Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Open thread.

Holla at me about some things.

Is Bansey's art real art?

Should the WH have fired datsecwonk?

Does the Oarfish mean earthquakes for SoCal?

Do the Koch brothers pay trolls?

Or anything else you have on your mind.


  1. 1. Yes

    2. No

    3. No

    4. Yes

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Is the African American community any more or less sexist (and homophobic) than the average American---or do we just get a bad rap?

  3. Gail Scott6:42 AM

    Confederate flags are on my mind this morning ... Since when did the losers of war get to raise their flag on the victor's soil? Isn't there a law against that?

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    hobama is a robot bankster/sheeple fleecer

    he has traded GM to china for robot soldiers etc...

    it is more/endless
    clandestine THEFT & ROBBERY from american taxpayers & destroyt...

    eternal wars + eternal serfdom = hobama's horrid legacy

  5. Anonymous10:03 AM

    soulless mindless lying fake nig:

    every single time that u delete my lioness posts

    and allow the ignorant and insane provocations of hyenas and peer hobama nazi morons to remain herein...

    u r ONLY intensifying your horrid eternal karma

    like god does
    we see u and massa hobama


  6. Obama spent over 200 million tax dollars on the obamacare website.

    At $200 an hour, that means the government was billed for 1,000,000 hours.


  7. Anonymous10:16 AM


    hobama and hobamascare are BOTH horrid failures/hoaxes!!!

    hobama has perpetually bilked and tricked the masses


  8. Koch brothers are on track to make billions when the Keystone pipeline is approve.

  9. Anonymous10:46 AM

    cc hobama the ebt prez

    hobama nazi pookies...yes?

  10. Anonymous10:48 AM

    that global warlord bankster hobama = poverty prez

    millions more will be unemployed asap

    cc fema/hobamascare/martial law etc


  11. Anonymous11:01 AM

    like wade robson
    corey feldman has flipped and lied about mjj for years

    mjj molested corey f and corey haim
    and wade r and many more

    may cf finally bravely out mjj as the rabid elder pedophile that he was

    kudos to corey!!!

    rip corey h

    cc pookie parents/ALL pedophiles het and gay etc

    hey fake nig:
    how do u hobam nazi mfs sleep?
    cc mjj
    karma is real

  12. Anonymous11:03 AM

    hobamascare is sinful genocide/bilking

    that warlock bankster hobama is wilding!!!!!

    we will all pay for less

    may god bless us all

    cc BANKSTERS WILD/death panels/premium spikes/ layoffs/ww3/africom...


  13. Anonymous11:24 AM

    no lies live forever

    may cf be brave about mjj...finally

    kudos to wr

  14. Anonymous11:33 AM

    that lying bankster hobama has failed!!!!!!!

    cc hobamascare/jjobless/nsa/irs/fema/dhs/homeless/africom/ww3...

  15. Blaming their loss in the shut-down/debt-ceiling debacle on the 90 or so"moderate" (suburban district) house republiklans who voted for the clean CR to end the crisis, it looks like the tbaggers are going to repeat their 2010/12 campaign strategy even bigger by primarying these "RINO's" in 2014. Since 40 or so of those seats were held by Democrats between '07 & '10, a serious primary challenge is the worst news these members could get. Republiklan primary voters in off year elections are the hardest of the hard core, which is how they ended up with so many caricature candidates on '10 & '12. Even if they survive, it will only have been at the cost of being driven into crazyland.

    The Democrats only need to pick up 15 to flip the house. In an off year under a lame duck, this would normally be extremely unlikely, but with extreme right candidates against the moderates Democrats who such close districts produce, it's just possible that Eric Erickson and his friends might score an own goal.

    It took us 2 tries, but in 2012 we did just this in my neighboring 3rd district where we replaced Dan Lundgren (R-Establishment) who'd gone far-right because of the high T-bagger quotient in the rural stretches of his district with Ami Bera, (D-Establishment).

    Anyway, that's what I'm thinking this morning Field.

  16. Arthur Grupee said...

    Koch brothers are on track to make billions when the Keystone pipeline is approve.

    Can you say Burlington Northern Santa Fe?

  17. Could Mr/Ms Anonymous be the Kock Bros. Troll? Lota hate there

  18. Anonymous12:51 PM

    pedophiles are wilding like banksters

    cc that bankster monster hobama who is raping the sheeple!!!


  19. Anonymous1:04 PM

    kudos to do

    cc the turbo breeding fertile het pookies

  20. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I'm beginning to think the same thing, the Koch brothers (today's Robber Barons) might be supporting Mr/Mrs Anonymous. Daily he/she comes to this site solely to spew hate about the President towards the Field.

    Hang in there Field! You are the best. Otherwise, they wouldn't try to hit you so hard. Religiously said: Keep you head up... God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. You are a strong soldier in the battle against racism. Love you... sorry Mrs. Field.

  21. Anonymous1:22 PM

    kudos to a hero

  22. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Agreed OGD. Day in and day out the trollina says the same things -- always Hobama this and Hobama that. It is quite tiresome and annoying. Perhaps squelching meaningful conversation is its raison d'etre? Things that make you go hmmmm....

  23. Anonymous1:36 PM

    nothing is as tiresome and annoying as u nigs who love hobama

    there is no meaningful convo here

    that is why my unique and unchecked truths are so glaring...see???

    cc hobamascare

  24. Anonymous1:38 PM

    nothing is as redundant as fake nig NEVER mentioning:




    fema camps

    hobama's drones

    hobama's serial war crimes



    hobama's serial failures etc

    i am here to balance reality

    expect me
    get over me


  25. Anonymous1:40 PM

    assnon 1332:

    it is the hobama nazis who should vvex u herein

    where the f is your blog????

    go kkkpop there u kkklown

  26. Anonymous1:41 PM

    cc your bs to the redundant nigs who coddle and enable that racist bastard bankster hobama...k???

  27. Im surprised STEPHEN that you deviated from your usual diatribe about the Evil Racist Republicans...

    Come on...I know you have another NRA story ... or how about something some obscure Republican politician said about O-bomber?

    Here let me help you...

    Im sure you can spin that one nicely....

  28. Anonymous1:44 PM

    u nigs are addicted to that redundant bankster mf hobama


  29. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Insane Trollina -

    Why do you post here if you hate and despise FN and the readers? Do you think you will change peoples' minds by insulting them? Last I checked, the Black Agenda Report, Stormfront, and the other racist sites you regularly link to have forums. Why don't you post there?

  30. Thanks to the Koch brothers for currently funding my trolling. I profited very well during the bush years from George Soros funding my trolling and I’m hoping the Koch brothers will follow in his footsteps.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Last I checked, the Black Agenda Report, Stormfront, and the other racist sites you regularly link to have forums.

    Links to stormfront?

    If there were I'm sure FN and PilotX would be all over it.

    Their lack of whining gives me the impression there are no stormfront links.

  32. Last I checked, the Black Agenda Report, Stormfront, and the other racist sites you regularly link to have forums. Why don't you post there?

    Black Agenda Report is not a racist site... Stormfront and Black Agenda Report are diametrically opposed to each other.

    People should at least verify claims before making them....

  33. Is this what Obama called "smart diplomacy" during his campaign?

    "The chancellor today telephoned President (Barack) Obama" and "made clear
    that she unequivocally disapproves of such practices, should they be
    confirmed, and regards them as completely unacceptable," he said.

    Upset at President Barack Obama's policies on Iran and Syria, members of Saudi Arabia's ruling family are threatening a rift with the United States that could take the alliance between Washington and the kingdom to its lowest point in years.

  34. MJ was sold into the wm, gay ped run slavery that is known as the entertainment industry as a small child.

    those that can't see for looking will gobble Corey Feldman's book like it is Scriptures.

    Corey Feldman is shoveling poop on MJ's legacy. hopefully it pays well. i caught him twinning/tormenting Corey Haim before Haim 'suicided'. that madness was on tv. pooping on MJ is much safer than calling out the still alive, well connected, child molesting, snuff film enjoying, freedom train riding Shumachers, Schneiders, and countless others of the industry.

    wake up.

    when children are molested as small children...they typically molest others. just as when children are given healthy instructive love from adults as small children...this is what they give others.

    'gay' people in quite a few cases have tales of molestation in their past. men + women. i AM not saying this makes them identify as gay. i AM simply noting a common thread as i talk/listen to people.

    folks that like to dig and read (scholars) can surely find the truth about Bob Hope and his part in the destruction of the very young (5-6 years old) MJ. sound bite spoon feeding will be the death of folks. we are called to order to find according to His Law. the world trains one to expect spoon feeding. THAT mess gets labelled 'educated'...He will NOT be mocked.

    google thanks for the memories...and clue up.

    MJ did not identify as 'gay'. folks DO still get to determine that for themselves...despite the 'gay rights' agenda that seeks to paint ALL with the gay brush- starting in kindergarten. anyone protesting this madness is 'closeted', 'hating', + 'jealous'.

    furthermore, MJ was assassinated for standing and speaking Truth to power. despite being mind controlled, heavily manipulated, tortured for the bulk of his life. i AM bound to show respect, speak the Truth he contributed mightily to me knowing and let the man rest in peace. if he was molesting children...he got quite the bit of scorn here on earth. as it is written he got it coming in the next if he did not repent. i don't know. it is not my business to know nor judge. i pray to see him in His Kingdom.

    kinsey oversaw the breaking of thousands of children...IF folks can call him a 'hero' then they can also go and sit it on down somewhere when it comes to MJ. he was but a man. we are called to hate the the sinner.


    ' Perhaps squelching meaningful conversation is its raison d'etre? Things that make you go hmmmm....'


    pretty much. the nonstop link posting is the best way to kill the flow of info. true educators would get this...

    it is similar to a tactic i have seen attys use. another atty asks for specific info. the jerk atty buries other atty in so info the info sought is harder to obtain.



    folks flagrantly souled out to their agenda, got mad nerves to try to call out another. golden calves...are forbidden. ALL get dented and destroyed on my watch. it's all Love;)

    MJ had it right. they don't care about US. none of US. golden calves/idols give them increased power through the harnessing of our collective energy. we have more Power than we know or use. just as they rob of US of resources, mammon, freedoms...they energy rob those that don't understand the Universal Laws that govern the Universe.

  35. __________________

    Paris Jackson is MJ 2.0. she, too, is sounding the alarm. i pray that she will find the Strength to Stand Strong. baby girl tweeted an image indicating to watch the eastern stars. i AM baby girl. i love you. thank you. truly from the mouth of babes. Roseanne Barr confirmed it while outing Joe Jackson as a handler that raped his daughters and tormented/abuse his sons. Jermaine corroborated that Joe would take a very young MJ to hotel rooms for 'business meetings'...resulting in MJ being sick for weeks.

    no one but Randy spoke about how long Paris has been held in the 'hospital'/rehab...

    rehab= updated programming

    Amy Winehouse wouldn't go. when they tried to make her into a triangle, she said, no. then they publicly humiliated her...then sacrificed her complete with red body bag. how many threw nasty energy her way when they heard she passed? cracked jokes?

    harnessed. leveraged to release lucifer/satan's kingdom to earth. it is time for the people of Almighty to consciously...flip it. pray for Kanye. pray for the politicians. Love conquers ALL. that way. act wisely, of course, as it is written. Almighty's Mighty Ones are NOT naive nor gullible. quite the contrary:



    Proverbs 28:5- Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Sovereign understand all things.


    go to Scriptures and see for yourself that it says some of us understand 'all' things. since folks love throwing that all word around inappropriately;) 'you hate all gays!'' you hate all bm.' 'you hate all ww.' 'you hate all white folks.' THAT nonsense. lol.


    point of agreement. yes, the peds are wilding out. they are tired of being discriminated against. they are like the Blacks and gays...they can't help who they are. end of memo.

    THAT'S the glaring memo that has me nostrils flared ready to rat a tat a child molesting demon or a million on sight. He said come here and sit down daughter. lol.

    those that go by the old enough to bleed notion can get some as well. this is common sense for most, though. flogging het men and questioning their manhood in an effort to feminize them/better control them (bpa also) is the now the norm. success with that project spells doom for women and are our protection. we, their help. sent to assist.

    the gays are working to be like the jews...IF you notice the vermin among them...YOU are in danger of federal charges. add the peds, zoo crowd, etc. i.don' about folks' threats. He has my back and runs the show. come against me...He sends you out 7 ways. i AM with Him. so let's go!;)

    create beautiful days...that's my plan!

  36. 'that is why my unique and unchecked truths'


    LOL. stop that, lady;)

    ok, gotta go! lol!!!

  37. Anonymous3:04 PM

    if nigs who hate to read/research

    hated my truths as much as they hate my links

    hobama would have been defeated long ago


  38. Anonymous3:04 PM

    u dooned deaf blind dogged hobama nazi fools
    may call me any trifling silly names u wish....

    but not one of u mfs can ever call me a liar about that racist bankster hobama
    can any one of u mfs dispute ANY truths that i post about


    i told u so

    we will all pay more for less

    ALL employer insurance will swiftly become a relic

    that was always the ONLY aim of hobamascare
    to become a govt monopoly...shame!!!

    ps; u have more power over hobamascare than u will ever have over me....use it asap!!!!!!

  39. Anonymous3:06 PM

    unfocused pastor:

    your insane homohating holy evil bitch is babbling in babylon again

    carry on u hopeless mf hyena

  40. Anonymous3:10 PM

    silly cowardly assnon:

    i post wherever i am needed most
    thus here i will indeed stay

    how does it feel to know u r powerless to silence me or defend hobama?????????

    a daunting dual dilemma for u

    and you will never erase my truths on any blog anywhere on the entire net

    where is your blog u scared fool??????

  41. Anonymous3:15 PM

    AB, if u are a real person, I know a great money investment guy here in Philly. If the Koch brothers pay u by the word u must have a lot of ends stacked away.

    My goodness!


  42. Anonymous3:19 PM

    unfocused pastor:

    3 posts about mjj?
    but NOT one about that holy evil pastor mf who impregnated his own daughter 5 times?....really?????

    yet again
    we see u selectively yapping u holy evil hyena bitch

    let me be clear:
    u truly envy us real scholars
    u prove that by glaring envy by being a blatant poser evangelist daily

    as always u r late
    with old news
    all who know mk ultra know about the dead bob hope et al
    also gwb sr.
    (u r obsessed with kinsey and hope...2 dead wm....why???)

    millions of girls and boys are molested daily
    MOSTLY ALL of them grow up to be hets

    millions of gay kids like me are never molested

    and we grow up to be happy gays who slay holy evil lying homohating mfs like u


    u r a hopeless hyena/rabid bitch

    carry on u holy evil homohating shrew

    unfocused pastor:

    u envy us real scholars
    u prove that by glaring envy by being a blatant poser evangelist daily

    as always u r late
    with old news
    all who know mk ultra know about the dead bob hope et al
    also gwb sr.
    (u r obsessed with kinsey and hope...2 dead wm....why???)

    millions of girls and boys are molested daily
    MOSTLY ALL of them grow up to be hets

    millions of gay kids like me are never molested

    and we grow up to be happy gays who slay holy evil lying homohating mfs like u


    u r a hopeless hyena/rabid bitch

    carry on u holy evil homohating shrew

  43. Anonymous3:21 PM

    unfocused pastor:


    fake nig has erased this once....

    i am a legendary dj
    i dedicated this song to u late last pm

    enjoy it u holy evil bitch!!!

  44. Anonymous3:24 PM

    silly wannabee fake nig/real assnon:

    u r so pathetic that u cannot even post in your own name

    that bankster hobama makes the koch bros look like pauper saints

    who is going to repair the millions of words needed to make his failed hobascare web snare operable?????


    alicia banks

  45. Anonymous3:31 PM

    unfocused pastor:

    i know that all pastors prefer freestyle bs/lies
    get truths asap

    try more links asap
    try more research asap

    it is jermaine
    NOT randy
    who exposed joe jackson the homohater
    as michael's pimp to gay paedophiles

    joe hated mj because he was gay
    and joe's holy evil abuse of mjj made mjj insane
    and a serial pedophile

    that is what all of u demonic church nigs do
    create gay pedophiles
    cc the pope


  46. Anonymous3:38 PM

    the incessantly inept bumbling LYING bankster hobama:

    "i am as blind and deaf as my nazis...i always know nothing!"

    what a gd shame!

    cc msm drones,0,2870424.story

  47. Anonymous3:42 PM

    u dumb doomed deaf blind dogged hobama nazi fools
    may call me any trifling silly names u wish....

    but not one of u mfs can ever call me a liar about that racist bankster hobama
    can any one of u mfs dispute ANY truths that i post about

  48. Anonymous3:55 PM

    now hobama is even lying about his fainters


  49. Anonymous4:11 PM

    nothing is as redundant and annoying as
    INCREASINGLY FATAL hobama nazis' denial...

    hobama is a liar and a joker


    hobamascare is a joke

    cc hobama the blamer in chief

  50. Anonymous4:16 PM

    that bankster hobama's newest stunt = "stunning incompetence"



    cc the mute msm

  51. Anonymous4:19 PM

    that rat hobama has axed a mole

    kudos to jj!

  52. Anonymous4:36 PM

    hobama nazi nigs really hate any truths about hobama

    even more than they hate research/links etc


    cc cnn

  53. Anonymous4:40 PM

    hobamascare is a criminal electronic casino

    kudos to di

    impeach and imprison that bankster hobama ASAP!!!!

  54. Anonymous4:41 PM

    kudos to oprah and jon s!!!

    they refuse to be celebs pimped by hobama

  55. Truth Hurts4:44 PM

    You're a liar.
    There you go.
    Oh, and 'hyena', 'robot soldiers', and 'pookies'... lol ...welcome to being ignored.

  56. BiB has the nerve to call ANYONE Stephen. The one who is upset "gasp" Black folks have an affinity towards the first Black president. Only a true house negro or white person can't understand this occurance.

  57. Listen to yourself ......

    It serves ABSOLUTELY no purpose to vote for someone , and then make excuses for everything that goes wrong.

    Everything aint the Republicans fault , and you can only blame Bush for about 2.5 years

    Im not upset that black people like O-bomber...

    Just dont try and sell me a laundry list of "So Called" accomplishments when I see first hand for myself what hes doing or not doing ...

    You and STEPHEN fawn over him religously, and paint a picture of him that is laughable at best.

    If you were HONEST , and BALANCED with your allegiance to him.

    You probably would rarely see my comments.

    Policy determines my affinity or lack thereof.

    Not his color, and CERTAINLY not;because the other black folks like him too...

    Heres a hint .. All Black people are not in LOVE with O-bomber...

    I cant believe you are really still pushing this WEAK SAUCE .. Pathetic Pilot....


    Matthew 10:26-28

    26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

    27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

    28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


    some of US are sent to call it.

    do folks REALLY pretend that i won't call out baby raping/child molesting hets?

    lol. okey doke.

    unlike my accusers, i AM not over here spewing lies because i can.

    BO=Abraham Lincoln

    on so many levels.

    lame duck.

    anyone that can't see the writing on the wall/history take 2 needs to catch up...quickly.

    this time around, for US that know true American history...things will end right side up;)

    nwo= Ancient World it is written.

    it is not enough to acknowledge wilding out peds without examining the whys. first stop to understanding: check your facts.

    'beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.'-George Bernard Shaw


    when you get done with the shameful antics, i still love you. it saddens me to see you come against His Law with such disrespect.


    the fouls against black womanhood have been so flagrant and nonstop from all blog accordingly is to blog of death.

    the doomsday brigade has many many many members.

    that is not what i AM called to do.

    i AM called to blog in His Spirit+ Truth+ Love. no one with the Truth in them can suggest i won't call out het abusers of other men, women and children.

    you flop about making quite the spectacle of yourself on the strength of lies;(

    when you take a moment to may note that i have written several posts for you.

    since you clearly just met me, here is a refresher from just one:


    'AB, please help me not to increase my sin. it is written we are called to be slow to anger. to be angry and sin not. to be love.

    love is not rude and a litany of other things that i do instinctively when folks step disrespectfully wrong. as you know hard core verbal regulation gets a bit heated. wrath is my daily there is much that flares my nostrils as i look around.

    folks not respecting His Law in my presence=all bad. it jams my stand up and everybody else BOW DOWN to Him button...when that button gets jammed...things go left spiritually for the demons.

    show you know the great i AM is in the house...because He sent me on a divine mission. i AM His Mouth, called to give His Law to the Universe.'

  59. Anonymous5:09 PM

    unfocused pastor:

    all of your lies are archived herein

    WHAT MF LAW U MF?????????

    u flip and lie like that liar/flipper hobama

    like malcolm said:
    any one who loves their hater is a suicidal fool

    ditto for u

    i hate u and all holy evil mfs with a deep hot passion
    i will do so eternally
    as all who are righteous and do not hate all homos as u do

    go tell your lies to jesus

    i have no love for holy evil hyena bitches like u


  60. your resume has been shared here many times previously. i AM not new, forgetful, nor impressed.

    it is of no great consequence when it comes to that which really counts/matters, anyways. puffed up stuff gets...popped. deflated. heads up;) you're welcome.



    Proverbs 1:7- The fear of the Sovereign is the beginning of knowledge...

    Proverbs 1:23- Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

    Isaiah 45:4-9

    4 For Yacob my servant's sake, and Yahuthim mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.

    5 I am the Sovereign, and there is none else, there is no Almighty beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

    6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Sovereign, and there is none else.

    7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I am the Sovereign and there is none else.

    8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Sovereign have created it.

    9 Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!

    i AM standing in the gap...praying for you as i do for all that foolishly come against Him. wise men learn more from a warning...than a fool from a hundred lashes. as it is written.

    do you, sis;) i love you and there is just nothing you can do about it. i pray His Mercy and Grace over your life and loved ones.


    folks...she is NOT lying about BO. she just does not know the Law. so in her fiery passion (misdirected by wrath) things go a bit obsessively left. fear mongering leads to frozen souls. all bad.

    i believe folks that allow themselves to be used for such purposes are referred to 'useful idiots.' disrespect. the enemies to humanity have MANY hateful labels.

  61. Anonymous5:13 PM

    unfocused pastor:

    your holy evil hypocrisy breeds righteous anger!!!!!!!



    cc all the homohatred u post herein
    to the "decent" gays u claim to "know" ASAP
    see how "quickly" they anger...holla back asap

    in the interim
    YOU kiss my mf anger u demonic shrew
    2 times on each angry cheek!!!!!!!

  62. Anonymous5:15 PM

    unfocused pastor:

    u r a holy evil corpse

    i hate ALL of u lifeless loveless holy evil mfs with a deep hot passion

    like malcolm said:
    loving anyone who hates u is suicidal

    u r the dusty walking dead indeed

    file that in your buybull

  63. Anonymous5:19 PM

    unfocused pastor:

    there is no greater spectacle

    than that of watching hobama flop as a false god

    it is a biblical failure of epic proportions

    and hopeless hyenas like u... bashing/envying homos will never break his global fall
    save his doomed global fans


  64. Anonymous5:23 PM

    unfocused unthawed pastor:

    your icy hypocrisy is chilling

    i have never called the icy child serial killer dl hobama a YOU have!!!

    scan up u unholy frozen mf

    for weeks you have coldly displaced the iced soul of a demonic bitch hyena who curses all homos as pedpohiles...


  65. Anonymous5:24 PM

    for weeks you have coldly displayed the iced soul of a demonic bitch hyena who curses all homos as pedophiles...


    eff u u holy evil bitch

  66. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Since the last thread was about a dead teacher, let us continue in that vain then, shall we? Good:

    Teacher sliced by a homeslice.

    I don;t know that the NRA had anything to do with it so maybe F-N won't want to post about it.

  67. Anonymous5:25 PM

    envious wannabee evangelist bitch:

    your unholy envy is glaring again

    cc your GED

  68. Anonymous5:27 PM

    holy hater:

    stop hating my education and links

    get both asap

    tell jesus to bless u with a life asap

  69. pre Mecca Malcolm quoting is silly.

    post Mecca Malcolm lost me back in the day. all that unity and love talk. lol. spiritual growth.

    humble yourself and pray for it.

    ps. Yahuthim and Ishmaelites are related by blood. we live in peace...we are taught not be the aggressors. we are prepared to fight to the death to shut it down, when Almighty gives His Word.

    your nameless g-d has nothing to do with anything. still not sure what 'love' is as you use the word. you are as quiet with responses as BO is about his background;)

    examining fruit strongly indicates it is all yet another lie. the problem with lying is the liar ends up REAL deceived. lol. dig that.


    for those of US in the know...this is what we are called to Understand about the times in which we now live. note Messiah Himself speaking:


    Matthew 24: 6-15

    6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

    7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

    8 all these are the beginning of sorrows.

    9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

    10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

    11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

    12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

    13 But he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved.

    14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

    15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the set apart place, (whoso readeth, let him understand;)


    some of US are not tripping...

  70. Anonymous5:32 PM

    dear god:

    please bless the gay olympians

    please protect them for holy evil russian clones of that evil hyena bitch unfocused pastor...


  71. Anonymous5:35 PM

    u dirty evil unholy bitch:

    how dare u slander malcolm and prove u r a schizo flipper liar in one line:

    "post Mecca Malcolm lost me back in the day. all that unity and love talk. lol. spiritual growth."

    so then u DO get that your "love" means not a mf thing to me

    both malcolms loved and embraced homos


    i do deeply despise u....see then???

  72. awww. poor thang.

    if moving in my strength, i would run the risk of joining you in hot ghetto mess land.

    no bueno.

    i AM bound to give Him some PRAISE!!!

    ticking the demons off up in here;)

  73. Anonymous5:37 PM

    unloved unfocused pastor:

    i will never waste any moment talkng to a loveless hater like u about god and love

    eff u u holy evil hyena bitch

    cc your buybull/primer for homohatreds

  74. Anonymous5:40 PM

    unfocused retarded pastor/td fakes:

    every gd evil twisted thing u post is a hot ghetto storefront bootleg church revival mess...

    so wtf????

    your hypocrisy outshines even your envu u wannabee mf

  75. Anonymous5:41 PM

    unfocused retarded pastor/td fakes:

    every gd evil twisted thing u post is a hot ghetto storefront bootleg church revival mess...

    so wtf????

    your hypocrisy outshines even your envy u wannabee mf

  76. Anonymous5:50 PM

    see more classic cursings of evil mfs like hobama and unfocused pastor here:

  77. Anonymous5:56 PM

    unfocused pastor:

    i speak truths about hobama and U too!!!

    u r a brazen mf who lies like hobama
    u r a female hyena bitch indeed
    u r no woman

    see any HET female reality tv show

    now that will be some misogyny for your holy evil bitch!

    cc bball wives

  78. Anonymous6:00 PM

    dear god:

    please protect and save my homo soul from the holy evil dl/het hypochristians like that cursed mf unfocused pastor...


  79. homos swearing 666 beast crowley follower is a 'hero' will NOT be 'embraced'...while they try to slap me with a 'hater' label because i won't tell that big fat perverted LIE and co-sign a bunch of other unspoken truths.

    i promise i don't care what folks feel/think/say about it.


    i don't think Malcolm would embrace that mess either. stop lying on those already passed, already. first MJ now this madness;(

    revolution is born in the hearts of children. those documenting the rape of children/protecting peds from prosecution, etc are NOT to expect hugs. grow up already.

    those whose very 'normalcy' comes from making hets ABnormal must support said evil person. useful idiots. ALL slated for destruction. the enemy hates US all. my willingness to tell the Truth does NOT mean i hate anyone. you can see this until folks kick the gay rights golden calf. then all logic, reason, composure, common sense falls out of your head.

    lie on Malcolm X if you wish.

    free will.

    i will flip it back.

    again, i urge you to stick to speaking on BO. you won't make a list...ya'll BOTH pushing the homo everything agenda. you are good, by world standards.

    instead of hassling FN...maybe you could fix your big mouth to tell the kinsey truth, whole truth, nothing but the DOCUMENTED proof truth?

    nah? then let FN alone about his BOaid quaffing/BO golden calf loving antics.

    Malcolm's thoughts on children...the very ones your hero primed/set up with his 'science' for the take down we are seeing the beginning ripples of:

    "If you've studied the captives being caught by the American soldiers in South Vietnam, you'll find that these guerrillas are young people. Some of them are just children and some haven't reached their teens. Most are teenagers. It is the teenagers abroad, all over the world, who are actually involving themselves in the struggle to eliminate oppression and exploitation."

    "In the Congo, the refugees point out that many of the Congolese revolutionaries, they shoot all the way down to seven years old - that's been reported in the press. Because the revolutionaries are children, young people. In these countries, the young people are the ones who most quickly identify with the struggle and the necessity to eliminate the evil conditions that exist."

    "And here in this country, it has been my own observation that when you get into a conversation on racism and discrimination and segregation, you will find young people more incensed over it - they feel more filled with an urge to eliminate it."-Malcolm X


    Malcolm X would not have 'embraced' the corrupt yuck you slap 'hero' on...hold your breath waiting for me to 'embrace' your filthy 'hero' if you are down to your last brain cell.

    say the man was doing the flawed most. i can get down with that. bold faced indignant 'scholar' lies...STILL no.


    Dr. King on Malcolm X:

    "You know, right before he was killed he came down to Selma and said some pretty passionate things against me, and that surprised me because after all it was my territory there. But afterwards he took my wife aside, and said he thought he could help me more by attacking me than praising me. He thought it would make it easier for me in the long run."

    you are not smart enough to see it...inadvertently you play this role;)

    what the enemy uses to destroy, Almighty turns to good;)

    i know you despise me. it's the devil in you. it is defeated, knows this and hates the Yah in me. i pray you are left in tact when Almighty reaches out and taps said hateful/despising demon.

    thanks for allowing me to harness your buck wild, g-d is love, energy to give His Word to the souls He sent it out to...

    enjoy your evening. try to remember to breathe. it's all Love;)


    and co-sign lies by omission with a bunch of other unspoken truths.

  81. Anonymous6:38 PM

    unfoicused pastor:

    since u r obsessed with dead white men

    try this one
    a wm who was tortured to death by his holy evil mother who was a cloned ungodly bitch like u


  82. Anonymous6:38 PM

    unfoicused pastor:

    since u r obsessed with dead white men

    try this one
    a wm who was tortured to death by his holy evil mother who was a cloned ungodly bitch like u


  83. Anonymous6:45 PM

    unfocused unintelligent pastor:

    again u have slain yourself

    u have proven your evil and hypocrisy


    u told me to be humble???

    then u "humbly" compared your demented and demonic self to mlk?


    mlk also embraced homos u clueless mf

    cc bayard rustin

    wtf is wrong with you??????

    ask jesus to fix your broken gay obsessed "het life" asap


    my role is to slay holy evils mfs...

    i have won oscars for decades
    ask any other mf liek u asap u clueless holy evil fool!!!!!

    u r slaying yourself as all fools do

  84. Anonymous6:50 PM

    unfocused unread pastor:

    Both mlk and coretta would denounce your bootleg spewing sermons and your rabid homohatred....

    ask jesus to give u a mf clue u dizzy bitch

    i dare u to cc your mlk libelto any mf black gay og...NOW!!!!!!!

    u holy evil cowardly clueless mf bitch

    One of King’s best friends was a proud, out, homosexual named Bayard Rustin. They shared mutual respect and platonic love as fellow civil rights warriors. King endured abuse from fellow comrades and the FBI as he defended his homosexual friend. He defiantly ignored a gaybashing, closeted, homosexual named J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover regularly threatened to blackmail Martin, with lies about he and Bayard being lovers. For more information on their friendship, see “Martin Luther King Jr.: To The Mountaintop” by William Witherspoon. The following quote is taken from that classic book:

    “Roy Wilkins did not want Bayard Rustin to have any part in organizing the [1963 March on Washington] because of his past associations with leftist causes and his reputed homosexuality. King insisted, ‘We are not concerned with Bayard or the past associations or affiliations of any participants. We are not going to conduct a witch hunt.’ They compromised by letting A. Phillip Randolph chair the march, knowing his administrative assistant, Rustin, was going to be the defacto director of the entire undertaking. Bayard had the time, the ability, the organization, and the skills to run it.”

    Bayard Rustin was the central force behind that legendary 1963 march. Even as he sought civil rights for Blacks, Black gaybashers abused him because of his homosexuality. To this day, many homo-hating hypocrites like Alveda seek freedom from oppression, as they simultaneously oppress homosexuals.

  85. Anonymous6:52 PM

    unfocused pastor:

    ask jesus to give u a mf library card asap!!!

    and stop libeling mlk!!!!!!!

    u holy evil homohating bitch

    u r unfit to be one of mlk's holy evil church whores

    EVERY REAL revolutionary has ALWAYS supported homosexual struggles for justice!!! They are all aware that oppression is universal. NONE OF US ARE FREE UNTIL ALL OF US ARE FREE!!!

    Black Panther Huey Newton said (9-15-70, “The Women’s Liberation & Gay Liberation Movements” Speech, Reprinted in Workers World News 6-30-94): “We should try to unite with homosexuals in a revolutionary fashion. Homosexuals are our friends. When we have revolutionary conferences, rallies, and demonstrations, there should be full participation of the gay liberation movement. We must relate to the homosexual movement, because it is a very real thing.”

    Dr. Cornel West said (from the classic film on homosexuals and the Black Church, “All God’s Children”): “If I have one word for fellow Christians, I would ask them to keep their eyes on the love of Jesus, and not to confuse the blood at Calvary with the Kool-Aid of homophobia in America…We have to call into question our own particular prejudices that we inherit, that have nothing to do with the loving gospel of Jesus…that challenge is to the Black Church…precisely because we have too many Black folk who are suffering because of the inability to talk about sexuality.”

    Lastly, I quote moronic Alveda’s wise uncle Martin, from “The Wisdom of Martin Luther King Jr.” by Alex Ayres:

    “Dr. King said: “God is not just interested in the freedom of Black men, God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race. All life is interrelated. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. The Negro’s primary aim is to be the white man’s brother, not his brother-in-law. God is love. Death is not the ultimate evil, the ultimate evil is to be outside God’s love. The trailblazers in human, academic, and religious freedom have always been in the minority. Evil never voluntarily relinquishes its head, short of a persistent, almost fanatical resistance.”

    I am proud to fanatically rebel against neocon demons like Alveda. They are the house niggers on the plantations of the New World Order. They are the puppets of those who seek to divide and conquer us ALL!!! As long as we are distracted by sexuality, we will never focus upon our real enemies. Our REAL ENEMIES are NOT consenting adults who love each other. They are racist elitists who hate everyone who is not rich, neocon, and white.

  86. unfocused unread pastor:

    Both mlk and coretta would denounce your bootleg spewing sermons and your rabid homohatred....

    ask jesus to give u a mf clue u dizzy bitch

    i dare u to cc your mlk libel to any black gay org u mf...

    DO IT NOW!!!!!!!

    u holy evil cowardly clueless mf bitch

    One of King’s best friends was a proud, out, homosexual named Bayard Rustin. They shared mutual respect and platonic love as fellow civil rights warriors. King endured abuse from fellow comrades and the FBI as he defended his homosexual friend. He defiantly ignored a gaybashing, closeted, homosexual named J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover regularly threatened to blackmail Martin, with lies about he and Bayard being lovers. For more information on their friendship, see “Martin Luther King Jr.: To The Mountaintop” by William Witherspoon. The following quote is taken from that classic book:

    “Roy Wilkins did not want Bayard Rustin to have any part in organizing the [1963 March on Washington] because of his past associations with leftist causes and his reputed homosexuality. King insisted, ‘We are not concerned with Bayard or the past associations or affiliations of any participants. We are not going to conduct a witch hunt.’ They compromised by letting A. Phillip Randolph chair the march, knowing his administrative assistant, Rustin, was going to be the defacto director of the entire undertaking. Bayard had the time, the ability, the organization, and the skills to run it.”

    Bayard Rustin was the central force behind that legendary 1963 march. Even as he sought civil rights for Blacks, Black gaybashers abused him because of his homosexuality. To this day, many homo-hating hypocrites like Alveda seek freedom from oppression, as they simultaneously oppress homosexuals.

  87. see many great black gay orgs


    many holy evil mf clones of that dirty bitch unfocused pastor here:

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. see the demonic serial killing of homo spirits that LYING holy evil mfs like unfocused pastor do...

    they and their evil homohating god are bullies

    lionesses slay bullies and false gods with regal ease

    hear me roar mf!!!!!!!

    and back the fuck up u deaf dumb bitch
    especialy get off of malcolm and mlk

    cc mlk and malocolm
    NEITHER of them are in your homohating tribe

  90. Anonymous7:10 PM

    unfocused ungodly unclean pastor:

    u r a gd bloody handed cursed kapo...

    u will never wash your bloody hands clean

    cc sakia gunn


    This toxic combination of psychoses fashions turbo gaybashers in blackface, who passionately regard homosexuals as literal nullifiers of their very existences. Their twisted insecurities are expressed as fatal gaybashing/self-defense mechanisms in the paranoid and insane wars that their hatred fuels against sexual truths in general and homosexual persons in particular. Combine those toxins with the additional madness created by the oceans of blood awash upon the hands of droves of black pastors, who continue to preach lies about God and the bible to their mindless and robotic flocks. These evil and bigoted pseudo-christians truly regard gaybashing and murdering homosexuals as divine acts!!!

    It is an undeniable and historically proven fact that those who are oppressed often become the cruelest oppressors. The United States were founded by slave masters who wanted to be free from British rule, even as they simultaneously stole, enslaved, dehumanized, and forcibly ruled captive Africans for centuries. As fellow hostages on plantations, mulattos were often the most rabid overseers and treacherous house niggers, and often crueler than many white slave masters.

    In Nazi death camps, Jewish and Polish SS officers who passed as Germans were far more brutal than their actual German Nazi peers. During America’s genocide against Native Americans, Native American scouts and African-American Buffalo soldiers legendarily assisted white men as they robbed and slaughtered red, brown, and black people who looked like them. White gays are usually more blatantly racist than any of their racist heterosexual peers, especially those who control gay media. Closeted gays and gays who feign at being “healed heterosexuals” gaybash more rabidly than any homophobic or sexually bigoted heterosexual…

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. holy evil bitch:

    your "love" and bs posts

    plus 25 cents

    will make a mf quarter....and????

    run to your church asap u filthy bitch

    and try in vain to clean the dirt you just threw upon mlk and malcolm off of your cursed soul


    eff u in the name of jesus
    he hated holy evil buybull toting hypocrites just as i do!!!!!

    I love, praise, and pray to God daily. My God is a universal and genderless spirit of love, inspiration, peace, wonder, and magic… I worship the very same God that trees do.

    I am not an atheist. But, I have absolutely no use for any religion. Human men create all religions. Most religions are comprised of sexist, racist, xenophobic, and elitist myths.

    For decades, I have written and spoken about my deep hot hatred for religious bigots. Most “Christians” are the global epitome of hypocrisies and hatreds that curse my life and torment my spirit. I despise evil sinful “holy” people who live inside churches as if they were bath houses. They are sinners who engage in so much trifling and deceit daily that they must run to churches every time the doors open.

    I am a noble loner who lives a purpose driven life. I have dedicated my life to educating poor adults and children. I live every day doing good deeds. I live and love and let others do the same. I do not have to run to church to be cleansed because I do not live immersed in the toxic sludge of policing and judging the bodies, spirits, and souls of others.


    A little racism, profiling link. Pretty tame stuff after the other posters here. Someone has gone of their meds.

  94. Field I am taking some R&R in PR do u remember this sistah?
