Wednesday, March 26, 2014

An old organization gets a makeover.

Image is important to everybody, even the kkk. Now, thanks to their imperial wizard, Frank Ancona, they are trying to improve theirs. Frank thinks that his group has gotten a bad rap over the years.

"Ancona contends, ”We don’t hate people because of their race. We are a Christian organization. Because of the acts of a few rogue Klansmen, all are supposed to be murderers and wanting to lynch Black people and we’re supposed to be terrorists. That’s a complete falsehood.”

The Klansman, who has been heading his chapter for the past six years, is adamant about changing the organization’s public  image.  Ancona maintains that there is nothing morally or ethically wrong in wanting to keep his race White, telling NBC 12, “We want to stay White. It’s not a hateful thing to want to maintain White supremacy.” [Source]

A "Christian organization" indeed. In fact, they used the bible to justify a lot of their actions back in the day. I suspect that this is still the case.

I am not sure why there is a need for a new public relations push, since the election of America's first black president has caused membership in organizations such as the klan to increase dramatically.

“There are at least 1,000 White power organizations operating in the United States, either under the name of the Ku Klux Klan or under other names with the exact same agenda and beliefs.” Clary also states that the “FBI, SPLC, and ADL put support and membership at an all-time alarming rate.”

Damn! And all this because Canaan thought it was cool to make fun of his naked father.

Speaking of which, the movie about Canaan's father is drawing criticism because of its historical inaccuracies.

Think about that for a minute. Like these people really know what went down with that big flood.

No wonder Russell Crowe is upset.

"Noah has been panned for its inaccuracies, but Crowe insisted it’s a very respectful film and took a few shots at critics speaking out before actually seeing it.
“We’ve had probably over a year now of harsh criticism from a bunch of people who have put their name and stamp on an opinion that’s not even based on the movie or seeing the movie, just an assumption of what it could be or how bad it could be or, you know, how wrong it could be in their eyes. Which, you know, I think quite frankly is bordering on absolute stupidity.”
He added it has a universal message that you can appreciate whether you’re religious or not."

Yes Russell, we can always use a good message. 



  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Those ignorant kkk'ers. Fuck em.

    200 or so of our youth rioting and actin a fool in Louisville Field. Whats wrong with our damn kids!?!?!

  2. Anonymous9:28 PM

    "200 or so of our youth rioting and actin a fool in Louisville Field. Whats wrong with our damn kids!?!?!"

    They have lousy parents and are part of a race of people who don't give a damn about them...THAT'S what's wrong.

    Furthermore, whenever someone of power steps up to "help" our children people like Field, Granny Rev Sharpton--and other black folks exploiting our race--complain about Whites like O'Reilly trying to help.

    The problem isn't the kids, it's the black adults.


  3. Anonymous10:11 PM

    This KKK least shows they are trying to improve their image and are moving away from their old patterns and ways of terrorizing Blacks. And that is a good thing.

    I predict in due time, the doors to the KKK will open to Blacks like myself who is called White by the likes of Field and PC.

    It is my estimation that 30% of the black race is denied their rights and race card because of mind-sets like Field. Hence, it makes good sense to one day hope to join the KKK to help keep the White race as pure as possible.

    WC probably lives within 50-100 miles of the Bay Area, where Whites and Blacks BOTH live with a plantation mentality. He knows what I am talking about.

  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Have any of you folks read Rev Al's book "Rejected Stone"? It is a brilliant book written with the skills of a genius writer.

    I am sure Granny has read it since she is a voracious reader and writer herself. Isn't that right, Granny?

    DQAE, don't try to read it. It's much too heavy for your brain. Your poor little head would probably start smoking from the gears being over-loaded. lol

  5. The KKK took Queef's medical degree away.

  6. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Oh no! DQAE lost her med degree? Lord have mercy. I was planning on having her as my doctor. You see, DQAE is brilliant, there can be no other doctor to match her.

    Now what am I and other folks like Granny suppose to do? I mean, every FN Negro was a potential patient. That damn KKK. Whites are always depriving us of the best.

    White Privilege, Kinky Con, and Bill want to have DQAE to themselves, as their private doctor. This is so unfair. Field, please put on your R shoes and chase these wfolks down.

  7. A movie about a 600 year old man whose 100+ year old sons helped him build a magic boat that saved all the animals on the planet, inculding dinosaurs, who repopulated the entire earth with just a couple of chicks and they're complaining about inaccuracies? Really?

  8. Interesting day, flew our former CEO to Florida and a grand prix race is being held here. I might get to see some drivers practicing tomorrow.
    And oh wow, Darryl Issa held another IRS hearing today. What a day!

  9. Oh yeah Field, have you heard about the sista running as for senate in Texas as a dem who wants to impeach B? Interesting.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      If she wants to impeach Hussein Obama that sista has some head on her shoulders. Good for her!

  10. Kesha Rogers I think.

  11. Anon@10:11, if u are really black (which I doubt) get help fast.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Field...I think you and your friends here need the help.

  12. Dr. Nuwang6:19 AM

    Field, yours is the ONLY Black site I frequent that has White folks pretending to be Black.

    I think that's code for the fact that your posts are sticking a certain "nerve" with them.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Racist ass! Only frequenting blacks sites huh?

  13. Dr. Nuwang6:20 AM


  14. Anonymous7:19 AM

    "200 or so of our youth rioting and actin a fool in Louisville Field. Whats wrong with our damn kids!?!?!"

    Well, hey, here is a white person flash mod to brighten your day:

    FN, this one is especially for you!

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      One in another country?

      Dont bother with the 20 or so thats happened in america in the past couple of years.

  15. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Hey, the Republican Party seems to believe that it can avoid extinction by simply marketing itself differently but keeping the same old awful policies. (Its leaders appear never to have heard of the old adage about the pointlessness of polishing a turd.)

    So if the GOPers believe they can save themselves with a mere makeover, why shouldn't we expect the Grand Cyclopses to attempt the same stunt? Especially since the differences between GOP and KKK seem to be growing slimmer by the day.

    Speaking of which, the movie about Canaan's father is drawing criticism because of its historical inaccuracies.

    Hmmm. I'm thinking it's more biblical inaccuracies than historical ones. There's zero historical evidence for Noah or his ark.

  16. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Somebody should ask the KKK'ers about the latest anthrpological findings, via DNA testing, that proves we're all descended from Africans. That all modern peoples are descended from Bushmen, in fact, and so much for racial "purity."

    Course if they believe the universe is 6,000 years old, it might be a hard case to make.


  17. "I predict in due time, the doors to the KKK will open to Blacks like myself who is called White by the likes of Field and PC. "

    We call you white because you are white, your first paragraph proves that even if we didn't know before.

    Which we did.

    This is a reality-based blog, get used to it, and for once in your tired, useless, little life, stop lying..

  18. Anonymous10:14 AM

    It's as clear as daylight. Wherever you have a population of negroes, there's going to be never ending problems. Even in the absence of other races, those problems will exist and be the dominate theme of their "cultcha."
    Name one place where the addition of negroes has ever resulted in improvements rather than destruction and dysfunction.
    It's sickening how clear the data is and how fools ignore it or make excuses for it.
    Remove the negroes from your midst and see things improve drastically while wherever they go, everything plummets into a shithole.
    Go ahead. Elect a black mayor, black city council and put a porch negro in every office and see your city or town swirl down the bowl into the sewer of black dysfunction.
    Negroes are too stupid to create anything else and always want to begin the process by having negroes be large and in charge. They can destroy a thousand cities and still be so dimwitted as to be incapable of realizing they're at fault and they did it to themselves.
    It makes me sick to hear stories of negroes running through the streets attacking people and relatively little being done about it. In a sane society, the police would be out in force and busting their nappy skulls with clubs and telling the whining negro "leaders" to shut the fuck up about it or they'd get the same.
    No other tactic has ever worked to control their dysfunctional natures and behaviors.
    Time to put them back on a leash whether they like it or not.

  19. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Youngstown native here. I actually mentioned this in the comments section for 3-23. A few hours later, spbdl had it up on the site. Well done. Y-town is a textbook example of blackness run amok. It spreads like a cancer, slow and steady. And if left unchecked, it is terminal. A few years ago, the same paper ran an article about the Youngstown schools having an awards assembly which included awards for achieving a " C" average. Showed this to my son (10 yrs old at the time, private schooled), and he replied: "Awards for barely passing? Only black people would be happy with that." He gets it. I make sure he does. Y-town schools are a smaller version of Baltimore's: dysfunctional and churning out morons and future welfare recipients. School is a place for YT to provide breakfast and lunch. Sometimes dinner. The liberal whites give away backpacks full of school supplies to these idiots at the beginning of every school year, as these poor students are victims and are "already disadvantaged and discriminatedc against." Momma got a perfect weave, nails, etc., but YT should foot the bill, because of da terruble legacy ub da slabery. Last summer, the black churches in town sponsored a black male health awareness week. One of the ministers, big, fat, and unhealthy himself, described the urgent need for black males to take care of themselves, as "black males always put their family's needs before their own, so their own health suffers " Black males.....? Families? I almost fell off my chair laughing! Keep up the great work on the site...people ARE waking up!

  20. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Chris 2X?

    A community activist named Chris 2X?

    And you wonder why Louisville is drowning in black-in-origin crime? Oh, its better.

    Louisville is an overwhelmingly white city, with an overwhelmingly black crime problem. Well, the black community, mad that so much policing is required to keep their community operating somewhat smoothly, was uproariously upset that a white police chief was named in 2012.


    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      "And you wonder why Louisville is drowning in black-in-origin crime?"

      Almost every major american city is drowning in black-in-orgin crime..nothing new.

  21. Well thank God you're keeping an eye on the Klan, field. Definitely a major concern for the black community today. Stay focused, brother.

  22. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Brotha field. How are we ever gonna get respect when brothers in office keep gettting in trouble?

  23. Vinny, I am not your brother.

  24. The kkk is indeed a terrorist organization. It has been since 1865. Frank Ancona and Ayman al-Zawahiri are contemporaries as far as I'm concerned.

  25. Anonymous5:28 PM

    here is the number to the police chiefs office. (502) 574-2167. I just called and asked them if they were having trouble with negroes. Black female that answered chimpedout.

    Good one!

  26. Anonymous5:32 PM

    "If you disrespect somebody..that just takes them over the edge for some reason."
    Not for any mysterious reason though. It's because of their narcissistic and over-blown sense of self importance and self worth. Even the most decrepit negro specimen thinks it's owed respect simply because it exists and breathes. The underlying concept that respect is earned and one has to be worthy of it through good character and/or accomplishment has been removed from the equation. Even judging by the content of character and finding that character to be of the lowest and worthy of disdain is "disrespecting."
    Respect is viewed as an entitlement divorced from reality and independent of any conduct, behavior, failings or low life behavior. If you point out the negro crime rate or any other dysfunction in the negro community, you are "disrespectin' da black community."
    WIth those levels of toxic egotism and a retarded concept of what respect is, you will naturally get the toxic egotists flipping out and either screaming, ranting, raving or launching a physical attack because the toxic egotists ego has been bruised. That "insult" and "injury" must be addressed and revenge taken.
    Disrespect the black community by pointing out their dysfunctions? Revenge must be taken by declaring you to be a racist when all you're truly guilty of is the crime of noticing.
    Respect (for negroes) means being treated as if they were worthy of it even if they aren't and never being held to account or judged for their behavior or the content of their character.
    Dat be disrespec', yo! I ain't gonna take dis sheeit!

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      This is very true and accurate.

  27. Stormfront is missing another village idiot.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Whats stormfront?

  28. Trollonymous Burgundy12:00 AM

    "Stormfront is missing another village idiot."

    You meant cave idiot or perhaps mutant trailer protoplasm. And I've always wondered about that odd obsession they all have with that specific word "chimp". Seems to me they have more in common with chimps than anybody else, starting with pale faces and hair lice.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Oh yes. .the whites look and act wayyy mor like chimps.

      Man, you folks are some BLIND AND IGNORANT people its almost sickening.

  29. If it doesn't want to be a racist we have to ask ourselves why it feels it's necessary to come here to point out blah disfunction? Does it go to white sites and point out white disfunction or is its disfunction pointing out limited to the blah community? If it's the lattyer then yes it probably is a racist. Does it also point out blah achievements too or just the bad stuff? Yeah I know.

  30. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I point out EVERYONES dysfunction. The whites seem condemn their fuck ups more than the blacks though..the whites arent a protected class like the blacks are. Thats why there is no white jessie jackson or Al Sharpton.

    Blacks need it pointed out to them more it thats why its done.

    Pretty cute saying "it" though...very cute.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      @1pm, now just add an "Sh" in front then you'll REALLY get feel for what intelligent Blacks think about you!


    2. Anonymous10:14 PM

      So calling me shit is not as bad as a racist calling other peolple shit right?

      Lets drop the hypocrisy please..its childish. I dont call anyone names or degrade them so why do you feel the need to?

  31. Um I'm Black and don't need shit pointed out to me and sure as hell by the likes of you. You are definitely a shallow racist because according to the new Godwin's law whoever mentions Jesse Jackson in a debate/argument immediately loses such. If Revs Jackson and Sharpton are our "leaders" then Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh are yours. But let me thank you for your contribution, I'm sure your anonymous posts will help us all. I also call bullshit on your claim you post about white disfunction. Take that shit to stormfront, I wanna see you do it there but we all know you're lying. All of us aren't as dumb and dysfunctional as you seem to believe.

  32. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I dont think all of you are dumn and dysfunctional. You're a pilot right? You are probably a well educated, hard working man.

    Hell, I see plenty of white folks I can't stand on a daily basis..they're all over NY.

    By the way..there are quite a bit of black folks out there who listen to Rush L. If he was the evil racist you claim he is..why would they bother. I just started listening to him this year and ive never heard him say anything racist EVER! He may be an annoying fuck at times but hes just trying to educate the american people.

    Stop using the word racist as your crutch..that shit cant last forever. I treat blacks just as well as I treat any other race.

  33. Maybe two blah folks listen to Rush. Of course you don't hear him make any racist statements because your definition of racism probably differs from mine. Klan members don't think they're racists so your comment means nothing to me. Why you ask why those two blah folks listen to Rush? I don't know, same reason you can find some of us agreeing with him.

  34. And further, your attitude is nothing new. Whites have long determined they are equipped to speak for us beginning in slavery when they made the decision for us we were happy and content with our situation and even sang. This continued during the civil rights era when southern whites just knew we were content with our second class status and the sit ins and such were because of "outside agitators". We were never given the benefit of being able to think for ourselves, well except for that "exceptional negro" who was the one in a million while the rest were vicious savages who needed to be controlled by whites. This attitude continues today as evident in your posts anon and yes this attitude is the clear definition of racism. You don't get to tell me what I should consider racist or not, as an educated blah man over 40 I am perfectly capable of making that determinaton on my ownwhether or not you agree. Then again most of us are used to arrogant whites telling us what they think is best for us when they don't even know any blah people. Bill O'Reilly comes to mind, he goes on tv night after night lecturing us when he just found out a few years ago we knew how to eat with forks and knives in a restaurant without yelling MFer. Same as you coming here telling successful educated blah folks what we should and shouldn't discuss, arrogant no? Why don't you choose a name so I know with whom I'm discussing, don't want to accuse you of something you didn't post.

  35. Anonymous4:31 PM

    The white men of the Klan have murdered enough Africans for us to know something's wrong with these mofos. They've lynched, castrated, burned crosses, burned Africans for anyone with an ounce of sense to realize they're a bunch of damn terrorists. Case closed.
