Saturday, December 28, 2013

Tales from the far right, and more about the B word.

The right wing in this country has become absolutely unhinged.

I mean I understand anger and speaking truth to power, in fact, I encourage it; but we really have to be careful how we go about acting out our displeasure with our government.

 "A right wing nitwit by the name of Chris Crockett, a resident of Pennsylvania, really does not like President Obama. This NRA acolyte and Phil Robertson supporter took to the interwebs to vent his frustrations with the President in an intelligent and well-informed discussion of the issues–just kidding! He wants that “Muslim” dead.

Apparently, Mr. Crockett is lonely and enjoys visits from men in suits, because he chose to join the ranks of Everest Wilhelmsen in his open expressions that President Obama (and his entire family) should cease to exist. Like Hank the Handyman, Crockett asked for someone in the world to “plz shoot that f**king n*gger president…”

Like all racists, Crockett preceded his use of the n-word with an explanation that he is “not racist.” If that’s not enough, he extends his wonderful suggestion that “he should be killed” to include President Obama’s children and “the rest of him (sic) Muslim Family.”
1 (1)


Oh my! No love for his O ness I see. Hey, dude is entitled to question his government and the policies of the guy calling the shots, he and his fellow travelers can even do disgusting things like this , but my man has to be smart enough to keep the guys in the black suits off of his doorstep. This is not how you do it.

Finally, speaking of "right wing nitwits", I have another story that you will not be seeing on FOX News, Drudge, Breitbart, or any of their news outlets anytime soon.

This one has to do with the dreaded Benghaaaazi, and all the right wing talking points surrounding the tragedy that took place there.

Apparently they had a lot if it wrong.

"There are a lot of interesting details in the article, but two points are important to note:
  • Islamist groups did indeed use that anti-Muslim video as a rallying point to launch the initial attack.
  • There's no evidence that Al Qaeda or any other international terrorist organization was involved, and no evidence of meticulous planning.
Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.
A fuller accounting of the attacks suggests lessons for the United States that go well beyond Libya. It shows the risks of expecting American aid in a time of desperation to buy durable loyalty, and the difficulty of discerning friends from allies of convenience in a culture shaped by decades of anti-Western sentiment. Both are challenges now hanging over the American involvement in Syria’s civil conflict.
There’s much more to this multi-part article, and you should, as always, read the whole thing. But it shows unequivocally that the reality in Libya is far more complex and murky than the simplistic anti-Obama talking points pushed relentlessly by the right."

That's an outline of the article. Read the actual New York Times investigative report, here.

*Top pic from


  1. "Apparently they had a lot if it wrong."

    No way Field. Hannity is always right.

  2. "But it shows unequivocally that the reality in Libya is far more complex and murky than the simplistic anti-Obama talking points pushed relentlessly by the right."

    The right doesn't specialize in complexity. They prefer simplistic. I'm sure our buddy will prove me right in ten....nine....eight...

  3. Anonymous1:14 AM

    "The right doesn't specialize in complexity. They prefer simplistic. I'm sure our buddy will prove me right in ten....nine....eight."

    What you think is irrelevant..

  4. "Months of investigation by The New York Times...."

    Ha, that's a good one Field, the New York Times.

    Is there anything for which you won't carry water for this administration?

  5. "What you think is irrelevant.."

    PilotX and his twin Bill are two sides of a retarded coin.

    Liberalism = Ignorance + Narcissism

    1. Now that's not nice Captain, Bill is just slow.

  6. Ever notice that everything that's ever come after "I'm not a racist (anti-Semite, homophobe, etc...)" disproves it's antecedent beyond any shadow of a doubt?

    1. Yep, if you have to clarify your position as a non-racist something's amiss.

  7. Quote Bill-Oh

    You have a habit of making stuff up.

    Please provide a link to a republican giving him a gun.

    I'll accept your refusal to provide a link as your acknowledgement you do make stuff up."

    Bill-Oh you are a quite extraordinarily stupid human being.

    Obviously the Republicans and their supporters having their tongues deeply inserted into the NRA's rectum, has enabled a situation where murderous nut cases have easy access to guns.

    That was my point and I think you knew that.

  8. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    From the thread, "Naught or Nice?"...I think the truth of this comment bears repeating:

    Anonymous said...
    "If PurpleCow isn't a democrat (assuming he was an American), what plank of the democrat agenda does he not agree with?"

    The truth is PC agrees with the entire dem agenda. that's why he doesn't answer.
    PC is a compulsive liar.

    Please Note: The Truth will set you free and from the entire Dem agenda. But "IF" you are in DENIAL, nothing can free you, esp the Democrats."

    Firstly I am not an American, I don't know how often I have to explain that.

    Secondly what part of Dems program do I disagree with? Pretty much al of it.

    I'm a Socialist, the Democrats are moderate conservatives.

    What I would need to see from the Democrats before I could support them.

    1. Putting an end to the idiotic 'war on drugs.'

    2. Putting an end to the idiotic 'war on terror'.

    3. Installation of a proper national health service free at the point of delivery.

    4. A nationalised national investment bank, to provide cheap loans to ALL americans who want to invest in their future.

    5. Nationalisation of all key infrastructure industries.

    6. Free university education

    7. Free child care for working families.

    8. Free residential care for elderly patients with dementia.

    9. Compulsory worker representation on every board of directors.

    10. Complete closure of the NSA.

    11. A total ban on all political lobbying and lobbying organisations.

    12. A ban on gerrymandering.

    13. Removal of American forces from all foreign soil, and a commitment to reduce America's defines budget by 25% within ten years.

    14. Stringent new gun control laws.

    15. Proper intelligent control of education. An end to the use of teachers as political footballs. An end to this idiotic student-testing regime. Let the people who understand teaching be in charge of teaching.

    That'll do for starters. I could think of a few more if you want them.

  9. 13 should have read 'defence budget' obviously, I think it ago-corrected when I used an s instead of a c.

  10. Go easy on em PC, it's Sunday morning here in America. Folks are getting ready for church.

    I am sorry Dead Ambassador, I should have quoted one of the right wing news sites with the multiple journalism awards.

    But wait....

  11. Anonymous9:23 AM

    PC, WOW! You listed 14 items that clearly states where you stand. Wow!

    But WHY do you defend Dem policies so much?

    FN is anti-Republican, anti-Tea Party, anti-GOP, anti-White, anti-GOD, anti-Christian, anti-church, anti-Bible, anti-bw, and in quite a few cases, anti-Black.

    So why are you here on an American black blog which has "nothing" in common with you?

    ....Oh wait, you have been kicked off numerous blog sites and you have nowhere else to go....never mind.

    "God bless you and keep you." I know you don't believe in God, but I thought I'd say it anyway, just to freak you out.

  12. "But WHY do you defend Dem policies so much? "

    When did I do that?

    "So why are you here on an American black blog which has "nothing" in common with you?"

    There is no such thing as a 'black blog', there is no such thing as an 'American blog', America does not own the internet.

  13. Ansar al-Shariah is a Al Qaeda affiliate group, right FN?

    This NY Times investigation contradicts both administration-congressional investigations.

    "Apparently they had a lot if it wrong."

    So did the Obama administration. And field negro.

    Fox News-

    Also looks like Drudge linked to the story and "rightwing outlets" covered it.

    Glad plantation negroes don't think on their own. Else you would be in trouble field.

  14. Oh poor field negro.

    Blacks rioting over popcorn and shoes.

    Black girl stabs her sister over a apple fritter.

    A apple fritter.

    Field hasn't figured out how to post about Conrad Barrett without looking like A HYPOCRITE.

    So what is a demagogue to do?

    Find some obscure white person, use him to smear the right, and put the fear of Republicans into plantation negroes.

    Just one question field- will vile, hateful, racist venom was being spew against Bush/Cheney and their kids, why didn't you call out your fellow leftist?

  15. Purple's 14 thing to do list would resort in European style poverty and unemployment rates. European style slavery and trafficking. Not to mention racism and over the top political correctness.

    No thanks.

  16. Or I could have posted about Adam Carbo, but I chose not to.

    And please provide a link to all these "vile racist" things posted about W's children.

    Take all the time u need. I will wait.......

  17. Anonymous10:42 AM

    It's sad to read Mr. Crocketts diatribe. The sense of separation and hatred in some Americans is astonishing. One wonders how/if
    co-existence can be accomplished.

    But hatred breeds hatred and violence breeds violence, of that there can be no doubt.

    Sad indeed...

  18. I am sorry, Adam Garber and Elizabeth Calvo to be exact.

  19. Barbbf11:08 AM

    According to the Secret Servce death threats have been stable over the Clinton-Bush-Obama presidencies.

    U.S. Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan dismissed published reports that the level of death threats against President Obama are four times greater than typical threat levels against recent presidents — claiming the current volume of threats is comparable to that under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

    "It's not [a] 400 percent [increase]," Sullivan said during a heated exchange with Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), who suggested the service needed additional agents to protect the first African-American president.

    "I'm not sure where that number comes from," he said, adding that the number of threats against Obama "are the same level as it has been [against] the last two presidents."

    Sent from my iPad

  20. Field...

    When you list things like this Its really hard to bolster any credibility about the investigation your talking about...

    *" Islamist groups did indeed use that anti-Muslim video as a rallying point to launch the initial attack."*

    *"There's no evidence that Al Qaeda or any other international terrorist organization was involved, and no evidence of meticulous planning."*

    WTF ....?

    and then you see the blatant admission of O-Bombers total disregard for congressional approval in the military operations in Libya.

    Do you even look at the stuff your reporting Field??

    I mean seriously...???

    (directly from your post)
    *"The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi."*

    Are you going to pretend that these fighters... are NOT the same fighters O-bomber committed American firepower to help overthrow Quadafi ??

    Without congressional approval ;becasue O-Bomber basically said

    *"Its a NATO operation, and I dont have to tell congress anything"*

    You could be honest and start telling the COMPLETE truth about this stuff... Field ..

    but I understand its how you keep the pot stirred...

    1. Gotdammit BIB, for the last time it is not YOUR. C'mon man, grab a 2nd grade English book and do some reading or grab YOUR 10 year old cousin and let them teach you about contractions. How long has this shit been going on? Seriously man, errors on this level are not acceptable.

  21. "Purple's 14 thing to do list would resort in European style poverty and unemployment rates."

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    Take a look at this graph, dimwit.

    (source: oecd)

  22. "Ansar al-Shariah is a Al Qaeda affiliate group, right FN?"

    Not really, no.

    It's a convenient label applied to a variety of minor Islamist groups across the Arab world. It's not a single organisation with any kind of structure as such.

    :L Qae'da no longer exists as a formal organisation and hasn't done for about ten to twelve years now. It's somewhere between an Islamist franchise that you can buy in to, or a marketing tool for Islamist ideas.


  23. The Purple Cow said...
    Obviously the Republicans and their supporters having their tongues deeply inserted into the NRA's rectum, has enabled a situation where murderous nut cases have easy access to guns.

    I'll call your bluff again.

    Link where the republicans allowed adam to break the law and steal the guns?

    Just one.

    That was my point and I think you knew that.

    Your point is to insult those that don't agree with you.

    I'm asking you to go one step further and link to what you claim.

    One link to republicans supporting adam breaking the law and stealing the guns.

    Just one link PurpleCow.

    Facts, not your opinions.

    Would it be fair for me to say democrats because of their policies support welfare fraud? I can show many links of welfare fraud, many. Do the democrats support welfare? See the connection between democrats supporting welfare fraud.

    By the way, if you don't agree with your logic that democrats support welfare fraud...

    Double standards


  24. When referring to PC, Anon @9:23 said: “But WHY do you defend Dem policies so much?”

    I don’t believe anyone is intentionally defending the Dems. It’s just that Uh-Merikkka has two overwhelmingly corrupt political parties. And the Rethuglians are at the forefront in putting forth and implementing more asinine and racist policies then the former. This is what gives rise to the mere appearance of PC being a Democrat. I think NOT!


  25. Black Sage said...
    And the Rethuglians are at the forefront in putting forth and implementing more asinine and racist policies then the former.

    policies = laws?
    policies = talking points?

    I would be happy to see any racist laws the republicans have passed.

  26. Field, it's been weeks now and still no stories about the knock out game. Even Hannnity has left me hanging as well as your trolls. I don't know if I can leave my house or not. Is this still a thing? Maybe the yearend countdown on Fox news will talk about it. One can only help. They're starting to make me think it was an overhyped story created to scare scary white folks. Hmmmmm

  27. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Blogger BLACKISBEAUTIFUL said...

    When you list things like this Its really hard to bolster any credibility about the investigation your talking about...

    *" Islamist groups did indeed use that anti-Muslim video as a rallying point to launch the initial attack."*

    *"There's no evidence that Al Qaeda or any other international terrorist organization was involved, and no evidence of meticulous planning."*

    WTF ....?"

    BIB, you need to learn how to think "Black" like Field. Then everything he posts will make sense. You don't hear anyone else pointing out the obvious like you, do you? I told you before, these FN Negroes will come after you for thinking logically and rationally against Da Field.

    You know what your problem is? You need to come back home to your roots! Field has so much to offer if you can just give up your 'need' for things to make sense.

    BIB said, "Do you even look at the stuff your reporting Field??

    I mean seriously...???"

    Seriously, NO. But he is doing the best he can do. I mean, he is wide open. As Mr Field's assistant, I personally think you are asking waaay too much of a progressive liberal dem bm like my boss, Mr. Field. Your kind of thinking as a bm makes me think you want to be White. Ever been called White or a rightwinger supporter on FN? I think so.

    BIB, just take the nestea plunge and come on home!


  28. Anonymous2:23 PM

    PilotX, "They're starting to make me think it was an overhyped story created to scare scary white folks. Hmmmmm"

    1:41 PM
    No the knock out game was not over-hyped. You have over-hyped it in your mind...that is where the deluded hype is.


  29. Benghazi a spontaneous incident?

    Only if you also believe there is no connection between columbine, oklahoma bombing, waco, virgina tech shooting.

    Benghazi happened the same date as?

  30. Pilot, Fox left that meme alone when they realized that black folks are also victims of random violence. Can't scare old white folks when the facts don't bolster your position.

  31. Anonymous2:51 PM


    One right-winger? One? That is all you have?

    As to Benghazi, The Times is simply leading the way in the revisionist history to make Hillary Clinton a viable candidate in 2016.

    More revisionism will be forthcoming.

  32. When has the lack of facts ever stopped the right wing media machine?

  33. Bill O. said: “policies = laws? Or policies = talking points? I would be happy to see any racist laws the republicans have passed.”

    The chipping away at the Voting Rights ACT by Rethugs - LAW

    The chipping away at Social Security by Rethugs - Policy

    Federal sentencing guideline imbalance between crack and cocaine – Law

    The Repubs’ belligerence towards implementing ObomBerCare or ACA - Policy

    The Rethuglicans racist stance towards gun control (do your own damn research) – Policy

    The Rethuglinite’s racist platform toward Affirmative Action – Policy

    The Rethiglian’s racist support for Stand your Ground laws at the state level - Law

    Of course some these may not be the implementation of laws but the mere dismantling of current laws and policies by Repubs, persistently peppered with racist undertones.

  34. Sage, I guess our friend ignores the fact that in states that have gop governors confederate history month is brought back, Virginia for example and in SC where gop members fought to keep the confederate flag flying over the state capitol. Not to mention voter laws but you get the point. I'm sure just a simple internet search can find hundreds of racist policies and statements by rethugs. Too bad most of these fools can only seem to find 50 year old dem racists and ignore modern bigots.

  35. Anonymous3:33 PM

    It has recently come to light that Focused Purpose's new best friend (the Duck Dynasty guy) said in a 2009 video that men should marry girls when they are 15 or 16 because by the time they're 20 they are over the hill. Is this really surprising considering that he's a redneck. Isn't this what rednecks do?

    FP, what do you have to say about this?

  36. "Link where the republicans allowed adam to break the law and steal the guns?

    Just one."

    Bill, I'm trying to believe that you are not as stupid as you pretend to be, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult.

    The republicans have long campaigned to make access to guns easier, therefore madmen are going to get those guns too. Do you get it yet?

    The NRA says "Guns don't kill people, people do".

    So fine, don't give those people guns.

  37. "No the knock out game was not over-hyped."

    Oh yes it was, over the last three years the incidence of unprovoked random street violence has only increased by seven tenths of 1%.

    (source doj)

  38. Anonymous4:08 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    Phil Robertson thinks that girls are very fertile at 15 to 16 years of age. He apparently thinks this is "Biblical". I mean doesn't the Bible say humans are supposed to be fruitful and "multiply"?

  39. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "No the knock out game was not over-hyped."

    Oh yes it was, over the last three years the incidence of unprovoked random street violence has only increased by seven tenths of 1%.

    (source doj)

    3:57 PM
    It is clear you are a Democrat because only a Democrat would claim the knock out game was over-hyped when in fact it was not. So you can take that "I'm a Socialist" bullshit somewhere else.

    BTW, why haven't you commented on your being kicked off every blog you've been on?

  40. Anonymous4:27 PM

    PC, people want to know what happened on the blogs that threw you off. Explain yourself.

  41. If the KO game wasn't overhyped why are there no media outlets covering the "story"? Strange.

  42. Another point about gun control, the assault rifle Adam Lanza( I think that's his name) stole was from his mother's collection. Why do we need to collect military style arms? If his momjust had a handgun with a smaller magazine capacity more people may have been able to survive his attack.

  43. Anon 3:33pm-

    you need to double back and re-read what i have already posted to you.

    you may want to print it out + meditate on it...that you might grip a clue or two.

    i ALREADY told folks, multiple times, that i may not agree with ANYTHING else that man has to say. YET when he speaks Bible...i AM inclined to stand in agreement with him. that's goes for anyone.

    Galatians 3:28-29

    when his freedom of speech/ religious beliefS appear attacked by hateful, nazi,bullying, yet sensitive as all get out homos- yes, i will speak on it.

    i ALREADY told folks, playing with the babies = all bad. little girls + boys.

    i ALREADY told folks that man + all of US are entitled to our opinions.

    since folks obsessing on DDyn guy...maybe they could notice young girls in that man's family. IF he thinks they should be married at 15 + they want to get married; THAT'S their personal business. just as gays doing what they do is THEIR personal business.

    get it, yet?

    last i checked...if he gives parental consent for HIS minor's marriage; there won't be anything anyone can do about it.

    THIS is why freedoms are important. there is crafty counsel underway to make our babies even the property of the united states of satan/lucifer government. don't take my word for it. wake up. educate yourself. color outside the lines, kid.

    unless you think he is advocating forcing a teen to marry some strange old yucky ped stranger...

    outside of that horror, it appears you just want to bicker, split hairs + dodge the questions i asked before. at least you brought your deceitful, tired behind back from africa. lol.

    what you need to come post on this thread are the answers to the questions i asked before. as a result of your hateful homo queen, full reveal, a few threads back.

    to think folks ACTUALLY thought your good deceitful devilish behind was an ally at one time. you are on some new normal, defeated, sick, hates/slanders hets, homo nonsense. for real.

    ps. i get you homo folk think yourselves a separate group altogether. i get you put your homo ways over your Blackness even. since quite a few Black folks aren't even trying to entertain in the face homosexuality and are promptly labelled "homophobic", "closeted" + "hater"...

    hets + homos need to get that all in your face, do what thou wilt, appear evil in all things, new school, defeated stuff somewhere.

    to be fair. there are hets that persecute homos for entertainment. just as there are hets that treat women/men like empty beer cans when done. there are homos that stomp other homos when words don't work. there is depravity all around. again...humanity is in trouble.

    i happen to not really see myself as the judge of others. that's not my job. how could i possibly do it fairly with such limited info?

    He who knows all...judges.

    it is my responsibility to discern spirits. my role is to share His Word. stand on it with Him. Understanding that folks that hate Him will hate me as a result.

    you + all like you need to know i care less than nothing about what you folk think of me. what you think of me is your personal business. it is not my practice to get in folks' personal business.

    i AM offended by your closeted, deceitful, hateful, devilish, defeated agenda.

    bw are NOT the enemy. bw WANT closeted homos to KNOCK IT OFF, be done + gone with the pretend to be het bs.

    stop lying.

    stop being devilishly deceitful in too many ways to write today.

    stop hiding in the closet behind women + children.

    stop exposing women to increased health risks.

    we would ask that homos STOP trying to befriend US to come through and chicken hawk our young sons + flip husbands/man. which seems to be the favorite thing among quite a few hateful homos.

  44. or...

    IF you insist with these practices, while flippantly demanding folks get used to it. at the very least, do yourselves a favor and expect resistance + defeat. 'cause THAT'S what's written. you don't have to believe it or even know it's written.

    for now.

    but you can't say no one ever told you.

    just as you folk dare to be loud + proud + UNLawful...some of US reserve the right to Stand Strong on His Word. let chips fall where they may. without asking permission nor apologizing.

    gay folks, ALL folks have got to know this.

    when we speak on it...that does NOT make US fearful or any of the other pretend, made up, devilish nonsense folks that live to pretend their anus is a vagina like to scream about.

    you may want to stop fixating on DDyn guy + fp and look at yourself/heart/spirit. ask yourself WHY you think you + other homos that think like you deserve so much compassion + understanding for your sin- according to Scriptures- when you have none for others in their sin-according to Scriptures?

    why you in fact hate folks to the degree that you wish they would "die out".

    as a gay bm...who cannot give life on any day of the week, ending in the word day...who most assuredly can ONLY "die out" according to the Laws of Nature + Scriptures...

    WHY would you wish that upon others?

    then devils get mad when called point blank to their face what they are...devils.

    q: what gives?
    a: defeated devils daily.

    as i told you previously. i AM challenged to be increased in Love in my dealings with you. every bit of my flesh wants to help you see why you can hate BW all you want. you can never be US. those like you, bold enough to step recklessly wrong. with the quickness, in the flesh get verbally mauled.

    in the Spirit, that's not Meek, Love, Patient, nor permissible. so i thank you kindly for increasing me in spiritual fruit.

    you may want to give your schtick a rest, though. i was thinking today...what i dislike most about hateful queens is the lying tongue most are afflicted by. i can't even get to a place of annoyance about personal business sexual practices. most of ya'll are afflicted/deceived first by an abominable lying tongue.

    fix that.

    address me next with the answers to the questions i asked before.

    please and thank you.

    outside of that...i gots nothing else for you, but a prayer.

    shakes dust.

    i pray you a peaceful journey.

    no salt.

    all Love, 1 Cor 13 style.

    for real.

    forgive any typos.

  45. hateful homo5:20 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    we would ask that homos STOP trying to befriend US to come through and chicken hawk our young sons + flip husbands/man. which seems to be the favorite thing among quite a few hateful homos.

    4:51 PM

    Did a homo flip your husband fp?!

  46. field negro said...

    Pilot, Fox left that meme alone when they realized that black folks are also victims of random violence. Can't scare old white folks when the facts don't bolster your position.

    You wouldn't know a fact if it came up behind you and smacked you in the head with a brick.

    In your cognitively challenged mind, 1,500 black on white instances of the knockout game are trumped by one instance of a random white on black attack.

    That a moron like you is a judge tells anyone all they need to know about modern America. That Eric Holder chose to prosecute this one and only instance of the knockout game where the perp was white tells you all you need to know about Black Run America.

  47. Anonymous5:25 PM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    If the KO game wasn't overhyped why are there no media outlets covering the "story"? Strange.

    Someone is benefiting from the Big Lie.

    Someday the people will realize the truth, and the streets will run red with blood.

  48. PilotX, why do we need mental health/privacy laws that puts the rights of the individual over the safety of society at large to be safe?

  49. Anonymous6:15 PM

    @AssAnon 4:24pm, mere asumptions are not the same as facts!

    Yours truly,

  50. #Rethuglican: Reenslaving Runaway Slaves, the argument isn't about placing mental health privacy laws above that of society at large. It really boils down to finding a balance or common ground.

    Pardon me, .... I forgot, the Rethugs have no experience at compromising or searching for a balance!


  51. Anon 5:20 PM-

    i don't date/marry homos.

    nor do i hate homos.

    the homos i know are good friends + acquaintances.

    so when i is the result of having Love for folks; which is why i AM more than familiar with the game, language, culture.

    i could tell you some stories.

    but i won't. no time.

    play dumb is you want to. even the dumbest devil would have to recognize that i AM simply calling out the game.

    humanity loses when wickedness is UNchecked. decent gays hate the lying, greedy mofos as well.

    when it comes to old world old normal hets...gays got nothing coming...except a warning. those that keep moving past said warning= catch a beat down.

    the same is true among hets. those that don't respect themselves nor's all the same.

    every stomped homo is NOT the "victim" of homo hatred. some of these gremlins can't hear when folks speak.

    are you familiar with the concept of... see a fool...bump his head?

    some old world normal hets that don't know Almighty... take that literally.

    i neither own nor advocate that. though i do Understand.

    while i interrupt the game of pretend...i AM taking back the rainbow, too.

    X Clan voice:





    this post is gross.

    if this is what the best "educated" + brightest among US is focused on...

    no wonder folks are so lost.

    i think that is the heart of BIB's very valid observations.

    with the internet the world is at our fingertips. instead of putting on our thinking caps and focusing on our common human ground...too many allow themselves to be divided + distracted.

    once folks realize that, too, is a part of the wicked game...i pray more will immediately start to mitigate it.

    this post reminds me of the Chris Hedges documentary obey in many respects. do what thou wilt folks are quite obedient to their detriment;(

  52. Hateful Homo7:24 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    gays got nothing coming...except a warning. those that keep moving past said warning= catch a beat down.

    this post is gross.

    instead of putting on our thinking caps and focusing on our common human ground

    this post reminds me of the Chris Hedges documentary obey in many respects. do what thou wilt folks are quite obedient to their detriment;(

    7:05 PM

    fp,could you please explain why the Bible says the homos should follow the teachings of the Bible and should not be gay, or catch a 'beat down'

    Then you say that this video you linked is about everybody "obeying" out of fear and habit which to you is "detrimental"

    So which is it? I'm confused.
    Thank you

  53. "BTW, why haven't you commented on your being kicked off every blog you've been on?"

    I've been "kicked off" precisely three websites.

    One was called Vox Popoli, another was, and the other was Debby Schlussel's website.

    Schlüssel threw me off for pointing out that she had given a negative review to a movie she hadn't actually seen. Vox threw me off when I asked his wife why she chose to be married to a vicious misogynist and the Misfit politics people, just threw me off for making them look stupid.

    It goes without saying that I still post on all three websites when I am in the mood. There is no technology that can ban anyone from posting on any message board if they choose to do so.

  54. Balance? The only thing we get from you leftist is restricting the rights of law abiding citizens.

    We never hear anything about mental health funding, changing the laws (that the left put in place) that makes it harder for families/ states to stop people who are mentally ill before they kill.

  55. BRA, if I divide my IQ by three I am pretty sure that it will still be higher than yours.

    What are the percentages of blacks being attacked randomly by other blacks?

    Nowhwere in my comments did I mention the case of the white guy being charged for a hate crime for knocking out an man.

  56. Rethuglican: Reenslaving Runaway Slaves said: "Restricting the rights of law abiding citizens (code words for whites).

    I could hardly contain my laughter ....

  57. Anonymous9:51 PM

    PC, "I've been "kicked off" precisely three websites."

    Now, this proves that regular FN Negroes with IDs are nothing but "trolls". Actually, they are LESS than trolls.

    Field, PilotX, Black Sage, butthead Dr Nuwang, don't EVER call anons trolls again when some of you are nothing but very bad trouble makers. YOU are the trolls. Anons are the good guys.

    Brother PC, you need therapy. You are one angry dude and there is nothing scarier than one of us who is purple and angry and male. That's why Obama can't afford to be angry. He must always be the good-natured kind caring President for Whites.

    However, he has shown anger at Blacks for asking for their piece of the American jobs. Obama stood up with a smile when the LGBT asked for their piece of the pie.

    Oh well, Blacks will just have to wait and 'be patient' a little longer. But we are used to that.

    You 'worst-than-trolls-with-regular-IDs need to pray for forgiveness for the outrageous wrongs you have done on FN. I pity you.

  58. In others words, i lost the argument so i through out things like "code words". next he will mention white privilege. he will close out by calling me racist.


  59. at last...we agree.

    this right here:

    "I'm confused."


    you are.

    plus you are twisting my words. which does not surprise.

    what about you take your questions to Almighty?

    His thoughts are higher than my or your thoughts...

  60. What rights are you referring to Plantation? Second Amendment rights I assume? If you want my opinion there should be stronger national gun laws and limits to size and magazine capacity. And yes, sometimes laws designed to keep the public at large safe do sometimes infringe on personal privileges. We can't drive as fast as we want because there are speed limits and imho we need guns laws to make us all safer. What these laws should be in theirend state can and should be debated but we are in desperate need of an adult conversation about our gun obsession.

  61. i flipped fps man homo10:56 PM

    focusedpurpose10:02 PM
    what about you take your questions to Almighty? 

    Just thought since you posted that stuff, you would know what you were talking about. But as usual, you dont.

  62. who flipped fps man11:04 PM

    Fp, seriously, please answer. And iplease know that i am not the homo that flipped/ turned out your man. I would never do that to you and leave you manless. Not that it matters because you have the bible to keep you warm

  63. lol @ the hateful homo queen.

    if you can take another can take the Truth;)

    i already said, i don't do remedial courses in the field. i AM also het + not interested to debate Scriptures with lost, argumentative sodomites. when the lying fails...yes, let's argue with the NON author about what's written.

    now to ignore the angry hateful homo queen(s) go until they share something other than CONFUSION + mentally disordered yet upgraded to new normal due to junk satanic weird "science" DELUSIONS...


    snatches back, Abraham ripping down ALL idols style...

    the rainbow.

    give me that!!!


    thanks for the laughs fella(s).

    freedom of speech does NOT just belong to homos and semites.


  64. The Purple Cow said...
    The republicans have long campaigned to make access to guns easier, therefore madmen are going to get those guns too. Do you get it yet?

    Which rights (pretending you were american and not a socialist) would you be willing to give up because crazies break the law with those rights...

    Because some racist talks shit, you and I lose our rights to free speech?

    Because of faux news, no more free press?

    You know those criminals intentionally hide stuff so we better get rid of those pesky search and seizure rights.

    If the government decides you committed a crime, because juries have reached incorrect decisions do we really need the right to a jury of our peers?

    Practically speaking...

    How did the government do on the war on drugs? War on poverty? Why do you think the government could do a better job with a war on guns? Will the police state increase for the war on guns?
    Stop and frisk becomes the law across the country?

    Does it solve the problem?

    Crazies will still kill, criminals will still have guns, government power increased, law abiding citizens lost a right.

  65. Anonymous11:50 PM

    I can't watch FN blog anymore. It's just devastating to watch Bill cream brother PC, brother PilotX and brother Field all in one day and consistently everyday. It's just too painful for a bm to watch.

    FN Brothers, please save what little dignity you 'might' have and stay away from Bill. The man is eating you alive. It's effing embarrassing.

    PC, you did this to us.

  66. Shame such a redneck racist tried to make the point. If he had been smarter, he would have staged the thing as 'performance art' with a willing African-American actor and stage fighting tricks.

    Breaking an old man's jaw and knocking three of his teeth out because he's black is a hate crime. Not sure why punching white people in the head as a 'game' is not prosecuted equally.

    Oh yeah, the feds are charging him? If they're taking that from the states, will states be allowed to have hate crime laws? States can't arrest illegals cuz it's a federal thang.

    I guess that means states can't enforce hate crime laws

  67. Rob, to be a hate crime there has to be an intent to intimidate based on ethnicity, religion and/or sexual identity. Just because the person who commits an assault against a white person is of color does not automatically constitue a hate crime. There is a lot of nuance and these types of attacks have to be scrutinized very carefully. In my experience many whites don't get the subtle nuances in such cases. Kind of like if a homosexual attacks a heterosexual you cannot automatically assume it's a hate crime because everything isn't a simplistic tit for tat.

  68. lol @ Anon 11:50pm!

    Bill knocked it out the park @ 11:39pm.

    gotta give credit where it is due;)

  69. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Field Negro
    Why are you letting this homophobic beast Focused Purpose advocate VIOLENCE against the LGBT community on your blog? Specifically she said she "understands" violence against gay people.

    AB did you read what your ex-friend just wrote about "homos"? Beat/kill the homos, says FP. She "understands".

  70. Anonymous6:09 AM

    @Field Negro
    FP apparently agrees with 15 to 16 years old girls being sexed by old grizzled redneck trash like the DD guy AS LONG AS THE PARENTS AGREE TO IT!!!!!

    Question: Is that in the bible?

  71. A hated homo10:26 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    @ the hateful homo queen.

    if you can take another can take the Truth

    i AM also het + not interested to debate Scriptures with lost, argumentative sodomites

    now to ignore the angry hateful homo queen(s) go until they share something other than CONFUSION + mentally disordered yet upgraded to new normal due to junk satanic weird "science"

    Abraham ripping down ALL idols style...the rainbow.

    freedom of speech does NOT just belong to homos and semites.

    11:34 PM

    There's a difference between "freedom of speech" and
    hateful,ugly, degrading,name calling.

    Here on the Fields blog perhaps it's just an unpleasant,ugly,hate filled rant, but in the streets this same rhetoric can and has provoke and caused physical harm and death to many innocent people.

    Not a funny in any way shape or form!

  72. Barbbf10:41 AM

    Believe the NYT? When are they going to report on the 30,000 Libyan civilians killed, hospitals bombed, schools demolished, Christians, Black Libyans and African immigrants targeted for ASSASINATION? Someone posted that the article is just an attempt to protect Hillary from the disastrous events...during her presidential run. I believe they are right.

  73. @rob:

    Wow, this kid is the scum of the earth, attacking an innocent elderly man. At the same time, the story does demonstrate the racial animus that drives Holder's Justice Department. I hope we all are able to recognize such racial injustice, while having no sympathy for this evil young man.

  74. hateful homos provoke violence on the street.

    other is hateful hets persecuting folks.

    i stand for none of it.

    just as homos don't want to be told what to do, think, one else does either.

    step away from the homo party line for a moment + see this.

    hateful homos pretending all men are flippable does not prevent violence on the street, either.

    unless...folks pretending it is all het women being violent...


    for the hateful homo that called me a "beast".


    i would add only that i AM with Him and those subscribing to the animal theory need to know i AM His lioness from the tribe of Yahudah.

    guess who running thangs for Real in the jungle?


    be mad + informed;)

    good day all!


    Barbbf said...

    Believe the NYT? When are they going to report on the 30,000 Libyan civilians killed, hospitals bombed, schools demolished, Christians, Black Libyans and African immigrants targeted for ASSASINATION? Someone posted that the article is just an attempt to protect Hillary from the disastrous events...during her presidential run. I believe they are right.

    10:41 AM


    pretty much.

  75. "At the same time, the story does demonstrate the racial animus that drives Holder's Justice Department."

    Oh yeah, scary blah man holding a white guy responsible for his actions is so racist. Maybe if he prosecuted the new blah panther party for standing around you would be happy huh?

  76. Anonymous5:10 PM


    Meanwhile blacks attack Whites in Hate crimes all over the U.S.

    The true wingnuts are liberal blacks.
