Thursday, April 10, 2014

How LBJ changed the makeup of America's two political parties.

So it's the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act, and LBJ is getting all kinds of love down in Austin, Texas.

Three of our former presidents will be there, and our current president gave a speech recognizing the occasion and honoring LBJ as well.

He deserves some praise of course, but as one of my twitter friends said, I am not comfortable with him getting all the shine for this act getting passed when I know how much blood sweat and tears other black leaders and foot soldiers put into getting civil rights for people of color in this country.

LBJ was a complex fellow, who no doubt, like the Vice President before this current one, did some shaky things to amass wealth, grab power, and gain influence.

Yet still, as president, he presided over our government's effort to take care of the least among us in America. And it was his signature as president on the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. He helped to get those bills passed "against all odds" at a time in this country when it was cool to be a bigot.

"Historian Alan Brinkley has suggested that the most important domestic achievement of the Great Society may have been its success in translating some of the demands of the civil rights movement into law"

This is true. And, to his credit, he knew that the passing of The Civil Rights Act would cause the Democratic Party to lose the Southern white vote forever. And it did.

BTW, if it is true that he actually made this statement: "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." (Which I honestly think is a wingnut version of an urban legend.) It actually worked. Because when white Southerners left and joined the republican party, black folks knew where they weren't wanted. Equal rights for all was something that should have been easy to embrace, but it wasn't; simply because of the history of racism in this country. Now the two political parties reflect the racial divide that still exists.

"You know, four days into his sudden presidency, and the night before he would address a joint session of the Congress in which he once served, Lyndon Johnson sat around a table with his closest advisers preparing his remarks to a shattered and grieving nation.

He wanted to call on senators and representatives to pass a civil rights bill, the most sweeping since Reconstruction. And most of his staff counseled him against it. They said it was hopeless, that it would anger powerful Southern Democrats and committee chairmen, that it risked derailing the rest of his domestic agenda.

And one particularly bold aide said he did not believe a president should spend his time and power on lost causes, however worthy they might be, to which, it is said, President Johnson replied: Well, what the hell's the presidency for? (Laughter, applause.) What the hell's the presidency for if not to fight for causes you believe in?

Today as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, we honor the men and women who made it possible. Some of them are here today. We celebrate giants like John Lewis and Andrew Young and Julian Bond.

We recall the countless unheralded Americans -- black and white, students and scholars, preachers and housekeepers -- whose names are etched not on monuments but in the hearts of their loved ones and in the fabric of the country that they helped to change.

But we also gather here, deep in the heart of the state that shaped them, to recall one giant man's remarkable efforts to make real the promise of our founding. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

And somewhere down in Alabama George Wallace is turning in his grave.




  1. "This is true. And, to his credit, he knew that the passing of The Civil Rights Act would cause the Democratic Party to lose the Southern white vote forever. And it did."

    Except the Democrat party kept winning the Southern white vote to this day. See Carter and Clinton.

    State and local Democrats kept winning the southern white vote regularly till 1994.

    And they still win in the south..They would win more if not for their extreme agendas.

    So let's talk about urban legends.


  2. Pilot X...

    you mentioned it a few threads back. yes, the doctor lady's body may have been found. i have not seen reports of it being a certainty.

    get a load of mr. gospel music, face hair lined up all zesty with it, marvin sapp's tweet. pay attention to the hashtag. this was well before folks started pulling bodies out of anyplace.

    "This has been the longest 2 days I think I'm gonna be in bed all day..... #bodyistalking2me
    11:55 PM - 1 Jan 2014"

    things that make you go hmmm...

    but who cares?

    Gina over here asks:

    what about our daughters?

    the Black nation that refuses to READ + follow Scriptures...which clearly states that folk will listen to a WOMAN...which according to Natural Law…will begin life as a little girl… true deadheads the Black nation has consistently answered:

    what about 'em?




    brand new deadhead slaves on the plantation that find it difficult to believe that corrupt to the core political puppets could speak what is CLEARLY the case=


    + evidence of a still under control slave population.

    perfectly well suited to remain...





    John 8:31-32

    31 Then said Messiah to those Hebrews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

    32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

    Proverbs 28:5- Evil men understand not judgment; but they that seek the Sovereign understand all things.


    it is indeed true that one can hide any + all things from the sleeping a book.


    it is written that His sleeping people will NOT always remain that way...that He will not allow those that MISlead US + cause US to err to prevail.

    He is NOT a man that He should lie...nor will He/His Word be mocked.

  4. "you mentioned it a few threads back. yes, the doctor lady's body may have been found. i have not seen reports of it being a certainty."

    It was on our local news report, they said she was identified using fingerprints. I can try to find it but it was on WGN a few days ago.

  5. Good on you Field for giving a shout out to all of the forgotten heroes and sheroes of the equal rights era. We know the big names like Ms. Rosa Parks but we don't mention the volunteers who spent hours training her to do what she did. Who knows how many small acts of courage helped in the grander scheme.


  7. Kinky Con, who was the Republican President who worked on the VRA and CRA? You mentioned this last thread but didn't provide a name. Kinda curious.
    If you want to talk southern white vote let's look at the staggering numbers that went gop in the last two presidential elections. That should tell us something.

  8. That would be Eisenhower....

    "If you want to talk southern white vote let's look at the staggering numbers that went gop in the last two presidential elections. That should tell us something."

    Obama is too extreme. Obama has done little to nothing to reach out to white males..In fact, white males are often betrayed as the enemy..

    This should tell you something..

  9. "Obama has done little to nothing to reach out to white males.."

    Oh really? How should one reach out to white males?

    Ike had some decent policies foreign and domestically. Probably the last good Republican President. He also fell short in many instances as he should have used the power of his office to protect the civil rights of people of color. My folks were catching hell under his administration.

  10. "President Barack Obama, long fiercely defended by Democrats and demonized by Republicans, is on pace to be the most polarizing president in American history, according to Gallup. But that may not be all his fault; it could be a sign of the times."

    From your article, not his fault, just a sign of the times.

    "But Jeffrey Jones, a polling analyst with Gallup, said the hyper-polarization trend started not with Obama, but with his predecessor, former President George W. Bush."

    Something else W. fucked up.

    "Obama's highly polarized ratings, then, may have as much to do with the era in which he is governing as they do with his actions as president," Jeffries said."

    seems like according to the article you linked the opposition to the President has less to do with his policies i.e. reaching out to white men, than justthe hyper partisan era in which we live. I also think it has a bit to do with his tan but that's just a guess. Good article Kinky, very informative.

  11. "Obama is too extreme."

    I call bullshit, he is a moderate republican. He has done nothing extreme except being blah on the job.

  12. Anonymous11:36 PM

    FP,"Equal rights for all was something that should have been easy to embrace, but it wasn't; simply because of the history of racism in this country. Now the two political parties reflect the racial divide that still exists."

    Field, it was not easy to embrace and it still isn't by a lot of Whites and some plantation Blacks(uncle toms are prevalent).

    Both parties reflect racism because both parties are racists. Blacks support the Dems because some Blacks are racists against their own people.

    Blacks use Blacks all the time. It's gotten so bad that no Black can be trusted.

    In the Bay Area, most Blacks are uncle toms. Make no mistake about it. Blacks out here believe if you are White, you are right. It's really the South in 1960's. Whenever I read Granny's comments about being 44.5% White, I cringe at her desire to be White. She is not to be trusted as far as you can throw the bay bridge.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Alot of whites want to be black too it evens out.

  13. Anonymous11:46 PM

    correction, I mistakenly attributed Field's quote to FP. A major mistake...Please forgive me. This has not been my day.

  14. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Wow! Bill O'Reilly leaves two Blacks speechless re: Eric Holder and the race card.

  15. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Whenever I read Granny's comments about being 44.5% White, I cringe at her desire to be White. She is not to be trusted as far as you can throw the bay bridge.

    You know DAMN WELL that that's NOT what she meant.



  16. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Here is a shocking story about investigative reporting re: Fast & Furious, Benghazi, and Obamacare.

  17. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Dear Mr Field, DQAE IS PSYCHOTIC AND EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED. She is clearly an uncle tom and hates being Black....a traitor and disgrace to her race, like her old friend.

  18. Anonymous12:53 AM

    My God, the GOP is really laying into Eric Holder. They are questioning his competence and should stop his whining about how he is treated.

    I am sorry to report this on FN but Negroes need to learn what time it is.

  19. GrannyStandingforTruth1:25 AM

    Anonymous 11:36 gives Drama Queen a new meaning.

    Oh Jesus! Please would someone please give Anonymous 11;36 their rabies shot so that they will quit foaming at the mouth or spray them with a can of RAID. They're crazier than a road lizard. Smh!

  20. Anon 11:46 PM-

    no problem. no stress.

    you made it through this day;) hopefully with greater lessons + spiritual strength than when you started out. that's the purpose of trying grow US;)


    the alter programmed, defeated, voodoo dust sprinkling, suspected down low lesbian witch doctor= on this thread with her ghetto antics, too?


    i think it is time for another name change...

    at least THEN folk can be a new ghetto chick. rather than the same old deranged one...

  21. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Re anon @11:36: "...In the Bay Area, most Blacks are uncle toms...". Seriously? You really believe that? So, Glide Memorial's Rev. Cecil Williams is an uncle tom?
    You are indeed a pathetically impotent penis-challenged white boy. Bet you got a bunch of guns, too.
    Get a life; better yet, crawl off and die.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      What's wrong with him having a bunch of guns?

      He'll be nice and prepared with the collapse happens..while your liberal ass will he getting robbed and killed by your own race.

      Wise up, racist panzy.

  22. I don't know what "blacks in the Bay Area" anon at 11:36 is talking about, but they don't resemble any of the ones I've been knowing for the past 30 years, but I'm white so maybe I'm missing something...
    Molly Ivins called LBJ "a master politician who couldn't have passed any character test ever designed by the human imagination... but who knew how to get the whole Rube Goldberg device of government to clank around and turn out policies that helped people."
    Also, there were four former presidents there, but Poppy Bush didn't speak.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. GrannyStandingforTruth3:18 AM


    Nope, you not missing nothing.

    Anon 11:36 is full of dung and an extremely melodramatic, exaggerator that is full of drama and projecting as always.

  24. StillaPanther23:34 AM

    Brother Field... yes, there is importance for both sides of the struggle. There is the side that still wants to honor the president that "GAVE" the rights and then they are us that celebrate how we "TOOK" our civil rights.

    Like everything in life, when you are "GIVEN" something, you rarely value what was given.

    When you "STRUGGLE and TAKE " your rights then you will be protective of what was taken in the struggle.

    I hope/wish that my race listen to the ones who was fighting in the struggle. Yes, there was Brother Martin and he had some pep rallies but my/our parents were the people in the trenches on a DAILY--- I said "DAILY", basis. I respect my father's fight because he had to deal with Da Man every day and survives,
    He had to go into a hostile arena more so than me. My mother as we'll.

    So - "Thank you" Brother Field for recognizing the many who had no platform.

    One want to erase the struggle while sadly one want to forget the struggle. He who fails to understand and know history,,,,,,, welcome back to the Plantation.

  25. StillaPanther23:56 AM

    Brother Pilot X.... I commented before I read. Thanks also for the shout-out to "foot soldiers ". Believe me, I know they came from all over. Just telling... There were Black Panthers even in the "Nam". When Black soldiers got too vocal they (the USA)had a place called-- get this--LBJ. LBJ was a jail in Long Bingh, Vietnam where you were locked down by race in conexs where The temps were 100+ on a cold day. Being a dust-off medic I had to demonstrate courage and bravery to continue the fact that Black men were not just cannon fodder. All symbolic Blackness was taken off Black soldiers that were militant before we could return to USA.

  26. GrannyStandingforTruth4:03 AM

    People tend to forget that the Watts Riot in 1965 was instrumental in passing Federal anti-poverty laws.

  27. In my experience rioting gets the job done. It's like voting for poor people.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Oh yes, we know your peaps love to riot.

      Glad its openly admitted to the public now. You folks create the stereotypes that you whine about.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      "Its like voting for poor people"

      You do realize poor people can vote too, right?

      They came out in full force and voted for Obama.

  28. Anonymous9:19 AM

    + 1 to PC's comment.


  29. Several LBJ thoughts:

    1. He let that "bitch of a war" become what it was in part for fear of appearing weak. But also, as Caro and others document, he personalized Nam. First, his 1961 visit there as Veep put him into paternalistic protection mode. Second, he made it into macho mano-a-mano vs Uncle Ho.

    2. If future presidents would only enforce the no discrimination on block grants (George Romney tried, under Nixon), things would be a lot different in more people living side by side in more places.

    3. I'd love to see Byron Cranston's LBJ play worked into a movie.

    4. I'm waiting for Caro's next volume.


    Response to ...

    @Kinky: "Ticket splitting" happened until Newt 1994. It wasn't that local Dems, or national ones, got radical; it's that the GOP got wingnut. #Fail on your part.

    The GOP has made Obama polarizing. He's contributed by overestimating the mellifluous power of his voice & Kumbaya, believing he could be post-racial, etc. But it is primarily GOP starting this.

  30. the Watts Riot in 1965 was instrumental in passing Federal anti-poverty laws.

    Isn't it about time we start enforcing the law and arrest all those people living in poverty?

    Isn't the poverty rate higher today than the day it was passed?
    Reminds me of the government's war on drugs increased drug use.

    Don't we all need more government in our lives?

  31. Field, I am certain that you realize that welfare has completely destroyed a large segment of the US negro population. There is something wrong about remunerating young girls for having babies. A woman in Austin recently when on air explaining she could never earn as much as she getting on her EBT. At least it's no longer legal to use an EBT card for lingerie or tattoos.

  32. DAMN field did you see this?

    NYPD Accused of Excessive Force in Arrest That Left Teen a Quadriplegic

  33. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Re anon @11:36: "...In the Bay Area, most Blacks are uncle toms...". Seriously? You really believe that? So, Glide Memorial's Rev. Cecil Williams is an uncle tom?
    You are indeed a pathetically impotent penis-challenged white boy. Bet you got a bunch of guns, too.
    Get a life; better yet, crawl off and die.

    2:04 AM
    the truth hurts doesn't it? don't know much about sf, but oakland is definitely full of toms.

    anon thinks i'm white. now that's funny. u must be white. glide memorial? where's that?

  34. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Anonymous 11:36 gives Drama Queen a new meaning.

    Oh Jesus! Please would someone please give Anonymous 11;36 their rabies shot so that they will quit foaming at the mouth or spray them with a can of RAID. They're crazier than a road lizard. Smh!

    1:25 AM
    So, here comes Granny, messing with me. She really hates me for standing up for Blacks....TOM!

  35. #whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night gadfly.

    The left is always trying to rewrite history....

    "A woman in Austin recently when on air explaining she could never earn as much as she getting on her EBT"

    No doubt she was a paid actor.

    Paid by the Koch bros.

    The whole "welfare queen" is just a racist saintReaganrightwingnewtgingrichfoxnews myth...

    Unfortunately, dr. queen is real..

  36. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    "I don't know what "blacks in the Bay Area" anon at 11:36 is talking about, but they don't resemble any of the ones I've been knowing for the past 30 years, but I'm white so maybe I'm missing something..."

    Mr Doug, I didn't say ALL Blacks are uncle toms. But if you live in Oakland, you can be sure MOST are.

    Of course, you're White and wouldn't be able to tell the Toms from the real ones. As a matter of fact, Whites in Oakland see Toms as good Blacks because they support white agendas which run against the well-being of Blacks. Btw,

    Oakland is so full of Toms you can't find a trustworthy black leader anywhere. Whites run Oakland and that means Blacks are being pushed out for the purposes of gentrification and for Whites like yourself.

    Don't listen to Granny. She is either ignorant of what's happening to Blacks, or denying it, or a Tom working for the man. Either way, she's NOT TO BE TRUSTED.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      LOL @ Oakland is ran by whites.

      Its been negro run for a while now.

  37. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Nope, you not missing nothing.

    Anon 11:36 is full of dung and an extremely melodramatic, exaggerator that is full of drama and projecting as always.

    3:18 AM
    I see Granny lives by the Oakland creed, "If you are White, you are right". Lord have mercy. No wonder she and the brilliant Dr Nuwang are such good friends. lol

  38. Anonymous12:40 PM

    dear brother field, i am letting you know beforehand that i will soon be leaving fn. you will receive my letter of resignation within the next few business days as your assistant...unless, of course, you beg me to stay.

    i am leaving because i just can't stand the number of uncle toms and sell-outs on fn. they are just too damn much work. i mean, they are everywhere... from oakland(the end of the USA), to the non-nondescript UK where scarlett-green cows fart.

    what ever happened to the strong brave sacrificing Negroes, ready to die for a cause?

    did they ever exist? did the Panthers ever exist? this being the 21st century, it's hard to find such a Negro today.

    anyway, Oakland tommin Granny and that lying tommin DQAE will be happy to hear that i'm gone. i just can't associate with such people anymore. they are lepers.

    brother field, i have worked for you for so long i have forgotten when i started. but my heart is heavy and tears are streaming down my face as i write this to you. it's painful that i am considering staying. i know your heart is jumping for joy because you know how irreplaceable i am. so, i'm going to think about it and get back to you.:)

    i know, being an fn assistant is a shitty job, it's always a shitty job when you have to deal with a bunch of toms. but some sacrificing Negro has to do it.... but do me a favor...keep that half-white oakland Granny away from me.

  39. Dear Anon, tell the president of Anon Inc. to holla at me and I will try to.negotiate a new contract for you.

    You have been a good assistant throughout the years so it's only right that I try to get you some more $. :)

  40. Kinky.Con said...
    Unfortunately, dr. queen is real..

    Meth addition is real too, but then you already knew that.

    You know it does make me feel warm and fuzzy all over to know that the overwhelmingly large part of the fellowships/scholarships I've earned to finance my education were/are paid for by folks like YOU.

    So thank you Kinky Cuckoo, 'preciate that! ;)

  41. Anonymous1:17 PM

    DQAE "You know it does make me feel warm and fuzzy all over to know that the overwhelmingly large part of the fellowships/scholarships I've earned to finance my education were/are paid for by folks like YOU."

    Now see? it's because of Negroes like you that racism keeps going, you dumb shit.

    The game is to get along intelligently, which you seem to know nothing about you ignoramus.

  42. Rump Limpbone is ever so upset @CBS about Colbert taking over Late Night (takes short break to play worlds saddest tune/smallest violin). So even his support for the free market turns out to be every bit as situational as are the rest of his purportedly deeply held beliefs (ie "against" abortion, pederasty, drug smuggling, etc...) when he has some personal stake.

  43. Anonymous1:38 PM

    @Assnon 1:19,

    I'm CERTAIN White folks would rather keep Black folks on welfare, food stamps, and soaking up Medicare.



    PS- F*CK YOU!

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Why? We have to pay for it genius.

  44. GrannyStandingforTruth1:49 PM


    I can't believe that you're calling me an Uncle Tom.

    A black woman who has always been proud of her BLACK heritage and BLACK people and being BLACK. Because I have nonwhites in my family, does not make me want to be White. It's just a part of my heritage. Some of those whites in my family have more heart and are willing to die fighting against discrimination than some of these Black folks. I love being who I am...a black woman. Nonetheless, there were some whites that risked their lives as well and did help in the movement. One white woman lost her life, so I don't write all of them off.

    I worked for Office of Civil Rights in compliance enforcing the Civil Rights Bill. I have stood up against whites for Black people when it was dangerous to do so. Not only that, my family fought for Civil Rights. Some of them were the first blacks to attend a University when they were not welcome there. One of my cousins was one of the Little Rock Arkansas Nine. Another one of my cousins when to school with President Clinton and they were friends. When he ran for President, he sent for her to come and work on his campaign. I watched my double cousin being escorted to school through a mob of adult whites that wanted to hang them. They were only kids My family received death threats during the Civil Rights Movement. I've met Thurgood Marshall in person and broke bread with him. The day the Watts Riot in 1965 took place, I was there and witnessed from the beginning what happened and caused it. I remember trying to tell folks on here that the GOP wanted to bring back Jim Crow. I saw the signs of it coming. The majority of people on here thought I was crazy or senile as some said until they started seeing it themselves. I lived through Jim Crow and can smell racism a mile away. Not only that I can look at a person and see it because it's in their eyes.

    Where were you at?

    Nevertheless, you don't have to leave. Since I'm so bad for this blog and the cause. I'll leave! After this post, I will post no more. You stay!

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      "A black woman who has always been proud of her BLACK heritage and BLACK people and being BLACK. "

      Now replace the word black with white and it would be considered totally racist for saying such a thing...see how that works?

    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Granny said"
      Nonetheless, there were some whites that risked their lives as well and did help in the movement. One white woman lost her life, so I don't write all of them off.

      Imagine that. So called "evil whitey" helping blacks. Would blacks have helped whites if that were the probably have to say no.

      Its amazing..whites go out of their way to help blacks, fight for blacks, adopt blacks, donate to blacks, worship blacks, etc etc...but all we hear about is how evil and racist white folks are. Huh, aint that a bitch!?!

      Dont bite the hand that feeds (or helps).

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. @.Granny:

    My (old 1st Sgt.) pop's motto was
    Illegitimi non carborundum.

    He also used to say "Treat me like a dog & I'll piss on all your wheels."

    In other words: don't let the (a-nons) grind you down & only respond on your own terms.

  47. @Granny,

    I second Whitey, PLEASE don't let a fool who can't even identify itself run you away from this blog. I KNOW how you feel and stayed away for YEARS myself. (Granted, I was neck deep in books 18 hours/day but still). Then I figured that by doing that, I was doing EXACTLY what it wanted me to do, silence the STRONG among the Black race.

    Maybe those of us younger than you don't tell you often enough, but I know I'm not the only person around here who appreciates the perspective you bring to Field's posts. We NEED to hear the voice of people like you to make sure we don't loose track of how far we've come, though the "journey" isn't anywhere close to being easy or nearing it's end. And I can certainly appreciate where I am now academically knowing without a doubt that this opportunity was paved for me by people like YOU.

    So please stay, I don't mind cursing an idiot out in your defense every now and then.

  48. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Granny, "Nevertheless, you don't have to leave. Since I'm so bad for this blog and the cause. I'll leave! After this post, I will post no more. You stay!"

    1:49 PM
    I thought you were a tough and stood up for Blacks during the civil rights era. See, this is what I'm talking about. These days it doesn't take much for a Negro to run away.

    But I'm thinking that during the 60's with MLK, MalcomX, the Panthers, and the Muslims was a freak moment in time. With the exception of that time, Negroes have always been weak, quick to run, and MOST OF ALL BEEN UNCLE TOMS.

    Today, especially, they continual to sell-out their folks. Of course, when the "Truth" is spoken, most attack the truth because no one can face it.

    A number of you Negroes, along with a couple of Whites(who love Toms), have attacked anon11:36pm for speaking the truth.

    You see, NOT living in the Truth leaves you vulnerable to the Truth, with no place to go, except to Uncle Tom's place of denial. Cowardly AAs follow and worship Uncle Tom and his sell-out methods. And this type of Negro has been around since slavery. It cannot be otherwise. Any race that allows itself to be enslaved for centuries without a full "out and out" revolt is full of cowardly sell-outs because they are 'afraid' of dying.

    The Truth is they died when they sold out their souls to slavery. Since that time most Negroes have been among the 'living dead'. We are a very 'fearful' race, whining and looking for the man to protect and accept us.....THAT'S THE TRUTH....It's been the Truth for centuries.

    But Negroes don't want to talk about it. They would rather live in deception and go to their graves in denial.

    We need Malcolm X to tell us about ourselves ONCE AGAIN.

  49. "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

    Well, it sure has worked for the first 50 years. With House Negroes like Wayne keepin' y'all in line, we can keep this plantation running another 150! Unless it burns down before then.


  50. Anonymous2:51 PM

    "its amazing..whites go out of their way to help blacks, fight for blacks, adopt blacks, donate to blacks, worship blacks, etc etc...but all we hear about is how evil and racist white folks are. Huh, aint that a bitch!?!"

    What's the percentage of Whites who are like that? 1/2%? maybe 1%?

    I wish there were more Whites like the rare ones you mentioned. I truly love them. They are truly my brothers and sisters.

    Unfortunately, there are too many like YOU, who disrespect, hate and do everything they can to degrade and hurt us. It's hard to appreciate assholes.

  51. Rick Santorum3:02 PM

    "My job isn't to make blah peoples' lives easier"!

    My job is to really keep racist assholes voting against their interests for rich Republicans like me. LoL! And these asshats would rather pull up fake quotes from 50 years ago than check their reality. No wonder it's so easy to have these fools voting for us. Bobby Jindal was right.

  52. The Real LBJ3:04 PM

    You think these fools would figure out I never said this? Nah, dumbasses will attribute it to me anyway. They never fact check. Damn, Republicans are stupid!

  53. Barry Goldwater3:07 PM

    If only I had thought of passing civil rights legislation instead of opposing it I could have had negroes voting Republican. Oh well, at least I got the dumb white vote locked up for the next 200 years. What next? Maybe try to ban evolution or force fetuses to carry guns. Our voters are stupid enough to fall for it.

  54. Ken Mehlman3:10 PM

    RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

    By Mike Allen
    Thursday, July 14, 2005

    It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

    Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

    "By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

    Mehlman, a Baltimore native who managed President Bush's reelection campaign, goes on to discuss current overtures to minorities, calling it "not healthy for the country for our political parties to be so racially polarized." The party lists century-old outreach efforts in a new feature on its Web site,, which was relaunched yesterday with new interactive features and a history section called "Lincoln's Legacy."

    Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean spoke to the NAACP yesterday and said through an aide: "It's no coincidence that 43 out of 43 members of the Congressional Black Caucus are Democrats. The Democratic Party is the real party of opportunity for African Americans."

  55. The Real LBJ3:11 PM

    Hammmmmmmm, maybe we'll even elect the first negro president while the Republicans only have one nationally elected member. Damn, i'm good.

  56. Democratic nigger3:14 PM

    Let's see, whom should I vote for. The Democratic president passed civil rights legislation while the Republican candidate opposed it. I am getting my ass kicked and that legislation will help me to vote and stop jim crow. Hm, such a tough choice indeed. Dr. King says LBJ is a better choice........hmmmmmm.

  57. Lee Atwater3:32 PM

    You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”

    And we'll have stupid whites voting for us for 2,000 years! LOL!

  58. "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

    Not only that, but some of them will even do their Master's fightin' for him! Once a slave, always a slave I say!


  59. "The whole "welfare queen" is just a racist saintReaganrightwingnewtgingrichfoxnews myth..."


    thank you KC for calling it. i Love + appreciate you.

    it seems folk understand when it is BM willie horton horrific...but when it is time to clobber poor Black women and girls-caught in a generational poverty trap designed to keep them exactly where they are + suffering+ the fodder for ALL manner of devilry coming from ALL sides- folk suddenly believe every msm lie ever told.

    i promise my hand befo' Almighty Yah- non believers had best KNOW that IF it were NOT for the fact the He/His Word is REAL + MUST be OBEYED in order to BLESSED + UNSTOPPABLE when standing the valley of the shadow of death on earth- which is where humanity is presently!

    WAKE UP!

    i would this verbally slit every traitor's throat + BURN this mother trucking plantation DOWN!!! for such treason against the Eves- MOTHERS of HUMANITY- Blessed Black women/girls by Natural + UNIVERSAL LAW + DECREE!!!

    call me whateva...but bank on the fact that i AM as serious as they come...with instructions to as harmless as a dove.

    the protectors that STAY howling 'bout racism, won't make a peep. outside of advocating forced sterilization of the women/girls only. won't protect Granny from verbal assault by another man either.

    treacherous + disloyal with Yah first and all else next...when worshiping themselves- first, in the middle, last + only.

    + it's their momma's fault.

    those males dropping babies EVERYWHERE in ALL color combos that they have NO intentions of raising nor providing for- can't sterilize them.

    THAT'S racist.


    FN, you post about pulling folk's Black might want to SNATCH the Black card of the out of nowhere whack, smack talking, moonwalking, defeated voodoo priestess.

    in this way when she moonwalks up on me next...

    on the wrong day...with her down low, disrespectful to a het, lesbian flow. seeing men where they are not- begging for a verbal back up lesbian gremlin snot stomp- at least three solid bubbles out the nose...

    if you de-Black her...i won't feel so bad when i drop her.

    help a sista out.

    'cause fully breaking down the "educated" clown...on the way to the BOW DOWN to Him/His Word in me= what's next.

    folk need to check their table + see:

    playing with devils is NOT what's Called for nor written.


  60. since this is a political race baiting/racism chasing/Blessed Black woman hating blog...maybe folk can mention the money changers/banksters and the executive order that got the back of jfk's scalp blown out?

    don't folk know to keep their eyes on the money, yet?

    manipulated, handled, devilish, racist to the core, souled/sold out + under control lbj was still covered in jfk's blood when he was sworn in + undid the offensive to the banksters but best for americans executive order.

    look it up.

    lincoln told folk about the moneychangers/banksters that were hot on his tail.

    NOTHING has changed.

    ALL those mocked on the fiat currency were dead serious about rooting the bankster vipers out- but keeping their Esau/Edomite wicked empire in tact.

    distracting folk with skin shade is keeping the wicked, enslave humanity production successfully underway.

    folk that don't do Scriptures won't recognize the same serpents Messiah needed to get hood with. lol!

    just so folk know…hood folk tend to turn over tables + chairs when they have had enough + Stand Up;)

    which is why the defeated voodoo priestess cracks me up with her lower level, heathen, white like yet ghetto antics + defeated commands for me to "sat" down. lol.

    silly trick + down low lesbian-seeing men where they are not's your Word to the wise:

    i AM Shemite.

    sitting peacefully in my Father's tent most days. until the Set Apart Spirit which Comforts, Leads + Guides me to walk Boldly writing, speaking, teaching His Word to those that haven't heard- as i AM Called to do.

    because He/His Word don't allow sneak attacks...i AM also giving the moonwalker a heads up.

    fp, Natural Woman, daughter of Yah Almighty...

    WILL Stand Up the very next time the moonwalker glides up on me with low level, designed to distract, defeated, devil + voodoo dust foolishness.

    it is written + Real that those of US with Him/His Word come with Power.

    fools mistake kindness for weakness.

    their bad.

  61. don't take my word for it...READ it for yourself. then call me a lie/false/whateva if the Truth just ain't in ya.

    see it written in red- which means it is what my Blessed Black, nappy headed Messiah said- then somehow, i pray the message gets through your fool head- for your sake- that business is meant:



    Matthew 10:7-8

    7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

    8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils; freely ye have received, freely give.


    i have said before and will say it again...

    Bold devils running up or even on a moonwalk sidewinder slide have these three options when they see me:

    1) BOW DOWN to Him/His Word
    2) stand down + Act like you know
    3) flee

    that's what's written. that's what it is. how folk feel about it= personal business- which i AM not in.


    He/His Word will NEVER change.

    it is also written:


    Proverbs 17:10- A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.

    so…i won’t be surprised + will Understand if this final nice heads up falls on deaf ears.

    though folk should know it is my soul’s prayer that moonwalking devils will clue up + get on…before the hood Stand Up + Strong BOW DOWN to Him/His Word is ON!

    Anon from the Bay area...i pray you are making a funny.

    Granny- that you are just upset. don't let beef determine what you will do.

    it is wiser to put your enemies to work;) learned that from a white man. integration has served me well. flip the script all the way around. flip the script and Stand Strong.

    it is not clear what the beef is, really. it is my prayer that all may be squashed. Blessed Blacks have a bad habit of not knowing when to set aside differences.

    true story and why i can’t be mad at those Psalm 83'ers that get this basic principle.

    i AM a child of integration. i have lived long enough to go from white high school chicks hatin’ on me for my marvelously and gloriously put together hips, buttocks + lips. to watching them full on try to be US...complete with a Black man.

    back in the day white chicks used to walk around all racist, superior, bold with their extended backs and drawn out with lip liners mouths.

    the one Becky that boldly fixated on me…so offended that i could not even feign a whole __________behind her racist, insecure, jealous for Real, "superior" into it with other white chicks that didn’t really step to me bold.

    ever watching to flip the script- when my enemy was getting the best of it from neutral but white other chicks- i decided to step up and get some licks in;) high school for Real.

    why did each and every one of those white chicks, forget their fight + unite to come for me?



  62. if i live to be 100 i will never forget that verbal war nor lesson. while trying not to make those Becky’s cry…’cause folk know ALL hell breaks loose when that happens. yet…when Black women die folk shrug and keep it movin’ with the quickness. ‘cause somehow it’s their fault.

    Blessed Blacks act white in ALL the wrong ways;(

    MLK ALREADY told folk he led his people, in their refusal to follow Him/His Word- but would rather have a man- into a burning building. notice how folk throw his image in the mix hoping that non-violence, lay down and take the beating mindset is triggered?

    Malcolm X will not EVER be so similarly embraced- by our historical Biblical enemies.


    + he told folk MLK was a puppet even back in the day. folks couldn’t hear him though. just like Black men in massive #s didn't hear him about Black women and being willing to die for US either. i posted that link before. another reason i AM sad AB couldn't stay + Act Right. letting hateful queens that hate US ALL play her ALL the way out;(

    if there is anyone that Blessed Black should look/listen to- that would be Malcolm X. especially the post-Mecca Malcolm X that had been freed from holding the Black skin= friend/white skin = enemy NOI trickbag.

    i would simply come with the OT Hebrews+ NT ALL humanity flow. Muslim cousins have my Love + support when they are walking according UNIVERSAL LAW.

    though if folk look at Louis Farrakhan he now comes double fisted with Scriptures. The Bible in one hand telling the Blessed Blacks ‘bout the synagogue of satan, possum faced, khazar devils that hate ALL of society + the Koran.

    be clear...i speak NOT of all that call themselves today Jews. i speak without qualm to those that are determined to enslave/slaughter humanity. killing Torah walking + poor Jews is what they do. so it would behoove decent Jews to Stand and Speak on it.

    as the Blessed Blacks sit in the burning to the ground, slated for His Judgment house of Edom…it would make more sense to drop intra-racial spats- especially when under seige by internal and external spiritual + physical enemies .

    1) Love + Trust Him/His Word w/ whole heart, soul, spirit.

    2) Love One Another.

    disobedience to these UNIVERSAL LAWS, which Blessed Black, nappy haired Messiah bottom lined is why our Blessed Black nation embodies EVERY curse written of in Leviticus + Deuteronomy.

    and because we are Called by His Name + Chosen for His Purpose according to Him/His Word...

    where WE goes humanity.

    lucifer's nwo plan = global, on purpose.

    think about it.

    + know folks' minds + personal business will change before Him/His Word...


    @ Right. the civil war didn't have nothing to do with slavery...on MANY different levels.

  63. forgive any typos.

    under the weather a bit.

    gotta go for now- need to prepare for Sabbath + rest. He has shown me much to share...

    i pray folk will know the Truth + be made free. there is a soul snatch counterfeit production on tap that is so cunning, even the elect may be fooled.

    religious movies from the synagogue of satan h-llyweird cult = another part of the programming. won't be paying these gremlins to be programmed to my detriment. nope.

    project blue beam ALL day;(

    Much Love + blessings all!

  64. "You do realize poor people can vote too, right?"

    Oh good grief...

  65. Anonymous7:29 PM

    People who don't pay taxes should not be allowed to vote.

  66. Anonymous7:40 PM

    "People who don't pay taxes should not be allowed to vote."

    Everybody pays taxes. Sales taxes, FICA, SS or some other form. Can't dodge the tax man.

  67. Anonymous7:44 PM

    "What's wrong with him having a bunch of guns?"

    There's nothing wrong with you having a small penis. Bet you have a SUV too.

  68. Anonymous7:46 PM

    "The left is always trying to rewrite history...."

    Projection much????????? Kinky is pretty dumb.

  69. The GOP7:50 PM

    Oh no, they found us out. And this shit ain't 50 years old.

  70. Anonymous9:00 PM

    "And somewhere down in Alabama George Wallace is turning in his grave."

    Probably not, actually. Wallace publicly repented of his racism toward the end of his life.

    Shirley Chisholm visited him in the hospital when he was ill; the two of them were on friendly terms. That's a weird story, I know. But true.

  71. the GOP9:08 PM

    "Probably not, actually. Wallace publicly repented of his racism toward the end of his life."

    Nope, because we don't believe Robert Byrd when he renounced his racism so why should we believe Georgie?

  72. Anonymous10:48 PM

    FP-"those males dropping babies EVERYWHERE in ALL color combos that they have NO intentions of raising nor providing for- can't sterilize them.

    THAT'S racist."
    That is very true. That Truth has been standing in front of me and I didn't even notice until now. Thank you. I love it when you bring the obvious that's been well-hidden by racism and gender.

  73. GrannyStandingforTruth1:20 AM

    I wanted to see who had my back. Now I know. Thank you Dr. Nuwang, Whitey, and FP.

    @Anonymous 2:36,

    Since you brought up Malcolm X, let me tell you this. When he joined the Muslims, he showed and gave black women respect. That’s something the men on here don't do. So, yes, you do need Malcolm to speak to you. Yes indeed!
    Run? Run from the TRUTH! LOL! I heard that, you do underestimate me. I take that to mean that you’re implying that I’m being untruthful, like you did Dr. Nuwang.

    Time for us to have some real truth up in here now. Yes sir!

    I don't want Anonymous to leave or anyone else to leave because of me. I'd rather leave than for that to happen. Why? Because this is not my blog. Evidently, this is the type of behavior and atmosphere Field approves of on his blog. If he didn’t, he would have stopped it a long time ago.

    Nevertheless, why do I feel like I've been stabbed in the back? Could you answer that since you claim to be such an expert on TOMs and Sellouts? Yet, you sold me a Black Sista out with the quickness. You’re pretty good at selling Black folk out, period. Selling Black women out seems to be a habitual habit with Black men.

    Black men did that during the Civil Rights movement too. Because most of the black men in the movement, not all, but quite a few were too busy trying to get into the women’s panties. That’s the truth and nothing but the Truth.


  74. GrannyStandingforTruth1:23 AM

    It was the women who laid the groundwork, did most of the hard work, and did the organizing. When the movement picked up speed and folks started jumping on board. The men pushed the women in the background and took all the credit.

    Fanny Lou Hammer, Ella Baker, Charlayne Hunter, Dorothy Heights, Septima Clark, Ruby Robinson, Gloria Richardson. They should be shouting these women’s names from the rooftops when celebrating the Civil Rights Movement, especially Fanny Lou Hammer and Ella Baker. Gloria Richardson, she did not fear or run when it came to defending herself, even if it meant some old fashion duking it out boxing.

    I liked MLK, but he too rode on the coattail of a woman who stood up, who said enough is enough, and her actions stirred up a movement. Her name was Rosa Parks, but it was another woman before her that did the same thing. The only reason it didn’t start a movement was because her background was not queaky clean. Rosa was.
    The nonviolence strategy was started by college students first, who had enough. When MLK saw how effective the nonviolence lunch counter sit-ins demonstrations were in shining the light on the violence in racism, MLK borrowed that strategy from those students.

    Btw, Dr. Nuwang really is going to school to be a doctor. She comes at some of you the way she does because of the way you’ve mistreated and verbally abused her in the past. Didn’t you ever learn that even steel melts? You can push a person only so far in the corner and they will come out swinging. That’s human nature. Even a harmeless, frightened caged animal will do that. You forced, pushed and pushed, begged for, and brought out that out. So really you got what you asked for, you happy now? Not one day, have you let her enjoy a civil discourse.

  75. GrannyStandingforTruth1:34 AM

    You push her beyond the point of caring what she says to you. On top of that, when she does try to be civil, you stir it up the anger by belittling her. Some of y'all Black men love to mistreat and verbally abuse black women. You turn women into angry women with the mess up stuff you do, then you play the innocent role. Smh!

    I'm through commenting now for real. Maybe, they can make up an award for a blog with the most disrespect towards women.

  76. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Granny, "Btw, Dr. Nuwang really is going to school to be a doctor. She comes at some of you the way she does because of the way you’ve mistreated and verbally abused her in the past. Didn’t you ever learn that even steel melts? You can push a person only so far in the corner and they will come out swinging. That’s human nature. Even a harmeless, frightened caged animal will do that. You forced, pushed and pushed, begged for, and brought out that out. So really you got what you asked for, you happy now? Not one day, have you let her enjoy a civil discourse."

    1:23 AM
    Yeah, we are to blame for Dr Nuwang acting the way she does. So it's ok the way she behaves and the language she uses because someone made her do it and say it. Dr Nuwang is not responsible for her words and actions....TNB and thinking.

    Good thinking, Granny.

  77. GrannyStandingforTruth1:56 AM

    You have been persistent in trying to feed some of these folks the word. I know the word better than some of these folks on here think I do. Your heart on feeding them the word is in the right place, but sometimes you have to save your pearls, you know what I mean.

    I agree with some of the things you say that I know from knowing the word are true. There are a few things, that I don't, that web site for one. :)

    Nevertheless, I pray that you and I can agree to disagree, we don't have to fall out about it. You have your opinion and I have mine. That's the way I see it.

    Anyway, I do plan to stop commenting here. A few things I picked up on. I plan to open my own blog back up in the near future.

    @Dr. Nuwang, you keep in touch and keep your head up. You're almost at the finish line. You can and you will do it.

    AB will be back come election time.

  78. GrannyStandingforTruth2:23 AM

    Anonymous 1:39,

    Try badgering and belittling any human being nonstop for as many years as it has been done on here to her, all human beings have a boiling over breaking point and watch and see don't they eventually explode. That's life and human nature. But, you don't have to take my word for it. Why don't you try it with someone that you know in person and see how it pans out.

    Anyway, I'm out.

  79. GrannyStandingforTruth2:31 AM

    I forgot. From the time President Bush ran for President up until this present time is a long time to badger someone. Think on that! She came here when President Bush was running for office. Dr. Nuwang use to be a conservative.

  80. @ Granny-

    your comments made me cry.

    tell it!

    Time to tell the Truth + shame the devil.

    when i read/listened to the voices of the women that were there...stories that folk try to bury, as they do our lynching/suffering. as ALL of our struggle becomes ALL about the selfish azz men...i was LIVID that the elder women didn't shout it out.

    'cause here's what's so for me:

    it would not matter if i pushed the Black man out my womb personally...if disloyal + treacherous...i have NO time nor minced words. now, IF that's how i feel about my do folks think i feel about other folks' wayward, selfish, disloyal, Black azz sons?

    why?!! would i pretend + play patty cake with menfolk that gives NO damn about their womenfolk nor children. i promise i can't even pretend to care 'bout their little azz self worshiping feelings.

    "The only reason it didn’t start a movement was because her background was not queaky clean."

    it didn't help that she was dark chocolate either. can we talk?

    the jews/liberal whites that were handpicking + bankrolling efforts for their insidious reasons were quite fond of white like Blacks...less threatening. like now. BO would NOT be cutting the hell up right now if his momma wasn't white. if he was Alan Keyes black man from the womb of a Black women= forget about it. we already know how Shirley Chisholm was treated by that steinem witch + the Black congressional caucus.

    so from the hbcus to the naacp to the civil/human rights movement if they were the type of Black that could stand next to white without too much contrast in color = perfect for the heavily manipulated/infiltrated cause.

    Granny, here is what is not clear to me. in Light of your latest comments, how do you type a grip of characters a few threads back showing FN ALL types of UNreciprocated Love re: his integrity when he CONSISTENTLY demonstrates that he is lacking in that department? when he and those like him are seemingly proud to be divorced from their manhood? men don't sit back watching other men denigrate women in their presence. it is an assault on their manhood- even when it is not their woman personally. it is a Black man thing to sit back acting like that ish makes sense. like it is apart of their rights as men.

    i ask for my greater Understanding.

    please know that we may agree to disagree. i don't write the blog that i linked in the past. that blogger does post some Truth + stuff with which i could never agree.

    my firm philosophy= IF we are ALL saying the same thing...quite a few speakers are irrelevant;) unless it is His Word. and when has THAT ever happened? where folks even all say the same thing re: that? ALL churches should look like the book of Acts...yet we have a grip of whackness;(

    + i learn the most from folk that don't think as i do. and as quiet as it is kept...enemies (not you) that are not trying to be polite, will tell you the most Truth. if folk could just stand still + listen.

    as it relates to casting pearls before swine- please know- at this point in the game, where ever i AM it is because i believe firmly that Almighty Called me to be there. He showed me something and i AM simply standing/walking in Faith. as soon as i do what He says and when He says shake dust + peace out...that's what it will be.

    ps. i can appreciate you riding hard for your girl. agreeing to disagree on that;) in my humble opinion the problem is a lack of home training. at least in my case;) i AM prayerful that it can be squashed without further messy incident.

    thank you for the AB update. believe it or not...through it all, i Love her + miss her voice when folk are not discussing the hot topic that blew up the spot.


    Blessing in abundance Granny. if you feel so inclined drop your blog link. i will check you out;)

    Shabbath Shalom!


    lots of killing going on among US...just most definitely NOT along these lines...

  82. GrannyStandingforTruth5:17 AM


    Well, I pray that one day you and my girl will work things out and get to know one another… in a private chat. She is really a nice person.

    Btw, I've had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Shirley Chisholm when she ran for President. She was a classy, strong black woman, and a dynamic speaker. Another awesome woman was Representative Barbara Jordan.

    Back to the Civil Rights Movement and the Black men in the movement.
    The only two men that I respect is John Lewis and Thurgood Marshall. It was a total insult when President Bush nominated Clarence Thomas to take his place. Like Thurgood said, “It’s no difference between a white snake and a black one. They both bite.”

    One of Thurgood’s great-grandfathers and a couple of my ancestors were from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His father was a porter. One of my great-aunts’ husband was porter…you know the ones whites called George. You talking about had to deal with racism. Lawd, those porters had to deal with mess you wouldn’t believe.

  83. GrannyStandingforTruth5:19 AM

    I liked Malcolm X too. He did not sugar coat the truth. I remember when they killed him and his funeral. Malcolm respected women and wasn’t try to get into their panties like quite of the men were doing in the Civil Rights Movement that’s for sure.

    The first woman that did what Rosa Parks did wasn’t good enough for the men to stand behind in their opinion. If I remember correctly, she had a baby out of wedlock. I forgot. Sometimes I am forgetful, especially when I’m pissed and fed up with B.S. I think her name was Ruby. Oh well, it’ll come back to me.

    As for the question you asked regarding Field, I had my reasons for doing it. I’ll tell you about it one day in the future.

    When I start my blog back up, your welcome to come. I want to do some renovations to it, before I open it back up. Right now, I haven’t had the time to do it. I’m preparing to welcome another grandbaby into my family any day now, so I’m sort of on standby I guess that’s what you could call it. :)

  84. Anonymous10:04 AM

    "Malcolm respected women and wasn’t try to get into their panties like quite of the men were doing in the Civil Rights Movement that’s for sure."

    Isn't that easier when you're gay?

  85. Hey Granny, I just wanted to thank you and give you the biggest virtual hug ever for having my back!

  86. "Isn't that easier when you're gay?"


    not at all.


    or just a question?

    not sure;)

    there are LOTS of closeted+ out hateful homos that do THE MOST so deep is their hatred for womanhood.

    you must be brand new new new in these parts?

    the Black community is jam packed with just such homos...that despite man sex will SWEAR that they are NOT gay. others will SWEAR that they are one of the girls + step to women like THAT ish makes sense. sometimes they will be married to a woman complete with children. faking the whole funk. cutting the hell up on the regular. spiriting germs + sperm around like busy mf'ing bees.

    think Dr. Dre.

    mf = slave term. i use it appropriately. there are GRIPS of mf'ing slaves running through today + it's their momma's fault.

    HET + HOMO.

    crosses eyes.

    Black woman beating Dr. Dre who Pac lost his life behind telling folk how these folk get down. they couldn't slap him with the Kat Williams "crazy" label. too thug + could'nt feign a fcuk. lol. that ssshhh! ish = serious business w/ secret satanic societies. folk may want to google oto sex rituals. get familiar.

    and since THAT Dre rat basturd- throw Cube in there, too- thought it made sense to rap about "nappy dug outs" while selling folk all the way is my PLEASURE to call their disloyal, homo ho'ing for defeated lucifer, treasonous, murderous, homo thug, mammonite, Black azzes OUT. since Farrakhan couldn't see nor call it- but sees Rihanna clearly + speaks on it.

    get a million men together and go see these fools.

    not crying a lot of tears behind Pac either. going back to his music now + peeping the lyrics, C Delores Tucker + some mo' gets him the stank eye some days. to his credit...he did show sistas Love before he souled/sold out. if folk listen, he raps about that, too. so when he comes head banger, king with it- speaking Truth- i will listen. when he is selling the souled out satanic agenda, calling folk nappy head h's...i used to wish a few of those assasination bullets hit his disrespectful mouth;( with his nappy headed, Blessed Black, he gets around azz;)

  87. still feel that way on some level;( i AM working on it. Yah is not through with me yet. i want to turn the ruthless dial all the way down...but the offenses are relentless and i AM NOT built to just lay down and take it quietly. ruthless only makes sense when dealing with such enemies. pray for me to Yah to be meek. as i pray for all others.

    so IF Malcolm X was gay...he was STILL light years ahead of true het men in large numbers. which when one considers THAT don't look Good for the het, Blessed Black, selfish azz, self worshiping het men...

    particularly since there is a campaign underway to flip 'em all.

    so when hateful queens come through acting like all the mens are gay. lol. they know the agenda + like men will deny deny + lie when called out on it;)

    pimps up, hos down-new school for the new world order.

    new normal bishes!

    wicked snicker;)

    new school will find the MENFOLK in the ho role. think i AM jokin'?

    wicked white/jews have hijacked hip hop. they literally use it as a vehicle to fuel the private, profitable, prison population on many levels. that and to program sexual animal/mindless beast behavior. bodies for the sex cult-ure. white folk gone get it too. lol. check and see who is lapping that racist, sexist ish right on up. lovin' the poison 'cause they think it a Good laugh on n-words. lol. wait for it Esau. just you wait...

    Black women have been re-imaged world wide as b's + h's. Yah don't like ugly. keep serving that mammon + that sin IF folk think He is a joke.

    Blessed Black women need to cut it out, too. instead of worshiping Black men, many more of US will need to turn our hearts/behavior to Him/His Word. i AM trying to figure out how to talk to my sisters. who get on my nerves MORE than Black men do. we control the sex. shut the whole mf'ing game DOWN. what are folk waiting for? why are folk still riding HARD with menfolk that ripped a page from the handbook of white supremacy and now, since they "free" they treat Black women like bed wenches + belly warmers. ninja done thought up a grip of nasty names for Black women since the flaming dr dre dude.

  88. i know we are hard wired to give birth, my sisters. just as the men are hard wired to plant seed. but we are NOT animals. menfolk should plant as much seed as they can comfortably provide for- with their WIVES. women should only give the gift of their bodies and moving that man's dna forward into the future...when he is their HUSBAND. that's the point of marriage. which the menfolk control.

    and since it is CLEARLY written that what folk put out comes back. ANY + EVERY Black man offered a dime to fcuk their mothers, sisters + daughters to a beat...

    the beats + music gifted by Almighty Yah Himself- for US to communicate + next level the struggle- for HUMANITY- which Black women are the mothers of. when the devil came a knockin' suggesting that it was cool, groovy + rocking to disrespect the First Queens...

    THAT day- each + every day, should have made the evening news. as Righteous Black men punctuated their NO! firm statements. hood with it. you know how we do.

    when the disrespect is too much. STAND UP, SPEAK, + punch the palm of your left hand. like... DEVIL!



    THAT will get the po po called for sho. lol! ask me how i know?

    then you hit these defeated devil bishes with HIS WORD like you mean it! uniformed devils + civilian ones alike that's about to BOW DOWN to Him/His Word...




    Standing Tall like men.


    so since that is what it is NOT. slaves staying for sale and all.

    + He/His Word will NOT be mocked.

    here's what folk got to look forward to:

    then consider...

    it is written that certain things are abominable.

    some things are called that very word in His Word.

  89. other things that are just as abominable are written as well. hypocritical hets zoom past het abominations to pinpoint and pick at homosexual ones. that has ALWAYS irked me. mistreating unprotected women + children...that's no joke. heathens- hets AND homos- need to know.

    she-devil women serve as gate ways. run through enough of 'em and folk will find themselves flipped out. literally. sexual sin is no joke. it is up close personal spiritual warfare- which is why it is written that those that do it sin against themselves. folks receiving spirits into their very person.

    Yah saves.

    defeated lucifer...enslaves.

    since Blessed Black men, in large numbers, prefer to worship themselves instead of Yah...humanity finds itself in the grips of a satanic, homosexual sex cult.

    other men as well...but i AM speaking only about US. 'cause really it ain't about nobody else. they need US frankly. though we have been hard programmed to believe the exact opposite to our utter detriment;( wonder why we grope around like folk in the dark? we need to turn our hearts + behavior to Him/His Word.

    these clive davis type, hateful, satanic homo queens that are running things on ALL levels...mean lucifer loving business.

    be Clear- i AM NOT addressing ALL homosexuals as hateful queens. there are hateful some of everybody. i Understand the homo khazar like gag order that has been issued. i just don't care about in all Truth. and since i was what is known as a f-g hag for the longest time;) i know FULL well decent homosexuals know full well what i am talking 'bout. lying and hiding things won't help a soul, 'cause the devil hates US all. these devils STAY taking out homosexuals, too. folks done flipped it denigrate the Black woman. but aids was vaccinated into gay white men initially.

    IF Malcolm X was that instance, as it relates to how to respect/protect Black women/girls with your LIFE. he was calling out Elijah Muhammad for molestation even on the way out...

    het men need to act Malcolm X gay then. or act white in a Right way. 'cause the white man done done a number on the mentals of the Black man as it relates to HIS daughter. fools are legion that REALLY think the white man's ice is colder + his daughter = better...

    than their own Blessed Black, daughters of Yah.

    WAKE UP!!!

    and i promise from my soul...

    i speak because i Love Blessed Black people. the head MUST get Right. the women MUST Stand with Him/His Word. we are the last defense + morality is the work of women.

    forgive any typos;)

  90. @ Granny-


    she had a baby out of wedlock + was chocolate dark.

    Black menfolk been acting like women turn up with their Black babies out of nowhere for longer than a minute.

    will also fix their mouths to talk smack when the sista says no...i won't be a baby mama and aborts.

    women control sex.

    men control marriage.

    IF it were a problem that she was is time , according to the het go get with the man.

    meanwhile back at the ranch...menfolk STAY doing the most with the pasts, present and looks like the future to prove it.

    i call sexism which is a violation of UNIVERSAL LAW and therefore invalid.


    Galatian 3:28

    28 There is neither Hebrew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Messiah Yahushua.


    that's what it is.

    i could NOT care less about what wayward azz menfolk think.
