Thursday, February 20, 2014

"Et tu" Scott Walker ?

The next presidential election is a couple of years away, and, as of now, the two most attractive republican candidates probably wish that it was further away than that.

Not to be outdone by Chris Christie, Scott Walker has also entered the world of political scandal and intrigue.

"When it comes to political corruption, New Jersey and Wisconsin are rarely mentioned in the same sentence. But a raft of emails released by a state appeals court judge Wednesday have Badger State governor Scott Walker facing some of the same questions as his embattled Garden State counterpart, Chris Christie.

Even if Walker is not eventually implicated of any wrongdoing, the documents released Wednesday, as well as other information arising from a pair of criminal cases related to his rise from Milwaukee County Executive to Governor of Wisconsin raise some troubling questions about his choice of personnel and his awareness  -- or lack thereof -- of what was going on in his own office.

Much has been written and said about Walker as the Republican reformer who successfully beat back labor unions over collective bargaining in a blue state and handily survived a recall election that positioned him for a possible run for president in 2016.  Until now, however, there has been relatively little attention paid – outside Wisconsin – to the criminal conduct of many who surrounded him.

The more than 25,000 pages of e-mails released on Wednesday were gathered as part of a now-concluded investigation that led to conviction of Kelly Rindfleisch, a former Walker deputy chief of staff, on charges that she essentially worked as a campaign staffer for a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor while on the clock in Walker’s office." [Source]

I will give it to these republican governors; they sure know how to cover their tracks. Right now there is a lot of smoke but no fire. So, for now, Scott Walker and Chris Christie will live to see another political day. For now.

Let's see where these investigations take us. If they take us all the way to 2016, Jeb, Ted, and Rand will be cheering the loudest.

Finally, one of the two black jurors in the Dunn case has come forward to say that race was not a factor in the way that they deliberated and came up with a verdict.

"'I never once thought about, ‘Oh, this was a black kid, this was a white guy.’ Because that was – that wasn’t the case,' juror number 8, aged 21, told CNN reporter Alina Machado.

'So, for people who say, you know, here’s another white guy who got away with shooting and killing a black kid, what would you tell them?..' 

'I would tell them that they really should knowledge themselves on the law,' Miles replied.

“If this case wasn’t about race for you, what was it about?' the CNN reporter followed up.

'It was about justice,' juror number 8 responded" [Source]

Lord have mercy! Some of these Negroes really need a clue. Lady, you tell us that we need to "knowledge" ourselves about the law, but I dare say that maybe it's you who needs to get some knowledge about where you live and the people you live around.

You can't see what is in the hearts or minds of your fellow jurors, so you can't sit on national television and declare that race did not play a role in the verdict.

I mean did you honestly expect one of the white jurors to openly declare that there is no way that they can convict a white man of shooting a black teenager when they totally empathize with what he must have been feeling?

N****r please!




  1. Yawn...Field is jiggin' over a closed investigation that resulted in no charges or finding of wrongdoing on the part of Scott Walker.

    Epic fail.

    "I will give it to these republican governors; they sure know how to cover their tracks. "

    Thank you Democrats....

  2. Damn, tried to be first but got beat again.

  3. "You can't see what is in the hearts or minds of your fellow jurors, so you can't sit on national television and declare that race did not play a role in the verdict."

    Yet, field claimerates seeing what is in the hearts and minds of whites/Republicans.

    "N****r please!"


  4. You think maybe Jeb is clearing the way? I mean his dad was head of the CIA and his family does have some serious connections.
    Well, what did you expect sista girl to say? We all know race played a part in the deliberations but when the cameras are on you say the PC version of the truth. The old Eddie Haskell routine. "Why gee Mrs. Cleaver, of course we didn't consider race".

  5. Anonymous10:00 PM

    No mention of fellow field negro Mel Reynolds?

    As a bm, i know these things are all to common in our community.

    I can see how you wouldn't want to pen a post about it.

    Keep pretending it's white people/people in Europe thang.

  6. I'm shocked! Shocked! about all of these corrupt republiklans.

  7. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Alina Machado sure has a lot more integrity than the "Field Negro".

  8. Field got his Media Matters assignment today. Christie was derailed over a lane closure on a bridge, time to pivot to Scott Walker, because someone that worked for the state of Wisconsin apparently campaigned for someone else.

    Does this mean that the nation's reporters will be too busy to finally do some investigation into what happened at Benghazi, or how the President used (and still uses) the IRS to attack his political opponents?

    How about the fact that the State of Oregon has spent $304 million on its Obamacare exchange, and has yet to sign up a single person for healthcare?

    Damn, just when the massive operation to get to the bottom over that bridge lane closure wraps up, something more important comes up again. What bad luck!

  9. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Field, "Lord have mercy! Some of these Negroes really need a clue. Lady, you tell us that we need to "knowledge" ourselves about the law, but I dare say that maybe it's you who needs to get some knowledge about where you live and the people you live around."

    I have said many times before: Our race is riddled with sell-outs and self hating Negroes. I can't even call them slave catchers or House Negroes...they are beyond that. They 'LITERALLY' have resent and have a deep-seated hatred for their own race. Bottom line: they don't want to be associated with their own. In fact, they want to be White...good luck with that.

    What bothers me is the failure of FN Negroes, to NOT acknowledge the multitudes on our folks who will sell-out a Negro in less than a NY minute!

    Field, AND FP, why is it that you won't speak up about how treacherous and degrading this is for our race?

    Just what do you think Whites think about us when there are Negroes IN FLORIDA who claim race had nothing to do with the killing of that teen?

    I bet Juror 8 was the one who made a hung jury possible. That juror has profound hate for his/her people.

  10. "Damn, tried to be first but got beat again."



    don't do it Pilot X.

    don't pick on the special baby. his pic is SO cute. lol. you know he close views (sits all close to it) the screen...

    just waiting...

    for FN to post yet another wack daily dose of ride hard with them dem nonsense wackness.

    then KC quick two finger types his deeeep philosophical notions.

    then smiles.

    all proud and with it.


    ok...folk need to know i have a blast when i come over here. KC is EASILY my fave over here. never vulgar. just...

    clapping off beat.

    which i have always respected as an art.

    has anyone ever TRIED to dance/clap off beat?

    don't sleep.

    it is not easy to do.

    and THAT'S not being racist. i truly do Love our differences;)

    all jokes aside...KC doesn't really bother me too much. probably because of straight forward approach + respectful delivery of message. i respect that, even if i don't agree. + i like the football head baby pic. lol!

  11. @ Anon 10:43 PM-

    i don't get your question.

    rephrase it please?

  12. "don't pick on the special baby. his pic is SO cute. lol. you know he close views (sits all close to it) the screen...

    just waiting..."

    True. Sad but true.

  13. We're all doomed10:58 PM

    "Does this mean that the nation's reporters will be too busy to finally do some investigation into what happened at Benghazi, or how the President used (and still uses) the IRS to attack his political opponents?"

    Hmm, you mean even Fox news gave up on this bs? First the knock out game and now the IRS non-story. Oh lordy!

  14. "How about the fact that the State of Oregon has spent $304 million on its Obamacare exchange, and has yet to sign up a single person for healthcare?"

    Ok, this is too stupid to even discuss.

  15. Facts trump stupidity11:06 PM

    Though Oregon's health insurance exchange is not yet up and running, the number of uninsured is already dropping thanks to new fast-track enrollment for the Oregon Health Plan.

    The low-income, Medicaid-funded program has already signed up 56,000 new people, cutting the state's number of uninsured by 10 percent, according to Oregon Health Authority officials.

  16. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...
    @ Anon 10:43 PM-

    i don't get your question.

    rephrase it please?

    10:50 PM
    Sorry, FP. My original question sorely needs rephrasing. Thanks for pointing it out. I hope this is better..please let me know....

    Rephrased: "Field, AND FP, why won't you speak up how treacherous and degrading 'sell-outs' (like Juror 8) can hurt our race?"

    There seems to be an abundance of them....Whites like Kinky Con must love to use black sell-outs to make their point.

  17. "Just what do you think Whites think about us when there are Negroes IN FLORIDA who claim race had nothing to do with the killing of that teen?"

    That maybe all blacks aren't amoral racists.

    That maybe, just maybe, there is some hope for black America.

    You asked.

  18. Hi FP, how are you girlfriend?

  19. Anonymous11:40 PM

    FP, Re: Prayer: Sometimes, I feel spiritually nurtured. Other times, I feel like God is not there.

    What does the Scripture say when prayers sometimes leave the heart dry?


  20. Lawmakers are setting their sites on exchanges in Oregon, Maryland and Massachusetts, where Democratic governors embraced the healthcare law, and are demanding to know why their expensive online portals remain useless more than four months after launch.

    On Wednesday, four Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting a review of the $304 million in federal grants that Oregon received to build its broken website.

    In Oregon, not even one person has yet to enroll online, leaving the state completely reliant on paper applications.

  21. "Hmm, you mean even Fox news gave up on this bs? First the knock out game and now the IRS non-story. Oh lordy!"

    So why did Lois Lerner resign anyway?

  22. "What does the Scripture say when prayers sometimes leave the heart dry? "

    Start drinking.

  23. Anonymous11:54 PM

    OMG! Black Sage has returned. I am so glad you are back. I heard that you took time off due to depression. I get depressed often so I empathize with you.

    It's damn depressing being Black in America with white ass-holes like Kinky Con always effing with you.

    d-pressed Negro

  24. Anonymous11:59 PM

    "I mean did you honestly expect one of the white jurors to openly declare that there is no way that they can convict a white man of shooting a black teenager when they totally empathize with what he must have been feeling?"

    In Florida? No. In CA? Maybe...on second thought, NO.

  25. "In Florida? No. In CA? Maybe...on second thought, NO."

    You got that right.

  26. The President... never wastes an opportunity to show just how right the absurdness of the social media noise machine is. When Obama jokes about being able to do whatever he wants, then turns around and hits an HBO producer up at a State Dinner for advanced copies of television shows to get him through an extended weekend, how are we as a desperate electorate supposed to react? We tolerate the luxuries afforded to our leaders. Just don’t be a dick about it.

    How is a world currently engulfed in flames of revolution supposed to react?

    The problem for a President who makes any excuse to hit up a golf course or admits to watching tons of HBO is there are still events in the world happening outside his windows. People are desperate for American leadership and can’t wait for the killer on True Detective to be revealed.

    Nobody in Kiev is interested in the fallout of the Red Wedding.

    Nobody in Venezuela cares about the fate of Zoe Barnes.

    Obama and his administration can’t wait to inject themselves into pop culture as it suits their narratives. If Lego Movie is number one at the box office, the Secretary of State is referencing global warming to 3D movies. If the Super Bowl is trending on social media, out come the football analogies. Michelle Obama is on Jimmy Fallon’s new Tonight Show and Joe Biden on Seth Meyer’s follow up. Actors pushing health care that they themselves refuse to sign up for. What message does it send the world when cries for democracy in Ukraine and Venezuela are met with silence, but tweeting about a cable show is paramount?

    Barack Obama is the first President optimized for SEO and therein lies the problem. When #Venezuela and #Kiev are the top trends on Twitter for two days straight and not #HouseOfCards or #TrueDetective, the online persona machine that elected Barack Obama goes dark and resorts to a spam account selling us crappy insurance.

    At the height of violence that erupted with both protests this past weekend, where was he? Hosting a Hollywood premiere style party for #GeorgeClooney and cast of his film #TheMonumentsMen, in private at the White House, simply because he could. Right now in Kiev, historical statues and art are being burned in front of the world. He was content to remain silent and watch a movie about it happening instead. The real world does not interest this President. The set design does.

  27. @ Anon 11:29 PM-

    no your question was fine. i just did not understand. no stress.

    i do speak out re: souled out to satan folk in general. white devils, black devils, red devils, all devils get the call/cast out with me.

    He/His Word is not a respecter of persons. neither am i;)

    not to speak for FN...i think he does as well. that is the premise of his sitting folk in his corner, right?

    in fact, he will rip a Black card with the quickness.

    then even double back with it in hand...dangling it. think D Lemon. lol. which is pure comedy since how FN taking folk Black card? he didn't give nobody one. for Real.


    forgive any typos.

    a bit tired;)

  28. Hi Black Sage! i prayed you up.

    gotta Love that.


    for some reason Almighty laid it on my heart to say a prayer for you. i pray you Stand Strong, my friend.

    glad you are well.

    stay Blessed.


    sometimes, if feels like Almighty gives me a LOT of His Presence.

    there are times when i feel His Anointing in a Mighty Way.

    then other times...

    silence, it seems. @ first i would go mildly loco when that happened. but then someone paints messages on the sidewalk + other places. it is wild. lol!

    i remember feeling like i could not hear Yah and walking. on the sidewalk it said trust...

    walked more and saw it

    it is wild. lol! now i just Understand:

    during those times it is about Trust. Loving + Trusting Him/His Word.

    IF when He reveals Himself in the most Real of ways...then steps back it seems. will we walk by Faith, knowing that we know that know? according to His Word.

    for me the close times are so Real. they make the away taking care of other King of Kings business times a breeze;) i Love Him/His Word. which is how He speaks to US. this is how i couch the experience. hope it makes sense.

  29. Seeker-

    when you go to read His Word, pray and meditate, you will see everything under the sun we go through is already written of in His Word.

    i Love the Psalms of King David.

    look it + tell me if King David seemed to be having a moment similar to the one we've described. lol. peep the first line. lol! it's like King David asks Yah if he can holla at Him for a moment. lol!



    Psalm 86: 1-5

    1 Bow down thine ear, O Sovereign, hear me: for I am poor and needy.

    2 Preserve my soul; for I am set apart; O thou my Almighty, save thy servant that trusteth in thee.

    3 Be merciful unto me, O Sovereign for I cry unto thee daily.

    4 Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O Sovereign, do I lift up my soul.

    5 For thou, Sovereign, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.


    there is more pure Goodness in that Psalm of David.

    confession: sometimes when i pray...i feel compelled to remind Yah of what He said in His Word.


    for instance:

    Father, now you said you would never leave nor forsake me. You said i could trust ya, 'cause you are not a man that you should lie. so here i AM feeling like you are far away. which is causing me to falter. Father, will you Strengthen me in You? increase me in Faith + Trust in triple portions + Messiah's Name so i can Boldly stroll here like What? @ our enemies that you might get the Glory + gather more souls to You?


    the prayers of the Righteous availeth much. also, He inhabits the praises of His People. when He feels far. the burdens feel heavier than ever. and the friends more faux than one could ever know...



    Luke 21:16-17

    16 And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.

    17 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.


    and THAT is pure Truth, for those that don't know it firsthand.

    when it starts going down like that, please know it is time to give Him some Praise. we can do it with ease when all is Good. it's in those times that we are straining to feel His Presence that we must discipline ourselves to Praise through it.

    i AM a witness.

    it works.

    confuses the enemy + releases the Victory;)

    forgive any typos...

  30. FN-

    i apologize for calling your posts daily wack + dem sacred dems smack;)

    that ain't Right.

    though it is Truth.

    not sure how to apologize for calling folks out.

    oh darn...

    see. THIS is why i don't really do politically correct. though my heart is to beg pardon for coming to your house and calling you wack. lol. what a dilemma.

    can you dig it?


    good night all! i CLEARLY need rest;)

  31. Field the best those jurors could do was to ENSURE that man receive many years behind bars....The statement the murder conviction was supposed to convey serves no purpose but a well intended back rub for black
    folks..long as he's not walking around doin CNN interviews about how hes the victim......

  32. Wilderness, there is always FOX Views for u.

    Anyway, I am more concerned with what is going on in Nigeria than in Kiev.

    More on that later.

  33. Quote Nazi is short for...

    "Isn't that what you're doing?
    Remember, it was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).
    National. Socialist. German. Workers. Party.

    Yes and as I said before the reason Hitler did that is laid out in Mein Kampf. It's your bible - go read it.

    I see you are attempting to use this as a smokescreen because you can't answer the barrage of other evidence I laid at your door.

    You're not worthy.

  34. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Damn, tried to be first but got beat again.

    Don't compare yourself to the winner, just be happy knowing you did your best.

    Maybe Kinky.Con will not try next time and let you win. Wouldn't that be nice for you?

  35. field negro said...

    Anyway, I am more concerned with what is going on in Nigeria than in Kiev.

    More on that later.

    As soon as you can find a way to blame bush and right-wingers I believe you will comment on it.

    But not until.

    Without blaming someone, always on the right, what else do you post about?

  36. BARBBF`10:05 AM

    I saw that interview with juror #8 on CNN. Just looking at her would have kept me from wanting her on any jury (did you see that hair?). THEN..what really was so incredible to me..which you did not mention was that she said she thought Dunn was a nice guy who just made a mistake.

    I definitely needed a barf bag.

  37. Anonymous10:53 AM

    How many times have you read Mein Kampf, purple cow?

    Sounds like you have homo erotic Hilter fantasies.

  38. The Purple Cow said...
    I see you are attempting to use this as a smokescreen because you can't answer the barrage of other evidence I laid at your door.

    What "evidence"? An opinion that "Fascism borrowed terminology from Socialism" but because their focus of resentment was different, it was a totally different ideo0logy?


    They are both versions of Statism. Both collectivist systems that use group resentments to control society.

    As far as lying about one's positions to get into power, what Socialist hasn't done that? I mean look at Obama for Chrissake.

    And the fact that some people who you identify as "right wing" eventually supported Hitler after he rose to power by no means confers their ideology upon them.

    A National Socialist was a socialist nationalist. You have to be blinded by leftist propaganda not to see that.

  39. field negro said...
    Anyway, I am more concerned with what is going on in Nigeria than in Kiev.

    Obama is not interested in Nigeria either.

    The problem there is that it is Muslims killing Christians, so there is not much to get excited about.

    Obama must be cool with that.

  40. Wesley R11:49 AM

    I'm still dealing with close to 50 inches of snow on the ground a week from March and another polar vortex coming in a few days. Despite this I'd rather be here then in Florida being hunted by KKKrackers

  41. Nazi boi, you can't jump through hoops for ever. Eventually you are going to have to answer one of my points.

    1. If nazis were socialists why did they not enact a single socialist policy in government? Not a single one...

    2. Why did Hitler slaughter 400,000 communists, trade unionists and socialists?

    3. Why did Nazis end collective bargaining?

    4. Why did they place the State above all else, when Marxism proposes that the state should wither away?

    5. Why did Hitler rat out Socialists to the Bavarian government?

    6. Why was he supported by far-Right industrialists who had everything to lose to Socialism?

    7. Why did the Army employ Hitler to lecture troops on the evils of Socialism?

    8. Why did they not bring the "commanding heights" of the economy into worker control?

    9. Why did they suppress Trade Unions?

    10. Why would Hitler adhere to a philosophy largely invented and propagated by Jews such as Marx, Engels, Trotsky, and Luxembourg?

    When you've answer those ten questions I'lll ask you ten more.

    Now put up or shut up.

  42. parvenu12:04 PM

    Field do you know where the designation of "homey" actually originated? After the great migration of southern Negroes north during World War II, there was a cultural clash between those Negroes born and raised in the northern states and those Negroes born in the South and migrated north.

    The culture of these southern transplants showed up in many ways which made it very difficult for many southern Negroes to become socially accepted by the black community. The most notable difference was the fact that from time to time the southern Negroes would appear to arbitrarily and spontaneously jump to the defense of some white person (that they didn't even know) in some local interracial dispute. This proved to be unacceptably irritating to black folks on the other side of the conflict; who felt that with all things being equal black folks should at least stick together. So black folks started calling these southern Negroes, (who would predictably rush to the defense of any white person in any racially charged controversy) HOME or HOMEY - where HOMEY meant that the person was from deep down south or "home".

    In my estimation juror #8 fills all the qualifications for the title of homey beyond the shadow of a doubt.

  43. @Wesley:

    We are all around you, you just can't see use because our white robes blend in with the snow.

    Just kidding. We are waiting for the snow to melt, then we'll be up for hunting season. See you in the spring.

  44. Even CBS has fun pointing out left-wing hypocrisy and the usual democrat party "do as I say not as I do" talking points.

    De Blasio’s Caravan Caught Speeding, Violating Traffic Laws
    Embarrassment Comes Just Days After Mayor Announced New Traffic Safety Initiative
    When the mayor announced his 62-point safe streets initiative, which includes lowering the speed limit to 25 mph, he said, “We want the public to know that we are holding ourselves to this standard.”

    When a politician has a (D) after their name, that indicates they engage in Double Standards and Hypocrisy.

  45. 1. I'll let Adolph take this one: " "There is no license any more, no private sphere where the individual belongs to himself. That is socialism, not such trivial matters as the possibility of privately owning the means of production. Such things mean nothing if I subject people to a kind of discipline they can't escape...What need have we to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings"

    2. A mere fraction of the capitalists he slaughtered.

    3. Same reason Roosevelt did - the war.

    4. Marx said that, but Marxism is Statism, therefore the state never withers away in a socialist country, it always increases its control. See every socialist state in history.

    5. So that he could be the head socialist.

    6. Because the one thing they didn;t want to lose was their lives.

    7. They did not. Hitler considered the rival socialist ideology of Jewish communism to be 'evil'.

    8. They brought it under state control, which is what socialism always does.

    9. See answers to Nos. 1 and 3 above.

    10. Because statist control served his purposes. Jews invented ethno-nationalism. Americans invented light bulbs; Hitler used those too.

    You are tiresome cow.

  46. parvenu said...
    Field do you know where the designation of "homey" actually originated? After the great migration of southern Negroes north during World War II, there was a cultural clash between those Negroes born and raised in the northern states and those Negroes born in the South and migrated north.

    The culture of these southern transplants showed up in many ways which made it very difficult for many southern Negroes to become socially accepted by the black community. The most notable difference was the fact that from time to time the southern Negroes would appear to arbitrarily and spontaneously jump to the defense of some white person (that they didn't even know) in some local interracial dispute.

    Here a couple of accounts from 1919 Chicago that paint a different picture:

    Some southern Negroes apparently came to Chicago with a real grudge against all whites and ready at slight provocation to display their resentment. The minister of one of the Negro churches in Chicago said: After years of restriction and proscription to which they were subjected in the South, they suddenly find themselves freed in a large measure of these conditions. Their mind harks back to that which they endured at the hands of members of the Aryan race in the South, and they grow resentful, and in the midst of their new environment they vent their spleen. One has but to ride on any of the surface lines running into the section of Chicago largely occupied by my race group to be convinced of the facts mentioned above.

    Newly arrived southern Blacks often clashed with their northern brethren:

    "I [a Northern black woman] was on a State Street car when two southern Negro women got on, talking loud, and throwing themselves around loose and careless like. I was sitting on one of the end seats, just big enough for three, and one of the women says to the other, 'Here's a seat, here's a seat.' 'You move over,' she said to me. There was fire in their eyes, and I don't like fighting, so I made up my mind that if they started anything I'd get up and give them my seat. Most people would have understood how you felt if you did that, but I am not sure they would have understood.

    I said to one of them, 'There really isn't room on this seat.' She gave me a shove, so I said, 'But I'll get up and give you my seat.' You wouldn't believe what happened then. The conductor came in and said, 'You just keep your seat.' And a white man, who was sitting in one of the cross-seats, turned around and said, 'I'll see that she does.'"

  47. Anonymous12:59 PM

    On another topic:
    In the manner of Dave Chappelle's spoof of the KKK...
    How 'bout us AFRAMS appropriating the confederate flag: Incorporate/integrate the confederate flag with other Afro-centric icons, i.e., the raised fist/"black-power" icon silhouetted with the confed" flag?? Or, a re-make of, let'say, FUBU gear ala confed' flag??
    Think about it... Like we now dominate sports, let's dominate and take ownership of this (repugnant?) symbol; flip it on its head, add some "swag" and rhythm; make it a "black thang".
    After all; what can they say or do?
    Just sayin'...

  48. Looks like the Scott Walker case is farther along the the Christie inquiry. Several of his close associates have been convicted. I guess Wisconsin just doesn't get the same attention Jersey does. Then again Walker isn't as flamboyant as CC.

  49. Anonymous1:19 PM

    @Nazi is short for Dumb Fuck

    Naziism is a conflation of a hard line government and corporate elites which in turn morphs into blind and beligerent nationalism. This mixing of sort is essentially what most people refer to as fascism. Hitler was as close to socialism as Mars is to Earth in distance.

    Why don't you go and have a bowl of Cheerios white boy?

    Nat Turner Reloaded

  50. Brilliant Nat.

    Mars is relatively much closer to earth than it is to Uranus.

    What's in in Uranus anyway?

  51. Darryl Issa1:26 PM

    "So why did Lois Lerner resign anyway?"

    I don't know but I suspect it has something to do with Vince Foster and White Water.

  52. Wide stance1:31 PM

    "When a politician has a (D) after their name, that indicates they engage in Double Standards and Hypocrisy."

    While Republicans just relish in outright criminality. Ask James Mountain Inhoff if landing on a closed runway and then using his status as a senator to try to intimidate the FAA is hypocrisy and a double standard or just thuggish behavior. How about the congressman in Florida who voted to drug test welfare recipients and then got caught sniffing snow. Does that count as hypocrisy or double standard or just when Dems do it? We know what Bill thinks.


  54. Median amount of funding per pupil by region for black and white students:

    N.east: .$16,733....$14,521
    South: ..$10,420....$ 9,945
    M.west: $11,371....$10,090
    East: ....$10,970....$ 9,874

    Is that racist?

  55. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Blogger focusedpurpose said...


    when you go to read His Word, pray and meditate, you will see everything under the sun we go through is already written of in His Word."
    FP, re: reading Scripture, prayer and meditation:

    Do you read first, or do you pray and meditate first...and study afterwards? Does it matter?

    I tend to read first, but sometimes I do the opposite. It 'feels' different when I sit in prayer/meditation before reading anything.

    Does the Bible give 'specific' instructions about this or is it up to me?

    What's your experience with this communication with God?


  56. Anonymous2:55 PM

    CORRECTION TO: "What's your experience with this communication with God?"

    It should read "What's your experience with this process of prayer/meditation 'before' and 'after' reading Scripture?

    Now I am thinking and feeling that reading Scripture can be a meditation in itself. And maybe on some days that is enough?

  57. “The company can’t have it both ways – presenting the strong, progressive voices of the MSNBC hosts while at the same time depriving the Peacock employees of their own voices on the job,” he added.

    Back in December of last year, a report surfaced that Chris Hayes had met with disgruntled employees of Peacock Productions who had failed in attempts to unionize. The Writers Guild claims votes from a June, 2013 secret ballot union election were never counted, still sitting in a box.

    Imagine the leftwing democrat outrage if the NRA refused to count union votes.

    Double Standard.

  58. Michelle Obama quote from the tonight show-

    OBAMA: Well, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, young people can stay on their parents' insurance until they’re 26. But once they hit 26, they're on their own. And a lot of young people think they’re invincible. But the truth is, young people are knuckleheads. You know? [Laughter] They're the ones who are cooking for the first time and slice their finger open. They’re dancing on the bar stool. They’re –

    Am I really that out of touch with her life?

    At the age of 26 were you cooking for the first time?

    At the age of 26 were you still dancing on bar stools?

    Was FN, PurpleCow and PilotX out of college already at the age of 26? Knuckleheads?

    At the age of 26 did you vote for Obama?

  59. GrannyStandingforTruth5:56 PM


    How did you come across that Black Assassins' web site? Do you know the person who wrote it? Or did you just happen to come across it surfing the net or did someone refer you to it?

  60. The Truth Squad6:00 PM

    "But the truth is, young people are knuckleheads."

    Amen Chelly.

  61. This passes for intelligence on the right6:03 PM

    "Imagine the leftwing democrat outrage if the NRA refused to count union votes."

    This is just too stupid to comment about. Bill must have hit his head as a child. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  62. The Union6:07 PM

    "Imagine the leftwing democrat outrage if the NRA refused to count union votes."

    "It's not something we want to see happen," she said after an appearance at an automotive conference in downtown. "We discourage any companies that have unions from wanting to come to South Carolina because we don't want to taint the water."

    We're too busy trying to bring jobs to SC that the governor doesn't want. And Bill says nothing about this! Hypocrisy! Double standard!

  63. PilotX thinks Democrats support unions because they care about working people.

    Go figure.

  64. Hypocrisy Double standard!6:53 PM

    Colonel Corn thinks Bill commented about unions because he cares about working people.

    Go figure.

  65. Actually, I don't think anything about what Bill posts.

    I'm just here for the pearls of wisdom that drop from the friendly skies like blue ice from a malfunctioning toilet.

  66. On second thought7:39 PM

    Nobody gives a shit what Colonel Corn thinkerates.

  67. Anon/Seeker-

    there is no one way to Love Him with all your heart.

    that will look different for each soul.

    who among US is really qualified to tell the next what their relationship with Yah must look like?

    i think this is why organized religion and i don't get along...

    at all.

    i don't think it is about rituals + being regimented. it is literally about have a close, intimate- in a pure sense, personal relationship with one's Creator. where amidst all the noise, you can learn to listen for His Voice.

    seeking Him fine tunes one's ear for when He speaks.

    it is my heart to pray without ceasing. no matter too small. looking back, in my soul, i have just always known to talk to Him;) looking back...He always talks back;) sometimes this Truth is only obvious in retrospect.

    Matthew 6: 9-13 teaches us how to pray. reading the whole chapter gives a great deal more knowledge.

    fasting is amazing. it allows me to hear with greater clarity. like the lighter i am food wise...the more keen i am spiritually. if that makes sense to you.

    meditating is simply being still. quiet. listening to Yah.

    it is human nature to want to follow man. the message is to look to Him/His Word. we are each called to do just that...

    Granny, i asked Almighty to show me what He wanted me to know. then He led me to different places...with the warning to beware of false knowledge because it is deadlier than ignorance.

    this is why when i share links, i urge folk to get familiar. which means look. then go look some more. elsewhere. watching and praying. that's the name of the game for me. it is also greatly beneficial for me to listen to folk with which i do NOT agree. these folk teach me the most, actually.

    no. i do not know the soul that writes the blog.

    having read his blog for awhile now, it seems he would have his own surveillance detail. between his + mine...i think i will just continue to cyber support + drop his link where it seems beneficial;) how many white vans does a soul REALLY need?

    i respect him greatly. don't even think i have ever commented there, now that i think about it.

    the ptb have been experimenting + playing with folk for longer than a minute. the spiritual side of the wild ride is not even factored in by the masses;(

    the brotha that writes the blog and i don't share, it seems, the same spiritual beliefs.

    we don't need to.

    his quest/thirst for Knowledge is what prompted me to share. there was something in the convo that led me to believe an additional level was needed.

    pretty much nothing we see is what it seems. hasn't been for a loooooooooong time...the more i search, i find.

    all Good though.

    He won't be mocked + i won't be totally quiet;) nope. not on all things. just some.


    'cause all that "ssshhh!" biz ain't my Understanding...nor what's written.

    went on a ramble. i know;) would rather say too much than not what i need to say.

  68. Sufferer8:16 PM

    "would rather say too much than not what i need to say."

    Oh, we know FP, we know.

  69. Anonymous9:27 PM

    My goodness! Arizona passed a law discriminating against LGBT. That is so wrong. Yet underneath the pc, it seems right. I'm confused.

    FP, what say you?

  70. GrannyStandingforTruth9:32 PM


    "Granny, i asked Almighty to show me what He wanted me to know. then He led me to different places...with the warning to beware of false knowledge because it is deadlier than ignorance."

    The day I mentioned to you who was responsible for my cousin Chauncey's death, you gave me that link. God works in mysterious ways. Oh yes He does!

    That website is full of false knowledge. Whoever wrote it is spreading a lot of false and slanderous information. Yep, that person is very creative, clever and devious.

    I noticed a couple of misleading statements in that article right away because I know the truth. The person who wrote it is skilled in playing with words, rearranging, and substituting words.

    Let me tell you why I said that.
    Reading that article was an uncanny experience for me. I saw another name mentioned in that article of someone else I knew very well.

    Word tag: demoniacal.
    Yep, that about says it for that person who wrote that article. Yessiree, God works in mysterious ways.

  71. Everyone that patronized that bakery contributed to Chauncey's death. There is no denying it.

  72. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Granny & FP, what do you think of O'Reilly's opinion of California and Californians being ripped off by their own state?

    He even implied that PR and the VIs were better places.

    Add the taxes to the racial discrimination and sell-outs in Oakland and it becomes a crying shame.

  73. GrannyStandingforTruth10:00 PM


    Would you like to expound on why you said that?

  74. " Anonymous Sufferer said...

    "would rather say too much than not what i need to say."

    Oh, we know FP, we know.

    8:16 PM"


    i don't think you do know...if you would save your breath.

    wasting it with little nasty digs only MOTIVATES me to speak a bit more;)

    know THAT...sound asleep sufferer...

    Shabbath Shalom;)

  75. @ Granny-

    the soul that writes that blog seems not to know what to do with Messiah.


    though quite a bit of what he writes on the spiritual side stands. then there is a great deal that i must leave where i found it, because it does not line up with the Scriptures that you will notice the blog host shares throughout his posts.

    it is pure comedy that you want to know if we are tight or not. lol. what if we were? then what?

    Granny, maybe you haven't noticed but there is demonic activity everywhere. over here in the fields is no joke on any given day of the week.

    black devils congregate here, on the daily- lest folk IMMEDIATELY start talking about white devils. i refuse to pretend otherwise. it is not about color for me.

    i don't know who did what at the bakery. i do understand that there is usually evil all the way around.

    those eye ball deep in devils...are usually being devilish at that stage of their journey. that why they are eye ball deep in devils. that is not judgment. just an observation from one that used to run with the devils, yet managed to be spared. THIS is why i praise Him/His Word.

    ever notice that there are no a-holes murdered? at least no one ever says, yep, so and so was an a-hole + richly deserved precisely what they got.

    since i have personally lived long enough to watch true a-holes die...then folk that KNEW the Truth began to lie and lie and lie some mo'. rather than just be quiet. lol. so i don't know. there is usually some responsibility for whatever to go all the way around. said differently...rarely are there innocents.

    folk usually get this unless they are Black needing to apply this logic to Black men. think Oscar Grant. the same folk that wail up a storm...

    had Grant been a Black SHE with a toddler...these same ones would AUTO ask IF she forgot she had a toddler when she commenced to public brawling. BM= nope. folk WON'T go there. EVER.

    it is interesting to note that woefully male identified Black women are the WORST offenders in this way. a girl can be 10 and more responsible than a 40 + Black man.

    personally... i am sick of even attempting to play along with the code of silence that keeps Black folk dying. in massive #s women and children.

    for me, some of what the gentleman shares is on point. other stuff not so much. take what you need and leave the rest.

    he is not joking about the so called "entertainment" industry though. this much i know to be true, no doubt.

    didn't even KNOW Whitney HAD a middle name...much less that it was Elizabeth. until she was sacrificed quite obviously during queen elizabeth's jubilee/occult celebrations. her body held until the rituals/ceremonies had concluded.

    all this done in plain sight.

    there is enough Truth coming from that man's site to link is not necessary for me to agree with every syllable.

  76. " Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My goodness! Arizona passed a law discriminating against LGBT. That is so wrong. Yet underneath the pc, it seems right. I'm confused.

    FP, what say you?

    9:27 PM"



    as a het woman...i don't think gays require my assistance.

    they are REALLY good at speaking for themselves.


    Anon 9:58 PM- CA is getting ready to be a Chinese colony. lol! at least that's who will own all the land.

    the governments are selling out citizens from CA to NY and all points in between in america.

    then folk can scan around the world + see world governments do the same to world citizens.

    it is what it is + what's written.

  77. GrannyStandingforTruth11:44 PM


    I fail to miss the comedy in me asking you that question or why you would get on a slight defensive side for me asking you that question.

    The bottom line is that I wanted to know how well you know that person. That's it, that's all.

    Being messy is not my mode of operation or who I am as a person, my question to you had no ill-intent towards you in it.

    I will say this, if that person is seeking the truth, he needs to seek a little harder.

    Fear-mongering, slander, and sci-fi fantasies are not the TRUTH!

    I'll give him credit, he is very creative when it comes to sci-fi. If he wrote a book, he'd make millions from those who love that genre. At least his talent wouldn't be wasted or him possibly wind up finding himself being sued for libel in a defamation case.

  78. @ Granny-

    i find comedy in most things- otherwise i would be depressed.

    no slight nor disrespect against you. it is just my way to see the humor in all of it.

    according to what i have read...Mr. Bailey was investigating Jesuit Gov. Brown + police corruption. not sure how in light of this information...folk ended up with the Muslims in their blame cross hairs.

    but then things don't really have to make sense,i suppose.

    frankly...i think there was a grip of yuck in the BP party as well as among Muslims. not afraid to call it either- though folk are quick to declare i wasn't there so can't have an opinion. lol!

    Truth be told...the more i learn...the more LIFE begins to resemble a SCI FI movie. so it is interesting you seek to disparage that man with that observation.


    suffice it to say:

    you don't agree with him.

    this is ok.

    agreement is NOT necessary.

    please know there is no one on the web that i agree with lockstep on any topic. that is not necessary for me to learn.

    ps. i don't think that man cares a whit about folk threatening to sue him.

    it might make more sense for you to take your views to his comment section and air them out.

    otherwise...i dunno what to tell ya Granny. outside of, i simply shared the link because i find some of what he shares fascinating.

  79. Granny-

    pls forgive if i sound defensive.

    that is not my intent.

    your observation is appreciated. i can only say i might be a bit defensive just as a natural by-product of being attacked without cause on the regular.

    on some level i guess i am perpetually in dukes up mode these days. lol!

    nevertheless, i wasn't thinking you were being messy so much;)

    ps. that false knowledge disclaimer should mos def be applied when wading through the fields. folk do THE MOST trying to make BO + dem dems make Good sense. lol! just sayin'...

    much Love Granny!

  80. GrannyStandingforTruth1:40 AM


    Remember when I said that reading the article was an uncanny experience for me? Well, it definitely was. I don't really want to go into it on here because prying eyes sitting back reading would like to know. You know what I mean.

    Nope, I wasn't trying to disparage the man.

    I was calling out a few statements he wrote that I know without a doubt are false due to a very close relationship.

    I feel ya. Many times cyber attackers have went for my jugular too. Some of them attacked me when I was going through a concurrent period of grieving for loss loved ones and feeling downhearted on the inside. But the JOY of the Lord is my STRENGTH!

    I could care less what some of these cyber attackers say. It does not faze me one bit because no one on here or anywhere else in cyber space knows me better than me. I know who I am! No one on here is qualified to define me.

  81. GrannyStandingforTruth1:45 AM

    Hmmm...the BART derailed in Concord. I caught a glimpse of it on the news as I was on my way out to my front porch. The sound on the TV was muted, so I don't know what happened.

  82. "PilotX thinks Democrats support unions because they care about working people."

    Actually I don't care why they support unions as long as they do. It makes more sense to support those that support my issues than those that oppose issues that affect me regardless of why the vote the way they do. Great, the gop opposes my issues but at least they do it on principle. Does that make sense to anyone? Even you CC?
