Monday, February 24, 2014

Racial slurs and men behaving badly.

I still can't believe what a bunch of wimps and cowards the suits over at the NFL have turned out to be.

So now comes a rule which penalizes players for calling each other the N-word, because, as they say, it's the right thing to do. But they are too coward and afraid of a powerful owner to demand that the football team in Washington D.C. change their name.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has declared that the term "Redskin" is derogatory, Native Americans say it is offensive to them, and yet, the clowns in the NFL office continue to treat us like we are stupid when it comes to this issue.

“The Washington Redskins name has … from its origin represented a positive meaning distinct from any disparagement that could be viewed in some other context,” Goodell wrote. “For the team’s million of fans and customers, who represent one of America’s most ethnically and geographically diverse fan bases, the name is a unifying force that stands for strength, courage, pride and respect.”

That, my friends, was pure bull s**t! 

Finally, I want to write about men behaving badly a little bit.

I will start with the aforementioned NFL, where a star running back from the Baltimore Ravens has been charged with knocking down his fiancé and dragging her through a hotel lobby.

If true, (and I have every reason to believe that it is, because videos don't lie) the NFL has to act and send a very strong message that this will not be tolerated.

And then there is this frightening story coming out of upstate New York about a couple of really sick dudes.

"Two upstate New Yorkers have been caught making sick animal porn movies with a herd of cows, police claim.

Michael Jones, 35, allegedly did the dirty deed with the bovine beasts in Herkimer County while best pal Reid Fontaine, 31, filmed the entire sordid encounters.

They were busted, however, when the farmer started to wonder why his animals weren't producing as much milk as usual.

Michael H. Jones, 35, and Reid A. Fontaine, 31, were charged with sex crimes against several cows after a farmer installed video surveillance in his barn to find out why his cows weren't producing milk, state police said.The farmer wondered why his cows weren't producing as much milk as they normally did, so he set up cameras, catching Jones and Fontaine in their alleged abuse.

He set up surveillance cameras, and soon discovered the pair were making out with his cows.

The farmer, who has not been identified, called the cops who launched their own investigation.

Jones, of Illion, and Fontaine, of address unknown, were arrested for misdemeanor sexual misconduct..." [Source]

Now I am a huge Libertarian when it comes to personal conduct, but my lord! Cows?!

I blame the Internet and the lack of interpersonal and social contact out here in the world. These poor dudes might just have a hard time trying to relate to other human beings on a sexual level.

This next guy seems to be trying to relate to actual humans, but we actually wish that he wasn't.

"A supervisor at a Minnesota nursing home reportedly branded an 89-year-old rape victim a “flirt” who teased her 30-year-old attacker “mercilessly.”

The supervisor defended the rapist, even after he admitted to sex with the elderly woman and was arrested, according to court papers.

“Did she tell you that this was consensual?” the home’s clinical services director Marilyn Moore reportedly told a nurse examiner who inspected the woman. “Did she tell you that she flirts with this boy mercilessly?”

The shocking allegations were reported by the Star Tribune, citing court documents tied to a lawsuit against the Edgewood Vista facility in Hermantown.
The woman was locked in a psychiatric ward for nearly three days after she reported the attack, according to the documents." [Source]

I need a drink.



  1. GrannyStandingforTruth8:45 PM

    That's beyond sick!

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Field, where do you get your copy from? I mean, this post is like reading the Star.

    YOU have GOT to do better. I know your regular ids like Granny, PC, Desert, Dr Nuwang etc love this kind of shit.

    But show some intellectual respect for the highly educated and moral anons that support your blog.

    Thank you.


  3. Down play much?

    Field,she didn't get knock down. She got knocked the f*ck out.

    Why do men feel like it's ok to be abusive towards black women?

  4. GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    That's beyond sick!

    You're one to talk, "shoe cleaner".

  5. Minnesota Viking9:17 PM

    Is there anything liberals won't try to control and ruin?

    The vast majority of Native Americans are not bothered at all by the name "Redskins". A tiny minority of perpetually aggrieved professional complainers are making this an issue.

  6. Anonymous9:30 PM

    To all you Christians and FP: This is a discussion re: "Son of God" movie. One important question asked, "Was Jesus God?" There is today arguments about this. Field you especially should watch because you definitely need Jesus:

  7. amon@9:30, how much does Billo pay u?

    Dear ethic, I would really like to do better, but these sick people out here won't let me.

    Look at Kinky. Con man acting like he cares about black women. Nice try. No one here is buying that act, though.

  8. Um Field, why do white guys feel it's ok to....cows? Really?

  9. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I'm sure black guys fuck way more animals than white guys do. Where do you think AIDS came from?

  10. You tell us pilot. Black people know what is in the hearts and minds of whites.

    That is why blacks tell us what to think,what movies to watch, how to act,what we can and can't say and what to name our football teams.

    Blacks know what's best for us. They have our best interests at heart.

  11. The Kinks10:02 PM

    "and what to name our football teams."

    Kinky owns a football team? No wonder he likes football shaped little boys. Who knew?

  12. Hypocrisy Double standard!10:04 PM

    "Why do men feel like it's ok to be abusive towards black women?"

    "Why do men feel like it's ok to be abusive towards black women?"

    Don't worry Field, Bill will be along soon to grace us with his famous catchphrase.

  13. Uncle Cracker10:05 PM

    "Why do men feel like it's ok to be abusive towards black women?"

    Not just Black wonem. We beat our white women here in the trailer park too. You should know Kinky, you live in the same park as me. Ask your uncle/daddy.

  14. Wesley R10:17 PM

    @9:56. Aids started in a Lab.. Besides that, it was white folks who historically went around the world spreading diseases, not us.

  15. Slut shamer10:30 PM

    "I'm sure black guys fuck way more animals than white guys do. Where do you think AIDS came from?"

    Sheeeeeeeeet, in any country in the world animals start running as soon as they see a white dude. Ya'll fuck more sheep than sheep do.

  16. Slut shamer said...
    Sheeeeeeeeet, in any country in the world animals start running as soon as they see a white dude. Ya'll fuck more sheep than sheep do.


    Joke of the day!!

  17. Goatfucher10:38 PM

    I'd rather fuck a sheep than a she-boon like Nuwang!


  18. That was lame.

    C'mon,trolls. Try harder..

    "Aids started in a Lab"

    What lab? And by who?

  19. Wesley R said...

    @9:56. Aids started in a Lab.. Besides that, it was white folks who historically went around the world spreading diseases, not us.

    Wesley, you're better than that. Crazy-ass negro paranoia like the CIA invented AIDS or Reagan cooked up crack just marks you as a loon.

    AIDS came from a type of chimpanzee in West Africa. The earliest known case of infection with HIV-1 in a human was detected in a blood sample collected in 1959 from a man in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. (How he became infected is not known.) Genetic analysis of this blood sample suggested that HIV-1 may have stemmed from a single virus in the late 1940s or early 1950s.

  20. "AIDS came from a type of chimpanzee in West Africa."

    Probably some dude married to a woman like Nuwang wanted a piece of something that looked (and smelled) better, and he got the AIDS from a chimp.


  21. OT, shocked huh, but watching this NOVA special about how to hack into a car's computer system and actually take over its systems. Scary but cool.

  22. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Wait until some geek does that to your airplane.

  23. "Wait until some geek does that to your airplane."

    I know, that was one of the concerns for the future. Well, maybe I'll just stay on the 737 because Boeing still has the ability to turn off all automated systems and just use mechanical backup. Now that Airbus.......

  24. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Do you fly any Airbus planes? Are their control pretty much the same as Boeing? I have heard Airbus has some automatic overrides that Boeings do not.

  25. Anon @ 9:30 PM-

    just had this convo already. lol.

    i won't be watching any predictive programming...understanding there are religious programs, my friend.

    which of all programs happen to strike me as the most sinister. all the other trauma goes in...only Almighty even gets stripped from those on this program.


    somewhere i read about it + how this programming is reinforced through video games + movies. with enough reinforcement folk will TRULY believe they are doing Almighty's will as they murder folk.

    despite all the thou shalt not kill Law business;(

    for those that seek to debate who's who + what's what.

    here's how the convo bottomlined just a bit ago.

    Messiah (commonly called 'J-sus') Yahushua speaking + written in red:



    John 10:30- I and my Father are one.


    seems pretty straightforward to me;)

  26. 19 Islamic words banned for non-Muslims in Brunei

    I wonder how they feel about the word redskin.

    Democrats have a lot in common with the muslim thought police.

  27. "Do you fly any Airbus planes? Are their control pretty much the same as Boeing? I have heard Airbus has some automatic overrides that Boeings do not."

    I've flown mostly Boeing aircraft but I have also flown the bus. There is a very distinct difference between the two company's philosophies as Boeing will let you strip off all of the automation and basically fly the plane like a Cessna while Airbus is highly automated and a computer second guesses almost any input you can imagine which might be logical to an engineer as most accidents/incidents are human induced errors. I prefer the Boeing philosophy because as rare it may be there may come that day when I need an input that seems outlandish but I deem it necessary. Maybe a situation like Sully's, I don't care if I don't have enough airflow I want to restart that engine now!!!!!!

  28. Chief Hypocrite11:39 PM

    "I wonder how they feel about the word redskin."

    I wonder how Bill feels about the word redskin.

  29. Hypocrisy Double standard!11:41 PM

    Funny, there are no other teams with derogatory names that demean any other group of people so why is it ok to use one that demeans Indigenous people?

    Bill? Should we start renaming other teams now? Maybe we should let you and Legacy have the honors. Bet you'd do a bang up job.

  30. @ KC-

    "Why do men feel like it's ok to be abusive towards black women?"


    whose gonna make 'em stop?

    there has been a memo circulated that Blacks are less than human. this is how much has been justified.


    Black women in this sexist society get a double less.

    do the math.

    plus our protectors have been taught that their historical enemies' daughters + any strange daughter has greater value. many agree + act accordingly. despite all the anti wm rhetoric.

    BW in large #s won't even tell themselves this Truth much less anyone else. they will start with excuses first.

    i call this acting white. where folk just stand up and sell themselves GIANT lies...

    just because.

    here's what's so:

    it is written that the last shall be first.

    what is done to the least...will be done to the greatest. take a peek at Miley Cyrus + see- Yah is NOT a man that He should lie.

    folk like to worship, deify + lie as it relates to the man...rather than allowing him to be beautifully human.

    but MLK called it.

    "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

    that said:

    the racist hatred + disrespect aimed a Dr Queen and Granny a thread back is unacceptable on many levels.

    just as bfolk acting all ugly + brand new = all bad.

    these folk acting like they don't know there are crews of Black folk- both genders- that can NOT wait to do whatever 'ole ragged thing paler folk are doing...animals included.

    just as folk pointed to fallen eu as an indication of what america should aspire to. lol. bring that amero on! north american union! no borders! from canada to mexico. here we go here we go, now!



    acting white in all the wrong ways = what quite a few Black folk love to do.

    but alas. it is easier to look at others... than to heal oneself with hard Truths.

    since all i can do is pray for what i see...i will go do that elsewhere. spent a lot of time over here today. much work to do in other places.

    all this post highlights is how busy the enemy truly is. there are a lot of folk on a hard program that have no idea why they are doing what they are doing.

    the lady that did not protect the elder is easily the most repugnant to me. folk talking about call out your own. lol. folks have no idea! i been trying to figure out how to say it. womenfolk...all colors...if we don't pull it in- history will NOT look favorably upon US.

    Blessings all!

  31. Anonymous11:42 PM



    If I were a pilot, I would want the same.

    It seems to me though that flying, like many other human tasks, will one day be completely automated.

    Personally, I'd still want someone in the cockpit.

  32. "Personally, I'd still want someone in the cockpit."

    For now that's what the majority want but I'd keep an eye on the cargo carriers because if the industry is going to UAV's that's where it'll start.



    Galatians 3:28-29

  34. Chief Hypocrite said...
    I wonder how Bill feels about the word redskin.

    It's a word.

    Here are some more words associated with native american indians that people like you refuse to mention.

    Suicide rate
    teen pregnancy
    child mortality
    school dropout rates
    Lowest life expectancy

    Please explain why you want to focus on a name instead of actually doing something to help?

    And when you consider where the native american indians started from and where they ended up, isn't it about time to get the federal government out of their lives? Hasn't the government done enough damage already?

  35. Anonymous said...
    Personally, I'd still want someone in the cockpit.

    most accidents/incidents are human induced errors.

  36. Anonymous12:36 AM

    "most accidents/incidents are human induced errors."

    Not a very deep insight, Bill.

    An automated system with a human backup or a human system with an automated back up is safer than a single system alone.

  37. "most accidents/incidents are human induced errors."

    When we refer to human induced errors that is not the sole domain of the flight crew. There are many human factors that go into aviation which would include UAV's. Thanks for your input Bill.

  38. Captain Obvious12:40 AM

    "Not a very deep insight, Bill."

    That's our Bill.

  39. Single Focus12:43 AM

    "Please explain why you want to focus on a name instead of actually doing something to help?"

    And how do you know what I'm doing/not doing to help? Oh that's right, the not so bright one just assumes he's right

  40. Anonymous12:44 AM

    "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

    Too bad that some people can't see that this applies to LGBT people as well.

  41. Pale face12:45 AM

    "Here are some more words associated with native american indians that people like you refuse to mention."

    Native American Indians? Indians born in America? That would make them Americans unless they immigrated from India. Hmmm, at least you stopped calling us Injuns.

  42. Anonymous12:59 AM

    "Too bad that some people can't see that this applies to LGBT people as well."

    What injustices do LGBT people suffer in America?

  43. Anonymous5:08 AM

    From the last thread:

    "Trollonymous Burgundy said...
    Btw, how much you wanna bet Creshuna Miles (Juror #8) is one of those hateful lesbians hailing from the innocent LGBT community, sitting there pretending that race wasn't a factor in the murder of a young black male.

    Folks, when you start your smack please at least label that woman correctly, and leave "black women" out of it. Thank you. LOl."

    How do you know that Juror #8 is a lesbian? Do you know her?

    If she is a lesbian, a lesbian is a woman. No?

    And if the lesbian in question is black then she would be a black woman. No?

    I watched Juror #8's CNN interview and she said she believed Michael Dunn was guilty of SECOND DEGREE MURDER.

    So does it really make that much of a difference if she doesn't believe race had anything to do with the murder?

  44. Anonymous6:15 AM

    "What injustices do LGBT people suffer in America?"

    First of all, this cannot be a serious question. But if it is, go to "Gay News Gay Blog Towleroad" on your computer. Look at all the posts - at least 4 or 5 per day - every day for a month and then ask that question.

  45. Anonymous6:30 AM

    From the last thread:

    "where are Black lbgt folk when het Black folk are getting the nonstop smackdown?"

    Really? When did black hets EVER defend any black LGBT person?

    When a white male teenager named Deryl Dedmon in Mississippi repeatedly ran over in a pick up truck a black man named JAMES CRAIG ANDERSON several years ago, black media went crazy over the incident as they typically do when a black person is murdered by a white person.

    But when it came out later that Mr. Anderson was gay and had been in a relationship with a man (they were raising a child together) for 17 years, black media literally went silent on Mr. Anderson's murder. He literally disappeared from the consciousness of straight black media AND straight black people.

    This was the kind of cut and dry racist attack (a hate crime) on a black man (similar to the James Craig murder in Texas during the Bush 2 administration) that black media uses to demonstrate how racist this country is but when Mr. Anderson turned out to be gay, black media stopped talking about his murder.

    So give me a break, FP.

  46. Anonymous7:20 AM

    To FP and anyone else who needs to know:

    Eric Holder, the nation's current Attorney General, has said that gay rights (including marriage equality) is the defining Civil Rights issue of our time. Obviously, President Obama agrees with this since he picked Holder to be his AG.

  47. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Um Field, why do white guys feel it's ok to....cows? Really?

    9:47 PM
    They come from the trees of slave masters. If they will enslave people, wipe out the Indians, Jim Crow laws--screwing cows? that's also white privilege.

    PilotX haven't you learned anything from Kinky Con? Why do you think he/she calls him/herself "Kinky"? May God have mercy on him/her kind.

    white bro

  48. Anonymous10:50 AM

    FP- "acting white in all the wrong ways = what quite a few Black folk love to do.

    but alas. it is easier to look at others... than to heal oneself with hard Truths."

    Preach it, Sister! I think of Juror #8 in the Dunn murder case in Florida. She claimed race was NOT a consideration in her verdict. How does a black person living in FLORIDA manage to think that without profound DENIAL of who she is?

    I have said it before: the Black race is riddled with Blacks who are against Blacks, and consequently against themselves. That, to me, is deep. To be part of a race where so many hate themselves and me.

    So, where does a Black go for support? Well, the Truth is they go to Whites. Again, profound DENIAL.

    There is only one kind that is more dangerous than a racist...that is a black Uncle Tom. Today, I'd say it's a very good possibility that there are more of them than Blacks who could not bring themselves to be a 'sell-out'.

  49. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Anonymous 6:30 am again:
    The black man dragged to death in 1998 behind a truck in Texas was named James Byrd, Jr. Sorry

    Search the name James Craig Anderson and see what you come up with FP and anyone else who might be interested. When it came out that Mr. Anderson was gay mainstream black media literally tossed him away like yesterday's trash.

  50. Anonymous11:02 AM

    We are a mixed-up self-destructive group of people. There's no other way to put it.

    FP, do you really think this black Titanic is going to be resurrected? Please. Tell me once again 'how' this is going to happen?

    The Seattle Sea Hawks beat the tar out of the Broncos. I kept hoping the Broncos would come back, but the more I hoped the more they lost. This racial strife in America is like that. And we are the Broncos.

  51. Anon @12:44 AM-

    it is an injustice to sit pretending that anyone speaking against hateful homos doing the MOST = hater of homos.

    this is a demonic lie that you are more than welcome to keep spewing IF that helps you feel newly normal.

    just as folk talking about all this:

    are NOT homo haters. they are sounding the alarm about the gay gremlins. that seem to pack out the educational system, justice system and all other systems. if you just like raping folk...the prison system is the place to be. that and the other prison system aka poor state schools. though the rapists hit up the private campuses as well. they just look different.

    before folk start with the homo not connected to reality reasoning:

    these hateful demonic homo gremlins are sitting right next to demonic hateful het gremlins in high places. chk the gay manifesto. always HAS been this way.

    the difference is: hateful homos queens want folk to be quiet about the homo gremlins. while they reserve the right to let 'er rip about het pookies. AB's good lesbian behind was over here railing on het pookies + how they should not breed. mum's the word on all the homos in the educational system raping up a storm. chicken hawk + whatever folk call it when lesbians like 'em young. of course folk know the het demon baby rapers stay busy.

    while dupe homos want folk to focus on the gizmo gays.

    not gonna happen.

    so whoever is asking for the "break" may go grab their fan, let out a defeated homo shriek + grab a seat. twirl if it will get you there quicker.

    things will get much hotter before it all cools off.


    whoever is quoting puppet Eric Holder like he is Scriptures...needs to know. THAT man ALREADY told folks when he indicated the banks were too big.

    in other words...move along folks. i am going to do the bm flex while i don't REALLY get anything accomplished.

    Audre Lord already told folks 'bout trying to dismantle folk's houses with their own tools...history. Black folk need to get with it. ixnay on the fixation on symbolism. color. it is about substance.

    those very ones (demonic money changers aka banksters) that are breaking it all down = the very ones no one can seem to do anything about.

    we know why.

    more than Black folk have gotten the that'll get you killed memo. for Love their death.

    EH= limp biscuit political puppet.

    which btw...they ALL are.

    bottom line.

    could say that another way...but it ain't lady like. lol. get this man a blue pill please, so he can f up the system. lol!

    come on now. Black folk stay blinded by the Black-ish skin + looking a plumb fool as a result.

  52. I have a few suggestions. Washington Wolves, DC Dragons or DC Diablos. Or for the politicians the Washington Wind.

  53. Threaten the president, go to jail.

  54. Minnesota Viking12:09 PM


    Washington Wolves is exploitative of animals.

    DC Dragons is racially insensitive to Chinese Americans.

    DC Diablos mocks Hispanic culture.

    Washington Wind might work. They could wear green uniforms and their symbol could be a Windmill.

  55. I've talked to the wolf, Latino and Chinese communities and they're good.

  56. I had a great trip in Co... BTW if anyone wants to know....

    Focused Purpose... since we are on the topic of "All Gay everything" ...
    What do you make of Uganda's proclomation..

    In signing the bill, Museveni said the measure is needed because the West is promoting homosexuality in Africa, rejecting international criticism of the law as interference in Uganda's internal affairs. Museveni accused "arrogant and careless Western groups" of trying to recruit Ugandan children into homosexuality, but he did not name these purported groups.

  57. My people are not offended by the Washington team being called the Redskins. We are proud of our warrior heritage and understand that naming a football team Redskins honors this tradition.

    I know this because I am Native American.

    What do you make of Uganda's proclomation..

    Who care about this gay shit or anything else for that matter?

    Smoke is legal now. Let's all just get high and forget about all that bullshit. That's all that really matters.

  59. Minnesota Viking12:29 PM

    PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    I've talked to the wolf, Latino and Chinese communities and they're good.

    They're all good now, but so are most Native Americans with the name Redskins.

    It won't matter what most people think. Some liberal group will form to whip up a sense of being offended among whatever group they can.

    Better to stick to liberal approved names like the Washington Wind, or the Wealth Redistributors or perhaps the District Carbon Sequesterors.

    Or go the other way and be the Washington White Oppressors, Hegemonists, or Gaia Rapers.

    We don't want to have to go through this again in a few years.

  60. anon@12:19

    Who care about this gay shit or anything else for that matter?

    Smoke is legal now. Let's all just get high and forget about all that bullshit. That's all that really matters.

    Awww... You want to talk about one of my favorite subjects...

    Ive already discussed my views on that subject at length...

    I know you think its alll about smokin something , but theres whole myriad of issues addressed with the legalization issue...

    Now go run and play while the grown folks talk...

    Focused Purpose.. IIm sorry for the sidetrack...

  61. SPLC goes crickets on race when it comes to LGBT rights.

    Imagine a predominantly white school/administration/student body doing this to a black lgbt student. What would SPLC say then?

    Double standard.

  62. Anon 10:50 AM-

    gay folk consider themselves to be a separate people.

    this is true for the Black ones as well.

    these hateful homos congregated here either know that + choose to lie by omission. OR they are ignint + need to shut it on up 'til they get more info.

    it would be less offensive if these lying degenerates- which is what ANYONE seeking to lie lie lie is for me. a degenerate. to think i was sitting my behind in Rage on SM back in the day watching ellen degeneres come out. her name means degenerate in french. lol. now fast forward to these types of discussions with hateful, lying, bw hating, homo nazis.

    imma need the FN hateful homo queens to phone gay mafia hq + let 'em know they need to deploy the next level of homo demons. 'cause these they sent are NOT on my level.


    elementary baby devils that haven't noticed all the cross dressing zestiness acting like i AM trippin' + don't know what a transgendered person is. lol. DESPITE living in LA.

    that socially engineered person in the side bar looking wtheck even by gay standards is on her script. no...race had nothing to do with anything. me having a wife = perfectly normal WOMAN behavior. 'cause WOMEN do have WIVES.


    Lesbians have wives. get that straight. all gay everything is messing folk UP. lol.

    in fact...folk like the person in the side bar = NEW NORMAL + new definition of bwomanhood for some. FN is on his job. he likes his BW real white- unless he highlight perpetual baby momma for her "sex appeal" just like all men on the belly warmer/bed wench program do.

    i see you.

    FN is a Bl man. he ALREADY told folk awhile ago.

    notice he hides away from ALL the nonstop yuck negroes STAY up to. he could even get jamaican specific with it. special ed,hip hop jamaican tossed in can for not paying child support. THAT is fulfilling racist stereotypes. but of course he went for the american brotha that was actually establishing pecking order for his bucked up teen son.

    FN will come hard for bw while acting like he hasn't noticed all the brothas in dresses doing the MOST. those not in dresses yet...just as gay/het as the day is long. lol.

    to be fair... alot of it is from being poisoned + altered. water bottles. food. chemtrails gets us by air. etc.

    through it all, SOME of US are het. no amount of nothing is changing that. i don't want to think about what homos do frankly. NONE of it makes sense. men acting like women. women acting like men. really...what's the point, really?

    those are my thoughts on gayness as a het woman. i suppose as a het woman gayness would not make sense to me. but it means something for let 'em be. this i am content to do as long as they are not coming for the women and children. that goes for all folk really.


    full stop.

    so, we 'bout to let ya'll STAY separate, "equal", "normal", "married" and all the rest. as homos. be gay to your heart's desire.

    as per always, i will advocate for human rights. these rights extend to gays.

    hets are NOT really seeking the gay makeover. i will not sit quietly for it. if it is tampon time all around...folk can name call 'til they feel better. though tea, quiet and elevated feet usually does it for me during that time of the month;)

    boys, i been grown for longer than a minute + promise there is no way for me to care about folks' wicked thoughts + name calling.

  63. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Hey Bill:

    I am a conservative who comments here frequently. If you want anyone to listen to what you might have to say, you should drop the constant fauxtrage theme about liberal hypocrisy.

    Of course there is a double standard in American politics. Liberals control the media. The news is managed to fit an agenda. Stories are structured to make Conservatives look bad. Liberal wrongdoing is not reported. Liberals know this. Conservatives know this. Belaboring the point over and over just makes you look stupid. Like Sean Hannity.

    Liberals don't care. They like the fact there is a double standard.

    Conservatives think you are whining about the rules of the game. You have to play well enough to overcome the bad calls. It's just the way it is.

    Pointing it out occasionally is appropriate. Doing it over and over again is simply annoying.

  64. Hey Field, I've the topic of your next ten blog posts for you. The Huffington Post has the scoop that will derail Scott Walker's political career:

    In 1988, Walker wanted to become president of the school's student government, known as the Associated Students at Marquette University. He was running against John Quigley, a liberal student, in a race that became incredibly contentious. Election rules said that presidential candidates could not begin campaigning until after they registered, which started on Feb. 3.

    Walker, however, was caught campaigning on Jan. 24....

    At the meeting, according to a student in attendance, Walker asked the fraternity members, "What can ASMU do for the Inter-Fraternity council?" and told them he intended to run for president of ASMU in a few weeks.


    I don't think you people understand the gravity of this situation: In college, even though Walker knew he couldn't start campaigning until February 3, he told a group of people he intended to run for office on February 3. He was assigned a one-day penalty for this grave infraction.

    In related news, the National Press Corps is streaming into the upper peninsula of Michigan in order to bring all of it resources to bear on the most important story of the century: the time Scott Walker told a fraternity he was going to run for student government a full ten days before he was supposed to.

    Unfortunately, this will once again necessitate postponing any inquiry into the IRS scandal, the Benghazi cover up, why no one at Columbia can remember Barack Obama being there, or why Civil Rights icon Percy Sutton said that the Saudi royal family facilitated Obama's entrance into Harvard.

  65. Anonymous1:02 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    A few months ago, in Cincinnati, Ohio an HIV positive black woman was charged with having sex with two teenaged boys.

    This HIV-positive black woman was convicted of having sex with one of the boys (but not the other) and sentenced to one year in jail and probation by a black female judge. A slap on the wrist. I wonder how much time an HIV positive man, who did the same thing to an underage girl (or boy), would have received? smdh

    Women (including black women) are getting away with murder nowadays.

  66. whoever is foolish enough to think i will waste my day researching homos, needs to know:

    not for a millisecond have i ever indicated that gays don't have some true injustices to overcome.

    we all do. it is a part of the human condition.

    your history will look like BW's history. there was a chocolate sister with oow babies that was the first "Rosa Parks". that role was re-cast for the heavily manipulated/produced/jewed/light negro mainly "historical" version.

    there is NO denial that this funky stuff has happened throughout history. kindda like Matthew Shepherd being offed by another meth doing homo. mums the word on that in homo land though. what about you research that? kinsey? his obsession with beast crowley? affiliation with gay rights movement hay guy + nambla man?

    then go sit down somewhere.

    that's all a decent soul could do.

    take your "rights" + understand your "rights" are the spoils of wicked lies, het slander, etc.

    but you got your rights.

    now leave other folk alone. particularly those of US with Scriptures, advocating Love and freedom for all.

    + when you look at the Defense budget to fight 17 wars simultaneously that was attached to the MShepherd bill...yep, homos are loud + proud in other folks' faces. happily setting up the backlash. with exactly NOTHING of Truth to stand on. a dead end on every level.

    life as we know it- is ALL a manipulated series of events.

    what does ANY of that have to do with hateful homos attempting to tell other folk what they can/cannot say? believe? do? suing to ruin folk that don't want to be gay anymore? slandering anyone that won't stay on the homo script? hateful homos get rabid with folk like Donnie McClurkin...

    gay is NOT the new Black...despite the whack heavily circulated memo.

    i told folk awhile back...throwing BM in drag, takes US all out. feminizes the menfolk. makes the womenfolk appear masculine.

    recognize the wicked game.

  67. Anonymous said...
    Liberal wrongdoing is not reported. Liberals know this.

    Bullshit democrats know this.

    I'll wait for PurpleCow, PilotX and FN to chime in and acknowledge you are correct.

    And why should I care what conservatives think of me... Let me ask, what have conservatives done to help the country?

    I'm not sure which is going to be a longer wait, the local democrats acknowledging your "truth" or waiting for you to find something conservatives have done.

  68. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "i told folk awhile back...throwing BM in drag, takes US all out. feminizes the menfolk. makes the womenfolk appear masculine."

    Like the Obamas?

  69. Anonymous1:14 PM

    "I'll wait for PurpleCow, PilotX and FN to chime in and acknowledge you are correct."

    Of course they won't. They're liberal hypocrites. They like the situation as it is.

    You are starting to figure things out Bill, but you need broader perspective. You can't see the forest for the trees.

  70. focusedpurpose said...
    homos are loud + proud in other folks' faces.

    Do you believe that the "loud and proud" "homos" give other gay people a bad name?

  71. Anon 1:02 PM-

    it is OPEN SEASON for all that love sin. sexual deviancy in all camps is promoted.

    some women act worse than filthy men. keep in mind the lesbian agenda was introduced awhile back. promoted to het women. go to the strip club with your man. get that lap dance, too. watch porn. we've come a long way, baby!

    this is why i KEEP saying it is NOT about color BUT the spirit of that person.

    Galatians 3:28-29

    did you not read my earlier comment? i have already said all of this before.

    the hateful homos are sitting right next to hateful demonic high places.

    we war not against the flesh.

    folk refusing the homo het makeover are NOT saying hets are above reproach. at least i am not. nor do i hate homos though they seem to REALLY want to believe Truth= hate.



    gays LOVE to speak of "hero" zoologist turned human sex behavior expert kinsey.

    they will talk looooong about small % of gay animals.

    gay folk also = small % of human population.

    this is why promoting + teaching all gay everything is happening. gotta get those #s up. behavior modification in full effect. it relates to the continent of africa. the abuses of the women and children have been so atrocious.

    it was looking at african behavior when i first encountered those that thought it made sense to marry toddlers. these babies ripped to internal pieces on their "wedding nights".

    so for Real- africans would do well to fix that first.

    but then i am biased that way;)

    all gay everything is an agenda. even the most blind should be able to see it. i will check out your link.

  72. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "most accidents/incidents are human induced errors."

    When we refer to human induced errors that is not the sole domain of the flight crew. There are many human factors that go into aviation which would include UAV's. Thanks for your input Bill.

    Nice one.

  73. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I'm pretty indifferent on the whole gay marriage issue. But I'll tell you who I do hate: bigots and proto-fascists. It's gotten ridiculous how the gay rights agenda has moved from demanding tolerance to mandating approval.

    And the radical gay rights movement isn't even trying to hide it any more. Chloe Nelson, a particularly nasty LGBT activist, issued this manifesto on Facebook:

    It's time that the LGBT community forms a new organization that targets homophobes, bigots, religious zealots, religious fanatics, and all other assholes who are against equality, and human and civil rights for all people.

    By targeting these bigots, and publishing every little detail of their sex lives, or personal lives, taking pictures through their windows, and getting the pics out on the internet, showing every little thing that they do, including how they wipe their asses when in the bathroom, or for that matter if they're wiping their asses in the kitchen - we've got to catch it on camera.

    ...We need to start making their lives a living hell by constant observation and publishing pics and articles every time they fart, or spit, or even look cross-eyed. It's obvious these bigots only understand one thing, and that is persecution, discrimination and bigotry.

  74. Anonymous1:36 PM

    One thing that really gets to me about all the "gay rights" stuff is the insanity of insisting that anyone who doesn't change their beliefs as facilely as the most hardcore advocates do is evil. Holding the view that Obama had when up until the 2012 election is now hateful and bigoted.

    Did Obama hate gays until a couple of years ago? Or do you have to change your views constantly in order to not hate gays? It's amazing that if you were an advocate for civil unions 10 years ago and are still one today then you went from loving to hating gays while standing still.

  75. @ Bill-

    i am simply noting how they get down.

    the bad name gays have has nothing to do with activists acting up.

    just as the bad name black folk, white folk, chr-stian folk, all folk not born of the activists acting in response to the ongoing injustice. bad names are born of injustices perpetrated upon others.

    humanity has a problem.

    how folk choose to address it is their personal business + demonstrative of their will.

    i respect the gays getting loud + proud over their rights to not be hunted, tortured and murdered.

    just as i respect all others that will stand and speak Truth.

    despite devils wanting folk to abide in the ssshhh! policy. recall, that was my first exchange with you?

    you seem to believe that those of US with Him/His Word should hide our lights + hold our testimonies. tip toe timidly though He Calls US to be Bold. so it stands to reason you would step to me with your transparent political game playing + divide the people self.

    Bill, save yourself.

    go figure out your lies + hypocrisy schtick. lol.

    Blessings all!

  76. @ Anon 1:34 PM-

    pretty gay manifesto'ish.


    then just as soon as some one says perv window peeker...



    why do folk pretend BO + MO are not attractive people. they look far better than anything that has been in the WH for a looooong time.

    psalm 83'ers never take a break.

  77. Anonymous2:21 PM

    BTW, the HIV positive black woman in Cincinnati who was convicted of having sex with a minor boy is Candace Morris.

    The black woman judge who gave Candace Morris one 1 year in jail (she could have gotten 30 years) is Judge Melba Marsh. The conviction took place in April of 2013.

    I have never lied on the other hand, FP, you lie regularly.

  78. Double ontAndre2:42 PM

    "Or go the other way and be the Washington White Oppressors, Hegemonists, or Gaia Rapers."

    Nah, then we'd have to listen to white men like you, Bill O'Reilly and Rush whine like little girls. No one wants that.

    "Washington Wind might work. They could wear green uniforms and their symbol could be a Windmill."

    Obvious play on words totally missed. Irony and satire is lost on conservatives. Jeezus, is Bill recruiting his fellow special ed classmates?

  79. Bill's special ed English teacher2:44 PM

    "You are starting to figure things out Bill, but you need broader perspective. You can't see the forest for the trees."

    Bill can't figure out how to pour piss out of a bucket with directions and a youtube video. Puuuleeeezzzzeeeeee!

  80. Focused. The reason I pointed Uganda's law out is the response from the U.S. basically telling a sovereign nation to. Follow suit or lose funding...Has Uganda taken it too far with the lifetime prison sentences ...of course...but its still that country's decision... If they chose deportation instead of jail would the response still be the same.

  81. Bullshit detector2:48 PM

    "Unfortunately, this will once again necessitate postponing any inquiry into the IRS scandal, the Benghazi cover up, why no one at Columbia can remember Barack Obama being there, or why Civil Rights icon Percy Sutton said that the Saudi royal family facilitated Obama's entrance into Harvard."

    Or even where is Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster, where's Waldo or the vast alien conspiracy. You can read all about all of these topics on World Nut Daily. If you want you can post there all day and talk about bengaaaaazzzeeeee, the IRS non-scandal and even our secret moooolim president. Shouldn'tyou be reading a Jerome Corsi book or something or do they not have libraries in your particular trailer park?

  82. Anonymous2:52 PM

    FN wrote:
    "I will start with the aforementioned NFL, where a star running back from the Baltimore Ravens has been charged with knocking down his fiancé and dragging her through a hotel lobby."

    I admit I copied and pasted the comment below in quotes from another site but it seems to me that the writer sees through the "he hit a woman bull". imo

    "Well lets see, AFTER she spit on him the question becomes...what did SHE do in the elevator to GET knocked out... It wasn't like the idea came up all of a sudden to Rice..."hmmm, I think I'll knock my girl out..." that would be ignorant to assume anything like that... I mean the lady spit on him, in front of people and he didn't knock her ass out then... I submit to you that she further ran her mouth and paid the price.. Who knows, maybe she attacked him...

    So with all that said.. whatever happens SHE should not profit from any of this as SHE was the aggressor and started the BS....There is something called "Self Defense" and yes, even against women."

    In my city, a football player had an altercation with a woman in a nightclub. She started it by throwing a drink in his face. He responded by punching her out. She pressed charges. The case went to court. The judge ruled in favor of the football player and acquitted him of ALL charges.

    The days when a woman could hit or physically attack a man with impunity are fast coming to an end. Plus, the woman should have to pay the football player's attorney.

    Lesson: Keep your hands, spit, drinks, etc., to yourself whether you are a man or a woman.

  83. Hypocrisy Double standard!2:55 PM

    "Conservatives think you are whining about the rules of the game. You have to play well enough to overcome the bad calls. It's just the way it is.

    Pointing it out occasionally is appropriate. Doing it over and over again is simply annoying."

    He IS annoying huh?

    "Stories are structured to make Conservatives look bad."

    Nah, the do a good enough job on their own.

    "Belaboring the point over and over just makes you look stupid. Like Sean Hannity."

    Psssssss, here's the thing conservatives keep missing. Use Oscar's razor, Bill really IS stupid as are most conservatives. Nobody is making you guys LOOK stupid or doctoring stories or ignoring other stories. YOUR just mad no one ignores your stupidity and childish attempts to play tit for tat and "they do it to" tyoe games kike Bill. Sometimes admitting your mistakes and doing better works, try it sometimes. When you get caught doing something instead of taking your punishment like a man you choose to throw a tantrum and snitch on other kids who did something you consider wrong. Go cry somewhere else, no one wants to hear you whine.

  84. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Bitch got knocked out, so what? i'm sure he bought her a nice dinner that night. she'll be back.

  85. Captain Obvious2:59 PM

    "Anonymous Bill said...
    Threaten the president, go to jail."

    Gee, really Bill? You can get in trouble for threatening the President? Who would have known. Thanks Bill. BTW, love your commercials.

  86. Bullshit eater said...
    Or even where is Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster, where's Waldo or the vast alien conspiracy.

    No one has seen a real live Bigfoot, but we do have a dead ambassador, a fired IRS chief, and a 2008 video of Percy Sutton saying a representative of the Saudi Royal family asked him to write a letter recommending Obama be admitted to Harvard:

    Take a break from searching for Nessie and watch that 3 minute video. If you look hard enough, you might even see Waldo.

  87. Double bullshit detector3:11 PM

  88. Darryl Issa3:12 PM

    "Take a break from searching for Nessie and watch that 3 minute video. If you look hard enough, you might even see Waldo."

    Wow, info from youtube. That's where I get all of my info.

    Thanks, Darryl.

  89. Just the facts Jack3:14 PM

    "Three congressional investigations are ongoing and yes, mistakes were made, as the late Republican president and conservative icon Ronald Reagan once said. But in reality, this is a story about how bureaucratic bungling was turned into scandal by right wing politicians desperate to spin gold from straw.

    They have sought to create a splash, to score points with their allies, make converts, seize the publicity spotlight and pull in some quick campaign cash while they’re at it. But far worse, their staged controversy has distracted from a real Washington scandal, our inability to rein in the outrageous amounts of money used by the rich and powerful to secretly broker elections and buy our government."

  90. The GOP3:16 PM

    "If true, it would not have been the first time the IRS had been used for political skullduggery. When Richard Nixon was in the White House and wanted to go after his enemies – such as the Chandler family, owners of the Los Angeles Times – he picked up the phone and called Attorney General John Mitchell. “We’re going after the Chandlers,” Nixon announced. “Every one. Individually, collectively. Their income taxes… Every one of those sons of bitches, is that clear?”

    During Nixon’s reelection campaign in 1972, he had an enemies list of some 200 names that John Dean, the White House counsel, took to IRS Commissioner Johnnie Mac Walters, hinting that Walters should look for wrongdoing and even pack some of them off to jail. Wisely, Mac Walters locked the list in his safe and kept it there."

    No, it's only a Republican trick.
    Tricky Dicky.

  91. Hillbilly math3:18 PM

    "In the wake of Citizens United, and with the realization that 501(c)(4)s could be used like bagmen for anonymous political bucks, applications for social welfare status at the IRS almost doubled in the years 2010 to 2012 – from 1,735 to 3,357. By the time November 2012 rolled around, those so-called social welfare organizations had poured more than $300 million into the election. According to the investigative journalism group Pro Publica, 84 percent of that money came from conservative groups like Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS and the Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity.

    All the applications for 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status were sent to the Internal Revenue Service office in Cincinnati. The task was overwhelming, not only because of the sheer numbers but because the IRS regulations were so vague and contradictory. Trying to cut corners and red tape, the Cincinnati office decided to determine which groups were legit and which were covers for political mischief by implementing a keyword search – targeting words like “patriot” and “tea party.” All hell broke loose."

    If the majority were conservative groups would the majority of inquiries be of conservative groups? Conservatives don't understand statistics!

  92. Hillbilly math3:21 PM

    "Issa launched an investigation into the IRS, promising the press, pundits and the rabid right that there would be blood. Yet slowly but surely, the scandal narrative began to unravel. Corruption and conspiracy started giving way to fumble-fingered reality: that the whole thing was a colossal, bureaucratic screw-up on the part of IRS employees and that in fact, their word search for BOLO’s – cop talk for “be on the lookout for” – included liberal groups as well as conservative. This was underscored by the revelation of IRS training materials that surfaced a month into Issa’s congressional investigation.

    In addition to conservative groups, the IRS workers had been told to be on the lookout for ACORN successors – a reference to the left-wing community-organizing group that folded under congressional pressure three years ago. Another key word was “emerge.” As The New York Times reported, Emerge Nevada, Emerge Maine and Emerge Massachusetts were groups set up to back Democratic women candidates. All applied to the IRS for 501(c)(4) status and all were denied because their primary work is political."

  93. Hypocrisy Double standard!3:24 PM

    "Far more troubling is that the current brawl over the IRS may make the agency too gun shy to properly police tax-exempt groups. (A few days ago, it was announced that the IRS has agreed to grant tax-exempt status to “True the Vote,” the organization that has gone after groups attempting to register minority votes — although as a 501(c)(3), rather than a c4).

    And much worse, the contretemps will prevent real reform; that in the rush to placate the right, the desperate need for overhaul of our campaign finance system — the fight against “dark money” and the anonymous, deep-pocketed power and control that come with it — will be backburnered once again.

    Then we’ll see the real victim in all of this: what’s left of an increasing frail democracy."

    And here's the end game by conservatives. To work the refs, the press and IRS, enough so they can rig the game. But guess what? We're on to you and your bull shit about a "liberal" press has been called out. Go cry somewhere else.

  94. A study of ignorance3:28 PM

  95. Wow, Bill Moyers? There's a stand up guy, then one who convinced RFK to bug MLK's phone and has made a career peddling bullshit on government TV.

    I hope old Bill is still around to whisper sweet lies in your ear when your liberal fantasy world comes crashing down.

    Just keep your eyes closed while he is doing it.

    You are going to need all the help you can get.

  96. The. Worst. Scandal. Ever.

    Someday Obama and Holder will be in prison. Count on it.

  97. Anonymous3:56 PM

    "During Nixon’s reelection campaign in 1972, he had an enemies list of some 200 names"

    I agree. Obama needs to resign like Nixon.

  98. The GOP4:14 PM

    "I agree. Obama needs to resign like Nixon."

    Nope, only Republican Presidents commit high crimes.

  99. Bullshit detector4:15 PM

    "The first few days of the IRS scandal that would consume Washington for weeks went like this: Conservatives were indignant, the media was outraged, the president had to respond, his allies turned on him … and only then, the Treasury Department’s inspector general released the actual report that had sparked the whole controversy — in that order. It’s a fitting microcosm of the entire saga, which has gone from legacy-tarnishing catastrophe to historical footnote in the intervening six weeks, and a textbook example of how the scandal narrative can dominate Washington and cable news even when there is no actual scandal.

    While the initial reports about the IRS targeting looked pretty bad, suggesting that agents singled out tax-exempt applications for Tea Party and conservative groups for extra scrutiny, the media badly bungled the controversy when supposedly sober journalists like Bob Woodward and Chuck Todd jumped to conclusions and assumed the worst from day one. Instead of doing more reporting to discover the true nature and context of the IRS targeting, or at least waiting for their colleagues to do some, the supposedly liberal mainstream press let their eagerness to show they could be just as tough on a Democratic White House as a Republican one get ahead of the facts. We expect politicians to stretch reality to fit a narrative, but the press should be better."

  100. Darryl Issa4:17 PM

    "The. Worst. Scandal. Ever."

    The. Dumbest. Post. Ever.

  101. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Bullshit detector said...
    While the initial reports about the IRS targeting looked pretty bad,

    I agree, real bad. Obama is deserving of impeachment.

    Let's get on it.

  102. Darryl Issa4:19 PM

    "And they would have gotten away with it, too, had their narrative had the benefit of being true. But now, almost two months later, we know that in fact the IRS targeted lots of different kinds of groups, not just conservative ones; that the only organizations whose tax-exempt statuses were actually denied were progressive ones; that many of the targeted conservative groups legitimately crossed the line; that the IG’s report was limited to only Tea Party groups at congressional Republicans’ request; and that the White House was in no way involved in the targeting and didn’t even know about it until shortly before the public did."

  103. Double ontAndre4:20 PM

    "I agree, real bad. Obama is deserving of impeachment."

    Ok, let's see if that happens. Lindsey Grahm will come out of the closet first.

  104. Darryl Issa4:23 PM

    No President in history has ever been caught so blatantly abusing his powers to attack his political opponents through systematic harassment and punishment.

    Never. Nixon made lists, but he didn't arrest people who criticized him.

    Obama is the biggest criminal to ever occupy the office.

    I agree with the majority. Let's impeach him already.

  105. The REAL Darryl Issa4:25 PM

    "Conservatives get one thing right about the media — many of its members personally lean liberal. But what they get wrong is assuming that this translates to favorable coverage of Democrats. Often it’s the opposite. Sensitive to criticism of bias and eager to prove their independence and objectivity, the mainstream media often seems to overcorrect by showing less mercy to Democratic administrations than they do to Republican ones. Steve Almond, writing for Salon, argued that the IRS scandal was “Whitewater all over again,” referring to the Clinton-era non-scandal scandal. No one cared when the IRS went after liberal groups like the NAACP and even progressive churches under George W. Bush.

    And who could imagine the conservative press disowning the Bush White House as quickly as the liberal pundits on MSNBC did. Bill O’Reilly and his gang at Fox will defend their team to the death, no matter how bad things get and how much flip-flopping is needed to get there. In many ways, this is a compliment to liberal pundits for trying to be more intellectually honest than their conservative peers. But trying to show fair-mindedness by imposing a false balance is just a different form of dishonesty."

  106. The REAL Darryl Issa4:26 PM

    "Obama is the biggest criminal to ever occupy the office."

    Except all other Republicans.

  107. Darryl Issa4:28 PM

    "But the the GOP really lost its media buy-in when Issa refused to release the full transcript of his interviews with IRS agents."

    But I meant to. Really.

  108. Darryl Issa4:28 PM

  109. The REAL Darryl Issa4:29 PM

    Conservatives get one thing right about the media — many of its members personally lean liberal. This skews coverage such that a zero accomplishment community organizer could get elected president - twice - despite having the worst economic and foreign policy record since Jimmy Carter. A man whose signature accomplishment has been the worst failure of a domestic program in American history.

    Let's remove this criminal regime from office.

  110. Hillbilly math4:30 PM

    "I agree with the majority. Let's impeach him already."

    Majority of what? Morons?

  111. rerun4:31 PM

    "Conservatives get one thing right about the media"

    You are the real Darryl Issa because we all know conservatives never get anything right.

  112. Hillbilly Math4:32 PM

    Even Politico raps Obama for deeming this basic question of how many people have signed up for Obamacare an "unreasonable" one which Obama's team refuses to offer answers to:

    Two different groups have estimated the extent to which ObamaCare has expanded Medicaid to the uninsured. One is Acela, which estimates the figure at between 1.1 million and 1.8 million. Kessler also quotes Charles Gaba, who puts the number at 2.6 million. Both are far below Barack Obama’s claims, and also far below what the administration expected to see by this stage. The most motivated of all the uninsured should have been those eligible for Medicaid, and yet we haven’t seen a rush to enroll — and those who are motivated to do so probably already have. That means there won’t be a big spike coming in the next couple of months.

  113. Steal this handle and I keel you4:34 PM

    "But mostly, the scandal faded into the background and then disappeared without much recognition, let alone accountability for the people who helped create it. As the journalism adage goes, everyone reads the false report and no one reads the correction. ”My objection to the media coverage is that many reporters and commentators were more interested in the Obama scandal narrative than the facts of the case,” Nyhan told me. “Do I fault the press for this? Yes, but at the same time, it’s the reality of how the media works and is unlikely to change.”

  114. Hillbilly Math4:34 PM

    A majority of morons supports Obama:

  115. Steal this handle and I keel you4:38 PM

    But mostly, the scandal faded into the background and then disappeared without much recognition due to the absolute fecklessness of the media. It's long past time to enforce the Constitution and impeach Obama.

  116. Darryl Issa4:45 PM

    Time for a special counsel to attack the biggest scandal in American history:

  117. The REAL Darryl Issa4:54 PM

    I agree with the fake Darryl Issa.

  118. Anonymous4:54 PM

    From the previous thread which BIB has not answered:

    Anonymous Anonymous said...





    7:44 PM
    OMG! VAPE is dropped like a rock today. I've lost half of my money. BIB, DO SOMETHING....I'm on my way to being homeless in SF...that's not good.

  119. The GOP4:57 PM

    "A majority of morons supports Obama"

    I didn't know that Obama was a Republican. Hmmm, methinks YOUR wrong.

  120. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Lord have mercy. These racist trolls are talking about impeaching Obama, our first black President. Kinky Con is behind all of this maddness. Bill would never join Kinky Con on something like this. Bill has class.

  121. The REAL Darryl Issa4:59 PM

    "I agree with the fake Darryl Issa."

    No I don't.

  122. The GOP5:01 PM

    A real Republican.

  123. Darryl Issa5:02 PM

    The REAL Darryl Issa said...

    "I agree with the fake Darryl Issa."

    No I don't.

    But I do.

  124. The REAL Darryl Issa5:03 PM

    I agree with that Darryl Issa.

  125. Hillbilly math5:04 PM

    Wanna bet Christie is impeached before Obama?

  126. The REAL Darryl Issa5:05 PM

    "But I do."

    Actually I don't.

  127. The GOP5:05 PM

    A real Republican.

  128. History teacher5:10 PM

  129. The GOP5:11 PM

    "A real Republican."

    I GAVE you a real Republican. She was our VP candidate. Doesn't get more real than that.

  130. Hillbilly Math5:12 PM

    Letting your ambassador and his staff die at the hands of terrorists so that you could cover up your mistakes and then lying about to the American people during an election is a not nearly as bad as closing a lane on a bridge in New Jersey and then firing those responsible.

    It JUST isn't.

    Christie should be impeached.

    Obama should give Hillary a medal made out of Ambassador Steven tooth fillings.

  131. The GOP5:13 PM

    "A real Republican."

    I GAVE you a real moron. He is our president. Doesn't get more real than that.

  132. History teacher5:27 PM

  133. The GOP5:36 PM

    "A real Republican."

    I GAVE you a real moron. He is our president. Doesn't get more real than that.


  134. History teacher5:43 PM

    W is still president? I am missing something?

  135. History teacher5:44 PM


  136. History teacher5:45 PM

    "W is still president? I am missing something?"

    Yes, YOUR missing alot. Mostly teeth.

  137. History teacher5:48 PM

    even more interesting.

  138. Hillbilly Math5:48 PM

    The IRS scandal is Bush's fault. So is Benghazi.

  139. " Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Bitch got knocked out, so what? i'm sure he bought her a nice dinner that night. she'll be back.

    2:56 PM"


    hope your mother was able to finally break the silence, cycle + free.

    you CLEARLY are still traumatized by childhood experiences + see normalcy where it is NOT.


    @ Bill-

    do you care to talk about the wm driving to the reservations to sexually assault the indigenous women the world seems to have forgotten about? the women still in buckskin when folk bother to show them at all...

    or no?

    are you are going to be ssshhhh! on that?

    you and FN crack me up. his Black behind does a post called men behaving badly...then he plasters pics of wm up.


    THIS is why your tag line is more annoying than anything else.

    until more turn loose their lies + hypocrisy -humanity will continue to circle the toilet. which is all that can be expected when folk refuse to worship Him in Spirit and this great Chr-stian nation. let the liars tell their traditional lies...

  140. Wesley R6:18 PM


    If you believe that bullshit I have swamp land to sell you. You seem gullible enough to buy some.

  141. BIB-

    america is doing the most worldwide.

    most americans will come away thinking folks are "jealous" of our nonexistent "freedom" before they cop to all the evil this nation forces upon others.


    Anon 2:21 PM- thanks for that minute by minute of BW behaving badly and the professionals that sanction the bad behavior.

    in your wouldn't have noticed a GRIP of homo devils + molesting het devils getting 30 days and whatnot for their crimes?

    or in your Truth nothing but the Truth it just BW and BW judges acting demonic buckwild?

    blank stare.


    Anon 2:21 PM- when you get done...please know i got nothing but Love for ya. get real clear on the fact that there is NO thing you can do about it.


  142. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hey Wesley have you ever seen Farrakhan's space ship?

  143. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Farrakhan has a spaceship? Damn. He must be planning to get up and out of here.

  144. Anonymous6:44 PM

    FP, is there anywhere in the Scriptures where there are instructions on how to pray for money lost?

    I was warned about playing penny stocks and being high. I thought I was the Wolf on Wallstreet but it turns out that I am not.

  145. Anonymous6:51 PM

    longs u gots weed u don need no money

  146. focusedpurpose said...
    @ Bill-

    do you care to talk about the wm driving to the reservations to sexually assault the indigenous women the world seems to have forgotten about?

    That's messed up.

    I wonder what happened to these men as children.

  147. Chief Rapaho7:18 PM

    I wonder if there is anything Bill won't believe.

  148. Darryl Issa7:22 PM

    "The IRS scandal is Bush's fault. So is Benghazi."

    No because there is no IRS "scandal" except in the minds of goofy Republicans who need a scandal. Bengaaazeeee was the fault of opportunist extremists so says the senate investigative committee. But carry on, you guys are still fighting a war on Christmas so we expect you fools to find scandals where they don't exist.

  149. Wesley R7:23 PM

    Anonymous 6:28pm,

    The only spaceship I've seen was the Mothership (Connection). It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand.

  150. A study of ignorance7:23 PM

    "I wonder if there is anything Bill won't believe."

    As long as it comes from a conservative yeah, he'll believe it.

  151. "The only spaceship I've seen was the Mothership (Connection). It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand."

    Tear the roof off this mother.

  152. The GOP7:28 PM

    "Bill said...
    19 Islamic words banned for non-Muslims in Brunei

    I wonder how they feel about the word redskin.

    Democrats have a lot in common with the muslim thought police."

    We prefer being the thought police. We'll boycott you if you say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas! And we'll use our former VP candidate to write a book about it and Bill O'Reilly will harp on it during his show on our network!

  153. The REAL Darryl Issa7:57 PM

    Darryl Issa said...

    "The IRS scandal is Bush's fault. So is Benghazi."


    I agree with Daryl IssaX. It's all Obama's fault.

  154. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Wesley R said...

    Anonymous 6:28pm,

    The only spaceship I've seen was the Mothership (Connection). It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand.

    That must have been how you got the AIDS, when they took you on the Mothership for your anal probe.

  155. whiteboy8:01 PM

    This has got to b a whiteboy. Guns don't kill people......

  156. Darryl Issa8:03 PM

    "I agree with Daryl IssaX. It's all Obama's fault."

    So the non-scandal is Obama's fault. Duly noted. Carry on. Maybe I can find a REAL scandal before he leaves office.

  157. The GOP8:07 PM

    Our hero.

  158. Montell Jordan8:08 PM

    This is how we do it.

  159. Ted Nugent8:14 PM

    Ambassador Stevens isn't really dead?

    Lois Lerner wasn't fired?

    PilotX isn't deluded?

  160. Ben Ghazi8:17 PM

    Accountability. It's a white thing. You wouldn't understand.

    Like math.

  161. Just the facts Jack8:28 PM

    "Ambassador Stevens isn't really dead?"

    Yep, killed by extremists. Read about it in the senate report.

    "Lois Lerner wasn't fired?"

    Yep, resigned. Read about it in the congressional report or NYT article.

    "PilotX isn't deluded?"

    He seems more interested in facts than the anonymous trolls screeching bbbbeeeennnngggaaaaazzziiiiiii! and iiirrrrrrrrrssssss!

  162. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I hate to say it, but I don't think you can blame the Internet for the cow-humpers.

    People have been having sex with animals since forever. Not A LOT of people, mind you, but some people.

  163. Uncle Cracker8:49 PM

    "I hate to say it, but I don't think you can blame the Internet for the cow-humpers.

    People have been having sex with animals since forever. Not A LOT of people, mind you, but some people."

    Yep, it's like an Olympic sport for rednecks.

  164. Just the facts Jack8:53 PM

    "The Senate panel also rejected the insinuation, made repeatedly by Republicans, that the Obama administration failed to scramble available military assets that could have defended the Benghazi annex and saved the lives of the four American victims. “There were no U.S. military resources in position to intervene in short order in Benghazi,” the report says flatly. “The committee has reviewed the allegations that U.S. personnel . . . prevented the mounting of any military relief effort during the attacks, but the Committee has not found any of these allegations to be substantiated.”

    These are bipartisan findings, mind you, endorsed by the panel’s Republican members as well as Democrats. GOP members offered some zingers in their additional minority views, but the Democrats rightly credited their colleagues for standing up to the right-wing spin machine: “We worked together on a bipartisan basis to dispel the many factual inaccuracies and conspiracy theories related to the Benghazi attacks.”

  165. Just the facts Jack8:55 PM

    "The Obama administration’s supposed coverup on Benghazi became a crusade for leading Republicans. A low point came when Issa’s Committee on Oversight and Reform issued a report last September questioning “the independence and integrity of the review” by the Mullen-Pickering group. These were extraordinary charges to make against a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former ambassador to six countries — especially since Issa didn’t present any conclusive evidence to back up his allegations.

    The Republican tirades about Benghazi were unfortunate not just because they were based on erroneous speculation but also because they distracted policymakers from the real challenge of framing coherent policy in the Middle East. Sometimes, it seemed as if Benghazi finger-pointing was the only issue that leading Republicans cared about."

  166. Just the facts Jack8:56 PM

    "In fact, the Senate intelligence report echoes many of the themes of the earlier report by the Accountability Review Board, which noted “systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies.” Warnings about deteriorating conditions in Benghazi were ignored; proposals to add more security there were rejected; even as evidence mounted of al-Qaeda’s growing power in Benghazi, the State Department failed to respond adequately. The Senate report makes clear that some important security mistakes were made by Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the courageous but sometimes incautious diplomat who was among those who died in the attack.

    Perhaps the silliest aspect of the Benghazi affair was the focus on the errant “talking points” prepared for Congress, which cited incorrect intelligence about “spontaneous demonstrations” in Benghazi that wasn’t corrected by the CIA until a week after the points were delivered on Sunday talk shows by Susan Rice, then U.N. ambassador. Rice is still under a cloud because she repeated the CIA’s “points” prepared at Congress’s insistence.

    Next time, the Senate report notes, the intelligence community should just tell Congress what facts are unclassified — and let the legislators do the talking."

  167. Just the facts Jack8:57 PM

  168. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Anonymous Wesley R said...
    Anonymous 6:28pm,

    The only spaceship I've seen was the Mothership (Connection). It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand.

    7:23 PM
    I AM Black. This Mothership? It must be a black Black thing cause I don't know what it is you're saying.


    Awwww.... my bad ..did anyone ever tell you about buying low, and selling high?

    Well you can hold onto them its a 40 dollar stock... It'll be back.

    Damm if 1000 bucks is hurtin you... You probaly shouldnt have... well never mind...LOL

  170. ."did anyone ever tell you about buying low, and selling high?"

    Heh heh heh.

  171. @ Bill-

    "I wonder what happened to these men as children.

    6:56 PM"

    if they were raping ww, i, too would conclude they probably hated their mothers or had childhood issues.

    but all things being what they are...from what i glean these are good 'ole american whipcracking billy bobs that probably know exactly what year in the 1600-1700's's their family menfolk adopted the practice aka tradition.

    probably got some bury my heart at wounded knee headbands + tobacco pouches to share with their stories- after the appropriate statute of limitation is up, of course. then one could always just say it was consensual if caught. but then, really, who cares? THAT'S why these women are targeted.

    proud american tradition moreso than bad childhoods.

    but then, i don't really like lies + hypocrisy that much so i wouldn't have a problem calling it.


  172. The Republican tirades about Benghazi were unfortunate not just because they were based on erroneous speculation but also because they distracted policymakers from the real challenge of framing coherent policy in the Middle East. Sometimes, it seemed as if Benghazi finger-pointing was the only issue that leading Republicans cared about."


  173. this right here:

    "He seems more interested in facts than the anonymous trolls screeching bbbbeeeennnngggaaaaazzziiiiiii! and iiirrrrrrrrrssssss!"


    + Anon that gets high then starts gambling. i don't know what to tell ya...


    stop that?

    just off the top of my head;)


    will my gay friends please get perez hilton?

    last time he was calling from black eyed peas a f-word. though that man claims to be het.

    to the sound of crickets.

    now he thinks BW are like hitler because saying every gay man has a BW in him was not received as a compliment. despite being a down trodden, much persecuted homo, he can't seem to find good sense, manners nor historical perspective when dealing with bfolk.

    maybe Black lesbians could talk to him?

    'cause just as soon as non gays go in homo hater labels are sure to be slapped fast + furiously...

  174. Cracker Jack10:27 PM

    Just the spin Pinhead said...
    Susan Rice, then U.N. ambassador. Rice is still under a cloud because she repeated the CIA’s “points” prepared at Congress’s insistence

    She was sent out to do Hillary's lying for her. Obama sacrificed Rice's credibility to save Hillary's political career.

    FACT: Additional security had been requested, and denied by Hillary.

    FACT: Threats surrounding the anniversary of 911 were ignored.

    FACT: No attempt was made to send any assistance to the consulate under siege.

    FACT: Obama went to bed in the middle of the attack, and left for a campaign fundraiser in Las Vegas the next morning.

    FACT: The administration was told from the start that the attack was a coordinated effort by terrorist groups located in Libya, including Al Qaeda.

    FACT: Despite have no evidence for this, the administration came up with the ridiculous story that the whole burning of the consulate thing was a spontaneous response to an amateur You Tube video that had come out 10 months earlier. Obama repeated this lie. Hillary repeated this lie. Jay Carney referenced the video seven times in the initial press conference after Stevens had been killed.

    FACT: Obama, Biden, Hillary, Leon Panetta, and Susan Rice all repeated this lie to the mother of one of the fallen embassy staff members at the ceremony receiving their caskets.

    “Obama, and Hillary, and Panetta, and Susan [Rice] all came up to me at the casket ceremony – every one of them came up to me, gave me a big hug – and I asked them what happened. And every one of them says, ‘it was the video,’ and we all know that it wasn’t the video,” she continued. “Even at that time, they knew it wasn’t the video....So, they all lied to me,” Smith continued.

    FACT: The administration repeatedly stonewalled congressional inquiries as to what happened in Behghazi. Hillary avoided testifying for five months, and blustered her way through the proceedings, denying knowledge of anything, and ending with her infamous "What difference, at his point, does it make" quote.

    This is one of the most shameful chapters in our government's history, and partisan fucks like you would rather save your team's ass than do the right thing.

    Fuck you.

  175. Cracker Jack10:29 PM


    And fuck you, Field.

    These chickens will come home to roost.

  176. Bullshit detector11:03 PM

    "She was sent out to do Hillary's lying for her. Obama sacrificed Rice's credibility to save Hillary's political career.

    FACT: Additional security had been requested, and denied by Hillary.

    FACT: Threats surrounding the anniversary of 911 were ignored.

    FACT: No attempt was made to send any assistance to the consulate under siege.

    FACT: Obama went to bed in the middle of the attack, and left for a campaign fundraiser in Las Vegas the next morning.

    FACT: The administration was told from the start that the attack was a coordinated effort by terrorist groups located in Libya, including Al Qaeda.

    FACT: Despite have no evidence for this, the administration came up with the ridiculous story that the whole burning of the consulate thing was a spontaneous response to an amateur You Tube video that had come out 10 months earlier. Obama repeated this lie. Hillary repeated this lie. Jay Carney referenced the video seven times in the initial press conference after Stevens had been killed.

    FACT: Obama, Biden, Hillary, Leon Panetta, and Susan Rice all repeated this lie to the mother of one of the fallen embassy staff members at the ceremony receiving their caskets.

    “Obama, and Hillary, and Panetta, and Susan [Rice] all came up to me at the casket ceremony – every one of them came up to me, gave me a big hug – and I asked them what happened. And every one of them says, ‘it was the video,’ and we all know that it wasn’t the video,” she continued. “Even at that time, they knew it wasn’t the video....So, they all lied to me,” Smith continued.

    FACT: The administration repeatedly stonewalled congressional inquiries as to what happened in Behghazi. Hillary avoided testifying for five months, and blustered her way through the proceedings, denying knowledge of anything, and ending with her infamous "What difference, at his point, does it make" quote.

    This is one of the most shameful chapters in our government's history, and partisan fucks like you would rather save your team's ass than do the right thing."

    Ahem, all bullshit contradicted in the OFFICIAL report published by the senate or did you even read the report. Nah, you just watch Hannity right? Typical, no wonder they thought Palin would make a good VP.

  177. Bullshit detector11:06 PM

    "This is one of the most shameful chapters in our government's history, and partisan fucks like you would rather save your team's ass than do the right thing."

    And what is the "right thing"? Issa already had his witch hunt and came up empty. The fcats have been scrutinized and only hyper-partisan conspiracy theorists on the right who want any reason to impeach the prez continue to screech about a coverup. Sad.

  178. Cracker Jack11:20 PM

    "all bullshit contradicted in the OFFICIAL report published by the senate"

    You are a liar, X.

    The report says no such thing. It does say the attack was "likely preventable". As far as the administrations lies over the event:

    ... the report does not go far enough to address the Administration's failure to correctly label the incident as a deliberate and organized terrorist attack in the days following the attack. As our "Flashing Red" report found, there was never any doubt among key officials, including officials in the IC and the Department of State, that the attack in Benghazi was an act of terrorism. Yet, high-ranking Administration officials, including the President himself, repeatedly cast doubt on the nature of the attack, at times attributing it to the reaction to an anti-Islamic video and to a spontaneous demonstration that escalated into violence.

    Despite the fact that the September J 1, 2012 attacks in Benghazi were recognized as terrorist attacks by the Intelligence Community and personnel at the Department of State from the beginning, Administration officials were inconsistent and at times misleading in their public statements and failed for days to make cleat to the American people that the deaths in Benghazi were the result of a terrorist attack. It took eight days before the Administration communicated clearly and unequivocally to the American people and to Congress regarding this fact through testimony by NCTC Director Matthew Olsen before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on September 19,2012.

    Even after the Administration finally published the complete time line of the changes made to the talking points, it is baffling how a fundamental, unclassified fact that was known to the IC from the beginning was only communicated clearly to the American people by the Administration after the issue had already been sufficiently muddled to result in confusion.

    While I support the SSCI report and appreciate its thorough analysis of much of what went wrong, I believe that more emphasis should have been placed on the three issues I have discussed: (1) the Administration's initial misleading of the American people about the terrorist nature of the attack, (2) the failure of the Administration to hold anyone at the State Department, particularly Under Secretary Kennedy, fully accountable for the security lapses, and (3) the unfulfilled promises of President Obama that he would bring the terrorists to justice.

    Lying motherfuckers interested only in their own power.

    Fuck them and fuck you.

  179. Anonymous5:42 AM

    "Anon 2:21 PM- thanks for that minute by minute of BW behaving badly and the professionals that sanction the bad behavior.

    in your wouldn't have noticed a GRIP of homo devils + molesting het devils getting 30 days and whatnot for their crimes?

    or in your Truth nothing but the Truth it just BW and BW judges acting demonic buckwild?

    blank stare."

    I shared that info about BW behaving badly because I wanted to put things in some prospective. I want to show you and others that black men are not the only ones behaving badly as you like to suggest. That's all.

  180. Bullshit detector7:13 PM

    "Yet, high-ranking Administration officials, including the President himself, repeatedly cast doubt on the nature of the attack, at times attributing it to the reaction to an anti-Islamic video and to a spontaneous demonstration that escalated into violence."

    The CIA prepared the initial reports and told administration officials what language to use. This, as in all such events, has to be investigated completely before all of the pertinent information comes out. They are called AFTER ACTION REPORTS not jump the gun and come up with some bullshit to pacify the critics reports. It takes days, weeks and sometimes months to get the correct information which even you admit the WH did. As more information is gleaned more information comes out. Keep in mind that the CIA also has to protect assets and can't allow certain information to leak, ya know Bush Valerie Plame style. Keep your shirt on, there is no "scandal". Reagan letting over 200 Marines die in Lebenon should have been a scandal but if we're willing to let something that drastic go as a lesson learned this most assuredly will also travel the same road. Nice try.

  181. Bullshit detector7:17 PM

    "(1) the Administration's initial misleading of the American people about the terrorist nature of the attack, (2) the failure of the Administration to hold anyone at the State Department, particularly Under Secretary Kennedy, fully accountable for the security lapses, and (3) the unfulfilled promises of President Obama that he would bring the terrorists to justice."

    Already answered 1. That was the FACT that it takes time to figure out what happened. They're called investigations. 2. The ambassador himself requested local security agents and turned down additional security as to not cause local tensions. We learned a valuable lesson there. 3. Once again it takes time. Not to play tit for tat but were you this upset when Bush said he wasn't that interested in catching bin Laden? Just curious.
    Lastly, calm the fuck down. I know you want and need a scandal but this is crying wolf, again.
