Thursday, October 24, 2013

Profiling spree, and hating to look at the President.

Here we go again, another young black person profiled in America for spending too much money.

"Four plainclothes cops accused a black woman of credit card fraud after the Brooklyn mom bought a $2,500 designer bag from Barneys — stoking a fresh round of outrage against the high-end store.

Kayla Phillips, 21, a nursing student from Canarsie, told the Daily News she had long coveted the orange suede Céline bag. Armed with a cash infusion from a tax return, she took her Bank of America debit card and headed to the Madison Ave. flagship store on Feb. 28.

Phillips made the purchase without incident but says she was surrounded by cops just three blocks away, at the Lexington Ave. and 59th St. subway station.
“There were three men and a woman,” she recalled. “Two of them attacked me and pushed me against a wall, and the other two appeared in front of me, blocking the turnstile.”

The cops started peppering her with questions and demanding to see her ID.

They were very rough,” said Phillips, who has filed a $5 million notice of claim with the city of her intention to sue the NYPD. “They kept asking me what I bought and saying, ‘Show us your card.’ I didn’t know what was happening.”

Phillips’ attorney, Kareem Vessup, says an additional civil rights lawsuit against the NYPD and Barneys is pending.

The 5 p.m. confrontation was eerily similar to a clash between cops and 19-year-old Trayon Christian, who filed a discrimination suit this week accusing Barneys and the NYPD of racially profiling him. Christian, who is black, alleged he was followed into the street by undercover cops and accused of fraud after he used his debit card to buy a $349 Ferragamo belt at Barneys on April 29.
The young Queens man was cuffed and taken to the 19th Precinct stationhouse, but released with no charges, his discrimination suit said. [Source]

Now don't get it twisted, I do not in any way condone this young lady dropping $2,500 on a handbag. I get the love some women have for a nice handbag (I see you Mrs. Field), but unless you have Oprah money, $2,500 is a bit much. In my very humble opinion.

Still, having said that, the decision by this young lady (and the young man who purchased the belt) should be questioned by her family and her conscience. It's not up to overzealous "color aroused" police officers and snooty store executives to decide if and how these young people should spend their money.

Finally, I am going to keep it real with you, I have no patience for my political enemies. If I were king they would all be first against the wall.
My loathing for right winnguts and their ilk is well documented.
That being said, I am not an elected politician, so I can get away with not  showing love to those who sit on a different ideological fence. Politicians do not have that luxury; they have  to at least pretend to like everybody.
This is what makes this latest story out of D.C. so interesting.
It involves claims that a politician from Texas came even closer to doing what we all have been predicting will happen one day. (If it didn't already.)  
The problem is, of course, like everything else in Washington, the facts are a little murky.
"U.S. Sen. Richard Durbin is standing by his allegation that a top Republican told President Barack Obama, “I cannot even stand to look at you" — even though Obama's top spokesman says flatly that it didn't happen.

"Senator Durbin stands by his comments," Durbin communications director Max Gleischman said in a statement a short time ago.

It's the latest surprise twist in a he-said/he-said spat that's been going on all day.

The Internet was abuzz this morning with a startling report from Durbin, the Illinois Democrat and second-ranking member of the Senate, who made the allegation on his Facebook page.

“Many Republicans searching for something to say in defense of the disastrous shutdown strategy will say President Obama just doesn't try hard enough to communicate with Republicans,” Durbin wrote. “But in a `negotiation' meeting with the president, one GOP House Leader told the president: 'I cannot even stand to look at you.'

“What are the chances of an honest conversation with someone who has just said something so disrespectful?”

It was a devastating tidbit, one that seemed to confirm a core Democratic narrative about Republican lack of civility toward Obama. Major online media sites and Twitter spread it far and wide. Progressive bloggers pounced.
But then, in just about the only twist that could be more startling than the original allegation, White House spokesman Jay Carney, when questioned about the alleged comment later in the day, said flatly that it never happened. [Source] 

Hmmm, I sure hope that O isn't covering for his political foes.
I am not sure if this story is true or not, although, given the alleged culprit, it's easy for me to believe that it is true. Just consider the alleged source and what he represents. Pete has color coordinated hoods in his closet.

"Oh come on Field, why the hyperbole? 'color coordinated hoods'?

Yes. And why is this such a stretch?

Consider the latest Southern republican tea party candidate to come off that good ole boy assembly line.

"Tea party candidate for U.S. Senate Chris McDaniel hopes to unseat current Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran (R) in the 2014 election. According to Mother Jones magazine, McDaniel addressed a neo-Confederate ball two months ago alongside speakers who called President Abraham Lincoln a “Marxist” and alleged that the “Birther” argument about the birthplace of President Barack Obama “hasn’t really been solved.”

In spite of the tea party’s historic unpopularity with the public at large, McDaniel is hoping to topple Cochran by attacking him as insufficiently loyal to the conservative cause and the values espoused by the tea party.

Cochran has received support from Washington think tank The Club for Growth and an endorsement from the Senate Conservatives Fund, a political action committee headed by Republican Senator turned Heritage Foundation director Jim DeMint (SC). Mother Jones‘ Tim Murphy marveled that the tea party is embracing a man who has advocated for secession and who consorts with groups and individuals who still maintain that the Confederates should have won the U.S. Civil War." [More]

Nope, not a stretch at all.

* Pic from The Grio



  1. kudos to all who speak all truths!!!

    all sane persons should hate to gaze upon this literal global warlock hobama!!!

    cc his child killing drones/poverty/hobam nazis etc

    his incessant bankster lies alone make him unbearable to view!!!

    see how emaciated and evil he is becoming???

    lies and evil deeds steal the soul and the body

    do beware fake nig

  2. HHN posting lies as truth?

    ‘White House Official Accepted Some Blame’ for False Claim GOP’er Insulted Obama to His Face

    When has the truth mattered in the fields?

  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    AB, "see how emaciated and evil he is becoming???

    lies and evil deeds steal the soul and the body

    do beware fake nig"
    Yes, I see he is losing weight. It's because of the Republicans/Tea Party. They are wearing him down.

    But Obama is a good man who wants the best for Blacks like yourself. I am sure you can feel this truth....feel it and fall on your knees and thank heaven for Obama.

    My dear AB, if it wasn't for Obama, same-sex marriages would not be possible. Think about it. Now you can marry your long-time sweetheart in that magnificent Cathedral in Chicago. Congratulations!

  4. hobama's evil is morphing his fugly bony haggard face

    cc your homohating bs to nixon and marion barry

    2 evil dogs who rotted like hobama is rotting

    both of whom were once 2 of the most ohysically beautiful men in the world

    only morons pretend that the dl bearded hobama has ever done a gd thing for gays

    even gay soldiers' corpses are only equal for seconds before ONLY THEIR homo widows get 0 widows' benefits

    wedded gays still need healthcare/jobs/living wages/affordable homes etc

    those are real issued that trump gay marriage for sane "decent" gays

    cc that "gay scholar" unfocused pastor

    cc all fools who pretend that gays do not share the same sexless human issues that they do

  5. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Brother Field, why do our peeps overspend for materials that don't even match who they are?

    Did you see the photo of Kayla? My Lord! That bag isn't going to make her look better, it's going to make her look worse because a fine handbag @ $2500 just doesn't belong on a fat pot-bellied woman like Kayla.

    Brother Field, what the hell is wrong with our people? Please tell me, I'd like to know.

    I mean, Kayla looks like she could be Purple Cow's sister. Lord have mercy.

    Brother Field, our race, in its entirety, needs a whole lot of heavy-duty psychotherapy. I know you agree, but considering you are a lawyer in love with politics, you can't come out and say what I said. The truth doesn't come easy for an upward mobile American like yourself.

    Maybe you could e-mail Black Sage, and PilotX, and even AB to ask them to agree with me? Thanks Brother. Next time I'm in Philly I'll try to reach you again when I'm having a hot dog and pretzel near City Hall. I would love for you to join me.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. 'lies and evil deeds steal the soul and the body'

    said one that thinks kinsey is a 'hero'...

    how convenient.



    BO and his family are in my prayers. just as MLK stood, too, can BO.

    if folks paid attention to BO's grim Time magazine cover...his lincoln comparisons + knowledge of how the powers that be operate= sign.

    someone said they don't kill their own puppets. whoever told that lie needs more info or to be quiet.


  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Anonymous9:58 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Anonymous10:03 PM

    AB, show respect for our peeps. It's Negroes like you that keep us fractured. And stop being so profane.

  11. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I know Dick Durbin, he would not lie about something like this. However, Obama and the WH would. Why would they lie about a low insult to Obama?

    Who knows. Except, it probably has shamed Obama and he lacks the will to face up to reality, which is the Repubs and Tea party hate him because he is Black. It's just that simple.

    It brings me back to being a bm in America. You can be President of the USA and still be just another N-word to many Whites. It's very simple. and I bet damn near every citizen, Black or White, knows this reality.

    Getting back to Dick Durbin, Senator from Illinois, is a man with integrity. Believe me, he would not make such a statement if it weren't true. The trouble lies with Obama and the WH. They just can't handle the truth that the GOP doesn't have one ounce of respect for a bm in the WH.

  12. silly blind assnon:

    cc that bs to your peeps who are dissing me herein

    start with fn

    deleting ONLY my posts etc

    cc hobama
    he is dissing all of your peeps
    in the worst mf ways too

    cc ndaa and africom
    both are far more profane than my mere words

    i think ignorance and envy are profane

    i am deeply offended by all of u foul mfs herein

    why r u hiding assnon?????

    cowardice is profane like a hobama nazi mf too


    cc hobama
    tell him to curse asap
    so u can wtfu from your profane sleep

  13. Another post about evil Republicans? get with it man, the cool thing to do is bash the President. Didn't you get the memo?

    It is interesting he's not providing cover for his boy from Illinois. I like DD, he sides with us labor types very often. This might get interesting.

    No blah person should EVER step foot in Barneys. Ok,you can go in but do not ever spend another dime.

  14. i said i wouldn't laugh nor see if i can get the spew posts up in #s.

    it is so tempting.

    i just know if she can post 1000 to herself...i could get her up to 2000 with just a bit of mental massaging.


    nope. won't do it.

    FN, i see fasting + prayer in your future;)


    before it is all said and done folks will see clearly who is who. and in what spirit folks come.

    there is a perverse hateful demon on this thread. it has been hiding pretending to 'care' for Black people.

    His people, my people- know this:

    there is a segment of the homo community that has deep seated hatred for society. someone's true colors are showing if one pays attention.

    gays consider themselves separate from hets-complete with own dictionary. they just want to be 'equal'...whatever that means. some black gays HATE black hets (notice ABnormal INSISTS that BO is 'het' despite knowing he likes men, has boyfriends, frequented bath houses.)...

    those that seek to have wives despite being women...usually compete HARD with men. the sick ones like to brag about taking menfolk's wives. while crying sexism when menfolk snap-crime of passion style on that lesbian behind.

    pay attention and see.

    then decide to give no place to evil. it is here seeking to steal, kill + destroy.


    Lady Bug ABnormal-

    did you ever consider FN might not be censoring you? maybe the vile filth of your reprobate heart He does not want to pollute the souls He sent His message to, over here in the field?

    just because you are too foolish to know Him, does not mean He is not real.

    every vile filthy curse you lobby at anyone going forward- i return to sender with permanent fix. may you find yourself with double portions of what you have visited upon others. as each syllable sent out returns magnified...may your non seeing eyes get buggier+ bigger...and open;)

    enjoy the fruit of your unnaturally profane mouth, Lady Bug...

  15. Anonymous10:27 PM

    For the WH to deny what was said to him and 'deny' it, says a lot about Obama. He just doesn't know how to stand up for himself. He is weak, and fearful of the GOP.

    In a perverse way, Obama's behavior of covering up for Pete Sessions proves he is deathly afraid of the GOP and the Tea Party. Imagine that. An asshole from Texas can insult the President and there are no consequences. Reminds me of the Jim Crow days when they hung bm without any consequences. It's a nightmare being Black in America...PTSD all day long.

  16. Anonymous10:37 PM

    start with fn

    deleting ONLY my posts etc
    Field, stop deleting AB's posts. You are not being fair. So stop it.

  17. and while i AM at it. here, let me fix this latest glaring lie:

    kudos to all who speak all truths!!! as long as they don't dare mention ANYTHING about my ped protecting/training child rape documenting complete with stop watch hero kinsey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok, as you were...

  18. Anonymous10:45 PM

    To all FN Negroes: Don't forget to watch for a huge battlefield flag near Richmond, VA beginning this fall when the leaves change:

    Now is the time we need the Black Muslims or NBPs to do something about this.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Field, stop deleting AB's posts. You are not being fair. So stop it


    try this on for size.

    FN allows her to keep coming back despite her total lack of home training, no/low class antics, and absolute refusal to conduct herself like a lady while swearing she is 'femme'. when folks draw back in horror at the mess before them- they hate homos.

    on what planet would FN have to allow someone to diss him seven ways from tuesday @ his blog?

    i could not care less what she says to me. i AM femme old school. handling new school 'femme' women with wives presents no challenge to me. i just treat 'em like ill behaved men;) and just like ill behaved men, in due time they get on about their business or fall in.

    life is not fair.

    Black folks used to teach their children this early...brand new/new school is not really working out so well for Black folks.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. anon:


    most herein just silently allow one sided abusers to line up to die before...

    they prefer a serial show over serious fairness

    both fake nig and unfocused pastor
    are 2 lying bitches

    liars never trump scholars

    my truths compel them to delete/feign/cheat/lie/panic/evade/
    ignore etc

    they can never defend hobama/defeat me

    he is indefensible
    i am invincible
    these 2 nig bitches can never deal with either fact

    cheating me is all they can do
    and they do so in vain

    ONLY the truth can free them
    and the truth is what they refuse to see

    until they see the truth
    i will slay them both endlessly

    this foolish holy evil shrew calls me sexist because i proclaim that SHE Indeed a bitch as she proves with each post...

    but that holy evil bitch says nothing about fake nig's blatantly sexist silence about assata



  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. ABnormal Lady Bug-

    don't try it. you 'slay' ONLY yourself and the notion that you rep healthy well adjusted lesbians or people for that matter.

    FN deleted your best klansman impression rant against him at his house last thread. WHY should he allow you to come to his house and call him n's and b's like that is his name? so you can feel 'equal'?

    what? i don't get the entitlement at all. i told you to bring your devil crazy to me. FN did not. he allows you to visit. have some manners.

    the rest of what you whine incessantly about posting never showed up. maybe Almighty intercepted what was surely profane vile demon puke? THAT was my point. do you twist up EVERYTHING, when not discussing BO?

    i suspect so.


    who raised you?

    don't you care to make them proud and represent? did they not teach you that you cannot disrespect another without first disrespecting yourself?

    if not...there. i give it to you with Love. better late than never.

    respect yourself.

    the respect you show others is an extension of self respect.

    frankly, i AM horrified folks bring their children to you and leave them for unsupervised extended periods of time.

    you aren't repping ANY team well now;( just messing up all the way around. and guess what...i AM still pulling for you to snap out of it.

    the next time you dare to call anyone 'pookie'...think of how you have conducted yourself and see if feeling shame is possible. know also the term for that is projection.

  26. Anonymous12:00 AM

    The Africans and Europeans have driven each other completely insane. This is Caucasian payback for ever having set foot, guns, money, rum or whatever else for the kidnapping and enslavement of Africans. There will never be peace amongst us because too much hatred surrounds us all. The American "dream" is becoming a nightmare. We're not functioning well as human beings at all. Seems like we're all consumed by much evil. America needs exorcism, by whom, I don't know. Priests have mucho problems too.

  27. You're right a-non. The country needs an exorcism almost as bad as this comments section needs prozac.

  28. Kayla Phillips, 21, a nursing student bought a $2,500 purse.


  29. Anonymous1:36 AM

    "‘White House Official Accepted Some Blame’ for False Claim GOP’er Insulted Obama to His Face"

    Field just loves his "racist Republican" porn, don't he?

    What a fool.

  30. folks-

    Almighty is neither dead nor sleeping.

    those that understand Scriptures see things are precisely as written.

    the one on the thread that does not respect herself, the blog host, nor anyone that happens here...hosts a demon on assignment.

    i AM not sure if folks understand that i truly rejoice in folks coming against me. it is not as if i had no idea it would happen. there are no sneak attacks with Him, ever. this is all written down. as such His/my enemies bless me. it is simple to love those that make it easy. even those that don't know Him can accomplish that feat. it is work for days to love someone that takes it for weakness or makes it hard.

    the Universe...whispers it's secrets. folks that hear and understand are able to move with faith+courage. those that have not been able to kill the world noise and hear, have a harder time. those discouraged by the demon spew may consider learning how to kill the noise.

    hell is the absence of Love or His Presence. look and see who is bringing it to this thread. look and see hell is visiting earth. until more learn that the spirits are subject to them...defeated spirits will continue to act like they are running thangs. i care not at all about the lies. that's what devils do. they are their defeated father's children after all.

    notice also that this same soul is 'offended' according to her confession. she refuses to acknowledge her offensive behavior and adjust. she is offensive. yet everyone else is expected to adjust. the contempt she displays not only for Almighty and His Word...she displays it to all on the thread that dare to disagree with her point of view.

    further, disagreement means one is instantly a homo hater, sexist, a 'b', a 'n', and many other names that poorly parented children can be counted on to hurl during a no/low class game of ghetto dozens.

    notice also that she likes to claim she can agree to disagree.

    questions asked seeking understanding go unanswered.

    ANYONE looking at this exchange that walks away thinking hets + homos can't be friends has missed the whole point.

    our sexuality is not the sticking point. our disagreement boils down to a lack of respect. period. full stop.

    i did not make this a convo about Scriptures. a messenger must know their audience. i did not just meet the lost soul, nor she me. + i know the Law. arguing is not a part of my orders.

    from the outset of discussion, i have maintained that i will not co- sign lies nor move away from Him in order for folks to feel better about their walk. her refusal to act like a civilized adult human being when challenged is what brings hell to this thread. i don't take it personally. it is simply my turn + she picked the wrong one;(

    one would think speaking with a 'scholar' would not require me to say i did not write the Scriptures. folks with problems with what's written need to go take that up with Him...or whatever folks that don't acknowledge Him do in such moments. coming crazy at me is a big 'ole defeated waste of energy.

    this person is here DEMANDING that FN fess up re: BO.

  31. i have the mind to do the exact same thing with her with that ped, lucifer loving, satanist, crowley idolizing/emulating, mad 'scientist' kinsey. i promise Shiloh will come before i AM tired of shining Light on THAT sick madness.

    how dare you come picking FN's BO splinter with that HUGE kinsey plank blinding your spiritual eye?

    over here SWEARING that kinsey AHA!!! found that hets were ABnormal freaks...when he sampled imprisoned sex offenders, unpunished active peds, protected + trained nazi peds, etc to come up with his humanity sexuality book/'science'/movement?

    sampled prostitutes and rapists to determine that rape is harmful 0% of the time...and other you can't be serious 'findings'.

    resurrection is here. NOTHING hidden will remain that way. post on illuminati and BO. i got kinsey and the crazed homos at the top of the illuminati that control BO. give me a minute...i will post rituals. break down their obsession with other men's anuses. the whole nine. all gay everything has a greater purpose. get me started and you got your hands full;) i AM taurus. day away from gemini. one of His Bold Mighty Ones. bring it if you think He built me to break;)

    upside, between the two of US, folks will get the whole least those that can ignore the demon spew my hitting it one good time on my end releases from you;)

    bellow about BO if that is your assignment. i reserve the right to follow Him and shine Light on it all. i have no idols that i am trying to protect.

    while accusing me of being 'unfocused' homegirl has discussed everything BUT the kinsey reports/books/studies while maintaining he is a hero.

    the devil is a it is written.

    IF the lost soul that haunts this thread spewing demon pit filth thinks that i will not call out what is happening and give Scriptures...all i can tell you is...i can show you better than i can tell you.

    when i say you will BOW DOWN...i AM not speaking in hyperbole.

  32. either that or you will continue to make a spectacle of yourself and the homo coward former BWE supporter who i sent a word to when Almighty showed revealed him and cried for when i learned of the condition i called critical at first misguided flaming swipe my way...he won't be able to help you. in fact, he is playing you play yourself. you had it right the first time. he came on the strength of a lie bringing some catty nonsense.

    ps. he is more femme than you. please fix that or at least stop telling THAT lie. you are NOT femme. if you were in fact a man, i would not need to say a word. Almighty sends His men to auto walk dogs like you that don't understand how to behave in the presence of a Queen.

    you are a one off, so it gets tricky. i gotcha though...and you would do well to believe THAT if you don't believe anything else. save yourself on the strength of that hint.

    notice through it all, i have never said what you say about BO is a lie. you switch subject post haste, while calling me 'unfocused' because you either evilly know you can't call me a lie re: kinsey. or you are ignorant+ prideful + refuse to take a look or call it.


    either way, i AM committed to praying for you to find courage and His Light. i AM also committed to speaking His Truth as it is written, calling it like i see it, like i mean it+ moving forward powerfully...

    i AM over here for a reason. until i kicked/ripped down the golden kinsey calf what i have to say has always been met with 'divine wisdom', 'sister Queen', 'love', la la la...

    tell the Truth about that poor lost soul and all hell breaks loose.

    it comes with the territory. so does gangstalking, folks zapping the heck out of me when i go near my Bible or to write, and folks bold face lying on me where i can hear them.

    of course, i have to let them know that i hear them. walk up on my gangstalker du jour and stare all up in their face. say hello. smile. sing them songs with Scriptures all in it acapella. return to sender the zaps x 1000 permanent fix...and keep going to His Word. write. witness.

    'slaying' someone is not permissible according to the Law. neither is it civilized to pretend 'slaying' = no class, butch to the max, profane, ultra pookette, buck wild, public meltdowns.

    get it together and do better.


    when homos are shoving their personal bedroom biz in other folks faces...they are quick to scream about g-d is love, love the sinner hate the sin, etc etc. in the interest of not speaking out of both sides of one's mouth, maybe folks could UNobsess over their homo sex and apply that same g-d is love spiel to BO?

    it is evil to relish/celebrate when your enemy is destroyed. your evil uncivilized antics REALLY make me wish you were NOT a Black Woman. you don't represent well.

    for real.

    i REALLY hope this helps you stand in the Light of Understanding.

    either's all Good.

  33. Anonymous7:15 AM

    To Whom It May Concern: AB has an IQ of 250. For a long time she had the highest IQ in the human race! However, a young Black has beat her.

    With such high IQs why can't we get it together in our race?

    Could it be that, like Whites, we are too smart for our own good?

    Maybe we should turn this "I knowness" over to God?

  34. Anonymous7:25 AM

    There is something wrong with a young student's self-esteem when she spends $2500 for a hand bag at Barneys. She is trying to increase her self-worth with expensive 'outside' stuff.

    One can never treat an 'inside' spiritual condition with 'outside' material stuff. The young lady is spiritually sick, and symbolic of our black community....actually it's symbolic of America, but more acute in the black community. We definitely measure ourselves by what we have.

  35. Anonymous9:35 AM

    td fakes:

    wishing u were not a black woman is unnecessary

    god took care of that already when she made u a ratchet pookie raging "spell" caasting witch

    u r not a black woman
    that is glaringly evident
    u prove that daily with your butch pastor/eddie long swag/swill herein

    what is worst is that
    u are too pathetic to hold your own magic wand solo
    fake nig has to cheat herein to help u do so

    what a gd shame!

    be gone u black bat shit crazy holy evil bitch!!!!

  36. Anonymous9:39 AM

    td fakes:

    is your kin proud of your "blog"/traffic????????

    go cast a magic spell on your "blog"

  37. Anonymous9:51 AM

    td fakes:

    i really love your proud kin's home movies!


    thanks for sharing!!!

  38. FN said...
    Hmmm, I sure hope that O isn't covering for his political foes.

    Covering for the people he calls terrorists? Covering for people he called holding America hostage? Covering for the people he said were blackmailing america? Covering for the people he said were trying to blow America up?

    Obama throws his own pastor and friends under the bus and you believe Obama is covering for a republican?


    Your allegiance to Obama is bordering on alicia banks territory.

  39. Anonymous10:09 AM

    "gays consider themselves separate from hets-complete with own dictionary. they just want to be 'equal'...whatever that means. some black gays HATE black hets (notice ABnormal INSISTS that BO is 'het' despite knowing he likes men, has boyfriends, frequented bath houses.)..."

    Actually, blacks hets are killing black homos and in some cases getting away with it.

  40. Comment deleted
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    When the facts about Obama are too hard to dispute, delete the comment.

    The wheels on the bus go round and round.

  41. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Speaking of 16 year old Sakia Gunn, she was gunned down (shot 6 times) by a crazed BLACK het man who was angered because she wouldn't "talk" to him.

    Is this your Final Solution to the "gay problem", Mizz Focused Purpose?

  42. Anonymous10:24 AM





    u made my day!

    have a perfect rebel weekend!!!

  43. Anonymous10:27 AM

    ditto Bill

    fn is a wannabee hobama nazi clone of me

    but FAR too inept at links/research/reading to be a real replica/foe

    he and td fakes are both wannabees...


    i do not LIE about how i despise hobama
    as they lie abnout how they adore him

    they both slander mlk they love hobama so


  44. Anonymous10:30 AM

    i do not LIE about how i despise hobama
    as they lie about how they adore him

    fake nig is no writer as i am also!

    shame on both of those inept illiterate nig bitches!!!!!

  45. But then, in just about the only twist that could be more startling than the original allegation, White House spokesman Jay Carney, when questioned about the alleged comment later in the day, said flatly that it never happened.

    Hmmm, I sure hope that O isn't covering for his political foes.


    Are you feeling a lil sad that those EVIL Republicans REALLY dont like O-Bomber??

    People have been telling you for 5 years this guy is Soft....and is constantly trying to win approval from the very people who hate him.

    As if reporting on Reactionary Republicans will somehow "Shame" them into behaving properly towards this President.

    This is EXACTLY why I suggest Executive Orders on the things that need to be done.

    Still trying to get along with the crazies in the GOP... Makes no sense.

    Sounds like hes gearing up to make some slices to social safety nets when defecit ceiling talks come around again...

    You can almost set your watch to his concesssions...

  46. FN said...
    It's not up to overzealous "color aroused" police officers and snooty store executives to decide if and how these young people should spend their money.

    Leave it to blog writers to decide how young people should spend their money.

    Now don't get it twisted, I do not in any way condone this young lady dropping $2,500 on a handbag.

  47. Anonymous said...
    u made my day!

    I see it's time for a variation of the drinking game.

    Every time AB says I made her day I put a bullet in my head. :)

  48. I found an interesting tidbit on the link FN linked and quoted from.

    What we need is black celebrity to speak up, especially Jay Z, who has a partnership with the upscale store.

    I wonder why FN didn't mention this. Maybe because JayZ isn't white or a republican?

    Imagine the outrage from FN if instead of JayZ it was ted cruz partnered with the store.

    What people intentionally omit is much more interesting than what people point out.

  49. Anonymous10:49 AM


    channeling td jakes
    and just as INSINCERELY

    "i love u and there is nothing u can do aboit it"


    kudos anyway!!!

    u stung fake nig
    u can never sting me

    fake nig loves jay z
    because he is a peer bromanced warlock bff of hobama

    fake nig wants to be jz too

    thanks for a great day dude!!!!


  50. "Not yet," he said. "You may recall that there were people that brought automatic weapons to president's speeches. What were they trying to convey? They were members of the Tea Party."

    Democrat alan grayson believes the tea party was taking automatic weapons to Obama speeches?

    Bat-shit crazy!!

  51. How bad are things going for Obamacare??

    Even NBC is now reporting people losing jobs/hours because of Obamacare.

  52. New York, New York, a city so great, they named it twice. It's just too darn unfortunate that it's suposed greatness is still unable to defeat a feather weight, but formidable opponent of racism.

    I don't want to, but I must shake mt head like the Field Negro on this one.

  53. Anonymous11:18 AM

    hobamascare is a total embrassing bomb for hobama/hobomber

    karma is real

  54. Anonymous11:28 AM

    hobamascare is a totally embarrassing bomb for hobama/hobomber

    karma is real

    someday...even hobama nazis MUST finally admmit that hobama has failed miserably

    and that hobama
    is a disgrace to mlk
    and the presidency/country/globe etc

  55. Anonymous11:44 AM

    that blackish massa hobama just added a new peer serial killing feces colored nazi to their mix


    these hobama nazis mfs really hate mlk
    td fakes is on

    these hobama lovers that mlk's pacifist life exposes the satanic global warlord hobama,...


    cc hobama/the PIC prez

    cc assata/ndaa/ww3...

    The Department of Homeland Security is a secretive, lawless, largely privatized police and surveillance agency, with its own prisons and soon, its own drones. Now it's headed by a black man, a progressive Democrat, a Morehouse man & Pentagon lawyer who invokes Dr. King as patron saint for murderous US global empire, a certifiable member of the black misleadership class.
    Remember the well-connected administration official who justified the separate drone murders of a US citizen and his son in Yemen, declaring that the president had the right to summarily execute anybody they declared a terrorist? That was Jeh Johnson too.

    Remember the wildly delusional Pentagon official who declared that if Martin Luther King were alive he would embrace the US military [3] as our defense against terrorism in this “complicated world”? That was also Jeh Johnson.

    Jeh Johnson is a Democrat, one of those they call a “progressive” because he used his leadership position at the Pentagon to champion the right of gay and transgender people to serve in the US military. That should be a comfort to Pvt. Chelsea Manning. But of course it's not.

    Fifty years ago whites were the majority in US prisons and jails, black unemployment was double that of whites, and the gentrification of black urban neighborhoods was a national problem. There were only a handful of black faces in Congress, and no black behinds in the chairs of big city mayors, state speakers of houses or presidents of senates, and the like. Now we have a thriving and empowered class of more than 10,000 black elected officials on every level --- and that's not even counting the appointed ones, the Jeh Johnsons, the Susan Rices, the Colin Powells – who wield immense power on every level from local counties to the oval office. But black unemployment is still double the white unemployment, gentrification is still a big problem, and the nation's prisons and jails are full to bursting with black bodies, far out of proportion to our numbers.

    Henry Louis Gates was on TV earlier this week calling the president a “paradigm shifter.” We don't agree with Dr. Gates often, but this time he's nailed it. President Barack Obama swept into office on the delusions, eagerly sold to the American people by “progressive Democrats,” that he opposed the war in Iraq, would stand up for unions and the poor, address black unemployment, rein in polluters and banksters, and deliver universal health care and a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants. Instead, the first black president increased the military budget, tried and failed to keep the troops in Iraq, doubled down on Afghanistan, and unleashed drone wars in Africa and Asia. The first black president froze wages of federal employees and scapegoated unionized federal workers and public school teachers. The first black president quadrupled down on the Bush bankster bailout, and passed new legislation shielding mortgage fraudsters, telecom snoopers, war criminals, torturers and more. The first black president promotes gentrification, ignores black unemployment. He threw away his mandate for single payer health care and immigration reform to give us a blanket full of holes cynically misnamed the “Affordable Care Act” and deport 1.1 million people, more than any three or four previous presidents combined.

  56. Anonymous11:46 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. 'When the facts about Obama are too hard to dispute, delete the comment.'


    lie if the Truth is just not in you...

    if folks would curb their own dogs, other responsible citizens would not have to go around scooping other folks' pet poop;(

    wives USUALLY make folks better men. not sure how it works when everybody is a woman. one would hope folks would be better women if they insist on acting like men and taking wives. Lady Bug might need to run her rants past her hopefully better half...morality being the work of women and all.

    there were no BO truths deleted. just uncivilized, unnaturally profane, disrespectful demon droppings.

    say what you will, FN is a gentleman. he actually covered all the ABnormal behind that was shamefully hanging out uncovered for the world to see and shake their heads at. folks need to wake up...soon.

    this is FN's house. i don't agree with much of what he posts- as anyone knows already that is not new. however not even 'special' yet equal gays get to come to other folks' house and dirty it all up with disrespect.


    i AM going to say it again:

    Lady Bug, you will BOW DOWN...

    or clown/play yourself, daily;)

    those are your options.

    choose wisely...grasshopper;)


    folks can sit up and pretend like all homos are pitiful little victims if they want to.

    i intend to play along just as much as i was willing when some bm were telling similar lies about bm.

    heathens, all colors, destroy others.

    who they sex in between the destruction is of no great consequence to me.

    for real.

    gay=victim is as true as bm=victim.

    i won't play along. not today. not ever.

    His Name was NOT 'J-sus'...there was no 'J' until 14th-15th century. changing His Name is an evil trick of the enemy...when there is only 1 Name given among men that allows for the salvation of humanity.

    i have said this before. don't take my word for it. look it up. seek the we are all called to do.


    it is because we are a proud, stiff necked people that we now suffer mightily.

    the suffering is meant to wake US up. it seems we as a lost sleeping nation love sin so much, we will ADJUST to the suffering before we turn to Him. smh. yet...He Loves US. i AM bound to act like i know what time it is.

    i AM thankful He saw fit to pluck me out and turn my refusal to be moved to His Good.

    when i say it is all Good...i AM not joking;)

    in due time, even the most hardened heathen will have no choice but to see it.

    He will NOT be it is written.

    those futilely attempting to step up against Him/me need to get their facts straight. i AM sent to call it, so let me assist.

    get it right:

    when you come against Him/me you are coming against Yahweh Almighty and Messiah Yahushua- which means you.will.lose. do whatever you want with that heads up;)

    blessings all!

  58. Anonymous12:27 PM

    td fakes:

    say what eddie long in butch drag?????

    how is it now that i mercilessly slay u u holy evil hyena
    as only a true lioness can do
    and u call me a victim?????

    god knows i am called many things by u inept illiterate slain hobama nazi mfs herein

    she laughs with me at each slur herein///

    but "victim"??????
    now that is new

    the ONLY victim here is your buybull that i have torches as well as hobama has torched the sinner?????

    carry u on u bloody holy evil cursed kooky mess

    call me nero mf!!!!!!!
    u filthy holy evil hypochristian doormat
    u r increasingly all
    all smashed out and bloodied up before fake nigs front door herein

    give up your holy evil ghost and just die u dizzy bitch

    cc your storefront "blog" church
    u trifling demonic babbling psycho homohating trick

  59. Sista Focus, you are wasting your precious energy with AB. Time and time again, AB has has proven herself/himself to be an unworthy opponent via roboticize, diabolical, truncated diatribes. Let him/ her be as it currently is. Peace to you!

  60. Anonymous12:32 PM

    bimbo staged:

    u r a dl hater too
    and a liar too


    will jesus bless your gay porno stash anew

    u evil envious DOWN LOW LOW DOWN niggers have no peace
    and neither does that demonic mf hobama

    and none of u ever will

  61. Anonymous12:38 PM

    bimbo staged:

    boy u hobama nazi drone cloned/mentally truncated mfs really do hate to

    that wicked bitch td fakes
    has u 2 beta male bitch made mfs playing defense to her QB

    and i am still effortlessly sacking u all

    how does that sorry bs feel????
    pray tell???

    i am sooo curious
    as i will never know such slayings
    as long as i read and research
    rather than post unread lies off the cuff as u all do daily


  62. Anonymous12:43 PM

    td fakes:

    there are no greter or more evuil heathens than fake paastor nigger bitches like u

    who disgrace jesus and god by slandering and pissing all ober their names..

    cc your buybull/primer for homohatreds

    cc bimbo staged/gay porn pro

    ya buck wild bimbo dl doormat mfs

  63. Anonymous1:01 PM

    dear baby sista sakia gunn:

    i thank god that your are in a better place...where there are no homonhaters like those who wild and dwell herein

    the holy evil homohaters who slew u are still dripping blood all over this blog and beyond...

    may god rest your gay soul


    ps: bimbo staged/dl gay porn video sex student

    In the press photos I have seen, Sakia appears to be butch. As a femme lesbian, I am often safer than my butch sisters. I can appear to be on a platonic date with a lover at will. I can casually return a harmless flirtation of a male waiter to secure a superior table in a favorite restaurant. I can sincerely appreciate a tactful man’s compliment on a cramped elevator by never complicating my human reaction with the acknowledgment of any details of my lesbian being.

    Perhaps, Sakia did not have the luxury of such safety inside her own space in this cold world. Because she appeared to be masculine, she probably evoked even more hatred in insecure “men” than I do. Such gaybashing excuses for real men fear butch lesbians who dare to embrace the masculinity that eludes their own fragile egos and weak sexual identities. They fear that butch lesbians may be better ideal men than they can ever be themselves. They fear that lesbians possess superior sexual skills with superior sexual tools that do not lie, cheat, infect, go limp, or fail to satisfy.

    Weak cowardly males hate their own internal and latent homosexuality that butch lesbians may sexually awaken and arouse. They hate all lesbians who co-parent the children they abandon. They hate lesbians that may know more about sports and even play basketball better than they do. They hate lesbians who often cherish and adore the queens that they emotionally abuse by being whorish court jesters who hypocritically, and even comically, whine about being kings…

  64. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Is Alicia truly black? There is something quite...honkyish and corny about her choice of insults. I have only heard white Southerners use "witticisms" as "n---r b---h"and "n--g."

    All, I think there is foolery and fuckery at hand. It would be best if we just ignored her and her instigators/enablers "Bill" and "Black is Beautiful." All three of these characters display classic troll behavior.

    I know that this response is going to trigger the usual montage of filth, but whatever.

  65. Anonymous1:03 PM

    dear baby sista sakia gunn:

    i thank god that you are in a better place...where there are no homonhaters like those who wild and dwell herein

    the holy evil homohaters who slew u are still dripping blood all over this blog and beyond...

    may god rest your gay soul


    ps: bimbo staged/dl gay porn video sex student

    In the press photos I have seen, Sakia appears to be butch. As a femme lesbian, I am often safer than my butch sisters. I can appear to be on a platonic date with a lover at will. I can casually return a harmless flirtation of a male waiter to secure a superior table in a favorite restaurant. I can sincerely appreciate a tactful man’s compliment on a cramped elevator by never complicating my human reaction with the acknowledgment of any details of my lesbian being.

    Perhaps, Sakia did not have the luxury of such safety inside her own space in this cold world. Because she appeared to be masculine, she probably evoked even more hatred in insecure “men” than I do. Such gaybashing excuses for real men fear butch lesbians who dare to embrace the masculinity that eludes their own fragile egos and weak sexual identities. They fear that butch lesbians may be better ideal men than they can ever be themselves. They fear that lesbians possess superior sexual skills with superior sexual tools that do not lie, cheat, infect, go limp, or fail to satisfy.

    Weak cowardly males hate their own internal and latent homosexuality that butch lesbians may sexually awaken and arouse. They hate all lesbians who co-parent the children they abandon. They hate lesbians that may know more about sports and even play basketball better than they do. They hate lesbians who often cherish and adore the queens that they emotionally abuse by being whorish court jesters who hypocritically, and even comically, whine about being kings…

  66. Anonymous1:08 PM

    fake lying corny anon:

    i am so very real
    unlike u

    have u really never heard a rap song on any radio in the usa????

    nigger bitch pleez!!!!!!!

    thanks for your retarded kudos

    i get "witty" a lot

    as often as td fakes and bimbo staged get "witchy/pissy/twitchy" etc


  67. i AM not 'slandering' MLK. nor am i idolizing him as you foolishly do.

    he was but a man. that LOVED ww...

    in fact, wanted to marry one before his dad shut that down. marriage to Coretta did not keep him from indulging his first love. this is what compromised him so dreadfully + allowed him to be so controlled/manipulated/used to dismantle the Black nation.

    to his credit...he wrote of fearing he was leading his people into a burning building and stood up before leaving earth. don't idolize him. follow THAT stand up and speak the Truth example. start with depraved perverted kinsey, Lady Bug;)

    no slander; i AM simply inviting my poor, lost, spiritually sleeping child-like people to STOP trying to worship and follow everything/everyone BUT Almighty.

    it is NO accident that Time mag had a pic of the mlk illuminati puppet with the title -'founding father'...

    those of US that DO understand Scriptures know MLK was, like BO, a great speaker. he was mangling Scriptures it for yourself and weep.

    a nation that allows its enemies to pick their leaders can only expect to end up where their enemies want them...

    you and those like you are responsible for the MISeducation of our babies.


    bfolks need to stop having babies or homeschool them. the teachers are ABnormally compromised and committed to teaching traditional LIES.

    those of US that are Ancient Natural Femme will come for any and all that seek to take out our babies. you would know nothing about what i AM speaking...


    keep trying to turn this into a mlk discussion if you wish. exactly NONE of what the general public has been taught about him, was the Truth. folks keep dumb non reading negroes on the wrong path+in the dark.

    TD Jakes is a compromised, souled out, snared up, mammoned for days soul. i pray for him as i do you and all similarly deceived.

    peep this and KNOW that it applies to ALL that dwell on planet earth:



    Proverbs 24:15-25

    15 Lay not wait, O wicked man, against the dwelling of the righteous; spoil not his resting place.

    16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

    17 Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth.

    18 Lest the Sovereign see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.

    19 Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked;

    20 For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out.

    21 My son, fear thou the Sovereign and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:

    22 For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?

    23 These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.

    24 He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:

    25 But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them.


    THAT'S enough for me. i don't pretend to be smarter than He who created it ALL.

    wake up.


    time is short.

  68. Anonymous1:10 PM


    that was:

    fake lying corny YANKEE assnon:

    turn on your radio now!!!!


    do stay tuned to me too!!!

  69. Anonymous1:14 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. Anonymous said...
    Is Alicia truly black?
    just ignored her and her instigators/enablers "Bill" and "Black is Beautiful." All three of these characters display classic troll behavior.

    I don't mind being called a troll, but to lump me in with ab is uncalled for.

  71. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Corny is posting the same tired links, bullshit and insults day in and day out. The only assnon on this board is you.

    Crazy-assed bitch. Looks like a damned bullfrog. Don't you have your own blog?! Post your simian scratchings there!

  72. Anonymous1:17 PM

    td fakes:

    your shameless slander is late as always

    that is old dusty news

    it is also old news that a teen mlk heralded black women and denounced interracial couples in vintage ajc press

    u r a gd fool

    each "post" proves that

    they are all as impressive and sane as your "blog"


    hobama was born to a ww...and?

    a global jungle fevered cia whore no less

    swirled cia agents trump typical euro bm


    get a life u holy evil nigger bitch fool

  73. Ladies and gentlemen, please walk to the right so that we may proceed with the meltdown as planned to the left!

  74. Anonymous1:20 PM

    do not hate me because i am beautiful and invincible

    my gorgeous eyes are a great gift from god
    i use them to read
    try it


    u hate my links because they haunt the illiterate nigger within

    i get that a lot

    from homohating unread unresearched yankees etc

  75. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I wish Field would ban her. It has been four years. She has no class, no morals, no scruples. She is ignorant and uncouth. There is nothing redeemable about allowing her to post.

  76. Black Sage-

    i AM not wasting time nor energy with ABnormal Lady Bug.

    i AM following Him as He uses her to give His message. the spirits are subject to me, as it is written and i put them to work in His Name+ Power.

    in all Truth, homegirl is wasting her time + energy+ keyboard strokes.

    those that become distracted by her many perverse themselves a disservice. kill the noise.

    this is bigger than any people involved...on too many levels to get into right now;)

    though i AM committed to ignoring all perverse wicked heart utterances that edify no one but her defeated captain satan.

    blessings in abundance to you. Stand Strong;)

  77. Anonymous1:29 PM

    lying assnon:

    redeem your envy asap

    u wish u had a blog

    u wish u could ban me

    u wish td fakes had a real "blog" to bond

    how does it feel to know NONE of your wishes will EVER come true???

    u cowardly lying eyeless faceless blogless mf???

    wish on this:

  78. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Someone has been lying to you.

    You are neither beautiful nor invincible. You are ugly and weak inside and outside.

    Your links come from questionable and unreliable sources. You do not research; you just spew poison all day long.

  79. Anonymous1:32 PM

    fake nig does ban me

    each time he deletes my posts


    no nig will ever silence me

    especially fake nigs like all of u

  80. Anonymous1:35 PM

    lying assnon:

    u amuse me so!

    u cannot hide your scared scary fugly face
    and bash any other


    god has blessed me in many ways..
    i thank her daily

    so all of your lies are useless

    old/new/looped etc


  81. Anonymous1:36 PM

    You are right FP @1:27. I need to stop giving her attention and energy. She is an energy vampire and mentally ill. I will ignore her from this point forward.

    Go ahead AB - spew, spew,spew! I don't give a damn anymore.

  82. Anonymous1:40 PM

    give up that holy evil ghost td fakes!!!

    u will never win!

    it is in god's plan that NO hyenas/niggers shall ever slay a literate lioness


  83. All, I think there is foolery and fuckery at hand. It would be best if we just ignored her and her instigators/enablers "Bill" and "Black is Beautiful." All three of these characters display classic troll behavior.

    You know damm well Black Is Beautiful is NO troll..

    Clear and concise on everything I post...

    No rant ..
    No rave ..

    It just so happens that I post contrary to STEPHENS intended representation of this President.

    Thats what you really dont care for...and thats A- Ok with me..

    Carry on....

  84. 'Ladies and gentlemen, please walk to the right so that we may proceed with the meltdown as planned to the left!'

    yep. yep.

    yet...the demon she hosts got her thinking she is 'winning'...


    you will BOW it is written;)

    either that or break down. your choice.

    free will.

    remember i loved you enough, despite well documented ABnormalities to give you a heads up and ask you to reconsider your foolishness.

  85. Anonymous1:44 PM

    td fakes:

    another home movie here?


    cc bimbo staged

    he is dreaming about watching gay porno with hobama and bending over pages in the wh right!!!

  86. Anonymous1:52 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  87. Anonymous1:58 PM

    td fakes:

    u r slaying yourself and projecting again

    i am always amazed and tickled when pathetic slain broken down bitches like u
    dare to pretend i am breaking down???

    each time i slay a demonic holy evil mf like u
    i am lifted up and energized
    i am beamed up by god
    she is cool like that

    real thanks for your fake concern 2 ya!

  88. BIB-

    i don't think you are a troll either. apologies i did not say that prior to your comment.

    Bill, FN can be expected to stop protecting his BM golden idol as soon as white folks stand up and shout out their inheritance are all it is written.

    clue: Obadiah. short read.

    most folks have forbidden idols they are protecting to the end. therein lies the problem for humanity.

    Anon that peeped the game...good on ya! you are MORE than a conqueror in Him. focus on Him. you can't lose that way...

    much Love all! create beautiful days...

  89. Anonymous2:02 PM


    i never lie about hobama


    i will never be silenced by any lies

    including yours

    cc all of those other holy evil dl trolls herein

  90. Anonymous2:03 PM


    that holy evil troll td fakes is a liar and a flipper

    scan up

    she just flipped and lied again

  91. ps. ban= not a single demon dropping would make the comment section.

    most pookies/pookettes require censoring to prevent their poison from contaminating others. you are welcome for that much needed clue.

    you are a 'scholar' + 'educator', yet i have to share something so simple.

    the Truth is just NOT in one examines fruit.


    poor lost Lady Bug.

    Father i pray you will not smash her beyond recognition- ninevah Messiah's Name.

    gotta go, for now;)

  92. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Bill said...
    FN said...
    It's not up to overzealous "color aroused" police officers and snooty store executives to decide if and how these young people should spend their money.

    Leave it to blog writers to decide how young people should spend their money.

    Now don't get it twisted, I do not in any way condone this young lady dropping $2,500 on a handbag.

    10:32 AM
    WOW, Bill! You made my day. You are 'on fire' with the undefeatble Truth today-- and I love it. The Truth is so refreshing and you bring that to this comment section. But be careful, Field might delete your comments. Obamaholics don't like the Truth.

    Nevertheless, you are a Godsend. You have skillfully shown Field his own bs with his own words. He hasn't a leg to stand on. And, you help all the rest of FN Negroes to see the bullshit too.

    However, you have GOT to know that Field, PilotX, Purple Cow and Black Sage will never capitulate, even in the fire of Truth. "Right or Wrong", Obamaholics will NEVER leave the Obama Titanic. They will die first ....till the end of America.

    God bless you. You are a 'true' brother. Field is a fake brother who wrote the script for the world of STEPHEN.

  93. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Bill said...
    FN said...
    Hmmm, I sure hope that O isn't covering for his political foes.

    Covering for the people he calls terrorists? Covering for people he called holding America hostage? Covering for the people he said were blackmailing america? Covering for the people he said were trying to blow America up?

    Obama throws his own pastor and friends under the bus and you believe Obama is covering for a republican?


    Your allegiance to Obama is bordering on alicia banks territory.

    10:07 AM
    Bill, once again, YOU'RE ON FIRE! I keep looking for Field to say something but what can he say? NOTHING. Guess we won't hear from him until the next post.

    Are you prepared for a Field backlash down the road?

  94. Anonymous3:14 PM

    nothing is as poisonous as a holy evil lie

    td fakes is the most lethally poisonous rathchet rabid demonic pookie evangelist buybull loving homohnating LYING mf herein


  95. Sista Focus said: "A nation that allows its enemies to pick their leaders can only expect to end up where their enemies want them".

    That was quite beautifully stated Focus!

  96. Anonymous3:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  97. Anonymous3:36 PM

    td fakes:

    ask jesus why he led u to be fatally clawed by me?

    i wanted you shredded at the ends of my claws.

    done deal u holy evil haunted homohating altar mite...see???

    ps: thank u jesus!

  98. Anonymous3:42 PM

    td fakes:

    pookies have death wishes
    pookie evangelists too

    ask jesus why he leads u to lay up in my lioness cuts..even as i bleed u dry????

    sssssssslicing u sssstilll!!!!!!!
    u sssssilly ssssssssnake.......


  99. Anonymous3:53 PM

    hey td fakes:

    did u lead these peer holy evil church pookies to commit this theft?

    did jesus make their victim a lesbian? u could tell them it was cool before god??



  100. Anonymous4:17 PM

    cc hobama/jp morgan

    the ebt prezzes


  101. Anonymous4:23 PM

    hobama is a liar who hates public ed

    cc his peer charter corp cronies
    they all win big each time any public school closes

    we will all pay more for less

  102. Anonymous4:59 PM

    more on the impending doom of a nation

    2 generations of serial killers loom

    thanks to holy evil mfs like td jakes
    their turbo breeding pookie parents are very proud their serial killer seeds are not gays


  103. BLACKISCLUELESS and Bill are not trolls. They are wrong 90% of the time, and totally misguided, but they at least try to bring reasonable conversation. Try.

    Now AB, on the other hand, *shaking head* is a serious troll.

    FP, please pray for me.

  104. Anonymous5:52 PM

    fake nig:


    that hoodoo hoax td fakes is your spiritual mentor/prayer partner now???

    i rest my case.

    u 2 demonic mfs are doomed indeed.

    ps: thank u jesus!!!

  105. Anonymous5:53 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  106. Anonymous6:14 PM

    td fakes:

    kudos to the heroic don lemon anew!!!

    cc all of us decent sterile gays!!!!

    what mf law u mf u holy evil bitch!!!!!!!

  107. 90% of the time LOL....

    You really have jokes today dont you Field ??

    Its ok really...

    Being that you have yet to take on any of my arguments without resorting to calling me White... 90% of the time..

    Id say we view that 90% the same way.

    Here are two small facts you have yet to admit..

    1. O never fought for single payer ; before introducing this former "Right Wing " plan for healthcare...

    2. He allowed his attorney general to let the 5 "Too Big to Fail Banks" write their own settlements at a pittance of the cost of the Real damage to the housing market.

    Now if you want to chalk those two into the 90% column...

    You go right ahead, but you know I'm right ...
    or White... whichever you prefer....

  108. BLACKISCLUELESS , you score 50% with the above two points, only. You are right about the banks, and wrong about single payer. But thanks for playing along.

  109. Fazool7:08 PM

    Black Sage said...
    Sista Focus said: "A nation that allows its enemies to pick their leaders can only expect to end up where their enemies want them".

    That was quite beautifully stated Focus!

    Obama was picked by the Saudis.

  110. Jay Carnhole7:35 PM

    The Obama White House called Dick Durbin a liar. If you're a Democrat you have to be a pretty smarmy piece of shit to have the White House call you out.

  111. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Alica Banks maybe some carbon monoxide poisoning can come your way with all you hated towards the President of the United States. You need to go to sleep NOW!!!!! Permanently!!!!!! Ho your Bama elsewhere. You might not like him, dammit; I do!!!!

  112. Anonymous6:16 PM

    So Sharp tongue is trying to foist yet another one of his hoaxes on the gullible American public.

    If this slob from the slums in Canarsie can afford to "treat" herself to a $2,500 handbag, then it is proof that the entire "poverty" problem in America is a lie and a shakedown.

    I hope that she is thoroughly investigated and kicked off of any means-tested programs she may have signed up for.
