Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Another shooting at Fort Hood, and Omari Grant's close call.

It looks like there has been yet another mass shooting at Fort Hood , Texas. Sadly, we are not quite four years away from the last one.

These men and women who put on a uniform to protect their country should not have to worry about being shot to death while stateside on a military base.

The good news is that the scumbag killed himself, the bad news is that he shot eight other people (two of them to death) before he did it.

Anyway, as is always the case when we have situations such as this, we have a terrible twitter post from some idiot who works for Breitbart News named Patrick Dollard.

"Patrick Dollard @PatDollard
If there is even one more act of Muslim terrorism, it is then time for Americans to start slaughtering Muslims in the streets, all of them.


  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    “I was thinking that I don’t want to be shot today, so I just listened to what they said,” Grant recalled."

    There may be hope for you negroes yet.

    Instead of exhibiting TNB, this young man made the wise choice.

    Good job, Omari.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Patrick Dollard hasn't "worked" for Breitbart News for years. Years field...

    Never let the facts get in the way of spreading manure through the fields.

  4. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "Never let the facts get in the way of spreading manure through the fields."

    Hey, he just posts the stories they tell him to. Give a brother a break.

  5. Anonymous10:12 PM

    After such police brutality, that poor kid will be scared for life. But white folks and some black folks like DQAE don't care. They have never cared, right Kinky Con?

  6. Trollonymous Burgundy10:17 PM

    I heard that one of those gun toting bacon dudes was a negro. I don't know how true it is, but it won't surprise me. Some black cops are notorious modern day slave catchers.

    Well... what an interesting and almost familiar combination... black males, white woman, and trees. Wreaks of near tragic history. And funny how some of you black men (and castrated cows) still think the white woman is your savior for manhood and humanity.

    I don't know which is more dangerous for black males. Another black man with a gun, or a white woman with a phone. Carry on.

  7. I don't know which is more dangerous for black males. Another black man with a gun, or a white woman with a phone. Carry on.

    Hot d*mn, I think we have a point here!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I am sick and tired of bw putting down bm. It's because of YOU black male emasculaters that we don't want to be around your ass. Field should kick some of you bw off FN.

    Esp that sell-out uncle tom dunce with multiple phony ids who claims she is in med school. Everybody knows she is a LIAR.

  10. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Omari should have pulled out his gun and shot the balls off of that cop...teach him a lesson of 'respect'.

    Btw Field, I am in a prestigious Med School and making straight A's. They tell me I am an exceptional student with exceptional abilities with a great future.

    Of all the black med students across the country I stand out by far the brightest of all Blacks.

  11. Anonymous10:52 PM

    There may be hope for you negroes yet.

    Instead of exhibiting TNB, this young man made the wise choice.

    Good job, Omari.

    8:51 PM
    Really? There's hope for us? Thank you. For the longest time, I haven't had any hope at all. But you have inspired me to move forward out of my depression. Thank you.

  12. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Brother Field, I went to Cafepress with the desire to purchase something from FN to show off in the hood. But gotdamn brother! FN has some expensive shit. Hell, Neiman Marcus is cheaper.

    Here I was thinking that you would be offering stuff your folks at a huge discount, but instead you are charging up the wazoo.

    Instead, you are charging up the waazu. I can't afford those prices.

    This is why brothers don't stay in biz. Some of you brothers need to be sent to prison for the prices you are charging.

  13. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "I am sick and tired of bw putting down bm. It's because of YOU black male emasculaters that we don't want to be around your ass. Field should kick some of you bw off FN."

    Sick and tired? Did you say that with a Z-snap, sweetness? Or did you do a double finger snap with a neck and eye ball roll?

    Actually, Black women don't want to be around YOU because you have to balls of an ant and are to d*mn sorry to get a user ID on a blog.

    And I'll bet you're a short mutherf*ker too.



  14. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Hint to the intellectually and height challenged wise who can't compete with Africans/Caribbeans.

    Don't come for me, unless I send for you.



  15. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Brother Field, I checked around for cheaper mugs and t-shirts and guess where I found them?

    On the FACTOR. Yep, you got it. O'Reilly is charging less than you are. But it makes sense since O'Reilly is a generous man with a desire to help a brother out. You, on the other hand....

  16. Anonymous11:28 PM

    DQAE, Hey girlfriend, stop calling our men names. Don't we have enough problems from Whites?

    I mean, our bm are doing the best they can do. If you will be patient, your man will come back. I guarantee it. You just have to be patient and give 'time' a chance.

  17. lol @ the alter ego'd witch doctor getting clowned.

    that would be what she gets for calling folk racist slurs like she got it like that. we already know she hates nappy. lol. witch doctor indeed...that TRULY don't want none from this happy-to-be nappy direction;)

    as i said from jump when little arrogant frogs got jumpy in my direction:

    despite all the "education" there is little if any substance added by the witch doctor comments.


    no matter how many names or year changes.

    outside of her trying to moonwalk+ side winder in my direction from time to time, 'cause foolish seems to be her chronic condition...there would be no need for me to address this soul. though i did make reference to how the so called professional class is being used to take out others. fn thinks poor women should be sterilized and witch doctor gets forced tubal ligation crazy with it when challenged.

    shoe fits + i ain't afraid to call it.


    get on back in the background- like a good background devil dancer and moonwalk it on out 'bout your biz, sis.

    for Real. you are STILL not on my level on too many levels to get into right now;)

    lol. silly chickens crack me up.


    Anon from last post...until the lost Hebrews wake up and look to Him/His Word, we only got more comin'. it is all designed to wake us it is written.

    folk acting like they don't know the slave trade could NOT have been on + popping WITHOUT africans crack me up. it has not EVER just been white skinned people messing us up. lol. come on now folks!

    this comment is not to create hatred between cousins/tribes either. it is to put things in historical perspective.

    the fact is...

    if not for American Blacks...colored folks from other places would NOT be spilling in. white folk were real clear about their heck to the no policy. so grimey mouth, white supremacy brain mangled immigrants don't get a lot of patience from me.

  18. there is no JOINING us. that is not what happens. despite souled out idiots trying to sell that madness to the Black American masses. it is a true Black fool that tries to believe otherwise.

    it should also be said that ALL nations are being impacted by the do what thou wilt/sin is in cult-ure. folk can get cute if they want to while acting like some africans haven't bought into the madness. like bleached out, bad wighat and makeup wearing , ww lusting/chasing am, and all about the benjamins hasn't hit africa/africans.

    okey doke.

    we can let folk hold onto fantasies like all americans are clueless.

    of course the madness, hits the Hebrews first + the hardest. the first shall be last. that's where we are.

    the last shall be first.

    my eyes are focused on THAT day with great Hope + Faith. 'cause it is written + coming.

    the rest of humanity got the same slave breaking to look forward to...

    look. see.

    what is done to the least WILL be done to the greatest. it is well underway. folk talk about Black Americans' oow. how is everybody else doing? are the #s going up or down?

    of course Black Americans are much farther along with the spiritual breakdown. we had a 400 year kjv Genesis 15:13-14 headstart;)


    for the Anon that feels bw are taking hits at bm.

    i can only speak for myself when i say...

    to see the condition of our sons = heartbreak.


    to see the calloused disregard for the condition of our in large numbers unfathered, unprotected, unprovided for daughters= heartbreak.

    there are Black folk that hate other Black folk worse than anybody else ever could. pretending otherwise will not rectify the problem. Black Americans have no secrets.

    some of us call it out because we care. it is easier to get quietly on a mammon for self-new school. like no one blazed a trail for us + why should we blaze any for the next? or worse yet, act like there is no problem with accountability to be had all the way around.

    silence won't save a soul in the midst of the madness. some of us are not motivated by hatred of any sort. truth is the motivation to stand and speak. hard to play political games when such is the case. politics as wayward men/women understand, have nothing to do with truth/justice. ever. lol. ok...maybe there might be a trace sometimes- by accident;)

  19. Start killing Mooslems huh? Taken to its logical conclusion does that mean if it was a white dude......? Sloppy logic but what do you expext?

  20. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Obama wins prize for most combat deaths on his watch.

    Obama wins prize for most acts of domestic terror on US soil

    Obama wins prize for most number of outrageous coverups evah (Fast N Furious, Benghazi, NSA warrantless wiretaps, and on and on ...)

    Obama wins prize for restarting the Cold War and Middle East conflict (double score!!)

    Obama's a real "winner". So glad we have the most transparent Pretendident evah.

    It's a beeyootiful day in Murica when Obama is in charge.

  21. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Start killing Mooslems huh? Taken to its logical conclusion does that mean if it was a white dude......? Sloppy logic but what do you expext?


    Except for the oh-so-obvious False Flag attempts manufactured by our own government, it's never a "White Guy", even though that's the favorite meme of the media and they'll ride that one trick pony for as long as they can away with it.

    I've seen this movie before - and lived through the incompetence generated by the bias - the Beltway Sniper was allegedly an "angry white man".

    Except he/they wasn't. Angry black Mooslem convert is about as far removed from angry white Christian as you can get.

    Don't you hate it when facts and the truth get in the way of a self-serving narrative?


  22. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Fortunately, Omari Grant's parents taught him well.


    Yeah, just super. Another thug in training will live long enough instead to be warehoused long term in the prison industry courtesy of the long suffering US working taxpayer. Great.

    It's hard to judge which is more annoying - that reality of a long term financial liability or enduring the inevitable fauxrage and conversion to immediate Sainthood majoring in "cheerfulness" that is inevitable when one of the wannabees is taken out before their prime criminal enterprise years.


  23. KnockOut Assaults are Real and Pervasive6:27 AM

    "Finally, if you happen to be the parent of a young black male, please teach him not to make any sudden moves when the police pulls a gun on him. Even if it is for no justifiable reason."

    You don't "know" if it was for "no justifiable reason", you're just assuming it was.

    I listened to the whole clip and I had a very different impression of the episode. The mother reporting that the officer had an "attitude" when he brought the boys home tells me that something confrontational on the part of the boys went on, and it wasn't all sweetness and light the way the little cheerfulnaut claimed and the mother certainly gave the impression that she has a chip on her shoulder, which I am sure has been communicated to her children. She immediately filed an "excessive use of force" complaint and I am confident will be Crumping up - never miss a chance to win big in the ghetto litigation lottery.

    Based on the kids playing in the street, it looks like a majority black neighborhood.

    Given all the circumstantial evidence presented in the news clip, I certainly would have approached a group of black males of any age, with my hand on my weapon. The rest unpleasantness-which-the-media-refuses-to-racially-identify-in-Louisville-KY is yet another stellar example of why any non-black person should always be armed, and ready to use force at a moment's notice when in the vicinity of any group of any black males, of any age. There are more than enough examples of nasty little darlings killing people and having teh Mommas wail how they were "honor students" and it was all just so surprisin'.

    Spare me. I'm siding with the Po-leese on this one.

    And thanks to the infiltration of blacks into our community, I now carry religiously and fully intend to use it any time I feel threatened. Our local SAO has confirmed that is our right, and we shouldn't think twice about it.

  24. anon@6:27,stop lying, there are no blacks in your trailer park.

    Now go back to cleaning your sheets and STFU.

  25. "TRULY don't want none from this happy-to-be nappy direction;)"

    Oh honey, you wear your hair natural too? I've been rocking natural hair for YEARS, and the curly fro' too. But my hair has grown so long, I don't dare wear a fro' as often as I use to.

    BTW, I'm happy to see you've turned back from a fly into a human form of a religious nut case.

    Just don't forget to trim your antennas and neck hair, you'll scare the children.


  26. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    "TRULY don't want none from this happy-to-be nappy direction;)"

    Oh honey, you wear your hair natural too? I've been rocking natural hair for YEARS, and the curly fro' too. But my hair has grown so long, I don't dare wear a fro' as often as I use to.

    BTW, I'm happy to see you've turned back from a fly into a human form of a religious nut case.

    Just don't forget to trim your antennas and neck hair, you'll scare the children.


    It's so funny when you try to play human - It's toodles honey, not toddles, stick with ebonics you don't to white girl real good.

    You will never be a Doctor you're just an enema queen.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. "It's so funny when you try to play human - It's toodles honey, not toddles, stick with ebonics you don't to white girl real good. "

    It's called auto correct and it's found on iPads and other pieces of modern technological equipment. Too bad you don't know anything about that.

    And I'm happy that " I don't TO white girl real good. STUPID!!! If you're going to correct someone, try to be speaking proper English your d*mn self, Jim "religious jackal" Jones.

  29. Anonymous8:49 AM

    "I don't know which is more dangerous for black males. Another black man with a gun, or a white woman with a phone. Carry on."

    Some black men think that white skin has magical powers. I am SERIOUS.

  30. Anonymous8:51 AM

    "I don't know which is more dangerous for black males. Another black man with a gun, or a white woman with a phone. Carry on."

    I should add that some black women think white skin has magical powers as well.

  31. Anonymous9:27 AM

    FN et al
    It's pretty clear that the criminalization of black males (and not just adults) is pretty much complete. It's as if the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s/60s never happened.

    But keep in mind that many black males in the public eye today played to this age old stereotype and inflamed it: rappers and athletes especially. Black professional football players are particularly guilty of this. Many professional football players seem to come from the poorest, lowest elements of black society. This is also true of most rappers.

  32. Voter fraud is a myth to democrats.

    35,750 voters with the same first and last name and date of birth were registered in N.C. and another state, and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.

    That's a lot of myth.

    If voter fraud benefited republicans I'm sure democrats would then be against voter fraud.

  33. "The Board of Elections was careful to say they don't have proof of fraud, but they have good reason to look closer."

    You see that billy-boi?

    The Board of Elections was careful to say that they don't have proof....

    Besides, given that the Republicans used voter fraud to steal an entire Presidential election with the great American coup d'etat of 2000, I don't think you are in a position to complain.

  34. the real jews are black11:58 AM

    wow fox new is saying a mexican did this but won't say his name or pic, so finally they showed his name and pic, look like a white boy with a latino name

  35. The Purple Cow said...

    "The Board of Elections was careful to say they don't have proof of fraud, but they have good reason to look closer."

    You see that billy-boi?

    The Board of Elections was careful to say that they don't have proof....

    35,750 voters with the same first and last name and date of birth.

    Only to a socialist is that not voter fraud.

    I notice you have gone crickets over the socialist paradise known as venezuela.

    Are you a capitalist and buy toilet paper when you need it or are you a good socialist and buy it only when the government lets you like the real socialists in venezuela?
    Is your daily food rationed by the government like the real socialists in venezuela?
    Is the government threatening your life like is happening to the real socialists in venezuela?

    Besides, given that the Republicans used voter fraud to steal an entire Presidential election with the great American coup d'etat of 2000, I

    That lie was debunked years ago.

    Acomprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots from last year's presidential election reveals that George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court had allowed the statewide manual recount of the votes that the Florida Supreme Court had ordered to go forward.

    Typical government lap dog, pointing out bush did it too.

  36. "35,750 voters with the same first and last name and date of birth."

    Show me your evidence little boy.

    Put up or shut up.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. "That lie was debunked years ago."

    I'm not talking about your 'hanging chads' billy-boi, I'm talking about the thousands of African American voters who were denied the right to vote because they had to have the same name as a convicted felon, a similar name to a convicted felon, or sometimes only the same d.o.b. as a convicted felon.

    A confusion that somehow magically did not appear in overwhelmingly white or Republican voting precincts.

  40. The Purple Cow said...

    "35,750 voters with the same first and last name and date of birth."

    Show me your evidence little boy.

    Put up or shut up.

    It appears you missed the ABC link.

  41. Anonymous1:03 PM

    FP-"shoe fits + i ain't afraid to call it."

    My dear FP, I am so glad when you comment here. You inspire me to keep going toward the Light, instead of wallowing in the mires of darkness and calling it good.

    I still have a lot of trouble with our race, even though you have mentioned "it's not about race". There are so many of our folks committing 'spiritual suicide' that when I 'look' all I see is 'us'=African Americans=descendents of the lineage of slaves 400 years ago.

    But I am not too spiritually fit, yet. I still 'look', but sometimes don't 'see'. I still 'listen', but sometimes don't 'hear'. I still 'eat', but sometimes don't 'taste'. I still 'love', but sometimes don't 'feel' it in my heart.

    Sometimes I wonder if this arduous going-against-the-grain-of-the-world toward GOD is really happening or am I fooling myself?

    Am I really being guided by the Father Whom I surely but dimly perceive I 'know', yet don't 'understand'? I wish I had the Heart, the Wisdom, the Skill with words, and the Courage you have. There is no question you have traveled a great distance along that arduous Path toward GOD.

    GOD Bless!

  42. Anonymous1:34 PM

    FP, "Anon from last post...until the lost Hebrews wake up and look to Him/His Word, we only got more comin'. it is all designed to wake us it is written."

    Well, we(AAs) must be in a sleep deeper than bears in hibernation because this is getting worse and more miserable. So much that it's teetering on the brink of hopelessness...(seeker)

    FP, "folk acting like they don't know the slave trade could NOT have been on + popping WITHOUT africans crack me up. it has not EVER just been white skinned people messing us up. lol. come on now folks!"

    I love your words of truth and wisdom. There is nothing wishy-washy about them.... straight to the point. Whoa! Sometimes it stuns and rocks my inner world. Nevertheless, I need this medicine called Truth. I just cannot afford to live in denial and lies anymore.

    You bring a breath of fresh air to FN. I am will to bet that Field secretly is overjoyed when you speak...well, 'overjoyed' might be stretching it a


    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      If you stick your self any further up Fake Pretender AKA Jim Jones' arse, you're going to be passing gas through his one nostril.

  43. Anonymous2:24 PM

    FP said, "the fact is...

    if not for American Blacks...colored folks from other places would NOT be spilling in. white folk were real clear about their heck to the no policy. so grimey mouth, white supremacy brain mangled immigrants don't get a lot of patience from me.

    1:13 AM
    Yes! I have run into them OFTEN in here in CA, esp in Northern CA. Make no mistake about it, MANY immigrants arrive ALREADY PREJUDICED against AAs. And they aren't shy about showing it.

    FP, "there is no JOINING us. that is not what happens. despite souled out idiots trying to sell that madness to the Black American masses. it is a true Black fool that tries to believe otherwise.

    it should also be said that ALL nations are being impacted by the do what thou wilt/sin is in cult-ure. folk can get cute if they want to while acting like some africans haven't bought into the madness. like bleached out, bad wighat and makeup wearing , ww lusting/chasing am, and all about the benjamins hasn't hit africa/africans"

    What's baffling to me is many of us (AAs) act as if nothing is happening to us. We ignore many things that are CLEARLY happening to us at our own peril. We 'actually' help immigrants move ahead of us, while we sacrifice ourselves for them. WE seem to enjoy being everybody's 'doormat to success'.

    Somehow, AAs have dreamed, fantasized and theorized that African immigrants coming to America have the same mind, heart and soul as AAs. THEY DON'T. MANY are of the same hateful mind and heart that racist Whites have against us.

    Not ALL are of this mind and heart, but MOST are.

    MOST don't 'identify' with us, yet use the civil rights laws AAs fought so hard and died for. They do this without respect or gratitude while simultaneously joining the white mind-set that AAs are inferior and useless. They literally see themselves as being 'separate', 'different' and 'superior' to AAs.

    And why not? We help ALL immigrants coming to America to move ahead while we stay behind. I wonder what it would be like if we treated ourselves with the energy and respect we give to them?

  44. Barack "Kenyan-White" Obama2:58 PM

    the real jews are black said...

    wow fox new is saying a mexican did this but won't say his name or pic, so finally they showed his name and pic, look like a white boy with a latino name

    Wow, this could be the second confirmed specimen of the elusive "White Hispanic" discovered by the US media.

    It seems an ordinary Hispanic can convert to being white merely by shooting a negro or going on a murder spree.

    It's some weird kind of magic, that's for sure.

  45. Hey Field, in case you are interested (and let's be honest, you aren't), there have been some very interesting revelations that have come out in recent testimony on Benghazi:


    and especially here:

    I think, just maybe, Hillary might eventually get an answer to her infamous question.

    And maybe I can get some peace, and shuffle on off to the Dead Ambassador's Lounge, never to haunt this site again.

  46. You are right Dead Ambassador, I don't care.
    In truth, Benghazi has become nothing but a drinking game.

    You w ingnuts will get all worked up, and the rest of us will be drunk with glee from watching you. :)

    BENGHAZI! Drink drink, gulp.

  47. You are one cold-blooded mofo, Field.

    At least I got you to show why no one should ever buy your fake sympathy for dead soldiers or phony concerns for the truth again.

    You really are a 'progressive', at heart. I'm keeping my eye on you.

  48. Nah Field, the IRS is the latest non-scandal scandal. The couldn't get any traction with fast and furious or been guazy so they tried again.
    Did you see the bill Scott Walker signed allowing poll watchers stand three feet away from voters? These folks are a trip.

  49. Lois Lerner7:46 PM

    Jig, Plantation Pilot, jig!

  50. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    You are right Dead Ambassador, I don't care.
    In truth, Benghazi has become nothing but a drinking game.

    When it come to being heartless, you even make Dracula cringe.

    Those Americans lost their lives in service to America. More importantly, they were love ones to other Americans here in country.

    Your heartless attitude shows you have no feelings. You border on evil.

  51. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "Those Americans lost their lives in service to America. More importantly, they were love ones to other Americans here in country. "

    Even more importantly, they lost their lives in service to Obama.

    But most important of all, their deaths cannot be allowed to hurt Obama.
