Sunday, May 04, 2014

Bring our daughters home, and Mona Sinclair runs for office.

I am glad that the tragic story of the two hundred plus school girls kidnapped in Nigeria is finally getting some traction.

We have the power of social media and the parents of some of the girls to thank for that. Just because the main stream media doesn't think that it's a story that should be front and center in the headlines, that doesn't mean that we can't make it an important story by making our own voices heard by whatever means necessary.

The authorities in Nigeria are finally coming around to the seriousness of what took place and I am glad that the State Department has decided to assist with the search as well.  

 "On April 16, armed men herded the girls out of bed and forced them into trucks in the town of Chibok. The convoy of trucks then disappeared into the dense forest bordering Cameroon.

Angry Nigerians contend authorities are not doing enough. They took to social media using hashtags #BringBackOurGirls and #BringBackOurDaughters to demand more from the government.

But Nigeria's Defense Ministry said it's committed to the search.
Boko Haram's name translates to "Western education is a sin" in the local language.

The group especially opposes the education of women. Under its version of Sharia law, women should be at home raising children and looking after their husbands, not at school learning to read and write." [Source] 

Gee, that sure sounds like the views of some people in this country.

Finally, this might be a good time for the GOP to start paying closer attention to their candidates who are running for public office across the country.

From North Carolina comes the bizarre story of an anti Gay politician who, as it turns out, has quite an interesting history himself.

"A Republican candidate for North Carolina State Senate, and supporter of the state’s constitutional prohibition on same-sex marriage, was revealed this week to have been a female impersonator at a gay nightclub about a decade ago.

Now a real state agent broker against two other GOP candidates in a conservative district, Steve Wiles was, according to old coworkers, Mona Sinclair at the Club Odyssey, a since-shuttered nightclub in Winston Salem. They say Wiles identified as gay at the time.

Wiles initially denied the claim, but has since made cryptic comments that did little to elucidate the matter, such as, “I have already apologized to the people who matter most to me for the things I did when I was young.” [Source]

Can you say hypocrite boys and girls?




  1. lol @ this post FN.

    as it relates to the Nigerian lost girls...

    are there no rich Africans that can put their $ and power into play? aren't they ALWAYS talking about how highly educated and evolved they are? particularly Nigerians...

    seems to me, Black Americans have our own problems to handle and we CERTAINLY can't look to Africans to assist. Black women and girls go missing on the regular in America- where is the African concern or aid?

    instead there is an agenda to distance + disdain Black Americans.

    all the same, i pray the Nigerian girls are located safely and returned to where they belong. however, i won't get hysterical just because it is trendy. and i have personally seen with my own eyes and ears the rank sexism that some Africans act like is perfectly ok. even making jokes about how more valuable farm animals are than women/girls. since the African women present were grinning and skinning...i decided i had no dog in the fight and zipped it.

    that man getting the discredit/silenced treatment would do well to confess his sins and keep it moving. isn't the gay agenda ALL about Love? folk identify as gay and change their minds routinely. what's the big deal? just as folk identify as straight and change their minds. i suppose the issue would be his trying to deny it.


    he said he has addressed the folk that it affects and it matters to. that seems fair.

    how would he be a hypocrite? IF he were still cross dressing and identifying as gay while fighting against their civil unions= hypocrite.

    many folk believe that all this western way of doing things is ruining the family unit and women in particular. men AND women. on the left and the right and in the middle...for your greater Understanding. and since "feminism" is/was an illuminati funded + orchestrated tool to get more slaves to work...and children into the hands of the government.

    i can see folks' point.

    here's my gripe:

    before Blessed Black women got to be treated as women ALL women got the right to be treated as men. i call foul. i want Sojourner Truth's question answered already+ folk to act like they know we are women! we BEEN working outside our homes...

    of course, it stands to reason that folk would look at it from the extreme. no education/no options. acting like men. like there is no middle ground or balance.

  2. Wesley R9:46 PM

    Social Media is going to have to be the avenue to get the word out about the situation in Nigeria. Our media is only concerned with ratings and agenda. Anything happening in Africa doesn't fit that priority unless the people on the ground do the reporting and it's shared all over the world.

  3. I'm curious to see what assets the US is going to provide. I am glad to see Mr. Kerry making a statement but I'm going to withhold praise for a minute or two. This could be resolved with a phone call from Kerry or Barack. "You hear that sound? That's a drone, it'll be the last thing you ever hear if you don't take them girls home. And don't think I'm playing."

  4. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "We have the power of social media and the parents of some of the girls to thank for that. Just because the main stream media doesn't think that it's a story that should be front and center in the headlines, that doesn't mean that we can't make it an important story by making our own voices heard by whatever means necessary."

    While I applaud social media for speaking out and making this an important story, do you really think this will do anything about our own bw in America? I mean, don't they need someone to speak out? Where is the social media on this?

    Where is the social media about black on black killings in the streets of our cities?

  5. Anonymous10:18 PM

    "While I applaud social media for speaking out and making this an important story, do you really think this will do anything about our own bw in America? I mean, don't they need someone to speak out? Where is the social media on this?

    Where is the social media about black on black killings in the streets of our cities?"

    lots of it. Look around. Simple search should get results.

    9:54 PM

  6. Black women and girls go missing on the regular in America- where is the African concern or aid? instead there is an agenda to distance + disdain Black Americans. aren't they ALWAYS talking about how highly educated and evolved they are? particularly Nigerians... – FP

    This is a great analysis and quite a pithy statement girlfriend!

  7. Anonymous10:50 PM

    This website is a laugh riot. All of the posts deny the reality of the war on white people being wage by Obama and the cathedral. We all know that if they could get away with it most all blacks would put a bullet in the head of every white male.

  8. Anon from the last post:

    as it relates to falling down, please know that Moses, King David, King Solomon and many mighty historical figures share this human frailty. it is apart of the condition in general.

    what is most important is to get back up.

    here's what's written:



    KJV Proverbs 24:16- For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.


    that whole passage is quite yummy, actually;) check it out!

    those that don't bother to confess Him/His Word nor attempt the Faith walk will be quick to point out the falls.

    which is apart of learning to walk on any level.

    ignore 'em;)

    ps. that seven times is not to be taken literally. neither is the 70x7 forgiveness mentioned in KJV Matthew 18:21-22.

    i it relates to my greatest hater/emulator over here that keeps coming for me in the most disrespectful, reckless, crazy + wrong way.

    i pray that all over here will learn to respectfully agree to disagree while i learn how to manage my Wrath;) otherwise, folk run the risk of being verbally knocked out the box;(

    'cause we can all agree there is lots of leavening in our daily bread aka the Bible. that take all manner of nonsense, silently= leavening. eye for eye can stay;) i AM Hebrew ALL DAY. when cheeks get turned, BOTH parties will be working on forgiveness. not just me. that's in keeping with my Understanding of what's written. what my enemies stay talking 'bout = their personal business, which i AM NOT in.

    no mind kontrolle for me.


    Anon, do you know your KJV Romans Scripture, in some churches is used to mislead Chr-stians into believing Messiah came to do away with the Law?

    i was encouraged to see you read it with greater Understanding.

    there is something else, i would call your attention to...

    in Scriptures, Torah and NT work together. they don't oppose one another.

    Moses did not lead the people into the promised land.

    Yahushua aka Joshua did.

    real smart folk like to argue about NT being in Greek.

    it doesn't matter.

    take a look at this- i thought of it because you mentioned Saul/Paul- whom i Love and relate to. Believe it or not...

    Chr-stians used to get the unrighteous heckle from me back in the day. like ya'll 'bout to go ON somewhere with that. lol!

    i AM Grateful He saw fit to redeem + use me for His Purpose and am bound to give Him/His Word some PRAISE!!!

    take a look at Messiah speaking in the Hebrew tongue His Name in KJV Acts 26:14. take a look at KJV Hebrew 4:8. look at the margin note and the name that is interchangeable with J-sus.

    hmmmm, right?

    there is only one Name.

    what if i told you folk deliberately changed it?

    along with Sabbath + the feasts and times.

    these same ones are doing away with the 10 commandments. replacing them with Noahide Laws that will keep folk in disobedience + with baal in their mouths.

    THIS is why it is written that those that lead US cause US to err. they won't Believe and go in...

    + deliberately try to block the way for others.

    the only way around it is to study to show ourselves approved, rather than sitting in a building on sun day acting like that's it + all.

    this Faith walk is serious business and i encourage you to endure to the end. that's my plan;)

    Almighty's got our backs.

    and despite all the threats + lies...our enemies can't do nothing with US as long as we are with Him/His Word.

    NO weapon...NOT one will prosper.

    Blessings in Abundance to you, my friend. thanks for being you;)

  9. hi Black Sage!

    i.see.clearly, my brotha.

    not interested in being used by anyone anymore. Black Americans get it from everywhere. the only way to make it stop is to decide there has been ENOUGH!

    Africans are getting their share of pain by design. just as we all are. so when they say they are ahead of US...their homelands speak a different story. and since they are so much more educated + evolved- the hands out to Black Americans = game over.

    @ least for me.

    our daughters in America are being ignored to death. charity BEGINS at home.

    there are wealthy folk everywhere that need to stand up and help those with less. that is why they have more. and since quite a few Africans have so much negativity to say + share re: Black Americans...

    i gots nothing for 'em.

    except a prayer and the suggestion they get with their evolved, well educated, wealthy fellow Africans and work out their own problems.


    take the american education and go get busy.

    i have personally gotten sick of playing the game of pretend with Black skinned folk from other places that don't seem to understand the concept of reciprocity + how to be allies in the struggle for humanity.

    but that's just me, i guess.

    good to see you Black Sage. i pray you are Standing Strong in Abundant Blessings + His Favor.

  10. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Anon @10:50 foolishly said: "This website is a laugh riot. All of the posts deny the reality of the war on white people being wage by Obama and the cathedral. We all know that if they could get away with it most all blacks would put a bullet in the head of every white male."

    You are truly clueless! Did you just awake from a state of apoplexy? Get a grip dumb ass white boy!

    1. Anonymous11:32 PM

      Just paying attention to what is going on in the world. The level of hatred most blacks have for whites is too extreme to ignore anymore. Of course the media suppresses the extent of black on white crime happening every day.

  11. Gabriel11:25 PM

    "Just because the main stream media doesn't think that it's a story that should be front and center in the headlines"

    It's not a story because it is another Muslim atrocity against Christians.

    Muslims must never be portrayed in a negative light.

    Christians must never be portrayed as anything but oppressors.

    Thousands of such incidents happen around the world every year. They are not news because they do not fit the Narrative.

  12. Then new niggers:

  13. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Just paying attention to what is going on in the world. The level of hatred most blacks have for whites is too extreme to ignore anymore. Of course the media suppresses the extent of black on white crime happening every day.

    11:32 PM
    Blacks are not extreme haters.

    Louis Farrakhan speaks about following God proves there is no extreme hatred of Whites.

  14. Anonymous1:19 AM

    "'The group especially opposes the education of women. Under its version of Sharia law, women should be at home raising children and looking after their husbands, not at school learning to read and write.' [Source]

    Gee, that sure sounds like the views of some people in this country."

    Christian conservatives in the U.S. are mostly okay with girls going to school. They just don't want girls to receive any kind of meaningful sex education. Which is why all of red-state America has laughable teen pregnancy rates. I guess the "keep your legs together" solution isn't working so well, eh?

    Speaking of that Mona Sinclair person, maybe she will make an appearance at a GOP debate! Wouldn't that be something? I wonder what celebrity Mona impersonates, and which one would be more popular among the Republican crowd. Would you guess that the morally righteous Tarheel gang are more partial to Liza Minelli, or Cher?

  15. Anonymous1:32 AM

    "This website is a laugh riot. All of the posts deny the reality of the war on white people being wage by Obama and the cathedral. We all know that if they could get away with it most all blacks would put a bullet in the head of every white male."

    Field, wtf is wrong with your trolls? These guys are insane. Get dude some help with his paranoia, it ain't cute.

  16. Trollonymous Burgundy2:33 AM

    Sis FP said:

    "are there no rich Africans that can put their $ and power into play? aren't they ALWAYS talking about how highly educated and evolved they are? particularly Nigerians..."

    The resourceful and or educated black Africans you speak of, particularly the black Nigerian men, are busy fiending for their next foreign white shoulder piece. Most of these men have zero interests in black African women/girls, or any other black women/girls on the face of this planet.

    I've always said, until Africa (African countries/people collectively) start to uplift and protect the black African woman/girl, many of the countries in Africa will stay in such peril state. So many African women sacrifice to send black African males abroad hoping for financial or resourceful benefits in return for the household/village. For the past several generations, this has proven to be a disappointing and devastating concept. That's one of the reasons I was not against Oprah and her school for girls in Africa.

    As for American or World news media outlets covering these missing African girls... hell, a mass of 200 Slow Loris could go missing somewhere in Asia and they would get more news time.

    I'm waiting for a particular so called liberal white feminist author to bring up "oppressed Muslim women not allowed to drive" again on her blog. I swear I will troll her hypocritical ass. If these 200 plus girls had been white European, Middle Eastern, Indian, Asian etc... CNN, BBC, twitter and facebook would crash within minutes.

  17. Trollonymous Burgundy2:48 AM

    Anon 1:32 said: "Field, wtf is wrong with your trolls? These guys are insane. Get dude some help with his paranoia, it ain't cute."

    The Anon at 10:50 (he's too insane to be a troll) is suffering from White Hysteria which is a common side effect of having White Privilege for too long. He needs a heavy dose of reality. Pay him no mind, he's already lost his.

  18. Anonymous Trollonymous Burgundy-


    you must've just cracked me up!


    then when folk simply state what is clear as day...

    random Black males roll up mean mugging.

    rolling up talking 'bout i betta have a productive day. man you betta hur up...which is quicker than to hurry...and get OUT of my face.

    you got beef?

    go share it with the lapd.

    how 'bout that?

    folk best know Almighty is Real. i would have ALREADY made the news by now.


    'cause you know folk will put Black women going the heck off on tv with the quickness- while acting like they have NO IDEA why. + tmz folk are just around the corner.

    no joke.


    folk trying to act like if folk will call it- they made things what they are.

    to say that our sons are disloyal +treacherous in LARGE numbers= an understatement. world wide. folk inclined to argue will need to stroll back through history and THIS TIME pay attention to the voices of the BLACK WOMEN.

    STOP pretending the struggle is/was all about Black men and white women.

    do we know that folk had to pass laws to keep EVERY first lady on the continent of Africa from being a WHITE woman?


    so for any Black skinned man to show up speaking reckless 'cause i will call it...

    i promise Shiloh will come before i try to patty cake, placate + pretend.

    and that's with ANYONE at this point...

    i have had enough of the madness.

    i did NOT make it the Truth that some Black men think mistreating Black women/girls = their right as men. quite a few today operate from the better a dead bw than a ww with a headache mindset. far be it from me not to call it what it is. keeping silence does NOT = peace nor protection. silence = cowardice.

    full stop.

    His are Called to be as Bold as lions.

    on the flip side...devils STAY bold.

  19. it is not something i created that some Black women will fight harder for Black men who would not/could not care less to lift their voices on Black women's behalf.

    these SAME ones will sit like mutes in the face of non stop disrespect of Black women. in all Truth, the mules seem to hate Black women as well. they think Blessed Black skin + nappy = an insult. lol! silly chickens that NO ONE respects.

    when i look around the world...i see women/girls that look like me suffering immensely. Black American girls are my first priority.

    you know...

    i promptly shut up about what was happening to iraqi women when i got hip to how calloused + UNsisterly quite a few were in relation to the plight of Blessed Black women. these same women were in agreement with racist filth that informs the notion that Blessed Black women are animals to be used for sex by their men. so when invaders show up doing the most to them= karma. though it STILL breaks my heart on some level.

    just as the poorest white folk will pull out least i am not Black card to make themselves feel better/special. paler women feel better about themselves it seems as long as Blessed Black women are suffering double time.

    so they will say women are the n-word. then it is implied or just understood that they are glad not to be double n-words like Blessed Black women.

    and that is perfectly fine. we have had a double portion of the suffering.

    the LAST shall be FIRST.

    NOW folk can trot out their "bottom of the totem pole" philosophy;)

    come with it!

    the bitter cup WILL pass from the daughters of Sion.

    @ KC...that's also why i came at you earlier Truth be told. folk STAY trying to put Blessed Black women on front street behind sex while SWEARING we are UNrapeable. folk lay up with pale women ALL DAY and don't bother coming to inform folk they been laying up with 'em. pale women do THE MOST in their "sexually liberated" state while folk still SWEAR they are the epitome of femininity and virtue.

    enough of that, already.

    for the folk that think Blessed Blacks are concerned with white folk...


    read it.

    might want to check out Lamentations as well. that bitter cup passing to the daughters of Edom...

    written Right there for all folk that can read + comprehend.


    makes me sad. folks' birthright= all lies and they running around trying to hold onto "superior" white lies. hollering 'bout "their country" like they have no clue that taking folks' land + lives = wrong.

    white folk appear to want to withdraw from the account well endowed by white supremacy. i mean, THIS is THEIR country! they want it back!


    white folk just don't want to make deposits into that account.

    how convenient.

    unfortunately the sins of the father don't always come back to the father. sometimes it hits the children.

    this is where white americans are right now. + folk ain't seen nothin' yet.

    the OTHER white folk HATE what they call "goyim" whites. they hate US all really...but there is a special hatred for white folk it seems.

    white folk been so distracted + busy hating Blessed Black folk, they missed the divide + conquer on the flip side. folk don't just divide the prey. sometimes the predators divide among themselves...then gobble one another.


  20. oh Anonymous Trollonymous Burgundy-

    i think oprah's school is what's called a charm school.

    called that before the abuse allegations came out and got quieted down promptly.

    there ARE wealthy Africans, no?

    Black American children are going backwards and the wealthiest Americans STAY in Africa building schools + stuff...

    it defies logic to me at this point.

    what's the point of being uber "educated" if you can't take that information and help your people?

    this SAME question i ask of the Americans that won't stop telling folk how highly "educated" they are...

    why ARE folk going to school so they can chase after white folk...




    and pretty much anything else folk can think of.

    it is disgraceful.

    on too many levels to go into.

    i REALLY wish His People/my people would just


    for those that stay looking for hatred in my words.

    i hate no one.

    not all jews are bad people. the decent ones WILL tell the Truth.

    a Black hat Jewish man approached me recently to let me know he liked my style.


    THAT cracked me up.

    it is time to tell the Truth and shame the devil...

    in ALL camps.

    it is about His Spirit + Truth.

    those salivating 'bout a "race war" have NO clue.



    Hosea 1:7- But I will have mercy upon the house of Yahudah/Judah, and will save them by the Sovereign their Almighty, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen.

    Revelation 13:10- He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.


    race war = a set up.

    just as jews thinking they will prevail with their jacked up unLawful plans against humanity= sacrificial goats.

    time to know the Truth + tell it all the way around.

    KJV Galatians 3:28-29 style.

    blessings sis. it is always a pleasure to encounter you over here in the fields;) may your whole house on all sides be protected + blessed abundantly in Messiah's mighty Name.

    good night. gotta finish my beauty night before i get too sleepy;)

  21. Sooooo, we are going to ignore the atrocities being committed against young girls in Africa because Africans aren't paying attention to our missing women?

    Okaaaay then, carry on.

  22. Field, check out today. I think his theory is loopy, but I can 't think of a better one. Unless it's just the scary black boogie-man cliche.

  23. Blogger field negro said...
    Sooooo, we are going to ignore the atrocities being committed against young girls in Africa because Africans aren't paying attention to our missing women?

    I'd personally like to THANK YOU for this post because a Black woman in Africa IS my sista'/mother, Black girls in Africa ARE my girls too!

    And another shout out for ALL you've done over the years to bring attention to missing Black women/girls in America too!

    BRAVO Field, BRAVO!!!

  24. Sterviano10:48 AM

    "I'd personally like to THANK YOU for this post because a Black woman in Africa IS my sista'/mother, Black girls in Africa ARE my girls too!"

    This is racist.

  25. Field Negto said...
    "Sooooo, we are going to ignore the atrocities being committed against young girls in Africa because Africans aren't paying attention to our missing women?"

    It's worse than that:

    LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — A leader of a protest march for 276 missing schoolgirls says Nigeria's First Lady abused them, expressed doubts there was any kidnapping and accused them of belonging to the terrorist network blamed for the abductions. Then she ordered two of them arrested.

    Saratu Angus Ndirpaya of Chibok town said State Security Service agents drove her and protest leader Naomi Mutah Nyadar to a police station Monday after an all-night meeting at the presidential villa in Abuja, the capital. She said Nyadar remains in detention. Police could not be reached for comment.

    Ndirpaya says First Lady Patience Jonathan accused them of fabricating the abductions to give Nigeria's government and her husband "a bad name."

    Looks like Nigeria has their own version of Moochelle and the Department of Injustice. Probably have their own MSNBC too.

  26. "Sooooo, we are going to ignore the atrocities being committed against young girls in Africa because Africans aren't paying attention to our missing women?"


    that's NOT my point.

    you are free to clear all your accounts + assets to assist said missing girls in Nigeria...though it would make more sense for you to work on messy Jamaica first.

    IF you would like to open your mouth about the on-going NONSTOP atrocities committed by Black Africans and Black American men against Black African AND American women + girls- without it being the latest "trend"- knock.yourself.out.

    maybe you MISSED the fact that it is our sons, world wide, that STAY acting on behalf of our historical enemies in the disrespect + denigration + devaluing of Black womanhood?

    ps. man, you won't even open your mouth for the Black women that ride HARD for you on this blog. other than to encourage them to man up and fight harder for themselves.

    so only the resident ding-a-ling would be fooled by your regularly scheduled lawyer speak. aka lying.

    no disrespect.

    just straight no chaser.

    we ALL grown folk here.

    and NO Black Africans DON'T seem to Understand the concept of reciprocity + being allies in the battle. their daughters are NOT more special/important than our American Black daughters.

    as long as they distance from + disdain Black Americans openly ...

    they need to get their "educated" selves on back home- STOP lapping up all the benefits won by our people in our country- talking grimey 'bout US while they do it. GO HOME and fix the cesspool folk left to go get "educated". take the Becky prize they acquired along the way with 'em and put her to work- since she doesn't appreciate all the special treatment wm arranged for her!

    time out for all that exploitation reserved for Blessed Black Americans. at least over here- for me...

    hope that effort to clarify helps folk Understanding.

    sincerely + from my heart.

  27. FN said...
    Just because the main stream media doesn't think that it's a story that should be front and center in the headlines,

    You mean the liberal media.

    If fox news reported on it you would call them racist for pointing it out just like you do every time a white person speaks out about blacks.

    Your game FN.

    If it was Black History month and a right-winger said he wanted to have fried chicken to celebrate what would the response of democrats be?

    What if the white house picked "mexican" food for their Cinco de Mayo celebration.

    Democrat double standard?

  28. "Ndirpaya says First Lady Patience Jonathan accused them of fabricating the abductions to give Nigeria's government and her husband "a bad name."


    sounds like a woefully male identified, Black woman/girl hating, gonna protect the men to the end mule.

    peep the game:

    whenever the abuse is of women/girls...

    they trot out other women as the mouthpiece and henchmen.

    one world government + religion.

    that INCLUDES africom riddled africa folk...

    blessings all!

  29. Anonymous2:03 PM

    "Just because the main stream media doesn't think that it's a story that should be front and center in the headlines"

    In the past year, liberalism as an elite social phenomenon has abandoned first rights of the accused and second the right to free expression. The Jameis Winston and Woody Allen sexual assault cases saw the rise of resistance to any discussion whatsoever of due process and rights of the accused, and in the way of their culture, online progressives moved quickly to a place where anyone mentioning those rights at all were immediately and angrily denounced, and accused of insufficient resistance to (if not outright support for) rape and rape culture.

    Similarly, the Brandon Eich situation, and now the Donald Sterling fiasco, have prompted this social cohort to change liberalism such that its traditional staunch defense of free speech rights has become instead an assumed disgust with those who talk about free speech rights at all. On Twitter and Tumblr, the notion that people have the right to hold controversial political opinions is not a cherished precept of the left but tantamount to racism and homophobia. Abandoning these commitments also entails abandoning the traditional liberal argument that rights are meaningless without ability.

    The tragic story of these Nigerian girls does not advance the left's agenda and therefore does not hold any interest for the "main stream media".

  30. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "If fox news reported on it you would call them racist for pointing it out just like you do every time a white person speaks out about blacks."

    If Fox News reported on it, I'm sure it would inevitably end up being racist. I can already imagine Fox's headline:

    "Irresponsible Black Girls Learn Bad Values From Beyoncé, Run Off With Islamofascists. Why Doesn't Obama Care About The Terrorist Babymama Crisis?"

  31. Anonymous5:47 PM

    FOCUSEDPURPOSE, " take a look at Messiah speaking in the Hebrew tongue His Name in KJV Acts 26:14. take a look at KJV Hebrew 4:8. look at the margin note and the name that is interchangeable with J-sus.

    hmmmm, right?

    there is only one Name.

    what if i told you folk deliberately changed it?

    along with Sabbath + the feasts and times.

    these same ones are doing away with the 10 commandments. replacing them with Noahide Laws that will keep folk in disobedience + with baal in their mouths.

    THIS is why it is written that those that lead US cause US to err. they won't Believe and go in...

    + deliberately try to block the way for others. "

    Dear FP,
    I have checked and checked. I used which has parallel verses. I used KJV as you instructed, but I did it using parallel verses on Sometimes, although not all the time, I get a little better understanding by looking at the same verse listed in other biblical translations as well.

    Please take a look at and let me know what you think?

    Anyway, I would really appreciate more commentary about God, Jesus, or any other name thrown in for Jesus or God or whatever else. I did read it, but I am not clear about it. I am glad you pointed it out because I wouldn't have noticed it, being a neophyte.

    Now my question is "How do I know what is right and what is wrong?"...esp for AAs? I mean, 'how' do I know what part of the Bible is correct, and what part is not?

    Is God and Jesus the same? I've heard different versions on this, which is why I don't bother to go to any churches run by Christians...only when I feel the urge, will I go--which isn't too maybe 'once' a do enjoy the Stations of the Cross at a Catholic Church, although I'm not Catholic.

    Anyway, I'd love for you to speak about God, Jesus and baal. I think I need some more clarity...Would you mind commenting on this?


  32. Anonymous6:07 PM

    FP, "these same ones are doing away with the 10 commandments. replacing them with Noahide Laws that will keep folk in disobedience + with baal in their mouths."

    Maybe when you have the time 'someday' you will show how Noahide Laws are pushing out the 10 Commandments? I still follow and embrace the Commandments as crucial to spiritual growth because they tell me how to live in this sinful world.

    I don't know much about the Noahide Laws. Should I know about them? Aren't the Commandments enough? I am still a neophyte, but rushing to learn before it's too late.


  33. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "What if the white house picked "mexican" food for their Cinco de Mayo celebration."

    What if plaid monkeys flew out of my ass? Resorting to "what if" questions? PC is right, Bill's jumped the shark and has nothing left to post about.

  34. Anonymous8:07 PM

    "Gee, that sure sounds like the views of some people in this country."

    Source please. (And that voice you hear in your head does not count as a source.)

    Also, I note that the article you link to does not metion that Boko Haram is a Muslim goup. (I do suppose that to metion Muslim would be politically incorrect and cause some to think that Islam is not a "religion 'o peace.)

    So let us continue the education of the readership her by quoting Winston Churchill:

    "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
    Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
    in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many
    countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods
    of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the
    Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and
    refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan
    law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as
    a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the
    faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

    Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion
    paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde
    force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant
    and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising
    fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the
    strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled,
    the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”


    And, as to Steve Wiles, FN do you (in the words of Eric "My People" Holder) really want to go there. Ok....

    Did you know that the NAACP had conferred its humanitarian award on the LA Clippers Donald Sterling? NAACP: 500,000 hypocrites. Continue, Brother Field, I am sure you have an answer to that....listen to the voice in your one else can hear it...

    And, finally ladies and gentlemen, I give you an outstanding candidate for a position in the Obama Administration:

    Stand by. Additional educational insights forthcoming....

  35. "Source please."

    If you are too lazy to use Google I will not do it for you.

    Besides, the "voice in my head" tells me that you are a wingnut, and thus there is nothing--- not even facts-- that can change your mind when it comes to your world views.

  36. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Mr Field, "Besides, the "voice in my head" tells me that you are a wingnut, and thus there is nothing--- not even facts-- that can change your mind when it comes to your world views.

    8:26 PM
    Pot calling kettle black. LOL...u r sooo funny when it comes to your own projections.

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