Monday, December 16, 2013

Searching for Teleka, and Stephen A. Smith defends black conservatives.

I would like to start this post by bringing some attention to a missing young lady from Michigan.

"The parents of missing Kalamazoo medical resident Teleka Patrick issued a statement Saturday that shares both their grief and their hopes for finding their daughter.

Mattahais and Irene Patrick, of Florida, hope the statement touches a chord with someone who knows where their daughter may be. It was accompanied by a poster by the Indiana State Police, also asking for help in locating the young woman.

Teleka Patrick, originally from Queens, N.Y., is a first-year medical resident in psychiatry with the Western Michigan University School of Medicine who has been missing since Dec. 5. She was dropped off at her car – a gold 1997 Lexus ES300 – in the parking lot of Borgess Medical Center on Gull Road, according to the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office.
The car was found that night in a ditch off westbound I-94 near Portage, Ind. It was found by an Indiana State Police trooper who responded to a report of an unknown accident.

On Friday, Irene Patrick told Kalamazoo Gazette reporter Rex Hall Jr. that she last spoke with her daughter Nov. 28, although the two usually talk by phone every Sunday. She said Teleka spoke with her by telephone as she was driving back to Kalamazoo from a cousin’s house in Chicago, where she spent Thanksgiving.

The Patricks traveled to Kalamazoo earlier this week to comb the area for their daughter.

Investigators said earlier this week that police found nothing suspicious in Teleka’s car the night of Dec. 5 and they don’t suspect foul play in her disappearance. But that has not calmed her family's fears.
Following is the Patrick's statement:
It's been seven days, and we still can't find our daughter. Teleka Cassandra Patrick is our eldest and has always been the light of our lives. The dark unanswered questions: Where is she? Who is she with? Is she OK? Is she alive? The questions claw at us, tearing us to shreds. It takes all of our energy not to fall to the floor and scream our hearts out because it's cold outside and she is just a girl.

(She is) the sweetest, kindest and most hopeful girl you could ever meet, who was never too shy to show every single last one of her teeth when she smiled. Never too shy to help someone in need and never too shy to laugh out loud at her own sarcastic corny jokes (she thought she was hilarious). And oh, do we need to see her smile again." [Source] 

I hope that this story will have a happy ending and that the Patrick family will find their daughter.

Finally, I see that my boy Screaming Stephen A. Smith has jumped into the debate between Kobe and Jim Brown.

Jim Brown seems to think that Kobe is somewhat of a sellout because he doesn't see him as the type of Negro who would use his fame to advance a social or political cause like some iconic black athletes back in the day.

Kobe, of course, fired back. And he basically let it be known that just because he was not raised as an African American that does not mean that he does not understand the struggle they went through, or that he is any less black than Brown.

This is where Stephen Smith comes in to declare that Kobe is a victim of anti- conservative sentiments within the black community.  Frankly, it's a screed that was totally out of left field.

"On Friday, Stephen Smith told First Take co-host Skip Bayless that he spoke with Kobe before that tweet was sent, and that Bryant told him that this is “not a conversation that he’s running from. He welcomes the opportunity to have that conversation.”

Smith then used the Brown/Bryant flap to illustrate what he sees as a partisan political dynamic within the black community (transcript via TRS):
When it comes to the African-American community, you have a plethora of individuals. For example, the black population hasn’t given the Republican Party more than 15% of its vote since 1964. And anybody who is deemed a black conservative, I am not one of them — I’m a registered Independent, just to get that out of the way — but those that I know who are black conservatives are considered pariahs and are ostracized in our communities and it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. 
But this is how — this is a problem that exists within our community. Because you are from our community, everybody believes that everybody is supposed to be identical to one another and we can’t display or exercise any kind of versatility, alright, or range in our thinking. It’s a problem that we have to deal with. It’s an internal problem that exists and we’re going to have to handle it because if we don’t we’re gonna see more Jim Brown’s speaking out against more Kobe Bryant’s and we’re gonna see more Kobe Bryant’s retaliating against the likes of Jim Brown. [Source]
Why is this a problem that we have to deal with? Maybe conservatives should deal with their own problems when it comes to black folks.

When they do that, get back to me and we can talk. Until then, I would say that  15% of black folks giving them a vote is 15% too many.


  1. I hope all ends well with Teleka. Good conversation between JB and Kobe. Is stephen looking for a Fox show?

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Right away the news says that "the car was seen driving erratically on I94"

    They don't say who saw it, was it reported?

    She certainly sounds like a person who would call her parents if she had suffered an accident!

    Also that she tried to check into a hotel? and that the van driver gave her a lift to her car?

    They just throw these things out helter skelter with no corroboration. And now the hotel video system wasn't working???

    I'm remembering the case of Mitrice Richardson.

    I say give that van driver a polygraph test.

    My prayers and thoughts are with that family. OMG! They are going through parents worst nightmare :(

  3. Wesley R9:10 PM

    I've heard Stephen A (A for ass kisser) on KKKlannity's show and talk about how great Klannity is. So on the political front he should have a spot in the House Negro hall of fame.

    Our women are targets. There are crazy people out there looking for victims each and every day. And most of the stories are being ignored. Big up to you Field for putting a much needed spotlight on these incidents.

  4. I recognized the regalia immediately, my prayers are with this young Physician and her family.

    Good looking out Field we all know that lives of Black women aren't worth a damn in the US. Even if she's a Doc that could treat the stalking assnon.

  5. Negro b.s. detector9:35 PM

    really wesley? you listen to hannity? what radio station was he on?

    stephen a. admits there is a plantation-and fields sees no problem with it.

    15% of negroes off the plantation is too many fields.
    i could see how you would have issues with that.

  6. Dr. Wang Chung9:53 PM

    i remember a time when my granddaddy told me a black woman was worth two in a bush.

    sad times in obama's amerikkka...

  7. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I pray Teleka is found and she will be safe and healthy.

  8. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Field,"... Until then, I would say that 15% of black folks giving them a vote is 15% too many."

    No, 15% is NOT enough. What is needed is a revolutionary political way of thinking and seeing. There just aren't enough Blacks in the GOP to matter in the black community.

    Field is a good example of Dem-status quo thinking and keeping everything the same old Dumbocratic way for Blacks. It doesn't take a Black genius to see, and experience that we have been taken for a long long time by the Democratic Party and Black supporters like Field, Obama, PilotX, Rev Sharpton, CBC, and a host of others who don't give a damn about the condition of our race.

    More Black Conservatives 'add' to possibilities of change for the better. Black Democrats have proved that they are unworthy of our votes and trust. So I say, "MORE BLACK CONSERVATIVES, PLEASE."

  9. Anonymous10:17 PM

    It will be interesting to hear what Bill has to say about the missing black student. I happen to know that black psychiatrists are conservative. That's because it's impossible to be Black, liberal and be a good psychiatrist. They are mutually exclusive. You can't be both.

    However, if you are a black conservative, you have the potential of being an excellent Psychiatrist.:)

  10. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Dear Mr Field and FN fans, here is a short video re: the history of Santa and a great discussion between O'Reilly and Juan Williams re:Jesus.

  11. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Brother Field, Bishop Harry Jackson is a man of the cloth and does not deserve to be called a HN in your sidebar. He is NOT a HN...repeat, he is NOT a HN.

    The good Bishop DID NOT tell Megyn that it was alright to be a racist and you know it. Why do you LIE on innocent people and most of all a BISHOP?

    You have to be rotten to the core to do that. You are second only to Desert when it comes to desecrating the Sacred.

  12. But those that I know who are black conservatives are considered pariahs and are ostracized in our communities and it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. – Stephen Smith

    First and foremost, I’d like to say that I like Stephen’s sports analysis and hate his political analysis. Damn, Stephen is such an appropriate and snap-fit name for this topic. But I digress. Conservatives are considered pariahs and are therefore ostracized by blacks for good reason. I’m not saying that the Dems are that much better, but certainly they aren’t looked upon as pariahs either. Neither one of these parties are looking out for blacks. It’s just that the Rethugs are more boisterous and tyrannical in their political leanings towards blacks.

    The Rethugs are responsible for the assault upon this country’s Voting Rights ACT. The upholding of an unbalanced federal sentencing laws regarding crack and cocaine. Even now, it’s still unfair even with the Obomber’s administrative efforts. The Rethugs have a Minority Outreach Program that’s currently registering flatline. The Rethugs don’t have a healthcare plan but instead, they present political vitriol targeting Obamacare and they are also against Affirmative Action and refuse to extend unemployment insurance benefits to families in need.

    I’ll stop here because I’m running out of space. Now, I hope you CLEARLY get my point Stephen because these are certainly good enough reasons why blacks generally don’t vote for the Rethuglican party. Perhaps Stephen and Kobe truly don’t understand the black struggle in this country now or from past decades.

    Besides, blacks should’ve learned by now that we need to honor our votes as something sacred and wield the power it beholds more carefully. If either one of these parties fail to give you a voice, you also have a choice of what you could do with your vote as well.


  13. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Black Sage, "Besides, blacks should’ve learned by now that we need to honor our votes as something sacred and wield the power it beholds more carefully."

    Sacred? You use the word "sacred" on FN? Get real. FN Negroes don't believe in the Sacred. You got that hussie out in PR trying to degrade FP. Then you got Field who claims to be agnostic but is clearly atheist.

    There are so many atheists on FN you might as well call it "Satan's Lair". There's nobody hearing the voice of God, that's for sure. That's because you got folks like Purple Cow and DF tearing at anybody who has hope and faith in the Transcendent. I guess since we are so advanced and living in post-racial America as defined by the wm, we Negroes don't need God or religion anymore.

    Yeah, there is a big search by the police for Teleka and the Liberal Dem media is all over this because in post-racial the media goes all out to let everybody know when a bw, or bf goes missing.... Right ...

    Black Sage you can give all the reasons you want to discourage Blacks from becoming Conservative. But that same old bullshit just doesn't cut it anymore. We need MORE black Conservatives and LESS black liberal Dems simply because they do NOTHING for our race.

    IMO, they are worse because they are smiling while they are stabbing us in our backs and blaming it on the Republicans. Any fool can see that. EXcept you and Field.

  14. Ha! Great more white folks telling us we need to join the, what did Bobby Jindel call it, party. Any party that contains the like of Sarah Palin, Louis Gomert, Michele Bachmann and the like should go the way of thw Whigs, who are making a comback in Philly I hear. They need us to help them fight the war on Christmas or something? We need more blah folks in the Green Party!

  15. Anon @12:49, you continually post mumbo-jumbo, incoherent rubbish. Please begin to make some sense, ... whew!

    When are you going to post something that highlights why blacks should vote for the Rethuglicans? You certainly know how to make a fool of yourself!

  16. Sage, there is no logical reason blah folks should vote for the gop. How can a party dominated by southern white males have ANYTHING incommon with us?

  17. Exactly.

    "Vote for the people that hate you even more than the other guys" is not an election line that's going to do the Repugs very well.

  18. Wingnuts want Negroes to leave the democratic plantation for theirs.

    I understand not wanting to let one group take our vote for granted, which is why we should not ease up on the dems when they go against our interest. ( Which, by the way, they invariably always do.) But we can't just jump out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  19. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Jim Brown, who threw two women over a balcony (allegedly) about 40 years ago, is in NO position to question Kobe Bryant about ANYTHING.

    Kobe Bryant does not owe black people anything. The only people Kobe owes anything to are his wife and children.

    However Kobe chooses to "identify" is HIS business and no one else's.

  20. Anonymous6:53 AM

    The Purple Cow said...


    "Vote for the people that hate you even more than the other guys" is not an election line that's going to do the Repugs very well.

    Weren't you the chump who claimed FOX was on it's way out and were stupid enough to think no one else read the ridiculously lame article in media matters claiming they won something?

    Well - Fox News finished 2013 with more viewers than CNN + MSNBC + HLN Combined.

    But MSNBC does have dumb fraudulent Negroes like you.

  21. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Wingnuts want Negroes to leave the democratic plantation for theirs.

    I understand not wanting to let one group take our vote for granted, which is why we should not ease up on the dems when they go against our interest. ( Which, by the way, they invariably always do.) But we can't just jump out of the frying pan and into the fire.

    Not anymore. I think you are right where you belong. In the land of lies and fantasy, you can't handle adulthood and reality. You belong with the lie and pandering party, they have done a great job for black people since 1964 - haven't they. LOL. It isn't about results, it's about bullshit.

    Stay right where you are. You are at home, homey.

  22. Buffoon at 12:49, pardon me, .... I meant to say Anon at 12:49. I'm still waiting for you to provide reasons as to why blacks should vote for the Rethuglicans? Hello,.. hello,... are you still there? I'm getting tired of ringing your door bell.

    Damnit, that always happens when a Rethug is given the opportunity to explain themselves. CRICKETS!

  23. Co-signing with PilotX, blacks should at least give the Green Party a chance. It's the only party that specifically addresses some long term historical issues affecting us.

  24. "Weren't you the chump who claimed FOX was on it's way out"


    "Well - Fox News finished 2013 with more viewers than CNN + MSNBC + HLN Combined. "

    O.K. I see I am going to have to pitch my arguments at a lower intellectual level so that you might understand.

    1. Their viewership compared to other cable news companies is completely irrelevant. Only 2.2 million people a day watch FoxNews out of a population of 317 million. So almost exactly 315 million Americans do not watch Fox. Or put it another way, for every one single American who watches FoxNews 157 do not.

    2. Those 2.2 million that do ALREADY VOTE REPUBLICAN, so they are simply having their views/prejudices confirmed. No new voters for the Repugs here.

    3. Nielsen show the average age of FoxNews viewers to be '65+' - they don't have separate age categories for viewers over 65. So this demographic isn't going to be around for much longer.

    4. As Nate Silver has demonstrated, the demographics have changed, you can no longer win a Presidential election with angry old white people alone. Winners need to construct a 'rainbow nation' of voters, white, black, asian, latino, gay. None of those groups are attracted to Fox.

    5. Traditional media no longer defines the message, new media does. Dems have been consistently better at that than the Repugs.

  25. Negro b.s. detector10:22 AM

    "I'm still waiting for you to provide reasons as to why blacks should vote for the Rethuglicans?"

    Detroit.Camden.Oakland. Crime. Poverty. Corruption. Fatherless children. All brought to you courtesy of the democrat party.

    Where do you want to start?

  26. Black Sage said...
    The upholding of an unbalanced federal sentencing laws regarding crack and cocaine.

    You mean the joe biden law?
    (Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986)

    Did you know joe biden is a democrat? One of those democrats that saw Obama as the first clean bright articulate African Americans.

    But keep pushing the democrat talking point that it is right-wingers making these laws.

  27. Black Sage said...
    The Rethugs don’t have a healthcare plan but instead

    More ignorant democrat talking points.

    Tonight, President Obama reminded Americans that Romneycare was the model for Obamacare

    Romneycare, named after republican mitt romney.

    Obamacare modeled after the republican healthcare YOU insist doesn't exists. BATSHIT CRAZY!!

  28. Black Sage said...
    The Rethugs don’t have a healthcare plan but instead

    A reminder...

    in fact it’s a Republican idea and Governor Romney at the beginning...

    Obama even says it was a republican idea.

    You say there is no rethug healthcare plan.

    Which one of you is lying?

  29. "You mean the joe biden law? (Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986)"

    It was everybody's law.

    Only 16 representatives voted against it -all sixteen were Democrats. Signed into law by Ronnie Reagan

  30. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    You are second only to Desert when it comes to desecrating the Sacred.
    11:21 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You got that hussie out in PR
    12:49 AM

    First of all, the correct spelling is 'hussy' and the dictionary has 2 definitions:
    1. A lewd and brazen woman.
    2. A saucy and mischievous girl.
    The antiquated version was that any woman that lived alone was a 'hussy'.
    So which is it? I pick number 2.

    And secondly, I have never desecrated anything sacred, simply because what sacred has been commented on here? ;*p

    Surely you're not calling the charlatan, alleged,(according to him:) Favorite Prophet of GOD "sacred"???

  31. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Field, "I understand not wanting to let one group take our vote for granted, which is why we should not ease up on the dems when they go against our interest. ( Which, by the way, they invariably always do.) But we can't just jump out of the frying pan and into the fire."

    4:57 AM
    NOT ease up on the Democrats? Are you kidding? The Dems have NEVER felt pressure from Blacks. Everyone knows the Democratic Party can take Blacks for granted and do NOTHING for them, because they 'always' vote Dem.

    And Black Sage has the nerve to talk about our votes are sacred? BULLSHIT. Our votes are given automatically to the Democrats, which 'why' we are taken for granted.

    Now some of you have the nerve to call Blacks who are Republicans "fools" while you continue to vote for a party that CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about us....OBAMA has proven that.

    So you want to call me a fool? Yes. You have me pegged right. Now that we got that out of the way, maybe you ought to look at your political stupidity in remaining on a plantation where they stick it to you nine ways. Of course, you lack the courage to look at yourselves in the mirror. And you have the nerve to think of yourselves a wise sages? GTFOH.

  32. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Blogger Black Sage said...
    Buffoon at 12:49, pardon me, .... I meant to say Anon at 12:49. I'm still waiting for you to provide reasons as to why blacks should vote for the Rethuglicans? Hello,.. hello,... are you still there? I'm getting tired of ringing your door bell.

    You should be asking yourself why you continue to waste your "sacred" vote on Democrats. There are many good reasons to join the GOP. It gives Blacks another "option", gives us political power, and puts the Democrats on "notice" have the Dems STOP taking us for granted as shown every day by BO....that alone is worth it.

    BS, it's too bad you aren't wise enough to see what the Dems are doing to us.

    So I'd like to know how a vote can be "sacred" when it's a give away every election to the Democrats?

  33. Anonymous11:22 AM

    PC, "O.K. I see I am going to have to pitch my arguments at a lower intellectual level so that you might understand."

    How can a moron be intellectual? It's impossible. So stop pretending you can pitch an argument at an intellectual aren't that bright.

  34. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Desert, "First of all, the correct spelling is 'hussy'...."

    FYI: Definition of a 'hussie', from Urban Dictionary:

    "1. hussie, hussy

    Slut, bitch, whore etc.
    was derived by the german phrase "huss frau", meaning house wife. the negative connotations associated with the term transpired into its modern usage."

  35. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    FYI: Definition of a 'hussie', from Urban Dictionary:
    "1. hussie, hussy
    Slut, bitch, whore etc.
    was derived by the german phrase "huss frau", meaning house wife. the negative connotations associated with the term transpired into its modern usage."
    11:30 AM
    Okaaaaay! :)

    Those Gottdam Germans!!! Turning a perfectly innocent word into a slur!!!

    I knew it had to be an Anglo thing! ;*p

  36. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Just wanted to add, fore I forgits!
    You see how you Anglos are sooo,sooooo bad!

    Ruining perfectly good words like that! Forever and ever.

    I don't think the Three Kings are bringing you presents this year, nooooo!

    'Cos "he knows when you are naughty, he knows when you are nice. He knows if you are good or bad, so be good for goodness sake!;) Like meeeeee!

  37. Anonymous12:24 PM

    "When they do that, get back to me and we can talk. Until then, I would say that 15% of black folks giving them a vote is 15% too many."

    Yeah, it's kinda like Blacks giving their "sacred" votes to the "sacred Democrats". IT'S WAAAAY TOO MANY.

  38. Anonymous12:35 PM

    "Why is this a problem that we have to deal with? Maybe conservatives should deal with their own problems when it comes to black folks."

    It really is an unsolvable problem when you think of how confused and splintered we are when it comes to being Black. We are truly a lost race in the wilderness. From that angle, there is nothing to deal with.

    Blacks no longer have anything in common. Obama proved that. So it's everyone for themselves. But hasn't that always been the case? If you have money, you're ok. If you have white friends who support you, you are ok. But if you have neither, you are probably screwed because you are powerless. And there are no black folks who will fight for you as a human being. There never has been except maybe MLK and Malcolm X. But they were a freak moment in time.

  39. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Mcdonald's sells way more meat than Ruth Chris, does that mean that their food is better?

    Just call FOX the MickyD's of cable news.


  40. First off ... I dislike Stephen A....
    With that being said Stephen is right ....

    but the context in which he spoke was incorrect...

    Cause Jim Brown wasn't talking about Black Conservatives....

    Field LOVES to promote the idea that every Black Conservative is a Uncle Tom GOP member which is just not the case.

    The main problem with people like Field is he REFUSES to even contemplate a political party other than the political party his parents gave to him as most of us were...

    Black conservatives are Free Thinkers .....first of all...

    and they don't necessarily ALL subscribe to GOP political thinking....

    You can see it all over this blog.. Whenever I make a comment about O-Bomber ...Im automatically called "White" Republican" etc etc...

    We need more Black Conservatives....and more people that can THINK past just having a Black Faces in High Places....

  41. One more thing....

    Obamabots often ask me.... "Why are you so hard on this President?"

    as the 1st Black President his action or inactions should be scrutinized even more so than prior Presidents. Because he is "SUPPOSEDLY" one of us..

    Instead of being SOFT on him or making excuses...

    My criticisms will remain until hes outta office...

    I Hold him to a higher standard than the other presidents before him. ..

  42. BIB, I agree with most of your criticisms of the President. And part of the reason I didn't vote for him the first time was that I was under NO illusion that he would EVER be in a position to do more for "us". But your expectation that he would help "us" is at best naive, and worst just plain ridiculous.

    First off, he isn't "us" he's "them" meaning that Africans as NOT Black Americans. Many Africans I know have NO allegiance what so ever with Black Americans but are the first to want/expect affirmative action "handouts" which I don't think they are entitled to. AT ALL!!!

    Second, he was raised by a White family and likely only through his community service work, gained an understanding to what it's like to be Black in America.

    Third, rich powerful White folks do NOT want to "play" with Black folks, even half-White ones. And this is never going to change. EVER.

  43. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Purple Cow said...

    "O.K. I see I am going to have to pitch my arguments at a lower intellectual level so that you might understand"

    Absolutely hilarious given your false allegations and obviously very low IQ, let's proceed.

    ".1. Their viewership compared to other cable news companies is completely irrelevant. Only 2.2 million people a day watch FoxNews out of a population of 317 million. So almost exactly 315 million Americans do not watch Fox. Or put it another way, for every one single American who watches FoxNews 157 do not."

    You have immediately lost your argument with -irrelevancies- not to mention funny math.

    Obviously there is only an average number of Americans who choose to watch news. Of those, resoundingly few choose the loony tune networks that believe as you do. Counting babies and such serves as such a highlight of your lack of critical thinking skills, it's hilarious. Surely you didn't think the measurement was that every single American alive from ages 1 day to death were to be measured. And that they watch nightly news therefore the majority chose not to watch FOX.

    So with that little bit out of the way, how even if you were right which we have just proven you are just incapable of thinking, do you think your wish of FOX being on the way out is supported by it's rival networks having less than 1/3 of it's total viewers and diving combined? It doesn't.

    2. Those 2.2 million that do ALREADY VOTE REPUBLICAN, so they are simply having their views/prejudices confirmed. No new voters for the Repugs here.

    More unfounded nonsense. Independents and Democrats alike watch FOX. Moonbat crazies like you included. It is again indicative of a low IQ to assume every viewer is a republican and must be prejudiced because of your inability to hear the mantras you wish to hear on FOX. How simplified are your views? Despite your infantile hate and aversion for your betters, not everyone wishes to be ignorant and watch silly mindless shows that blame racism for every breath they take. Or has intellects of your caliber like Rev Al Sharpton.

    3. Nielsen show the average age of FoxNews viewers to be '65+' - they don't have separate age categories for viewers over 65. So this demographic isn't going to be around for much longer.

    More Nonsense. You really are a fraud.

    Fox beats ALL other networks in relation to younger viewers ages 25-54. In fact Fox beats all these stations combined in all age groups and categories. And the second age group category is 35-64. So this no doubt lame attempt to paint the failing liberal networks as younger and more inexperienced has failed terribly.

    Your spouting easily recognized old Anita Dunn talking points highlights who democrats are, uninformed low IQ arrogant fools who might even know better but just try and fool everyone.

    I don't think you know better. You don't have basic critical thinking skills and have loopy logic.

  44. Anonymous1:51 PM

    BIB, I agree with you 100%.

    "First off ... I dislike Stephen A....
    With that being said Stephen is right ....

    but the context in which he spoke was incorrect...

    Cause Jim Brown wasn't talking about Black Conservatives...."

    You are so right about this. Thanks for speaking up on FN. You know, to be a free thinker like you, Field and Black Sage and PilotX will call you a bunch of white Repubs and a bunch of uncle toms. But I like the way you let roll off of you.

    "The main problem with people like Field is he REFUSES to even contemplate a political party other than the political party his parents gave to him as most of us were..."

    This is the absolute truth about Field. However, FN blog is full of folks who think 'exactly' like him:CLOSE-MINDED.

  45. Hold on... You didn't vote for him in 08..but you did in 2012? LOL

    That's some weird stuff right there..LOL however to each his own...

    I Woulda thought that would be the other way around....

    Which brings me to the last part of your statement..

    "Third, rich powerful White folks do NOT want to "play" with Black folks, even half-White ones. And this is never going to change. EVER."

    I hope your last statement wasn't a call for more Lock Step Democratic voting.... That's definitely one of the problems now...

  46. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Dr Nuwang, "First off, he isn't "us" he's "them" meaning that Africans as NOT Black Americans. Many Africans I know have NO allegiance what so ever with Black Americans but are the first to want/expect affirmative action "handouts" which I don't think they are entitled to. AT ALL!!!"

    It gives me great pleasure to agree with you after all these years. Yes, Obama is NOT one of us. But have you noticed both AAs and Whites have tried to make him an AA? I mean, the entire AA race have been making excuses for his screw ups and supporting him with a death grip as if he really identified with us, and shown that he cares about us. No he doesn't and neither do most Africans=nonAA's.

    I have lost count of the Africans I know that don't identify with the black cause in America. They think about us the way Whites think about us. Have you noticed that they don't hang around us, that is, they keep to themselves?

    Back to BO, the majority of FN Negroes make favorable comments about the O man, which means they are constantly making excuses for him...Field, Granny, PilotX, PC, anons, etc.

    Never before in the history of USA Presidents have we had it so bad than today.

  47. "I hope your last statement wasn't a call for more Lock Step Democratic voting.... That's definitely one of the problems now..."

    Not really, a huge problem is idiotic Republicans whose only goal is the destruction of government and installation of their ideology which is insane but since you are stomping for them you don't seem to recognize this. You should run for head of theh RNC, oh that's right, you're supposed to be a blah person and they can't have that.

  48. Anon at 11:00am, you're so darn amusing. Simply because I despise the politics of the Rethuglicans more so than the Dems doesn't necessarily make me a Democrat. Obviously, you failed to comprehend my simple post. You assumed on your own volition that I'm a member of the Democratic party which is total nonsense. Reread my original post.

    Once again, both parties have abused the black electorates' vote. However, the Rethugs have been overwhelmingly more thuggish and CLEARLY more anti black!

    I highly encourage you to visit the Green Party's website, you may learn something.

  49. PART ONE

    Quotes: Cletus The Slack-Jawed Yokel

    “Obviously there is only an average number of Americans who choose to watch news.”

    Err what???


    ”Of those, resoundingly few choose the loony tune networks that believe as you do.”

    There is not one American network that believes as I do.

    But think about this Cletus. A TOTAL of 2.2 million viewers watch FoxNews in any given day. Meanwhile, 9.29 million watch NBC news, 8.286 million watch ABC news and 7.364 million watch CBS news. FoxNews is small potatoes.


    ”Counting babies and such serves as such a highlight of your lack of critical thinking skills, it's hilarious. Surely you didn't think the measurement was that every single American alive from ages 1 day to death were to be measured.”

    No I was trying to point out the irrelevance of FoxNews in a language your small brain might understand. For every one FoxNews viewer (not all of whom are voters) there are 157 non-foxnews viewers (many of whom are voters.) Do you get it yet?

    ”…do you think your wish of FOX being on the way out is supported by it's rival networks having less than 1/3 of it's total viewers and diving combined? It doesn't.”

    Other cable news ratings are irrelevant, as I have said at least twice before. Fox is a tiny part of the old media, new media is now and will continue to be the largest source of news and political information for the American people.

    [Source:^ Lee, C.-p., Chang, K. and Berry, F. S. (2011), Testing the Development and Diffusion of E-Government and E-Democracy: A Global Perspective. Public Administration Review, 71: 444–454.]

  50. "Black conservatives are Free Thinkers .....first of all..."

    Insert laugh track here. Blah conservatives tend to fall into one of two groups, the highly religious (the least free thinking group to grace God's green earth Ha! irony intended) and opportunists who see a reward in validating conservative views of blah folks.

    "You can see it all over this blog.. Whenever I make a comment about O-Bomber ...Im automatically called "White" Republican" etc etc..."

    Not the reason we know you are not a blah person kid.

    "We need more Black Conservatives....and more people that can THINK past just having a Black Faces in High Places...."

    No we don't, conservatives tend to be black and white thinkers who cannot comprehend abstract thought. Kinda like a guy who pretends to be a brotha and can't comprehend how real blah folks know he's not. Yeah, Palin is such a thinking woman. Ha!

    Field, is this guy serious?

  51. "Simply because I despise the politics of the Rethuglicans more so than the Dems doesn't necessarily make me a Democrat."

    Sage, you proved my point. Conservatives tend to be binary thinkers, they don't seem to have much ability to think abstractly which is a problem when dealing with real world problems.

    So Bib, you were previous;y campainging for single payer healthcare but now you're championing the benefits of conservatism? Interesting.

  52. PART TWO

    More Quotes from Cletus

    ”More unfounded nonsense. Independents and Democrats alike watch FOX. Moonbat crazies like you included.”

    79% of FoxNews viewers describe themselves as Conservative, 17% as independent and just 2% as Liberal

    (source: Gallop poll 2013)

    “It is again indicative of a low IQ to assume every viewer is a republican and must be prejudiced because of your inability to hear the mantras you wish to hear on FOX. How simplified are your views? “

    I’ve just proved that you are talking out of your morbidly obese wobbly white ass, using the very words of FoxNews viewers themselves. Remind me again who has the low I.Q.??

    ”Fox beats ALL other networks in relation to younger viewers ages 25-54.”

    Nonsense, NBC and ABC have more viewers in that category alone than Fox has in total viewership. In the same Gallop poll 66% of Fox viewers self-reported that they are aged over 50.


    ”Your spouting easily recognized old Anita Dunn talking points highlights who democrats are, uninformed low IQ arrogant fools who might even know better but just try and fool everyone.”

    No idea who Anita Dunne is but there’s only one person here demonstrating a low IQ ad lack of critical thinking and it ain’t me, babe.

    Now instead of wasting your time here playing with the big boys, why don’t you run outside and ‘plough the lower 40’ or what ever you hillbillies do out in Bumfuck Idaho.

  53. "So Bib, you were previous;y campainging for single payer healthcare but now you're championing the benefits of conservatism? Interesting.

    Sorry Pathetic Pilot...

    Its O-Bomber that left Single Payer at the table..

    Real progressives NEVER stopped asking for it...

    I champion the benefits of being a FREE Thinker...

    Something you cant understand..

    Just the fact that you mentioned "Palin" in a post about Black Conservatives shows you cant handle political discussion...

    You posted 3 times about me being White...

    Who are you trying to convince..??


    Pathetic as always ...carry on

  54. "Its O-Bomber that left Single Payer at the table.."

    Really? No one else huh?

    "I champion the benefits of being a FREE Thinker..."

    Nope, as soon as you mentioned conservatism you tipped your hat. Conservatives are not free thinkers.

    "You posted 3 times about me being White..."

    I think I've posted way more than 3 times.

    Thing is son you have several real Black progressives here but they seem to have to absorb your attacks while conservatives get off scott free. You seem to be confused politically. Carry on.

    BTW, Obamacare is a pathway to singlepayer if you follow closely.

  55. "Detroit.Camden.Oakland. Crime. Poverty. Corruption. Fatherless children. All brought to you courtesy of the democrat party."

    Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, fatherless children, toothless adults, illiteracy, crime, Sarah Palin all brought to you by the repubs.

  56. "Just the fact that you mentioned "Palin" in a post about Black Conservatives shows you cant handle political discussion..."

    Well son the discussion morphed into blah folks in the Republican Party and guess which party nominated that bimbo for the VP position? My point is no thinking person of any color needs to be associated with such a party. My guess is many of my points just go over your head. I guess I could talk about Black Repubs but I would have to change that to THE Black Repub. We are very bright as a people and know bull shit when we see it, therefore we aren't conservatives or Republicans. Has nothing to do with freethinking or brainwashing but common sense. Why would we want to associate ourselves with a group that thinks confederate history month and the flying of confederate flags is ok? Another reason we know you're white, we wouldn't have to explain such things to you if you weren't a white guy pretending to be Black. I know you think we're dumb, most white conservatives do, but if any group of people understand the power and influence of politics and how it affects us it's blah folks. Oh, and women too which is why they avoid the GOP in droves also.


  58. Sageman signing as Honkey b.s. Detector.

    When I asked for some reasons as to why blacks should vote fotvthe Rethuglicans, b.s. Detector said: "camden, Detroit, Oakland, Crime and corruption."

    You're another funny fella. Perhaps you misunderstood my elementary question. Reread my original post to absolve any personal migivings about what you are supposed to be providing me with!

  59. . "Reread my original post to absolve any personal migivings about what you are supposed to be providing me with!"

    Good luck with that one. These are the folks who think there's a war on X-mas.

  60. LOL and co-signing with PilotX at 3:19!

  61. Stupid Shit Pilot says...

    "Well son the discussion morphed into blah folks in the Republican Party"

    No Pathetic Pilot.. that's what STEPHEN A, & STEPHEN Field wants you to believe....

    Why would "we" want to associate ourselves with a group that thinks confederate history month and the flying of confederate flags is ok?

    Sorry Pathetic Pilot...

    As I've said COUNTLESS times before...

    Im not a Republican ...

    So that statement ...means NOTHING to me...

    Your still conflating conservatism with the Republican party....

    The idea of conservatism and being a Republican are not married to another...

    Your so wrapped up into this W.W.E. Reps Vs Dems you cant see the forest for the Trees...

    Not once have you seen me advocate for the Republican party....but for some reason....

    Its the only THING you know how to "Rally" against

    Heres a clue...

    Conservatism does NOT mean Republican...

    Black People can be conservatives...

    WITHOUT claiming the Republican party....

    and you want to call me politically Confused...

    you really need some help....

  62. Ok Mr. Political genius define conservatism for me and then let's proceed with discussion AFTER you finally learn to properly use the word YOUR. Jesus, you say I need help but yet YOU'RE still using worse grammar than a 2nd grader. YOU'RE not being a good example of intelligent debate. Please let this be the last time I have to help you with elementary English.

  63. Ohhh thanks Pathetic Professor Pilot...

    Now... I cant rest easy knowing that my grammar has been corrected on a Blog comment page.....

    Pathetic Pilot Why don't YOU define Conservatism...

    Since you've taken the position that it HAS to be associated with the Republican Party...

  64. "Conservatism does NOT mean Republican..."

    No sir, you made this statement thus you seem to be more educated about the differences between the gop and conservatism. I don't conflate the two because it is too easy to wiggle out of responsibility. For example, there are many that say GWB wasn't a real conservative. To me the lable is abstract and each person's definition can be different. Party identification is more concrete and I can point to specific policy stances and votes thus I use that as evidence of ideology.
    I am interested in you defining what conservatism is since you seem to be the one hung up on it. Nice try to deflect though but this ain't my first political discussion son.

  65. "Ohhh thanks Pathetic Professor Pilot..."

    don't thank me just use the word correctly, it makes you look bad to not be able to understand 2nd grade grammar. Just say'n.

    Hold on... You didn't vote for him in 08..but you did in 2012? LOL

    Romney over Prez Obama in 2012? REALLY???

    Dude, you REALLY need to put the crack pipe down. Are you saying you voted for Romeny?

    What an idiotic waste of a vote!

  67. Anonymous said...
    Have you noticed that they don't hang around us, that is, they keep to themselves?
    See it ALL the time and personally, I no longer give a $hit. I've got plenty of comradery with my White and Asian classmates/colleagues, so they can feel free to kiss my genotypically not an African a$$.

    And while I'm on the subject of genotype, the research I do is for "us", Black Americans with our PROUD heterogeneous genetic selves!!!

  68. "My point is no thinking person of any color needs to be associated with such a party."

    I was thinking the exact same thing.

    "Obamabots often ask me.... "Why are you so hard on this President?"

    as the 1st Black President his action or inactions should be scrutinized even more so than prior Presidents. Because he is "SUPPOSEDLY" one of us.. "

    That might be the single dumbest thing ever posted on the net.

    Why should a black president have to be scrutinized more than other presidents?

    It's people like you who cause black folks to always feel like they have to be twice as good to be recognized as equals.

    Why would you old this president to higher standards than the ones who preceded him? He is a politician; no better no less than the ones who came before him. I hope you weren't one of these clueless Negroes who thought that he (Obama) was going to change your life by giving you milk and honey every day.

  69. Dr. Nuwang says...

    "Romney over Prez Obama in 2012? REALLY???

    Still stuck in the Red vs Paradigm... I see

    No sir Romney wasnt my option...
    There were other candidates running ...

    They just weren't offered up to the masses as actual choices...

    There really wasnt a choice...

    Corporate Robot #1 vs
    Corporate Robot #2

    Same for 2008....

    Its the illusion of choice you think you played a part in....

    I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012....

    Your crack must be REALLY STRONG ;because you seem to believe you voted for a different choice but you actually voted for the same thing...

    1. I'm VERY clear that there are only slight differences between the two political parties. But as my grandmother used to say, better a devil you know than one you don't.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. STEPHEN says "Why would you old this president to higher standards than the ones who preceded him?"

    The REAL question is Why should THIS President get a pass on staying to progressive principals...??

    Just because Republicans dont like Obama you encourage others to play into the meme that O-bomber just cant get things done because the EVIL Republicans dont like him...

    Absolutely pathetic...and you cant convince People with sense.... That its the correct thing to do... No matter how many times you call me White or a Republican...

  72. When a black baby is born, the baby will have Democrats to thank for the absence of his/her father.

    When the black baby grows up and starts school, the school lacks heating/ac, doesn't have enough books to go around, employees barely literate teachers, the black child can thank Democrats.

    The first time this black child gets a beat down for not joining a gang, he/she can thank Democrats for that.

    When this child becomes a teen, he/she starts using drugs and joining a gang, you can thank Democrats for that.

    When your child is killed over a gang beef, you can thank Democrats for that.

    As you grow older and your sorrow starts to kill you, remember to thank Democrats.

    When you can't leave your house/apartment after 6 pm, you have to board up your windows, you have bullet holes in your house, you can thank Democrats for that.

    When you get robbed on your way to work, and you are to scared to call 9-11, you can thank Democrats for that.

    If you do call 9-11, and it takes the police two hours to get to you, remember to thank democrats.

    When you are having a heart attack, you die because it took a ambulance a hour to get to you, spend your last moments remembering you voted democrat your whole life.

    The question isn't "why would blahs vote Republican?" the question should be "why the hell do blahs vote Democrat?".

  73. Dr. NuWang said" But as my grandmother used to say, better a devil you know than one you don't."

    How about No More DEVILS...???
    Lets try that one on for size....

    "Lessor of the two Evils "is a weak excuse for NOT doing the right thing..

  74. "Your crack must be REALLY STRONG ;because you seem to believe you voted for a different choice but you actually voted for the same thing..."

    Not so, if you really take politics seriously you have politicians who vote for your interests and those who don't. I have every specific issues being an airline pilot and blah man. I call and visit my congressman often to get a gist of his ideas about my concerns. My congressman is Danny Davis and he is onboard with 90% plus of my issues so why would I even think about voting Republican when that party/candidate has about a 30% agreement with my issues? That would be silly. When Barack was my senator he was on board with the issues I was concerned about and he represented me well. There are real differences between the parties and it would be foolish to think not. The harm the Republicans want to do to the U.S. airline industry is immesurable. The answer from the Bush administration as to what I should do when I lose my well paying job was go back to a community college and retrain for a new career while the Dems fought tooth and nail to keep our jobs here. I can get more specific if you want but in reality Romney is of the same ilk. The Bule Skies agreements to give away American airline jobs is a Republican priority and if they eevr get the WH, senate and House it's a done deal and you will see the airlines industry go the way of the U.S. maritime industry. I say this as a member of my union's legislative committee who visits legislators and sees what really goes on in D.C. If you want to be general and just say the Dems and Repubs are the same thing that's fine but I literaly can't afford to be so niave.

  75. The question isn't "why would blahs vote Republican?" the question should be "why the hell do blahs vote Democrat?".

    Because the Republican Party is full of fools who think Democrats actually cause fatherless children.

    Republicans oppose birth control which decreases unwanted pregnancies, many do so because of their insane religious beliefs. Republicans oppose a woman's right to choose which also decreases unwanted pregnancies, for the same insane religious reasons. I can go on and on but we get the point.

  76. "When the black baby grows up and starts school, the school lacks heating/ac, doesn't have enough books to go around, employees barely literate teachers, the black child can thank Democrats."

    Nah, Republicans hate public education and have been out to destroy it for years. This is also not true in West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina where repubs run the statehouses and are near the bottom of damn near every educational metric. Republicans hate education unless they're talking about creationism and putting Jeezus into the science books. Nice try though.

  77. Democrats support the government replacing the black father.

    Democrats bankrupt Detroit.

    Democrats destroyed the inner cities.

    Democrats destroyed the education system.

    Since the election of Obama? Poverty rates up, homeless rates up. Black unemployment up. Income and wages are down.

    So tell me why blahs vote 90% democrat? Then bitch because Republicans don't do much to reach out to you.

    Stephen Smith should be applauded for calling blahs out for their plantation thinking.

    If blahs were more independent thinkers, they would have more political clout.

  78. "This is also not true in West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina where repubs run the statehouses and are near the bottom of damn near every educational metric. Republicans hate education unless they're talking about creationism and putting Jeezus into the science books. Nice try though."

    Pass the offering plate. Boy u preachin.

  79. "Democrats support the government replacing the black father"

    Show me exactly where that is in the Democratic platform.

    "Democrats bankrupt Detroit."

    Not really, the outsourcing of jobs overseas and to "right to work for less" states decimated the auto industry that the Dems are trying to save did that.

    "Democrats destroyed the education system."

    Show me how they did this. In my opinion the Repubs are trying to destroy [ublic education and insert religion into the curricula, look at Texas and Louisiana as the examples.

    "Since the election of Obama? Poverty rates up, homeless rates up. Black unemployment up. Income and wages are down."

    Because repubs oppose any and every opportunity to improve the economy because they can't allow Barack a win on anything.

    "So tell me why blahs vote 90% democrat? Then bitch because Republicans don't do much to reach out to you."

    Because historically repubs serve the interest of white southern males who are generally racist and believe stupid shit like Dems want fatherless blah children. Further, repubs think poverty is somehow related to values and if you're poor you deserve to be punished while also ignoring the fact that poverty and wealth are generational and for centuries blah folks have been kept from attaining wealth and advancement by racist policies championed by repubs.
    Repubs relish in their racist attitudes by installing confederate history month and flying the confederate flag whenever and wherever they are in charge. So in essence the repubs are playing to a base using racial resentment against blah folks which was admitted by the former RNC chairman.
    I can go on and on.

    "If blahs were more independent thinkers, they would have more political clout."

    We do have political clout which is why some thinking repubs (all both of them) know they need to extend some sort of outreach if they want to be more than just a regional party of old southern white males. Proof of this was in the last two elections no?


  80. 1. Massachusetts
    > Bachelor’s degree or higher: 39.1%
    > Median household income: $62,859 (5th highest)
    > Pct. below poverty level: 11.6% (9th lowest)

    In Massachusetts, 39.1% of adults have at least a bachelor’s degree, more than 10 percentage points above the national rate of 28.5%. Additionally, 16.8% of adults have a graduate or professional degree, again the highest percentage in the nation. Although the median annual earnings of $53,765 for those with a bachelor’s degree is very high, adults with either a graduate or a professional degree earn far more. Their median earnings exceed $70,000. Academic success is not limited to adults, as nearly 97% of individuals between the ages of 16 and 19 are either enrolled in high school or have graduated — one of the country’s highest rates.

    The most educated state is dominated by Democrats, has a blah Democratic governor from Chicago and has two Dem senators. Hmmmmmmmm, seems like our friend's idea that Dems hate education is false but we already know repubs are full of it.


  81. 1. West Virginia
    > Bachelor’s degree or higher: 18.5%
    > Median household income: $38,482 (2nd lowest)
    > Pct. below poverty level: 18.6% (10th highest)

    Just 18.5% of West Virginians have at least a bachelor’s degree — 10 percentage points lower than the national rate of 28.5% and considerably lower than the next-lowest state, Mississippi. West Virginia is also the only state in the nation where less than 7% of adults have a graduate or professional degree. West Virginia adults are the least likely in the nation to have at least an associate’s degree, at 24.9%, compared to 36.3% nationwide. Median earnings for adults with an advanced degree in West Virginia is $52,308 — more than $12,000 below the national median.

    While the two senators and governor are Dems WV voted overwhelmingly for Mitt which shows you how the majority of people think.

  82. "So tell me why blahs vote 90% democrat? Then bitch because Republicans don't do much to reach out to you."

    To be real you seem to be focused on the negative aspects of blah America as if we're all living in projects with a single parent. Many of us are educated and gainfully employed. If you really want to know ask a blah person, if you know any, why they vote Dem. For some it's because they are educated and grew up in the middle class and did so because their parents were union members and the Dems support unions. At least that's how it is in Chicago where I grew up. I want to know why poor whites in Kentucky, WV or Mississippi continue to vote Repub. I am an educated, middle class brotha who's doing well for myself but I should somehow take my cues from less educated less well to do whites? Yeah right, sign me up for that.

  83. from satanic calendar:

    22 Summer Solstice: Animal and human sacrifices are made.
    24 Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice.
    25 Yuletide: Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess. The satanist's own birthday is very important. The satanist says: "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one". (LaVey, the satanic bible).

    see whole calendar here:

    it is wise to know what time it is...

    get familiar with additional information here:

    so people missing...makes perfect sense for those of US that walk with Him...

    in addition to snatching other folks' children; there are children born for the sole purpose of sacrificing;(

    Almighty Yah is Real.

    so is defeated satan/lucifer...

    what folks think about the above Truth is their personal business.

    the nice reptilian lady ALREADY told folks: "just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change"...

    if we can leave santa white...that would be fine, too.

    Black Americans need to knock off the baal business. in all of its many forms.


    dance background moonwalker devil.

    steaming mad, are ya?

    keep talking to yourself out loud, so other folks can see past all that faux sugar...sugar.


    frequently paralyzed.

    some folks' high and mighty TRULY causes them to err...when they free style outside of the Law.

    since folks are so familiar with Scriptures + an elder...maybe they could start acting like it, already. maybe s-nta could bring this D.F a tablet + some Act Right, for chr-stmas?

    there's a thought...

    not likely though, so i won't be holding my breath...that's a whole lot of baal/low key satanism/lucifer loving;( so acting a D.F. is to be expected.

    yet another try at a soft answer on my part;)

  84. "So tell me why blahs vote 90% democrat?"

    con't. Can't tell you why 90% do but I can tell you why I don't vote R.
    1. The party is geared towards white southern males and that demographic has differing issues than me.
    2. The party is dominated by Evangelical Christians who feel the need to inject their religion into politics. I am non-religious so obviously this is not the party for me.
    3. The party is not union friendly. As a union member it wouldn't make sense for me to vote against my own interests.
    4. The party is against public schools and for that matter any form of public good. I pay taxes and believe I should get my money's worth and we are all invested in a well educated society.
    These are just a few reasons out of many. I would challenge you to ask others here why. I would also suggest reading Michael Fauntroy's book about blahs and the Republican party. He has a good historical take on the subject.

  85. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Fracking Poopee = Boooriiing! Lolol

    Anything new to comment??? ;*p

  86. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Purple Cow Failing his IQ test part I

    More Qoutes from Bone in nose Purple Cow Sambo.

    ”More unfounded nonsense. Independents and Democrats alike watch FOX. Moonbat crazies like you included.”

    79% of FoxNews viewers describe themselves as Conservative, 17% as independent and just 2% as Liberal

    (source: Gallop poll 2013)

    “It is again indicative of a low IQ to assume every viewer is a republican and must be prejudiced because of your inability to hear the mantras you wish to hear on FOX. How simplified are your views? “

    I’ve just proved that you are talking out of your morbidly obese wobbly white ass, using the very words of FoxNews viewers themselves. Remind me again who has the low I.Q.??


    Can you read Sambo? Morbidly Obese? You have me confused with one of your foodstamp cousins or on the dole brothers, brutha.
    YOU said every single FOX viewer is Republican, all conservatives are not republican and the 19% of independents and liberals combined are not Republican. How stupid are you? You just wrote those words and you still say every single Fox viewer is Republican.

    What a less than dummy you are. Can you tie your own shoes? Pack your own hut with shitt or do you need help from your White family members?

    ”Fox beats ALL other networks in relation to younger viewers ages 25-54.”

    Nonsense, NBC and ABC have more viewers in that category alone than Fox has in total viewership. In the same Gallop poll 66% of Fox viewers self-reported that they are aged over 50.


    Okay Sambo, number one we are talking about Cable News. You know that, now you are trying to change the goal posts because you got caught being a stupid little mouthy bitch like always who read some low IQ article by media matters and parroted it like the brain dead thing you are.

    Remember "Fox News finished 2013 with more viewers than CNN + MSNBC + HLN " Not NBC and ABC you dirty looking fraud. Clearly cable news, which was precisely the original point of discussion by media matters you and what I said.

    Number two YOU SAID the majority of FOX viewers are 65 and older and then tried to cement that with saying they don't categorize above 65 years of age. Now you change it to 50 and older. See what a dirty looking lying fraud you are? 66% identifying as 50 and older ARE NOT the majority being 65 and older. Surely you aren't that stupid are you? Or are you just a dirty liar? Again you change the goal posts and add in ABC and NBC to a discussion they were NEVER included in to begin with - Intellectual Fraud.

  87. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Purple Cow Failing his IQ test part II

    ”Your spouting easily recognized old Anita Dunn talking points highlights who democrats are, uninformed low IQ arrogant fools who might even know better but just try and fool everyone.”

    No idea who Anita Dunne is but there’s only one person here demonstrating a low IQ ad lack of critical thinking and it ain’t me, babe.

    I am not your babe, and if you don't know who Anita Dunn is, then your just a mindless inferior tool following her mandates and you shouldn't be commenting on things you obviously have interpreted for you by the White people in your family. Your the only pig around here with inferior mental acuity. You said a bunch of crap, got called on it because you were all wrong and then tried to weasel your way out of your stupidity.

    No one has won any war on Fox, you're too stupid and emotional to admit you were just plain stupid and FOX not only won the cable news ratings race - They Dominate all the loonies like you on the lefty cable news channels.

    Now instead of wasting your time here playing with the big boys, why don’t you run outside and ‘plough the lower 40’ or what ever you hillbillies do out in Bumfuck Idaho.

    I didn't waste my time. I showed a low IQ brutha like you that you can play, but when it comes to reality you don't have the stuff. You can only hang when us normal folks don't take an interest.

    No hillbillies around here Sambo, but I do suspect you live in a place that animals once made their home in a nation that has turned to shitt because of third worlders like you. The once great Britain, now the laughing stock of the world.

  88. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Dr Nuwang, "And while I'm on the subject of genotype, the research I do is for "us", Black Americans with our PROUD heterogeneous genetic selves!!!"

    5:24 PM
    I didn't know we were a proud race. From what I see, we don't like each other. We kill each other in the streets. We have OOW children at such an enormous rate that everyone wonders about the fate and moral consciousness of Blacks.

    You can't get much self-esteem and Black pride out of that. What you get is "shame".

    1. The majority of the Black folks I know are college educated and married with I'm guessing an average 6 figure income.

      Maybe YOU should find some better "friends".

  89. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    Fracking Poopee = Boooriiing! Lolol

    Anything new to comment??? ;*p

    8:55 PM
    It's YOU who is boring with your ignorant comments. It's YOU who has NOTHING new to comment.

    FP has plenty to say. You are just too dumb to understand it. Dumb people are very boring.

    Why don't you take a break from FN? You're putting everyone to sleep.

  90. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Anonymous9:41 PM
    Why don't you take a break from FN? You're putting everyone to sleep.
    Funny you sound wide awake :) and veeeeery angry ;*p

  91. "We have OOW children at such an enormous rate that everyone wonders about the fate and moral consciousness of Blacks."

    Teen birth rates are at their lowest in decades, the murder and violent crime rate in the blah community has been in decline for years. Things are moving in the right dierection and have been for years. Maybe Democrats are doing something right.

  92. Between 1990 and 2009, pregnancy rates fell by 51 percent for non-Hispanic Blacks and non-Hispanic White teens. Sarah Brown, ceo of The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, attributed the drop to three reasons, “More teens are waiting to have sex; they also report fewer sexual partners and better use of contraception. In short, the credit for this remarkable national success story goes to teens themselves.

  93. Anonymous12:11 AM

    PilotX said, "Teen birth rates are at their lowest in decades, the murder and violent crime rate in the blah community has been in decline for years. Things are moving in the right dierection and have been for years. Maybe Democrats are doing something right."

    Yeah, right...once a compulsive liar always a compulsive liar. It's a disease which cannot be cured

  94. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    The majority of the Black folks I know are college educated and married with I'm guessing an average 6 figure income.

    Maybe YOU should find some better "friends".

    10:40 PM
    maybe you should STFU, empty heart. You don't care about Blacks, all you want to do is criticize and judge us so you can feel better about yourself.

  95. "Yeah, right...once a compulsive liar always a compulsive liar. It's a disease which cannot be cured"

    Pregnancy rates among Black teenagers is on a steady decline, according to a recent study by the National Center For Health Statistics, which is a part of the Centers For Disease Control.

    It's data from the CDC but that's right, stupid can't be cured. Conservatives lack the gene to be able to understand facts.

  96. "The majority of the Black folks I know are college educated and married with I'm guessing an average 6 figure income."

    Whoa, you mean all you negroes aren't shiftless babymakers on welfare? That's not what Fox news tells me.

  97. Anonymous3:27 AM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "Pregnancy rates among Black teenagers is on a steady decline, according to a recent study by the National Center For Health Statistics, which is a part of the Centers For Disease Control."


    Shhhhh....nobody tell Pilot they are just along for the ride as usual and the slave on the plantation might just be something in his mind.

    "Disparities in Teen Birth Rates
    Teen birth rates declined for all races and for Hispanics except for 18–19 year old Asian/Pacific Islanders, for whom rates did not change."

    Together, black and Hispanic youth comprised 57% of U.S. teen births in 2011

    Almost 68 percent of new black mothers were unmarried. Only 11 percent of new Asian mothers were unwed, as were 26 percent of non-Hispanic white mothers.

    Unmarried non-Hispanic black women age 20-29 have the highest rate of
    unplanned pregnancy. The rate of unplanned pregnancy among unmarried
    non-Hispanic black 20-somethings is twice that of the rate for unmarried non-Hispanic white 20-somethings.




    White women(31.8 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years)

    Black women(483 abortions per 1,000 live births).

  98. The numbers are decreasing ie getting bettert ie moving in the right direction. Decreased 51 percent over the past decade. Is that a good thing? I think so. Carry on.

  99. Emmanuel K10:13 AM

    My deepest sympathies goes to the Patricks. It is my prayer that they find their daughter sooner rather than latter.

    I believe it should not surprise people that there are black conservatives. It just shows how diverse our society is and that some people are free to think independently without being influenced by societal norms and expectations.

  100. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Blacks have been duped by Democrats for decades. If you want to see true oppression, just look how liberals insist on keeping blacks as second class citizens. Welfare programs are Exhibit A. The LAST thing Democrats want to see is blacks -- or any minority -- OFF welfare. If that happens, a huge chunk of the Dems' voting base evaporates. It's pathetic.
