Saturday, May 24, 2014

A "drive-by" in Santa Barbara.

I wonder if Mark Cuban is going to cross the street if he sees a wealthy young white dude who just got out of a German sedan coming towards him.

Seriously dude? You drive a Bob Marley Wagon in Cali, your dad is a Hollywood director, and yet you kill six people because you have a hard time getting a date? Unbelievable!

"Authorities searching for a motive were looking into a video posted on social media that contains a man's tirade against women who supposedly rebuffed him, Brown told the station. Hoover said the suspect has been preliminarily identified but his name won't be released until "a positive identification is made."

Part of that evidence appears to be a chilling YouTube video titled "Retribution" posted by a young man who rants for nearly seven minutes against women who he says ignored and rejected him.

"Tomorrow is the day of retribution. The day in which I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you," the man said.

In the video, the man lays out a play to kill blond sorority girls." {Source}

"Blond sorority girls? Lord have mercy! No one is safe these days. I mean if you are a "blond sorority girl" you are a part of the safest group in America.

"Witness Robert Johnson told CNN he was standing on a corner when he heard what he thought were fireworks. Then a black BMW with tinted windows drove by and either slowed down or stopped outside a deli where as many as eight people were eating outside."

A drive- by in Santa Barbara. Man that's a long way from South Central.

At least it is in terms of geography.

Finally, I swear these Tea Party folks will do anything to get to Obama.

Did you hear the one about the naked guy at the White House gate?

"Police have arrested a man in front of the White House after he reportedly got naked and tried to hop the fence, reports say.

Photos of the arrest show at least four Secret Service agents pinning the nude man to the sidewalk after he tried to get by security and assaulted an officer on Friday afternoon.

The unidentified man left nothing to the imagination as he stripped all the way down to his socks at one of the security gates at about 3 p.m. after he was denied entrance to the White House, according to the Daily Caller.

The man was adamanat that he had an appointment with the President Obama as he yelled and removed his boxers, the Caller reported. That was seconds before his naked body was tackled to the ground.

The officers clothed him with a simple blanket and packed him away into the back of a van." {Source}

Hey at least he wasn't shot to death like this poor lady. She also thought that she had an appointment with the president. He will live to tell us all what he was high on. Sadly, we will never know her true story.


  1. Beemahs as my Boston buddies call them are the Hondas of Santa Barbara. That's a land of 7 figure salaries and 8 figure houses, where the Hollywierd elite go to be just the next guy down the street. This psychopath, besides being intellectually disabled was mentally ill and not a little cripplingly narcissistic. Those things stacked against you always trump $$$ eventually.

  2. Sounds like that Tbagger was pretty determined to Tbag the prez

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Another angry leftist commits mass murder.

    I see this kinda angry on this blog daily. Purple Cow, Pilot, Steve,Black Sarge are just a white girl dis away from mass murder.

  4. GrannyStandingforTruth7:39 PM

    It reminds me those streakers back in the 70's.

    I reckon him stripping to his birthday suit was a way to let them know that he was unarmed. You can't be too safe nowadays with folks who have guns that are dying for any excuse to use them to kill another human being. He's not too crazy.

  5. Dr. Queen7:47 PM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said:
    I reckon him stripping to his birthday suit was a way to let them know that he was unarmed.

    Except that guns have been found in the anal and vaginal orifices of white folks. And I got that straight from the mouth of a White male ER Doc.

    And that's why the police had to pop a cap in his dome!

    Dr. Queen

  6. And plenty of white male ER doctors have been in the anal and vaginal orifices of Dr. Queen.

    This comes straight from the mouths of ER doctors after they've been treated for stds they got from Dr. Queen...

  7. Dr. Queen8:16 PM

    And by the tenor of your response Kinky Coon, a gun was pulled out your ass AFTER they got all the rodents out, ROTFL!!!

    Dr. Queen

    PS- I KNOW you "get" my rodent reference!!!

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth8:23 PM

    @Dr. Queen,

    Jesus, Mary, Joseph!


    In order to do that they had to have some pretty big and wide anal and vaginal orifices. Why would they inflict that type of damage and injury their body like that? Smh! They're worse than those S&M folks.

  9. Nothing excites dr. queen like talk of things going in and out of her ass.

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth9:19 PM

    Future Doctor Is Graduating…At 14

    Yes, you read correctly: a 14-year-old wiz kid is graduating from college, and her community couldn’t be more thrilled.

    Thessalonika Arzu-Embry, who lives on the Great Lakes Naval Base, will be graduating in August from Chicago State University with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Thessalonika started college at the age of 11 at the College of Lake County

    OAKLAND, California —

    Alongside students two or three times his age, 14-year-old King Burdett Jr. took home two certificates in microscopy at the Merritt College Microscopy Program graduation ceremony Friday night.

  11. GrannyStandingforTruth9:27 PM

    Most 16-year-olds are happy to get their hands on a set of car keys.

    Grace Bush is not like most 16-year-olds.

    Friday morning, the Broward County teenager graduated from Florida Atlantic University, earning her degree, with honors, in criminal justice.

    “It feels exciting knowing that I’m finally getting this behind me,” Bush told WPBF 25 News.

    Grace, one of nine children, was home-schooled by her mother at an early age.

    “She could read by the age of 2,” said her mother, Gisla Bush.

    Grace enrolled at Broward College when she was 13 and transferred to FAU a year later to pursue both her high school and college degrees at the same time.

    Like President Bush asked, "Is our kids learning?"

    The old black slave replied, "Yessuh Massa Bush our kids be learnin.

    I bet no_slappz is foaming at the mouth right about now.

  12. Trollonymous Burgundy9:45 PM

    Field, first let me apologize for the racist trolls who escaped my facility and hitched a ride over to your previous post (I see some of them are here already too). With the mere mention of 'black' reparations I just knew they were coming. I had to sit that one out. Just like those white greedy CEOs of those dysfunctional companies, I decided to hide my money/assets and haul ass while things blew over.

    Don't worry I have things under control now. We fired the Troll manager who was supposed to be running our Quality Loss Bureau (QLB), he went rogue and allowed a lot of them to escape (Need-slapz was to get parole after 2030, he needed more time for mental re-conditioning).

    Anyway, in the quest for a reparation deal, one of the more simple minded trolls mentioned the below in the previous tread.

    "We could live in our cities again, secure that our children's neighborhood schools would not be overrun with outside students who would drag them down to their level."

    I just want to know, will they be keeping Mr. Elliot Rodger, the school shooters, the theater shooters and all their other white psychopath mass murders on their side of town? If so, I would like to make the deal. Thank you.

  13. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Racist pale ones, i want know, if you hate Black People Sooooooo MUCH, who, by the way has NEVER done a darn thing to YOU, why did YOUR forefathers RAPE BLACK WOMEN on the scale that they did ? It was WHOLESALE RAPE. It was YOUR great, great grandparents that would SNEAK out HIS house while HIS pale female slept & slither HIS way into the Black Women's house, DRAGGING the Black Women out of her house & had HIS way with the Black Women. You come on Black sites for no other reason than to call Black People names, if you hate Black People sooooooo much why don't YOU go somewhere els. All i see is YOUR ARROGANCE, CONDESCENSION, & PRIVILEGE that often are the hallmark of the pale RACIST. Most of the pale ones are UNACCUSTOMED to being in the minority in ANY GROUP. you are used to being made to feel WELCOME & you are just so SHOCKED & DISMAYED when this is NOT the case. Why, you even accuse US of being what you are & ALWAYS have been, RACIST. Poor little ol pale ones. How DARE Black People not wanting YOU at OUR UNIVERSITY events ! EVERY TIME the topic of RACISM comes up, the PALE ONES ALWAYS claim ALL the air in the room for YOURSELVS. It is LAUGHABLE every time i here a pale one talk about how YOU SUFFERED, talking about how RACIST Black People are. Black People went out their way to get along with YOU & YOU KNOW THIS. & if you want to do the RIGHT THING, start by giving up that PRIVILEGE. Of course you won't because PRIVILEGE to you is a unwritten rule. But it, & YOU continue to suck all the air out of the ROOM.

  14. Trollonymous Burgundy10:01 PM

    Hey Granny,

    Please go easy on the trolls. First, another deranged white shooter, and now a young black female genius? It's just too much on their little racist brains right now. Sigh

  15. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Trollonymous Burgundy, here is the special on the Bill Moyers show that aired today re:"Black Reparations".

    I believe you will find it both insight ful and interesting.

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth10:10 PM

    Hey Trollymous Burgundy,

    Well, you know how I get when I have those senior moments and I was having one.

    In fact, I was just getting ready to tell Field that I am going to stop and be good. *wink*

  17. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    It reminds me those streakers back in the 70's.

    I reckon him stripping to his birthday suit was a way to let them know that he was unarmed. You can't be too safe nowadays with folks who have guns that are dying for any excuse to use them to kill another human being. He's not too crazy.

    7:39 PM
    You're right, he's not too crazy. As a matter of fact, he's smart. There is no way the cops could have shot him.

    Now, Granny, I have a question for you: why aren't Blacks that smart? Why didn't the bw set herself up to be shot when she was trying to see the President?

    There's something fishy about that shooting. Yet, nobody is calling for an investigation. Least of all, Blacks are remaining silent about it.

    What's the matter, Granny you and your FN Negro friends afraid there might be an Obama connection?

  18. GrannyStandingforTruth10:45 PM

    "What's the matter, Granny you and your FN Negro friends afraid there might be an Obama connection?"

    Ah no!

    I don't know what country you live in, but it doesn't matter in America if a black person male/female, young or a senior citizen or is smart or not, those with a badge are dying to shoot and kill one of them. It's in their blood, the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree. The folks with badges are doing what their ancestor before them did murder black people in cold blood and justifying it with BS excuses.

  19. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Trollonymous Burgundy,

    I gave you the wrong link re: "Facing the Truth, The Case for Reparations"...


  20. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Granny, "The folks with badges are doing what their ancestor before them did murder black people in cold blood and justifying it with BS excuses."

    10:45 PM
    Granny, Whites are afraid of Blacks. That is not BS. It's a fact. No human being can turn off their feelings.

    In fact, a lot of Blacks are afraid of Blacks. What do you have to say about that?

  21. GrannyStandingforTruth10:54 PM

    Besides which, she was a young female. Why would she want to strip naked in front of those men? So,that they can ogle her and the one that shot her more than likely was horny, but into that S&M stuff. Therefore, shooting someone black is probably how he gets off.

    Who knows.

    Don't ask me no stupid ass question and you won't get a stupid ass answer. You savvy.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth10:56 PM

    "a lot of Blacks are afraid of Blacks. What do you have to say about that?"

    They're some scary ass black folks.

  23. GrannyStandingforTruth11:07 PM

    Anonymous 10:48,

    Can I ask you a question?

  24. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Hey dumbass field negro. He was a half Asian half Jew half breed. Get your facts straight and stop slandering white people asshole.

  25. Anonymous11:53 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous 10:48,

    Can I ask you a question?

    11:07 PM
    Sure, ask away!

  26. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Hey dumbass field negro. He was a half Asian half Jew half breed. Get your facts straight and stop slandering white people asshole.

    11:39 PM
    That means he was White. Don't you know what it is to be White in America?

    1. Anonymous12:18 AM

      Jew and Asian isn't white dipshit.

  27. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Granny, let me know what you think of this video. It might be a little deep for you but I have faith that you will understand it. PC and PX won't get it.

  28. So, cartoon character, I see you're continuing that new liberal wingnut "meme" started during the Zimmerman trial that anyone not black is white. So that you can go on blaming whitey, huh?
    That guy's about as white as Koonta Kinta.

  29. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Dennis Miller lives in Santa Barbara. I can't wait to hear his and O'Reilly's explanation of why things like that happen there in that rich town.

  30. Anonymous12:04 AM

    No Blacks live in Santa Barbara. That's another reason for reparations.

    Btw, I believe Bill lives there. Yes, Bill is rich. It would be nice if some Black got rich enough through reparations to move next door to Bill.

  31. Dr. Queen said...
    Except that guns have been found in the anal and vaginal orifices of white folks. And I got that straight from the mouth of a White male ER Doc.

    Well tell us...

    What kind of gun did you pull straight out of the doctors mouth?

  32. GrannyStandingforTruth12:05 AM

    Calm down! i swear some of dese White folks need anga management classes pon ow to act when they visit odda people's homes/blogs. They ave nuh manners, an would ave a hissy fit, ef a black person act like dat Inna diir home/blog. They would shoot er black person ef they did cuss dem Inna diir home/blog. They'd justify it wid one of dem deh stereotypes.

  33. Anonymous12:09 AM

    That guy's about as white as Koonta Kinta.

    11:59 PM
    Bullshit. That guy was White. If he's half Asian and half Jew, he's definitely White.

    Once again, you Whites are trying to get away with murder. This time it won't fly because white guy killed other Whites.

  34. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Can someone tell me what happened to Granny? I mean, she asked me a question. I gave her an answer and now I hear nothing from her.

  35. GrannyStandingforTruth12:31 AM

    Well, if Jew and Asian isn't white anymore, why are they listed that way in the U.S Census or stats when you whites need to look like the majority?

    Now, you know that's cheating don't you?

  36. Anonymous12:37 AM

    I can think of no other combination that's 'considered' White than Asian and Jewish.

    The Anon who can't accept it is probably a skinhead and is from the deep South...and is poor.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

  37. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Granny, I can't stand waiting for your question. What is it?

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth12:43 AM

    Anonymous 12:38,

    I forgot. I'll ask you when it comes back to me. :)

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth1:28 AM

    Oh boy, here we go again. This GOP Representative is suggesting limiting voting rights to property owners. Many people lost their homes in foreclosure.

  40. GrannyStandingforTruth1:40 AM

    Sarah Palin Calls Obama 'Lazy' Over Approach To Veterans Affairs Scandal

    Don't you just wish you had a can of Raid. Ms Pitbull needs to go somewhere and get her jaws sewed together. Dumb racist ass!

  41. GrannyStandingforTruth1:44 AM

    Well, let me see, I own property in three states, so does that mean that I would vote in three states if the Representative has his way? I swear the GOP party used to have some intelligent Congressmen, but now, their base is mentally challenged.

  42. Who knew asians were really white?

    Love how Palin clowns the left...If she's so dumb, why do y'all obsess over her every word?

  43. "their base is mentally challenged."

    So says the base who thinks Obama is the messiah.

    Democrats who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stuff.

  44. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Lord have mercy, KC just told Granny that she is mentally challenged. I'm going to bed cause I can't take it anymore.

    The folks who should be paying reparations have the temerity to call us dumb. Some white folks know no bounds.

  45. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Blogger Kinky.Con said...
    "their base is mentally challenged."

    So says the base who thinks Obama is the messiah.

    FYI: It has been said there will be a second coming and most will not believe it....

    Obama IS the messiah. Make no mistake about it.

    Believe it, Kinky. Your days are numbered.

  46. GrannyStandingforTruth2:40 AM

    No one on the left obsesses over her every word, laughing at her stupidity is more like it. She is trying her best to get the President to notice her, but he ignores her and he should too. She is minnow trying to hang with the whales.

    Everytime she opens her mouth she lets people know how dumb she really is. In fact, I bet she doesn't know the difference between VA and VD. I doubt if she can even spell Veteran.

    Facts of business I think she'd been better off as waitress in a diner that's more her speed.

  47. GrannyStandingforTruth2:45 AM

    Nah, I never thought PRESIDENT OBAMA was the Messiah nor did anyone else on the left. That was the GOP that put that lie out.

    The GOP is so desparate!

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth2:57 AM

    Sarah is money-hungery golddigger!

    Talk about the party with family values. LOL! I don't think she understands that concept or any other concept for that fact.

    I am still trying to figure out which one is the dumbest her or Bachmann. Sometimes those two run neck and neck in that area.

    At least, I'll give Bachmann a tiny bit of credit,she didn't quit her term as Rep, but now, Sarah the one that can see Alaska from her front yard or backyard, whichever yard, that's a different story. It's a story of failure.

  49. GrannyStandingforTruth3:01 AM

    Now, I agree. She is a CLOWN, and she should join the circus. Oops, I forgot she did join the circus...The GOP CIRCUS.

  50. Teabag Burnett3:23 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Sounds like that Tbagger was pretty determined to Tbag the prez

    I'm sure Obama's used to it, and I'm sure the dude was a democrat.

  51. Anonymous3:31 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Future Doctor Is Graduating…At 14

    Yes, you read correctly: a 14-year-old wiz kid is graduating from college, and her community couldn’t be more thrilled.

    Wow, that little girl did in three years what Ms. Nuwang hasn't been able to do in 30!

    Little Thessalonika will almost certainly be a doctor. Intelligence really does matter.

  52. Hey Anon, thanks for the Bill Moyers link.

    He's been all over black people forever:

    Wiretapping Martin Luther King proves just how much he loved negroes.

  53. Wasn't Sarah Palin all over black men?

    Is that why granny hates her?

    Palin represents the white women who "steal" all the good black men?

    What about Bachmann? Was she down with the brothas?

  54. GrannyStandingforTruth4:50 AM

    Kinky Con,

    You're one funny dude.

    I could care less about Palin or Bachman down with or messing with a black man. I've never been or had to be a woman lacking confidence in myself as a woman or worried about another woman...white, black, or any other color.

    I just don't like Palin or Bachmann's persona. Both are two dumb women and that's the bottom line. They lack intelligence. In other words they are straight up dumb bimbos and a disgrace to women. They make women look bad.

  55. GrannyStandingforTruth4:58 AM

    Sarah Palin was in a beauty contest before. She lost. The black woman won it.

    But haven't you noticed? Sarah's beauty is fading. Yep, she's beginning to look old and wrinkled.

    I guess chasing after that paper is starting to show signs of wear and aging. To tell you the truth, I thought that her supposedly beauty was a bunch of crock anyway. I just didn't see it myself and I usually give credit where credit is due.

  56. "What about Bachmann? Was she down with the brothas? "

    Believe me Kinky, when given the opportunity they all are.

  57. Anonymous7:12 AM

    "I wonder if Mark Cuban is going to cross the street if he sees a wealthy young white dude who just got out of a German sedan coming towards him."

    A tragedy and the first thing in your mind is race.

    Face it Field, you are a disgusting racist.

    And you post: "I currently lay down the law in the city of "brotherly love".

    So how do you treat "race" when you are [laying] "down the law?"

    Never mind, I know the answer....

  58. I treat all races equally, mam. That's the kind of guy I am.

    Funny how wingnuts like to shoot the messenger, They speak ill of black folks all day and have no problem doing it, yet when we simply speak out, WE are called the racist.

    Gotta love it.

    Kinky, u were unusually disrespectful to the Doctor, what's eating you?

  59. Kinky, u were unusually disrespectful to the Doctor, what's eating you?

    What's eating Kinky?

    The rat running around his large intestine, obviously!!!!

  60. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Field said, "Funny how wingnuts like to shoot the messenger, They speak ill of black folks all day and have no problem doing it, yet when we simply speak out, WE are called the racist."

    WE are called racists because WE have always been the 'problem' in America. This has been an age old 'problem' Whites have claimed about Blacks. It's a way to keep Blacks on the bottom and Whites superior.... To paraphrase Ta-Nehisi Coates: It's a way to keep to perpetuate 'racism' by keeping 'WE Blacks' on the bottom...

    It will always be that way in America because WE Americans don't have the capability or capacity to talk about 'racism' at the depths necessary to end it.

    Anon, thanks for the link to the Moyers/Ta-Nehisi Coates interview. It was deep.

  61. Anonymous10:18 AM

    "Seriously dude? You drive a Bob Marley Wagon in Cali, your dad is a Hollywood director, and yet you kill six people because you have a hard time getting a date? Unbelievable!"

    The guy was clearly not rational. He's not bad-looking, he's got every economic advantage, so his lack of social connections can only come from some sort of severe mental problem.

    Some people have said the guy was just misogynistic. And while I'd be inclined to agree, that's clearly not the whole story. I've run into enough woman-hating men (and a few man-hating women), mostly online, to know they're out there. But most of them do not go on random shooting sprees. Something made this guy different. The secret ingredient is insanity.

    "Police have arrested a man in front of the White House after he reportedly got naked and tried to hop the fence, reports say."

    Mental illness strikes again. There are a lot of untreated, sick people out there. I really feel for the family of that poor woman who rammed the White House gate with her car. You always have to wonder if someone couldn't have recognized her break with reality and gotten her some help before she got herself killed.

  62. "So says the base who thinks Obama is the messiah."

    Poor old Kinky, he's completely run out of things to say.

  63. Anonymous10:36 AM

    PC is part of the base who thinks Obama is the messiah. He is not alone here. Field, Granny, PX, Dr Nuwang and a host of Negro anons are worshipers of Obama. They are called Obamaholics.

    It's a shame, but these people have been brainwashed from the day they were born. Consequently, it is impossible for them to change. They can only follow the program instilled in them. How sad.

  64. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Field, I see you've listed Allen West in your HNB roll call for his nasty comments about his fellow veteran, Tammy Duckworth. (Maybe he resents her for not having been kicked out of the military for committing war crimes, like him?)

    I heartily agree. Allen West is utterly vile. The dude manages to make a dick of himself at every possible opportunity. He's the ideal representation of the Tea Partyer, which is why they love him so.

  65. Anonymous12:45 PM

    field negro said...

    I treat all races equally, mam. That's the kind of guy I am.

    aka, an idiot.

    All individuals should be treated the same, but to ignore group differences is to ignore reality.

    You trumpet these man-bites-dog stories in a effort to deny reality.

    That's the kind of guy you are.

  66. Anonymous12:56 PM

    "PC is part of the base who thinks Obama is the messiah"

    PC doesn't think about anything. For PC, beliefs are about fashion and self-service. He knows what he is supposed to believe and gets his jollies deriding those who wear the 'wrong' clothes.

    He is a narcissist who hates his ordinariness. He projects his self-hatred on the ordinary people around him. He is not a good neighbor. He is not a good man.


  67. The SPLC is reporting on the rich white liberal kid that shot up santa barbara.

    Elliot Rodger, Isla Vista Shooting Suspect, Posted Racist Messages on Misogynistic Website

  68. Oh Field, this is rich. Rich, I tell you!

    So the girls (especially the blondes) didn't G for Little Papa, huh? Even though he drove a beemer, had a wealthy director dad (who's probably sick to his stomach right about now), had too much money, way too much priviledge, and to top it off, was an ALPHA MALE (his words)? Damn, when did it get so hard to be a young, rich, white man? So hard until you have to kill strangers to make them pay attention to you?
    What more could those girls have possibly wanted in a man? Couldn't they see how he was? Why, all of them should have been tripping over their own feet to get to him. Those guys they preferred over him didn't deserve to live, so he killed three of them. That's three problems he eliminated, but that wasn't enough for him, No sir. His pride was at stake. Those airheads (especially the blondes) had no right to reject him. No right! So he decided to take more lives because he deserved to be compensated for all the hurt they inflicted on his ego. He deserved retribution. There was no reason why HE should have to endure lonliness. That was for other people, not him.
    This adds up to a classic case of a narcissitic, overprivileged, horribly spoiled white male who cannot handle the problems that life throws at us. He fits the profile to a tee. His glib tongue managed to get him out of trouble after his family had the sense to try and have him evaluated, but once again, the system (run by people who look like him) failed, and now six people are dead and gone for no sane reason.
    Field, it has become painful to watch these guys implode like this. Innocent strangers should not be losing their lives because of white men like Eliot Roger who couldn't handle something as ordinary as rejection by the opposite sex. There was a darn good reason why women found him off-putting, and it was probably because they could tell how unstable and crazy he was.
    I have said it before and I'll say it again: these overprivileged, narcissistic white males are unstable and dangerous.

  69. Anonymous2:00 PM

    KinkyPorn said: "Palin represents the white women who "steal" all the good black men?

    What about Bachmann? Was she down with the brothas?

    Palin had a little potential, that's why brotha Glenn Rice tore that ass up. But Bachmann is too damn crazy for any brotha to handle!

  70. Pam eruditely said: "I have said it before and I'll say it again: these overprivileged, narcissistic white males are unstable and dangerous."

    This is quite true Pam, narcissism is written all over this one. But when life itself turned and smacked him across the face with the TRUTH, obviously he couldn't handle it!

  71. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Methinks Pam doth protest so much.

    The uniqueness of this crime does not really lend itself to generalizations.

    The actions of one mentally disturbed son of a Hollywood millionaire tells us little about white males in general. Pam's comment tells us much more about Pam.

  72. "because of white men like Eliot Roger "

    "I have said it before and I'll say it again: these overprivileged, narcissistic white males are unstable and dangerous."

    So asians are now considered white?

    When did this happen?

    When will the left start calling Obama white?

  73. "PC is part of the base who thinks Obama is the messiah."

    I understand that such concepts as 'facts', 'reality' and 'the truth' are of no interest to you, yet somehow I feel compelled to call you out on the dimwitted bollocks you serve up.

    I am not allowed to vote for Obama, but I would not have done so even if I could.

    Obama is a conservative, I am a Socialist.

    My political blog is amongst the most consistently critical of Obama of any I have read. Here are a sample of the points I have raised over the years.

    1. Obama has surrounded himself with conservative advisors, many taken from previous administrations.

    2. He has taken more staff from the Trilateral Commission than any other President.

    3. He appointed a Monsanto executive as Senior Advisor to the FDA.

    4. He extended Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, and presided over an exponentially growing gap between rich and poor. America's Gini coefficient is now 93rd in the world.

    5. He sacrificed American jobs with the free trade deals he negotiated.

    6. Trade union rights have also been eroded under his leadership.

    7. He has expanded Bush defence spending,

    8. He has used drones to kill thousands of innocent civilians.

    9. He failed to close Guantanamo,

    10. He adopted a soft-touch regulatory position towards the bankers that is well to the right of European Conservative leaders.

    11. Taking office during a financial meltdown, Obama appointed its principle architects to top economic positions.

    12. Obama appointed as his Chief of Staff a former Citigroup banker who had managed hedge funds that bet on the housing market's collapse.

    I could go on,but I think anyone with half brain (i.e. someone twice as smart as you) could see that I am the opposite of an Obamaholic.

    It's not your fault that you don't understand. You are a conservative and that means you are incapable of nuanced thinking. As such you slip into a ludicrously bipolar world view. So anyone who disagrees with you is an Obamaholic. For you every problem is simple and has a simple solution.

  74. Pam said...
    these overprivileged, narcissistic white males are unstable and dangerous.

    "These" you speak of...

    The overwhelming majority of white males do not grow up to rich hollywood liberal parents.


  75. FN said...
    Seriously dude? You drive a Bob Marley Wagon in Cali, your dad is a Hollywood director, and yet you kill six people because you have a hard time getting a date? Unbelievable!

    FN, you have no idea how hard it is being white and privileged here in California.

    Didn't sterling also admit it when he said he had to talk racist to get into her pants? And he's a billionaire.

    That White Privilege thing is so 90's.

  76. "The actions of one mentally disturbed son of a Hollywood millionaire tells us little about white males in general."

    Well Boy Howdy, I beg to differ. His actions, and this statement, tell me many things. Many things indeed. When one sick, racist, woman-hating SOB (or more) like Eliot Rodger flips out and loses his mind and shoots up innocent strangers,then suddenly, magically, that guy has nothing to do with the rest of them. Eliot Rodger was THAT GUY, who the racists claim to have nothing in common with. However, if ONE of them does something notable or remarkable, then THAT GUY magically represents ALL of them.

    You racist white dudes certainly talk a good game, I must say. You're masters at talking. You are master BS'ers and have been for centuries. The insidious mind games you like to play are unparalled and unmatched. There is no lie, no deception that is too outrageous for you. There is also no bottom to the rabbit hole with some of you. That is what makes you some of the most dangerous and unstable people in existence.

    Women did not like Eliot Rodger because insanity and narcissism has a way of making itself pretty obvious from the get go.Women don't find those things attractive, just like we don't find woman-hating attractive.

    Those poor souls who lost their lives and their devastated loved ones like Richard Martinez, father of one of the victims, are the ONLY people who get or deserve my sympathy.
    The apologists for murderers like Eliot Rodger can take their racist butthurt and choke on it.

  77. GrannyStandingforTruth3:18 PM


    You go girl! Granny-->joining Pam fan club cause the girl is a bullseye champion. The girl is on target.

    @Anonymous 2:17,

    Yes, Pam's comments do tell us something about her. Her comments tell us that she got her dung together and you jealous.


  78. The Purple Cow said...
    As such you slip into a ludicrously bipolar world view. So anyone who disagrees with you is an Obamaholic.

    Much different than your ludicrously bipolar world view where anyone who disagrees with you is a republican.

  79. Poor old Bill, he's completely run out of things to say.


  80. The Purple Cow said...

    Poor old Bill, he's completely run out of things to say.

    That took you 7 minutes.

    Your slowing down.

    You drinking today?

  81. When responding to Pam, KinkyPorn asked: “So asians are now considered white? When did this happen? When will the left start calling Obama white?

    Hey Mr. Porn, business must be slow today. The populations of whites are in decline worldwide and have been for quite a while now. Of all the agencies with this country’s repertoire, The Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Directive 15, designates racial and ethnic categories used in the US Census. Even further, some Asians, Puerto Ricans, Asian Indians and Persians are now considered white to counter or serve as a buffer for the vanishing white race. I’ve provided a couple of links for you to do your own damn research. Race is a social construct, not biological. Now,…. shut the hell up!

    Here we go:

  82. @GrannyStandingForTruth:

    Granny, I'm flattered. Thanks so much. This whole incident was a horrible shame, and again, I'd like to say how sorry I am for the victims and their families.

  83. Anonymous5:57 PM

    You know, it just dawned on me. With all of these FAKE JEWS coming out of the wood work & talking cash SHYT on Black People, i have come to the conclusion that the FAKE JEWS have ALWAYS kept up SHYT between the RACE'S to shift the focus off of THEIR WICKED WAYS. This is what a pale person once told me, he said, you can easily tell a jew by his NOSE; The Jewish NOSE is BENT at it's point. It looks likes the # 6. It's called the JEWISH SIX, now, i know many people that have big noses, but their noses bends UPWARDS, not DOWNWARDS. Such a nose is called a HOOK NOSE or EAGLE NOSE, Jews also have short legs & their arms are often VERY SHORT, a lot of Jews are BOW-LEGGED & FLAT-FOOTED. They often have a LOW SLANTING FOREHEAD, & a RECEDING FOREHEAD. Many CRIMINALS have such a RECEDING FOREHEAD. The jews are CRIMINALS too, their ears are VERY LARGE & they look like COFFEE CUP HANDLES. Some Jews cannot be recognized at first glance, if you want to be SURE to RECOGNIZE a jew, you MUST look VERY, VERY CAREFULLY. But, if you look CAREFULLY, you can ALWAYS tell it is a jew. The jew moves his HANDS when he talks, he talks through his NOSE, he JABBERS, his VOICE is often ODD. He has an UNPLEASANT ODER & if you have a GOOD NOSE, you can SMELL a JEW. Now thats what a CHRISTIAN pale one said about the FAKE JEW.But you will NEVER here a FAKE JEW say ANYTHING at all about a PALE CHRISTIAN, i just wonder why.

  84. GrannyStandingforTruth6:13 PM


    I watched and listened to one of the parents of the victims on the news. It made me cry.

    I am very sensitive to other people's pain and hurt. It's strange and hard to explain, but I can feel what they're feeling inside as if it's my own. It's not a good feeling.

    It disturbs and bothers me when people take other human beings lives in senseless violence.

  85. Granny, you are very loving and caring. Sometimes you cancel all that out when you agree with racists like pam.

    You do know pam and poster@5:57pm is one in the same?


    What is described in the CDC link isn't anything new.

    Black Sage,wouldn't Caucasian be the proper term? So when pam goes on her racist rants, she should say "caucasian males" instead of "white males".

    He is biracial, technically not a white male.

    Whatever fits yours/pams racist viewpoints.

  86. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Blogger Kinky.Con said...
    "because of white men like Eliot Roger "

    "I have said it before and I'll say it again: these overprivileged, narcissistic white males are unstable and dangerous."

    So asians are now considered white?

    When did this happen?

    When will the left start calling Obama white?

    2:22 PM
    Let's cut the crap. Part Asians and part Jews are White. No 'ifs' 'ands' about it.

  87. Anonymous7:24 PM

    "...Now thats what a CHRISTIAN pale one said about the FAKE JEW.But you will NEVER here a FAKE JEW say ANYTHING at all about a PALE CHRISTIAN, i just wonder why."

    5:57 PM
    It has to do with his religion. Judaism teaches followers not to degrade their fellow man. Jews respect their religion and therefore, honor their faith and GOD.

    Christians don't. That's why Gandhi once said, "I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians."

    Just look at the ugly comments made by Christians on FN. There's your proof. Make no mistake about it, they are all going to hell.

  88. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Generally speaking, white or Caucasian ........... same difference!

  89. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Granny, when are you going to show some compassion and ask the question you were going to ask? Can you feel the pain you are causing me?

    Or is it 'only' the pain of Whites you feel? You can feel the pain of KC but you can't feel my pain....that sucks.

  90. GrannyStandingforTruth8:07 PM

    @Kinky Con,

    Nah, I didn't.

  91. GrannyStandingforTruth8:12 PM

    Anonymous 8:06,

    You took a long time replying to me, and I forgot what it was I wanted to ask you. I told you when it comes back to me, I'll ask you.

  92. GrannyStandingforTruth8:24 PM

    Btw, my feeling the pain and hurt of others is not a race selective thingee. It's a humane thingee. Although, some of them can get on my last nerve, irritate, vex my spirit, and provoke me, I still have compassion for all human beings.

  93. Johnny Gibsmedat9:37 PM

    Black Sage said...
    The populations of whites are in decline worldwide and have been for quite a while now.

    Tough times ahead for black folks...

  94. Slim Whitman9:38 PM

    Pam said...

    "The actions of one mentally disturbed son of a Hollywood millionaire tells us little about white males in general."

    Well Boy Howdy, I beg to differ. His actions, and this statement, tell me many things. Many things indeed

    Dude wasn't white.

    You are as dumb as Granny.

  95. @GrannyStandingFor Truth:

    Granny, I hear you. When I saw that victim's father Mr. Martinez, I thought about how I would be reacting and the things I would be saying if I were in his position. His point about "craven politicians" capitulating to the NRA was totally right, because the blame for incidents like this belongs squarely on their shoulders. Every last one of those cowards should be physically kicked out of office and the NRA should be banned. If we had the right people in Congress, the gun legislation that SHOULD HAVE been passed after Newtown would have been. Instead, we have a bunch of greedy sell-outs in office, many of whom resemble the racist hoohah's who constantly hang around on this blog and have no one's interest in mind except their own. So, we'll continue to have incidents where egomanical, entitled SOB'S like Elliot Rodgers flip out and cause more havoc and mayhem.

  96. GrannyStandingforTruth12:18 AM


    I agree. Greed is the key and the most destructive force on this earth.

    If I had my way, weapons on any kind would be demolished, destroyed, and burned to a crispy crunch.

  97. Get Real1:45 AM

    The only one to blame is Elliot Rodgers.

  98. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Ole' white boy had the silver spoon; couldn't get any nookie anywhere, so he lost his damn mind totally and innocent peoples' children had to pay the price by losing their lives, as he wielded knives and guns. America sure isn't beautiful, but the occupiers are sho' nuff INSANE.

  99. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The only one to blame is Elliot Rodgers.

    1:45 AM
    What about his therapist and psychiatrist? don't they have some responsibility?

    I am sick and tired of people letting these "head" doctors of the hook for free. There are more of them today than ever in the history of America. But Americans aren't getting better, our society is getting worse.

    They keep 'pilling' to death their patients and it's driving the patient crazy....I mean, WTF?

  100. Pam said...
    If we had the right people in Congress, the gun legislation that SHOULD HAVE been passed after Newtown would have been

    Would you agree to this...

    Disarm all the criminals and crazies first..

    Then law-abiding gun owners will turn their guns in.


  101. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    If I had my way, weapons on any kind would be demolished, destroyed, and burned to a crispy crunch.

    According to the FBI, more people are killed by hands/feet than rifles/shotguns.

    Burning off hands and feet seem a pretty radical idea to reduce crime.
