Friday, April 25, 2014

When the narrative blows up in your face.

It's amazing to watch the talking heads over at FOX News try to distance themselves from Cliven Bundy. They are running away faster than Usain Bolt at the London Olympics.

(The poor man's daughter is really upset that FOX News jumped ship on her dad.)

Still, they can't seriously believe that we didn't know that they were all on board with lionizing the tax cheat and bigot all along.

I agree with media critic, Bill Weir, who declared that the decision to "canonize" Bundy and make him a "John Waynesque" figure came from the top of the FOX News chain.

As the official republican news network, they have to do better. You can't just go around "lionizing" bigots and expect us Negroes (or N-I-G-R-O-E-S according to Mr. Bundy)not to notice.

Rand Paul certainly notices, that's why he is calling for republicans to expand their tent. Rand believes that the white-out under the republican tent is too strong.
"Paul, according to CNN, also talked about making the Republican party “bigger” and much more inclusive, saying that unless Republicans “broaden their message” to reach more people, winning future elections is going to be a bit of a problem.
“You go to a Republican event and it’s all white people—not because we’re excluding anybody, but because we just haven’t done a good enough job encouraging people to come into our party.”  
Well, it's not "all white people", I bet this Negro and others like him would be there. (Jason, you are a modern day slave catcher. You would take a bullet for Bundy, but he would just as soon see your black ass hanging from a tree.)

Anyway, I have to give Bundy credit; at least he is consistent with his ignorance.

He has now invoked the name of Martin Luther King to justify his twisted view of history and his unique form of social engineering.

"Chris Cuomo: 'Are you a racist?'

Cliven Bundy: 'No, I'm not a racist. But I did wonder that. Let me tell you something. I thought about this this morning quite a bit.'

CC: 'Please.'

CB: 'I thought about what Reverend Martin Luther King said. I thought about Rosa Park taking her seat at the front of the bus. Reverend Martin Luther King did not want her to take her seat in the front of the bus. That wasn't what he was talking about. He did not say go to the front of the bus and that's where your seat was. What Reverend King wanted was that she could sit anywhere in the bus and nobody would say anything about it. You and I can sit anywhere in the bus. That's what he wanted. That's what I want. I want her to be able to sit anywhere in the bus and I want to be able to sit by her any where in that bus. That's what he wanted.

He didn't want this prejudice thing like the media tried to put on me yesterday. I'm not going to put up with that because that's not what he wanted. that's not what I want. I want to set by her anywhere on that bus and I want anybody to be able to do the same thing. That's what he was after, it's not a prejudice thing, but make us equal.

understand that Martin Luther King's message was one of peace and freedom,' Cuomo said in reply, adding, 'when you suggest that you were wondering if blacks were better off as slaves, that's the opposite of freedom and very offensive to people. I think you probably know that.' He probably does not. Bundy continued (once again, emphasis ours): 
'I  took this boot off so I wouldn't put my foot in my mouth with the boot on. Let me see if I can say something. Maybe I sinned and maybe I need to ask forgiveness and maybe I don't know what I actually said. But you know when you talk about prejudice, we're talking about not being able to exercise what we think and our feelings. We're not freedom — we don't have freedom to say what we want.  
If I call — if I say 'negro' or 'black boy' or 'slave,' I'm — If those people cannot take those kind of words and not be offensive, then Martin Luther King hasn't got his job done yet. They should be able to — I should be able to say those things and they shouldn't offend anybody. I didn't mean to offend them.'"

Cliven, you are allowed to say those things, just not publicly. The folks over at FOX News can't support you when you do that. They agree with your views and your politics, but that has to be just between the two of you.

*Image courtesy of




  1. I wonder if fox news is paying FN rent for the space they are occupying in his brain.

  2. Oh the stupid is strong in that one which is why conservatives loved him.

  3. I wonder if Bill pays FN rent for the space he........

  4. PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...

    I wonder if Bill pays FN rent for the space he........

    Disagree again PilotX.

    I don't believe FN spends his time thinking about me.

    What I think...

    I should be paying you.

    Sue me.

  5. Anonymous11:04 PM

    the left is finding the political knife they thought they had to stab fox news and republicans with is quite dull.

    cnn had their fox bashing day.

    msnbc had their republican bashing day.

    the leftwing kooksphere has already jump da shark..

    waking up tomorrow to find fox news is still the most watched cable news outlet, republicans still are looking good come november, people will still be against big government, will be hard to do.

    before you attack me and call me names, remember this- this was about corruption and blm land grabs that have be going on since the age of clinton. this was never about the man.

  6. Wesley R11:22 PM

    I was proud of the brother on The O'Really? show who didn't fall for the typical white folk bullshit baiting to agree with them. They wanted him to feel sorry for the Bundy,and sit down and talk to him, but the brother wasn't haven't it.

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM

    As a brother who stands for his people, I must admit that Bundy is not a racist. I mean, the man has said so on CNN.

    He even knows a lot more about MLK than most Negroes do, for pete's sake. Now would a racist know that? Of course, not.

    Brother Field, I think you are over-playing this Bundy thing way too much. The man has said he is not a racist...All Blacks should let it go at that.

  8. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I am on a fact-finding mission. I would like to date one of the women here on FN.

    The one I have in mind is Granny. You see, I just turned 80 years old and I think it's time to settle down.

    Anyway, I need to know Granny's age. Would you mind telling me how old Granny is?

    Btw, don't let my age fool you. I can still do almost anything a 30 year old man does. Believe it or not, women hit on me all the time. Yes, it's true. I am a virile man.

    Btw, I am planning to settle down in Philly. So you'll be able to see Granny.

  9. Anonymous1:18 AM

    ... I bet this Negro and others like him would be there. (Jason, you are a modern day slave catcher. You would take a bullet for Bundy, but he would just as soon see your black ass hanging from a tree.)

    Nah, not hanging from a tree. But picking cotton, yes. Take it from Cliven Bundy, that's what "the Negro" really wants to do, and white folks should let him get back to the cotton fields. It was better for him!

    Honestly, I think the Democrats should run campaign ads featuring Cliven Bundy as the "official spokesman" for the GOP. I mean, sure, it'd be mean -- but not entirely unfair. They seemed to be in such a hurry to celebrate this true patriot, and all his thieving, racist, crazy ways. But now they've all abandoned poor Cliven. No loyalty at all ...

    Stephen Colbert's take on this is the funniest I've seen:

  10. The gop is either secretly in bed with such racist ideas or too stupid to see this guy for who he really is. Maybe a mixture of both. Either way it aint a good look for a party trying to "reach out". Ha!

  11. GrannyStandingforTruth5:38 AM

    Well, we know Hannity is in bed with those racist ideas and it's not a secret with him.

  12. An elderly white Mormon living in Nevada turns out to be so racist he doesn't even know enough to self-censor? Wow, what a surprise. I'm shocked, I tell you, absolutely shocked.

  13. Granny, did u see that request from Anon? I think he knows that you are out of his league. He is just pretty much grasping at straws t this point.

    Anon, this is not a dating site, sir.

    Anon@11:04, do you support the Keystone Pipeline project? If you do, what about the "land grab" of Native American lands and private property being perpetrated by that multi-national corporation?Not, mind you, a government entity.

    Just trying to see if you wingnuts can stay consistent.

  14. Anonymous9:20 AM

    "...the tax cheat and bigot all along."

    Now FN, why are you so hard on Rev. Al Sharpton? After all, the Chicago Jesus can overlook all of Sharpton's transgressions and celebrate the semi-literate, bobble-headed, race-baiting fools accomplishments.

  15. field negro said...
    Just trying to see if you wingnuts can stay consistent.

    You said you want the law in Nevada enforced when it comes to the bundy guy.

    Should federal immigration laws be enforced?

  16. So...we should all ( I presume Bundy means everyone) should be able to say whatever we want and no one should be offended by it? Okay. I'll bite. How about if I say Bundy's a racist, welfare-cheating white hick? Don't anyone get offended now!


  17. Doesn't the state department have anything better to do than tweet nonsense?

    The world stands #UnitedforUkraine. Let’s hope that the #Kremlin & @mfa_russia will live by the promise of hashtag

    Are hashtags the new smart diplomacy Obama promised?


  18. Speaking of broken Obama promises...

    For 6th year in a row, Obama breaks promise to acknowledge Armenian genocide
    For the sixth year in a row, President Barack Obama has broken his promise to the Armenian community, made when seeking their votes as a senator and a presidential candidate, to use the word “genocide” to describe the massacre of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire a century ago. He did this in deference to the government of Turkey, which – historical revisionism aside – the Obama administration regards as a more crucial ally.

    More of that smart diplomacy Obama promised.

  19. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Anonymous Pam said...

    So...we should all ( I presume Bundy means everyone) should be able to say whatever we want and no one should be offended by it? Okay. I'll bite. How about if I say Bundy's a racist, welfare-cheating white hick?

    Nobody cares what is said about white people; only blacks get special protection.

  20. Cloven Negro12:58 PM

    Cliven Bundy is a racist because he used the word "negro"?

    What's the name of this blog again?

  21. "More of that smart diplomacy Obama promised."

    That is smart diplomacy, numbnuts.

    Pissing off the Turks, your last remaining ally in the region, would not be.

  22. Cloven Negro, the owner of this blog IS a Negro. The welfare cheat and bigot is not.

  23. Cloven Negro1:32 PM

    But he knows more about negroes than you do.

    Freedom has failed.

  24. Oh snap!

  25. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Brother Field, why do people so dislike Blacks? Why is there so much racism from the rich to the poor against Blacks?

    The owner of the LA Clippers whose girlfriend is Asian, told her to stop bringing her BLACK friends to the NBA games in LA.

    I get really 'depressed' when I see, read, or observe behaviors like this caught on tape:

    What is it about us that a lot of Americans just don't want us around?

  26. Actually, she is Latino. And Sterling is a known racist. He was fined millions by DOJ for housing discrimination.

    Cloven Negro, I agree that "freedom has failed". So maybe you should report to your probation officer.

  27. The Purple Cow said...

    "More of that smart diplomacy Obama promised."

    That is smart diplomacy, numbnuts.

    Pissing off the Turks, your last remaining ally in the region, would not be.

    And it was smart campaigning to lie to the Armenians to get their $ and votes.

  28. Anonymous3:34 PM

    This is no big deal for the FOX, because White supremacy does not affect white people both (Liberals and Conservatives). White's want blacks to embrace their idea of color blindness,( they really mean Euro Assimilation) and they want black people to ignore white supremacy. I don't sweat this Bundy idiot as much as I dread the men and women with power who think and act like Bundy. Policemen, judges, prosecutors, Senators, teachers, TV anchors, hiring managers, loan officers and other terrorist that can influence and/or destroy black people lives. The Southern Strategy is real and it works as we can see from these idiots that are embraced by the Republicans/Conservatives. I tell my child don't expect whites to have empathy with you, but I ask the those that walk with Clive Bundy to look in the mirror ,be honest with yourself, at least the clue clus clan and knazee's are honest about who they are. So this is not about racism, Robert Byrd
    or Rand(Ron) Paul it is about white supremacy the most destructive institutional ideology for the last 900 year on earth!

  29. Twononymous4:59 PM

    The most destructive institutional ideology for the last 50 years on earth is "anti-racism", which is really just leftist anti-white ideology given a moral mask.

  30. "And it was smart campaigning to lie to the Armenians to get their $ and votes."


  31. GrannyStandingforTruth7:52 PM

    Amen, Amen, Amen to what Anonymous 3:34 said.


    Yep, I saw it and chose to ignore it. I know that person means me no good.

    I'm too old a cat to be fooled by a kitten.

  32. Anonymous8:18 PM

    "So this is not about racism, Robert Byrd
    or Rand(Ron) Paul it is about white supremacy the most destructive institutional ideology for the last 900 year on earth!"

    3:34 PM
    Anon, how did you come to 900 years? Please show calculations because that is impossible.

    Granny I bet even YOU can't believe that ridiculous number. I mean, Whites are not that bad.

    Don't you have a lot of white blood in you? Then you must know 900 years is a lie.

    Please Stand Up For The Truth.

  33. GrannyStandingforTruth11:43 PM


    The number of years is wrong, which may have been an error on their behalf or a visual problem.

    The number of years might be wrong, but the statements about white supremacy is not.

    Sweetie, I don't have a lot of white blood. It IS SOME. The 44% is a TOTAL mixture of NON-BLACK blood, which includes other people of color who are not BLACK such as Asian, Native American, Hispanic, etc. blood.

    "Whites are not that bad."

    It depends, RACIST whites ARE bad.

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth11:55 PM

    One other thing, white supremacy is the ROOT of racism.

  35. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Anon @3>34

    Designing a meritocracy is not "white supremacy".

    Last time I checked, you were "free". No one is forcing you to stay in the big bad rayciss USA.

    If you don't like it, leave! Head for someplace where "everyone looks like you" and you don't have to deal with "white supremacy".

  36. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Granny @ 11:43

    Yep. And black racists, like mein Obama and HoldHerr are just as evil.

    Divide and conquer.

    Oldest song in the Power Dominance hymnal.

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth1:13 AM

    Anonymous 12:11,

    I see you don't know what racism means. You must be awful young and naive. From your statement Herr added on to AG Holder's name and Mein in front of President Obama's name you're obviously part of the stormfront or neonazi crew that has been infiltrating black blogs and other blogs to spout out your B.S.

    No matter how much you try to spin that reverse racism B.S.

    A racist is a person who believes that his particular race is superior to another. Racism is a belief that other races should be treated different, oppressed, suppressed, repressed, and discriminated against because of the color of their skin.

    Racism is embedded in all of the laws in America. It is embedded in every institution in America, politics, economics, judicial system, education, health institutions, even in linguistics, which in essence, all boils down to INEQUALITY and INJUSTICE. It is also the political ideology foundation of genocide.

    You've never walked a day in a Black person's shoes, so you will never understand what RACISM IS.

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth1:29 AM

    Nor can you tell a Black person what it is, especially since you practice it.

  39. I think Mr. Bundy honestly doesn't think of himself as a racist. A Yale study, linked below, differentiates between 'dominative' and 'aversive' racists, with dominative racists being the KKK, etc., and the aversive pretty much everyone else.

    Specifically, according to the study:

    "According to Kovel, the dominative racist is the ‘type who acts out bigoted beliefs– he represents the open flame of racial hatred’ (p. 54). Aversive racists,in contrast, sympathize with victims of past injustice,
    support principles of racial equality, and genuinely regard themselves as non-prejudiced, but
    at the same time possess conflicting, often non-conscious, negative feelings and beliefs about Blacks that are rooted in basic psychological processes
    that promote racial bias (Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986). The negative feelings that aversive racists have toward Blacks typically do not reflect open antipathy, but rather consist of more avoidant reactions of discomfort, anxiety,
    or fear."

    I fit the 'aversive' racist definition, albeit with some awareness of my prejudices.

  40. Mr. Bundy's comments suggest he has some sympathy for victims of racism, but he has absolutely no awareness of how his comments betray his prejudices ("Let me tell you something about The Negro....", suggesting he has some universal truths about Blacks as a racial group).

