Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Goodbye "net neutrality, and more craziness from Florida.

Scary news out of New York, today from the MoffettNathanson Media & Communications Summit.

David Cohen, (this guy) the Comcast "point man" on "Net-neutrality", has declared that Comcast has every right to charge a different amount of money for different levels of Internet connectivity.

Translated: If you want faster Internet service you will have to pay more money to get it. According to Mr. Cohen this has been perfectly legal for years, and Comcast, through the kindness of their hearts, have just been letting us slide without going deeper into our pocket books.

We can thank a clueless FCC Commissioner for Mr. Cohen's arrogance. Tom Wheeler's new rules would allow Internet providers to create things called "fast lanes". These "fast lanes" allow companies with deep pockets to pay more money to create faster Internet service for their suckers clients who are willing to pay for the privilege. Think of it as a toll road on the information super- highway.

Now, thanks to the courts, these ISPs that used to be just conduits that carried data back and forth, are now able to charge extra money to companies like Netflix if they want to ride on the really fast information super- highway.

“We are not sure we know what paid prioritization, or what a fast lane, is,” Cohen said. “Fast lane sounds bad… (but) I believe that whatever it is, it has been completely legal for 15 or 20 years.”

He is lying! Comcast knows exactly what "fast lane" is and how much you would have to pay to get it.

Finally, I am down in Florida again for some craziness.

The latest po po cam catches a police officer kicking a handcuffed child's feet from beneath him causing him to fall on his back.

You could argue that the kid was a punk, but  police officer's shouldn't be assaulting grown ass men who are handcuffed let alone a 13 year old.

If the police officers in Boynton Beach, Florida can't handle a couple of
rowdy kids on a school bus, what are they going to do when faced with real
danger? (Video)


  1. Ned Newtrallity9:49 PM

    Oh no! Obama might not be able to censor the internet!

    How dare Comcast charge for their service in a way commensurate with the cost?

    How dare our laws obstruct what our Dear Leader wants?

  2. ariel rosario9:52 PM

    "You could argue that the kid was a punk,"

    Hey, you said your were all Trayvon.

    Only one way to deal with PUNKS.

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    From the NYT:

    Different N.B.A. Loyalties for Black and White Neighborhoods
    In addition to being numerous, African-American fans also seem to have different patterns to their N.B.A. rooting. Hometown basketball teams tend to earn a lower share of Facebook “likes” in heavily black areas. Many black fans instead seem to gravitate to teams with national followings, like the Heat and Lakers, over the local team.

    I have always found this strange but one thing I noticed is that blacks who had a father at home root for the local team and bastards (for lack of a better term) are front runners. I think if a father doesn't care about you or your mom, why should you be loyal to your community team? I don't know the reason but I am willing to bet money that if there was an analysis on bastards and non-bastards you would find that bastards are front runners and non-bastards are loyalists.

  4. Net neutrality is the biggest threat to the education of the poor as I've ever seen in my lifetime. :(

  5. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "He is lying! Comcast knows exactly what "fast lane" is and how much you would have to pay to get it."

    Mr Field, I am familiar with companies like Comcast and AT&T. They have no idea how much they are going to charge in the initial stages of "fast lane" prices.

    In other words the CEO was being honest. Surely you can give him the benefit of the doubt? Just be patient, Mr Field, just be patient and wait to see where this goes.

  6. Trollonymous Burgundy10:30 PM

    "Net neutrality is the biggest threat to the education of the poor as I've ever seen in my lifetime. :("

    Could you please elaborate on that statement? I'm not disagreeing or anything, I'm just curious as to what you mean exactly. Thanks.

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM

    She means not having high speed access to World Star Hip Hop is worse than shithole government schools staffed by affirmative action union teachers.

  8. No actually I won't elaborate. You can't insult me in one post, then try to engage in an intellectual conversation with me in another.

    You chose to go the ignorant route, so stay there with BIB, stalking assnon, and the racist trolls on this blog.

  9. She means not having high speed access to World Star Hip Hop is worse than shithole government schools staffed by affirmative action union teachers.

    Well gosh darn , I didn't know hip hop was so popular in Appalachia.

    So does Honey Boo Boo and 'nem love it too?

  10. Remember when democrats thought the internet was a giant right wing conspiracy?

  11. Jay Zero11:17 PM

    "Well gosh darn , I didn't know hip hop was so popular in Appalachia."

    Hip Hop is the choice of the sub-90 IQ demographic, wherever it is found.

  12. Trollonymous Burgundy11:31 PM

    Wow, even in the urban populated shithole government schools there was need for "Affirmative Action"? You mean, you folks felt entitled to those shithole jobs too?

    Then again, saying "affirmative action" has now become the latest cliche used by racist nitwits... it doesn't even have to present logic in a sentence.

  13. Dr.Nǚwáng is badass I think she deserves a theme song.

    I nominate this one-

    Beast Squad ft.Ash Bash

    "Beasty Is Back"

  14. Trollonymous Burgundy11:38 PM

    Internet Doctor said: "No actually I won't elaborate."

    I figured. You don't even know what you were saying. You picked that up somewhere and you tried to repeat it. LOL

  15. Trollonymous Burgundy11:48 PM

    "Well gosh darn , I didn't know hip hop was so popular in Appalachia."

    Those mutants in the Appalachia mountains do not know how to use the internet. The anon was trying to associate the ghettofied "World Star Hip Hop" website/community with the urban and black population. Pay attention. In fact, you might feel more at home over there.

  16. Funny field doesn't mention Comcast bought off the Democrat party and now owns controlling stock in the party.

    Just another reason to vote Democrat.

  17. Anonymous11:57 PM

    KC, fyi, the Dems don't make themselves beholden to big biz. You should know that. Only Repubs bow at the feet of big biz.

  18. Anonymous12:00 AM

    KC, please say something nice while on FN. Show some respect.

  19. Anonymous12:37 AM

    "Remember when democrats thought the internet was a giant right wing conspiracy?"

    Nope, but we do know Republicans think regulating greenhouse gasses will lead to the taxing of breathing. Stuuuuuuuuupid!

  20. Anonymous12:39 AM

    "Just another reason to vote Democrat."

    Yep, along with keeping stuuuuupid tea baggers out of office. Maybe Rick Perry can run with Sarah Palin and just get all the stuuuupid onto one ticket. Kinky would vote for them because he likes stuuuupid as much as the rest of the rethuglicans.

  21. Anonymous1:02 AM

    What do Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Todd Akin, Sarah Palin, Virginia Foxx, Sean Hannity, Louie Gohmert and Kinky Con have in common?

  22. "Mr Field, I am familiar with companies like Comcast and AT&T. They have no idea how much they are going to charge in the initial stages of "fast lane" prices. "

    WOW! They are THAT clueless?

    They don't know how to work out what to charge for their product?

    Don't they teach anything on MBA courses anymore?

    Incidentally, what is your experience with the senior management of these companies? I think if you were to publish your inside information on their incompetence, you could have a global scoop on your hands. Go for it buddy.

  23. The Purple Cow said...
    WOW! They are THAT clueless? They don't know how to work out what to charge for their product?

    I think they keep these charges "open" so they can charge whatever the hell they want.

    Yet another example of greed in America.

  24. President Redistribution8:55 AM

    Why shouldn't they charge whatever they want? You are not forced to buy it, like you are healthcare.

    Talk about greed.

  25. Why shouldn't they charge whatever they want? You are not forced to buy it, like you are healthcare.

    Talk about greed.

    They shouldn't be able to charge whatever they want for a commodity that most people need to use because history teaches us that greed will eventually destroy society.

  26. President Redistribution10:11 AM

    "They shouldn't be able to charge whatever they want for a commodity that most people need to use because history teaches us that greed will eventually destroy society."

    Can you provide justvone example where people being allowed to charge whatever they want has destroyed a society?

  27. President Redistribution10:13 AM

    justvone = "just one"

  28. Can you provide justvone example where people being allowed to charge whatever they want has destroyed a society?



    Next question?

  29. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "Mr Field, I am familiar with companies like Comcast and AT&T. They have no idea how much they are going to charge in the initial stages of "fast lane" prices. "

    WOW! They are THAT clueless?

    They don't know how to work out what to charge for their product?

    Don't they teach anything on MBA courses anymore?

    Incidentally, what is your experience with the senior management of these companies? I think if you were to publish your inside information on their incompetence, you could have a global scoop on your hands. Go for it buddy.

    4:37 AM
    It's not about being clueless what to charge. There are many circumstances that play into the price. These companies know this from experience.

    After all, these companies continue to grow because people such as yourself want their products. It takes some time to determine how much you are willing to pay for their products.

    That is, what is the consumer's walk away price?

    The companies need to figure out what they will charge the poor like Dr Nuwang, in addition what to charge the upper middle class and higher.

    This is not an overnight arbitrary matter. It takes time.

    And yes, virtually everyone at management level have the qualified degrees from Universities. However, just because you have walked across the stage for an MBA degree doesn't mean you are a skilled worker. It doesn't mean you know very much. It just means you have the potential to learn.

    'Real knowledge' happens in life, from on the job experience, not from an MBA diploma.

    Fyi, I have extensive experience in this business with large companies. Yes, I know things the public does not know and that is as it should be. The public tends to destroy businesses, not build them up.

    So, I won't be publishing 'inside information'--as you call it. "Inside information" is meant to be "inside information".

    Finally, money isn't everything. There are moral issues to consider which are priceless.

    However, I understand where you and Dr Nuwang are coming from. To be Black is to be money crazy and there are no boundaries, or 'no one' you wouldn't sell out.

    Didn't the term "sell out" originate in the Black community? In fact, the term has been used quite frequently on FN...along with "uncle tom".

    Enjoy your day.

  30. President Redistribution11:26 AM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    Can you provide just one example where people being allowed to charge whatever they want has destroyed a society?



    Next question?

    So America was destroyed...

    What country do you live in?

  31. ”It's not about being clueless what to charge. There are many circumstances that play into the price. These companies know this from experience. 

After all, these companies continue to grow because people such as yourself want their products. It takes some time to determine how much you are willing to pay for their products.”

    No you see, it doesn’t.

    It’s what I did for a living from 1999 to 2009. Pricing in telecoms industry is a marketing issue. The COGS of internet services is negligible. If the company hasn’t worked out it’s pricing through competitor analysis, and quant and qual research in six weeks flat, they are imbeciles.


    ”The companies need to figure out what they will charge the poor like Dr Nuwang, in addition what to charge the upper middle class and higher.”

    You don’t charge by social class, sunshine. You charge by quality of the product and what the market will take.


    ”This is not an overnight arbitrary matter. It takes time. 

And yes, virtually everyone at management level have the qualified degrees from Universities. However, just because you have walked across the stage for an MBA degree doesn't mean you are a skilled worker. It doesn't mean you know very much. It just means you have the potential to learn.

'Real knowledge' happens in life, from on the job experience, not from an MBA diploma.”

    Nonsense. My MBA gave me the tools to do my job, those tools represent real knowledge. Converting knowledge into wisdom takes time, I’ll grant you. But to suggest that MBA’s know nothing is bollocks


    ”Fyi, I have extensive experience in this business with large companies. Yes, I know things the public does not know and that is as it should be. The public tends to destroy businesses, not build them up. 

So, I won't be publishing 'inside information'--as you call it. "Inside information" is meant to be "inside information".

    I wasn’t requesting “inside information” I was being sarcastic. You quite clearly have no clue what you are talking about.

    ”Finally, money isn't everything. There are moral issues to consider which are priceless.”
    Daaaamn man, you call yourself a capitalist??
    That’s socialist dogma you spoutin’ right there.

    ”However, I understand where you and Dr Nuwang are coming from. To be Black is to be money crazy and there are no boundaries, or 'no one' you wouldn't sell out.”

    More socialist nonsense. You should be ashamed of yourself. Don’t you know it’s the love of money that made America what it is today? 

    ”Didn't the term "sell out" originate in the Black community?”

    Nope sorry, the phrase sell out with the given definition to "prostitute one's ideals or talents" is attested in England in 1888.

    Enjoy your day. I'm certainly enjoying mine.

  32. President Redistribution11:40 AM

    ”Finally, money isn't everything. There are moral issues to consider which are priceless.”

    Daaaamn man, you call yourself a capitalist??
    That’s socialist dogma you spoutin’ right there.

    A socialist is someone who already has his money or who wants someone else's money.

    The two types team up against the ones still trying to make their own money.

  33. Trollonymous Burgundy11:41 AM

    Anon asked Dr Nuwig: "Can you provide justvone example where people being allowed to charge whatever they want has destroyed a society?"

    Ya know... folks like you and Nuwig are focusing on "charges". There are more insidiousness to "net neutrality" than you two obviously realize.

  34. The Purple Cow said...
    Nonsense. My MBA gave me the tools to do my job, those tools represent real knowledge.

    Bravo to PC for being among the only 5% of Blacks with an advanced degree!

  35. Trollonymous Burgundy11:47 AM

    "Bravo to PC for being among the only 5% of Blacks with an advanced degree!"

    And you will never be one of them.

  36. Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    "Bravo to PC for being among the only 5% of Blacks with an advanced degree!"

    So, the fact that 95% of blacks do not possess the ability to get an advanced degree is to you a point of derision?

    I do not believe one's inherent worth as a human being depends on one's intelligence or other inherited attributes. One should admire and appreciate talents, but even the talentless are people too.

    The fact that you have been unable to become a doctor after 40 years of college does not make you less of a person, it just means you are an annoyingly deluded social climber who simply refuses to accept her limitations.

    You will never be a doctor. And that's okay.

  37. Anonymous1:19 PM

    @ Dr.Nǚwáng: Do you think Hillary's obesity is what led to her stroke? Is her health too poor for her to recover from the brain damage she received from this event?

  38. QUOTE: President Redistribution

    "A socialist is someone who already has his money or who wants someone else's money."

    So in other words - everybody.

    Are you against redistribution of wealth, PR?

  39. I think Gov. Christy is at significant risk of sudden death from a massive heart attack in the next 10 years.

    @1:19, get a username.

  40. The Purple Cow said..
    So in other words - everybody.
    Are you against redistribution of wealth, PR?

    Of course he is, in keeping with the Rethug agenda of endorsing laws that help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

  41. Dr..I need some Wang...

    sure spends a TON of time on Field Negro while proclaiming to be a Dr the other 95% of the time....

    Yes Dipshit Dr...

    If you were diagnosed with Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancer been Cancer Free since 2009 )

    you would be researching every possible treatment available especially the natural ones...

    The fact that you cant even comment on the information I posted speaks VOLUMES about the supposed Cancer Research you swear by...

    I post just in the hopes that somebody getting ready to be butchered , and torched by your industries chemo-therapy recognizes that there could possibly be an alternative.

    Imagine a supposed Cancer Dr...

    Attempting to Berate... Belittle the very same people she took a OATH to protect; because shes Uncouth ,and Egotistical...

    Which can be clearly seen throughout your posts...

    Carry On.....

  42. j. ninten2:14 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    I think Gov. Christy is at significant risk of sudden death from a massive heart attack in the next 10 years.

    Yes, it would not be surprising at all.

    And a stroke in a 70 year-old women is not easily recovered from, is it?

  43. "So, the fact that 95% of blacks do not possess the ability to get an advanced degree is to you a point of derision?"

    On what evidence do you base that statistic?

  44. Trollonymous Burgundy2:17 PM


    Dr. Nuwig does not need to do anymore Cancer Research than she has already. The internet already give her but so much results when she typed "cancer research". Please stop giving her such a hard time and stop f-ing with her online fantasy. Why do we black people have to be so cruel to each other???

    You're welcome Dr. Nuwig, I got your back.

  45. Anonymous2:34 PM

    BTW good srom pics on the twitter feed from tracker on website.


  46. Anonymous2:34 PM

    What happened to AB, can someone tell me?

  47. I was going to write something on that yesterday, but I couldn't be arsed, frankly.

    Everything BiB wrote on cannabinoids is unsubstantiated at best, and potentially nonsense at worst.

    There is no firm evidence that they help brain recovery, only an as yet unsubstantiated theory that they might. Even so it's the non-smokey type of cannabinoids that doctors are referring to, not the more toxic kind you buy in Amsterdam.

    Secondly, it is thought that cannabinoids might have a role in helping with some cancers, but there is no hard evidence yet. In that study he quoted the average life expectancy of cancer patients given them was 24 weeks!

  48. Anonymous2:44 PM

    "There is no firm evidence that they help brain recovery, only an as yet unsubstantiated theory that they might. Even so it's the non-smokey type of cannabinoids that doctors are referring to, not the more toxic kind you buy in Amsterdam."

    Is it possible they could help Hillary recover from her stroke?

  49. FN said...
    Comcast has every right to charge a different amount of money for different levels of Internet connectivity.

    Let me remind you what huffington pointed out...

    Money, Politics And The Press: Media Political Donations To Democrats
    contributions made by large media conglomerates (which is comprised of the companies' PACs and employees who list the media companies as their respective employers) overwhelmingly went to Democratic entities, including President Barack Obama's re-election campaign.

    In the case of News Corp., Time Warner, Comcast, and the Walt Disney Co., donations made to Obama were roughly ten times the amount than donations made to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

    Why didn't you mention the $$ connection to democrats??

    Why do you believe Comcast "invested" so much lobby $$ to democrats?
    To get rules/regulations in their favor, maybe getting a sympathetic FCC commissioner?

    We can thank a clueless FCC Commissioner

    A democrat, appointed by Obama.

    Why didn't you mention that?

  50. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What happened to AB, can someone tell me?

    2:34 PM
    I don't know but her presence here is still missed. She had a lot of wisdom and also exposed a lot of lies. She was in many ways, one of the "Truth Sayers" of FN.


  51. The Purple Cow said...

    "A socialist is someone

    Any plans to move to Venezuela?

    Socialist paradise I hear.

  52. FN said...
    Comcast has every right to charge a different amount of money for different levels of Internet connectivity.


    Taxpayer $ was used to build freeways.

    The government wanting more $ decides to close lanes only to those rich enough to pay a different amount of money for a "fast lane."

    A private company doing the same as the government is bad?

  53. FN said...
    If you want faster Internet service you will have to pay more money to get it. According to Mr. Cohen this has been perfectly legal for years

    Is it unfair for comcast to charge more for HBO?

    Is it unfair for cell phone companies to charge more for unlimited plans than 60 minutes a month plans?

    Is it unfair for the post office to charge more for faster service?

  54. The Purple Cow said...
    Everything BiB wrote on cannabinoids is unsubstantiated at best, and potentially nonsense at worst.

    PC, the boy doesn't have the common sense to get an education beyond high school, why in the world would you try to make sense of ANYTHING he writes?

    Besides the fact he's probably high when he writes these nonsensical diatribes anyway.

    BTW Boy, what job could you possibly have since most of them require drug tests? In the "pharmaceutical distribution" business, huh?

  55. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Dr Nuwang is afraid to respond to Trolly.


  56. Come on FN, you gotta do better.

    No mention that the FCC voted along party lines?

    Lucky they had a majority of democrats on the panel.

    The 3-2 vote came courtesy of Wheeler and two Democratic FCC commissioners. The two Republican commissioners voted against the plan because they don’t want the agency to regulate broadband at all.

    So your siding with right-wingers now? Seriously?

    You better re-read your daily talking points FN.

  57. Harry Baldwin3:56 PM

    After Hillary Clinton's concussion, doctors discovered a blood clot in a vein that runs between the skull and the brain behind her right ear and she was admitted to New York-Presbyterian Hospital for treatment with blood thinners. She was released after a brief hospitalization.

    Bill Clinton said it was serious and took her six months to recover.

    That doesn't sound good at all.

  58. Anonymous4:02 PM

    There is no way in HELL the Dems want a White woman much less Hillary! as their candidate.

    Not when they can have: Oprah, or Corey Booker, or Magic, or heck Al Sharpton as their nominee.

    It does not matter. Having a Black candidate is the path to electoral and governing success. It mobilizes the Black voters to be so enthusiastic they vote five times each! SWPLs fall all over themselves to vote for the noble magical Black guy (or gal) over that White guy. Hispanics and Asians also vote against the White guy.

    Then, when elected, the magical Black deflection shield prevents the media from EVER discussing ANY FAILURES WHATSOEVER. EVER.

    Once the Dems went Black, they'll never go back. Heck they'd run Michelle before allowing Hillary! to fail.

    Dems literally cannot afford to lose -- there are so many criminal Obama scandals and his total command over everything now abolishing Congress and the courts role in things historically theirs for oversight and accountability means the same tools they used to go after the Tea Party will be used against them. And they know it.

  59. whether or not Hillary has brain damage or is too old doesn't really matter. it's easier to be president now than it was in the past, unless you want to be a genuinely great statesman, then it's probably just as hard as ever. but none of the candidates are interested in that. especially the democrats, who are just cultural marxists now.

    so does it really matter if the democrat cultural marxist in control is 50 years old or 70? their goals are the same and their path to destroying the US is the same, and neither their goals or their path to achieving them are particularly difficult or mentally taxing. offer to give democrat voters free stuff, raise taxes to pay for it, call european conservatives racists whenever they offer a different perspective or view, repeat ad infinitum, permanent victory is assured.

    considering the almost certain direction the nation is going, i don't think you would even need to be all that smart to be president. IQ 120 mediocrities can probably run the show from here on out. does it matter whether an IQ 120 mediocrity is 50 or 70? does it matter whether they work 12 hours a day or 4? does it matter if they even work every day at all?

    obama is not that smart, he barely does anything, works as little as possible, and the country runs pretty well, provided you accept the current state of affairs as 'pretty well'. which many people do. most importantly, the majority of democrat voters. so, why does it matter if the president lost a few IQ points and a few hours of attention span per day, from some brain damage? if the president WANTS, the president barely has to do anything anymore.

    all the hard work was done decades, centuries ago. in corporate terms, the president is not much different than a middle manager now. the president today, sits on top of a giant, well oiled machine, fueled by a giant mountain of treasure, accumulated over the last 200 years. the president can run the machine badly for years, and mostly get away with that. the mules (conservative european americans) will pick up the slack always, being industrious as they are. growing the food, pumping the oil, shoveling the coal, paying the taxes, and shooting the guns for the military. all the things that keep the nation going.

    true, it is true will only take a couple of these mediocre cultural marxist presidents in a row to really crash the nation. but that's their goal.

  60. Purple Cow and Dumb Ass Dr Wang.. said..

    "Everything BiB wrote on cannabinoids is unsubstantiated at best, and potentially nonsense at worst."

    In that study he quoted the average life expectancy of cancer patients given them was 24 weeks!

    Sorry you two FAIL again...

    The endocannabinoid system is NOT unsubtantiated... In fact its well known, and researched by neurologists worldwide.

    Secondly I posted (4) studies that delve into the area.

    Lastly, I never advocated smoking ANYTHING...

    So this notion that Im trying to advocate smoking Cannabis unless its vaporized is a Lie.

    You two mentally masturbate so much over so many things. You cant possibly recall what was actually said...

    Just becauuse You two have your heads stuck deep within your rectums.... doesnt negate anything I posted...

    Dr. Wang wants everyone to believe shes a Dr , but your here from Sun Up to Sun Down what kind of work is even getting done....

  61. Dumb Ass Dr Wang says..
    "BTW Boy, what job could you possibly have since most of them require drug tests? In the "pharmaceutical distribution" business, huh?"

    No... Ding Dong...

    Thats your job to push synthetic opiates that damage your internal organs...

    All while telling people ..
    "Your Getting Better"
    You just need More Chemo"

  62. Anonymous4:27 PM

    @ BIB - phuck those poseurs.

    No... Ding Dong...

    Ding dong, LOL?? Really, Boy???


  64. Anonymous4:44 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "So, the fact that 95% of blacks do not possess the ability to get an advanced degree is to you a point of derision?"

    On what evidence do you base that statistic?

    No less an authority than the esteemed Dr. Nuwang, MD.

  65. Wingnuts will not be happy until Harley Brown (GOP from Idaho) is president.

    "obama is not that smart....."

    Stop right there and take your meds.

  66. "No less an authority than the esteemed Dr. Nuwang, MD."

    Dr. Nuwang said no such thing.

    Please go away and work on your English comprehension skills.

  67. QUOTE:BiB

    "The endocannabinoid system is NOT unsubtantiated... In fact its well known, and researched by neurologists worldwide."

    I didn't say that it is unsubstantiated, I said you have no evidence for the conclusions you drew from its efficacy in preventing brain damage.

    Secondly you may have posted four studies, but not one of them said Cannabinoids cure cancer.

  68. "obama is not that smart....."

    No transcripts.

    No writings.

    Got into Harvard through the efforts of many, many people:

    No published articles from the Harvard Law Review.

    Bill Ayers ghostwrote "Dreams" for him.

    Has been a thoroughly mediocre President.

    There is absolutely no evidence this guy has anything beyond average intelligence.

  69. Anonymous5:04 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "No less an authority than the esteemed Dr. Nuwang, MD."

    Dr. Nuwang said no such thing.
    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Bravo to PC for being among the only 5% of Blacks with an advanced degree!

    Nuwang is dissing on the 95% of blacks who are too dumb to get an advanced degree.

  70. "There is absolutely no evidence this guy has anything beyond average intelligence."

    Yes, because only high IQ guys like Gerald Ford, W, and Saint Ronnie can be president.

    *side eye*

  71. Anonymous5:14 PM

    *side eye*

    No, the point is that Obama's supposed intelligence is a myth unsubstantiated by any objective evidence and undercut by factual observation.

    Whether or not he is any dumber than his predecessors, he is certainly the phoniest POS to ever occupy the office. Everything about him is fake.

  72. "Nuwang is dissing on the 95% of blacks who are too dumb to get an advanced degree."

    You still don't see the flaw in your logic do you?

    Just how dumb are you people?

  73. "Yes, because only high IQ guys like Gerald Ford, W, and Saint Ronnie can be president."

    FYI, at the time of the Iraq war, British military intelligence estimated George W.'s I.Q. to be 96.

    (Not that I.Q. has anything to do with intelligence, but it's interesting how the perception ran.)

  74. "FYI, at the time of the Iraq war, British military intelligence estimated George W.'s I.Q. to be 96."

    That's about 20 points higher than I thought it was.

  75. Albert Brownstein6:31 PM

    field negro said...

    "FYI, at the time of the Iraq war, British military intelligence estimated George W.'s I.Q. to be 96."

    That's about 20 points higher than I thought it was.

    That's right about where I have you pegged. On a good day.

  76. Anonymous6:34 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Nuwang is dissing on the 95% of blacks who are too dumb to get an advanced degree."

    You still don't see the flaw in your logic do you?

    What purpose did she have in differentiating herself (sideways, by flattering you) from the 95% of blacks that do not have "advanced degrees"?

    The implication is that she is part of the talented twentieth.

  77. Purple Cow says...

    "I didn't say that it is unsubstantiated"

    Purple Cow at 2:36 PM

    "Everything BiB wrote on cannabinoids is unsubstantiated at best, and potentially nonsense at worst."

    What does the word EVERYTHING mean Purple Cow??

    Dont try and walk back your comments now ....

    You want to play Tomato Tomatoe game...

    The majority of people in the United States have no idea of the remarkable, scientifically-proven medical benefits of cannabis.

    Many cancers show significant responses to cannabinoids by:

    1. Inhibition of growth of the tumor
    2. Reduction in metastasis (blood and lymphatic spread of the cancer)
    3. Inhibition of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), which inhibits blood vessel growth into tumors (inhibiting vasculogenesis)
    4. Induction of apoptosis (normal cell death that cancer cells are immune to)

    Now if you want to call that something OTHER than killing Cancer you go right ahead, but dont sit here, and LIE saying theres absolutely NO scientific proof for it.

    Glucose and fatty metabolism, pain control and inflammation are all controlled by the ECS. There are many reports of patients with seizures that are unresponsive to all medicines except cannabis extracts.

    We are learning that even the sperm implantation into the ovum requires endocannabinoids for success.

    Mother’s milk contains endocannabinoids that stimulate the infant to feed and thrive. (This transfer of cannabinoids from mother to child is the only still legal transfer of exogenous cannabinoids).

    Dr Wang...
    Virginia Commonwealth has a number of professionals who have expertise in the very subject you say is unsubstatiated..

    In fact dont beleive me... heres the link

    Cellular mechanisms underlying epileptogenesis, seizure and neuronal hyperexcitability. Regulation of GABAA receptor and endocannabinoid systems utilizing in vitro and invivo models of seizure.

    Oh look heres another Real Professor

    Research is directed toward elucidating the mechanisms involved in hepatic cellular signal-transduction and modulation of neurotransmission by cannabinoids.

  78. Dr Wang...
    Virginia Commonwealth has a number of professionals who have expertise in the very subject you say is unsubstatiated..

    Look Boy, I didn't say ANYTHING was unsubstantiated, your high ass just can't read and attribute the comments to the proper commenter.


  79. celia7:08 PM

    BiB sounds a lot smarter than Nuwang. He has a much more rational, analytic mind and seems to have done more study on medical matters than she has. I would have to call this debate in his favor.

    Maybe he should start calling himself Dr. Black is Beautiful.

  80. Anonymous7:28 PM

    PC is amazing! he has managed to surpass Dr Nuwang as the FN village idiot.


  81. Troll Brownstain, whatever gets u through the day.

    And thanks for visiting; I am sure u will be back.

    The asylum doesn't go on lockdown quite yet.

  82. Trollonymous Burgundy8:30 PM

    "Troll Brownstain, whatever gets u through the day."

    Field, please don't call that person a troll. He would never make it through clearance, I have great quality control. And I don't accept rude disrespectful arrogant people from mental institutions.

    (like so many of his kind, he's probably afraid he might have to get Obamacare for his meds, it'll be harder to smooch off the system with those "disability" excuses they often use).

    And plus anyone with a name starting with Troll can't be too smart. That's why this guy is named Albert Brownstein, that sounds super close to Albert Einstein. So why not take his word and go check out your IQ just to be sure.

    I just love solving problems.

  83. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Doesn't Jimmy Carter have the highest IQ of an modern President? Wasn't Reagan dumb as a box of rocks?

  84. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Hey Bib! Why are you attacking a sista? I thought you were all black first all of a sudden? Not a good look, ignoring racist trolls and attacking black. C'mon son, be consistent.

  85. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Doesn't Jimmy Carter have the highest IQ of an modern President? Wasn't Reagan dumb as a box of rocks?

    Carter had an engineering degree, indicating some smarts. He was an idiot of a President though.

    Reagan was much smarter than he gets credit for. His writings form the 60's and 70's are quite impressive.

    Historians are liberal democrats and tend to call all Republicans dumb and all Democrats geniuses.

    Bush was a mediocre thinker but he was smarter than Gore.

  86. "Any plans to move to Venezuela?

    Socialist paradise I hear."


    How about you?

    Any plans to move to Russia or China?

    Capitalist paradises I hear.
