Saturday, March 29, 2014

A baller leaves the nest.

My football team cut their best play maker, DeSean Jackson, and I am pissed about it. Apparently the coach didn't like him very much, something about not buying into his system. Then there is the whole gang ties thing. This would really be a joke, because I am pretty sure that DeSean Jackson is not a member of the Crips.

So he Crip walks after a touchdown, big deal, Serena Williams Crip walked after beating down an opponent on the tennis court. Is she a Crip? Of course not. But girlfriend, like Jackson, is from an area in Los Angles where it is hard to escape gangs and gang culture.

From a strictly football standpoint, this moves sucks. (Darren Sproles? Please!)
From a PR perspective it sucks as well. It has split the fan base right down the middle. Some people want to know why we keep a known racist and even reward him with a new contract , but cut someone with alleged ties to a gang. Others are fine with it. "We don't need bad characters on our team". OK, whatever. This is football. I want players who can ball out and help us plan a celebration on Broad Street, not choir boys.

But this is the NFL these days. It is a league full of double standards and greed.
A team with a derogatory name and an owner who refuses to consider changing it. An owner charged with DUI and jailed, and yet crickets from the league.

One former player, Derrick Ward, posted a twitter rant about the Birds releasing Jackson that is making the rounds.

"These ESPN analyst sound real dumb right now talking about @DeseanJackson10 They think they know what they're talking about but they don't.

@ESPN stop trying to discuss a conversation you know nothing about. U guys are assuming every single thing your talking about right now.

Im sorry but has @DeseanJackson10 ever been arrested? Suspended? DUI? Drugs? No so why are these dumb asses on @espn trying to make him seem
Like he's a horrible person. The NFL is so Contridictive I swear. Especially these punk ESPN Analyst.

and @RonJaworski_BFL shut the F**k up. You sound so dumb right now. and fake ass Teddy Bruschi for someone who use to play in the league
recently you sure are trying your hardest to act like you where Gods gift to football. I know almost everyone of your old teammates hated u
because you where that one guy that everyone had on there team that goes and snitches to the head coach about other players. Bottom line

I know @DeseanJackson10 very very very well. If the Eagles where so concerned about his "Gang Ties" they wouldnt had drafted him 6 years ago
The @Eagles gonna cut @DeseanJackson10 because they "Think" he might know gang members but they'll keep and resign a well known Racist?

I'm born and raised in South Central LA. I have uncles who are still gang bangin cousins who still gang bang. But what does that have to do with someone playing football and ballin out for your team? I'm sorry but Every NFL team knows what there players are doing who there hangin

out with. In 6 years has he had 1 single incident? 1 single crime? The NFL is a bunch of BS Im so glad I'm done with that joke of a league

Mark my words there won't be an NFL in the next 20 years watch and see There so worried about who a player knows and a player dunking on the

goal post than actually worry about whats really important. And the funny thing about it Chip Kelly coached@t Oregon which recruited players


  1. He's welcomed in Chicago, we need a speed guy. Even if he did associate with gang members why assume they're a bad influence on him, he could be a good influence on them. Chris carter said it best, the Iggles wanted to cut him and just needed a reason. Go Bears!

  2. Fn said..
    full of double standards

    I would like to think my double standard posts helped you figure this out.

    Mark my words there won't be an NFL in the next 20 years

    You agree with mark cuban. (dallas mavs)
    He also points to their greed about adding games to other days of the week.

  3. Fatal self-defense shootings on rise in Detroit
    “It does appear more and more Detroiters are becoming empowered,” Craig said. “More and more Detroiters are getting sick of the violence. I know of no other place where I’ve seen this number of justifiable homicides. It’s interesting that these incidents go across gender lines.”

    Now with democrats using guns to protect themselves, shouldn't the democrat party start campaigning against guns again?

  4. Is something less true is a white person says it about black people?

    Funny video of Bill Maher. He reads a quote of paul ryan, the panel admits it is racist. Bill reads a quote from Michelle Obama, a quiet hush goes over the studio when he reveals the quote was from Michelle instead of paul.

    Which prompted Bill asking the panel the question.

    How bad are things going for democrats when Bill Maher is exposing left-wing double standards?

  5. Bill, I still can't figure out your obsession with democrats.
    Can we admit that both parties are full of it? Or would that be asking too much of you to turn against your beloved republicans?

  6. field negro said...

    Bill, I still can't figure out your obsession with democrats.
    Can we admit that both parties are full of it?

    How many times have I said there is no difference between the parties. I even wrote that again yesterday.

    You do an admirable job pointing out right-wing shenanigans, not so great of a job when it comes to your beloved democrats.

    Yes, BOTH parties are full of it. If you agree, why do you keep defending one of the two parties?

  7. Brigham Young1:16 PM

    "why we keep a known racist and even reward him with a new contract , but cut someone with alleged ties to a gang."

    You are referring of course to Barack Obama, correct?

  8. kanicki1:30 PM

    Check out the article on before you're so quick to defend. Pictures with known perps and gangsta's. Never charged or investigated but knows a couple murderers. I'm 50, I don't know any murderers.

    Yeah, it's big conspiracy. The Eagles don't want to win. Chip Kelly's a racist, blah, blah, blah.

    The NFL's a business. A talent like Jackson is going to command $15 million a year, which is too much risk on a bad actor.

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    The Obama administration is promoting Obamacare by circulating this supposedly "real" email:

    I am a staunch Republican, a self-proclaimed Fox News addict, and I didn't vote for the President. And I'm here to tell you that Obamacare works. I'm living proof.

    I'm a chemotherapy patient, and was previously paying $428 a month for my health coverage. I was not thrilled when it was cancelled.

    Then I submitted an application at I looked at my options. And I signed up for a plan for $62 a month.

    It's the best health care I have ever had.

    So right now, here's what I want to tell anyone who still needs health insurance, or knows someone who does:

    Sign up. Follow the instructions on the website. Apply, and look at your options. You still have time, and take it from me: This is something you want to do.

    I wrote a letter to President Obama this past February to tell him about my experience with the Health Insurance Marketplace. I hoped he'd read it, and he did.

    I may not be a supporter of the President. But now, I get mad when I see Obamacare dragged through the mud on television.

    And even though I regularly tune in to conservative pundits, I'd like to tell them they're getting it wrong. Obamacare works.

    So one more time: If you still need health insurance, you have just three days to get it. Do what I did. Go to, submit an application, and pick a plan that works for you.

    It just might change your life.

    Does that sound real to you?

    No real conservative would self describe as "staunch Republican" or a "Fox News addict". He "regularly tunes into conservative pundits, even though he knows they are "wrong".

    Democrats are shameless.

  10. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...
    Is something less true is a white person says it about black people?

    Funny video of Bill Maher. He reads a quote of paul ryan, the panel admits it is racist. Bill reads a quote from Michelle Obama, a quiet hush goes over the studio when he reveals the quote was from Michelle instead of paul.

    Which prompted Bill asking the panel the question.

    How bad are things going for democrats when Bill Maher is exposing left-wing double standards?

    11:19 AM
    Dear Bill, thanks for the Bill Maher link that exposes the Truth about racism that imprisons so many of us, both Democrat and Republican, Blacks and Whites.

    I have been stunned again and again, by the truth that rips away my own self-centered prejudiced blindfold.

    Bill Maher did it again for me. The lesson? I need to give up my selfish motives and become devoted and loyal to the truth because the solution lies in seeing the unvarnished truth...not whether I am Black or White, Democrat or Republican.

    Things get distorted and very messy without the truth. But that has been the history of humanity, hasn't it? Covering up the Truth with Lies.

    Not standing for truth is going to be the end of us humans. And it 'feels' like it might not be too far away. FP may be right.

    Go see the movie, "GOD'S NOT DEAD". It might change the way you look at your life.

  11. As Kamau correctly pointed out the First Lady is a Black woman who was speaking to a blah audience while Paul Ryan is a member of an all white party trying to use code to show his fellow travelers he is with them. Bill maher is not blah though he wants to be. Glad he had a brotha on the show to set him straight.

  12. If you watch the entire show and not just snippets that confirm your biases you will see Maher firmly supports the Dems and like him I wish they would show some spine against the gop. The two parties are not the same, the Dems bow to corporate pressure as do the repbs but the repubs are also insane. There is no equivalent to Sarah Palin in the dem party.

  13. Wesley R8:40 PM

    If Jackson ends up with the Seahawks or 49ers, everyone else is in trouble.

  14. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    If you watch the entire show and not just snippets that confirm your biases you will see Maher firmly supports the Dems and like him I wish they would show some spine against the gop.

    Jump PilotX Jump!

    Is there anyone on this blog that believes maher is a right-winger?

    Nothing like jumping up and down to defend a rich white democrat. I'm sure the democrat party is glad to see your obedience.


  15. Liberal bias?

    Intentional coverup?

    CNN tweeting why they aren't covering the Lee story about a democrat gun runner being arrested.

    "It's in line with us covering state senators & state secretary of state races just about never. You see another conspiracy?"

    Of course no coverup, if only there was no search option on

    A bunch of links to Yee stories excluding the arrest for gunrunning-

    Wendy Davis state senator-

    Sandra Fluke running for state senate

    Still not a single story about the democrat arrested for gun running.
    "Leland Yee arrest" -

    Of course CNN wouldn't run cover for the democrat party.

    Time for PilotX to jump to their defense.

  16. "why we keep a known racist and even reward him with a new contract , but cut someone with alleged ties to a gang."

    You are referring of course to Barack Obama, correct?"


  17. field negro said...

    "why we keep a known racist and even reward him with a new contract , but cut someone with alleged ties to a gang."

    You are referring of course to Barack Obama, correct?"


    Didn't you hear?

    Obama suited up for the Sixers today.

    Secret service made sure your team finally won a game.

    Oops. As a Laker fan, I shouldn't be throwing stones at any glass houses, no matter how bad their record is.

  18. Anonymous10:51 PM

    "There is no equivalent to Sarah Palin in the dem party."

    The stupid runs deep in PilotX.

    Very deep.

  19. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Bill said...

    field negro said...

    "why we keep a known racist and even reward him with a new contract , but cut someone with alleged ties to a gang."

    You are referring of course to Barack Obama, correct?"

    Obama is an inveterate racist, who equated Romney's Mormonism to a cult in order to get reelected.

  20. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
    As Kamau correctly pointed out the First Lady is a Black woman who was speaking to a blah audience while Paul Ryan is a member of an all white party trying to use code to show his fellow travelers he is with them. Bill maher is not blah though he wants to be. Glad he had a brotha on the show to set him straight.

    7:30 PM
    First, I am a brother who enjoys Kamau as an entertainer, but he was full of shit on the Bill Maher show. In fact, he was down right embarrassing as a bm.

    Second, Bill Maher has NEVER EVER wanted to be Black. Why would Maher want to be Black? Maybe you 'wish' he were Black, but I can assure you, BILL MAHER DOES NOT WANT TO BE BLACK. It's not safe to be a bm in America.

    However, there is no question that Maher 'sympathizes with Blacks.

    But don't get it twisted: he doesn't WANT to be Black. So GET REAL, Brother. Hell, some Blacks don't want to be Black.

    As a matter of fact, the more money they make the less Black they want to be...

    When I read posts like this one, I can't blame them. I live in the bay area and I have yet to meet a POC who wants to be Black, EXCEPT Granny and DQAE. But Granny is stuck in the middle of East Oakland with no education, no money and has been beaten to the ground by Whites all of her life. So it's understandable she hates Whites.

    DQAE is just a crazy fantasizing Negro stuck in the middle of the hood in DC pretending to be not only outperforming ALL Whites in Med School, but ALL Whites on the planet! The sista is crazy.

    However, I bet if God were to give her a chance to be White, she would jump at it in a New York minute. Never trust a Negro like DQAE or Granny.They lie, lie, and lie. Satan has a special red carpet he has made especially for those two.

  21. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Obama is an inveterate racist, who equated Romney's Mormonism to a cult in order to get reelected.

    10:58 PM
    Do you really believe Obama got elected because he equated Romney's Mormonism to a cult?

    Is that why you voted for him? Please say it isn't so.

  22. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    As Kamau correctly pointed out the First Lady is a Black woman who was speaking to a blah audience

    So the truth is different depending on the person speaking it?

    Remember the question ('ll fix my spelling error)...
    Is something less true if a white person says it about black people?

    Is it less true or coming from a white person the truth is offensive to a black person?

  23. "Is it less true or coming from a white person the truth is offensive to a black person?"

    The point isn't the validity of the statement, which IMHO isn't valid, but the intentions of the speaker. Mrs. Obama is coming from a place of caring about our community because she is one of us while Rep. Ryan uses language to rile up his base. Also, the two statements were not the same and taken out of context. There is nuance to this issue so I don't expect you to understand Bill.

  24. "Nothing like jumping up and down to defend a rich white democrat. I'm sure the democrat party is glad to see your obedience."

    Not defending anyone but pointing out you use one small snippet of the entire show to try to prove a dumbass point.

    "How bad are things going for democrats when Bill Maher is exposing left-wing double standards?"

    This has to be one of the dumbest fucking posts ever. You are a piece of work. No wonder a moron like you admires the Breitbart/O'Keefe type selective editing to make an ignorant point. Good job Bill, maybe your rightwing masters will pat you on the head or something.

  25. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    "Nothing like jumping up and down to defend a rich white democrat. I'm sure the democrat party is glad to see your obedience."

    Not defending anyone but pointing out you use one small snippet of the entire show to try to prove a dumbass point.

    Let me ask, feel free to go crickets if you can't think of an insult.

    Do you believe there is anyone on this blog that believes maher is a right-winger because of my post? Why the need to defend him unless it's just how you were trained.

    If I said Obama exposed left-wingnut double standards would your rebuttal be that Obama is a democrat?

    Like I said, keep defending those rich white people.
