. this great healthcare program your railing on , and on about would really be cheap to obtain... .

    Instead of discussing the reality of whare we are right now with this program ...

    there you are in true Obamaholic fashion.. ..

    Trying deperately to "Rally" the troops around this ATM card for insurance companies.

    You either pay a ransom for deductibles , and premiums
    or you get "FREE" Healthcare IF you homeless, and destitute...

    Stop lying to score points from lying random conservatives who have NO bearing on this whole process...

    Just One more Cheerleading story...

    Pretty ...Please..You just dont have enough on your blog yet...


  24. "If you could count, you'd be a conservative."

    Nope, if I were a bigotted, hyper-religious, science denying, xenophobic, homophobic type guy I'd be a conservative.

    "and a lot of the other people who are taking those pennies don't really need them."

    I agree, we spend way too much on defense contractors and wealthy farm owners like Michele Bachmann. We need to work on that but I do like having police departments, fire departments, a military and roads. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.

  25. Hey... Pilot..

    I take it your just in LOVE with Obamacare as well...

    Tell me how much of a bargain it is to have to cough up $2,500 bucks up front BEFORE Insurance companies will start to pay... ??

    Nevermind that you may be physically ill at the time you have to cough up the money.

    Yes they can longer deny coverage due to health reasons... and they have to use 80% of premiums towards care...

    Yet theres nothing about the cost of deductibles at all...

    Gee... I wonder why...

  26. Focused Purpose..

    On a side note....

    Im quite aware of the RFID chips that they have been planning for awhile. This version of the act has that verbiage removed.

    However it was there in the beginning ... They need another way to fufill that one... It just wont be in Obamacare as it is now... Too much spotlight....

    I dont delve too far in the religion aspect of these things...

    Just know everyone is not Sleep...

  27. "Obama’s 45 percent rise is nearly equal in dollar terms to his predecessor’s 85 percent increase."

    So you agree the Republican raised the debt more than the Democrat.

    Thank you.

  28. BiB, my insurance is coverd by my employer. I think we need something to cover uninsured folks and bring costs down. If you and the Republicans have a better idea then have at it. Is Obamacare perfect? But it is a start and we had to start somewhere.

  29. I agree, we spend way too much on defense contractors and wealthy farm owners like Michele Bachmann.

    And like Carter’s Farms, Inc., of Plains, Georgia.

    People in government make the system work for them.

    Not many poor people in congress.

  30. "I dont delve too far in the religion aspect of these things..."

    Thanks for that.

  31. The Purple Cow said...
    "Obama’s 45 percent rise is nearly equal in dollar terms to his predecessor’s 85 percent increase."

    So you agree the Republican raised the debt more than the Democrat.


    I thought it was very clear.

    bush (8 years) 4,899,100,310,609
    obama (6 years) 6,448,713,059,050

    Bush term-

    Obama term-

  32. Pilot says:

    If you and the Republicans have a better idea then have at it. Is Obamacare perfect? But it is a start and we had to start somewhere.

    The SOLUTION was Single Payer...

    Incessant cheerleading from you always ...

    Why do you constantly bring up Republicans when we are talking...?

    It's as if we can NEVER speak outside the confines of the democratic/vs republican GARBAGE matrix..

    Now my insurance is covered by my emplyer as well...

    HOWEVER... the deductibles have shot thru the roof...

    Now maybe your a Govt emplyee , and your exempt....

    The private industry has seen massive premium , and deductible increases...

    I KNOW Im not the only one here in private industry that has seen this.

    Theres nothing affordable about 2,500.00 deductibles/.....BEFORE insurance pays for anything....

    Pilot , and STEPHEN turning SHIT to sugar everyday.....

  33. "The SOLUTION was Single Payer..."

    Uhhhhhhhhhh, yeah And I want a flying unicorn but wishes don't usually work.

    "It's as if we can NEVER speak outside the confines of the democratic/vs republican GARBAGE matrix.."

    Who besides the pubs and dems can create legislation? I would love to sit and play make believe with you all day but I live in the real world in which single payer is at least decades away. It will eventually happen but it won't happen overnight.

    Tell me BiB, what is your brilliant plan to bring about single payer health insurance in America? I'm all ears.


  34. The reality is outrageous deductibles for middle class familys while insurance companies get rich.

    One solution wouldve been to have a President with Cajones to fight for said Single Payer....

    Single payer is not an impossibility just because you have opposition from the right.

    LEADERSHIP is the answer....
    not the SYMBOLISM u voted for...

  35. Anonymous5:09 PM

    only hobama nazis like u fake nig
    dare pretend that hobamascare has not been a total flop/abject embarassing failure!!!

    no fake presser or new lies by hobama will change that

    kudos to reformed hobama nazi oprah!!!

    she said HELL NO to the celeb hobamascare drone bs

    cc rahmbo and his new chi casino seats for the opulent hobamas asap...

  36. "One solution wouldve been to have a President with Cajones to fight for said Single Payer...."

    So your brilliant strategy is to elect Ralph Nader president. Yeah, great plan Napoleon.

  37. Pilot says ....

    "So your brilliant strategy is to elect Ralph Nader president. Yeah, great plan Napoleon."

    You can only think of solutions WITHIN the pre-determined political parties.

    You cant even think for yourself outside of the confines of either political party.

    Quick solution for universal healthcare the deficit , and money for school, medicare etc...etc with a 1% tax on ALL Wall St derivative transactions..

    Problems solved... Now WHO in either corrupt party will fight for this ??

    Certainly not O-bomber the playtoy of Wall St and the Pharmaceutical industry.

    No one wants to tell Wall St to fork over money ,

    YET you will sit back and support cutting social security , and a crappy health plan...Just to feel like your on the winning team...

    Ralph Nader.... LOL...

    You really are getting sillier , and sillier as time goes on.

  38. "If you and the Republicans have a better idea then have at it. Is Obamacare perfect? But it is a start and we had to start somewhere.

    The SOLUTION was Single Payer..."

    See what Pilot X said. We all would have liked a "single payer" system. But there is reality called the American political system.

    Hey, whenever you are ready to join the real world let us know.

  39. Stephen....

    Im in the real world with a $2,500 deductible for AFFORDABLE Health Care..

    Thats the reality of Obamacare...

    Neither of you NEVER comment on the 1% tax on derivatives .....

    What is your position on this idea? Ohhhh.... I know ....its those EVIL Republicans that prevent him from doing anything.... I got it....

    The real world is having trouble paying high ass deductibles while having to pay everyday living costs.

    I guess your solution is just to pray to O-bomber ,and hope it gets better...

  40. "The real world is having trouble paying high ass deductibles while having to pay everyday living costs."

    Blame the insurance companies.

    Put as much energy into making sure that they become good corporate citizens as you do to holding the govt. accountable.

  41. Good luck with the Wall Street derivative tax, been trying for years for a $0.001 tax for years. I agree, we need revenue but what did the repubs say? Oh yeah, NO NEW REVENUE. I guess in fantasyland not only do they adopt this tax but they use it to give EVERYBODY health care. Ok, so will Santa or the Easter Bunny bring all of this?

  42. STEPHEN says...

    "Blame the insurance companies.

    Put as much energy into making sure that they become good corporate citizens as you do to holding the govt. accountable. "

    You make absolutely NO SENSE... STEPHEN...

    an individual cant FORCE insurance companies to behave correctly...

    The dammed free market does that, by incentive to stay in business.

    We depend on our elected officials to promote the type of business atmosphere that correlates to what the PEOPLE want.

    If it ant single payer...

    It aint shit...

    In our capitalist society it is one of the industries that HAS to be shaped and formed to benefit the PEOPLE.

    Why is it so hard for you to understand that this isn't about winning the House in 2014 , and its certainly not about protecting the legacy of O-bomber?

    Your agenda has been noted...

  43. Pilot says...

    Good luck with the Wall Street derivative tax, been trying for years for a $0.001 tax for years. I agree, we need revenue but what did the repubs say?

    Fluck the Republicans....

    Thats O-bombers dammned problem now..

    always worried about what the Republicans will do..

    Executive order that shit...and watch those heads explode...

    He will executive order a crap load of different bullshit...

    Why not this for the American People..Hope & Change Right??

    See you like O-bomber where he is..placating Republicans , and celebrating being the first African American in the White House...

    Thats about all hes good for

    but I deal with him for what he is...

    I KNOW...

    that if he even THOUGHT about doing any of the things I mentioned....

    we would have another JFK on our hands...
    the solution...or solutions are there....

    Who has the GUTS to do it... is the question...?

  44. "He will executive order a crap load of different bullshit..."

    Have you sent him e-mail? Called? Tried to start a grass roots organization to get suppot for your ideas? He can't do it unless he is pushed by the people. Where is the outcry for single payer? The Koch's and right organizations will spend billions to keep the status quo not to mention the insurance company lobby. Your idea may work but you'd better get to work, calling names here ain't gonna get it done.

  45. Pilot says: " Have you sent him e-mail? Called? Tried to start a grass roots organization to get suppot for your ideas? He can't do it unless he is pushed by the people. Where is the outcry for single payer?
    Your idea may work but you'd better get to work, calling names here ain't gonna get it done."

    The movement and people have already started to make the changes at the grass roots level

    Your so STUCK in Repub vs Democrat... WWE wrestling matches that you cant see the Fat Pigs in the room enjoying enormous profits while democrats like O-bomber are gearing up to make ANOTHER Satan Sandwich deal with the EVIL Republicans...

    Dont question whether Im busy enough to get the agenda I want..

    I just try to show that BOTH parties are paid off..

    Thats all there is with O-bomber... another paid off politician...

    and hes getting ready to cut this BS deal with the EVIL Republicans....and for what??

  46. Im sorry I got carried away Field...

    Dont question just go along with it all..

    Pick a enemy , and forget whos really screwing you...

    Carry on.... Sorry for disturbing your slumber...

  47. Wesley R11:53 PM

    Pilot X,

    Monday Night Football is boring so let me chime in. Bush's numbers don't include his wars, or his medicare plan. Obama put those on the books. Which is why his numbers are higher to start. Now factor in the soldiers who will need health care because of Bush starting these wars. I've heard minimum 5 trillion dollars. That's on top of whatever his total was, but Obama has to get some of that because he continued the wars. The difference is Obama didn't start them

  48. BIB-

    thanks for the BO chip update. i don't trust it. these satan/lucifer defeated demons + dupes lie like most people take breaths of air. lol. routinely with great ease, cunning, subtility, and believability. the enemy to our souls knows Almighty + US + Universal Law. own strength people that don't know Almighty, their true Power in Him, nor Universal bueno;(

    you are calling out the satan/lucifer sandwiches. you note the defeated devil pays well. i add only for awhile...@ game ova, the soul loses! the devil ALREADY knows this. he is trying to see how many dupes he can tally up.

    momma said, when one underestimates others, they only disadvantage themselves;) that teaching i wear around my neck, like a priceless necklace. as it is written.

    fyi, they are chipping folks already and have been for quite the while. the hearings are not widely televised, that's all. you have to understand the Truth of the world in which we live and seek Truth and Knowledge. most folks seek mammon, fun, sex,useless warring info that makes them feel real smart, etc. etc.

    chip provision out of BOcare, simply means outward focus is on dismantling the classes for the defeated plan to enslave humanity. if the hidden defeated hand can't get folks to beg to be disarmed...they could just MAKE folks do what they want. even blood thirsting demon possessed folks pause at the thought of bomb rushing armed people. those that don't know Almighty will shoot to kill first, then consider asking questions later. lol.

    heck, there might even be george zimmermans that will go hunt folks they have identified to be part of the conspiracy (going either way)...

    as the chaos sets in it is wise to consider the fact that anything is possible. please know, i don't advocate any of the violent behavior described above. just want to be clear that i DON'T wear rose colored glasses. it is written we are to be wise as serpents. well as pray. ALL signs indicate that it is about to be on in the coming weeks, months and years;) lol.

    folks are quick to disavow 'religion'...i include myself in those folks. it is imperative to make the distinction between religion, ritual doings, man following--as i call it and a close, spiritual bond with Almighty, your Creator.

    i don't think you are asleep at all. i make no assumptions. if unsure, i double back and run more spirit tests;)

    try the spirit by the Spirit:

    may i suggest that you not apologize for your passion about what is unfolding? with Love, get bold with it.

    say...what you need to say. add some Universal Law with it, and you.can't.lose. whatever you decide is between you the Creator of your Understanding;)

    Almighty has given US dominion. we need only stand and seize our freedom.

    with Love- (1 Cor. 13:4-8), Obedience- (1 Samuel 15:22-23), let us re-claim our birthright, our images, and our collective power...without apology...without asking Deuteronomy 28 style!

    much love and respect;)

  49. "I just try to show that BOTH parties are paid off..

    Thats all there is with O-bomber... another paid off politician..."

    I've known that before you were old enough to vote. Field has been telling you that for years, B is a politician, period! I agree with your positions but a good dose of pregmatism and cynicism should be mixed in with the youthful passion. Hope you can keep up the energy because my politics and energy level aren't the same as 15 years ago. Good luck.

  50. You mean Bill Wes. Right?

  51. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Thanks Pilot. BLACKISCLUELESS is like that kid who runs into a house that has been burned to the ground and srarts yelling fire.

    Forget the fact that we were here fighting the fire from the jump.

    Fools only hear what they want to hear.


  52. I call O-Bomber a Paid off politician....Pilot Dummy says....

    "I've known that before you were old enough to vote. Field has been telling you that for years, B is a politician, period!"

    Really Pilot??? You and STEPHEN have been up O-bombers butt since 2008 ....Now you want people to believe that you KNOW hes a paid off politician....

    as for you STEPHEN....

    Aint nothing FOOLISH about the things I suggested...

    I dont know who you two nimwits think your fooling.

    I call you out STEPHEN ,because your a liar.... You lie about everything O-Bomber is.

    You have NO integrity...

    but what can u expect...? You think Obamacare is the bees..knees..

  53. Anonymous10:27 AM

    no prez has EVER robbed the poor like that racist bankster hobama

    and blind deaf dumb blacks like fajke nig
    who have been robbed the MOST adore him most

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!

    Obamacare Is Another Private Sector Rip-Off Of Americans

    Last February 3, I posted on this website a column, “Obamacare: A Deception,” written by an expert on the subject.
    Obamacare works for the insurance companies, but not for the uninsured. The cost of using Obamacare is prohibitive for those who most need the health coverage. The cost of the premiums net of the government subsidy is large. It amounts to a substantial pay cut for people struggling to pay their bills. In addition to the premium cost, it is prohibitive for hard pressed Americans to use the policies because of the deductibles and co-pays. For the very poor, who are thrown into Medicaid systems, any assets they might have, such as a home, are subject to confiscation to cover their Medicaid bills. The only people other than the insurance companies who benefit from Obamacare are the down and out who are devoid of all assets.

    Obamacare has resulted in the health insurance companies, who thought that they would be living in high profits from the mandated health coverage, being outsmarted by employers, who have reduced their full-time workers to part-time in order to avoid Omamacare’s requirement to provide health coverage to those employees who work 30 hours a week or more.

    Employers can get away with this, because jobs are hard to find. The lack of employment opportunities results in Americans with engineering degrees working as retail sales clerks and as shelf stockers in Walmart and Home Depot. Despite the abundance of unemployed and under-employed American technical and engineering workers, the large corporations lobby Congress for more H-1B visas to bring in lowly paid foreigners with the argument that there is a shortage of qualified Americans for technical work.

    For millions of employees, Obamacare means cut hours and less take home pay plus out-of-pocket expenses to purchase an Obamacare health policy. For most people covered by Obamacare, this is a lose-lose situation.

    It is also a lose-loss situation for the vast majority of the young. Most young people, unless they have jobs that provide health coverage, do without it, because the chances of the young having heart attacks, cancer, and other serious health problems is low.

    Obamacare, however, requires the healthy young to pay premiums for coverage or to pay a penalty to the IRS.

    Obamacare benefits only two classes of people. It benefits employers who drop their employees working hours below the hours specified for Obamacare coverage, and it benefits the insurance companies or the IRS who collect the premiums and penalties.
    Many of the people who pay the premiums won’t be able to use the policies because of co-pays and deductions.

    The very poor with no assets might receive health care if they reside in states that accept the Medicaid provisions of Obamacare.

    In 21st century America, the few people who have experienced income gains are the executives and shareholders of firms who offshored their production for US markets, Wall Street which makes bets covered by the Federal Reserve, and the military-security complex which has been enriched by the neoconservatives’ wars.

    Every other American has lost.

  54. Anonymous10:28 AM

    and blind deaf dumb blacks like fake nig

    who have been robbed the MOST adore that lying inept bankster hobama most


  55. Anonymous10:41 AM

    that rabid bankster hobama and his horrid hobamascare have failed

    ONLY hobama nazis fools deny both facts


    The failure of this new digital technocratic healthcare web portal actually has nothing to do with the quality of the website, but has everything to do with the quality of the product, and even more so whether or not it actually fills a need.
    Unlike the Washington Post, Forbes actually reported the truth: Obamacare’s website is crashing because it doesn’t want you to know how costly its plans are:

    “A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange is crashing. forces you to create an account and enter detailed personal information before you can start shopping. This, in turn, creates a massive traffic bottleneck, as the government verifies your information and decides whether or not you’re eligible for subsidies. HHS bureaucrats knew this would make the website run more slowly. But they were more afraid that letting people see the underlying cost of Obamacare’s insurance plans would scare people away.”

    More problems will arise as time passes with type of system. The devil will be in the detail. The reality will soon become evident that Obamacare lets whoever it classifies as “the poor” to walk right in to hospitals, while forcing working Americans to take out a bank loan in order to get inside a hospital – premiums will be twice as high, and already expensive deductibles will increase, not to mention that this new system may soon require that entire deductibles must be paid up front.

    Contrary to the partisan rhetoric coming out of the White House and its Democratic Party arm, political and public opposition to Obamacare is a direct result of the federal government’s attempt to ram its program down Americans’ throats, and the IRS has been hire to collect healthcare fees – possibly at gun-point. If you know anything about the IRS, you’ll know that is no exaggeration.

    Americans should not forget: the original Obamacare bill was passed through the House before anyone had actually read it.

  56. "Really Pilot??? You and STEPHEN have been up O-bombers butt since 2008"

    That's a lie because A. I haven't been here since '08 so how would you know B. you have no clue whom I supported in '08 so stop it with your know it all attitude and learn something kid.

    "Aint nothing FOOLISH about the things I suggested..."

    Sure but the point is what you suggested is nothing new. You think a transaction tax is some kind of new magic elixer that will solve all our problems? Talk to Bernie Sanders who's been pushing that very idea for what 10 years now? Stop acting like you are the first to propose progressive ideas. People have been working on these ideas for years and where has that gotten us? Just keep name calling and let's see how successful YOU are at pushing your agenda. I've been around long enough to know this is a long game and you have to be in it for the long haul, no president will use an executive order to get the programs you want they have to come from the people and that won't happen for a while. When you mature you will learn that, until then you can beat your head against the wall all you want.

  57. "Really Pilot??? You and STEPHEN have been up O-bombers butt since 2008"

    And whom did you vote for in 2008? 2012? You never do answer that question do you?

  58. Its simple Field

    its called duplo falar Go figure its deliberately ambiguous etc and really means NADA Other than he is a fake creepy crakka
