Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"The confederacy's last hurrah"

As we inch closer to a possible deal in Washington, (the wingnuts are still singing funeral songs) it is not a time for poli-tricksters to be patting themselves on the back.

I see dumbocratic senators stepping up to the microphone and thanking Mitch McConnell. I have to wonder why. He (McConnell)is a part of a wingnut cabal that is hell bent on destroying this republic. 

Anyway, it's not over yet. Let's hope that the members of the house come to their senses and vote to save the economic future of their country.

Anyway, there is no doubt that the country is more divided both racially and ideologically than ever. One party, to their detriment, has doubled down and embraced their Southern and homogeneous roots.

They have chosen the flag of the confederacy to represent their cause and to express their disgust with the Socialist in chief.

Now, of course, they are trying to spin their way out of facts. But they can't. Images don't lie.

"....Republicans forced a government shutdown in what many saw as an ill-fated final effort to delay the law. They would fail.

But in the process, many Democrats became utterly convinced that the evils of the Confederacy were again being visited upon Americans.

“Confederates are rejoicing,” Jackson proclaimed on October 9. “They’re winning.”

“It’s confederate. It’s states’ rights,” he continued. “It’s not just health care act, it’s anti-voting. It’s women’s right to self-determination. It’s a whole range of infrastructure issues that made America great the last 50 years.”

Jackson had many supporters but they kept silent at first, awaiting more evidence to confirm their conviction – that Republicans were, in fact, revolutionary and racist – to materialize. They would not have to wait long.

On the second weekend of the government shutdown, a conservative protest took place in front of the White House. Through the fog of that grey day emerged the unmistakable symbol of the Confederacy – the battle flag flown by Generals Lee, Jackson and Beauregard. One man, misguidedly embracing that dubious symbol unfurled in anger for the last time nearly 150 years ago, had provided Democrats with the evidence they needed to confirm their worst suspicions. The floodgates were opened.

“Ghosts of the Confederacy out in force as fringe rules GOP,” declared The Daily Beast’s Eleanor Clift.

“You reap what you sow, and Republicans are paying the price for elevating a minority within their party,” she continued. “The standoff coming to a head feels like an existential struggle, and that’s an invitation to the most aggrieved fringe of the GOP to come out in full force.”

Quoting a variety of Democratic sources, Clift confirms that that the Republicans have embraced the insurrectionists within their ranks. “Embracing the confederacy is bad history and bad politics,” one California university professor helpfully reminded Clift’s readers.

“That’s obviously going to undercut what they’re saying,” POLITICO’s Mike Allen observed of the lone protester’s ability to capture the media’s attention and, thus, detract from the Republican messaging. “And does reflect badly, even though there’s no reason it should.”

Some even heard the yips of the rebel yell echoing through history, bouncing faintly along the marbled walls of the Capitol Building. “This is all about a handful of people who got elected as Republicans that want to bring down our government,” insisted Congressman Charlie Rangel, a New York Democrat serving in Congress since 1971.

“The same way they fought as Confederates, they want to bring down the government and reform it,” he added. “Well, I can tell you this, if you look at the states that they control, take a look at the Dixiecrats, see how they went over to the Republican Party.”

These are statements of faith, but the congregants who subscribe to this belief structure are numerous. Some would argue that it is theirs – a devotion to an ideal that delegitimizes their opponents and renders the internalization of their ideas and arguments unnecessary – that is the truly dangerous ideology.
Others would say that this effort on the part of Democrats is part of an elaborate effort to repent for past sins. The Republican Party having been historically the party of emancipation, suffragism, and civil rights.

But these are questions to be resolved another day. Today, the battle is again joined in the minds of many Democrats as they seek to relive the glorious and horrible War Between the States." (Source) 

Noah, it's not just in their minds. Pictures don't lie, and attitudes can't hide. Why do you think that "one man" felt emboldened to raise a contemptible symbol of hatred at that Tea Party protest? It's because he knew that he was among friends.

 "Democratic legislators and their ideological allies determined that attacking Republicans on the substance of their ideas was simply not enough. Some embraced the politically expedient tactic of suggesting, or outright insisting, that their Republican opponents were not legitimate governmental actors. They were insurrectionists, saboteurs, and — perhaps most damningly — racists."

The funeral song the republicans sang was Amazing Grace. How fitting. Since it is, after all, about a man seeking redemption from a wretched soul.


  1. First, head house negro compares Republicans to terrorist. Now, head house negro is comparing Republicans to the Confederacy.

    Head house negro won't talk about black unemployment,poverty, crime, homeless rates. All up under dear leader.

    Oh yessa sir massa' iz nos iz gots to keep Democrat plantation negros dumbz. Ifff dey becomes smart, dey may leeve the Democrat plantation.

    Carryin' da wattar. Carryin' da wattar......

  2. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Thought it was a fitting dirge as we are in the last days of the Republinuts FN......keep up the blogs. Fuck the whingers on your right!

    Cheers, gaz

  3. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Your post is quite fitting, Mr Field. It explained the obvious: The Tea Party and GOP are insurrectionists, Confederalists, but most of all, clearly hate filled racists. The minds of these people are wretched and evil. There will be no peace in America if we allow them to continue along their hate filled sick path.

    These people are willing and 'ready' to trash America, to drive it into the 'destroy' it because they can't stand having a black man in the WH.

    Albert Einstein, while talking to a group of black engineers at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, said, "Racism is a white man's disease."

    What he failed to say, was that "this disease called racism 'cannot' be treated, let alone cured. You are just going to have to live with it-- but don't let it stop you from becoming the person you can be. Use it to motivate yourself to be the best."

  4. Anonymous11:49 PM

    I wonder what these Tea Party Confederate people will have to say to God when HE asks,

    "Well, what did you do with your life among your brothers and sisters?"

    I bet hell is filled with Confederates, Tea Partiers, and slave owners.

  5. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "The funeral song the republicans sang was Amazing Grace. How fitting. Since it is, after all, about a man seeking redemption from a wretched soul. "

    Actually, the lyrics were written by a man who 'was' redeemed by Grace because he wanted forgiveness for dealing in the slave trade and a few other sinful things.

    However, the GOP is NOT looking for redeemption. Nor are they apologizing or have shown contrition.

    You will see this evil scary movie again in January. Lucifer never gives up. He can't. It is ordained by Divine Law that Lucifer/Devil and his followers bring chaos and 'sin' in the world.

  6. Anonymous12:17 AM

    When Barack Obama wins, America loses.

    There will be a great price to be paid for all of us for allowing this man to be President.

  7. Ahhh Repuglicans, it really sucks to be you right now, doesn't it?

    I see you guys lost again, so no change there then.

    Aren’t you guys bored of losing? Or does losing just come naturally to you these days? Is it like you expect to lose so it’s not an issue when you do?

    Anyway, lets hope you wingnuts carry on refusing to learn the lessons that you need to learn.

    As an aside to the rational contributors, I think the biggest single problem facing U.S. governance is the gerrymandering of the house constituencies. The boundaries have been 'adjusted' so that for most Repugs they can only lose their career in a Repuglican primary. This means the more insane they behave, the more irrational their speeches the happy the tea-party nutters will be and the greater their chances of political longevity are.

    Look for instance at the success of groups such as Heritage Action, which torpedoed a deal on Tuesday when it threatened to withdraw support from Republicans who backed it. How can that be acceptable in a Democracy?

    "The way we are behaving and the path we have taken the last couple of weeks leads to a marginalised party in the eyes of the American people."

    Lindsey Graham, last of a dying breed of sane Republicans.

  8. This guys looks and sounds exactly like my kids, and it has to be said, he does speak the truth.

  9. Who won? Who lost?

    Was it poor plantation negros who have gotten poorer since Obama's election?

    Was it middle class plantation negros who have gotten poorer since Obama's election?

    Was it Americans who are going to pay higher healthcare cost because of obamacare?

    Was it tax paying Americans who will have to pay for Obama doubling the national debt?

    Was it America who continue to be stuck with a broken tax system and a entitlement system on the verge of going broke?

    Obamessiah won. Won what?

    Americans lost and will continue to suffer under the Obama regime.

    "The way we are behaving and the path we have taken the last couple of weeks leads to a marginalized party in the eyes of the American people."

    Are democrats gaining on Republicans in individual races?

    Are donations to Republicans going down?

  10. "I think the biggest single problem facing U.S. governance is the gerrymandering of the house constituencies. "

    Leave it to a left winger to complain about something his side invented. Don't forget plantation negros benefit most from gerrymandering.

  11. field negro aka head house negro,

    Why did Howard Dean feel conferrable wooing guys with Confederate flags?

    Why did black Dem. Sen. Robert Ford wave the Confederate flag?

    Because they were among friends? Are you among friends?

  12. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The confederacy has been dead since the 1860's homeslice. Get over it.

  13. BARBBF9:41 AM

    AAAAGGGHHHHhhhh....Eleanor Clift!!!!!

    “Ghosts of the Confederacy out in force as fringe rules GOP,” declared The Daily Beast’s Eleanor Clift

    I stopped watching the MacLaghlin Report because of Ms E. C. I couldn't stand her never ending dribble and her complete and total Obamatron matter what the subject was. She even promoted Obama's increase in drone use, inspite of the thousands of innocents killed...which included hundreds of children. I am not sure..but she probably praises Obama for maintaining his own personal kill list...and assassination of American citizens. I told McLaghlin he could save whatever they are paying her by just getting the answers on whatever they planned to discuss directly from the White House.

  14. Anonymous11:00 AM

    greetings from a yardie..i thought of you when i was reading this interview with oliver stone in daily beast..when asked about the shutdown...the first thing he said was a continuation of WHITE SUPREMACY..check it "Do you see the government shutdown and the larger stalemate in Washington as being one of the big stories of the last year?

    Yes, it is a big story.

    Where does that fit into your Untold History?

    Well, it’s a pattern of white supremacy. Sort of like South Africa at the end. I hope it’s the end, but maybe not. But you know in South Africa, with apartheid…I do feel that the Jim Crow laws are very important, coming back, by the Supreme Court gutting the Voting Rights Act. The gerrymandering that’s going on in the states. I do believe that we owe this Republican legislature to that gerrymandering. And part of that is that ballot security issue. Every time… you’ve got to have IDs for the poor and so forth. It’s cutting out the blacks.
    They are really hanging on to…they don’t want the Hispanic, Asian, black mixture to take over. I think that’s what the Supreme Court thing is. I think that’s what the gun laws are about, too.
    The states want states’ rights. They want to keep the rules white. That’s how I see this Tea Party. "

  15. Anonymous11:38 AM

    no prez has EVER been more ruthlessly repub than that rabid dem demon


    On the eve of President Obama’s State of the Union address, Cynthia Gordy, writer for the Blogging the Beltway [6] column in, asked the question: “Will Obama talk about black unemployment?” Of course, Gordy already knew the answer – “Hell no!” – but proceeded to discuss the horrific state of Black jobless America with someone who actually cared, Christian Weller, from the Center for American Progress. Ms. Gordy ended the piece on a plaintive note. “Here’s hoping Obama will at least have a more elaborate plan to truly lift up all communities,” she wrote. What a strange and deeply sad relationship exists between many Black Americans and the brown-skinned corporate politician in the White House. After two years, there is no longer any expectation of reciprocity, only a muted hope and prayer that Obama would behave decently.

    He didn’t. In announcing a five-year freeze on domestic spending, Obama enters a new phase of aggressive – rather than furtive – collaboration with the GOP. To ensure that catastrophe cannot be avoided for the tens of millions battered and set adrift by the two (lesser and greater) recessions of the 21st century, Obama will join with Republicans to prevent the domestic arms of government from coming to the people’s aid, by freezing finances. With whole communities in a state of economic dislocation, Obama burns the rescue boats and poisons the water, all the while promising that the necessary budgetary savings will not be achieved “on the backs of our most vulnerable citizens” – as if Wall Street’s bankers will shield the helpless with their well-bonused bodies.

    “Additional profits will accrue to companies that have already hoarded over two trillion dollars.”

    Remember Sputnik! says Obama. Of course, the shocking 1957 Russian leap into space prompted the United States to embark on the greatest educational spending spree in history. There will be none of that under the Obama/GOP austerity regime. Instead, Obama’s “Race to the Top” program will force ever larger slices of the public education infrastructure into the privately-managed but publicly financed alternative national charter school system – a multi-billion dollar “market” for hedge funds and other speculators.

    By bringing down the corporate tax rate – a substantive promise from Obama that only the wealthy can truly appreciate – additional profits will accrue to companies that have already hoarded over two trillion dollars, but who were doubtless awaiting Obama’s coded signal, “Sputnik,” before investing in productive, job-producing enterprises. These investments might also be delayed until Obama has, as promised on Tuesday night, reorganized the federal government to the Republicans’ satisfaction, and purged offensive regulations from the public sphere.

    Funny, how Obama seems so much more in his element in the wake of the November defeat than when Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress. Half of Obama’s Blue Dog friends have been replaced by Republicans, but the president seems even happier among the new guys, as if he’s finally within reach of the grand, “bi-partisan consensus” that is the ideal state of being in a post-everything America.

  16. Anonymous11:48 AM

    no prez has EVER been more ruthlessly repub than that rabid dem demon hobama....shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hobama's MOST repub swag is yet to come

    cc africom/austerity/fema/irs/dhs/ww3 etc


    On the eve of President Obama’s State of the Union address, Cynthia Gordy, writer for the Blogging the Beltway [6] column in, asked the question: “Will Obama talk about black unemployment?” Of course, Gordy already knew the answer – “Hell no!” – but proceeded to discuss the horrific state of Black jobless America with someone who actually cared, Christian Weller, from the Center for American Progress. Ms. Gordy ended the piece on a plaintive note. “Here’s hoping Obama will at least have a more elaborate plan to truly lift up all communities,” she wrote. What a strange and deeply sad relationship exists between many Black Americans and the brown-skinned corporate politician in the White House. After two years, there is no longer any expectation of reciprocity, only a muted hope and prayer that Obama would behave decently.

    He didn’t. In announcing a five-year freeze on domestic spending, Obama enters a new phase of aggressive – rather than furtive – collaboration with the GOP. To ensure that catastrophe cannot be avoided for the tens of millions battered and set adrift by the two (lesser and greater) recessions of the 21st century, Obama will join with Republicans to prevent the domestic arms of government from coming to the people’s aid, by freezing finances. With whole communities in a state of economic dislocation, Obama burns the rescue boats and poisons the water, all the while promising that the necessary budgetary savings will not be achieved “on the backs of our most vulnerable citizens” – as if Wall Street’s bankers will shield the helpless with their well-bonused bodies.

    “Additional profits will accrue to companies that have already hoarded over two trillion dollars.”

    Remember Sputnik! says Obama. Of course, the shocking 1957 Russian leap into space prompted the United States to embark on the greatest educational spending spree in history. There will be none of that under the Obama/GOP austerity regime. Instead, Obama’s “Race to the Top” program will force ever larger slices of the public education infrastructure into the privately-managed but publicly financed alternative national charter school system – a multi-billion dollar “market” for hedge funds and other speculators.

    By bringing down the corporate tax rate – a substantive promise from Obama that only the wealthy can truly appreciate – additional profits will accrue to companies that have already hoarded over two trillion dollars, but who were doubtless awaiting Obama’s coded signal, “Sputnik,” before investing in productive, job-producing enterprises. These investments might also be delayed until Obama has, as promised on Tuesday night, reorganized the federal government to the Republicans’ satisfaction, and purged offensive regulations from the public sphere.

    Funny, how Obama seems so much more in his element in the wake of the November defeat than when Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress. Half of Obama’s Blue Dog friends have been replaced by Republicans, but the president seems even happier among the new guys, as if he’s finally within reach of the grand, “bi-partisan consensus” that is the ideal state of being in a post-everything America.

  17. Anonymous12:00 PM

    reps = dems

    see their "reunion"/grand bargain via austerity any day now

    watch all hobama nazis try to ignore their brand new grand misery index asap too...shame!!!!!

    cc sage jesse ventura

    The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers

    This accounts for the fact that although the Democratic presidential candidate won his nomination by telling voters he opposed the war in Iraq, by the time he sewed up that nomination, he was appearing on the Bill O'Reilly show to praise the war in Iraq and endorse the Cheney-Bush “surge” [7]. It explains why candidate Obama, after promising (but mostly only before labor audiences) to renegotiate NAFTA, walk a picket line and pass legislation that would make more unionization possible, president Obama pushed to extend “free trade” agreements everywhere, cracked down on federal workers, demonized teacher unions and more. It explains why Obama literally claims to walk in Martin Luther King's footsteps when it suits him --- on the campaign trail he declared himself “Joshua” [8] to Dr. King's “Moses” --- but manages to ignore black unemployment and mass incarceration, the wave of foreclosures which are inordinately concentrated among nonwhite households, and maintains the US position as in King's words “...the number one purveyor of violence in the world today.”

    “Only the First Black President could have disbanded the peace movement and rolled into town promising to “cut entitlements” without provoking a firestorm of protest.”

    When Republicans invade new countries, global public opinion can put millions worldwide in protest demonstrations in the street. When Democrats invade, there are no demonstrations. When Republicans propose social security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and try to regulate unions out of existence, public outcries and near general-strike situations loom. When Democrats do the same, all is quiet. Republicans could not even pass their own bailout bills with a Republican in the White House. So between bigoted, bumbling tea party Republicans, and level-headed, competent corporate Democrats, which is the greater evil? And which is the more effective evil?

  18. Anonymous12:14 PM

    that racist bankster global warlord warlock hobama proves each day that he is the MOST repub prez ever

    and ONLY hobama nazis dare to ignore that....shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    cc that half white/blackish hobama's STILL NONEXISTENT black agenda

    CC white males lincoln and jfk who ALWAYS had balck agendas...even under duress

    cc ww32/africom/jobless/homeless

    The prominence of these outlier issues are a direct result of Barack Obama having taken over every other Republican talking point. Before he even took office Obama showed whose side he was on when he made it clear that he would continue the bailouts to the banks that George W. Bush began. He has expanded America’s defense budget and the wars that inevitably result. His “grand bargain” with conservatives has resulted in cuts to government programs and an agreement on austerity measures which are the exact opposite of what should be done to improve the economy and prospects for unemployed people.

    Republicans don’t know how to run against Obama because he has governed as one of them from the start. They may mutter about “Obamacare” but his health care plan is a bailout of the health insurance industry and Big Pharma. They can’t call him weak on defense issues when he sends drones to kill people in Afghanistan or Pakistan or when he makes good on his threat to kill Muammar Gaddafi. Even American citizens like Anwar al-Awlaki are not safe when the president decides to literally take them out.

    It is indeed appalling when state legislatures across the country take on extreme positions in order to attack abortion. But make no mistake about it, there is never any opposition to thievery at the top because both parties kiss the rings of the rulers. The divide and conquer [4] strategy is at work once again. While it is necessary to point out the dangerous Republican positions regarding women’s reproductive rights, it is also necessary to remember who runs the country and how they and their corporate media spokespersons never allow us to truly debate the most fundamental issues of the day.

    We are fed a steady diet of manufactured opinion, pure propaganda which diverts our attention from the one constant in American politics. Money rules, and it will rule in January 2013 on inauguration day. Barack Obama will be that person because he plays the game better than anyone else. He has moved as far to the right as Ronald Reagan but Democrats still see him as their savior, the facts be damned. While the media have succeeded in creating smoke screens around contraception or the debate over the role of religion and government, the bailouts continue.


  19. Anonymous12:33 PM

    follow the money always

    follow hobama's austerity trails asap

    cc hobama's slums: grove parc/woodlawn...

    cc hobama's global ghettos via africom/drones/eternal wars etc

    Obama’s financial backers:
    • One third of Obama’s record breaking contributions of nearly $400 million
    have come from donations of $1,000 or more—a total of $112 million,
    more than McCain or Hillary Clinton.
    • Obama has more than 500 “bundlers,” professional fundraisers and
    lobbyists who each collected a minimum of $50,000.
    • Two thirds of Obama’s bundlers come from law, securities and
    investments, real estate and entertainment.
    • At least 100 Obama bundlers are top executives or brokers from
    investment firms; nearly two dozen work for Wall Street giants like
    Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs or Citigroups; about 40 others come
    from the real estate industry.
    • Obama gets more donations from Wall Street than any other candidate in
    the 08 campaign.

    Obama in Chicago:
    • Obama’s 13th District is the most impoverished African community in
    Chicago. During Obama’s 8 years of representing District 13 poverty,
    foreclosures, police brutality and unemployment have increased.
    • The 13th District is the home of police captain Jon Burge accused of
    torture over a 20 year span of more than 200 African men, women and
    children. Torture included electric shocks to their genitals. Burge was
    finally fired but Obama never denounced him.
    • City of Chicago

  20. Anonymous12:39 PM

    that racist bankster hobama is having an opulent lunch and drinking premium imported beer with some peer repubs right now...

    cc swindleus/good cop & bad cop bs in DC...

    hobama and fn are now blaming/equating YEARS of bankster thefts v. MERE DAYS of faked gridlock....shame!!!!!!

    wtfu asap u fake nig/stupid racist hobama nazis

    massa hobama is foooling and fleecing anew

    cc austerity/hobamascare/ww3 etc

  21. Anonymous1:31 PM

    follow the austerity horrors

    hobama is a the most nightmarish repub EVER!!!

    he has blurred the lines of 2 party charade
    he has blinded all black apolitical fools


    City of Chicago paid out $51 million in 2007 alone in police brutality
    African People’s Solidarity Committee •
    Obama Positions:
    • Would “bomb Pakistan” and “withdraw from Iraq and redeploy to
    • Says he is “against the Iraq war,” but voted for every Bush war funding
    • Supports border wall against Mexico.
    • Came out against reparations to the African community.
    • Has said the least of all candidates about the sub-prime/foreclosure crisis
    especially as it has affected the African community.
    • Stated to Israeli lobby that he would do anything to help Israel and
    denounced the struggle of the Palestinian people.
    • Used Father’s Day to make a virulent attack on African fathers.
    • Upheld New York’s acquittal of the killer cops in the case of Sean Bell, an
    unarmed African man murdered by police with more than 50 bullets.
    • Promised to continue the U.S. embargo against Cuba

  22. "Black unemployment,poverty, crime, homeless rates" have been brought to you by Ronald Reagan and 30+ years of "supply side" economics.Upward economic mobility for the poor and middle class has virtually ceased in the past 30+ years because of the big lie that deregulation and tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals would boost the economy.And of the two parties, Republicans are the most prolific liars and pushing policies based on nothing but fallacy.

  23. Anonymous3:02 PM


    cc hobama

    raygun is his hero

    and hobama makes raygun look like a noble crack hating saint


  24. Anonymous3:45 PM

    that racist repub bankster hobama is FAR worse than raygun and gwb combined!!!!!!!

    cc jobless/homeless/hungry/laid off/bilked/hobamascare/drones/wars/africom/ndaa/nsa/irs/fema/dhs/tsa...

    cc michelle: "let them eat diet ketchup!"
    cc "just buy bottled water when u fail to pay water bills"
    cc "just say no to the ONLY crap u can afford to eat"
    cc "just starve at/reduce your ONLY/BEST meal/lunch daily"

    these 2 hobama mfs make nancy and ronny look kind afrocentric leftists!


  25. Anonymous4:06 PM

    hobama makes raygun look like a noble afrocentric messiah!!!!

    that dem demon hobama adores the repub raygun...why???.

    cc racist massa hobama/hnic in chief

    cc africom

    “African-Americans are the only demographic group with higher unemployment today than when Obama took office.”

    The nation’s top Black Reaganite is quite open about his admiration for “The Gipper.” President Obama takes every opportunity to praise his racist, reactionary predecessor, and to emulate his politics. So do lots of Democrats of all colors. The truth is, “Reaganism never really left – it merely flowed through the pipelines of neoliberalism.”

    “In true Reaganesque fashion, Obama immediately ‘brought corporate executives into the White House.’”

    “Obama has never shied away from his admiration for the former President.”

    While Obama spent time immortalizing Reagan, Black Americans – fresh off their symbolic and historic "victory" – remained stifled under the mounting economic crisis. Today, in the fifth year of the "first Black presidency," the results [23] are in:

    Black unemployment remains double that for whites.

    The median income gap between white and black households has hit a record high.

    Blacks have half the access to health care as whites.

    The gap in homeownership is wider today than it was in 1990.

    African-Americans are twice as likely as whites to have suffered foreclosure.

    Net wealth for Black families dropped by 27.1 percent during the recession.

    One in 15 African-American men is incarcerated, compared with one in 106 white men.

    Blacks make up 38 percent of inmates in state and federal prisons.

    Although only 13.8 percent of the U.S. population, African-Americans represent 27 percent of those living below the poverty line.

    African-Americans are the only demographic group with higher unemployment today than when Obama took office. White unemployment dropped from 7.1 percent in January 2009 to 6.8 percent in February 2013. Hispanic unemployment dropped from 10.0 percent to 9.6 percent. But African-American unemployment rose from 12.7 percent to 13.8 percent during that time.

    The Black teen jobless rate hit a staggering 39.3 percent [24] in July 2012.

  26. Anonymous4:15 PM

    that racist global warlord cia bankster hobama makes raygin look like mlk!!!!!!!!!

    cc hobama's owners/puppeteers

    cc jp morgan's ebt casinos and goldman sachs/ww3/

    Ultimately, as Obama and the purveyors of "Black Reaganism" have proven, it is not merely racism that creates this unaccountability, it is the tie that binds racism – as well as misogyny, homophobia, jingoism and other oppressive mentalities – to the alienating effects of capitalism, and vice versa. In this sense, it is not Obama who has chosen to be a "good Reaganite" by remaining indifferent to systemic deficiencies that continue to plague the inner-cities and urban ghettoes of America – it is the duty for which he has been chosen to carry out. As Glen Ford from Black Agenda Report concludes [43]: "The Age of Obama, now in its second and final quadrennial, has largely succeeded in divorcing African American politics from the historical Black consensus on social justice, self-determination and peace. What remains is play-acting and role-modeling, an Ebony magazine caricature of politics that leaves the great bulk of Black people with, literally, no avenues of resistance to the savage depredations of capitalism in decline." If Black Power is "a range of political goals designed to counteract racial oppression through changing and establishing social institutions," then "Black Reaganism" is its antithesis – a co-opting of Afrocentric direct action and a rebranding of white privilege and corporate culture. Although many would just as soon move on from "racial politics," with all of its potential downfalls, the fact remains that America's social structure still operates from a foundation built on racial inequity. "Blaming the victim" through hollow calls for "personal responsibility" is not the solution – because one cannot "pull themselves up from their bootstraps" if their bootstraps were taken from them long ago.

  27. There has to be meds for this.

  28. Ed, pass the offering plate. Amen!

  29. Ed said...
    "Black unemployment,poverty, crime, homeless rates" have been brought to you by Ronald Reagan and 30+ years of "supply side" economics.Upward economic mobility for the poor and middle class has virtually ceased in the past 30+ years because of the big lie that deregulation and tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals would boost the economy.And of the two parties, Republicans are the most prolific liars and pushing policies based on nothing but fallacy.


    And great post as usual Field!

  30. But we live in the new faux news world in which white males are the helpless victims of blah racism and they need to monitor the meetings between the prez and the cbc for racist dog whistles. They live in their own reality. Good post for the sane among us.

  31. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    There has to be meds for this.

    5:37 PM
    Brother Field, there is nothing wrong with AB. Your problem is that she is too deep for you to understand. fyi, you need to honor her because she has been right for years but you fail to give her credit. This saddens me that you won't acknowledge her 'profound' brilliance.

  32. Thanks AB. All these slaves on the Democrat plantation would do good learning from you.

    AB, a true field negro.

  33. Anonymous9:35 AM



    we who see hobama and are awake are far too few

    and most of us live in chi

    we have alwats known that evil fake nig hobama

    cc george soros
    and glen ford


  34. Anonymous10:10 AM

    we have always known that evil fake nig hobama

    cc chiraq

    cc bobby rush/alice palmer/vera baker/donald young/larry bland etc


  35. สล็อต ฟรีเครดิต ไม่ต้องฝาก ต้อง แชร์ ถอนได้ 2020

    slot (สล็อต) คือเครื่องหรือตู้เล่นการพนันชนิดหนึ่ง ซึ่งในอดีตนั้นเรียกว่า ตู้สล็อต (Slot Machine) ส่วนมากจะหาเล่นได้จากแหล่งคาสิโนหรือสถานบันเทิงในอดีต ตู้สล็อตนั้นจะประกอบไปด้วยวงล้อจำนวน 3 วงหรือมากกว่านั้น โดยวงล้อจะหมุนก็ต่อเมื่อผู้เล่นได้หยอดเหรียญหรือเติมชิป (ชิปแลกเงินสด) แล้วกดปุ่มหรือโยกคันโยก จากนั้นจะสุ่มเรียกสัญลักษณ์ต่าง ๆ และแมื่อวงล้อครบรอบหยุดหมุนหน้าจอจะปรากฎคะแนนจากสัญลักษณ์ดังกล่าว
