Sunday, July 27, 2014

A different kind of "animosity".

As one of my twitter followers eloquently stated: "I guess "aloof" is the new uppity."

Quite a few lawmakers (including some democrats) have been complaining about the president's hands off style. Apparently they don't believe that he is engaged enough with them or that he makes enough of an effort to reach out.... OK then.

I understand how Washington works, and that there is a certain amount of backslapping and bullshitting required to function in that town. I also understand that it has not been happening with this president.

Look, there should come a time when all parties involved put aside their egos and try to pass laws that work for the sake of the rest of us. That includes the president.

While I understand how President Obama can be reticent about sharing his personal feelings with the clowns in Washington,  he is the president of these divided states, and he must make an effort to reach out and have those phony tender moments, no matter how much it pains him.

It has to be tough for him, because I am quite sure he knows that there are quite a few lawmakers in Washington who cannot get over the fact that a black man is president and they are not. Every time they see that Negro stepping on Air Force One or stepping up to the podium with that Presidential Seal, they want to just die. (I see you Ted Cruz.)

This, no doubt, eats at him, and it will be interesting to see if this is mentioned in his post- presidency memoir that is sure to come. He can never be comfortable with them (and vice versa), but he has to learn to play pretend. He is a politician. He has that skill.

Of course it was never going to be easy to be the first black president, because there was always going to be so much more than just governing and being presidential at play. Folks wanted to think that we were a "post-racial" country after 2008, but the truth is, only a certain segment of the population bought into the "post- racial" meme. It was easier said than done.

"Several Democrats said Obama must contend with GOP animosity, but so did former President Bill Clinton, who was undeterred through two terms.

Obama held a few dinners with Senate Republicans last year, discussing budgets, entitlements and immigration over steak and coconut sorbet. Hopes for keeping a constructive conversation going have faded more than a year after the last dinner and several participants have had little contact with Obama since."

Bill Clinton might have been the "first black president" in Toni Morrison's eyes, but the reality is that he was not. Had he been, I am not sure that he would have been as "undeterred through two terms". He would have faced a different kind of  "animosity".

Still, with only two years left, Mr. Obama might want to consider getting out some more "coconut sorbet".



  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I don't think the president's "aloofness" is a real issue at all. This is just deflection on the part of Congress.

    Voters don't like the fact that nothing is getting done at the federal level, so Congress is now in excuse-making mode. But really, it's impossible for anything to get done when the parties are so far apart. There's truly no common ground for any compromise.

    Republicans hate Obama with a passion (because of both ideology and race) and aren't likely to compromise with him on anything, ever. These days, GOP politicians practically run for office on an explicit "F*ck Obama" platform.

    Democrats are currently mad about the president's proposal to speed up deportations of those Central American border-crosser kids. Many of them are adamantly opposed to this (especially Rep. Luis Gutierrez, quoted in the article), and are now pretending that the reason has something to do with the president's "tone" or willingness to negotiate. It does not.

    Comparisons with the Clinton era are pretty ridiculous. Bill Clinton was a centrist, and a lot of what he got done was to simply pass terrible laws proposed by Republicans -- like welfare reform, NAFTA, and the disastrous deregulation of the banking industry that led to the Great Recession. If you're defining "compromise" as "caving in and giving Republicans whatever they want," then sure, Clinton was willing to compromise.

    However, the electorate have shifted leftwards since Clinton was in office. Democrats don't have to pretend to be Republicans anymore in order to get elected -- so they're not going to. Hence, the gridlock on Capitol Hill.

  2. While field plays the race card (with no proof to justify his racial paranoia)he fails to lay blame squarely where it belongs-on Obama.

    Obama insults and lies to Republicans every chance he gets.

    How can you work with someone you can't trust?

    Obama is the most devise and polarizing president in history.

    Obama has divided this country by race, class and gender.

    It's going to take decades for America and the rest of the world to recover from the Obama presidency.

    No wonder Republicans have given up any hope of trying to work with our dear leader.

  3. "However, the electorate have shifted leftwards since Clinton was in office. Democrats don't have to pretend to be Republicans anymore in order to get elected -- so they're not going to."

    Haven't seen seen many ads from red state Democrats this election cycle i take it?

  4. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "A different kind of "animosity"

    For a different kind of President. Not a 'black' President, but one who has waged war against the interests of his own country.

    His complete disregard for the law and his complete inability or unwillingness to address the country's problems will mark his administration as a uniquely disastrous period for America.

    He is worse than a failure, he is a traitor. He won't be impeached, but some day he may hang.

  5. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Obama is hardly concerned with what matters. It's about time that we wake up and see how "aloof" he is. Today, I was buying groceries at Giant in Columbia Heights (Washington, DC). I had to wait 20 minutes (yes, I tracked it) while one illegal immigrant family used their multiple District of Columbia food stamp vouchers to make their purchase. I couldn't help but notice that the store was full of illegal immigrant families with 3 to 5 children each (all under the age of 6). They are breeding like rats, and on our tax dollars. Obama supports this. He is dividing this country. I rarely complain about these issues, but I have had enough. In the meantime, ignorant blacks don't see anything wrong with this and support Obama wholeheartedly. Well, I am one of the few blacks who doesn't support him. When the others come around, it will already be too late. This matter is so weird, considering hispanics hate blacks (including their very own blatinos). Yeah, I said it. I guess blacks can't notice that our world as a people is falling apart because we are too busy discussing light-skin Vs. dark-skin.

  6. Anonymous9:35 PM

    "they are breeding like rats, and on our tax dollars. Obama supports this. He is dividing this country."

    It's called the Cloward-Piven strategy:

    He's been at it from Day 1.

  7. Anonymous10:14 PM

    "Haven't seen seen many ads from red state Democrats this election cycle i take it?"

    Right. So a handful of red state Dems pandering on immigration or gun rights represents what the majority of the party is doing?

    No. The Democratic Party still isn't as liberal as it could be -- owing to our corrupt system of campaign financing, it's still far too friendly with bankers and media giants and a few other key industries -- but it's already a lot different than it was in the '90s. Obama couldn't force his party to make any of Clinton's "compromises" happen today, even if he wanted to -- which he doesn't.

  8. Anonymous10:24 PM

    "Of course it was never going to be easy to be the first black president, because there was always going to be so much more than just governing and being presidential at play. Folks wanted to think that we were a "post-racial" country after 2008, but the truth is, only a certain segment of the population bought into the "post- racial" meme. It was easier said than done."

    Obama is very weak as a President and as a bm. NONE of this weak-ass bullshit would have happened with a bm such as Harold Washington. The GOP would have had to respond in a positive manner or get shut down.

    Obama had all of the political fire power at his disposal when he first entered the WH and he chose to try kissing the GOP's ass by giving them the upper hand. That was the dumbest political move ever made by a President in the history of this nation.

    Obama is lousy and the country is in deep shit because he has been spineless. He also has left a legacy with Blacks that will stand for decades: That legacy is "Blacks are irrelevant."

  9. Anonymous10:35 PM

    "Today, I was buying groceries at Giant in Columbia Heights (Washington, DC). I had to wait 20 minutes (yes, I tracked it) while one illegal immigrant family used their multiple District of Columbia food stamp vouchers to make their purchase. I couldn't help but notice that the store was full of illegal immigrant families with 3 to 5 children each (all under the age of 6). They are breeding like rats, and on our tax dollars. Obama supports this."

    don't worry. Field has said in a previous post these immigrants won't make a difference to Blacks and to our country. Of course, Field is an Obama worshiper.

  10. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Am I the only one who sees the socialization of America "without" the Blacks?

  11. Anonymous10:38 PM

    No, Granny sees it too.

  12. "don't worry. Field has said in a previous post these immigrants won't make a difference to Blacks and to our country. Of course, Field is an Obama worshiper."

    Field has no children, and few relatives in this country. He is not really all that concerned how things pan out in 50 or a 100 years when he is long gone. He makes his hay now.

    It would bother him if massive waves of Mestizos were illegally invading Jamaica, sopping up all the jobs and benefits from the natives, but America, not so much.

    So for him, immigration is more a way to stick it to whitey now than to fundamentally change America's future. Any of you folk who have children ought to look elsewhere for straight talk about what the Democrats plan to elect a New People will mean for your people.

  13. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Good News! Sarah Palin is launching her 'own' Internet Channel. I personally think this is one of the best news America has heard in months.

    We can now go on an internet channel without bullshit like we get on FN. It'll be refreshing to leave FN and go to Sarah's channel where honesty is king.

  14. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Here's Palin's link to her new internet channel. Blacks don't be shy.

  15. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Nicki Minaj has an ass exactly like a horse.

  16. Anonymous @ 10:37 PM said...

    "Am I the only one who sees the socialization of America "without" the Blacks?"


    THAT'S the plan. Sterling told folk. but most couldn't hear him, though.

    which i why i have been saying that this can't get Right without US. it is clear that is the wicked defeated plan.



    KJV Proverbs 21:30- There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Sovereign.


    it is not about light vs. dark for me. at least when it comes to skin color. beauty comes in all shades. Yah made it all.

    i see it as more Spiritual wickedness or righteousness. light and dark has racial connotations that i prefer not to indulge for the most part. most things about our society is quite racist.

    it is more my total refusal to bow to ANY ism...

    at a blog built on decrying racism.

    sexism and colorism has always been a feature here. i am not the first to note it.

    notice of all the misguided bamboozled Blacks that are guilty of saying Bill Clinton was the "first Black" ...

    FN chose to use Toni Morrison as an example.

    she was dead wrong. no doubt.

    as were the many menfolk that laughingly thought it the best thing ever. considering why they were saying it. but folk will forget before they will check it.

    crosses eyes.

    that BM forbidden idol again. (Anon, i haven't forgotten your comment;)

    @ that time i pointed out + asked if they realized what they were saying about BM with that silly, far from fact assertion? the self diss was usually missed by those whose brains were in their pants.


  17. now...

    just as then, i will draw folks' attention to how many BM and women were jammed into the penal system under Clinton.

    then it might be interesting for those who love stats to take a look at how BM and BW are faring under the BO administration.

    pan out world wide and see how Black folk are doing under BO's watch.

    we made noise 'bout Rwanda. not nearly as much was made concerning the viciousness born of destroying Libya.

    ps. there has not YET been a Black president.

    though the fruit of BW's wombs have run for the office.

    @ KC...see? white women are NOT ever held accountable for their non stop negative contributions to society. BW get it nonstop. i am not "deeply resentful" just wide awake + reserving the Right to call things what they are.

    without asking permission.

    though i will apologize with a Spirit check from Yah.

    didn't get one of those concerning the last post. got a lot of feedback from folk that act like they don't know. it was inappropriate for a man of any age. take that behavior to a strip club or man cave.

    if the women don't stand up, no one will Stand up for BW. though there are more of US than BM- we run the risk of being killed out first. NO ONE blinks at our dehumanization.

    in fact...

    it is light, fun and breezy. lighten up. laugh. let fools tell it. folk will invite me to take a hike while continuing to bicker with racists.

    our protectors cheerlead our continued objectification/exploitation. and won't make a peep when folk are talking grimey 'bout us.

    elders who are respecting neither themselves, their spouses, or BW may not expect my cooperation on any level. suffice it to say...

    mistakes are being made in ALL camps. yet i am the only one that will apologize. so it's all Good.

    final thought on BO:

    if he is a 32 degree prince hall mason...

    he KNOWS who he serves. and it ain't Yah nor the people. lower levels don't know + seem not to want to know

    which is fine. the devil STILL loses.

    those Hebrews that go with the making white folk cry crowd or the synagogue of satan bunch are both messed up from what i can see. this is why i stick to reading the Word for myself.

    @Trolly thanks for having my back last post. folk were acting like they can't see + don't know.

    blessings all!

  18. there are Anons here sharing Knowledge. thank you!

    the animal reference to the Black woman's body = uncalled for. though invited...

    by a Black man.

    i will double back to see if anyone bothers to regulate. since they quick on the post with suggestions to do it some mo'...

    from the elder men camp, no less.

    but i am supposed to be grinning like it is all a joke.

  19. Hello. Field?

    I don't believe in censorship. But this is YOUR blog, and I see no shame in going through off-the-wall comment threads with fire and sword when necessary...

  20. Anon@9:11pm, I am not sure who u are but please come back. Great points.

    "Traitor"? 'Hang'? And folks say I want to destroy America. I don't have to. Clowns like the person who made those comments will do it all by themselves.

    Anon@10:35, I used to feel the same way about the Eastern European immigrants in Northeast Philly.

    Thing is, though, they would use those welfare cards in the grocery store and go outside and jump into a brand new foreign car. Go figure.

  21. Field, I've been watching the political scene (unavoidably) for 5o years and I've watched the remnants of basic civility systematically peel away, devolve to the crudest name calling and rudeness at the level of a 10-year-old ("You lie!") Congressmen have met with Obama for hours and two minutes later deliver whoppers to the press, insulting him on every conceivable level. Trying to please "the base," maybe, but they have no shame whatever or any concept of it. I also have observed that Obama's very nature is conciliatory; he LOVES bringing people together, finding common ground. But how do you deal with the utterly amoral? In his shoes I would have gone ballistic, but that's not him. My point is that what you offer is easy to say, but they'll eat his sorbet and act the same goddam way.

  22. The Coatesville ExPat7:44 AM

    Aloof is defined as "Distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote". This pretty much describes the growing shift in the POTUS' demeanor. It would take a special kind of fetish NOT to see this.

  23. Anonymous11:06 AM

    President Fundraiser has better things to do than actually be President.

  24. Field Negro said...
    Thing is, though, they would use those welfare cards in the grocery store and go outside and jump into a brand new foreign car. Go figure.

    So your problem is only that white people were doing it?

    Because you seem to have no problem with non-whites doing it now.

    That would mean your entire take on this has nothing to do with illegal immigrants swamping neighborhoods and tapping out welfare benefits while driving nice cars, but is just concerned with the race of those who are doing it. Right?

  25. Anonymous11:27 AM

    anotherbozo said...
    Field, I've been watching the political scene (unavoidably) for 5o years and I've watched the remnants of basic civility systematically peel away, devolve to the crudest name calling and rudeness at the level of a 10-year-old ("You lie!")

    It's not rude if it is the truth. Joe Wilson's "You Lie" was in response to Obama's words on Obamacare:

    "If you like your current insurance plan, you can keep it. Period."
    "If you like your current doctor, you can keep that doctor."
    "Your premiums will go down an average of $2500 per year."
    "The cost of this national healthcare program will be less than $1 trillion."
    "Obamacare would not cover illegal aliens."
    "Obamacare would not cover abortions."

    Joe Wilson was right when he said "You lie." For that he was excoriated by a media that knew Obama was lying.

    Maybe more of our politicians should be brave enough to speak the truth.

  26. Good idea to extend an olive branch. If the other side takes it then we can get some things done if they reject it they look even more extremist and uncooperative.


  27. field negro said...
    Thing is, though, they would use those welfare cards in the grocery store and go outside and jump into a brand new foreign car. Go figure.

    First CNN polls more people would vote for romney and now FN is going all right-wingnut talking about welfare queens.

    Not all welfare queens are equal to FieldNegro.

  28. Over the weekend, U.S. embassy personnel — including the U.S. Ambassador — were quickly evacuated from Libya amidst growing instability caused by militias battling the Libyan government.

    Heavy clashes in Libya between army troops loyal to a renegade general and Islamist-led militias have killed 38 people—including civilians—in the country’s restive east, health officials said Sunday.

    A security official said the fighting involved forces loyal to Gen. Khalifa Hifter and militias in the eastern city of Benghazi. The clashes started Saturday and continued through early Sunday morning.

    Those of us with careers that must go on are all counting on the media to ignore this. I know I can count on you Field.

  29. PilotX said...

    Good idea to extend an olive branch.

    Acting unilaterally in violation of the Constitution is extending an olive branch?

    The beatings will continue until morale improves.

  30. Dammm ...Just when I thought you were tired of defending this weakass excuse for a Prez...

    Just when I thought you had turned a corner... LOL


    You should do a blog piece on the NY Times editorial piece on sunday..

    Aloof is NOT the New Uppity....

    Look at that pic ,and then recite the definition of "Aloof" while you do it....

    Just when you


  31. The news site KCTV7 News is a parody. Rep. Bachmann (R-MN) never made the statement. We sincerely regret the error.

    ThinkProgress cited a parody website because it proved their agenda.

    Didn't PurpleCow just link to a gossip rag?

  32. Oh my! Still rehashing the "Romney by a landslide" elections I see.

    If only Donovan McNabb didn't choke in the last two minutes the Eagles would have won the Super Bowl. As it stand s, it's the patriots players wearing that SB ring.

    Bill, it must suck to be on the losing team.

    I will tell u something else that is sure to ruin your day: if elections were held tomorrow O would beat him again.

    Welcome to the new normal.
    These pollsters ain't calling Negroes with cell phones.;)


  33. field negro said...
    Oh my! Still rehashing the "Romney by a landslide" elections I see.

    Not at all, those votes were counted years ago just like the bush/gore votes were counted.

    I'm just noticing the trend in left leaning polls.

    Were CNN polls predicting a romney win before the election like the right-wing polls were?

    Bill, it must suck to be on the losing team.

    American citizen being considered on the losing team because of a democrat president?

    Which side are you on?

  34. @ anonymous at 11:27:

    The right think if they repeat misinformation often enough, it becomes the truth. Sorry, nope!
    Not only didn't Obama not "lie," my point was that Wilson was acting like a snot-nosed 10-year-old to shout ANYTHING when the President is speaking:

  35. Obama certainly did lie, and Joe Wilson has been completely vindicated:

  36. "democrat". Just like they trained him to say it.

    My gosh, he is a right-wing lunatic.

  37. "American Thinker"? You lost me at hello.

  38. "These pollsters ain't calling Negroes with cell phones.;)"

    Everybody in Cleveland low minority got an Obama phone. Keep Obama in president, you know? He gave us a phone.

  39. field negro said...

    "American Thinker"? You lost me at hello.

    I lost you at "thinker", which you certainly are not.

    Keep defending your Master, slave.

  40. Anonymous2:48 PM

    "Blogger field negro said...
    Anon@9:11pm, I am not sure who u are but please come back. Great points.

    What if I am depressed Negro?

  41. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Focusedpurpose said, "that BM forbidden idol again. (Anon, i haven't forgotten your comment;)"

    You've said that a couple of times, yet you haven't replied.

    Several threads back you mentioned that you hadn't forgotten an Anon's 'excellent comment'. However, you haven't replied to that either.

    It's hard to keep up with 'which' comment or anon you are referring to.

    FYI: Some of us have specific interest in your comments to comments. Some of us come to FN for that purpose...(Field has nothing important to say except the same old bs.)

    However, it gets confusing AND frustrating when you delay replying for too long without naming the Anon or Anons. We soon forget.

  42. Hi,
    Six years ago I looked at Obama as an alternative to Hilary Clinton because I thought Republicans' accumulated seething rage at the Clintons would impede her governance. It has broken my (undoubtedly naive) heart since then to see intransigence which exceeds anything I dreamed of.

  43. It must really hurt the wingnut that he isn't my Master.

    And as a descendant of the Maroons, I am proud to say that he never was.;)

    That couldn't be depressed faux Negro, as that person actually had some lucid thoughts.

    Unless, of course, depressed is finally taking his meds.

  44. Blogger field negro said...
    It must really hurt the wingnut that he isn't my Master.

    Successful Blacks will ALWAYS annoy wingnuts, LOL!!!

  45. Wingnuts3:45 PM

    "Successful Blacks will ALWAYS annoy wingnuts, LOL!!!"

    Then there are blacks like you who, although unsuccessful, are annoying by virtue of your preening, desperate need for status.

    In truth, we want nothing more than to see blacks be successful in order that they are no longer a financial burden and a security problem, and so that America can move beyond spending so much time catering to their pathologies.

  46. field negro said...

    It must really hurt the wingnut that he isn't my Master.

    And as a descendant of the Maroons, I am proud to say that he never was.;)

    Seeing as though I would have to be at least 172 years old, that's not much of stretch.

    In any event, you would have made a terrible slave, always crying and trying to worm your way into the House. I'd have traded you for a mule.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. And I am pretty sure that mule is all you would have on your plantation.

    I will only try to "worm" my way into the house when they serve jerk chicken.

  49. Fact Jack, u wouldn't happen to be a part of that American Stinker blog now would you?

  50. Anonymous@9:11pm

    "Bill Clinton was a centrist,"

    What does that make Obama? A Liberal?

    "Democrats don't have to pretend to be Republicans anymore in order to get elected "

    So Democrats often lie about who they are and what they believe?

    Least you're being honest. I'm glad Democrats finally have the onions to tell who they really are- which is who thought they were.

    It's refreshing to see a honest left-winger here in the fields.

  51. field negro said...
    And I am pretty sure that mule is all you would have on your plantation.

    Field, poor white didn't have a mule and certainly never had skaves. In fact, many WERE slaves.

  52. parvenu5:05 PM

    Field, the one thing I have against the performance of Barack Obama is that he was not insightful and clever in choosing his closest White House advisors. He has remained steadfast and loyal to Susan Rice, but I am sorry she has been a failure as his closest advisor. Field I am writing this analysis for you not for the racist yahoos that predictably splash your comment pages with their ignorant bullshit.

    Successful protocol dictates that you analyze "the problem" from A to Z before you start your execution implementation. Obama did not do this. Obama's problem was simply how does one become a successful POTUS as an African American male? First you need the most savvy people around you with extensive backgrounds in Race Relation in America, simply because EVERYTHING of interest to the general public in America has a RACIAL component in it, either explicit or implied. If he had such an advisory group guiding his political moves, they would have framed his governing philosophy upon the recognition that there is not just an amorphous group of white racists in America, but many different categories of racists in America. Just as there are racists who react when they think that a Negro no longer "knows his place" and is acting "uppity"; there are other racists who think that all Negroes lack the necessary intelligence for dealing with any problem, and they will become upset and highly critical of any "cautionary behavior" or "diplomatic initiatives" offered by President Obama towards solving a given problem. Just in the preceding example you can see the highly contradictory perceptions of two types of white American racists toward the first black president.

    Be assured, I am not saying that such an advisory group would have to attempt to form the president's behavior to satisfy every type of white racist in America. However such a group could provide expert guidance in evaluating the IMPORTANCE of proper navigation around the most influential type of racist acting in the national political environment at any given time.

    Further such an advisory group would have likely suggested that president Obama tactfully BRING the American PUBLIC into an understanding of the racist forces that would be aligned in opposition against his attempts to set the future agenda for the nation. Obama has quietly attempted to do this by adopting issues that have long been pushed by Republicans, such as the ACA. However, he has failed to follow up with a publicity campaign to show that the only reason for the staunch Republican opposition was the race of the president. Over the past four years the weight of the data gives evidence that cannot seriously be challenged within any reasonable argument. (As a matter of fact it would be easy to write a statistical data analysis program that would generate a "Bell curve" showing the unquestionable influence of race in the Republican opposition to President Obama.)

    To conclude - politics is a constant game of strategy, and to win one must have the most superior plan. As the first black president Barack Obama's failing was to take responsibility for being the nation's first black president and execute his office accordingly in a smart and politically efficient manner.

  53. As I've said many times before, the biggest mistake the President made was running for a second term. He shoukd have made history then excited the stage, forcing the racists in the US and Congress to "deal" with him was like asking a 2 year old to never have a temper tantrum.

    Of course, I'm ALWAYS going to be of the belief that he should have waited to run in 2016 and been Hillaries VP until them.

  54. To conclude - politics is a constant game of strategy, and to win one must have the most superior plan. As the first black president Barack Obama's failing was to take responsibility for being the nation's first black president and execute his office accordingly in a smart and politically

    Getting a racist to recognize smartness by a Black President would be like trying to get hee-haw to vote democratic.

  55. Doc, I am in an e-fighting kind of mood. I can go with this redneck wingnut all day long. I still have the mike and the lounge is just getting full.:)

    Pervenu, those are fair points, and they are ones that I have articulated many times on this site. The wingnuts, of course, will never see it. Their blinders won't let them.

    Now to be fair, it's not only Rice. There are quite a lot of out of touch Ivy League types and DC insiders around him who are contributing to him failing the political game.

  56. parvenu, I think class has much more to do with POTUS' problems the past 7 years than race has. Meaning, the upper class 1% has gained in power and the middle and lower classes have been manipulated, bought out, sold out, finessed and bullied so they've lost even more of the pie. Corporations and billionaires don't tend to settle for a huge share of the wealth, they want it all and have rigged the game still move by buying elections, congressmen and senators to do their bidding for every greater breaks. Against this downhill shift they'll use any trick in the book to keep their advantage, and God help the president, black or white, who tries to slow their takeover. Of course they're not above using race and racism to futher their ends, just as the Dixiecrats did for generations. But it's only a means to an end, and only one of many. There are many ways for the corporate plutocrats and corporate media to discredit a president, and they'll use any that seem to do the trick--race, "aloofness," refusal to "deal" with the opposition, his down time (what a lazy S.O.B.!)--anything that works. It's all about $$$$$ and the rich NEVER have enough.

  57. Anonymous5:47 PM

    ""Field, poor white didn't have a mule and certainly never had skaves. In fact, many WERE slaves."

    So shouldn't they be due affirmative action too?

  58. pardon you5:58 PM

    parvenu said...
    He has remained steadfast and loyal to Susan Rice, but I am sorry she has been a failure as his closest advisor

    You are confusing Susan Rice with Valerie Jarret, who runs the show at the White House. Ms. Rice was considered expendable enough to throw her under the bus to save Hillary's career over Benghazi.

    And "white racists" are not to blame for Obama's failures; there is no more marginalized group in America than "white racists". Good luck finding one in a position of power.

    Obama has not been opposed on the basis of race, but because he has advanced policies designed to weaken and fracture traditional America.

    He had a historic opportunity to unite this country, but instead he pursued a conscious course of driving as many wedges between as many segments of the population as he could. Because that's how leftists roll.

    His is a criminal regime that is shredding what's left of the Constitution. But no matter what he does, all fools like you can do is say is anybody who doesn't like it must be a racist. You are absolutely fucking ridiculous.

  59. field negro said...
    And I am pretty sure that mule is all you would have on your plantation.

    At least he wouldn't steal my tools and ask me for spare change every time he sees me. You don't have to whip a mule as much either - they learn quicker.

  60. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Fortunately, Obongo and his entire ghetto administration will soon be a thing of the past. Hopefully, never again a negro in the White House.

  61. Meaning, the upper class 1% has gained in power and the middle and lower classes have been manipulated, bought out, sold out, finessed and bullied so they've lost even more of the pie.

    This isn't about class, it's about greed and the fact low income people have ALWAYS been needed by the greedy to endure their wealth indefinitely.

    The people who founded/run this country NEVER intended the poor to move up the financial ladder. EVER. And THIS is the reason why there are so many more jobs that don't require a degree than ones that do. By the time middle/ lower and lower income folks get tuned into the "real game", it'll be too late for then to do anything about it.

  62. Anon@6:43, does your counselor know that you are playing on the Internet? Go back to your room and take your meds. It's almost time for OReilly on FOX.

  63. Field takes great pleasure in defending O-Bomber from the Evil Republicans.. LOL

    We got that message Field....

    The problem with defending this guy/puppet... Is... he absolutely REFUSES to use the tools available to him

    He will Executive Order for Gay Rights in his 2nd term ...

    Why not the economy..or the border ..or Healthcare... ??

    or rescheduling Cannabis...

    Ive already explained how that ties into immigration...

    I mean especially since the Republicans are all Racist ...and wont let him fufill his agenda...

    What sense does it make to keep trying to Shame the GOP into "Thinking Different" ???

    Just a thought...

    While you engage your resident Trolls in feigned attempts to protect O-Bomber.

    Again .....

    Re-read the definition of "Aloof" while looking at your Post Picture.....

  64. @Yisheng:
    "The people who founded/run this country NEVER intended the poor to move up the financial ladder. EVER."

    Almost a good point. Except that Ben Franklin, John Adams and most other New Englanders weren't wealthy landowners. They were the middle class of their day. In fact Franklin believed explicitly in upward mobility ("healthy, wealthy, and wise" etc.). They saw this country, with so much "free" land for the taking, as full of upwardly mobile opportunities--as did all the immmigrants who followed them.

    " By the time middle/ lower and lower income folks get tuned into the "real game", it'll be too late for then to do anything about it."

    There you may be too optimistic, in fact: the game may already be over, is already "too late." Unless SCOTUS' decisions, FCC approvals, banking contortiums can be undone, Congress unbought, campaign finance reform instituted, districts un-gerrymandered, K Street lobbying disbanded--you see all that has happened and would have to be undone. Easier to argue that the class war has already happened, and we lost. The 99% lost, anyway.

  65. @ Anon 3:01 PM-

    it is not easy to dialogue with Anons.

    since they are...


    so please forgive the annoyance and delay. there is just much on my plate.

    though i will finish the post as indicated. the comment will be featured in the post.

    blessings to you.

  66. Almost a good point. Except that Ben Franklin, John Adams and most other New Englanders weren't wealthy landowners.

    You missed the entirety of my point I specifically stated the people who founded/run this country, you missed the "run" part of that sentence.

  67. There you may be too optimistic, in fact: the game may already be over, is already "too late.".......Easier to argue that the class war has already happened, and we lost. The 99% lost, anyway.

    It's never too late, between pooling resources, entrepreneurship, and good 'ol bartering, there's a way to deal with what's happening.

  68. I'd love to believe you're right, Yisheng.

  69. There are more of us than there are of them. 99%, historically when wealth becomes too disproportionate revolution ensues. Trust, if the buyoffs to the poor end we can see it here. Look at Spain, Greece, France and the UK as examples.

  70. Blogger PilotX said...
    There are more of us than there are of them. 99%, historically when wealth becomes too disproportionate revolution ensues.

    EXACTLY, history tells us this time and time again.

  71. Best opening line ever.

  72. Note: this is my opinion, and is just as suitable for training fish or wrapping puppies (confusion intended) as any other.

    President Obama is a human being. Humans make mistakes. Humans can be constrained by complex socio-political structures from doing what their personal moral and honor codes would guide them to do.

    In the current US sociopolitical structures, compassion has all but disappeared. Too many people are too busy shouting into cyberspace just for shouting's sake. Verbal terrorism has apparently become the preferred pasttime on the Interwebz.

    It is ludricous to claim that another person has made too many "wrong" decisions if actual facts (not media hype and rumor-mongering) are not available to give such claims a basis in fact. A person who relies on less than a handful of "news" resources for information is equivalent to that same person wearing blinders, creating a tunnel vision effect that allows neither additional information sources nor an educated perspective (which has far less to do with formal schooling than actual cogitation) as parts of opinion formation.

    "Consider the source" is one of the most important things I've ever learned. The persistence of binary thinking (all things are either/or, black or white, this or that, etc.) in most of human beings' interactions with their environments and each other is, imo, the most frightening factor in how the future of human life will turn out.

    I registered as an Independent voter because I don't trust either major party in the US further than I could throw their chairpersons (awkward but more balanced, that word). Every presidential candidate for whom I've voted in the last four decades has had their own faults (some more than others). My consolation is that I believe I made an informed choice for all of them.

    Imo, the current two-party system (so called despite the fact that there are other parties) is neither representative nor "fair." I have no suggestions for options to it, I just have a gut feeling that the continuation of the United States hinges on sociopolitical change at a level not seen since the 1960s.

    Gil Scott-Heron is still right: the (real and actual) revolution will not be televised. TV will only show the external effects; the true revolution will happen inside human minds and hearts. (And no, I'm not referring to any particular religious beliefs).

    All that you touch
    You Change.

    All that you Change
    Changes you.

    The only lasting truth
    Is Change.

    Is Change.

    ---Lauren Oya Olamina
    "Earthseed: The Books of the Living"
    from Parable of the Sower
    by Octavia E. Butler
