Friday, June 27, 2014

Another great is gone, and some questionable candidates.

I would like to start this post tonight by saying rest in peace to the legendary Bobby Womack.

That man was soul personified and one of America's greatest artist.

In honor of him I think I will slip He'll Be There, and If You Think You're Lonely Now on my playlist tonight.

Anywhoo, in today's news, here is just one more reason why we should be careful who we vote for.

"A Republican candidate is contesting the results of a primary race he lost this week with a rather shocking and extremely out-there allegation: his opponent, incumbent congressman Frank Lucas, is dead, and the man he ran against is a lookalike.

This is what Tim Murray (who challenged Lucas last time as a Democrat and this time switched to the Republican side) actually says on his actual campaign website: “It is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike. Rep. Lucas’ look alike was depicted as sentenced on a white stage in southern Ukraine on or about Jan. 11, 2011.”

Yes, he’s claiming that a Republican member of Congress went to Ukraine and was “depicted as being executed” on live TV, and obviously, after you die, you are “not eligible to serve as a Congressional Member after that time.”
When asked about this bonkers theory, Lucas simply said, “I’ve never been to Ukraine.”

Sure, that’s what the elites want us to think!" [Source]

What would we do without the tea party to offer us all comic relief?

But seriously, these political parties really have to do a better job of vetting their candidates.

 "..Jordan D. Haskins, the only Republican candidate running for Congress in Michigan’s 95th State House District.

Haskins, you see, has a checkered past: he’s a parolee with “stints in prison systems in two states,” according to the Saginaw News. While most of his felonies include larceny, auto theft, and breaking and entering, two of his charges — misdemeanor charges of unlawful use of a motor vehicle and malicious destruction of property — occurred when he broke into a state property, pulled spark plugs and wires out of police cars, and then…masturbated:
According to that incident report, Haskins again said that he damaged county vehicles by pulling spark plug wires to “masturbate while cranking the engine.” Deputies said he told them the act is a sexual fetish he learned about online. 
Haskins told The Saginaw News that he has difficulty explaining what drove him to again and again repeat that behavior.  
“I was in a messed-up state of mind mentally and emotionally when I did what I did,” he said. “That’s the only way I can even explain it.”
He also liked to masturbate in police cruisers and vehicles, in stolen trucks, and in a city mosquito control car. It is unclear whether he would masturbate on a boat, with a goat, here or there, or anywhere.

Looking back, Haskins said that he was in “a whole phase of my life where I was young and stupid,” and that he’d faced some problems at home. Now, however, he’s ready to clean up his messy past. “I feel that, yes, I’ve made mistakes in my past. But I’m working to correct those things and to try at least to put in my small part and help others in my community and try to make things right. I hope the citizens of the city and the 95th District will give me that chance.”

The state’s Republican Party has neither condemned nor offered their endorsement of the candidate." [Source]

Young Mr. Haskins can be encouraged by the fact that a car thief is actually a very powerful man in Washington these days. I guess it's not where you start as much as where you finish.

Good luck Jordan, just remember to report to your parole officer.



  1. GrannyStandingforTruth9:34 PM

    It's sad to hear about Womack.

  2. Wesley R9:37 PM

    RIP Bobby Womack. The brother put it down for decades.

  3. He'll Not Be There9:48 PM

    The really sad part about Womack is that he died while trying to masturbate while cranking the engine of a police car from which he had stolen spark plug wires. That's how he'll be remembered now. Plus, now that he's dead he's no longer eligible to serve as a Congressional Member, especially since he fried his member.

  4. @9:48 I think you have Womack confused with that Pee party guy in Mississippi.


  5. Field, what's up with calling Thicke a stalker??

    Seems to me you would have put him in the house for putting his hand in that hooker's ass last year. THAT is HNB, begging to get your wife back after you've mucked up is Field behavior, IMHO.

    And the a White folks are mad with Thicke because he's begging a Black woman for forgiveness, if this was Brad Pitt begging Jennifer Aniston's boring ass back, it would be celebrated!



  6. FN said...
    He also liked to masturbate in police cruisers and vehicles,

    He was born that way.

    Bobby Womack was as great off the stage as he was on it.

  7. Standard issue 21st century republiklan Field, just getting his first freaky scandal out of the way for the name recognition. Look what it did for Vitter: those middle aged gin soaked suburban freaks all wanted to change his diaper for him. At least thats what they told the exit pollers when he won re-electin with a bigger percentage than he'd won election with 6 years earlier as an unknown still-closeted suburban freak himself. I myself always bring handiwipes and hand cleaner with me when I meet with republiklans: it's a safe bet that every surface in their offices, floor to ceiling, is as least freshly ballstamped.

  8. Anonymous10:50 PM

    it hurts me to read the comments of anon9:48pm. Womack was one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time and some SOB wants to desecrate Womack's name. Why are people so evil-minded and mean?

    This shit depresses me. I sometimes wonder why Blacks feel like living with people like anon9:48 and QLB spend their entire lives to make Blacks miserable. Depressing.

  9. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Field, you need to give Thicke some slack. He is hurt and emotionally exhausted without his wife.

    How would you feel if Mrs Field left your ass? You'd be wailing and crying tears all over the blogosphere.

    Quite frankly, his wife needs to knock off the bs and come back and be his wife again. She is too sensitive.

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth11:46 PM

    I guess, he wants to get his freak on up Capitol Hill now. Probably wants to find out what it's like to masturbate in one of those Capitol Hill leather chairs or on the gravel. Oh heck,who knows. He's just plain nasty, perverted, and that's the bottom line.

  11. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Granny, you need to show some mercy and compassion for a sick man. Are you a Muslim?

  12. GrannyStandingforTruth2:10 AM

    Anonymous 12:19,


  13. GrannyStandingforTruth2:24 AM

    Anonymous 12:19,

    Why does he look like he has a mouthful?

    Nevermind. Forget it. The man is gross. Smh!

  14. Aw man, wasn't Bobby just on Unsung a little while back? I remember my dad used to call my sister Bobby Womack back in the 80's because she was rocking some big assed glasses, which seem to be making a comeback.

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth2:44 AM

    Let's see now, peeping under bathroom stalls in the men's bathroom, molesting the pages up on Capitol Hill, charging the S&M entertainment night out to the RNC charge card, a GOP candidate that loves to ejaculate on objects, and Kinky Con's handle,which says it all about the GOP party. Smh!

    Now, I'm beginning to understand why the GOP women are so hateful and mean-spirited. The Rolling Stones must have had the GOP Party in mind when they made that song, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction."

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth2:58 AM

    Oops, I meant gavel.

  17. My favourite Bobby track. Last of the great soul men.

    Rest in Peace Bobby.

  18. Yes, Womack was all that.

    Don't mind the troll@9:48, it's a troll, it's what they do.

    They live really pathetic lives.

    Dr. I might give Thicke some slack, u made a good case for him. Still, I worry for Ms. Patton; dudes behavior has been very bizarre . I fear we might have a reverse OJ situation on our hands.

  19. Anonymous8:31 AM

    "And the a White folks are mad with Thicke because he's begging a Black woman for forgiveness, if this was Brad Pitt begging Jennifer Aniston's boring ass back, it would be celebrated!"

    Nah, come on, white folks would not think that was cool. Regardless of the race of the woman, publicly begging that woman to take you back in a musical performance is pretty gross. If you want to apologize for your bad behavior, go do it in person, not by putting out a new album.

    Robin Thicke always manages to turn everything creepy and weird.

  20. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I can't stop laughing at that Tim Murray dude. He's certifiably insane. I mean, it's not like I don't think all Republicans are insane, but this guy is literally quite insane. He makes Louie Gohmert and Michelle Bachmann look downright sensible.

    As for Haskins, don't we all remember the good old days when we were "young and stupid" ... back when we'd break into police cars to disable them and whack off in them?

    No? Not a common teenage pastime? Anyone? Bueller? ... Bueller? ... Bueller?

  21. Anon, I agree, he is probable certifiable. But
    think about it, is he that much worse than the two you mentioned? :)

  22. Anonymous9:59 AM

    In other news
    Chicago-At least ten people were shot overnight in that ongoing bongo party known as Chitown. A 17 year old male is in critical condition, shot near Operation Push headquarters. Jesse Jackson is investigating and promising to keep hope alive. There was no response from knocks on Al Sharpton's apartment.
    An unnamed police spokesperson tried to calm fears by stating that Las Vegas odds makers have said there will be no more than 5 to 6 killed and another 25 to 30 wounded which would make if just another typical weekend. The mayor also issued a statement saying that the mortality rate for shootings has dropped to 13.5 % what is everybody bitching about? The PC also cited the stat as a clear cut improvement.

  23. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Anon, I agree, he is probable certifiable. But
    think about it, is he that much worse than the two you mentioned?

    If I'm honest about the way they would actually govern, the brutal truth is that you're probably right! There likely would not be that much difference, when it comes to on-the-job behavior, between an individual with such a warped belief system as Michelle Bachmann's, and a disturbed individual with a psychotic mental illness.

    That's really saying something, eh?

  24. Anonymous10:17 AM

    The UK has a joke political party called the Monster Raving Loony Party.

    Unfortunately, here in the U.S, we have our own Monster Raving Loony Party, but they're one of our two main parties! The American version call themselves Republicans.

  25. @Field, I'll agree that Thicke has NO cool points left, but IMHO he lost those after he a$$ed a stranger in public.

    Ain't nothin' wrong with professing your undying affection for the woman you love!

    So let's celebrate a Black woman being "sweat" by a White dude on an international scale FOR ONCE!!!


  26. Deadeye11:22 AM

    "The mayor also issued a statement saying that the mortality rate for shootings has dropped to 13.5 % what is everybody bitching about?"

    That's only because negroes are such poor shots. Thank God for that.


  27. One mythical scandal being settled by the IRS for $50,000.

    The National Organization for Marriage has been awarded a $50,000 settlement from the IRS after the agency admitted wrongdoing in leaking the organization's 2008 tax return and the names and contact information of major donors. The information was forwarded from the IRS to the pro-gay marriage group Human Rights Campaign. That group then posted the data on its website during the 2012 presidential campaign. Unauthorized dissemination of such information is a felony.

    Nothing says abuse of government power like targeting your political enemies and giving their confidential information to their enemies.

    Obama promised change.


  28. According to @CDCgov 1 in 6 individuals in the United States living with HIV don’t know it. Find out your status today!

    *IF* this democrat is telling the truth, Obamacare is going to take a very big hit.

    I'm assuming the democrat is playing the fear cared to scare the people (democrats) that believe him.

  29. Anonymous1:30 PM

    "Nothing says abuse of government power like targeting your political enemies and giving their confidential information to their enemies.

    Obama promised change."

    Oh yeah? Well, nothing says abuse of our tax laws like the 501(c4) outfits run by Karl Rove, the Koch brothers -- as well as pretty much anything with "Patriot" in the name.

    And the change I believe in is reform or elimination of the corruption-enabling 501(c4) provision of our tax laws. It's revolting that political organizations (or, in NOM's case, hate groups) are allowed to conceal their donors in the first place. Not to mention that this provision is being rampantly abused to illegally funnel dark money to support candidates for office.

    Fuck NOM. Fuck their preposterous lawsuit.

  30. No one wants to discuss the law the IRS is supposed to be following.

  31. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Abolish the IRS.

    Impose a 15% flat tax on all earnings above $50,000.

    No exemptions other than dependents.

    The poor would pay less, and the rich would pay more, as they could no longer hide their income.

  32. The enemy of my enemy2:09 PM

    "Changing democrat demographics is changing the the priorities of the party."

    Why would Hispanic democrats want to keep the minimum wage down?

    Because a higher minimum wage would bring more Americans into the workforce and remove the advantage illegal immigrants have.

    All Hispanic democrats really care about is getting more Hispanics into the country.

    This makes black America happy as it will fuck up whitey's country good, but guess who is going to get hurt most by 50 to 100 million more Hispanics scrounging their way in?

    Whose tune are you really dancing too?

  33. Flat taxes aren't fair. A family earning $50,000 feels a 15% hit more than a billionaire. Progressive taxes are the way to go in terms of fairness because if you want to pay fewer taxes just earn less.

  34. Anonymous2:55 PM

    PilotX said...

    Flat taxes aren't fair. A family earning $50,000 feels a 15% hit more than a billionaire.

    I just said no one pays taxes on the first $50,000. A family with dependents would pay nothing on the first $60 to 70,000.

    Progressive taxes are the way to go in terms of fairness because if you want to pay fewer taxes just earn less.

    To the progressive mind, incentivizing people to earn less is a good thing. Amazing...

  35. Grew up on the music of Brother Bobby. He came out different than the other musicians that were mainly groups. Delfonics, Stylistics and others. He had a fresh look as well as a unique style- glasses and beard. His songs pleaded with your love that you just got to hold on. RIP BroB

  36. r.i.p to Bobby Womack.

    take a closer look @ RThicke and there is something more at play. i pray for him and his whole house on all sides in Messiah's Name.

    get you back...can go both ways.

    ps. PPatton is biracial. just as is BO. white and other women do NOT birth the Black nation. PPatton's mother= white German lady.

    PPatton = biracial.

    some WW have already told folk this. i am simply agreeing. some Wfolks realize how sick it is to disown their own flesh and blood over color. it is no longer a property/freedom rights concern. it might be time to cut it out already.

    i understand how folk identify + we, Hebrews, are not to make any feel a stranger. nevertheless. Black folk acting like they don't know is not working so well. BO is the people's president. despite some Black folk riding haaard for him + swearing he's Black..

    whatever "the people" come at him with is their business, as far as i am concerned. in his lame duckness, no, i don't see him giving Bessed Blacks any Love. i would Love to be wrong.

    not to mention how historically this biracial group of people have been used in relation to Black people. Black folk forget a lot. to do this when the image of the Blessed Black woman is being non-stop denigrated defies all reason and logic. some Black women are cosigning their own erasure in their feverish quest to be politically correct. i refuse.

    + folk were over here talking 'bout bring back our girls. why folk want to go to Africa before they will take a look at what is happening in america? charity/love begins at home then travels abroad.

    my prayer is for Almighty's will to be done in all things.

    i just won't get caught up on the color aspect at this point. BO and other biracials that got what they need...sure don't get caught up on the color aspect. Blessed Blacks need to wake and catch up. all awake...would do well to turn things up. pray for me,in Messiah's Name, as i work to do just that.

    i pray for PPatton as well. she can't be having fun right now with all this. then again, she might be in on it. who knows? not my job to figure it out...i will just say a prayer for them all and keep it moving.

  37. re: the white man running for office that clearly is naturally, down for whatever. it appears he gets off on cutting the heck up.

    white boys.


    being bad boys.

    some have been POTUS and the political offices are loaded with 'em.

    this fella must've not been from a properly paid + connected clan. 'cause this mess would've been buried/sanitized fast. so i can root for him;)

    the piece did not address where he is spiritually at this point. if he is rolling with Almighty...i am doubly down for his success.

    the way this was written had me laughing at him. that's not right;(

    but can folk discuss this:

    wouldn't folk think he was in a position to know? or do we think he is evil bad and to be ignored?

    i am asking 'cause this is where the educated minds congregate.

    things are getting turned up. in a quiet type of way...

    all neatly hidden in plain sight.

    while folk focus on the mundane...

    and just plain dumb.

    no judgment. spoken across. i am just as guilty most days in a different way. may Almighty Himself + the whole host of heaven pray for and be with us all.

    Shabbat Shalom

  38. Anonymous8:01 PM

    "Flat taxes aren't fair. A family earning $50,000 feels a 15% hit more than a billionaire."

    It is probably the case that the family earning $50K consumes more public resources than a billionaire. Why shoud not that family (earning $50K) pay for the resources that they consume?

    "Progressive taxes are the way to go in terms of fairness because if you want to pay fewer taxes just earn less."

    Consider this:

    "...if you want to pay fewer taxes just earn less."

    The burns.

    "Oh yeah? Well, nothing says abuse of our tax laws like the 501(c4) outfits run by Karl Rove, the Koch brothers -- as well as pretty much anything with "Patriot" in the name."

    Does the name George Soros ring a bell?

    "...stating that Las Vegas odds makers have said there will be no more than 5 to 6 killed and another 25 to 30 wounded which would make if just another typical weekend. The mayor also issued a statement saying that the mortality rate for shootings has dropped to 13.5 % what is everybody bitching about? The PC also cited the stat as a clear cut improvement."

    Funny...very funny! (Unfortunately, the taxpayer has to pay for the vermin's care...all of them....and they breed like mad.)

    "Let's see now, peeping under bathroom stalls in the men's bathroom, molesting the pages up on Capitol Hill, charging the S&M entertainment night out to the RNC charge card, a GOP candidate that loves to ejaculate on objects, and Kinky Con's handle,which says it all about the GOP party. Smh!"

    Barney Frank running a gay prostitution service out of his Washington, DC home. (Barney Frank was a Democrat member of the House of Representatives. The House of Representaives is one-half of the Congress. You can read about it online!)

    It is so fun dropping in on this blog and reading the stupid that goes for political discourse amongst the left-leaning, sucking at the public teat, affirmative action success stories.

    Hey FN! How ya doin?


  39. Anonymous2:01 AM

    "It is probably the case that the family earning $50K consumes more public resources than a billionaire."

    Show me any proof of this.

    "Barney Frank running a gay prostitution service out of his Washington, DC home."

    Nope, that was a republican who was molesting little boys. Foley right?

    "I just said no one pays taxes on the first $50,000. A family with dependents would pay nothing on the first $60 to 70,000."

    Still not a fan.

    "To the progressive mind, incentivizing people to earn less is a good thing. Amazing..."

    Never said that. I guarantee I make more money than you do and thus I'm in a higher tax bracket but that doesn't bother me. Progressive taxes are not punishment anymore than you want to punish the poor, or do you?


  40. agentX2:12 PM

    A serial public masturbator, a guy who dresses up as a vampire (FL), a guy who thinks his opponent is already dead, and a guy who thinks demonic spirits are behind Madonna and gay marriage.

    Yeah, and the Rethugs call US stupid and lazy. Seems like they're the ones not doing their homework.

  41. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Jordan Haskins could make big money with a line of solo videos.
