Friday, August 08, 2014

"Bad Boyz", and a racist gets a history lesson.

WTF is wrong with the people we pay to serve and protect us in this country?

Now here comes another story of police officers acting like the criminals that they are supposed to protect us from.

This one comes from the state of Oklahoma.

 "Two married Tulsa police officers are being held in jail in connection with the alleged murder of their daughter's boyfriend, officials said on Thursday.

Shannon Kepler, 54, is in the Tulsa County jail accused of first degree murder in the fatal shooting of Jeremy Lake, the 19-year-old boyfriend of the Keplers' daughter, Lisa Kepler, according to police and jail records.

His wife, Gina Kepler, 48, is being held as an accessory after the fact.
"This is absolutely unfortunate and we are sad for the family of the victim and the Keplers," public information officer Jillian Roberson of the Tulsa Police Department said on Thursday. "It's a very hard case for us but we are treating it just like any other homicide investigation."

The Keplers joined the police department on the same day in 1990, Roberson said. Shannon Kepler works in the police academy and is a former patrol officer, Roberson said. Gina Kepler is a patrol officer, Roberson said.

Shannon Kepler got into a discussion with his daughter outside of his vehicle late on Tuesday night and then Lake stepped up introduce himself, according to a police affidavit.

He then shot Lake two or three times, fled in his vehicle and later turned himself in, the affidavit said. [Source]

The scary part of this story is that they are both on paid administrative leave.


Kill a kid; sit in jail; get paid.

Of course we all know about the Eric Garner killing up in New York. That was an egregious act by the boyz in blue, but then they did something else that was troubling.

"On Friday, Staten Island resident Eric Garner's death was officially ruled a homicide. For the last two weeks, New York City has been roiled by video of him gasping his last words—“I can’t breathe!"—after an NYPD officer put him in a choke-hold while arresting him on suspicion of selling untaxed cigarettes. At Garner’s funeral on July 23 at Bethel Baptist Church in Brooklyn’s Boerum Hill neighborhood, reporters and news crews swarmed the block, interviewing relatives, high-profile guests like the Reverend Al Sharpton, and other attendees.

What the local press didn’t see that evening, and what has gone unreported until now, is that police officers chose the funeral of a man whose death in police custody has put the NYPD on the defensive to make another, very public arrest of a guy who wasn’t doing anything illegal at the time.

Among those interviewed during the media circus outside the funeral was Calvin Bryant, a 53-year-old anti-police-violence activist who says he knew Garner growing up. Bryant was angry, and let the press know it as he stood with his cousin, Richard Kirkpatrick, and his two young children, holding a sign that read “# I Can’t Breath” and wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the face of Ramarley Graham, the Bronx teenager killed in his own home by police in 2012. “When is this going to stop?” Bryant asked reporters, clutching his shirt. “Ramarley Graham, this case ain’t been solved yet, and already you’ve got the nerve to kill this man Eric Garner.”

After the funeral, as Kirkpatrick, Bryant and his children were leaving the church, they were approached by a group of plainclothes cops. Kirkpatrick says he was asked, “Is that your cousin, Calvin Bryant?” When he confirmed Bryant’s identity, he says, police followed them down the block and arrested Bryant.
In addition to an outstanding bench warrant, Bryant was charged with resisting arrest. According to the arrest document, “The defendant did resist a lawful arrest by flailing the defendant’s arms and pushing the deponent while the deponent attempted to place the defendant in handcuffs.”

Bryant and Kirkpatrick vehemently deny that accusation. “I didn’t resist arrest,” Bryant says. “I didn’t have time. I was holding my kids’ hands so I wouldn’t have been able to throw my hands up.”' [Source]

Wow! To arrest a man in front of his kids for an outstanding bench warrant in that manner is just foul.

Finally, I understand how ignorant racist right wingnuts wouldn't be aware of the "Inkwell", but FYI white folks; there are plenty black folks up in Martha's Vineyard as well.

“What do they say about Disneyland, Disneyworld, the happiest place on Earth?” conservative radio host Mark Levin said on his show Friday. “I think they say about Martha’s Vineyard — for you racialists and race-baiters out there — I think they say it’s the whitest place on Earth.”
Levin spent some time criticizing President Barack Obama for taking his family to a vacation on Martha’s Vineyard while “there’s genocide going on” in Iraq. “Little kids are now being hung on crosses, crucifixes, they’re being crucified,” Levin said. “And decapitated, where their heads are being put on posts in parks in Mosul.”

He lists off some more horrors being committed by the “Islamo-Nazis” before asking, “Why would we expect the president to cancel his vacation to Martha’s Vineyard?” While he found it “amazing” that Obama is finally “showing some muscle” in Iraq with military airstrikes on ISIS artillery, he could not get over the fact that he was, in the same week, traveling to “the whitest place on Earth.”

“And we know how you hate whites,” Levin continued, saying Obama would be better off vacationing in the U.S. Virgin Islands. “He talks race, he uses race, he pushes race. Vacation? Martha’s Vineyard.”

While Martha’s Vineyard is no doubt a ritzy island with more than its fair share of white people, Levin is clearly unaware of its rich history as a summer destination for wealthy black families. This is particularly true of Oak Bluffs, where African-American families began summering as early as the 1890s. The town’s main beach became pejoratively known as “The Inkwell,” a name that was later embraced by the people who frequented it." [Source] 

And these people accuse us of playing the race card. *shaking head*

Personally, though, I will take the VI over Martha's Vineyard every day of the week.


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Field, "Personally, though, I will take the VI over Martha's Vineyard every day of the week."

    Sounds like you have a self-esteem problem to me. Go see Woody Allen's therapist.

    BTW, Kinky lives nearby.

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Mark Levin knows what he is talking about. After all, he IS Jewish and knows the lay of the land.

  3. Anonymous10:20 PM

    "In addition to an outstanding bench warrant, Bryant was charged with resisting arrest."

    Man, those NYC negroes are a little slow on the uptake.

    Resist arrest, get a chokehold.

    Some people just can't learn.

  4. Anonymous12:14 AM

    ...Ramarley Graham, the Bronx teenager killed in his own home by police in 2012. “When is this going to stop?” Bryant asked reporters, clutching his shirt. “Ramarley Graham, this case ain’t been solved yet, and already you’ve got the nerve to kill this man Eric Garner.”

    Mr Field, who is Ramarley Graham? And why was he killed by the police?

    At this rate, NYC might just have a riot on its hands. Eventually, people will no longer accept the killing of love ones by police. NO ONE should have to live under such brutal police slaying of bm. This has to stop.

  5. The president talks race? Really? Levin is an idiot like most conservatives.
    I wanna know what the officer shot the kid for, you know how dads are about their daughters.

  6. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Levin is at the very least twice as smart as you.

  7. What is this new Barack and Dems hate white people meme? Do we get to hear this the next 6 mos? That is some dumb shit.

  8. Anonymous1:35 AM

    It's the War on Whites, PilotX. Over and over again we are told that whites are on the way out, that whites have to accept that it's not their country anymore, that mass non-white immigration is inevitable as continental drift, that Democrat policies to accelerate this process are "moral" and "progressive", and whites who don't like it are crazy paranoid bigots.

    In other words, there can’t be a Democratic war on whites because, as we’ve all read over and over in the press, whites are losing the war.

    In contrast, nobody can deny there is a Republican War on Women because we constantly hear about how women are overtaking men, those losers.

    How can there be a war on whites when we all know they are deservedly losing it?

    Meanwhile the real demographic war is against American born blacks. Not that I care but then again neither do our Jewish liberal Democrat moral overlords.

    Hope you like beans.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth1:39 AM


    You know the GOP likes to project. It doesn't surprise me one bit.

  10. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Granny is a hater.

  11. Jefferson2:10 AM

    "In other words, there can’t be a Democratic war on whites because, as we’ve all read over and over in the press, whites are losing the war."

    I would not have a problem with diversity if most Nonwhites in the U.S were like Thomas Sowell and Michelle Malkin for example, who have culturally assimilated to White Western norms and do not hold racist anti-White views.

    Too bad they are the exception and not the rule. Unfortunately the rule for Nonwhites in the U.S is people like Sonia Sotomayor, Sheila Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Luis Gutierrez.

  12. You're right Granny, that is quite a bit of projection. Reminds me of back in the day when the southern racist accused those who came to end segregation "race baiters". History repeating itself? I'm not surprised because we all knew a blah family in the WH would cause these kinds of emotions.

  13. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Rioting is not the answer.
    Strategic, targeted, and focused eliminations of NYPD "boys in blue" is the only answer.

  14. Jefferson, you prefer your Negroes in the house with you,no? Metaphorically speaking of course. ;)

    We need more "good Negroes" in America.

  15. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Rioting is not the answer.
    Strategic, targeted, and focused eliminations of NYPD "boys in blue" is the only answer.

    THAT is simply classic. Well here's a huge hint. Nothing is stopping you from your plan. Nada. You and can do it by yourself or you can do it with a few of your home boys/girls. However, I suspect that you're more of a spectator than a player. After all, the po po aren't exactly like the elderly or isolated Whites that your people are so fond of preying upon. Nah, money says you want someone else to "eliminate" the PD. You'll just be a cheerleader egging on another useful idiot that your society produces on a mass scale.


    PS: Maybe you can get Yingyang to tutor you? After all she lmao tutors medical students at 100 buck an hour.


  16. FN said...

    Kill a kid; sit in jail; get paid.

    That's the police union motto.

    Molest a kid
    Be transferred to another school
    Get paid
    is the teacher union motto.

    Are you going to speak up about the teacher unions protecting child molesters or are teacher unions off-limits for you?

  17. PilotX said...
    I wanna know what the officer shot the kid for, you know how dads are about their daughters.

    Because as a Sheriff, he could that's why.

    Speaking of ridiculous, I spent about an hour or so watching Faux news last night to see for myself how ignorant the "news" commentary is, and the folks there did NOT disappoint.

    Very clearly that channel isn't watched by folks who are educated.


  18. Since FN isn't allowed by his rulers to speak out against teacher unions protecting teachers that molest children, I will...

    L.A. teacher suspected of lewd conduct keeps benefits
    A teacher charged with 23 counts of lewd conduct in his classroom successfully thwarted attempts by the Los Angeles Unified School District to fire him. In the process, the teacher, who is accused of spoon-feeding his semen to blindfolded children, managed to retain lifetime health-benefits provided by the nation’s second-largest school system.

    Former Miramonte Elementary School teacher Mark Berndt also automatically receives nearly $4,000 a month in pension from the California State Teachers' Retirement System.
    Because Berndt never was officially fired, he retains lifetime health benefits that he earned through decades of service in L.A.

    And to think that FN was worried that a couple cops are on paid administrative leave for what they did in their private lives.

  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Liberals rightfully criticized Dumbya for spending about half his administration on vacation. Quite a lot of brush got cleared on the ol' Crawford ranch from 2001 to 2009. The dude should probably have handed some of his salary back, given the huge amount of time he didn't spend at the White House. (Of course, many people claimed Dick Cheney was the REAL president anyway. So there's that.)

    Because of this, conservatives now seem to think this means they are justified in criticizing Obama for ever taking any vacation time.

    How dare Obama go on vacation while [insert basically anything going on in the world] is happening? Why, he should absolutely sit around pointlessly waiting to sign all of the joke bills Republicans will never manage to pass. Nevermind that this is a completely useless endeavor -- if Obama doesn't, then he's a tyrant!

    And how dare he spend his vacation time around white people? Some of his black might come off on them! Humanitarian emergency on Martha's Vineyard! Those unfortunate white people need to be taken to a monster truck show ASAP to reaffirm their whiteness!

  20. Anonymous12:25 PM

    President Obama said that there will be "NO AMERICAN BOOTS ON THE GROUND IN IRAQ."

    Well, that means there will be American boots on the ground sooner or later.

    I always get nervous whenever Obama makes absolute statements. Thus far, not ONE of his statements have come true.

  21. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I can't believe that cop shot his daughter's boyfriend for being the wrong color. That is some seriously old-school behavior. Like, 19th-century old-school. Someone forgot to inform him that lynching isn't legal anymore.

    It's too bad time machines don't exist. There are a lot of folks who seem unable to cope with living in the 21st century and would benefit from being inserted back into the history books where they belong.

  22. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I am so glad Bill and QLB made a commitment to participate in FN blog.

    The saying, "People are influenced by the people and community they hang around."

    QLB sounds more and more like he's Black than when he first began.:) I love the way diversity works.

    Bill is becoming more and more Liberal and Leftist in his commitment to FN. I love it.

    And Field is becoming more Conservative day by day.

    Surprisingly, PX is surrendering to his heart that says, "I love White people."

    Hey, this diversity thing works. We are slowly becoming ONE people in America. This is what I have always dreamed of. I can feel my depression lifting.

    Wow. The only conclusion one can come to is "Obama is a great President".

    Thank you Bill, QLB, and of course, Kinky. Don't want to forget Kinky...but he has always had "Jungle Fever." man. Kinky!:)

    The world will be ok, THANKS FN!

  23. "QLB, what do you do for a living?"

    Ans: I'm a Field Negro blog troll.

    "Where did you attend college?"

    Ans: Pudunk University, in A$$ Backwards, West Virginia.

    "What did you major in"?

    Ans: Red Neckology, with a minor in stalking negroes.


  24. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I can't believe that cop shot his daughter's boyfriend for being the wrong color. That is some seriously old-school behavior. Like, 19th-century old-school. Someone forgot to inform him that lynching isn't legal anymore.

    It's too bad time machines don't exist. There are a lot of folks who seem unable to cope with living in the 21st century and would benefit from being inserted back into the history books where they belong.

    12:28 PM
    If her boyfriend was Black or Latino, I am sure the media, and certainly Field would have headlined it.

    So, where did you get your information from?

    Racism is a "timeless disease". It doesn't diminish simply because it's the 21st century. The racist American psyche is alive and well since the days of slavery and Jim Crow. THAT is what Blacks must understand and SHOULD unite against.

    Unfortunately, Blacks spend too much time in 'delusion'...thinking racism shouldn't be happening in the 21st century, when 'in Reality' it is happening, and has ALWAYS been happening, and will continue to be happening.

    The shortcomings of my people is that they are attached to a dream, a "White dream" that Whites will accept them in the 21st century. Get real! Learn to face reality! Equality is not happening.

    Cops still kill as many Blacks today as they did years ago. And they still walk free and get their pay as salaried employees.

  25. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "If her boyfriend was Black or Latino, I am sure the media, and certainly Field would have headlined it."

    Maybe Field should have highlighted it. Here's another take on the same story:

    "Married Police Officers Charged With Killing Daughter’s Black Boyfriend"

    You're free to think racism is as rampant in the U.S. today as ever, if you're determined to believe that. A quick review of history would prove you wrong, however.

  26. Anonymous3:52 PM

    anon2:28p, thank you very much for the link. I would have never known if you had not mentioned it. So much important info goes untouched on FN. FN is still fun though.

    But one should not take it seriously because important info is usually left out-- either on purpose or due to ignorance.

    The Root is very thorough...leagues above FN...

    However, You'll never find the muddy shady uneducated characters on the Root that spend a lot of time trying to convince everybody that they have way-out amazing degrees and professional experiences like you do on FN. It's a mindless blast of fun.

  27. Anonymous5:39 PM

    "Speaking of ridiculous, I spent about an hour or so watching Faux news last night to see for myself how ignorant the "news" commentary is, and the folks there did NOT disappoint."

    Me too, I watched a few minutes of Red Eye and they had the most uneducated sista talking utter non-sense. Oh these Toms and Aunt Jemimas will do anything for a buck. Sistagirl writes from Breitbart. Sad.

  28. Anonymous5:40 PM

    "Don't want to forget Kinky...but he has always had "Jungle Fever." man. Kinky!:)"

    Well, it's just too bad Trolly broke up with him because he is too racist.

  29. QLB is an uneducated unemployed slut5:42 PM

    "QLB, what do you do for a living?"

    Ans: I'm a Field Negro blog troll.

    "Where did you attend college?"

    Ans: Pudunk University, in A$$ Backwards, West Virginia.

    "What did you major in"?

    Ans: Red Neckology, with a minor in stalking negroes.


    Nah, her fat ass is too lazy to have a job and too stupid to get into any college. Podunk sent her a rejection letter and a restraining order because she was stalking the football team like she did at Notre Dame.

  30. Anonymous5:53 PM

    "Nah, her fat ass is too lazy to have a job and too stupid to get into any college. Podunk sent her a rejection letter and a restraining order because she was stalking the football team like she did at Notre Dame."

    5:42 PM
    Whoever wrote the above comment didn't finish HS, let alone college.

    If QLB was too stupid to get into any college, then how did QLB get into Notre Dame? See? This is the problem uneducated folks have on FN....pure ignorance trying to put down ignorance, but ending up looking stupid themselves. Classic pot calling the kettle black syndrome.

  31. Who knew Americans participated in "honor killings"?

    Seems like a classic case of it here. *sad*

  32. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    I can't believe that cop shot his daughter's boyfriend for being the wrong color. That is some seriously old-school behavior. Like, 19th-century old-school. Someone forgot to inform him that lynching isn't legal anymore.
    Racism has its own logic which runs deep into hell to Satan's doorstep.

    There is no time limit on lynching, no matter what the law says. If lynching is illegal but incarcerating a bm on trumped up charges by the police, or shooting a bm based on fear or any other reason a white person has can, and most of the time, is legal.

    So instead of lynching, we have moved into the modernity of the 21st century where Whites just shoot bm. Come to think of it, it is less work and quicker than lynching.

    But the 'results' are the same: another dead 'N****r'=one less bm in America which for Whites, is a good thing.

  33. If QLB was too stupid to get into any college, then how did QLB get into Notre Dame? See?

    Stalking Black, athletic penis on ND's football team is NOT equal to attending ND and you KNOW this.

    See the movie An Officer and a Gentleman for the type of female trash she used to be.

  34. Ha! Good one Doc!

  35. Yīshēng said...
    Very clearly that channel isn't watched by folks who are educated.

    How would you know what educated folks watch?

  36. Anonymous9:46 PM

    No, this man loves whites and he has build a hole presidency on doing so. Black children blood runs down the drains everyday so, why should he pause for some child in a third world country?

    Martha's Vineyard is a place where blacks who thought that they were better than other blacks went. It was not just wealthy their mentality was they were better. People really need to investigate and do some reading on the blacks of Martha's Vineyard and their mentality.

  37. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Anon9:46pm, you hit the nail on the head. Btw, Field is one of those Blacks who supports Obama and also believes he is better than most Blacks, esp African Americans.

    But you don't have to go to Martha's Vineyard to find Blacks who think they are better than most Blacks. Any House Negro has that mentality...they are everywhere...esp in Oakland.

  38. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Anon wrote,
    It's too bad time machines don't exist. There are a lot of folks who seem unable to cope with living in the 21st century and would benefit from being inserted back into the history books where they belong.

    Why don't we examine the time machine statement. Since Blacks have difficult maintaining much less creating a modern society, a time machine would be ideal for them. Just look at what they did to the cities they inherited? Witness Gary, Camden and East St. Louis. Somehow you might just do better when you lived in a mud hut. BTW if a time machine is ever invented you can bet the last cash on your EBT that YT will have built it.

