Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ted and Greg's new adventure.

"I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago communist-raised, communist-educated, communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel like the acorn community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America."

Those were the words of de facto GOP spokesman, Ted Nugent.

Now usually this would not be that big of a deal, people on the right, in case you didn't notice, have a profound hatred for the president of these divided states of America, and they have been known to say worse things from time to time.

But Ted Nugent is now going on the campaign trail with the GOP candidate for governor of Texas, and so far it has been a match made in longhorn heaven.

Well, sort of....

"Nugent was interviewed in 2012 by the Secret Service after he said at the National Rifle Association's annual meeting that he would be either "dead or in jail by this time next year" if Obama is still in office.

The agency later cleared Nugent, saying the issue had been resolved and they were not anticipating further action.

But Abbott's campaign is brushing off Nugent's history of contentious comments.

"The controversy is what he said in the past. We are not endorsing Ted Nugent, he is supporting us," the aide said.

"It's easy to criticize some of the language he has used in the past,"
 the aide continued. 'He is protected under the Constitution, like you and I.'"

If you live in Texas and you vote for Gregg Abbott, you need to leave the voting booth and head straight to the shower.

But such is life in Texas. Hey, at least they have Austin as a place of refuge. If you live in the wonderful state of Mississippi where do you turn?

You would think that you would be able to find civilized and enlightened people on the campus of the state's finest institution of higher learning, but....

"The FBI on Tuesday was helping investigate who tied a noose around the neck of a University of Mississippi statue of James Meredith, who, in 1962, became the first black student to enroll in the then all-white Southern college.

University police on Sunday morning found the rope noose and, on the statue’s face, a pre-2003 Georgia state flag with a Confederate battle symbol, said campus police Chief Calvin Sellers. Two men were seen near the statue early Sunday and investigators were looking at surveillance footage." [Source]

But I am not going to make my racism chase only about the South. The big R is everywhere.

Right across the bridge in New Jersey hate and ignorance is starting at an early age.

"Just hours after a New Jersey high school wrestling team took a state title, a disturbing photograph has emerged that appears to show them posing with a black dummy hanging by its neck.

The seven boys, dressed in maroon and white Phillipsburg High School colors, are shown in various poses as a dummy hangs from the ceiling. Two of the boys wear pointed hoods that are reminiscent of Ku Klux Klan members.

In a morbid kind of caricature, the dummy appears to wear a wrestling shirt of the team's crushed competitor, Paulsboro High School, located just outside Philadelphia.According to the 2010 Census, 7.5 percent of the residents in Phillipsburg, located 19 miles northeast of Allentown, Penn., are black. In contrast, 36 percent of Paulsboro's residents are black." [Source]

Nice. Ted Nugent would be proud.


  1. Oh! The selective outrage.

    The horror!!!!!

    Seems like it was only yesterday when field negro was defending dear leader from the controversial, racist, things that were said by pals of Obama..

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Philly Black Officials Silent On Police Brutality


    hiladelphia – Back in 1978, a respected newspaper columnist in in this city blasted local black elected officials for their failure to criticize police brutality – the scourge that ravaged blacks for decades, often with the sanction of white elected officials like then Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo, a former city police commissioner.

    “Those black elected officials lack courage,” respected journalist Chuck Stone wrote three-decades ago, slamming Philadelphia’s four top black officials as servile, betraying their constituents.

    During the weeks before publication of Stone’s July 18, 1978 news commentary, Philadelphia police had killed two unarmed black men and viciously beat scores of people including a group of black teens attending a party at the home of a Methodist minister.

    Damn, they forgot to insert you name FIELD, because you're certainly one of those docile negroes!

  3. If you live in Texas and you vote for Gregg Abbott,

    I was wondering when the democrat talking points would have you attacking greg.

    After the way wendy daivs has imploded the only thing left for democrats is attack attack attack.

    When you have nothing to run on, you are forced to attack your opponent.

  4. FN said...
    But Abbott's campaign is brushing off Nugent's history of contentious comments

    Calling obama a community organizing communist is contentious?


    All the hateful shit you write about people you disagree with and you call this contentious?


  5. The non-partisan CBO is once again saying raising minimum wage will reduce employment.

    I remember the old days when democrats would use CBO facts to bash bush.

    Now it seems democrats no longer believe in facts.

    When minimum wage goes up, do the other people also deserve a raise? Let's say the son of PilotX is an excellent french fryer, shows up to MacD on time, does a good job, represents the company well. He deserved and got a $2 raise. Now some new untrained untalented fry cooks will be getting more than the son of PilotX?
    Is that fair for the son of PilotX? Does his wage go up or just the untrained workers?

  6. If mel reynolds was a right-wing house negro, would FN write about him being a "convinced" child molester?

    Considering the field of law FN is in, I wonder if he has anything to write about the new boss of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Arthur D. Bishop.

    Is hiring someone that has already plead guilty of theft from a non-profit and a deadbeat dad the best choice?

    Bishop declined to be interviewed for this story.

    The good news, my children will not be under the control of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services.

    The bad news... poor kids will be.

    After all, how does hiring someone competent that doesn't have a long history of theft from non-profits help the democrat party?

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Fat ass HillBillyBill is still here??? I guess its true that some troll do have some serious mental problems. Get some help! Bill, you cannot solve your type of issue on a black blog fat boy!

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Quit responding to HillBillyBill's silly comments, he sure has an abundance of contempt for black folks! F*ck you Bill!

  9. Nine times out ten, these 'racist' incidents on campuses are hoaxes, perpetrated by a member of the group that the symbol is directed at:

  10. Man, there's nothing Field hates more than a white man who doesn't bow down before Black Run America.

    BTW, what in that statement he made wasn't true?

  11. The Obama presidency has been very very good for rich democrats.

    Net Worth: $9.0 bil

    As of September 2013
    Net Worth $20 Billion

    Democrats always go crickets about income inequality when it's one of their own.

    $9 billion to $20 billion in 5 years.

    While regular americans are losing their houses, their jobs, their healthcare.

  12. Government schools and teacher unions...

    Heroin found in faculty restroom at Fallsburg elementary school
    Each of the seven faculty members initially agreed to give urine samples, but then rescinded their cooperation and hired lawyers on the advice of the school district's union

    To fix government schools we need kid unions to protect their interests just like the teacher unions protect teachers.

    Will teacher unions ever have to answer for protecting teachers at the expense of children?

  13. working class prole11:57 AM

    Bill said...
    "The Obama presidency has been very very good for rich democrats."

    Liberalism does not consist of the stereotypically touchy-feely brand of politics we usually associate with it. Rather, it is more a corporatist alliance of big government and big business than a movement for reform and social justice.

    State power and social control are at the heart of modern liberal thought and such power is too often dismissive of constitutional restraint and sometimes veers into authoritarianism.

    Modern American liberal progressivism, which is at once aggressively focused on the expansion of state power to regulate the economy and provide “social justice” (often at the expense of individual liberty), while at the same time being radically civil-libertarian when it comes to personal freedoms, especially those related to speech and sex, and dismissive of bourgeois conventions that might limit individual expression or lifestyle choices. Fred Siegel notes the contradiction when he writes that liberals are “anarchic when allies of the middle class are in power, authoritarian when their own allies are in power.” It is this contradiction that both defines modern liberalism and explains much of its incoherence.

    One might view liberalism as offering complete freedom in sexual matters in return for the restriction all other basic human freedoms. It is the liberal elite's view that sex can be offered to the masses as compensation for their accedence to control that is most indicative of their contempt for the lower classes.

  14. "Calling obama a community organizing communist is contentious?


    Now see, here's the thing Bill.

    You are not debating seriously now, are you? You know perfectly well that calling your President a "sub-human mongrel" is the contentious bit.

    I know that, Field knows that, you know that.

    So let's once and for all get to the truth, you don;t come here to debate Bill, you come here to abuse us because you hate us.

    Now you could say "But you hate us" and that's entirely true. But there are two differences.

    1. I don't hate you or kinky because you are white, hell some of my best friends are white. I hate you because you are perfectly vile human beings who deserves to burn in hell for all eternity.

    2. I don't got to your websites and abuse you, you come here and abuse us.

    It's time to man up and stop playing your stupid little games Billy Boi.

  15. the real jews are black12:25 PM

    my question to white america? why are you mad, if you don't like america leave GO BACK TO THE CAVES IN RUSSIA GEORGIA...

  16. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Real Jews are Black Said: "my question to white america? why are you mad, if you don't like america leave GO BACK TO THE CAVES IN RUSSIA GEORGIA.."

    Tell it like it truly my brother!!

    F$ck fat ass HillBillyBill, If you hate Black people so much, coming to this blog to let off personal frustration isn't going to settle any thing fat ass pig!

  17. @bill...the most offensive comment -- u conveniently omitted -- is the sub-human mongrel racist remark...

    @fn have u ever tried racist troll pest control lol

    Here is my take on wild man ted

  18. The Purple Cow said...
    you come here and abuse us

    Stop playing the victim card. Your a grown ass man.

    hell some of my best friends are white

    Isn't that what old white racists say, that they have black friends?

    I understand why you feel you needed to point out you have white friends, the same reason nixon said he wasn't a crook and clinton said he didn't have sex with that woman.

  19. Sooo, you don't consider calling the president of YOUR country a "mongrel" to be a big deal?

    Ok then, keep it up republicans, and watch those black votes just come flowing in for you.

  20. Peak Negro2:44 PM

    Yawn.. Bush was called worse.

    No one expects you plantation negroes to grow up and stop serving your democrat masters anyway.

    Y'alls yesterday's news.

  21. Sean Hannity2:45 PM

    "You are not debating seriously now, are you? You know perfectly well that calling your President a "sub-human mongrel" is the contentious bit."
    "@bill...the most offensive comment -- u conveniently omitted -- is the sub-human mongrel racist remark..."

    Now come on, we've known for a while Bill is a deceitful troll or has serious comprehension problems. Let's stop picking on the kid who's bus is a little shorter than the rest of ours. His mommy let's him play on FN because none of the other kids play with him and make fun of him. I guess he thought since we are negroes we'd miss his obvious oversight. Sad, the master of hypocrisy and double standards misses his own. Somebody needs a mirror.

  22. Bill's special ed English teacher2:46 PM

    "Your a grown ass man."

    He learned from BiB so well. English must be Bill's second language, hillbilly must be his first.

  23. Grown Negro2:49 PM

    "No one expects you plantation negroes to grow up and stop serving your democrat masters anyway."

    Grow up and support a party that panders to the likes of Ted Nugent and that thought Sarah Palin was a good candidate for veep? Sheeeeeeeeeeet, you white folks need to learn a lesson from us and run from your master!

  24. What office is Ted Nugent running for?

  25. Sarah Palin was a better candidate for Veep than Slow Joe Biden.

  26. "He learned from BiB so well. English must be Bill's second language, hillbilly must be his first. "

    He even knows some ebonics.

  27. field negro said...

    Sooo, you don't consider calling the president of YOUR country a "mongrel" to be a big deal?

    Directed to me?

    Ted fell short singling out only the current president.

  28. Last fall the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted that temperatures would be above normal from November through January across much of the Lower 48 states.

    Thankfully predicting global warming is easier than predicting the weather.

  29. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Bill said, "After the way wendy daivs has imploded the only thing left for democrats is attack attack attack.

    When you have nothing to run on, you are forced to attack your opponent."

    9:37 AM
    Wendy Davis has imploded? When did this happen? I am being serious...when did this happen?

    If what you say is true, then what has Wendy and the Dems accomplished in Texas? Nothing?

  30. "Stop playing the victim card. Your a grown ass man. "

    Sorry numbnutz, but where did I say I was a victim? Where did I say anything that a rational human could even infer that I was a victim?

    Please explain...

    "Isn't that what old white racists say, that they have black friends?"

    Yes I know, I was taking the piss, you moron. Jeez us, you're stupid.

    I can see irony is lost on you numpties.

  31. When I read about Ted Nugent's comments, I fantasize about Julian Castro becoming the 45th President of the United States.

  32. Your pal Al4:09 PM

    "Last fall the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted that temperatures would be above normal from November through January across much of the Lower 48 states."

    Long range forecasting is very difficult and usually doesn't pan out. Knowing there is alot of CO2 in the atmosphere, well even a dumbass like Bill can figire out where that might be headed. Then again he is pretty dumb.

  33. Shallow Hal4:11 PM

    "Yes I know, I was taking the piss, you moron. Jeez us, you're stupid."

    First of all PC, it's YOUR. Secondly, didn't your parents teach you to be nice to the mentally challenged? Bill has to wear a helmet around the house and drools alot. Please be nice to him, he will never touch a woman.

  34. Hypocrisy Double standard!4:12 PM

    "Ted fell short singling out only the current president."

    So why didn't you ise your catch phrase?

  35. Anonymous4:13 PM

    BREAKING NEWS! Pussy Riot were whipped and beaten and their instruments thrown into the garbage by the Cossack Militia in Sochi.

    Not only that, those damn Cossacks snatched the signature masks off the heads of the much loved Pussy Riot.

    Brother Field and FN fans, there should be a world wide protest. Watch this video to see what happened to our beloved Pussy Riot:

    Brother Field, this is an outrage. Please post something about this.

  36. Happy Pundit4:15 PM

    "Sarah Palin was a better candidate for Veep than Slow Joe Biden."

    Thank god teh stupid vote wasn't the majority. A brain damaged gold fish is a better candidate than Palin. Hell that's better than 99% of the entire rethuglican party.

  37. Music Critic4:16 PM

    "Pussy Riot were whipped and beaten and their instruments thrown into the garbage by the Cossack Militia in Sochi."

    Have you ever heard their music? They did the world a favor.

  38. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Bill, PC, Kinky Con, Field, Granny....
    Please! Can't we all get along on FN?

    I mean, isn't FN supposed to be a watering hole where Blacks and Whites are to meet and resolve their differences so we can live in harmony for the rest of our lives?

    Isn't that the intention of the blogger Field? I KNOW that's his intention because I have been with FN for years. I've been called White because I've said some things that were anti-Black and anti-White.

    Field doesn't discriminate...Kinky, you are wrong about that.

    Bill, you and PC need to show some love for each other. Otherwise, how are we ever going to come together? I mean, the "Kumbaya" Song will never happen.

    Keep in mind, God doesn't like disharmony among his children.

    This blog is so depressing today. I am so hurt that we can't get along. America isn't supposed to be this way.

    I am so depressed. Kinkycon, isn't there something you can do to make things better?

    d-pressed negro

  39. I hate when you start giving absolute Neanderthal Nobody's spotlight... People like Nugent have to be ignored...

    Seriously... do we post every non sensical thing that comes outta "Charles Manson's mouth??
    No..because its been confirmed hes crazy , and trying to make sense from anything he has to say is foolish...

    Some of these people arent even worth the air or breath reporting about it. The man defecated in his pants to avoid Vietnam..... Nuff Said...

  40. Field defecated in his pants to avoid a dentist appointment.

  41. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Anonymous Music Critic said...
    "Pussy Riot were whipped and beaten and their instruments thrown into the garbage by the Cossack Militia in Sochi."

    Have you ever heard their music? They did the world a favor.

    4:16 PM
    Mister, you are a beast and an enemy of music and art. You should be whipped, beatened and skinned alive while you scream for Russian mercy. It's clear you are an arrogant American or even worse, a Purple Cow Brit.

  42. The same people that care about what Ted Nugent said... were also watching the George Zimmerman interview... 2 trashbags desperate for attention...

    Georgie is probably broke by now, and looking for ANYTHING to keep that money rollin in...

  43. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Anonymous Nigbilly said...
    Field defecated in his pants to avoid a dentist appointment.

    4:35 PM
    Not true. In Philly, Defecation in one's pants doesn't deter Dentists. They will see you no matter what.

    you know, you sound like you could be a teenager and a fan of Pussy Riot.

  44. Anonymous4:55 PM

    BIB, where have you been? We've missed your voice of reason for some time. As you can see, whenever you take a hiatus, FN sinks to a new low. Field really needs you like a second wife to keep him on the straight and narrow.:)

  45. Anonymous5:03 PM

    And what the hell has happened to FP?

    Now see, this is the kind of Negro behavior that depresses me. When you least expect it, they disappear--for no reason!

    BIB and FP are two folks who need to keep a forgiveness-journal to God for sins of absenteeism on FN.

  46. "Yes I know, I was taking the piss, you moron. Jeez us, you're stupid."

    "First of all PC, it's YOUR."

    No it isn't.

  47. He was "taking a piss".

    Fuck, you're dumb.

  48. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Nigbilly said...
    Field defecated in his pants to avoid a dentist appointment.

    No, your mother defecated in your uncle/father's mouth to keep from having sex with him.


  49. "He was "taking a piss".

    Fuck, you're dumb."

    Someone is going to have to explain this one for me.

  50. Ms. Queen excreted...
    "No, your mother defecated in your uncle/father's mouth to keep from having sex with him."

    No one with any chance of ever being admitted to a medical school writes something like that, not even a aspiring proctologist.

    You don't know enough to realize that. You don't even know shit.

    You will never be a doctor.

  51. I took a hiatus from FN; because Ive been waiting for the big "O" to sign that De-classification paperwork for Cannabis regarding the faction of the drug war that the U.S. has conceded on.

    I give him kudos for not fighting the states on this.

    Cannabis stocks are up and this administration is playin footsies with the newly emerging multi-billion dollar industry LOL :)

    I fall back if I really didnt see Field out of pocket. I didnt sign on for this 2nd term but he has about 3 yrs left to rectify SOME of the BS he has pushed thru.

    Field does spend too much time focusing on some of these goofy characters like Ted...Do we REALLY have to consider Ted's points of contention ??? REALLY??

    Im in a good mood....

    Im off to visit a few companies in Colorado that process Cannabis edibles.

    If anyone is interested check out the stock tickers VAPE, and ERBB,as well as TRTC, and FSPM

  52. Smoking Joe7:59 PM

    "Im off to visit a few companies in Colorado that process Cannabis edibles."

    So THAT'S why BiB was hating on B, he wanted to smoke weed without catching a case. Go head Snoop.

  53. Music Critic8:01 PM

    . "It's clear you are an arrogant American or even worse, a Purple Cow Brit."

    No, i'm just able to hear.

  54. BiB's English Professor8:04 PM

    "First of all PC, it's YOUR."

    No it isn't.

    Sure it is. Just ask BLACKISBEUTIFUL. He knows. And YOUR from England.

  55. Anonymous9:40 PM

    "Im off to visit a few companies in Colorado that process Cannabis edibles."

    So THAT'S why BiB was hating on B, he wanted to smoke weed without catching a case. Go head Snoop.

    Medical Pharmacology 101 taught me that ya'll about to be some SUPER DUPER OBESE mofo's once this 'ish becomes legal in multiple states.

    And primary care specialities are about to become the place to be to manage all the diabetes, hypertension/cardiovascular disease, and other nice chronic conditions ya'll big asses are going to need to be treated for.


  56. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Public service announcement courtesy of DQAE.

  57. Peter Schweaty9:46 PM

    The only way to handle Obama's America is stayed stoned. Legalizing pot will help keep everybody quiet.

  58. Peter Schweaty9:47 PM

    The only way to handle Obama's America is stayed stoned. Legalizing pot will help keep everybody quiet.

  59. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Queen ought to know about how to get a fat ass.

  60. Plant Man10:07 PM

    "The only way to handle Obama's America is stayed stoned. Legalizing pot will help keep everybody quiet."

    Really? So yo must have smoked crack and shot heroine during Bush's two terms.

  61. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Queen ought to know about how to get a fat ass.

    Yes boy, Queen definitely has a Phat ass. And given that I power walk 10 miles a week, it's here to stay for a while.;)

    Now go dig your FAT ASS Mammy out the sofabed!

  62. Anon says:

    "Medical Pharmacology 101 taught me that ya'll about to be some SUPER DUPER OBESE mofo's once this 'ish becomes legal in multiple states

    And primary care specialities are about to become the place to be to manage all the diabetes,"

    I see you havent done your research.... :)

    This is almost like Jordan making a lay up .. Too easy debunking the myths about cannabis ...

    BTW when when was the last time you SMOKED a edible Cannabis product...??

    Some of you old fogies will be dragged into the Cannabis era kicking, and screaming....

  63. Black people are always high now. That's why they can't work or do anything with their lives. Legalizing weed will only make things worse.

  64. methodman10:59 PM

    "Black people are always high now. That's why they can't work or do anything with their lives. Legalizing weed will only make things worse."

    Says the toothless white methhead.

  65. Anonymous11:02 PM

    BIB, I think your blunt is laced with crack.

    FYI, I'm VERY familiar with the medical benefits of THC. The question is, are YOU aware of all the contraindications??

    Dr. Nuwang

  66. Anonymous11:05 PM

    BIB, "If anyone is interested check out the stock tickers VAPE, and ERBB,as well as TRTC, and FSPM"

    7:16 PM
    BIB, you are beautiful. Thank you.

  67. Anonymous11:07 PM

    For example, you may be pleasing your significant other now. But at the rate it sounds like you're going, a Viagra/Cialis combo won't save you.

    Then you'll be like all the hillbillies on this blog, wishing you were as successful Black man capable of pleasing a woman.


  68. lol @ Anon 5:03pm!!!

    Much Love my friend.

    as i work on my Tone...

    it is best i quiet down. not sure why this would even BE a post- all things considered.


    that's not polite...but TRULY bears repeating again + again + again + again.

    didn't BO call Black Americans mongrels?

    seems i recall AB mentioning this before. i have long ago tuned lying BO out. he can ride around in the car named the beast, smiling + taking orders on his cell phone...

    from the same folk that murdered Senator Wellstone (ITechnique bassed out voice;)...

    until it is time for the next act in the Show.

    also watching the government employed american sexual deviants fly under the radar yet above the law. clinton stepped in to make the yoke light for the deviant mel fella?

    those folk that are playing political games will play right along...according to the rules that doom humanity.

    no thank you.

    i don't want to play.

    not sure what is not clear about what is written.

    there is NO lukewarm.

    folk following Him/His Word have very clear instructions written in red.

    dealing with all the bickering is not on my list of things to do. + the most out of pocket devils will promptly show out, then flip it around like i AM trippin' for getting their messy selves together.

    that ain't Right.

    + when folk get dumb while sound asleep with me-i tend to be quite sharp with tone +wake up salts.


    yet...this is what it is...

    for now.

    until it becomes clearer for me how devils think they are supposed to boldly step crazy + call the terms of their get together. i would rather focus on I AM UNIVERSAL.

    i can only be...


    other folk trying to tell me how to do that- ring hollow. particularly if they are attacking me while doing so.


    i have residual noi + presumptive sin catholic school programmed ways. which i pray daily Almighty will take away from me.

    which means, so that folk Understand.

    at a certain point when i encounter folk on a disrespect tour- turn the other cheek looks more noi. where i learned to never be the aggressor. however, if folk want to get dumb or need some wake up salts...i got some for them + will boldly administer.

    yes. turn the other cheek. AFTER we BOTH got some stuff to forgive. no prob.

    in keeping with my understanding of my catholic hard program. as long as i confess + say a few solid high structured prayers...i am good. sometimes, i can even do all of the above AHEAD of time.



  69. not to slam the catholics. that was just my understanding + what i witnessed on the regular. questions were not really all that well received, either. too many = not enough faith. lol.

    those that won't compromise not one iota expect me to bend to the point of breaking- while they do everything BUT what He/His Word says.


    i can't afford to play with folk nor waste time that way + know better.



    Hebrews 10:35-39

    35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence for reward.

    36 For ye have need of patience that, after ye have done the will of Almighty, ye might receive the promise.

    37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.

    38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

    39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.


    the link below was inspired by spending time over here.

    which i have already indicated is so toxic at times, that i feel like i am walking 1/2 order 1/2 chaos.

    while giving His Word as Called + doing all in my power to Stand Strong in Him/His Word.


    falling back into/onto my own strength, manipulate the script to the fullest mode.

    flip it.

    twist it.

    iceberg slim it.

    then shut ignint, disrespectful, sexist, racist b...



    lost children.


    + get 'em on 'bout their business with the quickness;)

    then of course, it i who is mean.

    not the disrespectful one coming at me dumb/sound asleep + disrespectful.

    + i have an "attitude". aka without apology having a voice. thoughts. boundaries. zero interest in putting up with foolishness while silent + smiling.

    for Real.

    if ya don't make to the full post...what folk are supposed to be doing IF they know Him/His Word is ALREADY written in the link for ya.

    we are supposed to be giving the nations His His Lawgivers.

    ssshhh! = on the wrong team.

    knowing folk by their fruit and all...

  70. then we have big pharma reps aka death industry minions over here acting like the green that grows from the earth = bad for ya.

    while spending all their time researching the "cure" for cancer like they don't already know there IS a cure + is currently outlawed in america.

    those repping the nwo = evil. i have reached the conclusion.

    there appears to be two types serving evil therefore choosing to be evil/against humanity:

    1) dupes
    2) devils

    i AM hopeful the field is full of dupes. though i see much that indicates otherwise;(

    there is no in the middle. lukewarm. sitting on the fence. waiting 'til the coast looks clear to give that testimony that His will Overcome by. waiting 'til it won't hurt the acquiring of mo' stuff.

    you know- the stuff folk are supposed to be willing to walk away written.


    too many lies. not enough time to even bother, really. experience informs that those repping the lies love them + have no intention of loosing them anytime soon. and for their lie loving ways, He will give them more of what they love. this is how He is;)

    folks slept through the fact a couple of threads ago...while souls were busy arguing about what color devils are.

    'cause, when you bottom line it, that all folks are doing.

    on both sides of the coin political party folk can find compromised, coked up, souled out, satan worshiping, horns of satan + other occult sign throwing, pathological lying, sociopaths of all shades + sexual orientation.

    while ignoring THIS FACT...folk slept on the link FN dropped as a back atcha racist barb.

    did no one notice the white chick glibly acknowledging that as a SATANIST she murked 20 people? no biggie, she said. she didn't feel bad. they were bad people.

    folk kept right on arguing about what color folks are.


    i have to laugh.

    what's NOT clear about we war NOT against the FLESH?

    meanwhile back in Black hell...we have Black men knocking womenfolk out cold + dragging them face down in public places.

    to the sound of crickets.

    'cause just like rape poor BW, so he may rape ww with excellence- then later apologize to the ww, Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver must never be called out...

    these ________________s on the loose today, doing whatever they please to women + children require that same wicked white glove handling.

    so really...

    wfolk wanting to shoot anyone that look like they might want to bring that madness to wfolks' communities are NOT all being racist.

    just as when 'ole caught in a snare Mel Gibson spoke of packs of negroes roaming around raping folks was NOT just being racist.

    there have been more since Dunbar Village Black folk + their brandnewness when it comes to getting Real about our collective spiritual/mental bondage= ?!!! WT...

    but keep chasing racism + worshiping folk. as long as they are bm or bm-ish. 'cause THAT'S productive.

    to be clear- there ARE a grip of racist whipcrackas over here. i can't even get too mad at them either. the glaring hypocrisy, lies, delusion, wanna be elite, slave catching going on over here is repugnant. it seems fitting that racist boneheads should come and point it out.

    that bad among Blacks ARE raping, killing, maiming, stealing, etc. like no one's business. they harm Blacks BEFORE they even get to whites. particularly harming BW + children.

    mums the word because who can check the poor, downtrodden, BM?

    without being racist or a man bashing lesbian?

    possible upside to constantly throwing wigs + drag on bm?

    maybe folks can then come as hard for bm with the Act Right as they do for bw? 'cause folks sure forget how downtrodden bw have been to come hard. none moreso than the bm...

    ps. why are folk mad a wm called BO what he called Black Americans? can someone help me with that? seriously. i would like to know what those that worship BO would say to that question.

    Blessings all.

  71. " Legalizing pot will help keep everybody quiet."

    this is a lie. this is why the protocols that the rebel devil show closely resembles seeks to keep folk drunk.

    or on witchcraft pills- designed to hook folk into the "industry"...where there a highly trained folk, for the most part, that can't wait to take you the most expensive route to death.

    government herb no doubt will have some special additives. ones that if one researches for themselves they will find are aka poison. or at least back in the day before things got re-branded + made new. think along the lines of adding fluoride to folks' water.

    defeated evil lying devils...

  72. correction:

    "where there are highly trained folk, for the most part, that can't wait to take you the most expensive route to death."

    would add that quite a few refuse to acknowledge Him/His Word much less yield to it. suffering from g-d complexes and all...

    take a walk back through history + see all the "Drs" in the wicked mix. doing THE most, of course.

    not saying all are bad. many are mammonites plain + simple though.

  73. BIB, I actually co-sign with u and your views about the good collie.

  74. BIB, I actually co-sign with u and your views about the good collie.

  75. That's good Field I'm glad we can agree on somethin...see I'm not so bad... :)

  76. Focused Purpose I'm glad you are speaking openly and honestly about cannabis...Too many times you hear false arguments from people quoting the bible and demonizing this god given plant...I use the Cannabis issue as a litmus test ...If your against are an enemy to the people. The War on Drugs is the very Lynchpin of socio economic dys function in the black community ...

  77. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Focused Purpose I'm glad you are speaking openly and honestly about cannabis...Too many times you hear false arguments from people quoting the bible and demonizing this god given plant...I use the Cannabis issue as a litmus test ...If your against are an enemy to the people. The War on Drugs is the very Lynchpin of socio economic dys function in the black community ...

    I guess blathering idiots gotta stick together........I digress.

    The USE of THC isn't problematic. The ABUSE of THC, alcohol, heroin, ect IS the problem. So get my position on this issue CLEAR.

    Comprende dude?


  78. Whatever DUDE ... Im telling you to get used to it...and start reading about the endocannabinoid system before we start talking about what version of abuse your pontificating about.

  79. field negro said...
    BIB, I actually co-sign with u and your views about the good collie.
    6:46 AM
    field negro said...
    BIB, I actually co-sign with u and your views about the good collie.
    6:46 AM

    Considering your double posting, I believe it's obvious you share his views.

  80. Plantsmantx10:55 AM

    Hey, black conservatives- how 'bout that Ted Neugent, huh?
