Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Quoting Lincoln?

It's nice to see Melissa Harris-Perry apologize for making fun of Mitt's (adopted) black grandchild. The high road is always good.

Of course she could have just doubled down and said that she was joking like Megyn Kelly of Fox News, but she didn't.

Sadly, we will never get an apology from folks like Rush and others of his ilk for all of the reprehensible things that they have said about people of color and other marginalized groups in the past, but we don't expect any more from them. Folks like that have not yet fully evolved as human beings.

Finally, you just can't make this stuff up.

The republican party is the "party of Lincoln", so this guy should have known better.

"Not everything you read on the internet is true.”- George Washington

Too often we’ve seen the embarrassment that comes with random people on Twitter sharing around inspirational quotes from famous people that they never actually uttered in the first place. It’s one thing for the layman to do it; quite another entirely for a public official to misquote Abraham Lincoln, but that’s exactly what happened to Arizona Republican state senator Al Melvin when he tried to share the wisdom of the former president.
Here are the two tweets in question (which, by the way, are still up as of this posting):

Well, it turns out Lincoln never actually said those words. When the Arizona Daily Star asked Melvin about the misquotes, this is what he had to say.
Melvin said he got the quotes from a Republican club newsletter.
“It sounded good,” he said. “It seemed like it was something that he would say.”
Told of the misattribution, Melvin said, “That’s news to me.”
But it’s all good, because as Benjamin Franklin once said, “It’s all water under the bridge now.” [Source]

It's New Year's Eve, and I am heading out for a nice quiet dinner with the Mrs.

Happy New Year everybody! And please be safe out there.


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Happy New Year Field! Enjoy! May the New Year bring you health,joy and prosperity!

    And Happy New Year to all on this blog. Party hearty and be safe :)

    Because as Winston Churchill did once say: It's always a party in America on New Years Eve...um....not really...he...er..I made that up ;*p....

  2. FN said...
    But it’s all good, because as Benjamin Franklin once said, “It’s all water under the bridge now.”

    Or as Hillary said...

    "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

  3. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Hillary never said that! She said: "Who cares, we can't throw out the baby with the bath water!"

    Remember in that speech?..wait...I'm not so sure anymore...hmmmmmm....

  4. Fn said...
    Of course she could have just doubled down and said that she was joking like Megyn Kelly of Fox News, but she didn't.

    Did you know she was the adopted black daughter of a white mormon family?

    Was she laughing at romneys grandkid or herself?

  5. Desertflower said...
    Hillary never said that! She said: "Who cares, we can't throw out the baby with the bath water!"

    Remember in that speech?..wait...I'm not so sure anymore.

    I thought it was something about it takes a villge to drown a kid in the bathtub.

  6. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I'm pretty tired of all the fake quotes from notable people saying we need to worship the rich.

    I've heard fake quotes attributed to Lincoln and Jefferson and even Churchill (but which really came from Ayn Rand or Friedrich Hayek or the John Birch Society or similar conservative wackadoos).

    The really weird one I keep hearing right-wing quotes from is comedian George Carlin. WTF? Carlin was a hippie -- an ultra-left-wing guy. How plausible is it that he would have been quoted whining about capital gains taxes? That's funny, but not in a good way.

  7. Anonymous8:24 PM

    @ Bill

    Melissa Harris-Perry is neither adopted nor Mormon.

    Whoever told you this (Glenn Beck? Sarah Palin?) is an idiot.

  8. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Bill said...
    I thought it was something about it takes a villge to drown a kid in the bathtub.
    8:02 PM
    Yea,yea,yea,yea! That was the one.

    I get 'em mixed up with the one that
    Lady bird said "a beutimous garden in every home is the American way"

    ...or was that...June..Nah it was Lady Bird. Am I the only one that remembers Lady Bird??? X)

  9. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Melissa Harris-Perry is neither adopted nor Mormon.
    Whoever told you this (Glenn Beck? Sarah Palin?) is an idiot.
    8:24 PM
    Mellissa Harris-Perry is the scion of the famous Harris paint company!

    I....think..somebody said that....

  10. "It's nice to see Melissa Harris-Perry apologize for making fun of Mitt's (adopted) black grandchild. The high road is always good."

    If she knew anything at all about the high road, she wouldn't have to be apologizing. She is gutter-trash.

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The really weird one I keep hearing right-wing quotes from is comedian George Carlin. WTF? Carlin was a hippie
    8:16 PM
    Catlin said: "If you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest.

    Then they say,as for the poor, they've lost all incentive, because we've given them too much money"

    He did say that though. Umhum.

  12. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Lincoln most certainly did say those words.

  13. Philly Cheese8:46 PM

    Happy New Year everybody! And please be safe out there.

    I hope some Philly negro doesn't rob you or hit your wife in the head with a brick. Make sure you go to a restaurant in a nice white neighborhood.

  14. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Philly Cheese said...
    Happy New Year everybody! And please be safe out there.
    I hope some Philly negro doesn't rob you or hit your wife in the head with a brick. Make sure you go to a restaurant in a nice white neighborhood.
    8:46 PM
    You are so bad :D

  15. Anonymous9:04 PM

    George Carlin also said that famous quote:

    "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity"

  16. Anonymous9:13 PM

    and George Bush said

    "You know one of the hardest parts of my job, is to connect Iraq to the war on terror"

    Aaahaahaahaaa! gotta love that guy! :)

    Interview with Katie Curic Sept.6,2006

  17. Anonymous9:34 PM

    One Anon quote says, "Anons and Angels have a lot in common."

    Another Anon says, "When it comes to paying a fair rate for services, Field is raping us."

  18. … uh, because, you know, i-i-it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled … uh to every corner of the United States. Uh, I’ve now been in fifty … ss-seven? states. I think one left to go. Uh, one left to go — eh, Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to, even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not, uh, justify it.

    Barack Obama, showing how much he knows about the country that elected him President.


  19. GrannyStandingforTruth10:07 PM

    Happy New Year to each and everyone on here. May you be blessed with your heart's desire in the New Year.

    @Desert...LOL, I think you, Bill, and anon need to skip trying to tell folks who the quotes belong to. Maybe, instead y'all should just say so and so said it. LOL.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth10:08 PM

    Btw, what is your New Year's resolution for 2014?

  21. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Hey Granny! Thank you for such a lovely blessing! May you and yours be blessed also with health,joy and prosperity!

  22. Anonymous10:24 PM

    "The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq were the ones who attacked us in America on September the 11th." --Washington, D.C., July 12, 2007

    AAhaaahaaahaaaa! Too rich!

  23. Anonymous10:25 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Btw, what is your New Year's resolution for 2014?
    10:08 PM
    I don't make any! I just would have so many...what's yours?

  24. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    One Anon quote says, "Anons and Angels have a lot in common."
    Another Anon says, "When it comes to paying a fair rate for services, Field is raping us."
    9:34 PM
    LOL! Well you must be enjoying it 'cos you stay!!!! LOLOL!

  25. Happy new year! Taking Mrs. X to see Roy Hargrove at a jazz spot. Make 2014 the best ever everybody!

  26. MHP is biracial and her mom was a Mormon. Bill got it half right.

  27. Anonymous10:35 PM

    "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties." --discussing the Iraq war with Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson in 2003, as quoted by Robertson

    Hehehehe! We sure didn't!

  28. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Granny, Anons are not allowed to make resolutions on FN. It's against company policy. I really would love to make a resolution but our President said, "the first mf that makes a resolution on FN can start packing their shit because you are fired!"

    You see, the thinking by Anon Inc is if it allow Anons to make resolutions on FN, someone is bound to say something to offend Field. Then Field would use that to request an upgrade in Anons, which costs the company money. Then, he will try to get another cut in fees which are already a rock bottom. So we can't say shit about resolutions.

    So Granny, I hope you can understand the sensitive nature of resolution. Got to be careful..

  29. Anonymous10:38 PM

    "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." --Greater Nashua, N.H., Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 27, 2000 (Listen to audio clip)

    Yeah, it sure is! :D

  30. Anonymous10:40 PM

    That Field sure drives a hard bargain with the poor Anons! Man! There oughtta be a law!

  31. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Here's a killer!:

    ""Do you have blacks, too?" --to Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 2001

    Helloooooo! I mean...*shaking head*

  32. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Okay, Here's the last ones. No more,promise!

    "This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating." --as quoted by the New York Daily News, April 23, 2002

    34. "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." --on "Good Morning America," Sept. 1, 2005, six days after repeated warnings from experts about the scope of damage expected from Hurricane Katrina

    33. "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." --Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000

    32. "I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound largemouth bass in my lake." --on his best moment in office, interview with the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag, May 7, 2006

    31. "They misunderestimated me." --Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000

  33. Anonymous10:47 PM

    MHP should be fired for her degrading comments about Mitt Romney's black grandson. If they can fire Martin B, for insulting Palin, they can fire her for insulting Mitt.

    Some folks of color need to be taught a hard lesson that 'responsibility' comes with free speech in America.

    Somehow, some folks just don't get it. Therefore, some hard lessons for some hard heads. I'm sure many of my brothers and sisters will agree with me.

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth10:48 PM

    Me either Desert, I don't make any either. They're too easy to break. LOL.

    Anon, I might send up a special prayer for Anon Inc. tonight.

  35. GrannyStandingforTruth10:52 PM

    Anony 10:47,

    Is it too hard for you to start the New Year off with peace, instead of discord, bickering, and confusion?

  36. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Bill said...
    Black Sage said...
    This should assist in keeping you from making grade school punctuation and grammar mistakes. Damn, … you’re more ignorant than I originally thought.

    I wonder if there is a double standard coming up?

    Black Sage said...
    @Bill O. Its a given that typos are a frequent occurence

    Some mistakes are given, some are due to ignorance. Got it.

    7:33 PM
    Now why did you have to go and say that? I was just beginning to have some peace, and you screwed it up. damn!

  37. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Here's an interesting quote by a famous Negro:

    "I am an old bm who has seen many racist troubles, but most of them never happened."--Field

  38. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Another quote from Anon, Inc:

    "My death has been grossly exaggerated"......Anon who tried to sail to PR

  39. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Granny, I wish you a healthy and prosperous New Year, even though you won't go out with me. I am jealous of Grandpa W. he seems to have his way with you.

  40. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Here's an interesting quote by a famous Negro:

    "I am an old bm who has seen many racist troubles, but most of them never happened."--Field
    11:07 PM
    Ahaahaahaa! I'm still laughing! Gotta admit that's a good one! lolol!

  41. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Another quote from Anon, Inc:
    "My death has been grossly exaggerated"......Anon who tried to sail to PR
    11:11 PM
    Oh yeah. I'd forgotten about that! :)

    Famous Anon quote:
    I am an expert sailor and will sail to PR. 'Cos airplanes are, um...'cos it's faster and more fun by sea...um...er...oh dagnabbit! I'M AFRAID OF THOSE NEW FANGLED FLYING MACHINES! That's why!

  42. GrannyStandingforTruth12:34 AM

    Thank you Anon 11:14, I wish you the same.

  43. "Granny, I wish you a healthy and prosperous New Year, even though you won't go out with me. I am jealous of Grandpa W. he seems to have his way with you"

    Granny is a fickle woman, and hard to track down. Believe me, I would have my way all the way to the moon and back with Granny. Oh yes I would.

    2014 is going to be the year Granny takes a ride on my Saturn V.

  44. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Where is Field? Dinner out in Philly couldn't possibly last this long. He should be back home and posting! I see this year is going to be a repeat of last year. No wonder he is an Obamaholic. He doesn't change no matter what.

    Anyway, I sincerely hope everyone will focus more on the Creator instead of HIS creations.It's a much better deal to know the Knower and Creator of all there is.

  45. Anonymous12:38 AM

    "2014 is going to be the year Granny takes a ride on my Saturn V."

    12:34 AM
    Lord have mercy.

  46. "Where is Field?"

    In the hot tub sipping Courvoisier and watching midget porn, same as any Tuesday night.

  47. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Seriously, do they have midgets in porn? Nah. you can't sell porn movies with midgets in them.

    Does anybody know about this?

  48. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Ahahaha! Midget porn! Is there..well i guess there is!

  49. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Yes, they DO have midgets in porn, but it's 'soft' porn because you must be shorter than 31/2 feet tall. Otherwise, you will not be accepted.

    fyi, every year they have midgets porn awards at Short Action House in Vegas. It's quite interesting.

  50. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Ahahaha! Carrot call!! Hahaha. The look in his eyes! Priceless!

  51. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Now see? this is why Field is constantly requesting upgrades from Anon Inc.

  52. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Yes but Fields not here x) we can play! Hehehehe

  53. Desertflower said...
    Ahahaha! Midget porn! Is there..well i guess there is!

    There is, and I love it.

  54. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Yeah, I see Field's point. Some of these Anons are off the rails. I mean, who would think of midget porns UNLESS you happen to be a midget anon yourself? Wow! Anon Inc is so diversified!...an EEOC employer. Yet, Field continues to gauche the company. That is so wrong!

  55. Anonymous1:08 AM

    That is wrong. Field needs Jesus or FP or somebody because he has no compassion or No 'Brotherly Love'. Philly tends to do that to people.

  56. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Little people not midgets !

  57. GrannyStandingforTruth2:29 AM

    Smh! Lord help the people. Smh!

    "I see this year is going to be a repeat of last year."


    Grandpa Woodley, I pray that you're delivered from that lust demon in 2014. You're definitely not my type in no shape, form or fashion. I'm praying for you, really I am.

  58. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Poor Bill, that social misfit is still trying to find his place in the world. I pity him. LOL!

  59. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Poor Bill, that social misfit is still trying to find his place in the world. I pity him. LOL!

    4:08 AM
    Now that is a racist statement, just like MHP's statement was racist.

    I was hoping 2014 would immediately usher in the end of racism but I see that isn't going to happen.

    Maybe next year?

    My dear Bill, keep fighting for the causer.

  60. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Where is Field? Is he still watching midget porn? That dude needs to make some serious new year resolutions.

  61. "Midget porn"?!

    Dear president of Anon Inc. your peeps are totally out of control.

    We will have to set up a meeting, ASAP. :)

    Happy New Year everyone!

  62. Anonymous11:18 AM

    field negro said...
    "Midget porn"?!
    Dear president of Anon Inc. your peeps are totally out of control.

    We will have to set up a meeting, ASAP. :)
    Happy New Year everyone!
    8:27 AM
    Field, you really should ask them for another price reduction!!!

    That was wrong! Fooling around like that,having fun at your expense,while you're gone! Really now!!X(

    I don't know anything about it. I was sleeping all the while.

    *insert angel with halo here*

  63. field negro said...

    "Midget porn"?!

    Dear president of Anon Inc. your peeps are totally out of control.

    I had the same concern.

    In response to my email, I was forwarded youre order form and yet there it clearly was, you wrote in Midget Porn as something to be discussed.

    The main office is bringing in Midget Porn specialists to aid you in youre goals.

  64. My New Year resolution is that BIB (aka Black is Clueless) will finally exit the closet and announce that he is in fact a Rethuglican or Konservative, but too embarrassed to do so. And that Bill O. will quit pretending to be a Radical Republican looking out for the interests of contemporary slaves.

    Oh *ish, … pardon me, in order to know this, one would have to open a history book. Never mind, cancel the second resolution!

  65. 81: Percentage of young Democrats who approve of the Affordable Care Act, according to December poll by Harvard's Institute of Politics.

    58: Percentage of young Democrats who approve of "Obamacare," which is the same thing.


    Good thing democrats aren't the low information voters like the republicans.

  66. Black Sage said...
    My New Year resolution is that BIB (aka Black is Clueless) will finally exit the closet and announce that he is in fact a Rethuglican or Konservative, but too embarrassed to do so. And that Bill O. will quit pretending to be a Radical Republican looking out for the interests of contemporary slaves.

    Very telling your resolutions involve other people.

    Did I ever say I was looking out for your best interests?

    I'm mocking and making fun of the planks of the democrat party.

    And that pisses you off. Yet you insist your not a democrat.

  67. Bill O., how many times that I must remind you that mere ASSUMPTIONS aren't the same as FACTS? Must I purchase a reading and comprehension text for you?

  68. The 2014 version of Back Sage is even dumber than last year's.

  69. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...
    In response to my email, I was forwarded youre order form and yet there it clearly was, you wrote in Midget Porn as something to be discussed.

    The main office is bringing in Midget Porn specialists to aid you in youre goals.
    12:20 PM

    OMG! I bet you tricked him by adding in that clause and who knows how many more!!!

    And Field trustingly, unknowingly must've signed it!!!

    Oh no!! X(

  70. Unripened Parsley, have you completed filling out your FAFSA as of yet?

  71. Desertflower said...
    OMG! I bet you tricked him by adding in that clause and who knows how many more!!!

    And Field trustingly, unknowingly must've signed it!!!

    These weren't checkboxes, this was written in by hand in the "other" line.

    Don't forget, FN is a lawyer. Even though Pelosi said we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it, FN's law experience has taught him to read it before signing it.

    I too was disturbed by FNs choice. All consenting adults so it's none of my business.

  72. "And that pisses you off. Yet you insist your not a democrat."

    Dun dun dun........is Bill really BiB? I mean same error in basic grammar? The plot thickens........

  73. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Dick Dynasty said...
    "Where is Field?"

    DD replied, "In the hot tub sipping Courvoisier and watching midget porn, same as any Tuesday night."

    12:40 AM
    Dear Mr Field, Anon Inc has traced who caused this 'midget porn' and you in a hot tub mess.

    As you can see, Dick Dynasty started this shit....Anon Inc had nothing to do with it. However, it is our duty to engage such people on FN because it's in our contract. I mean, that's what you are paying Anon Inc for...or 'were' paying us. If we go any lower on fees, we will be paying you to serve you. That ain't right, Mr Field. The way you negotiate is what I call, "acting White" like Bill.

    You see, Bill is the only dude on FN who would grind a Negro organization like Anon Inc down to nothing. WC would never do that to us and you know it.

    Have you been getting business tips from Bill, a hard-ass unmerciful part Libertarian/Republican? Is this the way 2014 is going to be? Shit. I miss 2013 already.

    I didn't know you had a hot tub. Seriously, do you 'really' watch midget porn every Tuesday while soaking in the tub? How hot is the water when you are watching this shit? Did you get that idea from Bill too? I mean, it sure as hell doesn't sound like a Black thing.

    How tall is a midget anyway?

  74. PilotX responded when referring to Bill O., who said: "And that pisses you off. Yet you insist your not a democrat."

    Dun dun dun........is Bill really BiB? I mean same error in basic grammar? The plot thickens........

    Co-signing with PilotX here! It appears that the Rethuglicans continually dumbing down of their own electorate is coming home to roost.

  75. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Bill said...
    Black Sage said...
    My New Year resolution is that BIB (aka Black is Clueless) will finally exit the closet and announce that he is in fact a Rethuglican or Konservative, but too embarrassed to do so. And that Bill O. will quit pretending to be a Radical Republican looking out for the interests of contemporary slaves.

    Bill, "Very telling your resolutions involve other people."

    ROFL. Bill have some mercy on Black Sage. He's still a kid and hasn't found himself yet. But with your help, maybe he will 'find' himself in 2014? I mean, it sounds like he's crying out to you.

  76. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Dear Black Sage, I am still anxiously awaiting your New Year's Resolution. Thus far, you have only made resolutions for BIB and Bill. But what about 'yours'.

    Oh wait a minute! You have no resolutions for yourself because there is nothing to change...right? It's the other guys who are screwed up, Clueless and dumb...Now I get it. No wonder you call yourself Black Sage.

    Btw, your comments make your name an oxymoron.

  77. Black Sage said...
    Dun dun dun........is Bill really BiB? I mean same error in basic grammar? The plot thickens........

    Let me thin it out for you...

    Remember when I made the comment about your spelling errors?
    Remember how I pointed out PilotX was going to correct you?
    Remember when I replied to you and said you didn't get my point?

    I was having fun with PilotX.

    Sorry you didn't figure it out.

    If you had thought about it, you might have looked at my previous spellings in days past.
    Guess you didn't think of that either.

    dumbing down of their own electorate is coming home to roost.

    Tell me again why you think I'm BIB.

  78. KInda misquoted on that last one.

    But the point stands.

  79. I remember the old days when bush was president.

    Democrats hated his violating their rights.

    What happened to the democrats?

    A federal judge today upheld a President Barack Obama administration policy allowing authorities along the U.S. border to seize and search laptops, smartphones and other electronic devices for any reason.


    Bush is so jealous!

  80. I got it Bill, we're all not slow. I guess the humorous tone missed ya huh? Carry on.

  81. Btw, you find your error about MHP? Even a simpleton using wikipedia wouldn't have made such a rookie error. Guess YOUR used to being wrong. Ha!

  82. Anonymous4:00 PM

    PilotX is BIB!

    Naw, BIB obviously is capable of thinking for himself. PilotX couldn't even fake that.

  83. "PilotX is BIB!"
    Now why you wanna go and insult me like that? Your not very nice.

  84. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    I got it Bill, we're all not slow. I guess the humorous tone missed ya huh?

    Thus my error in quoting.

    Now Black Sage on the other hand.

  85. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Pilotx said... "Now why you wanna go and insult me like that? Your not very nice."

    Now look who is using the word YOUR in the wrong context. LOL You can't make this stuff up. And No I am not Bill.

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