Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving thanks.

Today is turkey day in America.

I am thankful for the following:

A wife who loves me unconditionally.

A family that raised me to understand the importance of hard work and giving back.

My physical and mental health.

The Internet which allows me to share my thoughts and experiences with people I have never met.

And finally, for the people who show up to this blog on a regular basis who help to teach me about the human experience.

What are you thankful for?


  1. GailScott8:46 AM

    I'm grateful for being raised by a sinlge dad who would have waliked through fire for me.

  2. I am thankful for the gift of life, that I may share that gift with others. Pray that the promise of freedom may be extended to all.

  3. the real jews are black9:56 AM

    i'm thankful ever day, and don't need to express it out to the world because this day is bull shyt..

    this what YAHWEH have to say

    amos 5- 21-24 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.

    22Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.

    23Take thou away from me the noise
    of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.

    thanking God but he never gave you thanksgiving

    24But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.

  4. I am thankful I had the parents I had. My dear mother passed away when I was 12. My dad didn't put me off on his female relatives like a lot of people thought he would, instead he finished raising me himself. He gave me, his son, his best until he passed on. My parents understood that when you have kids it stops being about you and becomes all about the children. I miss them both dearly.

    If only more parents today thought like my parents did.

  5. I am grateful to a Father God who bestows the blessings of mind, body and spirit that I may love and empower my loved ones, church and office family in a way that allows each of us to bring the glory to HIM. Wishing Mr. Field, posters and your loved ones a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day :~)

  6. Anonymous11:11 AM

    AMEN and Amen!

    I am thankful for the gift of life.

    That I was born into this beautiful world. and not like, on another planet or something :)

    For my three children,who have been the reason for my existence and my joy throughout the years.

    I am extremely grateful for the brilliant and wonderful doctor,endocrinologist Dr.Kim, who enabled me to have them,because I had a little problem which he,God Bless him,found and corrected. I will be eternally grateful. God Bless him always.

    When I conceived my first child, he did the test himself, then he came back, he looked at me, smiled from ear to ear, and said "I think I made you pregnant" and we laughed and hugged. God Bless him!

    For all of the wonderful family and friends.

    For flowers,especially orchids.


    Especially for the turkey that's in the oven and I can't wait to make sandwiches tomorrow cos that's how I like it :D
    and for the cranberry jelly that's from a deli and not from a can!
    and for the macaroni salad and the tomatoe which I sun ripened on the porch and...that's it.We don't eat much...

    Amen Lord and A Blessed AND Happy Thanksgiving to EVERYONE!!!

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    This is a bullshit day. This day was the beginning of trouble in America, annihilation of Native Indians and enslavement of Blacks for centuries. We still have to put up with deadly racists wherever we go today: on the streets, in the country, at work and the po-po.

    I'm sure there isn't much of a Thanksgiving with the family of Trayvon Martin. What the hell do they have to be thankful for?

  8. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I am from a fractured family where feelings of love were rarely expressed. so, I don't know about Thanksgiving. It's just another damn day to me. There is nothing special about it. I'll have a Whopper and call it a day. Life hasn't been that great to me as a bm. I really don't see how Blacks and those folks out in PR can join in with Whites to celebrate this day. It's pure bullshit. Desert, you're full of shit.

    There are millions of poor and homeless people in America who are without food, turkey or home. It is estimated that 25% of them are in PR.

  9. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I really don't see how Blacks and those folks out in PR can join in with Whites to celebrate this day. It's pure bullshit. Desert, you're full of shit.

    There are millions of poor and homeless people in America who are without food, turkey or home. It is estimated that 25% of them are in PR.
    Well I'm part of those 25% I guess, cos I'm poor and I rent.

    But, nevertheless I am thankful to be here. FYI there are many persons that risk their lives on the ocean and end up drowning and as shark food, while trying to reach these shores and in order to get to the U.S. Happens almost every month here.

    So, say what you will,you're just a naysayer!....I'm a yaysayer :D

  10. Celebrating a holiday that revolves around the genocide of Native Americans?

    Imagine a bunch of white guys making a holiday to celebrate slavery.

    This blog is full of hypocrites.

  11. Desertflower said...
    FYI there are many persons that risk their lives on the ocean and end up drowning and as shark food, while trying to reach these shores and in order to get to the U.S.

    If only those that risk their life to get to america would read this blog they would learn how bad america is. How full of racism. Evil NRA members. Pedophile priests. Koch brothers. Capitalism. Rush/Hannity. Etc. Etc.

    Listening to some of the people on this blog anyplace would be better than AmeriKKKa.

  12. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Bill said...
    If only those that risk their life to get to america would read this blog they would learn how bad america is. How full of racism. Evil NRA members. Pedophile priests. Koch brothers. Capitalism. Rush/Hannity. Etc. Etc.

    Listening to some of the people on this blog anyplace would be better than AmeriKKKa.
    12:34 PM

    Well Bill, I think you misunderstand.

    Constructive criticism is always good. You can love and still feel there's room for improvement,perfecting and polishing the rough edges.

    That's called progress, growth,development.

  13. I'm thankful for Pope Francis taking the Church back from people approved of by Rush Limbaugh & Sarah Palin.

  14. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Desert, "Well I'm part of those 25% I guess, cos I'm poor and I rent.

    But, nevertheless I am thankful to be here. FYI there are many persons that risk their lives on the ocean and end up drowning and as shark food, while trying to reach these shores and in order to get to the U.S. Happens almost every month here."

    Shark food? Wow, there must be hundreds, even thousands of them eaten by sharks. Those sharks must be so overweight they are attending Overeaters Anonymous for Sharks. I swear, you can make up more shit than a horse and cow combined can shit. You make up stuff in the "extreme" to avoid the truth about America.

    So you are poor, renting? Well, there are homeless people, poor and NO SHELTER....MILLIONS OF THEM.

  15. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I'm thankful for Pope Francis taking the Church back from people approved of by Rush Limbaugh & Sarah Palin.

    1:20 PM
    Yeah, that's something to be thankful for...It's also a blessing.

    But the rest of this turkey bullshit celebration is no different than the 4th July doesn't pertain to Blacks.

    Did you know that Obama pardoned 11 prisoners? I bet everyone of them were White. I mean, he even pardoned a white turkey. Now that is going to far about this 'color' business.

    Did you notice that Field, PilotX, PC, Granny and Desert didn't say a damn thing about that? Do you know why? Because they are kool-aide drinking drunk Obamaholics...that's why!

  16. Anonymous said...
    I mean, he even pardoned a white turkey.

    Be honest.

    There was some dark meat in that bird.

  17. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Bill, "Be honest.

    There was some dark meat in that bird."

    Are you saying there was a black turkey in the white turkey family somewhere?

    Do you think the same logic holds true for humans? Probably not. Those Southern Whites kept their bloodlines white as the pure driven Negroes hidden in their families.Ha!

  18. GrannyStandingforTruth2:54 PM

    Most of all I'm thankful to the Most High God who is my fountain of living waters, bread of life, and who loves me unconditionally.

    I'm thankful to be alive with a sound mind and all my limbs.

    I'm thankful for a roof of over my head, food on my table, and the clothes on my back.

    I'm thankful for small things as well as the bountiful blessings I enjoy.

    I'm thankful for being able to get up in the morning and still remain active.

    I'm thankful for the cyber experience and being able to reach out to millions of Americans and people all over the world.

    I'm thankful to have the experience of being a mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-aunt, and great-great aunt, a cousin, sister-in-law. I'm thankful for having a multi-racial family that has taught me a lot about human beings.

    I'm thankful for my friends and enemies.

    I'm thankful for all the unloved and unwanted children that I was able to encourage and show love.

    I'm thankful for the savings in cost of stamps when it is time to send out announcements for our family reunions.

    Today, I'm thankful to be able to enjoy this day with my family and friends and share it with someone who is less fortunate.

  19. I'm the chef de kitch here, It's 1214 and the turkey has an hour and a half left, the dough for the rolls is on first rise, the yams are done, the beens & greens are simmering with bacon & onion, and the pies were finished last night. The potatoes go on when the bird comes out & the rolls go in. I make my roux from turkeyfat, my bird is brined & buttered, and I add water 1/1 for my gravy.

    Dinner's at 2.

  20. Wow! I'm thankful today that Marissa Alexander is out on bail. Lets hope that a jury of her peers makes her freedom permanent.

  21. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Field.

  22. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    I'm the chef de kitch here, It's 1214 and the turkey has an hour and a half left, the dough for the rolls is on first rise, the yams are done, the beens & greens are simmering with bacon & onion, and the pies were finished last night. The potatoes go on when the bird comes out & the rolls go in. I make my roux from turkeyfat, my bird is brined & buttered, and I add water 1/1 for my gravy.

    Dinner's at 2.

    3:14 PM
    Sounds good! Buen Provecho! and a Happy Thanksgiving:)

  23. the real jews are black:


    THAT'S what's up!+ what time it is...

    we MUST come out from among them.

    folks acting like they don't know pale devils were thanking their g-d for successfully killing folks +robbing them.

    so while folks, deceive themselves and say out their mouth they worship no g-d...they do. the one that sanctions all manner of lies, murder, hatred + human destruction. it's the american way, after all.

    if you check the article i posted + the comment section...note that ANYONE indicating they hate americans...are just 'jealous';(

    when the UN drops visible boots in the US, worn by the same international community america can't seem to find respect for...folks will catch a clue then, i suppose.

    PC, since you don't read what i will miss a lot. but if you would look at the pic i will see how folks take what is NOT and make it what they want it to be.

    whoever sat down and created that mess of a pic i put in my helping program folks into believing good white women were feeding the indigenous people as a part of their 'thanksgiving' GIANT/little white LIE.

    heads up!

    you might stay mad at me, son. i only kicked the forbidden ww golden calf a few thread back. i have not begun to rip it down;) there are she-devils around the corner that DON'T play. why would i? we are at war.

    ps. inquiring minds REALLY want to know what your good ww wife says when you finally find the strength to tell her how you really feel about her + call her a see you next tuesday? SURELY that's who you were talking about?


    while you don't contribute much to the thread... i did not think you to be out your right mind. which is what you would have to be to fix your mouth to call anyone outside of the mothers of your historical enemies such filth;) please know, i don't even condone that, at this point in the game.

    i want to check + save yourself, son. if you think for a second you about to run up over here and get anything other than a righteous btfu- i don't know what to tell ya.

    other folks ALREADY done told you to wtfu.

    blank stare.


    witch Dr that likes to high five from her rightful position as a background devil dancer...

    i AM called to listen to the great + the small. i Obeyed His Law + gave ear to your small self.

    now you need to know...UNLESS you can raise your game to AB level or better- i won't make time. to do so is a waste of time.

    while i do make + have time to share Almighty's Word where ever i go...bickering with core curriculum victims that have not yet learned to think, is NOT on my list of things to do.

    nothing about what logical. THIS is why we are instructed to NOT lean on our own understanding. whip out your tablet, go to your Word + see it written.

    then are NOT on my level.

    i pray you get what you want...which is to be a Dr. then take a moment + glance at history to see the most demonic throughout time slap the title in front of their names. g-d complex, indeed. your beef with me, is your problem. so continue to moonwalk your devilish azz on about your background business...

    too coward to even step direct.

    instead here you come with some petty side shade. lol. grab a seat, already with that middle school silliness. check your tablet google and find out where folks got the moonwalk from too, while you browsing your tablet hoping what you read there is actually what's written in the Book.

    side-note: the powers that be have kindled/burned libraries, again, without lighting a single match. lol.

    folks need to know, His people perish for lack of Knowledge indeed + folks that Love you will tell you the Truth...

    hate me if you must.

    that will be fine.

    you hated my Father, first. so it ain't even personal + you.lose.

  24. I'm thankful for alot of stuff but this is just another day and we should be thankful everyday. I may have to join Bill and the anons at 1200 and 1203 at the BK.

  25. Anonymous7:24 PM

    honestly field negro, what does a bm (in this country)have to be thankful for?

    travon is still dead. many of our young brothers will be killed tonight. many of our people are in prison for crimes they didn't commit.

    many of our people are homeless or have no money for food.

    our sistas and kids are being molested by the white man.

    kerry washington is still a negro bed wench.

    what about our native brothers and sisters?

    how many of them are thankful tonight?

    how can anyone person of color celebrate this day of genocide?


    a concerned negro

  26. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Bill said...
    Celebrating a holiday that revolves around the genocide of Native Americans?
    This blog is full of hypocrites.
    12:26 PM
    After giving this some thought I now can totally understand why you feel so bad and guilty about Thanksgiving!

    After all it was your people,the Anglos, that committed that Native American genocide you speak of.

    Neither the Blacks nor the Hispanics had anything to do with it.

    So you shouldn't celebrate! I apologize, you are correct about that. Shame on you!

    We celebrate that the Good Native Americans were kind and good enough to teach those Anglo pilgrims, which by the way were prisoners and criminals that Great Britain sent here to get rid of, :D Crazy right?
    Your ancestors were criminals that the Britain wanted to get rid of omg LOL! No wonder! :D

    And the good Natives taught them how to grow and harvest so they wouldn't starve. and look how your ancestors repaid them! SHAME BILL SHAME!

    We the Browns and Blacks are so good, and you're so bad!

    COME TO THINK OF IT. YOU ARE RIGHT! YOU SHOULDN'T CELEBRATE, ANYTHING,EVER! You bad, bad, people. and now you come here spoiling our celebration for those Indians too!

    You're mean and nasty and grinchy!!!

    There! Is that what you wanted to hear? Now go to a corner and sulk!!!

    Evil ones X(

  27. "kerry washington is still a negro bed wench."


    first, it is important to connect to the Truth that being a mandingo anything is NOT a compliment.

    then knock yourself out listing all the bm actors/entertainers that reinforce the lusting after pale skin, mindless beast, hypersexual mandingo stereotype.

    if you want to get next level- add the non-stop dress runs, in between portraying on screen + real life the stereotype that quite a few bm LOVE LOVE LOVE them some white + other women.

    go ahead.

    if not...please chill on the bed wench comments. unless you want to discuss the shameful oow birthrates + how many bm act like they, too, think bw bed wenches + ways to knock it off. i have been suggesting folks turn to Him. that would be productive.

    it is time to do our parts to clean up the mess. not diss each other or participate in non stop wound Blessed Black psyche psych op. (sp?,lol!)

    it's time for bm to stop messing their women over in ALL ways. the way wm ride hard for ww is something that more bm need to take note of. stat. since wfolk have the game so flipped out that most won't stop pursuing wfolks seeking acceptance. at least copy the stuff that makes sense while all integrated to be damned.

    a man's nature is supposed to be protective.

    think women during holocaust were sexually abused? armenian genocide? etc etc. folks don't go there regularly + routinely...out of respect for the human dignity of their womenfolk. other women get to have a place where they have suffered enough. seems it is always bw's turns. no matter where in the world. others don't give bw that much needed break...nor do a great deal of bm. fix that as an indicator of much needed self respect.



    you are quite good at double talking. you have it perfected;)

    it seems you miss the point...while hitting all the trigger words. guilt. la la la. lol.

    to call things what they are is not evidence of guilt nor to induce guilt. all you said to Bill was truth. the way you did it was syrupy sweet ugly. FN thinks you are 'crazy'...i do, too;)

    your point of 'celebrating' the massacre of indigenous people holiday + flipping it to a celebration of the assistance they showed those who massacred them...ok. similar to giving thanks they were not all massacred like the author of the link i posted. i can see that.

    i just see it differently and that's ok. i want nothing to do with any of this point. a good whiff of wicked and i got to put space between us. each day is a day to give thanks.

    Black folks have a bad habit of putting sugar in poop and calling it dessert;( if it started out a the end, that's what it is as well.


    "This is what the governor of Bay Colony had to say days after the massacre, "A day of thanksgiving. Thanking God that they had eliminated over 700 men, women and children."


    my questions:

    it is a religious holiday? yes.

    what g-d are they giving thanks to, when Almighty says thou shalt not kill?

    ps. guilt is not of Almighty.



    ask forgiveness.

    turn from sin.

    move on.

    we forgive because otherwise there is no forgiveness for us.

    folks pushing anything shall know them by their fruit.

    Galatians 3:28-29


    Bill, there is something in the way you comment that makes you appear to be a double talking, double agent, as well;)

    i just saw a way to leverage what is. lol.

  28. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Is anyone else watching the Rev.Sharpton interview on Oprah??? Made me cry! A lot of pain in his childhood, that he overcame. Great interviewing!

  29. Anonymous8:57 PM

    well, if the good Natives are down with it.......

  30. Anonymous9:10 PM

    oh greatnow on the Al Jazeera channel they're giving a specisl on the flag and the war of 1812 where the colonists (ex cons;).declared war on the British!

    Billyou'll like this! Go ahead and watch along with me;)

  31. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving Field Negro.

  32. focusedpurpose said...
    [text deleted]
    Bill, there is something in the way you comment that makes you appear to be a double talking, double agent, as well;)

    You caught me.

    I work for both the political left and political right keeping the people divided.

    Nothing personal, it's just politics.

  33. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Desert, do a summary to us Black folks after you finish watching the war of 1812. I'm sure Al Jazeera is giving the true history of America.

    BTW, aren't you part Iranian? Bill might take a 'special' interest in you. I mean, how many Blacks do you see who have Iranian blood in them? Personally, I think the way you and Bill think, you two would make a great couple. But that is far fetched because you are the wrong color.

    How do you feel about that eff'd up nuclear treaty Obama and John Kerry? Has anybody noticed that everything Obama touches turns to shit?

  34. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Bill said, "I work for both the political left and political right keeping the people divided."

    I always suspected that you were an Independent.

  35. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Went to see 12 Years of Slavery today. Everyone, Black and White should see this movie. It was an excellent movie.

    Bill, I am counting on you to go see it. I need an honest white conservative's view on it.

  36. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Lebanese. You should see the lines snd crowds here at the Walmarts! UNBelieveable!!!

    It was just a short spot. They're on to something else now. lobster fishing in Maine. Haven't you seen the channel? It's like CNN. It's all American!

  37. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Bill you've got a hard job! Are you a spy too

    Exciting! I like it!

  38. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Now they're on to the Great Plsins and Bison which may be the 'new beef'

    I like this channel!

  39. Anon@12:26 PM, just be happy for your family and that u are alive.Make the best of your circumstances and your surroundings. We all understand the history of this country, let's just work to make it better going forward.

    Frustrated Negro, the same stands for u.

    Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy turkey day.

    I hope yours was good as well,

  40. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Thank God my Thanksgiving was great, in a quiet sort of way, but that's how I like it.

    I am now relaxing watching the Al Jazeera channel. It's very good. interesting, and channel surfing after not stuffing my face ;)

  41. lol! spies...folks are too special + cute;)

    i was actually thinking more along the line of disinformation/distraction paid troll crew. FN lunching only;) because he needs to run more stuff past the wife. OR he is on the losing team. i don't know...for sure. lol.


    since you are REAL skilled at scrambling the chit out of good sense...i hope you will help a sista out.

    why/how do some Black folks get it in their heads that celebrating the 4th of july makes sense?

    WHAT part of the game, is that?


    Desert is another moon walker, rocker thrower + hand hider, so if anybody else can give that july 4th question a good whack i would be much obliged.

  42. please know it's all Love Desert.

    i just call it like i see it. that's all...

  43. "You caught me.

    I work for both the political left and political right keeping the people divided.

    Nothing personal, it's just politics.

    9:21 PM"


    now THAT has the ring of Truth to a result of watching behavior;)

  44. Anonymous10:27 PM

    FP, "Desert is another moon walker, rocker thrower + hand hider, so if anybody else can give that july 4th question a good whack i would be much obliged."

    Field did a post about your very question. It's hard to follow, considering he was against us celebrating the 4th, but for us celebrating Thanksgiving...Go figure.

    However, I think both holidays are just another day in America to me. Sister FP, Desert is full of shit.

  45. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I'll be glad when this Thanksgiving day bullshit is over.

    Field, when are you going to post the next article? I can't wait.

  46. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I'll be glad when this Thanksgiving day bullshit is over.

    Field, when are you going to post the next article? I can't wait.
    10:31 PM
    Wow,Field is going to get a medal from these Anons for Social and Community service above and beyond the call of duty! :D

    They live for The Fields posts, and dote on his words!

    I'd hate to see what they'd do if ever he ever stops this blog!

    Field is keeping minions socially entertained,informed and totally dependent on this blog for their very existence it seems!!

    Kudos to you Mr.Field!

  47. interesting links. don't agree with all things...enough Truth to pass it along.

    all folks in the UK/US are not sound asleep.


    Anon 10:27 PM-

    you know, i have gone to celebrations + tried to broach the topic. only to have folks mean mug me like i was interrupting their flow.

    during non 4th times...these same folks will be like, "are you still on that?" like if they blew me off before...they were off the hook to think about the practice.

    i suppose running from the convo would be easier than admitting they have no idea why they are doing what they are doing;(

    this is why i asked Desert. simply trying to leverage her great gift of twisting the chit out of things;) she can make that make sense...if there is a way to do it. i feel confident in her abilities after paying attention to her flow. lol.

    i need folks to know i have been having a ball over here in the field. fiery darts and all;)

    much Love!

  48. Thanksgiving is a day off for folks to get together with their friends and family. many people look forward to it especially once the summer is over. history between Indians and Americans is a troublesome conversation. sure there were moments of mutual cooperation, those moments are far outshone by the desire to suppress or assimilate the various native lifestyles in order that America may be successful.

    Talking about thanksgiving day massacres would be impossible at my family get-togethers. Try to talk about it any other day of the year and there would be stiff resistance. Generally they think the same thing the Europeans did from the get go, 'these savages better get out of the way or do our bidding, we're here to stay.'

    Emancipation was a big part of the conversation during the American revolution. I don't know if it really had a chance, but there were a number of people trying to push emancipation before the Constitution was ratified.

    I always felt people, especially black people, of that time wanted to participate in the society and in the institutions that were being formed and protected. they did want to end slavery. They were also completely tied into the economy whether they were free or slave.

    Reading Gary Nash's 'Race and Revolution' :

    "Samuel Cooke, in preaching the election sermon of 1770 'devoted most of his text to "the cause of our African slaves."' In 1773, the issue of abolition was of sufficient general interest to be the subject of the Harvard commencement debate.

    '... Benjamin Rush informed Glenville Sharp, the English abolitionist, that 'the spirit of Liberty ad religion with regard to the poor negroes spreads rapidly throughout this country.' In May of the next year he wrote again that the 'cause of African freedom in America' was still gaining ground; and in November 1774, ... Rush had an opportunity to become acquainted with many of the delegates, he described how the abolitionist spirit'prevails in our councils and among all ranks in all provinces."

    David Cooper, "A Serious Address to the Rulers of America, On the Inconsistency of their conduct respecting Slavery" 1783

    "It was a claim of freedom unfettered from the arbitrary control of others, so essential to free agents, and equally the gift of our beneficent Creator to all his rational children, which out fleets and armies into motion, covered earth and seas with rapine and carnage, disturbed the repose of Europe, and exhausted the treasure of nations. Now is the time to demonstrate to Europe, to the whole world, that America was in earnest, and meant what she said, when with peculiar energy and unanswerable reasoning, she plead the cause of human nature, and with undaunted firmness insisted, that ALL MANKIND came from the hand of their Creator EQUALLY FREE. Let not the world have an opportunity to charge her conduct with a contradiction to her solemn and often repeated declarations...."

    People wanted freedom no matter where they were. Food, security, health and happiness. Chief Powhatan, who assisted the first English colonists at James Fort was noted for his diplomacy.. I don't know if he should have run off the James Fort settlers or what. They didn't seem to be able to respect the Powhatan very much.

    He told them he wanted to sit with his wives and have corn and food. To not go to war, war would mean living in the forest and eating roots and berries. He told them he wanted to plant his corn and share what he could. He kept his very eager warriors at bay for a few years until his death.

    His son Opecancanough succeeded him and took the Powhatan Confederacy to war with the settlers to their demise.

    It is all very tragic and the result has been a historical trend to paint all of this taking and enslaving as necessary and good when in fact it was neither.

  49. NSangoma6:01 AM


    Bangladeshi immigrants are earning a living as traffic enforcement agents in New York, a growing presence navigating the congestion and sea of parked cars.

    field booty, Bangladeshis are thankful for and supporting their families with these jobs while BLACK New York city citizens go jobless, because ...


  50. BARBBF8:51 AM

    I am thankful I am not a Black Libyan who was one of those extrajudicial executed by the new government that Obama supports

    I am thankful that I am not the mother, wife or sister of the Syrian soldier whose heart was eaten by the rebel group that Obama supports

    I am thankful that I am not one of the 5 million that had their insurance cancelled because of ObamaCare

    I am thankful that I am not on Obama's personal kill list

    I am thankful that my American father and son were not targeted for assassination by US predatory drones

    I am thankful I do not live in Libya..which has now declared Sharia Law
