Thursday, March 13, 2014

Paul's message to the "inner cities".

Add Paul Ryan to the long list of Americans on the apology tour. Although it wasn't so much an apology as it was regret for how his words came out. ("Inarticulate") Of course he doubled down on his comments about folks in the inner city and how the men in particular do not "value hard work".

And just in case some of his fellow travelers didn't hear the dog whistle, he invoked the name of Charles Murray to drive home his point. Murray, for the record, is the guy who thinks that black folks are intellectually inferior to their white brothers and sisters.

This of course is ironic since it is coming from a guy who has been living off the government all of his adult life. He is a career Washington insider who has been collecting a government salary since college.

Anna Marie Cox wrote about Ryan's latest musings in The Guardian and I have to agree with her.

"Poor Paul Ryan, in trouble again for saying something stupid about poverty. If only Paul Ryan knew more actual poor people.

Yesterday, in an interview on Bill Bennett’s radio show, Ryan unselfconsciously asserted the insight that conservatives seem to believe is theirs alone: work offers people dignity. Ryan, with an equal lack of thoughtfulness, went onto diagnose “generations of men” in the “inner cities” as “not even thinking about working or learning the value and culture of work”.

It’s this last bit that’s gotten Ryan in the most trouble, stirring up accusations of intentional (if subtle) racism. The logic is transitive and not direct: by “inner cities” Ryan meant black; by describing black men as not “learning” the “value and culture of work” – and since Charles Murray has called poor people “lazy” – Ryan was saying black men were lazy. So: “inner cities” = black people; “inner cities” = not valuing work; not valuing work = “lazy”; therefore what Paul Ryan really meant is “black people = lazy”.

Racism is such an explosive accusation that it’s distracted people from the first half of Ryan’s rationalization for welfare reform: that being poor makes one lazy.

“[W]e want people to reach their potential and so the dignity of work is very valuable and important and we have to re-emphasize work and reform our welfare programs, like we did in 1996,” Ryan told Bennett. Nevermind that welfare “reform” actually has thrown more people into deep poverty – and, by Ryan’s own logic, struck a further blow to their dignity: his romanticized view of the 1996 law shows just how deeply he holds his wrong-headed theory of poverty’s causes and effects.

Paul Ryan may also believe that black people are inherently lazy. Citing Charles Murray is strong evidence that Ryan has some nagging sense of superiority linked to race. That’s wrong and stupid and reprehensible. But to my mind, that’s not as detrimental to policy as the assumption that any human being would have to be taught the value of work.

Ryan can protest that he’s not talking about race – as he did last night and today. And he may even believe that he’s not. That doesn’t make his comments any less condescending and destructive.

Ryan and his ilk flatter themselves to think that promoting dignity through hard work is controversial, that liberals and critics object to welfare “reform” because we don’t value work. But no one questions that having work can lead to greater self-respect. What’s insulting is how Ryan indicates that falling into the social safety net is the opposite of “work” and thus has the opposite effect on one’s sense of self. He may not believe only work can inculcate dignity, but in a defense of his “inner cities” comments, he called it the “best”:
A stable, good-paying job is the best bridge out of poverty.
The thing about this perspective is that it reveals a belief in the converse: that the main reason people are poor is because they choose not to work."

And do you ever wonder why republicans are only concerned with folks in the "inner cities" AKA black folks? Why no mention of poor folks in rural places in states like West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee? Could it be because these poor white people vote republican and you need them (and others) to view those inner city people as being bad? Why demean one group of poor people and give the other group of poor people a pass? Is it because one group of poor people should  be blamed for their condition but the other should not? Why cut  food stamps and other programs that you think will help poor folks in the inner cities, but throw all kind of farm subsidies to rural poor folks? 

I am asking a lot of questions, but I already know the answers.

For the record, most of those poor white folks in Appalachia do not want to be poor anymore than those poor black folks in the "inner cities" do. Everyone can't be a Washington insider like Paul Ryan.

"After reading the transcript of yesterday morning’s interview, it is clear that I was inarticulate about the point I was trying to make. I was not implicating the culture of one community—but of society as a whole. We have allowed our society to isolate or quarantine the poor rather than integrate people into our communities. The predictable result has been multi-generational poverty and little opportunity. I also believe the government’s response has inadvertently created a poverty trap that builds barriers to work. A stable, good-paying job is the best bridge out of poverty."

Paul will have a "good paying job" for a long time. He is making sure of that by making the type of statements that he did about those people in the "inner cities".


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Well Field, what could one say about "inner city" men and their employability that might be positive?

    Everyone, including that liberal puke Paul Ryan, is sick of supporting millions of good for nothing criminals and their spawn.

    illegal aliens have lower unemployment numbers than black people. The only job blacks have is being the Democrat's favorite pet minority. Y'alls about to be fired.

  2. Anonymous11:06 PM

    I believe PilotX adopted Paul Ryan's description of Blacks as "Blahs?" If it wasn't Ryan, it was someone who thinks like Ryan.

    Now why would a "black man" begin calling himself another offensive name by a white man? Go figure. Whites like Ryan have NEVER had our interests at heart.

    We scream to high heaven about insulting and indignant words that stereotype us, but then we go and support those words and stereotypes by adopting them ourselves 'against' ourselves. Where's our dignity? Basically, it's spiritually dead.

  3. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Paul Ryan, "After reading the transcript of yesterday morning’s interview, it is clear that I was inarticulate about the point I was trying to make. I was not implicating the culture of one community—but of society as a whole. We have allowed our society to isolate or quarantine the poor rather than integrate people into our communities. The predictable result has been multi-generational poverty and little opportunity. I also believe the government’s response has inadvertently created a poverty trap that builds barriers to work. A stable, good-paying job is the best bridge out of poverty."--Paul Ryan

    Enough said. Let's move on. There are more important things to be done....Get the picture, Field?

    When are you going to talk about God and Spirituality? We sorely need a resurrection of Spirit. It's time to turn away from this merry-go-round of racism chasing and do something about the spread of Cannabis that will put the final nail in our coffin.

  4. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Dear Mr Field, please do a post on pot. It seems we have some FN posters who are in favor of it.

    Thank God for the GOP, because they are fighting to keep our country from turning into a nation of pot heads. And many thanks to Mr Noble Bill O'Reilly for having the courage to speak out about this outrage.

    I am surprised that BIB is for POT but is against progressive liberalism. Now, Why? Explain yourself to Kinky, Bill and Jesse Lee Peterson, who is totally against pot in black neighborhoods. You know why? Because it is going to be worse than alcoholism for Black Men. Talk about not wanting to work, wait til the pot hit the neighborhoods. Bill is exactly right:

  5. ""Poor Paul Ryan, in trouble again for saying something stupid about poverty. If only Paul Ryan knew more actual poor people."

    Now imagine this "attitude" on the wards of an indigent patient hospital. It's amazing that the mostly white males I rounded with today, are completely oblivious to the true needs of minority/poor patients. And these are the "smartest" of this generation available to be the next generation of Physicians? Shiiiiiiiittttttt!!!!

    Luckily, the Attending Doc (Jewish dude) was amazing and had great bedside manner. Most of the rest of the group needs to take their entitled and clueless asses back to the suburbs before they kill some damn body!!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear Mr Field, please do a post on Pot...

    Ohh No... Bill O'Reily's gonna stop Legalization with his weak ass Op-Ed...

    I absolutely love seeing the
    Fat,Juicy,Tears of Prohibitionists as Cannabis is Legalized Nationwide...

    To see the Lot of them squirm in misery O'Reilly, Sabet, LeonHart

    Please cry me a River....

  7. Anonymous12:18 AM

    BIB, I used to think you had heart. But after your "cry me a River" comment, I see you have no mercy. You will have to answer to 'Someone' for that.

    Be careful, you never know who on this blog might turn on Field. Then it will be YOU who will be crying a river.

  8. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Fyi, The Factor with Bill O'Reilly is one of the most powerful and influential news magazine in the world. If O'Reilly is against something, like POT, you can be sure it won't happen, esp if he thinks it is not good for Blacks--which I agree. I am Black, and involved in the black community and churches. BIB, you need Jesus.

    Now, I don't mean sound two-faced, but what do you think of PSPM and CARA as an investment, short-term or long-term? Which one would you bet on for growth?

    Do you think VAPE is too far extended?

    I work for FOX and trying to get in Bill's favor as a bm. So make sure you give me some good infallible information like the folks at FOX do.

    I want to be a star like JLP! Nevertheless, a bm against Cannabis still has to invest, doesn't he? I hope what I have said isn't too deep for you?

  9. Anonymous12:52 AM

    has anyone noticed that paul ryan has no lips?

    *never trust a man with no lips*

    Dr Nuwang, do you have any lips?

  10. Anonymous1:25 AM

    has anyone noticed that paul ryan has no lips?

    *never trust a man with no lips*

    Dr Nuwang, do you have any lips?

    She got lips so big she damn near flapped herself to def wif em that time she got a ride in a convertible from some white guy .

    WIf lips like hers she cannot go over 15 MPH or flappity flap she gone give herself two black eyes.

  11. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Now imagine this "attitude" on the wards of an indigent patient hospital. It's amazing that the mostly white males I rounded with today, are completely oblivious to the true needs of minority/poor patients. And these are the "smartest" of this generation available to be the next generation of Physicians? Shiiiiiiiittttttt!!!!

    You aint ever even start medical school you lying thing. Now you doing rounds; yeah pork rind rounds

    You will never be a doctor.

  12. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Now imagine this "attitude" on the wards of an indigent patient hospital. It's amazing that the mostly white males I rounded with today, are completely oblivious to the true needs of minority/poor patients. And these are the "smartest" of this generation available to be the next generation of Physicians? Shiiiiiiiittttttt!!!!

    You aint ever even start medical school you lying thing. Now you doing rounds; yeah pork rind rounds

    You will never be a doctor.

  13. All these comments and not one of you noticed that message was spelled mesage in the title of the post.
    I swear I need a new Field family. :)

    Anon@11:13, are you a preacher? I am not. I don't think I am qualified to talk about god and spirituality.

    Maybe you can team up with FP and get a nice sermon together for us.

  14. Anonymous7:19 AM

    And do you ever wonder why republicans are only concerned with folks in the "inner cities" AKA black folks? Why no mention of poor folks in rural places in states like West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee?

    Perhaps it is because those poor white people are not shooting each other in record numbers....

    and engaging in "wildings" and the "knock-out" game....

    and not shooting college baseball players in the back because they were bored...

    or raping a pregnant woman in Madison, WI....

    and are not generational welfare cases.....

    and so on.

  15. Dr. Nuwang9:00 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Perhaps it is because those poor white people are not shooting each other in record numbers....

    Or maybe it's because the media obfuscates the preverse crap White people do like:

    Make-up the largest percentage of welfare recipients.

    Lead the cases of STD and are the original race that had STD's.

    Enjoy having sex with cows.

    And are not only generational welfare cases, but brag about it too: the MTV show about pregnant teens.

    It must really be hurtful to think you're a superior race to only realize you're just moraless, preverted, mutants.


  16. Anon@7:19, let me guess, you are a republican conservative, right?

  17. field negro said...

    All these comments and not one of you noticed that message was spelled mesage in the title of the post.
    I swear I need a new Field family. :)

    I assumed autocorrect. That's what you blamed all your other spelling errors on.

  18. Anonymous10:19 AM

    First of all: Hernstein/Murray in "The Bell Curve" suggest and cite evidence that low intelligence is heritable; that the characteristics and behaviors of low intelligence are heritable and resistant to environmental factors. This premise applies to low-information types of ALL races.
    Second: toilet-paper(T)party members; and ayn rand disciple, paul ryan and his ilk are certainly repugnant, true.
    But: It is also true that if you do try to give "inner city" black male gang-banging thugs job opportunities, you will be certainly disappointed. We have the chutzpah to blame Mexicans for taking jobs away. Sheee...t! Chile please; gimme a f--n break!

  19. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Oh... I forgot...

  20. Anonymous11:02 AM

    DAQE said:

    "(Whites) Lead the cases of STD and are the original race that had STD's."

    You forgot to mention that through the perseverance of STD tests such as syphilis, they have discovered how to end it.

    As a true scientist and doctor, You must give credit for the discovery of the cure by Whites.

    "It must really be hurtful to think you're a superior race to only realize you're just moraless, preverted, mutants.

    Whites discovered the cure for Syphilus through experiments and countless hours.... That was a 'moral' discovery, not a 'moraless(sic) one. Look at the history of white medicine and the countless hours and patient experiments that has saved millions of lives.

    There is nothing 'immoral, perverted, or mutant' about that.

    Dr Queen, I am Black, and I know you are looking at this thing all wrong. Dr Ben Carson would agree, and so would millions of other brothers and sisters.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dr Queen, I am Black, and I know you are looking at this thing all wrong. Dr Ben Carson would agree, and so would millions of other brothers and sisters.

    First of all "brotha'", NO ONE Black here calls me Dr. Queen, so let's get your dellusional bullcrap on the table FIRST.

    You know it's intersting that you mentioned syphilis. If my medical microbiology history serves me correctly, not only was syphilis the first STD Dx in man, it was first Dx in a WHITE man to be exact.

    So know your STD laden history, boy.

  22. And BTW, you're MUCH more interesting and entertaining when you attempt to deny my educational and professinnal goals.


  23. "First of all: Hernstein/Murray in "The Bell Curve" suggest and cite evidence that low intelligence is heritable; that the characteristics and behaviors of low intelligence are heritable and resistant to environmental factors. This premise applies to low-information types of ALL races."

    Oh not the Bell Curve again- Jesus H. Christ people, give it up already. There have been more than 600 published criticisms of that idiotic book.

    Here is just one of them.

    The Bell Curve is racist junk science masquerading as real science. Ask yourself this; why didn't the authors submit their findings for peer-review before publishing?

  24. PC, he did submit it for a "peer-review, and the klansmen around the bonfire were cool with it.

    Bill, auto correct only gets blamed when I am on my portable device (like now) . For the other times we will chalk it up to good old dyslexia.

  25. Anonymous 9:42 said:

    "illegal aliens have lower unemployment numbers than black people"

    And the rhetorical statisticians you are citing who are counting unemployed illegals are??? And the answer is: (Ding!): C) Seems to me your most basic and simple goal is to think up the most outlandish concept possible, then get all paranoid that it might be true, become incensed that one can even think of such things because who knows they probably are true (!), then stick the statement into a blog comment AS IF there must be facts because after all, God loves you so how else could you have even dreamed it up, right? Then hope every other hot head out there will become equally incensed at how pitiful it is to be so uninformed that one can get into a dangerous 5 second meltdown over God knows any and all this RIGHT HERE in the United States of America!!!!
    In other words, you've got to be kidding...

  26. Anonymous2:30 PM

    DQAE, "First of all "brotha'", NO ONE Black here calls me Dr. Queen, so let's get your dellusional bullcrap on the table FIRST."

    Really? I've been on this blog going back to when you called yourself "Flying in my Forties", then Dr Queen, then Dr Nuwang, and then DQAE, and I've probably forgotten other aka names you use. Btw, doesn't DAQE stand for "Dr Queen's Alter Ego?" For someone who is highly educated.. Sister, you sure have a problem getting your name

    Dr Nuwang, aka DQAE, "You know it's intersting that you mentioned syphilis. If my medical microbiology history serves me correctly, not only was syphilis the first STD Dx in man, it was first Dx in a WHITE man to be exact.

    So know your STD laden history, boy."

    You forgot something: The Tuskegee experiment. I would think a bright educated BLACK person of your caliber would know that. I gave you clues in my past comment, hoping you would "get it" but you missed it entirely....How disappointing you are. Are you sure you are Black and want to be a doctor? I don't think so.

  27. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The Green Bird, I love your insightful comment regarding insane thinking and crazy emotions by a sick hotheaded individual with an IQ of 10.

    Thank you. It was brilliant.

  28. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Blacks are the runaway champs of STD's. Blacks brought AIDS to the world by fucking monkeys.

    Dr. Queen is stuck on the left side of the bell curve.

  29. Anon@2:59, I bet the whites are going to try and trade u in the next race draft. You are truly ignorant.

  30. Co-sign with Anon@2:34 pm. Green Bird, that was a nice e-slap. :)

  31. Sultan4:36 PM

    Democratic and Republican Amnesty supporters, obsessed with feudal dreams of cheap nannies and field hands, despise their base. Democratic feudalists use the language of civil rights and Republican feudalists use the language of the free market, but both are just looking for excuses to cheat on their base with cheap labor and cheap votes.

    After a decade, illegal alien amnesty that leads to citizenship and family reunification will kill the ability of the Republican Party to win national elections. But it will also kill the ability of black men under thirty to find a job. Black unemployment is already staggeringly high and throwing in millions of new low-skilled workers will make urban centers more blighted and dangerous than they are now.

    But nobody in D.C. cares about that, even though many of the blighted neighborhoods are not all that far away from the gilded centers of power. Blight means cheaper votes for the Democrats and more fear among Republicans translating into political dividends for both parties whose rulers will stay behind their heavily policed islands of mansions and museums while the rest of the country burns.

    Big government needs cheap voters. Big business needs cheap labor. Big government wants big business to pick up the tab for their cheap votes through higher taxes. Big business wants cheap labor without having to pay for their social welfare benefits. After the obligatory tug of war, like a man forcing his wife to pay the hotel bill for his mistress, the tab for the cheap votes and cheap labor will be dumped on the middle class which is being forced to fund its own destruction.

  32. Hi Sultan, welcome to the Field Negro blog.

    Question for you.

    Are you actually Daniel Greenflield, or are you simply plagiarising his words and attempting to pass them off as your own?

  33. BARBBF`5:47 PM

    I could care less about what Paul says. What I do care about is another BILLION US $$$$ going to Ukraine. This is in addition to the 5 BILLION the Obama administration has supplied them with during the last 5 years.


    Who's who in Ukraine's new [semi-fascist] government
    Meet the people the U.S. and EU are supporting
    March 11, 2014

    The U.S. and European Union countries played a key role in the overthrow of the elected government in the Ukraine headed by Victor Yanukovych and the Party of Regions. Listening to the politicians in Washington or watching the corporate media, it would be easy to believe that the coup in the Ukraine has ushered in new era of democracy for the people of that country.

    Nothing could be further from the truth. The new, self-appointed government in Kiev is a coalition between right-wing and outright fascist forces, and the line between the two is often difficult to discern. Moreover, it is the fascist forces, particularly the Svoboda party and the Right Sector, who are in the ascendancy, as evidenced by the fact that they have been given key government positions in charge of the military and other core elements of the state apparatus.

    That millions of Ukrainians, Russians, Greeks, Jews and others would abhor living under such a government should come as a surprise to no one. Seven decades ago, Nazi Germany and its allies invaded the Soviet Union, of which the Ukraine was a part. It was inside the Soviet Union that the main forces of the Nazi war machine were destroyed—but at an appalling price. More than 27 million Soviet soldiers and civilians were killed and the country devastated. (By comparison, 416,800 U.S. personnel were killed in the same war, also a huge number itself, but one that only represents about 1.5 percent of Soviet deaths.)

    Highlighting its extreme right-wing character, among the first actions of the rump Rada (parliament) were terminating the official status of Russian and Greek as minority languages, rescinding the Crimea’s autonomy, and outlawing the Ukrainian Communist Party.

    The Fatherland party is leading the new government, headed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk. A few weeks before the Feb. 24 coup, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, then in Kiev to support the anti-government protests, was recorded calling for Yatsenyuk to become the new leader. Yatsenyuk is a banker, very Western-oriented, and seen as sure to accede to the demands of the International Monetary Fund and the international banks for austerity measures in exchange for a “bailout” of the Ukraine’s debt.

    In addition, Yatsenyuk is not from an overtly fascist party, a major public relations advantage for Western imperialist backers of the new regime.

  34. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Added to the bullshit idea that unemployed people are just lazy, rather than that no one will hire them, is Ryan's argument that "a stable, good-paying job is the best bridge out of poverty."

    No one disputes this, but Republicans have been working against this proposition for the last 30 years. Pushing free trade agreements that outsource jobs to lower-wage countries, weakening unions, undermining labor laws -- all the things conservatives favor are means of lowering the pay of the average worker. Republicans obviously don't "value stable, well-paid jobs." They are doing everything possible to ensure that work does not pay, and that only the wealthy investment class prospers.

    And you can't say that Republicans want to transfer workers into higher-skill jobs, either. Higher-skill jobs require more education, and Republicans refuse to tax wealthy people to pay for increased education. The conservative education plan is just to say how much teachers suck, over and over again.

    The bottom line is that the Republican Party is now just wall-to-wall aristocrats and bigots, with no plan to make the country work for everyone. Paul Ryan epitomizes this rottenness in every way.

  35. Anonymous5:54 PM

    hmmmm. I wonder what FP thinks of the comments today, esp about STD and the Tuskegee experiment which Dr Nuwang, aka Dr Queen didn't know about? Why is it that Blacks don't know their own history, let alone the Bible?

  36. Dr. Nuwang6:17 PM

    You forgot something: The Tuskegee experiment. I would think a bright educated BLACK person of your caliber would know that. I gave you clues in my past comment, hoping you would "get it" but you missed it entirely....How disappointing you are. Are you sure you are Black and want to be a doctor? I don't think so.

    Look bitch. I don't have time to play games with grown, funky, ass adults acting their shoe sizes.

    If you want me to "get it", get a username and USE IT when you post.

    Otherwise, I'll just assume you're the black penis obsessed, small minded crack racist that posts here as different anonymous.


  37. Dr. Nuwang6:19 PM

    Hmmm..... I wonder why crack- racists believe if they continue to say something stupid enough times it will be believed?

  38. Anon at 7:19 a.m., the reason you don't hear about whites in rural areas playing the knockout game is they're all busy setting themselves on fire from cooking meth or dying from heroin overdoses. As for shooting each other, they do that, too, except they're less likely to hit bystanders so it doesn't make the evening news.

  39. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Dr. Nuwang:

    "Make-up the largest percentage of welfare recipients."

    In absolute numbers, yes. This is because there are more whites than blacks. Blacks make up, what 11% or 13% of the population?

    However, if you look at the percentage of blacks on the welfare rolls relative to their representation in the population....well...suffice to say a very, very large percentage of the black population considers welfare as a "career move."

    "Lead the cases of STD and are the original race that had STD's."

    I do not know about the "original race," but (again) if you mean that "lead" equals greater numbers, I would suggest that you consider that there are a larger number of whites than blacks. As such, the the total number would be larger for whites than blacks. I wonder what the percentage is relative to black / white population.

    "Enjoy having sex with cows."

    Holy sh*t. Have you seen the size of some (most?) of the black women in Philadelphia / New York / Atanta....etc. I fully expect them them to down on all fours grazing in the parks when Spring finally arrives.

    "And are not only generational welfare cases, but brag about it too: the MTV show about pregnant teens."

    Yes, unfortunately, we are "blessed" with white trash that looks to make a buck off the baseness of popular culture. On the other hand, it may be the case that they will make enough money demonstrating their disfunction to the public that they will leave the welfare roles.

    I note that you chose to ignore my comments regarding

    "shooting each other in record numbers..."

    "engaging in "wildings" and the "knock-out" game...."


    "raping a pregnant woman in Madison, WI...."

    So I take it you concede these points. (Concede: be willing to admit or forced to agree.)


    "...let me guess, you are a republican conservative, right?"

    Actually, I am a Libertarian and a registered Independent.

    I am also a white guy who is sick and tired of shoveling my tax dollars into a disfunctional black community that blames me (and people like me) for the self-inflicted and self-enforced malignancies that affect the black community.

    I am not responsible for the baby mamas with illegitimate children by multiple (absent) fathers.

    I am not responsible for the gang-bangers shooting each other and innocent bystanders.

    I am not responsible for the aspirations of so many young black men to be misogynistic rappers.

    I am not responsible for the aspirations of so many young black men to be thug-life football players and basketball players.

    I am not responsible for blacks selling life-killing drugs to other blacks.

    I am not responsible for accusing black children who want to excel at school of "acting white."

    I am not responsible for the manifold disfunctions in the black community.

    But somehow, I have become responsible to pay for it.

    I am not a "republican conservative," but, as a tax-paying white guy who went to school on the GI bill and built a comfortable life for his family, I am sick and tired of being treated as the root of all the problems in the black community.

    I am sick and tired of being treated as a bottomless piggy-bank to pay for the years-after-years of rent and cable bills and car payments and wifi and groceries and on and on and on of people I do not know and should have no responsibility for.

    Chew on that....

  40. Dr. Nuwang said...

    Hmmm..... I wonder why crack- racists believe if they continue to say something stupid enough times it will be believed?

    That's what they were taught.

    How many times did Obama say "You can keep your..."

    And look how many people believed that.

  41. Dr. Dung7:22 PM

    "I am sick and tired of being treated as a bottomless piggy-bank to pay for the years-after-years of rent and cable bills and car payments and wifi and groceries and on and on and on of people I do not know and should have no responsibility for."

    Your ancestors bred Blacks during slavery to be shiftless and lazy.

    Don't you DARE now sit on your fat white ass and complain about getting EXACTLY what your evil spirited, moralless ancestors wanted.


  42. Dr. Crackermath7:28 PM

    Ms. Nuwang doesn't have the merest grasp of statistics. This despite having pursued "STEM" degrees for the better part of half a century.

    Good luck getting into medical school not knowing how to count.

    You will never be a doctor.

  43. Anonymous7:32 PM


    Why would slave owners breed their slaves to be shiftless and lazy? Wouldn't that be like breeding cows that don't give milk?

    Do you think before you write, or can you just not think?

  44. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Dr. Dung:

    "Your ancestors bred Blacks during slavery to be shiftless and lazy."

    Ummmm, you think that blacks are shifless and lazy? That is RACIST!

    (See I can use all caps, also.)

    "... fat white ass..."

    Actually, I am pretty fit: good diet, exercise, outdoor activities.

    Oh, and my ancestors were not even in these United States during the slavery times. Your slavery argument is long past its expiration date.

    P.S. Do you know the etymology of the word "slave?" (Etymology: A history of a word.)

  45. Correction: Republicans-Abortion Story

    The Associated Press reported erroneously that they called abortion rights activists Satan worshippers. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said abortion rights activists had chanted "Hail, Satan," referencing a rally last year in Austin, Texas.

    Just a little bit of left-wing bias.

    They got caught making shit up.

    The AP didn't ask the question, why was the pro-abortion crowd chanting "hail satan?"

  46. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Dung: Fecal matter of animals.

  47. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dung: Fecal matter of animals.

    An apt description of racist whites.


  48. Anonymous7:53 PM

    "An apt description of racist whites."

    A Pavlovian response.

    No thinking required.

  49. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "An apt description of racist whites."
    A Pavlovian response.
    No thinking required.

    Racist whites don't think.


  50. Anonymous8:16 PM

    "Racist whites don't think."

    So, you are a racist white? Curious.

    Also, may I add to the list of groceries, cable bills, rent, etc.....

    Ladies and Gentlemen (drum roll please), EBT cards now pay for...

    ....edible undies!

    ..and other "adult materials."

    Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen: your tax dollars at work!

  51. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Ladies and Gentlemen (drum roll please), EBT cards now pay for...

    That's what 400 years of free labor and not giving Blacks their 40 acres and a mule have gotten you.

    YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW mutha'f**er!!!


  52. I read Murray's Bellcurve during my post-grad work in public policy (from 93-95, before law school) and found him overly attatched to anecdotal evidence, too circular in his reasoning, and far too void of collegeal support for his findings (even by scholors who he cites and, tellingly, by the widow of his supposed academic partner) to be taken seriously as a social scientist or scholar. As an example of racist confirmation bias masqurading as scholarship however, his work is impeccible and of a piece with various historic American theories of anglo-saxon and pan-white-supremacy. A hundred years ago Murray might well have been a hard "scientist" measuring skulls then comparing the conditions of black Americans with that of white Americans and reaching similar conclusions.

    Citing Murray should be treated like comparing anything to naziism, the holocaust, slavery & jim-crow/lynching to anything except naziism, the holocaust, slavery & jim-crow/lynching should be treated: immediate loss of all credibility.

  53. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Must have been some quality "post grad" work there Whitey, especially if you couldn't understand Murray's thesis, which involves well covered ground and indisputable data.

    But liberal are trained to reject unconforming truths in an allergic reaction like response.

    Murray doesn't believe blacks are inferior, just that their intellectual capacities are distributed differently than whites. Just like 40 yard dash times.

  54. Anon@7:05, you are not a libertarian, u are a wingnut. But I guess using the L word is vogue among u people these days, since Rand and co. fancy themselves as such.

    Anywhoo, thank u for your service but The GI Bill is a form of welfare which u benefited from soooo...

    Stop focusing on what's going on in the inner cities and pay attention to what's going on in Washington. Your elected wingnut and Dumbocrat friends are the ones lining their pockets with your tax $ (if u really pay any) not poor black folks in urban America.

  55. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Field, "All these comments and not one of you noticed that message was spelled mesage in the title of the post.
    I swear I need a new Field family. :)"

    What happened to your friend in Hawaii? He was the one who edited your posts and links. Now even the brother in Hawaii has left you. Man, I tell ya, Negroes have no loyalty whatsoever.

  56. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "...The GI Bill is a form of welfare..."

    You truly are an idiot.

  57. agentX9:53 PM

    Notice how the racist white folks on this site always complain about their money being spent to help Black folks, but NEVER complain about how their money is wasted on subsidies for Big Oil, or corrupt mortgage derivatives wiping out their neighbor's finances, the Iraq War, etc.

    Seems like to me that Rich white fraud= good, Poor people getting help= bad.
    They must be at the trough too, Field, and like any good hog, want more food for themselves.

  58. Anonymous10:25 PM

    There are no subsidies for "Big Oil", and the mortgage crisis was precipitated by giving loans to unqualified minorities (mostly Hispanics) in the name of "equality".

    And "Rich white fraud" is more accurately described as Rich jew fraud.

  59. Anon@6:07, it is u who are the idiot. Do u think the money set aside to pay for college by soldiers could have paid for actual college tuition? Of course not. It was greatly subsidized by the govt. So u tell me, is it a form of welfare?

    I know that you only like to associate welfare with programs that the government subsidizes for those inner city black folks, but there are all kinds of welfare programs, including corporate welfare and various subsidies for farmers etc.

    Thanks for reading. Hopefully u learned something.

  60. Anon@4:21, that was a woman, and she is still here.

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