Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Joe's "Black Card", and Verizon gets ready for a stickup.

Oh lawd, Uncle Joe is at it again. My man made another rather colorful remark (pun intended) while talking to former NBA baller turned mayor, Kevin Johnson, at a Black History Month event.  

Uncle Joe spoke about an old stereotype (not true, Google Chris Andersen or Bobby Sura when you get a chance) and a line from a famous movie, and conservatives are playing political gotcha and wondering why we (see black folks) aren't calling him a racist.

Well, here is why: Joe Biden has a "black card." Hey, don't blame me, that's just the way it is. Black folks have a racism meter, and certain folks set it off and certain folks do not. People like Joe Biden can get away with saying ignorant and uncomfortable s**t  about blacks folks because our gut doesn't tell us that he is a racist.

Black folks see a guy who is comfortable --and feels right at home-- in a church full of black folks on a Sunday morning. For the opposite effect see Bill O'Reilly at Sylvia's Restaurant. Total discomfort, and it shows. Our gut tells us that Billo is not comfortable around black folks, and our gut, nine times out of ten, is right about such things.

But I have a surprise for you Negroes, George Bush never set off my racism meter. I had a whole lot of issues with him as president, but him being a racist wasn't one of them. I feel that way about other republicans as well; the now deceased Jack Kemp and the very much alive Jon Huntsman comes to mind.
But they are in the minority on the right. The folks on the right, as most black folks will tell you, make our racism meter go crazy.

Finally, we all saw this coming; we just didn't know it would come this soon.

Apple iPhone Becomes Available Through Verizon WirelessThe CEO of Verizon is setting us up for the corporate stickup that is sure to follow.

He wants heavier broadband users to pay more for the service. Because, according to him, it is not fair for the poor folks who hardly use it to be paying the same as heavy users.

Well here is a thought Mr. CEO Man: Why don't you charge those "poor people" less money and leave the folks who you are already gouging the f**k alone?

We already pay a higher price for our ISP streaming services and faster Internet service, so why are you trying to rip us off even more?

But I blame the FCC and a clueless Supreme Court for all of this. And sadly, I fear it will get worse before it gets better.

Still, judging from the comments after one Yahoo article, I think that folks are starting to wake up.

What good is the FCC if this is allowed to happen? They're going to charge the providers of streaming, like Netflix, to carry their stuff, and then they're going to charge the end users more to get it? Talk about double dipping. I guess now that they've offshored everything that can be offshored, they're running out of ways to keep bringing in big profits, so now corporations are going to start feeding off each other, while, of course, they continue to dangle the consumer upside down to shake every dime out of our pocket. "

This is absolutely INSANE and another milestone in how despicable and disgusting corporate greed is and how much it is getting out of control. Burden the cost? Um, I already have to pay for the speed that my connection gets, now you want me to pay more to use it? I don't always have control over the garbage that comes down the pipe such as video advertisements and other nonsense. The content provider is already paying for their connection too, so your goal here is to have us pay to connect, pay more for our speed and

Phillips- ---
The core of this problem is the fact that the FCC has no legal right to regulate Cable, Fiber, or internet services. They can only regulate the copper phone lines for phone service. As most folk now know, the future is high speed data. Not the phone. If the FCC is not given the power to regulate these other providers, then they will have free reign to pretty much charge what they want, when they want, and limit who can see what. Comcast already set an agreement to charge Netflix to use their service"

Mr. McAdam should have worn a mask in that picture.





  1. I hear in Europe since there is more competition their internet speeds are faster and cheaper. Maybe PC can give us the skinny. When I'm abroad I'm usually too busy eating and drinking to notice such things.

    Oh yeah, don't forget about that cat last year from Florida Gulf Coast who was dunking on EVERYBODY. Looked like Billy Donovan let one get away.

  2. not sure why Bush (either of 'em)didn't set off folks' racism meter. like set it off + break it.

    no FN. this won't get worse. the pain is meant only for the poor. you didn't hear that nice wealthy white lady that lunches at chik- fil-a the other day? + all the other folk that keep repeating that over here?

    rich folks' $ will protect them.

    only "crazy" folk believe what's written + keeps happening.


    @ BIB-

    this and other madness is why i think african het men need to get themselves together. what's with trying to get everybody else together instead? particularly when men regulate the behavior of other men. when that happens the conditions on the continent will change. not a moment sooner.

    just imagine if mobs of 'em were riding around rounding up menfolk committing all the stuff menfolk like to do + pretend it is their right as men.

    but no. i guess it is easier to come for the women and the gays in uganda.

    stripping women naked then standing there grinning, staring + giving credence to african = uncivilized is these clowns' version of fighting pornography.

    okey doke.

    but get those women + gays together.

    it is the same thing all around the world. it's a man's world. but as soon as a person mentions on whose watch + while they were playing around all this got real bashing!

    just like wfolk in america. quite a few act like the WH stood empty 'til BO showed up. now the mess that is the US- many years in the making is ALL because of him. despite everybody before him repping the same group of shadowy running thangs demonic people.

  3. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    I hear in Europe since there is more competition their internet speeds are faster and cheaper.

    Sounds like common sense.
    Less rules/regulations also help.

    Oh yeah. FIRST!

    Congratulations PilotX.

  4. but then some bm were calling bclinton a "bm" because of his inability to act right or tell the truth.

    this despite all the real bm and women he jam packed into the privatized new slaves prison system.

    so i guess none of this is supposed to make sense.


    @ PX-

    uh huh.

    you over here cracking on KC. now i see. you were getting beat for the 1st comment spot. lol.

    @ Anon who gets high + gambles. i hope you make $ too. i wasn't laughing @ your situation earlier. just they way it was all phrased. lol. you were hollering for BIB something fierce. lol! some Anons are pure comedy.

  5. People like Joe Biden can get away with saying ignorant and uncomfortable s**t about blacks folks because our gut doesn't tell us that he is a racist.

    I just knows massa has my best interests at heart. I feels safe on this here plantation.

    I'm just gonna keep jiggin'. Things is gonna get better someday soon, I just knows it.

  6. You funny this evening Field....

    People like Joe Biden can get away with saying ignorant and uncomfortable s**t about blacks folks because our gut doesn't tell us that he is a racist.

    Thats one of the problems right there... Black People not recognizing Wolf's in Sheeps Clothing..

    Joe Biden has positioned himself as a enemy to Black People... Now he may be side arming with the first bi-racial Prez, but make NO mistake...Joe Biden...and Black Peoples friend...

    “Pick a drug law you don’t like from the last 25 years and thank Sen. Joe Biden. He deserves a lot of the credit for the U.S., with 5% of the world’s population, having 25% of the world’s prisoners —-and the racially disproportionate impact of the drug laws.”

    As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Biden was responsible for the mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines passed in 1986. “The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 had forced judges to harshly sentence within a narrow range,” Zeese recounts. “So Biden knew in ’86 that mandatory sentences were not needed… But he pushed for and passed mandatory sentencing anyway, because that’s what the narcs and prosecutors wanted. He held hearings at which they got opportunity to testify while opponents of mandatory minimums were kept out.”

    Biden also pushed for much harsher penalties for possession, use, or sale of crack (prevalent in the ghettos) than for powder cocaine (favored by white folks). Zeese notes: "In the past year Biden has said that was a mistake based on lack of information. He said the same thing about the Iraq war approval. In that case, as in many others, he helped ITAL cause END ITSthe lack of information. As Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee he put on phony hearings where only pro-war viewpoints were heard. He would not allow testimony from weapons inspectors, former military officers opposed to the war, or foreign policy academics opposed to the war. He used the hearing to mislead his colleagues and the public."

    Biden was also instrumental in creating the Office of National Office of Drug Control Policy and takes credit for coining the phrase "Drug Czar" to describe its director. He introduced the “Reducing Americans Vulnerability to Ecstasy (RAVE) Act of 2002,” which, Zeese called “an election-year bill, sloppily written and overbroad, based on exaggerated fears.” Zeese says, "Biden also beat the drug-war drum for escalating penalties for methamphetamine. He never sees drug absuse as a medical problem, only a law enforcement problem. His heart is always with the cops and prosecutors.”

    Dont let me get started on his Consumer Fraud Protection stances with the big credit card companies...

    Joe Biden= Enemy unless you think that big toothy grin is indicative of all things Friendly....

  7. "Well here is a thought Mr. CEO Man: Why don't you charge those "poor people" less money and leave the folks who you are already gouging the f**k alone?"

    You really don't understand this whole capitalist thing, do you?

    Maybe Verizon should double its investment in servers and fiber optic lines and then give everyone internet for free. They'll make lots of money and create lots of jobs. That business model seems to be working out fine for healthcare.

  8. "you over here cracking on KC. now i see. you were getting beat for the 1st comment spot. lol."

    I know. I thought I was losing my skills but now I got em back I guess.

    "Sounds like common sense.
    Less rules/regulations also help."

    Yes and no. Depends on which rules and regs you're talking about. History has shown business doesn't police itself very well.

  9. Slave Catcher9:45 PM

    "I just knows massa has my best interests at heart. I feels safe on this here plantation.

    I'm just gonna keep jiggin'. Things is gonna get better someday soon, I just knows it."

    Wow, who knew Jesse Lee Peterson posts here. Hey Jesse! Tell the rest of your Black Republicans we said hey. Oh yeah that's right, there's never more than one Black Republican in one place at one time. They don't like us that much.

  10. Vice President Biden said new voter ID laws in North Carolina, Alabama and Texas were evidence of “hatred” and “zealotry” during a Black History Month event at the Naval Observatory on Tuesday.

    The vice president said his votes to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act were among his proudest as a senator, and expressed frustration with a recent Supreme Court ruling striking down a crucial provision of the law.

    "I thought it was done — finally, finally done," Biden said.

    Yessir Mr. Biden! I has me a drivers license, I got it myself! But I knows those Republicans is racist! They want to catch me and make me a slave! I is so grateful you lets me vote and keeps me free!

  11. focusedpurpose said...
    but then some bm were calling bclinton a "bm" because of his inability to act right or tell the truth.

    What's the difference between bill and all the other politicians besides Bill just happened to be the first in the internet/24 hour news generation.

  12. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
    My, oh my what a wonderful day!
    Plenty of free shit heading my way
    Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay

    Mister Biden on my shoulder
    It's the truth, it's actch'll
    Ev'rything is satisfactch'll
    Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
    I'd blow old Joe iffin' I was gay!

    Oh man, I been jiggin' so much I'm about to falls over! Remember, the party of slabery is the party of black folk! God bless Massa Biden!

  13. Did you know that Richard Nixon had a Southern Strategy that scared people over race to vote for Republicans? They didn't call it a Southern Strategy, the NY Times called it that. And there was no evidence that the strategy worked because southern states still voted for Democrats.

    It is a good thing that Democrats never use race to scare people into voting for them or maybe the NY Times would accuse them of having a Southern Strategy.

  14. Chuck Schumer10:09 PM

    For once Biden is right. Voter ID laws are based on hate. Hate of illegal or fraudulent voting, that is.

  15. no difference.

    folk could throw some of the women politicians in the mix as well. don't sleep. hrc for sure. lols.

    last i checked though...folk did NOT break out with the weiner =bm. spitzer = bm. etc. etc. the way they most offensively did with BC. some folk even acting all proud like great thangs had been accomplished by the mislabel.


    while BC jam packed the prison system with real Black folk like nobody's business. that's my greater point.

    there is something REALLY wrong with our politicians. all colors and genders when folk start examining fruit. it seems they hate the people they are supposed to serve. all colors. then the media pits us against each other to fight. over nothing.

    but then i could just be "crazy". lol. the politicians LOVE us + tell us only the truth;)

    oh and the is ra eli gov't finally copped to forcibly birth controlling the ethiopians that sought to move to is ra el. IF folk could only see how racist + nervy that really is. considering those seeking to do such things are not even real Hebrews. but ssshhhh! folk are afraid of being a called a made up name. anti semite. despite no one knowing what a semite is. none of this has to make sense. so none of it does. though it is definitely effective.

    back to work, i go...

  16. Black folks will tell us what is racist and what is not. Typically, anyone we agree with isn't racist, those we disagree with is racist.

    See BillO'.

  17. that last comment was in response to Bill;)

    blessings all!

  18. No mention of Kesha Rogers?

    I bet if she was a Republican.....

    Hypocrisy. double standards. Selective outrage.

  19. Let me explain why requiring an ID from everyone in order to cut down on voter fraud is racist.

    The basic burden of getting a free ID from the government is too hard for black people. They just aren't as capable as white people. Asking them to do anything is racist, because white people do everything better than black people.

    Because black people can't drive cars and lack the necessary initiative and mental acumen to ask for a free ID, they won't be able to vote. Then the Republicans would repeal the 14th amendment and you would all be in chains again.

    Only Democrats such as myself can keep this terrible fate from befalling you. As long as we are here, everything will keep getting better for "You-all".

    I love fried chicken.

  20. Also, it makes it much easier for illegal aliens to vote. Just thought I'd add that in there.

    Yo quiero Taco Bell.

  21. Anonymous11:18 PM

    FP--"@ Anon who gets high + gambles. i hope you make $ too. i wasn't laughing @ your situation earlier. just they way it was all phrased. lol. you were hollering for BIB something fierce. lol! some Anons are pure comedy."

    9:00 PM
    I am glad you appreciated and enjoyed my comment. You have insight.

    However, BIB ignored my hollering in pain for two long-ass days. That Negro was no where to be found. Meanwhile, my money was flying out the window...

    BIB should make restitution by sending me some money for the trauma I suffered. I mean, Lent is just around the corner. The man should show some damn remorse. I mean, he never said one word about 'research' and 'timing'. He just said "jump in, the water's fine"...or rather the Cannabis are good.

    So I jumped in, smoked a joint and played the stock he recommended. I had a nice high until that sucker turned around and did a nose dive. It completely ruined my high...

  22. Anonymous11:25 PM

    My dear FP, playing the stock market is not gambling. On Wall Street it is called "investing".:-)

  23. Rand Paul11:51 PM

    Good job my fellow Republicans. We'll get this nig... er I mean blah vote soon. All we have to do is fool them into thinking our efforts to minimize their votes by closing polling stations in their neighborhoods, limiting early voting, limiting voting hours, eliminating Sunday voting and creating new restrictions on the vote that will solve a problem that doesn't exist and we'll have all of their votes. Also, let's talk about the Democratic party and how 50 years ago they were the racists but ignore the Southern Strategy, that our former party leader admitted to, that welcomed all of the racist white southern voters to our party. Yes, this is a winning strategy. Let's also use slave imagery and make up old racist names and attach that image to the Democratic party, even though the modern Democratic party has a blah president and is the most diverse political party in American history but let's ignore all of those facts and pretend our party of crusty old white men, who are surprised those I mean blah folks, can even use utensils and eat in a civilized manner. Yep, we'll have those....blah folks voting Republican forever. Bwaahaaaahaaahhaa! Now who's with me?

  24. Rick Santorum11:54 PM

    My job is not to make blah folks lives easier. When I'm President it'll get harder!

  25. The GOP11:58 PM

    It's 2014 and we have ONE blah person in congress. Isn't that one too many? Ha! Just kidding, we should have at least two by 2020. We are the party of inclusion! We might even hire Michael Steele back, yeah right.

  26. Newt Gengrich11:59 PM

    I'll go to the NAACP and tell THOSE people they should demand jobs and not handouts! Now that should have them voting Republican in droves!

  27. Republican governor12:01 AM

    I know, let's bring back confederate history month and put confederate flags on license plates! That'll get us the nigra vote! Yeee haw!!!!!!!!

  28. Rand Paul, Rick Santorum, The GOP, Newt Gengrich, Republican governor said...
    Good job my fellow Republicans. We'll get this nig... er

    Weak attempt at a comeback, PilotX, although imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    All of your jabs merely reflect your reflexive defense of massa. You believe deep down he would never lie to you, that there really are Republicans out there in the woods waiting to grab you. An entire political party of people whose only concern is thinking up ways to hurt black people. Yep.

    You sure are a good nih, um blah, um demo-crat.

  29. Teh stupid1:59 AM

    "You sure are a good nih, um blah, um demo-crat."

    Yep, just like YOUR a nice racist Republicon.

    "An entire political party of people whose only concern is thinking up ways to hurt black people. Yep."

    Truth hurts sometimes son.

    "Weak attempt at a comeback"

    weak attempt to shame negroes into believing you care about them. Yessuh boss, yous sho got our best interests at heart Mr. Troll suh. Iz gone run right down to the registration office to switch my's voting affiliation because you's done shown me the light suh. I'd never known them dems was such racists 50 years ago. Why thank you Mr. White.

  30. The GOP2:04 AM

    "In the months following the Election of 1876, but prior to the inauguration in March 1877, Republican and Democratic leaders secretly hammered out a compromise to resolve the election impasse and address other outstanding issues.
    Under the terms of this agreement, the Democrats agreed to accept the Republican presidential electors (thus assuring that Rutherford B. Hayes would become the next president), provided the Republicans would agree to the following:

    To withdraw federal soldiers from their remaining positions in the South
    To enact federal legislation that would spur industrialization in the South
    To appoint Democrats to patronage positions in the South
    To appoint a Democrat to the president’s cabinet.
    Once the parties had agreed to these terms, the Electoral Commission performed its duty. The Hayes’ electors were selected and Hayes was named president two days before the inauguration.
    Why did the Democrats so easily give up the presidency that they had probably legitimately won? In the end it was a matter of practicality. Despite months of inflammatory talk, few responsible people could contemplate going to war. A compromise was mandatory and the one achieved in 1877, if it had been honored, would have given the Democrats what they wanted. There was no guarantee that with Samuel J. Tilden as president the Democrats would have fared as well.

    To the four million former slaves in the South, the Compromise of 1877 was the “Great Betrayal." Republican efforts to assure civil rights for the blacks were totally abandoned. The white population of the country was anxious to get on with making money. No serious move to restore the rights of black citizens would surface again until the 1950s."

    Sold out by Republicans again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Hello Field,

    I thought about a past article of yours referring to trolling and thought you might find this recent expose from Breaking The Set on how government and corporate agencies are paying people to troll -

    Would love to know your thoughts and experiences on this.


  32. Anon@5:02, I believe it. Look above. Some of them are right here.

    Chairman Yellin, you obviously don't know too

    much about the FCC and how it is supposed to work. But that's fine. You capitalists never understand much.

  33. Samuel J. Tilden10:32 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Sold out by Republicans again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Sold out to who?

    Didn't think that one through, Ace.

  34. FN said...
    because our gut doesn't tell us that he is a racist.


    Then all talk about drug laws discriminating against blacks that biden is responsible for are just myths started by right-wingnuts.

  35. A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday ordered Google Inc to remove from its YouTube video-sharing website an anti-Islamic film that had sparked protests across the Muslim world.

    I remember the old days when democrats believed in free speech.

    Obama wants to force catholic hospitals to hand out free birth control and abortions but will use the law to remove an offensive muslim video from youtube.


  36. Trolio10:48 AM

    field negro said...

    Anon@5:02, I believe it. Look above. Some of them are right here.

    Who do think Barack Obama's government 'trolls', and to what end?

  37. From NPR...

    Affleck praised the work of former President George W. Bush on African issues as well as the effort of Cindy McCain, wife of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

    "Our Republican friends have perhaps been better on Africa than my party," said Affleck, a Democrat.

    Just some rich white hollywood liberal speaking his mind.

    Isn't ben starting to sound a lot like Bono?

  38. No double standards here (wink wink)

    Individual donations to 527 organizations (2001 to 2010)
    George Soros: $32.5 million
    Koch Brothers: $1.5 million

    David Koch: $1,472,000
    $1,352,000 – Republican Governors Association
    $100,000 – Americans for Better Government

    George Soros: $32,506,500
    $12.05 million – Joint Victory Campaign 2004
    $7.5 million – America Coming Together
    $2.5 million –
    $3.65 million – America Votes
    $3.5 million – The Fund for America
    $150,000 – Win Back Respect
    $120,000 – Majority Action
    $100,000 – Campaign Money Watch

    Just some inconvenient facts.

  39. On Tuesday, Eric Holder told a gathering of state attorneys-general that it’s okay if they don’t defend laws in their states that prohibit same-sex marriage.

    The system of law where legislatures pass laws and executive branches enforce them is no longer in place. Now, whoever happens to be in charge of the executive branch decides what laws will be enforced and even creates its own laws using a pen instead of Congress.

    Holder said state attorneys general do not have to enforce laws they disagree with, specifically when it comes to the issue of gay marriage.

    "It is highly unusual for the United States attorney general to advise his state counterparts on how and when to refuse to defend state laws. But Mr. Holder said when laws touch on core constitutional issues like equal protection, an attorney general should apply the highest level of scrutiny before reaching a decision on whether to defend it. He said the decision should never be political or based on policy objections."

    It bears repeating that the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, egged on state attorneys general to ignore their oath of office, to ignore the state laws it is their purpose to enforce, and to ignore state constitutions in order to advance the agenda of homosexual activists.

    Just two years ago, Obama himself officially opposed gay “marriage.” Now top government officials openly declare that advancing it is such a high priority that the rule of law should be sacrificed on its behalf.


  41. @ Anon 11:18 and 11:25-

    you crack me up.

    Much Love.

    those playing had best know it is gambling with sharks...then act accordingly.

    those that are killing themselves may be attempting to avoid fed time or being exposed for all the extra biz that happens behind the scenes. running with devils = all bad. they make sacrifices routinely.

    a lot of folk are quietly getting...a great deal of fed time. prison planet. saw this personally this week;( kindda messing with my flow, temperament, etc. too. i hate to see even my enemies get cut down. i guess that's why He shows me. He knows i will cry + pray for 'em like they never wronged me.


    i might be "crazy" after all. lol!

    Blessings all!

  42. Bullshit detector2:07 PM

    "Koch Brothers: $1.5 million"

    And Field has a bell slightly cracked you can buy.

  43. Teh stupid2:09 PM

    "Sold out to who?

    Didn't think that one through, Ace."

    Soooooooooo shallow aren't we? No depth. Typical conservative.

  44. Anonymous2:13 PM

    FP, "a lot of folk are quietly getting...a great deal of fed time. prison planet. saw this personally this week;( kindda messing with my flow, temperament, etc. too. i hate to see even my enemies get cut down. i guess that's why He shows me. He knows i will cry + pray for 'em like they never wronged me."

    KJV: Psalms 91

    7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

    8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
    I think this is fitting for you?


  45. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Bill@11:09a, where are the donations by Soros to NAACP AND NAN? You are so prejudiced.

  46. Typical conservative2:21 PM

    "The basic burden of getting a free ID from the government is too hard for black people. They just aren't as capable as white people. Asking them to do anything is racist, because white people do everything better than black people."

    Ok, let's agree that there should be some way to verify that a person voting is who they say they are. No argument on this point but let's dig a bit deeper. Who are the people more likely to not have government issued id's? Yep, older folks who don't drive and may not be able to get to a DMV. Let's move on, these same people who say we need voter id's to stop a non-existent threat of in person vote fraud also say we need to limit the number of polling places. Hmmm, seems only certain neighborhood have this problem even though some of the places had wait times in excess of five hours so why make it even more difficult to vote? These same people who are pushing limiting polling places also want to limit the days and hours allotted for early voting. Why? Taken as isolated events we could say they may be innocent but looked at as a whole it appears to be a conscious attempt to limit the ability of certain groups to vote. Yes voting should be fair and honest but it must also be easily accessible to everyone. It needs to be just as convenient for a rural person to vote as a suburbanite. Let's look beyond the obvious once in a while and take into account all of the factors.

  47. Anonymous2:30 PM

    FP, "those that are killing themselves may be attempting to avoid fed time or being exposed for all the extra biz that happens behind the scenes. running with devils = all bad. they make sacrifices routinely."

    I often wonder if the earth has ever been a place of goodness? Was there ever a time?

    I vaguely recall God creating the earth, light, animals and man and woman. He said it was good. But it quickly turned to evil afterwards and it has continued up to this day.

    Were the devils around in the beginning with God? From the looks of things here on Earth, they kick a lot of ass.

    And where is God in the midst of this evil that's kicking both Black and White asses?

  48. Dark money2:34 PM

    "Just how much the Kochs have given AFP or other dark-money groups is unknown. Earlier this year, the Huffington Post reported that Charles Koch has pledged to give $40 million to unseat Obama while David Koch has pledged $20 million. (Their friends and allies have also pledged to help them raise additional millions.) Neither brother has donated to super-PACs (which must disclose their donors), so presumably that money has gone to dark-money groups such as AFP. Which means that the $411,000 in disclosed donations is just the tip of an iceberg of undisclosed campaign money."

    And we wonder why conservatives are going after the IRS. The Koch's want to be able to create 501 c4 groups and not have to disclose their actions.

  49. Dark money2:36 PM

  50. Mighty Oaks from Acorns grow.2:57 PM

    Joe Biden's House Boy said...
    "Ok, let's agree that there should be some way to verify that a person voting is who they say they are. No argument on this point but let's dig a bit deeper. Who are the people more likely to not have government issued id's? Yep, older folks who don't drive and may not be able to get to a DMV."

    All ID requirement initiatives have addressed this either by including a provision to provide photo ID's free of charge or to accept alternative forms of identification.

    "Let's move on, these same people who say we need voter id's to stop a non-existent threat of in person vote fraud"

    Voter fraud is widespread and significant. There have been hundreds of prosecutions for voting fraud over the past few years. On top of that, there have been thousands of anecdotal cases that have not been taken up by law enforcement. Our system is a joke. Every other democracy in the world required positive voter identification.

    "also say we need to limit the number of polling places."

    This is not true, at least in the vast majority of voter ID initiatives.

    "Hmmm, seems only certain neighborhood have this problem even though some of the places had wait times in excess of five hours so why make it even more difficult to vote?"

    Wait times and polling problems happen overwhelmingly in districts managed by democrats. It is the morons in these areas who can't carry out their duties who are to blame.

    " These same people who are pushing limiting polling places also want to limit the days and hours allotted for early voting. Why?"

    Because the longer the periods of open polling, the more opportunities for fraud arise. There is an incredible amount of absentee ballot and early voting fraud perpetrated in a systematic way.

    " Taken as isolated events we could say they may be innocent but looked at as a whole it appears to be a conscious attempt to limit the ability of certain groups to vote."

    No, they are all perfectly reasonable responses to a corrupt electoral system. One might ask why one party is vested in preserving the insecurity of voting system, to the point of using the federal government to prevent states and localities from requiring basic identification.

    "Yes voting should be fair and honest but it must also be easily accessible to everyone. It needs to be just as convenient for a rural person to vote as a suburbanite."

    It is, within reason.

    "Let's look beyond the obvious once in a while and take into account all of the factors."

    Like how it is obvious that there is no other reason to oppose every single measure to secure the vote other than the fact your are completely vested in voter fraud?

    If you want to talk about "disenfranchisement", what about the people whose votes are cancelled out by a fraudulent vote? Aren't they being disenfranchised?

  51. To obstruct the right of a citizen to vote u better have more than a few anecdotal instances of alleged voter fraud.

    We all know what is behind the wingnut strategy, but in order to sell it they will have to give us more. A couple of Acorn workers does not a pattern of voter fraud make.

  52. Explaining why schools in Iowa are performing better than those in Washington DC...

    "There's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with.

    For someone many believe isn't racist, he sure has a very low opinion of non-white people.

  53. "To obstruct the right of a citizen to vote u better have more than a few anecdotal instances of alleged voter fraud."

    Unless you are reverse engineering a way to disenfranchise voters.

    "We all know what is behind the wingnut strategy, but in order to sell it they will have to give us more. A couple of Acorn workers does not a pattern of voter fraud make."

    I agree but are they willingly ignorant or purposely trying to disenfranchise?
    We know that in some swing states all it takes is a swing of a couple of thousand votes to make a difference so what they're doing is the reverse micro targeting that got Barack elected. To be specific states like North Carolina, Florida and Ohio are limiting voting hours, polling places and early voting but only in certain areas. They do this while screaming about vote fraud or downplaying the effects of these policies.
    Maybe part of this is the idea that conservatives get their information from only certain sources such as Fox news which ignore certain elements of new voter suppression initiatives. so it's no surprise your trolls know nothing about these plans because they read Michelle Malkin and watch Sean Hannity who only tell half the story.

  54. Captain Obvious5:14 PM

    "Wait times and polling problems happen overwhelmingly in districts managed by democrats. It is the morons in these areas who can't carry out their duties who are to blame."

    No shit, but these happen in Republican controlled states that target such areas to limit Democratic turnout/votes.

  55. "Voter fraud is widespread and significant. There have been hundreds of prosecutions for voting fraud over the past few years. On top of that, there have been thousands of anecdotal cases that have not been taken up by law enforcement. Our system is a joke. Every other democracy in the world required positive voter identification."

    Widespread and significant? Hundreds of prosecutions for vote fraud over the past few years?
    1.Do you mean vote fraud or voter registration fraud?
    2. How many of the vote fraud prosecutions were for in-person vote fraud?

    Answer that and let's do the math. You say "hundreds" of prosecutions huh? Let's say that means 999, you also say that's over a period of years. In 2012 126,849,296 people voted in the presidential election. That means in 2012 alone if that number was 999 there was a 0.00000787% rate of vote fraud. So 0.00000787% is rampant and widespread? Really? You have a better chance of being mugged by a polar bear riding a motorcycle while juggling three midgets than finding voter fraud.
    The math alone disproves your point. I think the GOP official in Pennsylvania who admitted the voter ID law was to help Romney win the state was closer to the truth.

  56. INH-


    i Love you.

    that whole Psalm is highlighted in green in my Bible and i thank you for your comment.

    i Love Scriptures. rushed to read the full Psalm. decided it is MUCH better than any funny fiat money. just yum.

    i feel in awe + overwhelmed at the Goodness of Almighty. truly.

    doubled back 'cause He put it on my heart to say...

    @ Bill- new school "suicide" looks a lot like old school "homicide" sometimes. think Aaron Schwartz and the Black lady that charged President Bush with rape. so new school sometimes = folk getting suicided.

    question everything. feeding the masses Truth is not a part of the gov't, media, and other powers that be plan.

    for the soul asking where Almighty is in all of this?

    He is right here. He never left. died. nor fell asleep.

    free will.

    THIS is what is messing humanity, all colors, up.

    folk exercise their free will then blame Almighty when it does not pan out for 'em.

    white folk worship themselves. these folk know the golden rule + will shout other folks down with their authority to speak on it. then shout folk down some more when it is pointed out that collectively, just never do they follow that simple rule. no where on the planet time finds them.

    Black folk worship themselves + white folk. looking to Almighty + obeying him = not quite on the list of things to do, just yet, for quite a few. seems the sleeping giants think a gov't program in babylon will do the liberation trick.

    not let my people go. but let my people...integrate.

    ;( despite all the overwhelming evidence.

    my Black folk seem to think historical enemies will change their minds sooner than Almighty will honor His Word to bless us if we turn our hearts to Him/His Word. the behavior can't help but to follow. if we would just be set apart and look to Him/His Word.

    it's a dirty game...'cause for most Black folk...they REALLY think the Bible is all about nice white people. 'cause that's the awful mind game that has been played. as soon as folk mention the Truth of the Blackness of these people...the golden rule crowd starts shouting about how much it does NOT matter. while painting Him/His Word...white. feverishly.

    never mind the region of the world and all the other many many clues Blacks would find if they would only read the Book for themselves.


    through it all, i look to Him/His Word. knowing what He has shown me + He is NOT a man that He should lie.

    that's not man bashing, btw. lol.

    ps. the only bm that i did bash this week was FN. i cop to it. didn't do as good of job as i would have liked, looking back. used my pass then got all soft hearted. lol.

    he deserved it + it has been YEARS in the making. lol. as soon as i feel truly repentant i will apologize. but AB isn't here anymore and no one else seems to be able to bring it to him without the impromptu stormfront hates all Black people klan rally.

    riding hard for nwo = all bad.
    BO = nwo posterboy. bush 2.0 on steroids. but then FN didn't think bush racist.

    i guess on the isn't surveillance great post...he missed all the news stories of dead in custody citizens that were VIDEOTAPED getting to the dead part? missed the reports of the police videotaping their sexual assaults of protestors, in egypt and now venezuela. but keep selling folk on surveillance = safety. + good 'ole trustworthy jesuit president of vice, literally, joe biden.

    lol. i have to laugh. otherwise, i truly would cry.

    INH, pray for me in Messiah's Name as i pray for you and all souls that can see + spiritually sense that change is a coming;) i pray that we all Stand Strong to the end, in Him/His Word.

  57. Banana Republic7:34 PM

    field negro said...

    To obstruct the right of a citizen to vote u better have more than a few anecdotal instances of alleged voter fraud.

    We all know what is behind the wingnut strategy, but in order to sell it they will have to give us more. A couple of Acorn workers does not a pattern of voter fraud make.

    So...voter fraud is almost nonexistent. Except when it isn’t, which is when it becomes insignificant. Or its pursuit is “hateful.”

    You can never win with those who insist voter fraud is simply not an issue.

    The State of Iowa this month has referred more than 80 cases of voter fraud to county attorneys for possible prosecution. Since the investigation was initiated by GOP Secretary of State Matt Schultz a year and a half ago, five people have pleaded guilty to voter fraud and 15 others are facing charges.

    Iowa governor Terry Branstad told that such investigations cut down on voter fraud because they increase the risks for perpetrators. “By people knowing that there is going to be an investigation and scrutiny of people that vote illegally, it serves as a deterrent to voter fraud,” he said. The number of races for Iowa’s legislature that have been decided by fewer than 100 votes has grown. A full ten races have involved margins of less than 50 votes since 2008.

  58. Here are the facts:

    To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.
    More than 24 million voter registrations are invalid, yet remain on the rolls nation-wide.
    There are over 1.8 million dead voters still eligible on the rolls across the country.
    More than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.
    True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.
    Maryland affiliates of True The Vote uncovered cases of people registering and voting after their respective deaths.
    This year, True The Vote uncovered more than 348,000 dead people on the rolls in 27 states.
    ... California: 49,000
    ... Florida: 30,000
    ... Texas: 28,500
    ... Michigan: 25,000
    ... Illinois: 24,000
    12 Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents.
    The Ohio Secretary of State admitted that multiple Ohio counties have more registered voters than residents.
    Federal records showed 160 counties in 19 states have over 100 percent voter registration.
    The Florida New Majority Education Fund, Democratic Party of Florida and the National Council of La Raza are currently under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud.

  59. Anonymous8:19 PM

    @Impeach Eric Holder:

    Liberals are pretty sure that fascism is growing whenever there's a Republican in office, but when a progressive president begins asserting he has the right to rewrite the laws by his own personal whim, they just don't notice.

    Or they pretend not to.

  60. Anonymous8:35 PM

    FP, "INH, pray for me in Messiah's Name as i pray for you and all souls that can see + spiritually sense that change is a coming;) i pray that we all Stand Strong to the end, in Him/His Word."

    6:24 PM

    My Sister, I thank GOD for you and will pray for you. It's so wonderful and uplifting to read your comments of Wisdom and Truth on FN.

    There is no doubt in my mind and heart that you will be true to HIM to the end. I pray that I will do the same.

    I do recall, however, that Jesus as well as St Paul mentioning that the Spirit is strong but the flesh is weak. I now understand more and more your warning to "stay prayed up." GOD bless you, FP.


  61. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Hey Field,

    This Anon @ 5:02 again, the one who posted the Breaking The Set video. Yeah, there are a lot of trolls on your site spewing rhetoric that amounts to nothing. The Willfully IGNORant who are keeping the masses in a state of confusion with nonsense geared to misdirect and misinform. Ugh. I apologize for posting anonymously once again, but I try to keep filth's attention to a minimum.

    Are you familiar with Mark Passio's seminars on Natural Law and Cosmic Abandonment? He's very thorough and therefore his lectures are long but I wanted to share this with you - . In this video @ about 1:58:00 in his section on "order followers, he makes a reference to House Slaves which I think you would appreciate.

    Peace and love!

  62. Faking the funk2:37 PM

    "True the Vote used numbers that skewed their results in their favor when analyzing turnout in every single state they tested."

    "All Pants on Fire! statements involving True The Vote
    True The Vote

    True The Vote
    Pants on Fire!

    "Eric Holder is supportive of the NAACP's efforts to get the United Nations involved in our elections."

    Next time try a reputable source. Typical con, using false information to make a point. Sad.

  63. Bullshit detector2:58 PM

    "While she portrays True the Vote as nonpartisan, it grew out of a Tea Party group, King Street Patriots, that she founded in Texas. An examination shows that it has worked closely with a variety of well-financed organizations, many unabashed in their desire to defeat President Obama."

    Hmmmmmm, a biased group with an agenda. Interesting.

    "Officials in both San Diego and Wisconsin said they had no evidence that the buses were real. “It’s so stealthy that no one is ever able to get a picture and no one is able to get a license plate,” said Reid Magney, a spokesman for the Wisconsin agency that oversees elections. In some versions the bus is from an Indian reservation; in others it is full of voters from Chicago or Detroit. “Pick your minority group,” he said.

    Interesting, scaring white folks with tales of "busloads" of dark people voting. What can be scarier than that?

    “The first day of early voting, at many of the 37 locations, primarily in minority neighborhoods, dozens of poll watchers showed up sent by King Street Patriots,” Mr. Ray said."

    Because we all know good white folk can't commit fraud. Just impossible.

    "The influx of white election observers in black neighborhoods caused friction with voters and poll workers, bringing back memories of a time when racial intimidation at the polls was commonplace in the South, said Gerald M. Birnberg, a lawyer and former chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party. True the Vote has strongly denied that it has engaged in voter suppression.

    “Whether that was the intention or just born of some innate paranoia is largely irrelevant,” Mr. Birnberg said. “That’s how it was perceived by people at the polls.”

    No, they couldn't possibly be trying to intimidate voters of color. Nah. The more I check the shadier this group gets. But what did I expect from a con? They get their info from their own sources and treat them as gospel. Sad and delusional.

  64. PilotX supports Fake the Vote.

    Go figure.

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