Saturday, November 09, 2013

We all live in that "twisted world".

Man this Incognito Miami Dolphins story will not go away.  It seems that everyone has their two cents worth on this ever evolving story.

Now here comes former coach, Bill Parcells, to defend Incognito's behavior.

"Bill Parcells reportedly says Richie Incognito was "a model citizen" when the Hall of Famer brought him to Miami, questions whether Jonathan Martin really wanted to play football and cautions that outsiders can't understand the NFL locker room environment but "it works."

Clearly this type of behavior doesn't work if Incognito was kicked off multiple teams because of his behavior in the locker room.

Anyway, this is the type of reaction I would expect from Parcells who was somewhat of a bully himself.

The best take on this story comes from a guy who I am not fan of, but who, from time to time, will make a good point.

While I don't quite agree with the NFL locker room prison analogy, and as bad as Richie Incognito was he is no George Wallace, I think that Jason Whitlock's take on this sad episode is required reading for all.

"Mass incarceration has turned segments of Black America so upside down that a tatted-up, N-word-tossing white goon is more respected and accepted than a soft-spoken, highly intelligent black Stanford graduate.

According to a story in the Miami Herald, black Dolphins players granted Richie Incognito "honorary" status as a black man while feeling little connection to Jonathan Martin.

Welcome to Incarceration Nation, where the mindset of the Miami Dolphins' locker room mirrors the mentality of a maximum-security prison yard and where a wide swath of America believes the nonviolent intellectual needs to adopt the tactics of the barbarian.

I don't blame Jonathan Martin for walking away from the Dolphins and checking himself into a hospital seeking treatment for emotional distress. The cesspool of insanity that apparently is the Miami locker room would test the mental stability of any sane man. Martin, the offspring of Harvard grads, a 24-year-old trained at some of America's finest academic institutions, is a first-time offender callously thrown into an Attica prison cell with Incognito and Aaron Hernandez's BFF Mike Pouncey. Dolphins warden Jeff Ireland and deputy warden Joe Philbin put zero sophisticated thought into what they were doing when they drafted Martin in the second round in 2012.

You don't put Jonathan Martin in a cell with Incognito and Pouncey. You draft someone else, and let another team take Martin. The Dolphins don't have the kind of environment to support someone with Martin's background. It takes intelligence and common sense to connect with and manage Martin. Those attributes appear to be in short supply in Miami.

"Richie is honorary," a black former Dolphins player told Miami Herald reporter Armando Salguero. "I don't expect you to understand because you're not black. But being a black guy, being a brother is more than just about skin color. It's about how you carry yourself. How you play. Where you come from. What you've experienced. A lot of things."

I'm black. And I totally understand the genesis of this particular brand of stupidity and self-hatred. Mass Incarceration, its bastard child, Hurricane Illegitimacy, and their marketing firm, commercial hip-hop music, have created a culture that perpetrates the idea that authentic blackness is criminal, savage, uneducated and irresponsible. The tenets of white supremacy and bigotry have been injected into popular youth culture. The blackest things a black man can do are loudly spew the N-word publicly and react violently to the slightest sign of disrespect or disagreement.

Yeah, Richie Incognito is an honorary black. And Jonathan Martin is a sellout.
"I don't have a problem with Richie," Dolphins receiver Mike Wallace was quoted in Salguero's story. "I love Richie."

Yeah, the Dolphins are circling the wagons around Incognito. I get Ryan Tannehill's defense of his Pro Bowl left guard. He needs him. He doesn't believe the Dolphins can protect him or win games without Incognito. There's a popular belief you can't consistently win football games without a few "thugs" like Incognito in your locker room. Makes you wonder how Stanford competes with USC, Oregon, UCLA, etc., every year. You wonder how Nebraska and Oregon survived after booting Incognito. You wonder why three NFL teams let him go. Maybe he's not as essential as the myth-makers would have you believe.
But what makes me want to check into a mental hospital is Miami's black players' unconditional love of Incognito and indifference to Martin.

It points to our fundamental lack of knowledge of our own history in this country. We think the fake tough guy, the ex-con turned rhetoric spewer was more courageous than the educated pacifist who won our liberation standing in the streets, absorbing repeated ass-whippings, jail and a white assassin's bullet. We fell for the okeydoke.

We think Malcolm X was blacker than Martin Luther King Jr.
I'm as guilty as anybody. I've read X's autobiography a half-dozen times. I own Spike Lee's movie about X and watch it a couple of times a year. I love Malcolm X. But I'm not an idiot. MLK liberated me. MLK blazed the proper path to respect, progress and achievement. Barack Obama stands on MLK's shoulders. And so does Jonathan Martin."

Richie Incognito is an "honorary" bigot, standing on the shoulders of Gov. George Wallace. The fact that a group of young black men in the Dolphins' locker room can't see that speaks to the level of ignorance unleashed by Mass Incarceration, Hurricane Illegitimacy and commercial hip-hop." [More]

Well, MLK AND Malcolm X liberated you, but I get the point.

The Dolphins players are not school teachers, they are football players, so I don't expect them to be as sophisticated about this issue as the author. But I do expect them to have a certain amount of knowledge about the culture and the society in which they live, and it's about time some of these brothers start learning to embrace that which is good and not being benighted and ignorant all of their lives.

Mr. Whitlock, your article (this time) was spot on. It was written for ESPN, so hopefully some of these brothers in the NFL will log on to read instead of watching just for their highlights.


  1. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Mr. Martin is a very intelligent man indeed! If albeit a tad annoying and wussy.

    Checked himself into a hospital for 'mental distress' did he? :D

    Awww,poor baby, somebody get him a blanky and his teddy bear.

    Awww, let's all check into one of those "hospitals" too. Who hasn't been discriminated against here? LOLOL

    Can anybody say well thought out and executed, juicey, remunerated lawsuit?

    He's taking the Dolphins for a ride, an expensive one! LOL

    Goes to show ya, brain wins over brawn every time:)

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    If Martin were more than half white you'd be laughing at him and calling him a pussy.

    The lack of self-awareness among black intellectuals is stunning.

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Anonymous6:39 PMIf Martin were more than half white you'd be laughing at him and calling him a pussy.
    HEY! Whoooaaaa, wait a minute there fella! How' about calling him a 'dick' instead? Wassamatta con ju?

    Pussy ni pussy X( You call him a pussy you're calling him a great thing!

  4. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Desert has the right idea. Martin is a wuss and there is no place in America for an NFL black man who is educated and acts like a human being. Thanks for the thought, Desert. Only an educated sophisticated woman like you would be able to have such insight to support the Blacks on the Dolphins who have made Incognito an "honorary bm". That's the way Blacks should be....ignorant and violent...that's our specialty and our hallmark hall of fame as a race. Let's not give a damn for Martin--no consideration for him...he's a pussy.

  5. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Desert. Only an educated sophisticated woman like you"

    "That's the way Blacks should be....ignorant and violent"...

    "that's our specialty and our hallmark hall of fame as a race."
    7:14 PM
    Nothing of the sort my friend. I am a far cry from being "educated and sophisticated" On the contrary I consider myself quite blissfully ignorant in many areas such as, for example 'political correctness' :)

    I am also quite contrary and given to stubbornness and orneriness when necessary. I've even been called a 'slut' among other things, and never once complained! I fought back as best I knew how.

    So what I don't condone in me, I can't condone in him. As simple as that.

    No, Blacks should not be, and are not, ignorant and violent. You're maliciously twisting my comment to suit your obviously prejudiced philosophy and views ;)

    These are football players, and there are white football players too. As well as are other races also. But their warrior mentality is all the same, alike. They are doing battle in the field for very high stakes.

    Do you watch football or hockey? Hockey is full of tough,violent warrior whites,right? I used to until I became aware of the horrendous injuries. But I digress :)

    If you watch it and like it. You, as the intelligent(?) person you may or may not be :) are aware that it is a very rough sport, not a ballet recital. Mkay?

    The mentality is the same for FOOTBALL, HOCKEY players etc. Not for an entire race!

    So try not to act ignorant, think before you strike the keyboard, dahlink ;D

  6. Anonymous7:45 PM

    "Mr. Whitlock, your article (this time) was spot on. It was written for ESPN, so hopefully some of these brothers in the NFL will log on to read instead of watching just for their highlights."

    Mr Whitlock is always spot on. He is a great sports writer with psychological insight and depth. That's why he is in such demand that he can basically write his own ticket to wherever he chooses to go. It's too bad you don't appreciate a brother like him enough.

  7. Vinny7:47 PM

    Well, it's great to see the team black and white, rallying together and not letting the race baiters like field here and the like own and twist this story. There is hope.
    And, field, saying a black person can't ask a white person for help without getting shot is the most vile racist thing I've heard from you yet. Good to see you always topping yourself.

  8. Anonymous7:56 PM

    " field, saying a black person can't ask a white person for help without getting shot is the most vile racist thing I've heard from you yet."

    Oh, he says lots of vile racist things.

    To top it off, that shooter wasn't even white.

  9. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Field, "The Dolphins players are not school teachers, they are football players, so I don't expect them to be as sophisticated about this issue as the author. But I do expect them to have a certain amount of knowledge about the culture and the society in which they live, and it's about time some of these brothers start learning to embrace that which is good and not being benighted and ignorant all of their lives."

    I agree wholeheartedly. They DON'T have to be as sophisticated as Whitlock or any other educated Black. However, they ought to know when they are degrading themselves and their race. Even if they didn't know their history, they have to know what it is to be a bm in America, which is to be seen as ignorant, uneducated, violent and the lowest on the human chain....A person like Martin is to be honored, not degraded and insulted by not accepting him as a brother.

    A MORON KNOWS THAT. It's hard to believe that those Dolphin black players are that dumb and insensitive to their own kind.

  10. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    " field, saying a black person can't ask a white person for help without getting shot is the most vile racist thing I've heard from you yet."

    Oh, he says lots of vile racist things.

    To top it off, that shooter wasn't even white.

    7:56 PM
    Bullshit. That was a wm who shot that poor bw looking for help. Field would not have posted the story if the shooter weren't White. He would not mislead his FN readers like that. Therefore, you, sir are a LIAR.

  11. Wesley R8:19 PM

    At the end of the day I could care less about Martin's background. He's 6-5 and weighs over 300 pounds. Noone should be bullying him. All he had to do is hit the motherfucker in the mouth one good time and that would have been it. It doesn't matter if he wins or losses the fight. Hit em hard, they remember and will leave him alone.
    I get what Json Whitlock is saying, but again one good hit solves all of the negative attitudes.

  12. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I would be sucking on a bar of soap if I used the N word. I did get to suck on a bar for other language.(Catholic school)

  13. Vinny, u are right, I asked a white person for directions once and I didn't get shot. Although I swear they intentionally sent me in the wrong direction.

  14. NSangoma9:59 PM


    Being the intellectual that you are field booty, one would conjecture that you were not considered, Black Black or enough when you were in college.

    That bald haid and hoody mawchin' make you a sho' 'nuff brother, field booty?


  15. NSangoma10:01 PM


    Black or Black enough


  16. Anonymous11:29 PM

    This unfolding story proves to the world one thing: African Americans are confused who they really are. However, they DO know they don't give a damn about being Black. In fact, they hate being Black.

    Field, I have said it before and you must NOW admit it:

    "It's depressing to be Black in America." Let us thank the Dolphins that light of American truth."

  17. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Dear Mr Field, has it occurred to you that you might be wrong about Mr Incognito? He might not be as much of a racist barbarian as you think. He just might be an intelligent young man who WAS leading the Dolphins to victory. I mean, the Blacks on the team thinks the world of Richie. They see the big "I" as a smart brother, not Martin.

    Hence, Martin's degree from Stanford is irrelevant to the brothers.

    Let us stand behind our Dolphin brothers and Incognito and show black unity for a change.

    I am surprised that you are subtlety making this a black ignorant thing. Why must you rub those innocent uneducated brothers' in their lack of knowledge about being Black? I mean, look at Simmons. Does he relate or care about us? Hell no. Whites with 'honorary' black status such as O'Reilly care more about us than Simmons does.

    Come on, Field....Let us honor those Whites who relate to us.

  18. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Field I think this blog is populated by old 'fuddy duddies' like me that can no longer stay up late, even on Saturday night :D Good night all!

  19. I usually can't stand Whitlock,but his column was on point.

  20. Anonymous12:18 AM

    What's with you Negroes who can't stand Whitlock? the man has NEVER written a column that wasn't insightful.

  21. Quote:Gomez-the-Moron

    "So I guess you are saying it won't matter if 7 billion people make their way to America, it's our job to give everyone healthcare, for "free". Sounds like a plan."

    Here's the thing though, numbnuts. Why would 7 billion people travel to America for healthcare which is of third world quality and costs massively more than anywhere else in the world?

    People in the third world already have third world healthcare, and it costs them a lot less than it costs you.

    "BTW, please post your address. My friends and I would like to camp out in your extra room. We'll be there in time for dinner."

    First of all - you don't have any friends.

    Second of all - Do you really think that you could adjust to life in a Grade-2 listed 18th century home after all those years living in a trailer park?

    Third of all - we don;t have any of that fizzy, tasteless, weak-as-piss stuff you have the temerity to call 'beer' round here, and I'm not sure where I could get it.

    Fourth of all my wife is worried that you dragging your knuckles all over the place is going to damage the carpets.

    So my apologies Miss Gomez, I understand why you would want an opportunity to become educated in the ways of civilisation, but it win;t gonna happen. Try Russia, they'll take any old shit over there.

  22. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Why an 'educated' man would think he belonged in this, is a question for the psychiatrists!

  23. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I, as Anonymous 10:13 PM, called it under the "He Ain't My Brother" thread. Yes?

    OK, the analysis is spot on. But analyzing a problem is not the same as FIXING it as so many black people seem to believe.

  24. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Want to claim anon comments?



  25. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I, as Anonymous 10:13 PM, called it under the "He Ain't My Brother" thread. Yes?
    8:34 AM
    You know...that may have played a part, but I tend to think it was his attitude that bought upon the rejection.

    To me, I really don't think this has anything to do with race, but everything to do with culture.

    We live in a violence oriented culture. Violent games represent war, and so it's participants have to be warriors.

    If you sit down to enjoy the 'Superbowl' and all that other crap that goes along with football, you are just as guilty!


  26. "I don't have a problem with Richie, I love Richie” - Dolphins receiver Mike Wallace

    Yeah, … sure Mike, but you shouldn’t have forgotten to say that while you, “love Richie”, he hates YOU as well, just as you hate YOURSELF!

  27. Sage that was well said.

  28. The Purple Gringo said...
    Here's the thing though, numbnuts. Why would 7 billion people travel to America for healthcare which is of third world quality and costs massively more than anywhere else in the world?

    Yes, why?

    People in the third world already have third world healthcare, and it costs them a lot less than it costs you.

    It costs me nothing, it's free! And it sure seems pretty nice for Third World healthcare.

    So my apologies Miss Gomez, I understand why you would want an opportunity to become educated in the ways of civilisation, but it win;t gonna happen. Try Russia, they'll take any old shit over there.

    This is a blatantly anti-immigrant statement. You must be some kind of racist xenophobe who is unwilling to fairly share the resources of the planet. We are coming over whether you like it or not. So bone up on your Spanish, stock up on some Corona, and make sure dinner is on time, or we'll sue. You are the one who is going to get educated in the ways civilizations end.

  29. Black Sage said...

    "I don't have a problem with Richie, I love Richie” - Dolphins receiver Mike Wallace

    Yeah, … sure Mike, but you shouldn’t have forgotten to say that while you, “love Richie”, he hates YOU as well, just as you hate YOURSELF!

    Maybe Mike Wallace is just more secure than you are with your racial identity and relationships with people of other races.

    You should get out of the house more.


  30. This is really some sad *ish. I guess this is the price we must pay as a group for wanting to integrate as opposed to separate. Here, you have million dollar uniformed thugs; blissfully ignorant, thoroughly and apparently ahistorical; supposedly educated, but after thorough inspection, they are truly mis-educated. Furthermore and unbeknownst to them, they’ve been indoctrinated into a social and political system of practices and beliefs that cater to the “dumber the better” (at least for the ruling class members). They not only make a fool of themselves, but also of the people that are akin to the group they spring forth from.

    In short, and without a doubt, what we see here with comments emanating from these roboticized black football players is full-fledged fruition and naked CULTURAL IMPERIALISM at work.

    There is no longer a need to question why we have avunculars like C.L. Bryant, Dr. Carson, Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell speak ill of their own kind. Why?, because they’ve been cloistered in white communities and universities; thoroughly conditioned to think in a manner consistent with furthering the ideologue of the oppressor. And then they foolishly begin to believe that their oppressor have THEIR best interest at the center of oppressor’s heart. Just as these black football players think of Richie and their employer. Enough said!

  31. Yes, millionaire celebrities receiving the adoration of millions of fans (and lots of fine females) are the victims of cultural imperialism.

    We should all be so lucky.

    And of course the wise Black Sage knows better than they do about their relationship with a guy they live, work, and shower with.

    Thank again for showering us with your wisdom, oh wise sage of blackness.

  32. Anonymous1:33 PM

    To all the naysayers that want those guys to walk in lockstep, watch their p's and q's, and play like nice little gentle boys.

    I'm just going to wait patiently til I see the first post about football this, and quarterback that etc! Umhm! :D

    Yeah, rah,rah,football! When is the Superbowl this year?

    Boy are you gonna get it! XD

    I can't wait!

  33. Rancid Blue Parsley foolishly said: “Yes, millionaire celebrities receiving the adoration of millions of fans (and lots of fine females) are the victims of cultural imperialism. We should all be so lucky.”

    Perhaps you do not know the meaning of cultural imperialism. Hang on, allow me to place my pedagogue cap on. …. Ok, …. I’m ready. Cultural imperialism is the sustained maintenance, support and creation of beliefs and practices (just like dumbos are supporting Richie Bitch). And continually upholding unequal or an intentionally imbalance relationship between different cultures by means of political and social structures to further perpetuate the disparities in all facets of life or across the entire board.

    How about that Rancid Blue Parsley? I sincerely hope that you’ve been enlightened! Now quit embarrassing yourself on this board!

    Cultural imperialism has nothing to do with the amount of adoration you receive from fans. Even if they’re fine looking females or a gargoyle looking species like you!

    Now, turn the light on; the porn audition is completed, place my robot back in the closet; grab a clean towel; take a shower; get dressed and get the phuck out of my house, my robot is done with you!

  34. "It costs me nothing, it's free! "

    I thought you Stormfront-types were against free stuff from the governmint?

    Or are you incarcerated?

    "This is a blatantly anti-immigrant statement."

    Nope, it's an anti-cunt statement. If you want to know what a cunt looks like there's a mirror in your bathroom.

    You do have a bathroom don't you?

    "We are coming over whether you like it or not."

    That'll be the first time you've come this year, I'll wager.

    So bone up on your Spanish, stock up on some Corona, and make sure dinner is on time, or we'll sue."

    Ya te lo he dicho, no venden débil, cerveza sin sabor en mi barrio. Incluso si lo hicieran, no me sirven a bastardos como tú.


    "You are the one who is going to get educated in the ways civilizations end."

    Civilzations terminan donde quiera que estés

  35. Anonymous2:39 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Ya te lo he dicho, no venden débil, cerveza sin sabor en mi barrio. Incluso si lo hicieran, no me sirven a bastardos como tú.

    Civilzations terminan donde quiera que estés
    2:30 PM
    Wow nene! Me gusta como hablas el Espa~ol! :)

  36. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Black Sage said...
    Cultural imperialism is the sustained maintenance, support and creation of beliefs and practices And continually upholding unequal or an intentionally imbalance relationship between different cultures by means of political and social structures to further perpetuate the disparities in all facets of life or across the entire board.
    2:26 PM
    Thank you Black Sage, I learnt a useful new phrase :)

    Makes me think of India (among others)with their unfair caste system also.

  37. Purple 1%-er said...
    "Civilzations terminan donde quiera que estés"


    Look at Southern California.

    But some endings are a little harsher than others. Some come with cheap maids and interesting restaurants, others with syubway bombing and street side decapitations.

    You should be happy we are coming to stay at your place before Mohammed gets there. At least with us, you can still drink your piss-warm beer. If enough of us come, maybe your daughters won't have to cover their hair when they want to go into London.

    Make sure than Corona is cold, you cultural imperialist.

  38. Desertflower said...
    Makes me think of India (among others)with their unfair caste system also.

    No Desert, your disapproval of the Indian caste system is itself "cultural imperialism".

    Only Western culture can be

    Get with the program.

  39. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Oregano Brown said...
    No Desert, your disapproval of the Indian caste system is itself "cultural imperialism".

    Only Western culture can be

    Get with the program.

    3:44 PM

  40. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Gomez El Genio said...
    Some come with cheap maids and interesting restaurants, others with subway bombing and street side decapitations.
    3:41 PM
    AHAHAHAHAAA! "Street side decapitations" OMG! LOL

    This is getting macabre. Doc on the last thread with "cardboard coffins" and over here "street side decapitations!" Ahahahaha! I love it! :D

  41. @Desertflower, you are welcome my dear!

  42. You know there's not a lot of difference between getting shot in the face while asking for help and street side decaps.

  43. field negro said...
    Vinny, u are right, I asked a white person for directions once and I didn't get shot. Although I swear they intentionally sent me in the wrong direction.

    Note to FN...

    Just because someone is white doesn't make them smart enough to give directions.

    But if you want to make it all about yourself, feel free.

  44. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Bill, I love your zingers to Field. He tries to be facetious and smart and you cut him down each and every time. I love it.

  45. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    You know there's not a lot of difference between getting shot in the face while asking for help and street side decaps.

    5:45 PM
    Wow...this kind of reasoning from a future Doctor in the medical profession? This is scary.

    BTW, when do you get your degree?

  46. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Maybe we should have two NFLs. one for the morons and one for the intelligent. At the end of the season, the two can play each other for first place NFL. I'm sure the barbarian supporting women from PR would love it!

  47. "He tries to be facetious and smart..."

    Dear President of Anon Inc. when did your people learn words like "facetious"?

    I might have to reconsider firing your company and getting new trolls. :)

  48. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    You know there's not a lot of difference between getting shot in the face while asking for help and street side decaps

    Um, yes there is.

    The first was an accident that occurred when a homeowner mistook someone in the middle of the night for an intruder, and then accidentally discharged his firearm.

    The other was a planned crime where two men struck another with their car as he crossed a public street, cut his head of with a knife, and then paraded it around for 30 minutes shouting Allah Akbar!

    If you can't see that there is quite a lot of difference between these two deaths, I question your ability to be a doctor.

  49. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    You know there's not a lot of difference between getting shot in the face while asking for help and street side decaps
    5:45 PM
    You know, you're right! :) I hadn't looked at it that way but...

  50. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    At the end of the season, the two can play each other for first place NFL. I'm sure the barbarian supporting women from PR would love it!
    What barbarian supporting women in P.R. be those? (*Looks to right and left*)

    Oh, mean me? :D Yeeeeaaah! You betcha! I love me some barbarian every now and then! xD

  51. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    "He tries to be facetious and smart..."

    Dear President of Anon Inc. when did your people learn words like "facetious"?

    I might have to reconsider firing your company and getting new trolls. :)

    6:51 PM
    I am so glad to hear you are reconsidering keeping Anon, Inc because we are the best, we really are! I have hired new anons with more education. I see you like it?

    BTW, we are a few weeks for a contract renewal for 2014. Because you have been such a loyal customer even though some of your resident IDs like PilotX has been calling us out. That no-flying-can't-get-off-the-ground-Chicago-fool has been relentless. Yet, you have stood behind us, and Anon, Inc appreciates it.

    We are planning something wonderful for you on New Year's Day to show our love for soon as you sign the contract. You might as well sign it. There is nothing else out there, except AB Inc. I KNOW you don't want to do business with her. Besides, she is expensive, and has been known to cuss out her clients..believe it or not.

  52. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Why so upset with the Miami Dolphins blacks that you are now labeling "house negroes"? Because they let some white teammate use the "n" word? How precious. Now you are worked up? Those black "barbarians" are practicing "equality" ... their brand, not like our leftist PC overlords. Then you say Incognito "hates" them and they "hate" themselves. You have no insight. No more than plastic-faced white liberals and their educated self-righteous black lapdogs hate each other, but wouldn't say "n" if they had a mouthful.


  53. Anonymous2:24 PM

    African men in America are incapable of harboring the hatred against Europeans they harbor against them. No matter what kind of torture suffered from Europeans, there will always, as long as we live under this rule, be African men who will suffer Stepin Fetchit Syndrome. They'll kill each other, while licking the European's boots. It's just the way it is and always will be.

  54. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Incognito's balls are so sweaty he rents them out during the off-season as a salt lick. He stands out in the pasture and cattle come....

  55. The situation that evolved from the "camaraderie" of the Dolphins locker room is what happens when we give others a false sense of entitlement to our inner circles. Nice article, nice view point Field!

  56. Anonymous5:48 PM

    So we know Richie Incognito's gonads are large, sweaty, and fragrant like salty plums. But what about his thick, long purplish-red salami that can breach the entrance of a woman's womb?

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