Friday, October 18, 2013

Is this a Hair Club for Men, rally? Nope.

Got a few things to talk about tonight.

First, I will be avoiding certain sections of Fairmount Park here in Philly, tomorrow. If it doesn't rain I will be in the same park with my beautiful wife getting my exercise on, but I will be far out in the Northwest section of the park and as far away from that certain section as possible.

Why? Well, nothing against you skinheads exercising your First Amendment right; you have every right to celebrate your white culture as long as you are not breaking any laws, but honestly, I just don't need the drama.

"ARE YOU A skinhead? Anarchist? Peace-loving hippie? Antifascist? Drag queen? Norse-history buff?

Well, head down to Fairmount Park, where neo-Nazis will clash tomorrow with a contingent of cross-dressing protesters as the skinheads gather for the seventh annual Leif Erikson Day rally.

The neo-Nazi shindig is organized by Keystone United, formerly Keystone State Skinheads, a white-nationalist group whose members will meet at the Thorfinn Karlsefni statue on Kelly Drive to pay homage to the 11th century Icelandic explorer and celebrate their whiteness.

"We feel it is our duty to study our past and never forget the extreme obstacles that our European ancestors fought and died for," said Keystone United member Joseph Phy. "Leif Erikson was a great Norse explorer. His historic voyages led him to be the first European to set foot on North American soil. We can look back on our European ancestors, relearn from them and overcome the great challenges that we face today."

Daryle Lamont Jenkins of the opposing One People's Project, said current challenges include racist skinheads holding rallies in his city.

"The numbers on both sides are going to be amplified. There is no telling what's going to happen," Jenkins said. "We have people coming from all over the country, and they have people coming from all over the country."

Jenkins said the outing is being promoted by hate groups like the California-based American Freedom Party. He said Keystone United has apparently linked up with an international network of neo-Nazis, which could boost the size of tomorrow's event." [Source]

Let's not forget the Tea Party Patriots, I am sure that a few of them will make a cameo as well.

I wonder if they will invite Sarah Palin.

On to the next story:

"Two gym teachers in northern New Jersey have been fired for calling black students "Negroes" while carping to each other in a locker room, a state commissioner said.

Brigitte Geiger and Sharon Jones, who taught for around three decades, were canned and had their tenure revoked after an investigation found they made racially charged comments about black students at Mount Olive High on March 2, 2012, reported.

Two students who overheard the pair told school officials Jones was grousing to Geiger in a locker room when she said, "Yea, those Negroes think they are tough (expletive)," reported.
"Yeah, that's all they are, just a bunch of Negroes, Negroes, Negroes," Geiger replied.

Office of Administrative Law Judge Tiffany Williams, who handled the case, said both teachers admitted they'd been frustrated with a group of black students in the past.

Geiger, who also coached field hockey, and Jones were placed on limited administrative duty after charges were filed in March.

They didn't return to school this year and were officially fired on Oct. 8.
"It's unfortunate that it occurred," school superintendent Larrie Reynolds told

"This was an unfortunate incident and we had to do what we thought was right." [Source]
I bet the White is Right Council is going to have a problem with this one.

"How dare they fire these poor teachers for using the word, Negro? This is political correctness run amok. Heck they call themselves Nigger all the time, and one of them named their blog Field Negro for crying out loud!

I feel your frustration white people, but these two loofs (that's a backwards fool) had to go. It's all about context. You can't talk about your students and separate and characterize them by their race. YOU ARE A SCHOOL TEACHER!

It's wrong, but  if you must, please feel free to call them all kinds of Niggers on your own time, and in the privacy of your Glen Beck sanctioned underground silo. You can even start your own secret neighborhood klan organization; just don't go teaching children until you get help for your color aroused illness.

Finally, to know why I don't like certain folks here in America, please take a look at this video and the way that Steve Lonegan  (BTW Steve, you might want to give Joe Biden a call and see who did his hair plugs ) treats his own wife, and tell me what kind of senator you think that he would have been for the state of New Jersey.

Thank you Cory Booker, I suspect that if you were married Mrs. Booker would have been treated with the kind of respect that Mrs. Lonegan will never experience.


  1. George Orwell9:41 PM

    "just don't go teaching children until you get help for your color aroused illness."

    No one who spends all day, every day around "negro" children can possibly help becoming color aroused.

    It's not illness; it's reality.

    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

  2. Black Run America9:51 PM

    "you have every right to celebrate your white culture as long as you are not breaking any laws, but honestly, I just don't need the drama."

    So as a Leftist, you can just use the power of the State to keep your life free of drama.

    I am sure this meager gathering will garner many more counter-celebrants who will exercise their right to free speech by making sure these 'skinheads' do not get to exercise theirs, and probably get a few sucker punches in before the police come in and arrest the skinheads.

    Because any celebration of white culture must be stamped down and labeled Nazi here in BRA.

    Don't worry, Field, no drama will be allowed.

  3. Sounds like a great place to go with a water-balloon slingshot.

  4. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Black Run America said...
    "I am sure this meager gathering will garner many more counter-celebrants who will exercise their right to free speech by making sure these 'skinheads' do not get to exercise theirs, and probably get a few sucker punches in before the police come in and arrest the skinheads."

    See Whitey's comment above.

  5. Uncle Bob10:28 PM

    "I've been around the ruling class all my life, and I've been quite aware of their total contempt for the people of the country." - Gore Vidal

    People never learn. If we can just get so-and-so in office...Clinton, Bush, Obama, Romney (all of them the same person)...then things will be different. They won’t.

    George Bush (the second one, who was more stupid and vicious than his father) once said he didn’t understand poor people. And this from a man who never had a job in his life and is brain-damaged from alcoholism. He showed a complete lack of imagination and empathy. And his lack of brains. Or if he has any brains, he didn’t use them.

    Obama has never had a job in his life (by the way, both he and his ugly wife had to give up their law licenses). Romney hasn't had one either. The rich never do. They pretend they do, and even con some people they do, but they don’t.

    Obama was supposed to be Mr. Hope and Change. He turned out to be possibly the worst President ever, presiding over the death of the U.S. And he was elected twice, even though his showed his utter incompetence in his first term.

    People have been falling for the delusion that one man in power can get rid of all our problems since the human race has been around. Read the Old Testament sometimes and look at how rulers were described. Read the New Testament, too, for that matter, where Jesus referred to these people as vipers, ones who would steal the last penny of widows and orphans. Sound familiar?

    It's got to the point I no longer believe in democracy (actually, that happened a long time ago). Just look around at who's in office. Some of them are downright stupid, and many of them appear to be mentally ill. Specifically, psychopaths.

    Vidal was right. The ruling classes have contempt for us. And most people can’t even see it. If they did they wouldn’t have risen up already, marched on D.C. with pitchforks and torches, and hanged the guilty upside-down by their heels, as was done to Mussolini

  6. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Brother Field, I swear on my life that using the word "Negro" was appropriate. I mean, I've using it so much on FN that I thought it was just another expression for Black or AA. So when did using the term "Negro" become offensive? I can't keep up with all these names.

    I DO know the N-Word is offensive, thanks to Whites outlawing themselves against that dirty filthy word. They should have outlawed it for Blacks, too because we use it like M&Ms.

    Don't you think firing those teachers for using the word "Negroes" is a little much?

    I get sick of my own peeps too...a lot more than Whites. You FN Negroes ought to know about that more than anybody else. I mean, PilotX, Granny, Black Sage and a bunch of others at times have gotten on my last nerve.

  7. Anonymous10:44 PM

    "George Bush (the second one, who was more stupid and vicious than his father) once said he didn’t understand poor people. And this from a man who never had a job in his life and is brain-damaged from alcoholism. He showed a complete lack of imagination and empathy. And his lack of brains. Or if he has any brains, he didn’t use them."

    You are wrong about Bush. He couldn't possibly be stupid. The man graduated from Yale, one of the most prestigious schools in the world. You don't graduate from Yale unless you are loaded with brains.

    As far as poor people are concerned, I am Black and poor, and I don't understand poor Blacks either. My folks keep voting for Obama who doesn't give a shit about us. Go Figure.

  8. Wesley R10:48 PM

    Leif Erikson came to America around 1000 AD. But Black Folks got here long before that.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzM3I3ajYzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDOQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1ZJUDMxNl8x/SIG=12k7t9imq/EXP=1382178866/**http%3a//

  9. Anonymous10:51 PM

    "Obama was supposed to be Mr. Hope and Change. He turned out to be possibly the worst President ever, presiding over the death of the U.S. And he was elected twice, even though his showed his utter incompetence in his first term."

    If you think he was incompetent in his first term, wait until everyone sees how eff'd up Obamacare is. As a matter of fact, it's already started...but it's going to get more worse, a lot more worse. Hell, when this thing is over, people will be saying Obama was competent in his first term.

    Have you noticed that some FN Negroes have been obviously 'silent' about Obamacare? That's a bad sign for Obamacare. Whenever Field and PilotX say nothing about how eff'd up things are with ACA, you can be sure it is totally messed up. Pray for a miracle.

  10. Anonymous10:55 PM

    "It's got to the point I no longer believe in democracy (actually, that happened a long time ago). Just look around at who's in office. Some of them are downright stupid, and many of them appear to be mentally ill. Specifically, psychopaths."

    I think a lot of people feel the same way about Democracy. Freud said, "America is a giant mistake." He was right.

    The people in office are mirrors of the American people.

  11. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Field, "Why? Well, nothing against you skinheads exercising your First Amendment right; you have every right to celebrate your white culture as long as you are not breaking any laws, but honestly, I just don't need the drama."

    I am glad you don't like the drama, you might get you ass kicked if you DID show in the wrong part of the park.

  12. Wesley R said...
    Leif Erikson came to America around 1000 AD. But Black Folks got here long before that.

    So what happened to them? The Indians must have killed them all off, because there were none here when Europeans got here.

    And why did West Africans forget how to make boats?

    I think there are some holes in this theory.

  13. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Field, "Jenkins said the outing is being promoted by hate groups like the California-based American Freedom Party. He said Keystone United has apparently linked up with an international network of neo-Nazis, which could boost the size of tomorrow's event." ["

    I don't appreciate you slandering CA in your post. Most people know that CA is a liberal state and there are no hate groups in CA. We have only good fair minded loving embracing Whites here.

    But I bet there will be a lot of Germans from Germany there. Mr Field, if I were you, I would skip the exercise and go see a movie. Go see something mindless, like "Machete". You just might enjoy it.

  14. "The people in office are mirrors of the American people."

    Take a look at this:

    That picture is a perfect example of why democracy does not work. Ultimately we end up electing morons to office. Of course they have no idea they are morons, and instead not only think they're smart, they think they're smarter than we are.

    This is also the perfect example of why women should not be allowed to vote or run for office.

    The policy rationale behind government handouts is to enable women to have sex with men who make terrible husbands and fathers.

    “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken

  15. Anonymous11:17 PM

    ken said...
    Wesley R said...
    Leif Erikson came to America around 1000 AD. But Black Folks got here long before that.

    So what happened to them? The Indians must have killed them all off, because there were none here when Europeans got here.

    And why did West Africans forget how to make boats?

    I think there are some holes in this theory.

    11:05 PM
    Oh, you are all wrong, Blacks were here when the Europeans arrived. You folks just didn't put it in your f---ked up history books.

    Wesley R is a black historian who knows what he is talking about. I thank God for black historians who let us know what 'really' happened. Otherwise, we would never know when we came to America.

  16. "Oh, you are all wrong, Blacks were here when the Europeans arrived."

    Is that where the term "Timber Niggers" came from?

  17. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Pocahotasss, why are you coming down on us like that? We saved your asses from the Vikings.

  18. Wesley R11:37 PM

    NBC is bogus for getting rid of Ironside.

    Anyway, Clemson vs. Florida State
    amd Indianapolis vs. Denver this weekend!


    I see Teabaggers can't use Google. I guess they don't teach that to those with 3rd grade education.

  19. tbag burnett11:45 PM

    Wesley R said
    "I see Teabaggers can't use Google. I guess they don't teach that to those with 3rd grade education."

    Yale Law professor Dan M. Kahan was conducting an analysis of the scientific comprehension of various political groups when he ran into a shocking discovery: tea party supporters are slightly more scientifically literate than the non-tea party population:

  20. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Wesley R, "I see Teabaggers can't use Google. I guess they don't teach that to those with 3rd grade education."

    11:37 PM
    Links please.

  21. You can always take them bowling.

  22. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Blogger PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    You can always take them bowling.

    11:48 PM

  23. And Yale law professor Dan Kahan was promptly dragged off the Yale campus in a straightjacket.

  24. Chairman Soetoro12:07 AM

    PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    And Yale law professor Dan Kahan was promptly dragged off the Yale campus in a straightjacket.

    You are correct ComradeX. No dissenting facts will be allowed in the USSA. 'Science' must serve the State.

  25. Howard Alum12:29 AM

    "Science. Ha!"

    Yes, it's not like it's from a credible academic institution, it's only Yale.

  26. And here I thought only the pointy headed elite came from Ivy League schools.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm totally convinced tea party types are the pinnacle of scientific thought.

  27. How much you wanna bet Professor Kahan was behind the polls that had Romney winning in a landslide.

  28. "How much you wanna bet Professor Kahan was behind the polls that had Romney winning in a landslide"


  29. What is undeniable true is the first African slaves were already working on southern plantations before the Mayflower first arrived in the USA.

  30. ag said...

    That picture is a perfect example of why democracy does not work.

    Democracy does not work because privileged families believe the government is their business they can hand down to their heirs.

    The politician in the above link is the 3rd family member to be in the la city government.

    Say, how many kennedys have been involved in government? How many al gores? Bush?

  31. The Purple Cow said...
    What is undeniable true is the first African slaves were already working on southern plantations before the Mayflower first arrived in the USA.

    If you're right and African slaves were working southern plantations before those white english guys founded America, who brought African slaves to America?

  32. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...

    And Yale law professor Dan Kahan was promptly dragged off the Yale campus in a straightjacket.

    Just like climate deniers, science is hard for some people to understand.

    And those opposed to science always attack the person and not the facts.

  33. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...

    How much you wanna bet Professor Kahan was behind the polls that had Romney winning in a landslide.

    I'll bet $20 that you are unable to prove that Kahn was responsible for the polls.

  34. Finally, some good news about the economy.

    You making less money is GOOD because you will have increased odds of a valuable tax subsidy.

    People whose 2014 income will be a little too high to get subsidized health insurance from Covered California next year should start thinking now about ways to lower it to increase their odds of getting the valuable tax subsidy.

    Change and Hope.

    Make less money so you can get free stuff from the government.

  35. Inflation adjusted median household income has declined each and every year Obama has been President*:

    2012 $51,017

    2011 $51,100

    2010 $51,892

    2009 $53,285

    2008 $53,644

    Maybe you could blame the first year or two on Bush, but not the last couple. Why is median income still declining?

    I work in the oil business, and things are booming due to shale gas and oil. I have done work on several multi-billion dollar projects that involve tens of thousands of new jobs. All of this is occurring despite what the President has done to shut down drilling, bankrupt coal, and tax refining to death.

    If it wasn't for the energy sector boom, how much worse would the overall economy look?

    * Source is the United States Census Bureau:

  36. Pablo Escobar1:12 PM

    Who did Obama choose to succeed the bumbling open borders moonbat Janet Napolitano as head of Homeland Security? How about Jeh Johnson:

    As the Department of Defense’s general counsel, Johnson was a central player in many of the Obama administration’s most sensitive national security policies, including the ramping up of the drone program and the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy banning gays from openly serving in the military.

    That is, his qualifications consist of supporting the use of drones for extrajudicial assassinations of American citizens and the destruction of military morale and cohesion through the official promotion of homosexuality. But at least he’s black; that’s the important thing these days.

  37. Thomas More2:31 PM

    You may cheer Obama's Constitutional coup that removed the power of Congress to determine government spending. Likewise you celebrate the progressive's victory on Obamacare, which now makes your personal decisions the business of government, in so much as they affect the cost of your healthcare. The government re-allocation of wealth, open borders, executive discretion of what laws get enforced when and on whom, are all wonderful realizations of progressive utopianism.

    This is modern fascism, without its ugly racism and anti-Semitism as practiced in 1930's. The economic policy component of fascism, known in Europe during the 1920s and ’30s as “corporatism,” was an essential ingredient of economic totalitarianism as practiced by Mussolini and Hitler. So-called corporatism was adopted in Italy and Germany during the 1930s and was held up as a “model” by quite a few intellectuals and policy makers in the United States and Europe. A version of economic fascism was in fact adopted in the United States in the 1930s and survives to this day. In the United States these policies were not called “fascism” but “planned capitalism.” The word fascism may no longer be politically acceptable, but its synonym “industrial policy” is as popular as ever.

    The U.S. Constitution was written by individuals who believed in the classical liberal philosophy of individual rights and sought to protect those rights from governmental encroachment. But since the fascist/ collectivist philosophy has been so influential, policy reforms over the past half century have all but abolished many of these rights by simply ignoring many of the provisions in the Constitution that were designed to protect them. As legal scholar Richard Epstein has observed: “The eminent domain . . . and parallel clauses in the Constitution render . . . suspect many of the heralded reforms and institutions of the twentieth century: zoning, rent control, workers’ compensation laws, transfer payments, progressive taxation.” It is important to note that most of these reforms were initially adopted during the ’30s, when the fascist/collectivist philosophy was in its heyday.

    A defining characteristic of economic fascism is that private property and business ownership are permitted, but are in reality controlled by government through a business-government “partnership.”

    If this sounds familiar, it is because it is exactly the result of agricultural subsidies, the Export- Import bank, guaranteed loans to “preferred” business borrowers, protectionism, the Chrysler bailout, monopoly franchising, and myriad other forms of corporate welfare paid for directly or indirectly by the American taxpayer.

    As most of the rest of the world struggles to privatize industry and encourage free enterprise, we in the United States are seriously debating whether or not we should adopt 1930s-era economic fascism as the organizational principle of our entire health care system, which comprises 14 percent of GNP. We are also contemplating business-government “partnerships” in the automobile, airlines, and communications industries, among others, and are adopting government-managed trade policies, also in the spirit of the European corporatist schemes of the 1930s.

    The state and its academic apologists are so skilled at generating propaganda in support of such schemes that Americans are mostly unaware of the dire threat they pose for the future of freedom. The road to serfdom is littered with road signs pointing toward “the information superhighway,” “health security,” “national service,” “managed trade,” and “industrial policy.”

    Serfdom is the new slavery, and Field thinks he has place in the House.

  38. Quote Dimbulb-Bill

    "If you're right and African slaves were working southern plantations before those white english guys founded America, who brought African slaves to America?"

    The Dutch, who had stolen them from the Spanish.

    Incidentally, the first Africans in the USA worked in Florida nearly 100 years before the Mayflower, they worked with the Conquistadors. But to the best of my knowledge they were not slaves.

  39. I'll bet $20 Bill thought I was serious.
    Another bet, tea baggers think sciency stuff comes from the Yale LAW school.

  40. tbag burnett3:14 PM

    The Twosqueegee Airman said...
    Another bet, tea baggers think sciency stuff comes from the Yale LAW school.

    I'll bet you don't even understand what keeps your airplane up in the air.

    Your comprehension of "sciency stuff" is limited to what serves partisan aims. On that note, you need to go outside and shake a bone at the sun to get Global Warming going again.


  41. What is a sad trutha is in 2013 african slaves are still working on democrat plantations.

  42. Anonymous3:20 PM

    "What is a sad trutha is in 2013 african slaves are still working on democrat plantations."

    Yes, but voting sure is easier than picking cotton.

  43. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...
    I'll bet $20 Bill thought I was serious.

    *IF* you did make that bet, that would be the second time you lost $20 to me today.

    Another bet, tea baggers think sciency stuff comes from the Yale LAW school.

    And another $20

  44. Bill......never mind, I gotta learn to jsut ignore you.
    I guess it's better to be a blah slave toiling with other blahs on the dem plantation than on the Repub plantation with white slaves.

  45. i am just checking...folks think that ONLY BO has an 'ugly' wife?

    never miss an opportunity to bash bw, right? MO would benefit from invisalign stat. outside of that, she is not 'ugly'.

    it is mighty white to call folks 'ugly' while refusing to acknowledge 'ole child molesting HW Bush PROUDLY strolling around with his grandma looking wife.

    say what you want about least she is not cracked up skin prematurely, looking like demon possessed BO's grandma. exactly none of the political puppets have looker wives. MO is no 'uglier' than the steady stream of unattractive white women that have found themselves in the White House.

    america was modeled to be a republic. whites lifted that form of government from the Aztec they set about destroying that nation of people. kill, steal and whiten. that appears to be the white collective m.o. throughout history.

    folks might want to get familiar with real american history. teachers won't tell it. i suspect they don't know it. 'education' has long been about regurgitating what one is fed. it is quite political in fact. play along or you got problems and probably bad grades. american education is NOT about encouraging folks to think and seek knowledge it seems.

    ALL Blacks in america were NOT slaves. just as all whites were NOT free. whites running around pretending otherwise are going to have major dome ache to learn they are the descendants of criminals, peasants, crown traitors, and indentured servants. didn't make a difference...america STILL bows to england and now the state of is ra el.

    someone suggested a visit to Scriptures to see what it says about rulers. folks might want to get familiar with what Scriptures says about the nation that would enslave the seed of Abram/Abraham and treat them wickedly for 400 years...

    does no one else see the blatant hypocrisy of crying about 'freedom' when it has consistently been denied fellow americans?

    for a so-called 'Christian' nation...much that should be expected, as it is written in Scriptures, is taking folks by surprise. i.don'

    somewhere i read that there was a kenyan prophet who told folks well in advance that it would be a kenyan son that would bring to the knees the brutal nation that other nations hate.

    this hatred is not born of 'jealousy' of our illusion of 'freedom'...this hatred is born of our nation's repugnant, bloody hand, world history. america has terrorized a segment of her citizens + the world for some time now. of course terrorizing all americans would only make sense.

    all signs indicate that's where we are now in history. as a small child i was aware that collectively, america has some VERY bad karma.

  46. PilotX:Helping Slaves off the Republican Plantation said...

    Bill......never mind, I gotta learn to jsut ignore you.
    I guess it's better to be a blah slave toiling with other blahs on the dem plantation than on the Repub plantation with white slaves.

    Black or white slaves, the same slave owners.

    Is the corporate $ going into the black president's pocket any different than the corporate $ going into a white president's pocket?

  47. The state and its academic apologists are so skilled at generating propaganda in support "of such schemes that Americans are mostly unaware of the dire threat they pose for the future of freedom. The road to serfdom is littered with road signs pointing toward “the information superhighway,” “health security,” “national service,” “managed trade,” and “industrial policy.”

    Oh please! Private insurance companies have been stealing your freedom and money for years.

    If Michelle Obama is "ugly" then Barbara Bush is.....

  48. "As far as poor people are concerned, I am Black and poor, and I don't understand poor Blacks either."

    So, in other words, you don't know yourself.


  49. no shock here fake nig

    hobama has outlawed free speech and torched the constitution

    u hobama nazi fools cheer it all...


  50. Thomas More8:07 PM

    field negro said...
    Oh please! Private insurance companies have been stealing your freedom and money for years.

    Private health insurance is a voluntary contract.

    Can't you tell the difference between choosing between sometimes difficult options and being forced into a contract the terms of which are dictated by one party?

    You really are clueless when it comes to what real freedom is.

  51. there is NO free lunch.

    folks used to teach their children this Truth early.

    the poor are being led into big pharma on the promise of 'free' this and that...those that bite the bait run the risk of being human guinea pigs prior to being slapped with a DNR bracelet.

    once expired, poor people are quite profitable. this is why murdered folks are found stuffed with newspaper rather than organs. the poor are chopped for parts and the mammonites keep doing what they do. laughing all the way to the bank...

    FN, your Koch checks won't bounce 'joke' is evil, at best. hope you got extra coins behind it.

    those with resources to be fleeced may look forward to is the american way after all. gold confiscation. anti hoarding laws. etc. etc. folks hemming and hawing about 'their country' fail to see the irony. just because you STOLE something does NOT make you the rightful OWNER. lol.

    depopulation is the plan. enslavement is the reward for those that value their 'lives' more than freedom.

    those that refuse to stand up and call it...deserve precisely what is coming down the pike.

    Proverbs 18:21- Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

    sometimes folks must say what needs to be said-call things what they are...are not the righteous to be as bold as lions?


    the middle class has been allowed to exist at the sufferance of the wealthy. clearly folks are done extending such carrots/illusions of freedom.

    of course the Yahuthim/ Hebrews get/got it first and the hardest. demolishing the rest is clearly the next item on the agenda- for those that pay attention.

    why would there need to be a middle class in a system that requires only rich and poor?


    the american people have not elected a president in quite some time. hate to be the one to break it to folks.

    nothing happens in history that is not MADE TO HAPPEN by the hidden hand/shadow government that truly runs thangs...they control all sides and players.

    these folks running thangs also tend to be white, male, homo, rabidly racist, and satanic. a closer look will make it hard for folks to argue. but i AM sure folks will still...argue.

    of course, the way the program/script runs...i AM a 'racist', 'homo hater', 'conspiracy theorist','mentally ill', and some more stuff because i notice and will call it.

    please know that some of us don't care about other folk's labels. not one little bit. i care about humanity. period. full stop.


    BO wants to shut down the internet. in the interim, having folks not read bloggers that will call it...helps to keep Obamites under his hypnotic spell.

    bloggers united on an issue...will rule the day. all seeing eye folk KNOW THIS and are quite afraid;)

  52. someone said last thread, folks that will stand and honor the Almighty of their faith- despite all the hate doing so unleashes upon them- are the true 'non believers'...

    this is a lie.

    plain and simple.


    Matthew 5:14-16

    14 Ye are the light of the world, A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

    15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

    16 Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


    His Strength, Power, and Light is within and guides me. i AM committed to following Him and speaking as He prompts that He might get the glory. those that find this problematic...i have all faith they will wrestle with and resolve their personal problems in time;)


    last thread, i noted but did not comment as what appeared to be a white person attempted to regulate another white person that will speak out against the white supremacy system.

    throughout history this has been the battle for the decent righteous white folks. i support those that will risk their privilege in the interest of justice.

    while i don't agree with all the stand up and speak commenter had to say...i DO agree that all not down with evil, have a responsibility to stand up, speak and shine Light on evil doers.

    in the secular...tyranny advances when good men stand by, saying and doing nothing. (i paraphrase.)

    there is no neutral in this spiritual battle. folks WILL need to choose a side...lukewarm gets spewed out. this is true for Almighty AND the defeated one that has been given power...for now. you like eating? you WILL take that mark.

    anything goes is designed to keep folks deceived into going for just any ole thing. that too, will halt promptly in due time, as it is written.

    those that don't believe or know, have surprises in store. not good ones, either.

    sabbath shalom all;)

  53. "You really are clueless when it comes to what real freedom is."

    Do you think you are free?

    And what, exactly, is "real freedom"?

  54. field negro said...
    Do you think you are free?

    Of course not.

    [ ] The fault of koch brothers
    [ ] the fault of the government

    Did your george soros check clear the bank yet? You know he has a habit of screwing people, be careful when you do his bidding.

  55. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Caucasians are always sprouting how UGLY Africans are. One thing's for sure, we're definitely not part of the gang of 200 million that look like DEAD people that have forgotten to die. Take off that two tons of makeup all of you wear, and you'll put your Caucasian UNDERTAKERS into a GD tizzy. You're "beautiful" in your demented, racist minds ONLY. Age spots, wrinkles, two sprouts of dog hair, tanning spray, all kinds of "stooped" over; the nerve of you freaks. The handsomest couple in America are the 91 year olds that sell Swiffer mops on my TV.
    They're finer than fine!!!!!!

  56. Thomas More10:18 PM

    field negro said...
    "And what, exactly, is "real freedom"?"

    It is not having the government make all of my decisions for me because others believe that it is for my own good.

    It is not bestowing favoritism on some businesses and groups while penalizing others.

    It is not being lied to constantly and kept in the dark by a media that is in 'partnership' with the government.

    Freedom is space we inhabit when the government is limited to its legitimate functions, within the bounds of the Constitution.

    The State is too big and too powerful. The more money it controls, the more crucial it becomes to control the levers of power and tap into the largesse.

    America's freedoms are under assault. Why do you think this a good thing?

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. unfocused pastor:

    amen & ditto!

    re lions:

    that is precisely what you fatally forgot in your homo hating lying kinsey stalker haze....

    u have made a lioness your enemy

    let me be clear
    i have not alienated u

    i have indeed rejected and slain u as i do all holy evil liars


    u holy evil dl church nigs have just
    abused all of us homos for far TOO mf long



    what mf law mf??????????

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. unfocused pastor:

    what mf law mf???

  61. Anonymous9:44 AM

    PREACH to that fork-tongued witch, AB!!

  62. deaf blind deranged obsessed black nazis' mindless mantra:

    "heil hobama..we love your hitler swag bro...we love u...we love war...we love being silenced and ignored...we love martial law!!!... etc"

    cc africom/ndaa/cispa/ww3 etc


    Black elected officials, overwhelmingly Democrats, act as role models of impotence, eunuchs in Obama’s harem and, when required, cheerleaders in his wars. Had Obama not “postponed” his attack on Syria, there is every reason to believe that he would have gotten the support of about half the Congressional Black Caucus – just as when his war against Libya [11] was challenged, in June of 2011. Even after Obama is gone, the great task of Black progressives will be to sever the chains that bind Blacks to the Wall Street-run Democratic Party, the incubator of future Obamas and, therefore, unending Black political crises.

    It is true that Black folks have lost their political bearings, if not their minds, in the Age of Obama, but that doesn’t mean they can’t recover their sanity and humanity, once the maddening presence in the White House is gone. Mental breakdowns are not irreversible; otherwise, all the world’s peoples would be permanently brain-damaged.

    Perhaps the most curious and, in a sense, encouraging aspect of Obama-whipped Black political behavior is that most of those afflicted pay little attention to the First Black President’s actual policies. The topic of Black conversation is usually not “What is Obama doing,” but, rather, “How is Obama doing?” His fans aren’t concerned about his legislative agenda, and are often shocked when informed that their icon engineered preventive detention laws and wants to cut Social Security. You are liable to be called a lying bastard, or even attacked, simply for citing his political record in Black settings where, typically, it is never debated or scrutinized. Instead, the subject of constant discussion is: Who is making trouble for Obama? What are they doing now to smear the man? In short, Black people aren’t expressing their political convictions when giving tacit or active support to Obama, on the foreign or domestic fronts. They are, in fact, ignoring their own convictions in favor of upholding the icon.

    As a result, what Cornel West calls the “Black prophetic tradition” slips into a coma. We know it will awake, but not without damage.
