Saturday, August 23, 2014


Give me a caption for this pic.

*Pic from Getty images.


  1. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

  2. Take it off before one of my racist "colleagues" pops a couple caps in your a$$.

  3. OK ok, you can wear the mask but next time when I say you're going undercover it's not happening.

  4. LOL! look @ the cop's face..

    no words.

  5. I wish I was anonymous and not outed as a house negro.

  6. Roy said...
    I wish I was anonymous and not outed as a house negro.

    We talking about that overweight cop or Wayne Bennett?

  7. Anonymous10:04 PM

    V: I got this.
    Johnson: You wanna burn this motherfucker down, or what?

  8. Wesley R10:54 PM

    No protest while Chi-Town plays for the little league title tomorrow bro.

  9. Trollonymous Burgundy11:39 PM

    "By masquerading as V, I seem to believe I"m being more effective and somehow gaining vengeance"


    "As a black person in America, wearing the white man's face is the best po po bullet repellent ever.

    (but if you don't have one, you can always wear a Sombrero. Even those should also work great these days in America)"

  10. Pukah shells & Guy Fawkes mask... wait, what's Hootie doing in Ferguson?

  11. Trollonymous Burgundy11:46 PM

    "I'll bet that after they still riddle me with their bullets, I won't be so anonymous anymore"

  12. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Can you get me one of those masks?

  13. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Signor Kinky, is that you????

  14. Black male white mask-Where all the white women at?

    the new sheriff moose- I don't know negro. Its hotter than a mutha fucka up in this b*tch.

    Black male white mask-Anyhoo, i'm gonna goes look fo some white liberal vagina.

    the new sheriff moose-stay away from dem white cops. they kill a nigga fo nuttin' around herrrr.

  15. ctrl+halt+del12:14 AM

    "Peau noire, masques blanks" by Frantz Fanon

  16. Manifest Density12:54 AM

    Ferguson book club president leaks September selection

  17. Trollonymous Burgundy12:58 AM

    Ok... for some reason i didn't see the entire pic on my phone. So...

    "Look here Bro... they can still see that you're black, it ain't gonna work"

    "Yeah, I get that you need a disguise every now and again. When I'm not in uniform, I put on a suit and pretend I'm that Field Negro attorney out of Philly"

  18. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Take off your mask copper.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. hi Trolly! big cyber wave and hug.


  21. I thought wearing Masks in Pubic was against the law...
    and Shame on You, Negro, for ignoring the First All-Negro Little League Champions in 30+ years,
    of course their prize, is they get to back to South Chicago, The Over/Under's 13 days before one of the Niglets is killed in a driveby, but the survivors will get to sit in the Balcony(you still have to sit there? its the 21st Century for cryin' out loud)for the Evolver in Chief's State of the Onion...


  22. Anonymous7:48 AM

    You screamed they didn't give a damn about you... But you don't give a damn about yourselves.

    Look at the crap you push for young ones to aspire to. Michael Brown a thug, thief, violent African.

  23. These FN posters are getting more clever every weekend.

    Great captions!

    Y'all should pick the captions for all of my posts. I wish I could send them out beforehand for your review,

    Anywhoo, how are things in Ferguson, today?

  24. svejk8:16 AM

    Young black male seen in "whiteface". Ted Nugent livid.

  25. "Oh, sorry Mr. Falkes, didn't realize it was you. Carry on."

  26. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Do you know what happened to the real Guy Fawkes?

    Meanwhile 3 dead and an astounding 25 wounded in the unofficial Chicago shit showshow boxscore for the weekend. After a slow start and rain delay, the bangers have come on strong. The continuation of more lead less dead continues largely due to the YT invented and run trauma system.


    PS: Still not a peep from Sharpton, Jesse or the POTUS.

  27. Guy Falkes would never be stopped here. Even with his explosives he would be safer in this country than a young black man.

  28. Anonymous10:52 AM

    anotherbozo wrote,
    Guy Falkes would never be stopped here. Even with his explosives he would be safer in this country than a young black man.

    How utterly profound, especially since it's YBM's mostly killing YBM's.
    Meanwhile an update to the weekend Chicago shitshow box score. We now have a 4th confirmed death, a 17 y/o YBM along with 27 wounded. Money says that it was not a Republican, conservative, Tea Party or NRA member involved. Go figure.


  29. Trollonymous Burgundy11:02 AM

    Hey FP!!

    Cyber hug right back at ya, sis. Been super busy but made it a point to come by for the Saturday night foolery. lol

    Now Field, you know I won. Like the anon once said, you never acknowledge me. This was a lot of work.

  30. Anonymous11:57 AM

    "PS: Still not a peep from Sharpton, Jesse or the POTUS."

    PS: not a peep about whether or not you have a college degree QLB. Do you? IQ too low to answer a simple question?


  31. If a white christian nra member targeted and killed gays would it make the news?

    Not so much if you're a muslim.

    Ali Muhammad Brow

    Not all gay hate/murder is equal to democrats.

  32. Bill is a F'n retard12:31 PM

    "Not all gay hate/murder is equal to democrats."

    Intelligence is not Bill's strong suit.

    "Exposing democrat double standards is forcing democrats to say the craziest things to defend obama."

    Exposing Bill for posting stupid everyday and ignoring Republican double standards.

    "Democrat Nirvana"

    Dumb, fat, ignorant and poor white people like Bill is Republican Nirvana.

  33. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz12:32 PM

    Wake me up when Bill says something remotely intelligent and QLB admits she is uneducated and has no college degree.

  34. Trolly, very good captions, but Aotherbozo, the doc, and wolfbitch might have u beat.

    Couple of the Anons are pretty good as well.

  35. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Meanwhile in other news, record executive and CEO Suge Knight was shot at a media party. No stranger to controversy or violence, the shooter(s) were not White, Republican, NRA members or policemen. Simply classic and oh so typical.


  36. Trollonymous Burgundy3:30 PM

    Field, I'm sensing conspiracy.

    Are you that poor man who actually put a ring on it for yisheng/drqueen/nuwang/DOAQ/Flying... Why is it that you're always defending her, and claims to know that she's in Med school? Why is that?

    Don't be ashamed Field, tell the truth, today is Sunday.

    (If she's not Mrs. Field, I send my apologies to the real Mrs. Field for such an insult). :)

  37. its you you piece of crap. stop frontin like you care about your people. you just putting out these blogs so you can insight fake ass lawyer do your own people dirty in the courtroom. you break up families and make black kids fatherless and have time on your shoulders to make a mockery of something you a part of. stealing money from hard working black men and making them too poor to raise their child. for a fucking bonus. you a broke ass lawyer that's why you got so much time to be on this web. you make your money off a child support incentive program that give dollar for dollar for every crooked support order you write and you get what lil the whites spare for the thousands of black families homes you help break up. you are that piece of shit hiding under the mask. you don't do shit to white people. but will dog a black man that make more then your $32,000. a year you broke ass fake lawyer conference officer of family court.

  38. R.I.P. Sir Richard Attenborough.

    Outspoken Socialist, fine actor, decent film director.


    speaking of the chi town murder all day well planned and executed agenda.

    say what you want but Farrakhan hits some of the Right notes. he is talking to the men AND women though. he should dismiss the womenfolk and blast serious BASS at the menfolk.

    when it is time to man up Black men sure do love to include Black women in the dangerous handling of man business. if it were not for the fact that i understand that cps maintains rape rooms- i would suggest EVERY mother that put her children in a position to be tear gassed, get a early Monday morning cps visit.

    even this madness is all getting broken down, so this should get pretty interesting.

    there is yet other layer/level that plays into one world government AND religion. folk sleeping on the gov't aspect. + on a true heathen steez when it comes to the religion part of the equation.

    trying to better Understand how to share...until then.

    blessings all!

  40. QLB is a liar and never finished college and needs a job4:29 PM

    "Simply classic and oh so typical."

    What's simply classic and oh so typical is an uneducated white person trying to act superior when they know they're trash. Uneducated trash. Isn't that right QLB? Run along and let the adults conversate and find your way to the kids table. Get a GED and maybe one day you'll fit in honey.

  41. lol @ Trolly, kicking chit. as they say back home. sortta.


  42. teh stupid4:31 PM

    "so you can insight racism"

    Insight racism huh? These trolls just keep getting dumber and dumber. Let me guess, is this Bill or QLB with a new handle? You need an IQ test to post Field, that would eliminate QLB's racism, Bill's dumbassed posts and Kinky's, well whatever he calls himself doing.

  43. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Trollonymous Burgundy, "Now Field, you know I won. Like the anon once said, you never acknowledge me. This was a lot of work."

    11:02 AM
    Yes you have won here. You also won the last time. But again, Field will never acknowledge you as the winner.

    You see, Field is biased toward the uneducated and unsophisticated female like Yisheng. He loves Yisheng because she is so damn's sickening.

    But Field isn't the only one who sees the doc as emblematic of an FN Negro. QLB, Kinky and some stormfront anons point to her's a damn shame.

    For years, I've tried and tried to set Field straight. I've even offered to fly into Philly to have lunch with him at a pretzel hot dog vendor. The SOB won't do it.
    Me thinks Field is an undercover uncle tom.

    Regardless, you WON this caption plus the last one. Hold your head high, my sister. Btw, Dr Nuwang can't win shit.

  44. Anonymous5:26 PM

    FP@4:27pm, thanks for all the links. There is 'potential' there.

    Here's hoping Farrakhan will turn up the volume about bm not taking responsibility for their own shit.

    However, I'm not sure how far a Muslim man will go in America for taking responsibility for killings in the streets? I mean, it IS connected to Islam. From what I can tell, Islam men tend to hold a lot of people, esp women, responsible for wrongs done...esp in black America.

    For instance, in the black community, the bw is held responsible for having children they shouldn't have. It's as if our sisters are having children 'all by themselves!' It's amazing!

    In addition, bm are killing bm at an incredible rate and no one in our community is saying much about it...only if a white cop blows a bm away will something be said! It's incredible!

    I bet that if Wilson hadn't blown Michael Brown away, another cop would have eventually done it, or another bm would have. It was almost inevitable that he was going to get shot, or end up in prison. I hate admitting this but MB was destined for big time trouble. He made it real easy for that racist ass cop to kill him.

    I'm not so sure if MB was tired of living anyway---that he might have had a death wish. To be Black, and physically fight a white cop IN FERGUSON, MO. is to have a "death wish".

    Still, that cop needs to be tried for murder, which he won't be. I mean, we are talking about ST LOUIS, which rivals MS, Alabama and TX, when it comes to deep deep racism. It's a spiritually deprived racist powder keg waiting to explode. Personally, I don't think the 'real' explosion has happened yet. What has happened so far was cherry bombs(fire crackers) going off.

    The real deal is yet to come.

  45. Came up just a little short but they were playing against grown men. Good job JRW! Chicago is proud. Might even go to the parade on Weds.

  46. "Yes you have won here. You also won the last time. But again, Field will never acknowledge you as the winner."

    Nope, that would be me. I got the Dunkin Donuts coupon. Jealousy will get you guys nowhere.

  47. I think Field likes me because I'm lightskinneded, ROTFL!!!!


    Sorry Field I just HAD to go there, lol!!!

  48. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Anon wrote,
    You see, Field is biased toward the uneducated and unsophisticated female like Yisheng. He loves Yisheng because she is so damn's sickening.

    But Field isn't the only one who sees the doc as emblematic of an FN Negro. QLB, Kinky and some stormfront anons point to her's a damn shame.

    Finally a Black man that gets it. Lets look at Yingyang. In various forms she's been a scientist, PhD, medical doctor, medical student, aspiring doctor, mentor and business owner. In fact, she's claimed to be a tutor to medical students at a going rate of $100 dollars an hour, a job that for practical purposes just doesn't exist.
    What Field does have is the innate ability of Black men to eat bullshit with a shovel and somehow formulate a fantasy that becomes real to them.
    What I am here Field is to provide help and guidance. You just don't see that.


  49. Anonymous6:25 PM

    With all due respect, son, today, "V" is for "Victory." Anonymous (Faith & Fairness)

  50. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Wolfbitch wrote,
    We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

    I think "they" are probably way ahead of you.
    Meanwhile in Chicago, confirmation of a 5th confirmed kill, a 14 y/o BM. Yet somehow when a YT popo pops a thug wanna be you're upset. Simply amazing. You're nothing if not good at the excuse making.


  51. Anonymous8:56 PM

    "You're nothing if not good at the excuse making."

    What's your excuse for not being able to tell us whether or not you have a college degree? The shuck and jive?

  52. Anonymous8:57 PM

    "What I am here Field is to provide help and guidance. You just don't see that."

    You can't help anyone because you are uneducated. Why don't you have a college degree QLB? Too much time on blogs and not enough studying for your GED?

  53. Anonymous8:59 PM

    "What Field does have is the innate ability of Black men to eat bullshit with a shovel and somehow formulate a fantasy that becomes real to them."

    We also have the innate ability to recognize uneducated poor white trash like QLB. Lecturing educated Blacks while not being educated herself. Sad but we've seen this all the time.

  54. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Anon wrote,
    We also have the innate ability to recognize uneducated poor white trash like QLB. Lecturing educated Blacks while not being educated herself. Sad but we've seen this all the time.

    You're also the most deluded people on the planet. It's why you're the permanent inhabitants of the ghetto. IQ is dropping in the inner cities. For your people it's about devolution now. Half of your YBM's can't even graduate from the inner city crap hole high schools they attend.


  55. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Please stop it, both Blacks and White on FN. Can't we all get along?

    Each one of you has a point. QLB, you are right. We are and have been permanent residents of the ghetto. Hell, even the Latinos are better off than we are.

    On the other hand, anon is right. Blacks have the ability to recognize uneducated Whites when they happen to run into one. Of course, just about anyone would notice them.

    So, you are both right. However, it's the Blacks who really need to get their shit together simply because they are Black, and the ones least likely to succeed.

  56. Limpbaugh10:58 PM

    The guy you said shot Michael Brown wasn't even a cop.

  57. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Anon wrote,
    On the other hand, anon is right. Blacks have the ability to recognize uneducated Whites when they happen to run into one. Of course, just about anyone would notice them.

    You might be overrating that particular talent quite a bit considering that you'll believe just about anything that a White Democratic politico tells you. Lemmings is that word that comes to mind.


  58. Anonymous11:37 PM

    "You're also the most deluded people on the planet. It's why you're the permanent inhabitants of the ghetto. IQ is dropping in the inner cities. For your people it's about devolution now. Half of your YBM's can't even graduate from the inner city crap hole high schools they attend."

    Speaking of graduating do you have a college degree? Your stupid is starting to show QLB. I mean you're not even smart enough to answer a simple question. Typical dumb poor white trash that has nothing better to do than to try to make themselves feel better by peddling cheap stereotypes. Sad. Get your GED and you won't need to try to belittle others to feel better about yourself.
    Do you have a college degree QLB? I bet you don't.

  59. Anonymous10:57 AM

    This cultural appropriation has to stop.
